HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-11-19, Page 1o, AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. VOL. XIX. NO. 8. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19; 1891 "'TOWN Win= la SONS Publlsber and Proprietors 'Fol ly an: taker It I to year a settee had a awn voice last I remod mon refuel assist anoth const walk has b Last and 1 days, gestic; nd 1 hours, gavel To a is st for til vines Inv et affect the nt8T0 Gar gripe weak move an in od, pI nerve anda Dr. mod, week Thei moo only 'were not a offoet take: treat is fa N. of ag few reco1 0185 Fo suffe they like to h ed b ed in lVbo frion Thos' apir for a sure and end kuo derf fort the 0008 trou stat Bc the. info C 1,1A s Exeter people who are particular Ileus is have to call in an under- to think about. nodfull nen April iisto ai rong,but ame o earth !eines. bettor urons°, m. OVERCOATS A %,r tJ��1 t VVM1 u l OVERCOATS % ' O ; ` n r-yA �f (j j f Now for a lively time in Men's and Boys Suits And Overcoats. Our prices are so low on these goods that you can- floe hal buying them, P g What about T� '+.+T.t Well when yoU See our 1Oc grey Flannel it will astonish you. Rtlsseldalo. George's °Lurch and was witneased by a very large congregation. --The Goderieh model school class will commence the final examination before the county Iuepectors ort Monday the 7th prox. t✓redltaan --- BBIEFs.-blr. B. D. Roy had stolen from his shed the other night, a number of llama and aomo side treat, Upon inveatn- gation it was found that some hungry Dura in the neighborhood were the guilty. -Mr, Gleason, of Nissouri, a nephew of Mr. and Mra. l'P. H, Gill, a ent Saturda last withsuet friends here. Mr. Gleason owns and man- ages one of the finest dairy farms in West, r - - • - Ivrasoura,-lilt, Wm. J. Noble la visitiug irlende east of Toronto. -Flome four or Ave yearn ago Jr. J ahu Brown, proprietor of the Ruseeldale hotel, lost big reason and bis friends found it necessary to have him confined in the asylum. A couple of weeks ago be regained Ilia senses, and his rela- tires got him out of the asylum and took him to the home of bis brother near Sim- coe, But hie constitution was so broken down that Its died on Tuesday of last week. Deemed was well thought of in this sec= tion, nett many will regret to hear of his a happy release from ilie all hiaQtraubles,aaght ;� Borers -Shooting matches have b the rage for the pant few week. I. ,'i carried away the cake in the last one at Edward's. -Look out for some sport b Walter aaya be ie going to have a she mateh for little pigs as well as fowl. hire, Wm Lewis I. ave returned 11 from a trip to Point Edward; Mr.L. rep having had Iola of sport.;gnafl and parer ploutiioi there, he Mariner bagged 40 e day he +vent ant -The villagers were si what alarmed laet Saturday Cvernng by ringing of the !'ell They all expect Meant Eire, aud rasing to the tower whieh the bell is ereeted. were info that it was merely the chiming of the ding belle in boner of the marriage of Henry foatz aud Mrs, M. Bmith.-•ATr. 'Holtzman, sr., has gone to Elkton, Mia Ttrauksgivina Day paused off quietly town, boiidee levelers, there only hate; entertainment in the evening. -•Severn our Dayto take snpa tsin dtheetshooting sDi given there, We understand they , quite successful too.-Mr,'ti eaver, of oe ilfiorn spent the past week with fr y in town.The contract for the new b will shortly be let sand it will be built winter, while the truer is frozen oyer, Alex, =sae* sizzle and Adelina A.torle rearm., .Mich„ are •vd+f Mg their nacelle a weak or two........., r„... r„... , la and a Landon 1 i spent Sundaylast with their irla The flax mills have been abut tow the last week on =aunt of wet swath At the Exeter slioatiAa; matron $arizi+l home with the cake, by killing 9 out birds, R. T. or T. Cilveer;c••.-,Tele Fs veal " plats of Temperanee. Council No. 3a?, I g in the lawn ]lull co au open meeting. erg• of Thanksgiving Dat•. Q ti v that Mg the bad roads a large number o Exeter brethren were preeeat an'l age materit,lly in the meeting. A good pre was rendered,and selections mora a P nate for the accretion could not have seonred, Rev Mr- F. fi. Bean of 1)aeh. gar- an address on temperance which P hi,gbly appreciated. She rev, gentle oiuefly on the dangers that r from intoxicating liquors, atatang hew become inebriates by giving way to strong appetite for drink, which, by ma a practice of the use of alcoholics, ha tomo to ;eraviug that it Is impoasibt them to do without their drink. He a ly advocated temperance anal hoped soon the fatal scourge ofintemperance 0 be driven from the land, Mr, Weil, 000upled the chair and gave satiefaetio the large audience. A silver,eollsetdon taken up at the close, after "which the tional Anthem was sung, and Rev, pronounced the benediction. After gathering was dispersed the visiting b ren were treated to a well-prepared to up by the home lodge Wo hope this will prosper in our village• _ O s ..w . Q u 1 — Great clearing sate for 69 days of all kinds of Boots len ocs, Men's oyershoea $MO a pair; lined. $1.25 a pair. Men's rubbers, 50e a pair ; wamen's.sir,0air,and alI other Goods equally selling cheaper than ho heaapesttf nc�a h. $rA.. Westrt.nit.Prop. Sign of the big ]soot.-<•Itl9•$t Tut: M.tlt:t ra - The week has been a fairly lively one, lots of grain and keen competition.. Our buyers are ever alive to the interests of the farmers, as consult the following prices : Wheat 90 to 03 Barley 40 to 46 Oats 31 to 3.1 Pees 60 to 63 gay 9 00 to 10,00 Rutter 116 te 17 6 to 16 Br.13 ,--T)ick Roach of the Commercial hotel, Seaforth, spent a day or so in this burg last week,-WIll Chapman and his sister Carrie left for Caledonia on Tuesday morning, to visit friends is that district fora month or two. --_hiss Tena Landeres. la:ger, sister of Mrs. King. who has been h p g ; g ere for the past mouth left for ?Ariel* last week. -De Thomson who has been somewhat loafs aced i$ around once P more, hale and hearty, --Our genie! taller, A. Mck'herson, and wife, spent Thanks• siring at Leudesbero, at the home of their SOA*iln-law, John (�'}'�11tta.^slat. A Dods of Gloderteh towualtip, spent Thum day between Londeehero' and here. Mat, is a great favorite and is missed when out of the village. --lilt, and the hisses Rob• ray of Lontlnn,spentafew days of last week with MIr, aur] lira. Harry Arnold. -The peapla of liippoA Say that "TOI1X" playas better on the violin at the concert rues• day evg. than they ever before heard hien play. 'Tom' was always a great favorite. - Mr. Fulton one of the pioneer settlers of l P goiter to his Tuekersmith passed awayy eternal home on Monday. Ile was highly a large circle of acquaint - respected -We ammo --ii a are sorry to hear that our old friend Mr \Varner, is seriously i,idjaposed. We hope to hear of his speedy recovery ere long. -Mr. Robe. Luker sold hie driv ing horse to Mr. McAllister for a tansy figure. Bob tries to get good ones and is soon able to make a quick turn, and money be'.•dcs.--In spite othe antipathy tis. played by some of our citizens, the 'Home Circle' has become one of aur orders in good etan'ing, and would-be members are making application daily. -All aur sports spent Thanksgiving Day in the swamp, but the game brought into town that evg, was nil --even the veterans Colwell and Coad had to confess it the worst day's sport they bad this fall ; game and money must have been scarce, as they generally bring home a little of the former anyhow. -Crain came in fora few days last week with a rush. Good market and keen coin- petition aro what the farmers tvant. One of our buyers has already handled over twelve thousand bushels of one kind of grain. -A very (interesting Thanksgiving service was held in the Carmel Presbyter- fan church on Thursday, in which the Rey ds Sermon, Fair. McGee and Render- son took part. Condensed speeches were the order. Those who were fortunate enough to attend received a rare treat.- A skiff of snow on Tuesday evening gave us to realise that winter is nigh. There was enough snow for light sleighing had not the wind piled it in the fence corners. -Large shipments are being made from this station these days. Y TiF Cononxte--If the directors of the Mechanics' Institute had the selecting of a night for their concert they could not have had a more disa,reeable one than that of Tuesday. The same adversities that assailed Tam O'Shanter were on deck, but for all that,in manyways the concert y was decided success. Prot. Scott is his "Comrade's' > inimitable style gave ns Comrade a and The 1silage Blacksmith. The latter was rendered in a manner that would do cred it to any professional singer of renown in America, At the first opportunity would advise all lovers of good singing to go hear him. Mr McLeod of Seaforth,with his comic selections, fairly took the audience storm, and as a comic singer he has few equals in. corner Space will not per q y P P mit us to give an extended account. The Rev Henderson, Sermon and Fair gave short, pithy addresses which were heart• ily received The broom drill by the school children, under the instruction of Miss Johnston, and Principal Wren show- ed a proficiency that was surprising. The recitations by Miss McLean, and Miss Hughes, were very fine ; both these young ladies are marvels. Then, Tont Murdock enlivened the whole proceedings by sever- al selections on his famous violin, which were appreciated beyond description. The receipts owing to the inclemency of the weather, and the consequent slim attend- ante, was somewhat small, yet the pro- grain was a splendid one ; and the tom- mittee of management deserve unstinted praise for the way they worked, m con- nection with the same. - • SPOti 11014 Lf0. A LETTERTO TRE LAMES. co groat pleasure rgpinfoleuipan air 191. go llistogenatia medicines oared me of a s attack of narelysts• , Three years ago 1 sudden stroke while sitting oft a sofa ; a done 14 months age, owhile nu lying in bed. did far it failed to da numb load, uy widen one aide were badly affected. At tried Dr J.Eugene'Fontaine mete enetla WS. In,throo months my voice necama Sty ltusbs, which were almost useless, power. Ino longer needed to be eel to the table and from any one place to or. hey muscles developed wonderfully. tering that Tam %4 years of ago. I can tochurch and back regularly. The effect permanent now for about 12 months. I had a wore atteek of ptiounroaiaears ;onetie Remedies cured mo In a few and en amine of tele math I took can- A of the liver and right Jung. 1 was so could not have lived long. In a fate the Ildstegenotio medicines once more two weeks emollient relief. It is and atnatCmnftup a th in yR y nil nearly well. th t at a, faintly 0$►ompl y It Try lt.ladtes ciao or any other complains, and be con- 1. Dr, hearer Toronto Is allowed to give and address to any enquirers similarly ed. Reepeotfully,gfas Toronto. ,A WORD TO T LADIES. Although there has been a big rush' there are plenty of hats loft yet and you can get them at o Moderate Prices, at A. J. llcTarisli tf: Cans. Askpecial all wool underwear only "a0ots. to sect em, . �.Ill — TA V �j�. , James P1C1'ar d B Old Stand,maim; --.� Zurich. -- - Z. P. S. -The annual examination and entertainment under the auspices of the Zurich nubile school will be ]tela in the school on Friday,Deo,18th. This promises to be the mut of the season and alt will do well to remember the date, It has not yet been decided what will be done with thepro. coda of the entertainment. OBITIWIT.�•-•Eruuna, the little daughter of the late Mr.. Isaac Sararas, who died a few woke ago, h g , as been called away to meet her father in the eplrlt land. She was 7 old and bad been sick for a little over 3 weeks, Casae of tea i, brain fever There is no gook, however watched aud tended, But ono dead iamb le there! there is no firesidehoweo'or defended, But has one vacant chair. , L k from t la grathereser re at111ati0A9, But oftentimes celestial benedictions, Assume this dark diasutsa. The funeral took place on Tuesday. Her remains wore laid along side those Of her father whom she bad gone to ole in that j better land. The family have the sympathy of the noigbborhood in this sad hour of trona). e- Balers -The (mutton meets on Saturday nest to award the oontraet for the construe. tion of the large draiue through the swamps east of this plaon There are already soma era] tenders i name from Toronto,Windsor, Buffalo and other cities, besides local, and more are espeoted between this writing acid Saturday It is expected that the work will cost about $19,000 Instead of $14,000 as estimated, but this is easily gotten over by the commit simply amending the bylaw. The constructing of these drains will require s groat deal of work and will require cote siderable titne for completion. The contra° tor, whoever he may be, will commence operations at once, and continuo during the winter. These drains will bo a great con• venienoe to the property owners along their respective cornea and the benefits to be ,y derived will well re.pay the ratepayers for the amonnt of cost. Hundreds of acne of land now useless will bo rendered tillable, besides the unsightly swamps will be cleared like unto civilization-Thaukegiying Day passed off quietly in town. -Mr. August Fisher moved on Tuesday last to Breslau, Waterloo county. where he will work on the railroad,- dr. John Rameier and family, who formerly resided on the 14111 ponces- cion, bat who moved to Michigan Iasi fall, are here on a visit. -Mins Kate Haus& in- tends leaving for her home in Gowanstown this week. -Miss Reith teacher of the Bronson line school intends holding her annual examination on Tuesday,l)ee. 22nd. -We are sorryto hear that Mrs. Edward Hardy has been ill during the past week.- The Evangelistic Sunday School will hold an annual •'Kinderfeet" on Xmas eyg.- Don't forget Prof. Scott's conceit in the town hall on Saturday evg• • •. "^ s"-"" $irictnn, .-.-_ I;ttt> Fs -Tito o nein ceremonies of the P g Anderson church on Smalley and Monday were poorly attended awing to the bad state. of the weather,--Uur memory liar been closed for the season, A good summer• a work has been done, and the farmers have realized well.---blr. A Miller has returned from Manitoba whither ho bad gotta to asesat lA tllp barrest, Het reverts big crops, Mr, Smyth has taken possession of Mr, G. A. Stacey's farm. -Mr. Jahn Callender, , wino was a de,eFate to the Provincial S• S, convention iu Ottawa. has returned. He alas visited hie aged mother who resides lust outside of that city.•-Mlas Ada Sutton, daughterattRey. rB. L.Hutton,b been engaged g Winn) for 1392. -Mr. Moore A young man on the 4111 line, in the eastern saberbs of our village was kicked badly in the fade by ono of his horses last week. -Our village is sadly in need of a hall, in which to hold ettertniumonta. -a ----, S. -Tho above address can also be had at notion °aloe• --- CENRTIO MADMAN ASSOCIATION : 492 Spading Ave., Toronto, Oot 13,1:91. Mastf uAtarehad that hiabeloft nylsasiom fele condition and my head distracted. If I dulyheader stoopeditproduced pain and fesoribable (noting. Groat debility follow nd g e oral loss heart 4us prostration approaching foaling of internal pressure. (consulted Rear, who proscribed the fistogenotio ursa eas Dr. J, i Jordan nl inrstrongtIA nouioinos very soon commenced to build p. Icontinued to gain, and after taking ono ofr. plat , course all m Iia riot and trace of grippe Is left: I fool well The is abiding, Ilia medicines aro good, to and loayen° Muffed. "nom all needing moot may try this beautiful system. It r bettor than taking poisonous drugs.P Yoursltratofulls, b:illA1l :GOOLE. Tonle r a Indy of about Ga years re of e, deticnto frame and of such n ivery re] mly out of ovary bunlirod hav0 entirely 'area from that Latah disease. --- OGIISETIo MEDICINE ASSOCIATION Yorkville DICINE ASSOC Oct 29, lam r the benefit of those wha sec ip,cthing but ring and death before them" wish to say is hope for you yet. I have boon in a condition myself sad owe my restoration to the ever reliable llistogenetio Last spring I tuns utterly nrostrat- ra severe attaekof la grippe, which result bronchitis and other serious complications n tf easeseemedto try o Misty hopeless, my da decided to try Cho Ifistoganetia romp- and in less than three days a change for was so apnarent that tvo wero all in- Awith hof weekso ninuessincsl treatmowly ent numb1y day by day. ram now comfortably won am still gaining in strength and power of and am a wonder to those who w how o Dr. J. ug case was- To show my nude to Dr. J• Eugene Jordan for his won- el remedies and to my Heavenly Father commending Iiia blessing to rest upon I take this way to lot all afflicted know whore they may find kelp in time.of ble. MRS, H. P. SNOW. --' an vouch for the truthfulness of the above Invent• P.S.CAitrBELL, McMaster University. --•- oks mailed free to any address explaining 3istogenoio system. Consultation and all rmation free. ...eon Eden. — Brun's-Miss Maud Dempsey was home visiting friends Smithey last. -Bev. Me- Donagh of Exeter preached in our ehmroh on Sunday Leet. -Mrs. Foster of London township was visiting her brother. Mr, Thos. Mitohell,last week. -Mr. George Bus- well was visiting his daughter in Mitcheli on Sunday. -Mr. Will Coates paid Devon a visit on Friday night last. -Mr. Samuel Easery had.a ploughing bWednesday 8 8 ee on laat, the result of which was that he had about 12 acres of ground ploughed. -Mr. James Esaery was visitiug friends on the London road Sunday, -The time of service in our chinch has been °banged from 10 o'clock n. m. to 2 p. m. Mr. Allen of (len- tralia preaches every Sunday now, whereas he preached every other Sunday-Soarlet- iia is prevalent around here just now, -Our ghost disappeared shoat as quickly as it oame,as it hasnot been seen since the moist Spoke and Bumpy first saw it. -Our literary and debating society appears to have gone into obsoleteness or somewhere else. Is there not a possibility of commencing this year mare the responsibilities too heavy for the staff of officers? Without these meet- ings we're going to have a dull wi ,ter. FOOTBALL -It is altogether likely that the Eden football club played its last match for this season. When the fall force was on they never loat a game. On the 1st of July they won a set of badges from a Limy team, On the 12th of August the won the g p silver cup at the Craig tournament and the 12th of October they won their last trophy -a silver cup -from Luoan. Tho wind did blow and the rain did fall, And our club didn't go to Kirkton at alit - pwas The daywas a little dam for a match so our club stayed at home. e+ Clinton- — D:MATnx8loxxAt-The Grand Union was the scene of a pleasant affair last it being the marriage of Mr Chas Mol,} of Kinburn, to glias.MinnieSpooner,de ter of Mr Chas. Spooner, proprietor o Grand Union. The oeremouy took at 8 o'clock and was performed by Ro Craig, after which the invited guest whom there were many, sat down to a tiful repast. The hotel boarders wo present and among them were Prof. G and Prof. Hill, lecturer on Vancouver the C. P. R. The presents were very scone, among them being a handsome chair and rocker, presented to the brit the boarders. The bride was assisted by Minnie Denison, of Mitchell, and Mr Livingston, of Seaforth, anted as best Mr McGregor was formerly a student Dr. Sweet, V. S., of Exeter, and will membered by many in Exeter. The couple left for their home in Kinbnr night, Mr. McGregor now being engag farming. BRIEFS -Mr Turnbull left on Wedn of Iast week for Toronto, and while has been taken ill and is enable to n to his duties ; iu the meantime Mr is officiating as principal. -Inspectors and Robb were in town on Tuesday of Confirmation was ado terd in the Catholio oburph on Tuesd about forty candidates, by Bishop O'C of London, seeieted by Father Nlurp Irishtown, and Father West, of God The Bishop congratulated the oongre on their beautiful church and promis give them mass every Sunday, now other Sunday, as soon as they oreare debt off their church. He Mao gam male candidates the temperance p binding them until they reached the twenty -one. -Miss Brownlee, of Kipp in town visiting her mother. -A ver specimen of deer reached Clinton this from Muskoka; it was captured by a of Clinton sports. -Customs Officer, I is atilt confined to his room, but w around in the course of a few day number of Clintonites attended the eh match in E eter on Thanksgiving D Cutters ware running yesterday for th time this season. -A oow was killed b train from Wingham striking it, Tues little distance out of (Mintom,-Mr. Russell of the Goderieh Model Soho in town last week. -bliss Ida Kydd several days last week with her parent* Exeter. -Rev. S. J, Arlin, of Centrall oupied the pulpit in Holmesville ohur Sunday last, the pastor, Rev. Walter being in HensallMr Walter Eva Centralia, was in town on Monday, and Dora. Amos and daughter, of E were the guests of Mrs Amos' brother A. H. Manning, on Thursday last. - Manning, head book-keeper in the factory. was in Exeter spending Than ing Day with his Parente. --�__ - ' (Ioderich• '— Bant a -On Thanksgiving Day business was generally suspended, and though the clerk of the weather was not in the beat of humor, several. shootin and drivin arties were organized -Mr, `. Elliot, of Exeter, in the county town on Saturday. -The North Street Methodist church's annual supper on Thanksgiving avenin was lireU:rateent PP g g g lv attended. The eatables wh were as tempt.by fug as in former years, while the program presented, though of a miscellaneous char- anter was excellent. Those present were evidently well leased witthe 1891 P Thanks giving supper. -Mr. R. H. Collins, of Exeter, was in Goderieh the past week. -The Oily of Windsor made this barber on her last downward trip early on Friday mcrning, She stopped a considerable time fora change in the weather and left earl on Saturday for Windsor. -Mr. Alex. Mur dock, of Hensall, was visiting friends in Goderieh on Friday and Saturday. -A show -Kellys' Expectations, was in town on Thanksgiving Day, and had a fairly large andienoe:--The steam tug, McIntosh, ar- rived in port on Wednesday of last week to take up winter quarters. -A deer shooting party returned last week from the Bruce peninsula, fairly loaded with game. -The congregation of St. Stephens', Goderieh Tp, oelebrated Thanksgiving Day by an evening service. The choir of St,George's attended and took the musical portion of the seryioe, and the Rev. Rotors Howard preached the sermon, -Mr. Wm. Mnilfon, of this town, was in Bruoefield the past week making arrangements fora s0pply of lumber, for two tug.; which he will bulla this winter,- Across the river in Saltford on Thankegdv. Ing Day, a large namber of turkeys and geese were presented as prizes to the good shote. The birds were alien• and it was rather amusing to see the different plans adopted by the winners to get their trophies home. -The wreaked Bavaria still remains in the .old position, off the mouth of the Maitland. -So far there is not the least stir among municipal aspirants. -The rector of St, Geor ens; Rev. W. A. Young, was eon- 8• derably indisposed the past week, but was able to take his duties on Sunday- On; Wednesday of last week, Josephine, daughter of Joseph Williams, ]amber mer- al,nnf moa Ilion; aA 4n Von Beacom of • Elimville. _ Bron ire -The Association of P. I. recently organized here is gradually making way,and the members aro reaping benefits in pur- phasing implements,etc.,at wholesale prides. Several root pulpers have been purchased from The Watson Itl'f'g Co. of Ayr, wino have taken a commendable step in dismiss- ing all gent and dealing direct with the farmers. In gratitude farmers should stand solidly by them as the profits of the farm are too small to support parasites in tiro shape of agents. On the prosperity of the farmer depends the prosperity of the country and all farmers should join the Y. Hand sideby side and shoulder to shoulder contend for justice fen themselves and equal riglita to all. -Our enterprising merchant is continually increasing his stook and add- ing to the appearance of his establishment. -Mr. S. J. Hill,organizer for the Canadian Order of Choeen Friends, succeeded in or- ganizing a large Council in this village on Saturday evening, Nov. 7. On the Tuesday evening following some twenty -fire ander- went a medical examination by the Com, ell's examiner, Dr: J. W. Browning, and many more propose to follow. This is the only society that insures women on the same conditions as men, and this privilege is being appreciated by the ladies, several leaving joined. -One of the first things s man owes his wife is to make provision for her in 0080 hie life ends suddenly and the best w`hy to make such provision is by life insurance; besides it may help her to get a better man. -Mr, John Hind has been on the sick list some time. -51r. Mishear El- ford has erected a new driving -shed. -Mr. Robert Hind has built a brick house for Mr Sidney Wiisou.-The Thanksgiving service was fairly well attended, and a good prao- tical address was delivered by the pastor, SUR REPRESENTATIVE WILLBE AT FXFT1�7Ei _ E TRA 1 H OT �. L 7 / uPiSU�%y, Dec, /St Tuesday, f+ 9.10 a.m. to8,adp•m. AND AT Hh.NSALL E ALL HOTEL ame Tuesday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. CALL EARLY. , • . Hon. Thomas $allantyne, Stratford, has been confin ed to his house for some days with erysipelas of the foot, but is recovering slowly. Mr. William P. Ayers, a former rest- dent of Stratford,who has been laboring as a missionary in India for the last SLY years under the auspices of the Ameri- can Methodist Board of Missions, has been given charge of a new hospital for lepers in India. l iStT TATION FREE Merit wine, as the marvelous suttees of Hood's Sarsaparilla shows. 1t possesses fete true medicinal merit. Sold by all druggists y gg Easy to use, pleasant and agreeable is. the verdict of all who have used Nasal Balm, and better still, there is no ease of Hold in the head or catarrh that it will not ours. IISTOGENETIC MEDICINE AS- NATION --Rooms 2 and 3 Albion ek, Richmond Street, London,.and 19 ige St, Market, Corner Gerrard ck ige Stria Toronto. Dr. T. A, tS10CUff1's OXYGENIZEDEMULSION of PTURT. LIVER OIL. If you are Feeble and dated -Use it. For sale by all dru, 3fi sante per bottle. S �0( Blo Yo Yoj Chicago. The ceremony took plaoe in St. eon St Joe ye: shoo -M r. oma Orta idge cry me. the expects it upon infer asei- o h.:a au i1 of ring each were erode Everybody knows why so much trade is alone Int the l'r< re yin Depot in Dress Goods, 3Isentle (.,tles, (leaking 'Under Clothing,1•retouch, C'ottoln:at! s, Hats & Caps, Gloves of all kinds, Tw ,� d Suite ings, Ready-made Suits, and �vely Overcoats. The secret is Down, Trent the 2i 'ay GEN: the, Goo .a. And yet we have lots of then. Just call .incl see t,tir ] lr •i' :assortment of all linntls of s.i,att i and Shoos 5tilt;lltle• for any kind of weather. Feller to specialty. Rubber ;seeds, here at the, 1t,ti,"e• t I,,.e.,i, ble prices. Our Oreveries a:ree. fin 1 and nice-• cr-eninn* in fresh every week. Try thou rfdgA* R ROSS. tlt't$ ' • cit of r far oil of tt}n r swath( roe 1 C n ll hell Friday h catnai e In a -+"ui! veto f"r a place of this ts.<• 1"f10 phnU veil cr,,;s ie' d tat t°itr ela,psa ;fue1 ibe P1•tti. h.°ant' :►1• `li 1 1rs, tM. P. �Dr. iitlllins� f aar13' Exeter ; A. Baol•ep, M.P.P. ane! 8,ee;1, n thea ' ,lackeonl addre: set] the audience, while fClea Dr. C:otq.'-011 ...ave+ rezditiga, ;lir. ;the' ista.i I sed of Seat'oth, eietatic son .' and gram dances, while Miss Porterfield and ;hiss prep,. ilotham sang "the mild Scotch s:angs ill been the gram Sae:itis1i tongue," and Mr. T. wood Murdock relayed (01 the vi�Ilin. The was program began hefnre it e'eleck and only U100 ended at 12. tire audience all agreeing rsult that it was the best 25 cents worth they mets ever got. It is proposed to took! more king of the same nature. The Kippenitos are s tae• Proutl of their rI" hall. After the, cm - see for cert the ladies and gentlemen who =- mug tertained were treated to a lunch by the that committee. would * +•*+--'•---- Lewis Blyth• oto was Bnxut''s.---The anniversary services in Na' connection with the Metluerst cht.reh Beau were held on Sunday, Nor. 8111. Rev. the Mr. Fisher, a former pastor, preached reth- two very acceptable sermons. On the lodge ot following Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, ROW. Mr. Henderson, of Wellington-st. Methodist church, London, preached a sermon in the afternoon. Dinner was served from live to seven p. m., after Eietcl which addresses were delivered by the evg , ministers of the district. The affair was, regor as usual, a de's hle>d :success, the proceeds a ugh- amounting to $133.-A pleasant event f the took place at the R. 0. church, Blyth, place on the ll tln Inst., it being the marriage v. Mr of Mr. Joseph McGuire, of Detroit, to 8, of Miss Mary, daughter of Mr. John Kelly, Noun of this Mace, Rev. Father McGee of]ici- re all .sting. The happy couple took the after- '� a metol train for Deft" tit where they will nom- reside. We extend our eongi'atulations. snap --The Rer. Mr. Mills, of \Vroseter,will e by preach missionary sermons in the Meth. M'ss church next Sunday -morning and evg. John Rev. IsIr. Campbell will occupy his pul- man. pit and preach un tine seers subject. - with snow storm visited Blyth Tuesday, but be re- hardly enough of the `t beautiful" fell Hereat to make good sleighing. ed in "�" Dashwood. asday there ttend Griffin Tom -The inis- ay to onnor h7, of erich, gation ed to every a the e the ledge E of Kipp( 18 y fine week party rwin, D. be day; Doting ay - 0 first y the day a George 01 was spent near a, oo- h on Ayers, na, of -Dr. rater, , Mr Mr W, Organ Enna gibts. ('s orri:z,--•-'rite, e'a1Cett to open the int'leu lee mai at ase ri 'a' evening was a very Eley ale 3 sumer,. . The hall is BarErs.-Wo had quite a snow storm on Tuesday. -Mr. A. Schroeder intends to sell one of his farms. -lar. J. Voelker has bean visiting friends in Michigan lately. -Mr N. Fried, of Parkhill, paid our village a short visit last week. -Messrs Elsie and Tidyman who were north on a deer hunt, have re- turned. Mr Elsie was successful in captur- ing one deer. Mr Tidyman thinks the aonntry rather rough. -Our sports observed Thanksgiving Day in the usual manner. We failed to see much of 'their game, though. -Rev. E. H. Bean and wife attend- ed a temperance meeting at Crediton Last Thursday evp-.-A. large load from Slabtown attended the meeting of the Young People's Alliance last Thursday. -Miss Harris spent Thanksgiving at her home, near Sodom. - Mr N'. Kibler, of Zurich, visited friends in town last week. -Messrs C• Fritz, B. Short and W. Hoffman, of Zurich, spent a few henry in our village on Thursaaylast. They were highly delighted at the shooting of some of our sports. They returned in the evening loaded down with "Duch," they say. -There was quite a large paring bee at Mr H. Schroder's residence on Wednes- day evg.-Messrs Hartung and Nadiger have reshiugled and otherwise repa;r,d their houses of late. -Mr Dayia, son-in-law of Mr Sleinhagen, has moved into our vil- lage. He has taken possession of the house lately occupied by Mr McGann, deceased. Mr J. Snell was in Zurioh on Monday.- The Evangelical Sunday school here baro decided to hold a Xmas festival this year. -Mrs N. Fried, of Parkhill, is visiting friends in the village at present. -Mr F. W Reid:and wife, of British Columbia, but formerly of Dashwood, are paying their old home a"visit. 'There is no place like home.' -Mr Jacob Weido has bought the house and lot formerly oaoupted by Mr J. Hall.- Mr John Weide has purchased a farm near Zurich from bfr H. Koehler, jr.--Levi paid Exeter a visit on Tuesday -There wag a large raffle in bit simmer's shop on Thursday evening last; These raffles are becoming quite numerous in our village, Good places to get rid of your money. - Same irons this vicinity attended Mr H. Ortweiu's sale on Tuesd;t,