HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-11-12, Page 8A , INSURANCE RevESTt.'LLjief,A.(iENT'FOB TEM WESTER S Al ASSURANCE Ccoi3 FC AI PANT, IiC Ex of Toronto• oleo for PEKKNIX cNstaA NOE CoarP.a Y, or .i4ondon,• ;,,land, the 73OYALiiAleADIAkv. of Aton- t}•t"a?, arra the ON 'ARID AXUI':3AL LIFE za'95U'RANCF,COT et Waterloo eetablished 1870. Aseuranaeaintorce.$18427,400. Bonuses every five years, Smallware Detartment• The Mart Counter • Goods: Toys Stove Polish Pitehers Beads Saoe ^•Spice Jars Balla Match `Safes Salts, Ind Mums • eieedlea Rales a:ta;to i:wa Pine IlaniMers Purees Thimbles Tacks SI.1'e:taeile flatten Agate Screw Drivers #frees t!s Pearl Postal Carrie IN" eleri"es fielelherchiefe Can Opeeers Cups Tireele Curliug Tonga Tee Beetss lee t Ties Fire Shovels Skives False Salt Sifters :..[i Organs .,elis:oers Potato'Mashera Si ai w f a ala Mate Toast Forks S: see it Dippers l Llusfwe Tin Pails Egg Beaters Sixes Tea Steepers Cake Tteruera Bli er •' 1'w .rot Masada. Paras Sts t Lome throes Lem. Squeeeers Teeth •• Bust. Penn eerie Screws f en,a, -sea Plates Sen;. Cafes Tey 13 -'ws Tray s ti ebiets - Exeter nrtt Store BOOMING BOOMING 1 BOOMING y.•a, we are print ;a lemming trach#, a, .1 re. wangler when eaei stop and.hall cf eats 1 laressins was are orfersug. Now for ti.:? next two months we lid going to Ile" she Lev re, pie el dila tdewta. •.tti e went ` measlier tic t it l � fiat _.ra r 1 U 4au ar t =c c .: SPA.i.t93i u e h;ava ever hail ; laud a.I + tier's+i brim a big trade we are gcJira„ t.. dig rieht down to the bottom of 713 Wt. 414et't tllia. it I'•i•s'lilila' f .r e y Leese in the 'wet to touts our pr,ar.3 for the next two months. ( Buys from us a Black Silk or * 1Zerc that we will place sidle by side with any make in the trade at 7ScBuys from us a Black Henri- ett'i, sold by all regular dealers for .91.00. See this line and compare it w th anything in the trade at 25c. more money. $3V o Buys from us a Beautiful •Fur Boa, and $3.50 is vim we ask for a Storni Collar that ehuuld bring $3.00 and then he cheap. ScSBuya from us a line of Dress Goods that we think would be ehealp at 14e. Drop in and see what you think of this line. 20cBuya from ua 1. pound of Forest City Baking Powder, and with the Powder we give you free your choice of a real bristle hat, shoe or clothes• brueb. This is a great snap. Ore Buys from us 1 pound of Gun Powder Tea that we guarantee seised !n any in the market at 45o 5r, Buys from us our beat Uncolor- ed Japan Tea. Good judgss. pronounce this Tea as the best value g',i 'g : toy it. 00 Spent at the Big Bank- rupt Store gives you a ^Mance of winning Beauty. He is the beat prize in Western Ontario; try for Mini. CONDITIONS. There is now in our window a glass jar con- taining, a number of buttons—the number is unknown to any person,the guarantee of which appears below. With every purchase of $4 you are entitled to one guess as to the number of law tens in the jar ; with a purchase of $8 two -guesses uesses, and so on. In our omee will bo kept a book where you will register your name and your guess. The contest will close at 8 o'olook on New Years Eve, when the jar will be opened and the buttons counted by three disin- terested and responsible persons ; and the per- son who has guessed tho correct, or nearest to the e,rreet. number of buttons, will become the e-rr,er of Beauty, Should there be a tie then the first who bas registered toe correct number will be the winner. "This is to certify that the number of buttons in the jar in the window of thy. Big Bankrupt Store is unknown to any person, as they have been placed there by us and the jar sealed in our presence." Signed : B. S.O'NEIL. R: H. COLLINS J. A. STEWART, Dealer in Bankrupt Stook. Ma Mt Vin,, 0. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1891. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Notice. Our accounts are now ready. Allparties indebted to us will confer a favor by call- ing before the let of December and settl- ing.—N5-1m BISSETT BROS. '20 lbs of Raisins for the dollar—last sea- ison's fruit. New fruit is in and fine qual- ity at J. P, Clarke's. Boht. Leathorn offers $50 for the ap- prehension of the party who recently shot ons of`kis colts while in theapasture field. W"wnt 4� e amen of judgment and appreei:- -.tion tn°inspax a oat Robes . in blacks and greys, tad do eeethe Lamb caps that :are shown by J• 2 . The memory of the acres..., cannot recall a fall in which tile` s:A jtant 'finer than that of the present seaberr er s ar ihe`torapart of this week was really sum- iaerliko, end farmers have had a splendid ,opvortunity of getting theirfall week done. Lags before purchasing Y over '- call and see our rev' -laced' Kid i� l uitonee� e show : Josephine, Paul- b Julia i,,, colored std in ire and gents' and boys' ka doves we h.ve ever shown such a •-n before. J. S. Clarke. HradYtes. Monday was the fiftieth birthday of the Prince of Wales, `'k,Da not forget the Exeter 1i oolleu Mills is the best place to get your woollen goods, Look out for Z. O.0, F. concert about the let of Dec'r. Posters will be vut in a few days. 7.tiesdey's rain has rendered the roads very muddy, and soon they will be in bad, con- dition for traffic, Mr. War. Bawden will sell his farm stock at auction .on Thursday, Nov. 19th, at Q15 .o'elock F. na. Blyth Standard ; —Mr, A. McNally has disposed of his neat little property on Queen -at. to 1Dr. Ferguson for l'>1200. There are a good many cows allowed to run at large dare- within the corporation. The; constable is hereafter going to pound any so found. The bridge on the Thames road over the Bauble has beea repaired, and is now in At condition toearry the maty vehicles which daily pass over it. Now is the time to subscribe for the Tome. ): ou can have it sent to any friend in Canada or the Mated States from now till Jan. '93, fur $1.00. IL e The morning train ou the L. IL & 13., which has hems running through to Kin• eardiee for the summer, litre .been discou- tinued, and now runs only to 1ti Ingham. Mr. James Willis fins erected slargelatun- ber sheds et his earth, for the better storage and preservation of lumber. Mr, Willis' increasing besiness ilemauds We extension, 'lite tars young men sent to Gaderieh jail recently for stealing fowl, have becu liberated an their ow» Lail to appear when called upon. The third never went to jail, he havingprocured here, pr d bail a er e, fielders of notes and bills of the Central Back of Canada now in liquidation are notified to present thein for payment on or before Nov. 20, at Osgoedc Hall, Toronto. After that date they will be "nogood," According to a resolution gassed at the Ecumenical Council in l'asilington Last week, all the Methodist churches in the world are expected to hold a week's pro - meted nbeetiotls, coniiueueing acid Sun - While several email boys were tlaroiviner peas at each other, as few drays agree. yy oung suis of Mi. James Cr:t•eli land apta,tlarown ibat-1 his e:ar, where it 1a@ ranatl ever sines-, Bewoeful of pea -gime, hays Bent:Crean,our ranitinesand overeo tenge and ready .made overcoats have never he fore met with greater sales anti more ad- mired by the a"ustomers than those now shown by .1. 1. Clarke. l;+r.luced o,tbin rates, Steamship Dentin - ion, 'dautrea1 to Bristol $30 ; Montreal to Loudon SM. Lo+vest railway rates to alt points. Apply to Capb. (leo. ifemp, G. T. R. town ticket agent. 1xcter.--Money to Luau, --1t Dlufeco' Armstrong's) new residence east of Exeter the Thames real, is almost eompleted,and win be ready fur occupancy in a short time, It is a handsome resi- dence, and from the commanding alto it is vastly more imposing. Prof. Scot has Inst signed a contract at great expense pith Miss Jessie Alexander, of Toronto, Queen of Elocutionists to take part in a. concert in Drew's Hall, third week of Dec. This promises to he the greatest treat ever given in Exeter,-lt To -day is Thanksgiving Day, and all places of business will be closed. This morning at 10.30 a union meeting of the congregations of the Presbyterian, 'Attars and Jumes•st, chorelies will be held in the James-st. ohureb, to be presided over by the Rev. Wm. Martin, B. A., of the Pres- byterian church. A Clinton exchange says ;— "Tennent Bros , veterinary surgeons of Leman and Exeter, were here last week and purchased at good figures two Stations, which they purpose shipping to Indiana. Of Mr. Tien Churchill, Hullett, they bought one, and of Messrs. G. and S. W. Elliott, Goderich tesenahip, another. Both were fine ani- mals." We have now got a good staff of corres- pondents located at all the important points in the adjacent townships, and we would be pleased to hear from them all every week if possible. It matters not how small a budget they send, if it be but one item. Let us have what there is, and we will willingly bear the expense impost - age and corresponding materials. The hotel on the McGillivray side of the road at Mt. Carmel, was struck by light- ning on Sunday morning last and burned to the ground. The hotel was unoccupied. The hostlery occupied by Mr. Hall on the opposite side of the street narrowly escap- ed destruction, it being badly damaged;; and had it notbeen raining at the time nothing could have saved it. Mr. Wni. Bawden has sold two hundred acres of his land in Exeter—the Towers' property and a part of the Pickard estate, to Mr. Dios. Yellow, of Tnckersmith, ac- cepting as part of the consideration 100 acres of land on the Huron road near Sea - forth. Mr. Bawden has retained the brick residence and ten acres of land north of the river and intends living in Exeter. A Tuckersmith correspondent writes "We understand that Mr. James Martin, who has had the Vanstone farm on the Mill road rented for three years, intends retiring from farming, He has purchased a residence in Exeter, and intends going there to live in the spring and will engage in the agricultural implement business. The people of Exeter will find Mr. Martin a genial, good citizen and a trustworthy business man." The anniversary of the Main-st. Metho- dist church was held on Sunday last. As previously announced, there was no public tea on Monday, but simply, sermons and special collections on Sunday. Rev. J. W. Holmes, a former pastor of the church, preached two sermons in his accustomed eloquent and impressive manner, to large congregations. The collections amounted to $105, which, applied to the church debt, leaves a balance on the debit side of some $90. Jane Rowcliffe, the beloved wife of Wm. Pugsley, died at Mr. Pugeley's residence, William -et, on Saturday evening last, at the age of 59 years and 4 months. De- ceased was not a robust person, and every attack of illness shattered her constitution. Some weeks ago she was taken ill of .an affection of the throat from which she suf- fered much, and to which she succumbed, above. Deceased will be known as Mrs. irveeliffe whose husband prior to his death Sonlee 4th concession of Usborne. band the d'e, terthe demise of her hus- and for sevetrd married Mr. Pugsley, Exeter.. Herrs they had lived in Elimville cemeterq'dB were taken to the ment iesday for inter hernaid's Liniment for Ahem:niir Personate. Mr, Geo. Ryan of Chicago is home visit- ing his parents. He is in the employ of John 1,1al wi 1,Mr, Geo, u e of Ohio isin townspending't' or a fere days with 's. blends, Go. looks ire naturaly as ever.— Rev. ver. - Rev. Rehinson left for Walkerton on Tuesday to view the new field of labor, preparatory to his moving there. --Mr. Trick of Clinton returned home from the Old Country this week. ae has spent the summer in the Old Sod and reports very wet weather.—Mr Aubry of Montreal was in town the fof he k. buying horses, lfe succeerepart oded tin pweeurchasing a numoapri. •r It , L has aberlmostat fignishedd the apMple packing for this season, and will be on the market himself in a few days.—Bev, J,N-Halmes end,wife of Stratford Balled on many of their old friends in -Exeter en Mosley, -- Mrs James Taylor has been very ill of late, but is reeovernig.—Mr. Geo. Baker has returned to town from Exeter, where he bas been the past few mouths.—Wingham Tines,—Mrs. Andrew Hicks left ou Tues- day for an extended visit to her brother. Rev. "]r. George Cobbledick,—Mr C. Dorward arrived in Glasgow on Tuesday He was seven days en route from Exeter- Presbytery of /Toxon. This Presbytery met in Hensall on Tues- day, 10th inst, Tits attendance of Uinis• tis and Mere was large: The 1lisiness of public interest was as follows -Rat', R. Henderson and Mr J. Shang; were appoint- ed auditors to audit the Treasurer's books. A serif from the General Assembly in re the estabishing of a summer session, in one of the colleges, was considered. The aim of each sessiou is to allow some stud - cute to remain in mission fields during the winter menthe and pursue their studies in the suatmer. to ,11 Presbytery passed a resolution favoring such sessions, and re- eonimeuding that it be held in Manitoba College. The special course for catechists recommended ASS, substitute for such see - alone was disapproved of. A ea to Rev John A Macdonald, late of Brimless, was presented from Rayfield Read eiul Verne congregations, It being very unauimou,tho Presbytery sustained it and ordered it to he forwarded to Mr. Maetlonaktl. An ap- peal from Mr. tsavin loss against the action of the session of Carmel china+h, Masan. in suspending him from the Alice of eldership, uasItahen up. Mr, Tales arcs heard in Isis own iseha"f. nod d••s. Sather - lend, Ruled and Bev Mr. 49rn- denim in l chaff of the session. The 3.'re:i- nytery ria er due dist-action. resolved to send the whole matter hack to the session to begin tie snare, and appointed AtelierI ,lt,ledaut.ld, Fletcher and Gray to sit with the session as assessors. The enditots pre- senled a favorable revert and Mr, Mus. grove's repert as treasurer was adopted, The Presbytery adjourned to meet in Seas forth on Jsnuary 20th. Carradlan Order Chen lerrends Is a truly Canadian Benevolent and Fraternal Society. is chartered by thegov ernment, and admits both ladies and gen- tlemen to full memberehipand Intl benefits from are 18 to fry year's, and pays the full claim at death or age 70' rears; or one half in case of total disability end balance at death or age 7a, Has also a sick benefit fund paying Si per week. Certificates are issued for $500, $1000 or $2000 as themeni- her may elect. The Order gives its benefits at actual coat as it does not allow any more surplus than 520,000 to accumulate stone time. The object of the Order iR to pro- tect the families of its members in Buse of death and the members themselves in the event of disability or old ago. The Order is 0mtrolled by its members, each member having a vote on all queations, individual- ly first, and then by their delegate in the Grand Council, every amendment being submitted to the membership in the loess' councils before being brought before the Grand Council. The Order has already between three or four thousand members, Exeter Connell No. 94 has decided for a short time longer to admit candidates at charter rates. There is a decided advant- age in joining at .di. rt.:i r.tto 7.0tich can only be made known atter initiation. Now do not put off until to morrow that which you should do to -day. Give in vourname, 'don't procrastinate,' "you know not what a day may bring forth." He that provideth, not for his own and especially those of his household hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel. For full partioalars see circular or apply to any of the following :—Rey, W. M. Martin, Councillor J. P. Ross, P. C. ; J. Senior, V, C.; T. A. Brown, prelate and asst. R.; Mrs. T. A. Brown, Recorder ; T. Fitton, Treas.; J. H. Grieve, Marshall; R. Muir, Warden; E. Christie, Guard; Mrs. J. P. Ross, Sent- Dr. Amos, Medical examiner or to any of the members. As the council can close Charter at any meeting apply at once and make sure of getting in at char- ter rate. T. A. Brown, Asst. Rec. 0-29t3 %Grey Blankets all wool and union very cheap at the Exeter Woollen Mills. Listen 1 We are daily complimented on our variety and styles in Chinaware, Toiletware and Glassware, also China Tea Setts ; see them at 3, P Clarke. Mr. John Farmer has had laid a new composition walk from his gate to the rear of his residence, of stone manufactured by Mr. Peter Bawden. This with other im- provements will cost $1,000. The season demands the use of Rubbers for the feet, Rubber coats for the back; they can be supplied by J. P. Clarke from the child to the grown-up man or woman, prices will meet your appreciation. An Oyster Social and Musical Enter- tainment will be held in the basement of the Main-st Meth. church on Wednesday evening Nov; 18th, under the auspices of the Young People's Society of Ep worth League. N5 -1t Any one sending ten cents in stamps to D. English & Co., Printers. 30 St. George Street, Montreal, can get a little book telling of all the great Sweeps and Lotteries of the world, and how large fortunes have been made by the chance investment of, a very small sum.—N12-4t As per the annual ordinance of the Sal- vation Armythat denomination is at pre- sent in the midst of a special week of than s ivin prayer. The season com- menced g P Y en on the 8th and i m cad 8 will continue until the 14th. This year the money raised is to be expended in the country itself, none being sent out to feed the ever hungry exchequers of the heathen lands. They tell of 0148,810 being raised in 1890 by this special means, in the various countries opened up by the Army. That is pretty good for one week I Of this Great Britain herself raised $86,3471 Australia, $26,766; Sweden, $11,856; Canada, 56,083, and 12 other countries amounts of a lower order. As the Army has grown in size and power year by year, so has the proceeds of this special institution grown likewise, there being an increase of $51,478 between 1888 end 1890, IargainsDRB GOUOP. Baraains have just received, another large shipment of Dress Goods direct from Britain(p er Ss. Pur . nessla,r u � This is a lot of goods which we bought �h on, especial good terms. and are very fine value. It will ►F you to inspect them. RICHAF.iJ P & SYR .Y.13We law the finest range of Mantles in, town. Bxeter Mulkicipal Oounel. The council met by order of :the reeve at the town hall, Exeter, 3rd Nov., 1891. All present, Minutes of previous meeting were read anti confirmed. n lin -» s i G r �Chrs ie -- t r g t rat orders ranted for the following sums viz e -.tti'. I Verity 4 Si is 2178 for sewer orates; James ..Creech, yb0 part salary; the Tp. of Usborne, tii5 33 in full of indebtedness; James Down, $4 53 Meeting jurors and pestage; Jas Creeeh, $1 eltarity to Mrs, Metntosb; do. $ 3 Mrs, (uun; Wm. Davis, $13 50 repairing tower on. No, 1 engine house; Jae, Willis, Sl l 05 lumber; H. Speer:nian, ele 63 nails; Albert Bissett, $# 75 balance far street watering; demo llirsett, $.'2 50 labor; S. Powell, $2 22 do; WO- J Bissett, $36 .5 do; J. N. Howard, $ii 75 hardware; do, $14 50 labor; S.Iland• feral, $18 ah„; Thos. Horn, $20 25 do; John ill is ,s ,In, John a tc 6,c do; Juo, p Stnnielle, ; 9 :"Si do; Goa, dfo;lgine, $S 10 do; Jae %Ioreshead, 5350 do; anal Albert Bissett, .$5 23 do. Carded, Bailing--diads—that the council adjourn until Wednesday the 2nd December. -- Carried. tarried. M. E.tvni rr. Clerk. Large quantity of Underclothing, best anality, lowest lirii es at, the Exeter Wool len Mills. Sale Register. Thursday, November 19..-.I^aarni stock, implements, elm, the property of Mr. Wm. Bawden of Exeter. Salo at 1 o'clock. A. Bishop, aim. Tuesday, November 17 - Farm stoa'ic, implements, oto., the property of Henry Ortwein, lot 15, eon 13, Hay tp, Salo at 1 o'clock. E, Bosseuberry, ane. Wednesday, November 18th --Imported stallions cattle, workiug horsas, implements, co., the property of W. 11. Graham, of St. Marys. Sale atone o'oleekathis importing and breeding stables just south of town atation. Jos. Brown, Auot. arin .—• DLs x. CItEECIIIYG, SCRAM13LItiG Would be good phrase to apply to those who are al- ways parading bargains they never eau produce, We un- dertake to too A STRAIGHT BUSINESS The ;McGillivray Connellis aaking for tenders to build the Black Bridge near Ailsa Craig, A terrible accident occurred at Petralea on Fs day afternoon last, Aboy aged about deem years, the son al Chat. 13.:Qullc;n, it is reported, was on the cow-oatddher df a'' switch engine on the M: C, 11. and by some means the boy fell off; the engine going over part of his bead and crushing him to death instantly. WIHAT IT Dolts—IIood's Sarsaparilla 1. Purifies tho blood. 2. Creates an appetite. 8. Strengthens the nerves. 4. Makes the weak strong. 5. Overcomes that tired feeling. 6. Cures scrofula, salt rheum, etc. 7. Invigorates the kidneys and liver. 8. Believes headacho,indigestion, dyspepsia .-.o+-. A. Sea VOYAGE—A sea voyage is an ex. pensive and extesive prescription, especially when equally good results as regards health are to be had by simply taking Burdock BloodBitters according to directions. It is a specific for dyspepsia cleanses the blood regulates the liver, bowels and kidneys and removes all impure matter from the eystere aFyisrenresent ng NOTTING ; Selling goods for what they are ; giving dollar for dollar in value.. O MOTTO Square 'pealing, Go'xd Stock, Low Prices, Variety, Courtesy. CABLING BROS. 00 YOU Want A Suit Of Clothes $3,000 WORTII OF Men's Boys' and Children's BORN. SuitsOvercoats & Pants f SxtxxeR—In Usb erne, on the 3rd, the wife of Russell Skinner, a son. HUMSIIsborne, on the 3rd Inst„ wife of l to be sold off at SPAORMAN & CEOr S this next Sam'm'l Hicks. a eon: r 0ARLiso• In Exeter,onthelOtbinst.,the wife of Mr.,T. B. Carling, a daughter MARRIED. HAvcii Monirz—ln Zurich, on the 3rd inst., Mr. Philip Mauch to Mrs. Hannah Moritz. MaTAGGART—OATEs—At Chiselhurst. on Nov. 4th, by Rev. R.Irvine. Mr, 51. McTaggart,to Mrs. Emma Oates. TAYLOR—ANDERsoN—At Salsgirth, Man., on the 3rd inst., Mr. 11. Si Taylor, (son of Mr.W. Taylor, Clinton) to MissH.J.Anderson daugh ter of Mr. A. Anderson. WntrE—TOWNSEND—In Tuokersmith," on the 9th inst., by Rev. J. Galloway, Clinton, Mr. Jo eiah White to Miss Matilda, daughter of Mr. eY. Townsend. BEY—(709EN9—In TuOkeramith. on the 3rd inst., by Rev. J Galloway of Clinton, Mr. Dey of Guelph, to Miss Owens, only daughter f Mr. N. Cosena MOCuRDY—Ceovna—InUsborne,on the 4th inst, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. C. Plotoher, Mr. Daniel McCurdy, to Miss Doherty Cooper, all of Usborne. HARNESS—OLvaa—At Port Elope, on Wednes- day Oct. 28th, at the Methodist parsohage.by the Rev, Mr. Beker,Mr. Wm. ,John Harness of Exeter, to Miss Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr, Thomas Olver. of Mill Bank. DIE P. PAYNE—In Egmondville. on the 3rd ins t.,Mar- garetWalker, wife of Air. Wm. Payne, aged 67 years and 6 months. PoasLEY—In Exeter, on the 7th inst., Jane, wife of Mr. Wm, Pugsley, aged 59 years and 4 mos. 11STRAY PIG.—CAME INTO the premises of the subscriber lot 15,2nd eon. Usborne, on or about Oct. 26th, a white sow. Owner can have the same by paying ert- penses.'JOHN WILLIS, Exeter P. 0. AND FOR SALE. The property known as the old church of England grounds, comprising one lot,is now offered for sale. Term reasonable. Apply to E, OilaisTnE, Pres; or A, DYER, Seoy., Of the Stephen and Usborne Agricultural Society. Nov.l2-lm, 30 DAYS At Less Than Wholesale Cost. Having visited the markets and clearing out some big lines of Clothing at job prices .enables us to sell you a Suit or Overcoat fox a man, boy or child Cheaper than Wholesale Cost. SPACKMAN CO. L � Samwell's Block, Exeter. CENTRAL Barber Shop FANSON'S BLOCK. AHastings P r o � p Shaving and Haircutting in the latest style of the art. Every attention paid to Ladies' and Ghiliiren'sIair The Mols r' s Bank ARLIAM E T' N 1855 (CHARTERED , ( ! Paid n Capital $2,000,00 p P 1,000,0G ) Rest Fund .. ,f . HeadOiloe, Montreal, 1?r WOLFEI%+"t'AN EHY1$SLMANAGHR Money ..ad to'goodfarmers ou their own note w'` ye more endorsers at 7 per cent d'ne axeter Branch, Open, ,„tiawfulday , from lOa.ne.to3p.m ,i' s;y' tDAYS,10a,m.to'1p.m, 4Plird'nt.perannum allowedforya-' Depose tReceipts. Savings B as 3'per co t. R,DON, Sub -Manager.