HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-02-20, Page 187^ • geo liderictiOnalsktars Thur$40# •FOVNIFY 20tht 1964 3. Real Esta For Sale '4. Real Estate Wanted 5. ToReit r or ai,e NA,W1341' ;gaS .space• heater .1,1449., • VD.11,K 1/9.444'• 259' Pas, Able, s%).' ,Idsinga,: phone 524 8x .11$4' eficiferfleld suite; end tables; - eau chaie and PlatfPrsn rcfPke.r. PluSise.'9596- 8x 2.Cars, Truks 5ale istuog s11 '1.9 Chi,xele'4, New ,X9X-Icer, t.),OW Motor awl ta:p tranamissmanea Ai -1; cenditiOn. .$400 or „bestleerr: Phone° Ge FiSlier, Royal Hotel, anytime. 3. Real Estate For Sale 80-AORE farm; good brick hva§.% modern coniteniences; henhouse 70 x 24; brooder.. house 15 x 20; garage; 12 acres - bush; 2 acres. raspberries; 50 acres werkable land. 'rhree mile§ • south ‘.6.4 Bay%eld, off Highway 21. WiU .sell house separately: Phone Byfield 57 r 11. 8X , FOUR-BEDROOIVI house for CHESTERFIELD, and chair, in goad eOliditien. 14e sale or rent, new gas furnece, Apply jurxwa. , trx north end. of town immediate - )ossession. •--Phone 879t LAZY -BOY chair, tan color; •eoffee • table. Phone- 8376. 153 Pa,iriserstoa St.' • , , 8x 1000 BALES Wheat "and oat - straw, and same. two-year baled hay. J. Connelly, R.R. 3, Gode- rich, phone 524-9333. -8x leAttssE: tonnage feed carrots. • Contact Klondake Gardens Co- o.P., phone 238 - 2321, •Grand Bend. • -8-10 ONE coraPlete Cub uailorni, " 8q(), years.; also ladyts- uit- and• dresses, like new, size 12 petite. • Phone 524.-9074. • -8 QUANTITY baled hay, alfalfa and „timothy mixed, Apply to. Alva McDewell, phone 523 7427, Blyth. Also •quantity straw, - 8x, SACRIFIC•Es-,Zig 'ag Sewing vese.p.aliec.ness..4u -Makes buttonholes,. Take on payments, '$54.00,,, cash ors 8 . payments of .$7.00. Write to 1Box 87, Stgeal-Star, • * -8-10 85 -TONS-Of-go:6d 'feed 'barley at$51.00 per ton and 190 'tons' kiln dried corn al $53,25 per Tracking caliThe rranged. cik Bros. Aniline Co. Ltd., phone 24, Hensall, Ont.. • ' • 4ess. -840 HERE'S a honey for the meney. See the new -Rogers -Majestic TV made by Phillips, 'with 2- . year warranty on pix tube. 1i7 Black & Decker electric drills, $10.95. Rei,nhart's TV Service. -8 LADIES' Alaska Seal charcoal n grey coat with blue mink trim, Sin 13. Due to a death in the family this $1,300. coat may be purehased, for $500, If inter- • ested s,ase--may see this coat at • F. E. •Ilibbert & Son Store, God•erich. - -8 TO STOP •erewth of horns use NIkON'S DEHORNING PASTE. This product is • extremely ef- fective and easy to. use. Sue- z,• plied in two-oun-ce plastic . squeeze beftle—only .$1,25, Ef- fective. or your • money- back. Available . at • RIIECK PHARM- • .CY in Goderiels • -8 • 1.f GET MORE IN '•'64'' WITH • • ' WESTINGHOUS.E " _22164 wT 10 ft..Fridge $199,64 WT 18 cu. ft,' Freezer S229.64 liaundromal ,..„ • - • $249.64 Dryer- ., Instantsen TV. • Stereo • 315-9./.‘4 LARGE 14 -room- brick house with a acres of. land. All need. ern:. coeven•ieeres.- Bathroomi upstairs and downstairs. Geed I AVAILABLE now, 'good, well - stoker furna•ce. ' Price $6,0001 176 Acres, all vvkable, located wesdr t -end two-beoom • di - on with gond terms. • The former j division line, modern barn,-gedd house. ,, Also most desirable "Blyth Rest Home." ur.,,bedroom hoitse in eastern Apply to 'house with . bathroom, '15 nun- fo M. A. Cummings, 59 Hamilton 't see e. section. Hee eve•rything. Phone St., Goderich.. 7.8x hies ifrom 'Goderieh. •" 524 -7586, - , ,• „ , . .,..., , . • -8- PETER•5. MacEWAN Wartime house, 20bedroom, 71°ONE furnished room. Phone .4 basement that could be used W. J. Hughes— • Real Estate Broker. General Insurance. 50 „..Elgie MO.; E. Phone JA 4-8526 LINT Yotir faA711 tiOW fOr spring ales., with Witfred MeIntee & Co., Extensive advertis- ing, Contact RU, Tt1 VAN pit. MEER, Goderichs 524- 7675. , •'PWO-BED1100M, unfurnished 5. To. Rent • apartment, close * to. -Square; three-piece bath, available now. TWO-BEDROOM cottage, over- Apply -68.1441114°21 St' °r 91.1°n° looking lake, oil furnace, avail- 8810' • .8-9x able •March 15. ,Phone 524 044 qr 524-6170; 8t1 *. RED brick hoe, modern con- veniences, 011 heated. Avail- able IVIareh 1st., Former Harry Mitchell hoine, Bayfield Rd. For further in,formation con- tact James Bisiet, 524 - 9645. FURN D room, hot plate if de,sir . • Phone 524 -9467 or call at 90 :Wellington St. -8, 6..Wanted -TO Rent THREE or 4 -bedroom • house, one gr tvvo-storey, .preferably in 'cw•dk end •so our children would not have to :change. schools now. We are respons- ible tenants and are willing to co-operate with She landlord in' repairS„ and maintenance. We have 3 children of school age and would prefer a house with FOR SALE ood lot „. • 43 as a playroom for them. We g.se, $11,500.00--TWO-bedroom brick veneer bungalow, located in 'west end of town. Modern in all respects, with fireplace in living room. Dining•room could be converted into thh-d bed- toom, $1000.00—We11 located du- elex, close to schools, and locat- OP ove co tier 0 . ac t hs two •bodro. , POR RENT a•orns. New -„ roof and furnace three years Two modern. apartments for :•!.-0. ▪ • I rent, newly decorated, immedi- '• ate possession, located on Square.p.. • , Pleas to sell.,eailyheatedpricedU , • q -FRNISHED, ', heated apart- wuld prefer a leasee contact Joyce or Larry Aklham , . ment, electric range and fridge, at 8194 or, 7141' Income house on LighthOuse 43 North St., available now. „ , . , YOUNG couple with one small s•pection. ,chikl wish to sublet, furnished S.LF-CONTAINED -apartment, . apartmente, trailer; or heated .. • .--- - croso to Square. Phone 9693.. 200 Acre farm, brick house . _au cottage in .Clintori or .Area,• with all -.modern conveniences from Mareh 14th to May 23rd ONE-BEDROOM apartment all 1964., Apply Box 85, Signal - utilities paid. 'Phone 524 -8994. Star. 8-9x -7 St., large lot, ready for in- -8 and large T barn equipped for, dairy herd. Milk contract. . • PETERS.' tvlacEW•AN ' Real Estate — Insurance 44 North St, Ph. 524-9531' Farnn. Salesman; L H. Pentland . Huron Rd. -524 -9007- KEts1 CROFT LATINGS' AND INOUIRIEli INVITED • ` Realtstate And BusinessiBroker 83 Victoria St., Goderich, Ont. General Insurance Dial 52P-7211 'JONES ST.—A neat, .3-1;edreom ranch -styled .home Excellent buy. Tem -us. HURON RD,:L-3-bedroem home, insul brick, taxes $86.00 per • • year, heating $100-.00 per • year. Only $5,500.00. Terms can be arranged. „ • — ELGIN AVE. — An attractive home and apartme„nt:. ." A worthwhile investment or a lovely. spot to .retire to. Ex,. • cellent buy, Easy terms can • te arranged. • • WE. HAVE one of the largest ristings of 'farms Huron 'Caunty.. To RENT ries* • e-h9celi....-sktitleshA. home, 1 large. bedroom. E efoteeelaerly• ecou pies -se - LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES • INVITED Malcolm Mathers sas • Real Estate Broker 46 West St. • JA 4-9442 - - We have the former D. Wis$ gins property, at the "top of the hill", West St. The dwell- ing' is large—on an excellent piece of property. Priced to sell, _ We have Summer cottages in very excellent • Lake Huron areas. . 8. Help Wanted • Energetic Young Woman • Reqtiirel Pgrr C L ER T fP-1 S • Mist also have accounting exPerience. • This 'position 'Involves de- tailed -work. , • All employee benefits are paid by the Credit Union, Apply To Manger GODRICI1 COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 39 St. David St., Godprich HOIJSEKRF.PER wanted for one person,' live in, modern home, no washing. Write P.O. Boa 157, Goderieh. • . -5tf r is .UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY -.- High commission earnings with '4 1 . 1 • • so • . 12..Tenders Wanted, beI -----"--"'"eive"y' he Undtrsigned until Saturday, February- ,29th, -1964, for; .SPray,ing Of, cettle in tIse Tow ship of Ashlield under the pro- visions' of the Warble Fly°Con- trol ,:P.94t,iia.ctiOr t%,„ Collect his fee' front' the cettle Owners. Supply approilmately 1,000 lbs, of Warbickle powder. . 'Lowest or any tencler net necesaarily aceepted. *„ ,* Applications, will be received by the -undersigned until Satur- day, February 29thi for the posi- tion of 'Warble Fly Inspector, in the Township of Ashfield for the ypeoahraild96. M. simp•son (crirk), • Kintail, Ontario. • -8-9 •FOR SAL -Pi BY TENDER , IN -THE ESTATE OF MARGARET BRINDLEY Sealed Tenders will be receiv- "ed Ay • the undersigned 'until tWelve o'clock, noon, on March 7th, - 1964, for the purchase of Lot 379, in the Town of Goderich, on which is said te be located a one-and-a-half- storeye_ _• selten', room, _ sframesthisilth daysof Fehrustrys1964, HAYS, PREST & HAYS, • Barristers, etc., ' - Goderich, . „ 15. Notice To Creditors 0. Briefs A.1.4.4, PERSONS having claims against the Estate of ROBERT FREDERICK 'PROCTOR, Clerk, late of the Township of Gode- rich, Su the County of Huron, who died on or abeut the 9th day sxf February, 1964, are re- quired to 6Ie the Same with full particulars vtrith the Under - Signed by the 14th day of 1Viarth, After !Oat date the assets of the e -state vyill be distributed, Dated at Goderich, Ontario, .this 13th day of February?, 1934. HAYS, PREST & HAYS,' 111;11111111mammillallillullimmilltaurl, Barrtsters,' E Cards of Thanks ..Goderich Ontario E. # • ••• -8-10 Oil Co. products. Phon Stove ell 'from Edward 'Fuel tank truck dealer for all Shell order shell la/lac: o11.3a9ntdf JA 4-8386. • THE C.P. & T. Fund committee of Goderich Oddiellovvs - and Rebekah lodges have wheel, chairs and other .equipment for loan, free of -611arge.s Contact Amos Osbaldestana Part St., phone 9923, or Fred Fritzley, Wilson, St., phone .7217, -8 ,.. , ` '' ..,00K.- -I would-slike to thank . ALI, PERSONS having 'Claims all my"friends who scat cards LOWE MARY Al LIN. Wilow, was lin hospital. Special late of the , Tewnship of Le:- th kelthl' to Rev. G. L: Royal, against the Etat ) of GEAR- end came to see me while I borne; in the Countt,Of Huso.n, Dr. G. F. r:Li..11sol,ivearndcotohke. dwahyd odileFd6bornuaorry;a1b97.4t,,t,),.ohre 6th _ -. nurses on Firat 'floor East. quired to file the same with ' • -8 fullSpartielilars with the -undee,- • .. signed by the,7th day of IVIareli, . HARRIS.—Our recent sad loss leaves us with grateful hearts 1964, as after that date the, as- tributed. toward neighbors And friends. Their comforting expressions sets of the estate' will be dis- . of sympathy will always .be Dated at Goderich, Ontario, re. meMmrb.eatrendd Sitirss A- Harris. ____ „.........._ •lanN.C1'4Vieltioj.iyea'thaf__1; . .7.9 lif.lAn:1;myCHFrati.Erile,Lner+440.1-; ' cedeflOW.ers and Vkits while • : -'a' pdtierit in th'e• 'Goderich hospital. Special thanks t� Dr. W. N. Watters, the nurses . , and staff. Cai=bline• "M- itcCell: . 8x ' • y hOuse, with in,sul brick siding. Cellar under entire house; two- piece bath; gas heated. ROOMS to rent, one• single, 'one double, breakfast if desired. Phone 9132. 8x UPPeR, heated apartment, four rooms with, all tiled floors and private entrance. Adults only. 313 Huron Rd. 8x COFFEE shop, fully equipped, hi modern garage, available now, will lease' to experienced party. Apply to P.Q. Box 1147, Goderich. -4•8tf or illy or Augest (all or part) Cettage at Bruce, Beath , in the Pine ,Grove-Kin7 cardine, area. 1VIust wellefursa nisliedsand fialy,ssesipped with all facilities. Contact P. Cud-, more, 10 Shalimar. Blvd., Apt. 201, Toronto 10. • -8 WE WANT to talk to six 'men who are really ambitious in securing an increase in their income and • in having steady employment the year round. There are no layoff periods. • UNFURNISHED, heated apart- ,No matter what your past em- ment above. former Business ployment, all we ask is that you College, available February 15. are ready to learn. We train Phone, 524-7450: -6tf you in our work. We. think you will find this opportunity par- ticularly. appealing You must be prepared to get by on $80.00 per wea for the first four 'Weeks while training. You TWO-BEDROOM apartment, in must be able to supply refer- Goderi,ch, self-contained, gas ences and •have a car. Apply, 'hOt water heated, newly decor- to Box 86, Signal -Star. • ated. For appointment phone Seaforth 415. 7-8x NEWLY decorated, heate If - contained eneebedroom art- ment, located" on the, Square. Phone 7532. • -7tf MODERN, heated, furnished apartment, hot 'water supplied, laundry, available now. Phone 9715.- , • ... . . -7t.f a.:11REE-.1100_ NI apartine.nt, un- furnished,' all, utilities paid. Phone 524-- 71.57. •-7tf 'We have several choice; ser • • viced building lots, 60 ft x 133 SMALL housefor rent, all con - ft., in a developing area, for venienees. Apply A,h1 Shoe sale. Stoi e:- • . .s. KEN CROFT . $239.64 WT , Perm SalesMans,John I. Rapson $219.64 152 South St. -524 -8559 REINHART'S TV Service -8 WEEKEND St-tt..IALS 1 ..ONLY, Spacesaver in 100';';. nylon,chocolatbrown cover. Reg, $69.50. Only $44.50. . :OGAZINE, Racks, • gleaming . 'brass, 4itrAtive design! Lim- ited quantity at this low, low price. Only 99c. ' HEADBOARDS -.UNFINISHED.Boo• • es NASTY,' covered headboards front $5.95. I ONLY, Walnut bed with book- case headboard. Reg. $52.00. Special, 329.95.. • - -• - POLE LAIVIPS"—Id eat for that dark corner.- •Can be moved ..an34here. 'Reg. $14.95. Only .$8.93. Limited quantity. , e.,...BLACKS,TONE.. FURNITURE- ' West Street. " -8 VACUUM" CLEANER sales and „service. DOb Peck, Zurich, phone Hensall 352W2 collect. -sei7 • ' 59xtf Pis:TURES -s Did your picture • . appear in, The Signal -Star late- ly? If so, perhaps you would like to' have a,glosSy print of it. x 10" or 5" x .size will be $1.50. Three dr more prints will he $1.25 each. -2'Otf ° ,NEW,and used appliances. Why pay mere? Sep them at Lumbys„ .436 East St., Goderich, Ont. -12t1 'HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed, postpaid in plain, 'sealed enVelope with price lit. six samples 25e; 24 samples $1.00. ' Mail Order 'Dept, T-53. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- ilton. Ont. MAPLEFLO plastic sap gatheie ihg pipe, 1,600 ft. 1/2", 200 ft. ae", 2;700 ft. 1'1", 250 spouta, • •50 -tees„ .11e:we-condition, I/Ly rice- Full Two -Storey —„BricJ . Larder 4-52 Ven-eer Clinton. x s'ynix likne will amaze' you wiih the amount of living space available. It has,, three, extra large bedrooms,' each with FOR SALE iouble clothes closets and a rour-piece bathroom on second' floor, living. room 21' x "Hanover" kitchen with dinette MASSEY' FERGUSON 65•Diesel and a 2 -piece powder' room on tractor; '4 -furrow plow; Robin the firstsfloor" and full baseinent. leader; belt pulley and 'heat Located in Huron VieW 'Park haulers W. Larder, phone 482 - sub-diasisione this MI electric 12p2„COnton. •' 7-8x 'some•is available for low down eavment with balance • on one N...11,,A. mortgage. • 2. Corso Trucks For Sale (If you own a's home, whether :t is ceMpletely paid for or not, -,91' 1VIETEOR cOach. pho• ne 24- 6372.' izx itad wish to discuss trading your 'resent home on any of these 1054 CHEV. in god riinning •Issted above, call 'this broker.) Condition, reassanabler Phone .JjTliHniking of buildina a new 9514. • • . .* • 110111.0? Renlenaber, this broker -;-1050----DODGE---Regent- -sedan, figent for - KERNOHAN 0,RUNO LAPA1NE This car requires valve iob, rhoivms and LEEBUILT .OtherVvise in 'excellent cOnditiott novrins. Make at if . f` ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN • VerVice Station. '• 4tf (Dial 524 7V2, 311 Hamilton St. Goderich Phone 524.9662 HAROLD W. SHOE Real Estate Broker General Insurance ' W• hy wait for Spring?. Look at this large selection ofhorries svailable now. Two -Bedroom Euriga iow—Low, • Low, Down Payment Recently4redecorated through - (Seat this compact home features large livingrooni,,,brigh 1,•4,?•11ssigikalSatsts-alseliagriatr .cupboards and arborite counter o • bedrooms, -laundry room aeki porch. eA low down pa3menris acceptable with sub- stantial monthly payments. Do You Like To Interior Dec'- , orate? Here is a cosy:three-bedroom bungalow with large living room anekitchen, full•basement and 41-01- -aii-turnacesstirat---nectiss-res- decorating. The price has been -ailystan•tially reduced,. arid the flown pavnetgais ,only $1,500.0.0. 3 -Bedroom, — Tri-Le,vel Located in ifuron -View Park sub -division, this home, only one year old, features living room 24' x 12' ultra modern kitchen, three bright; airy. bed- rooms. ceramic tiled' bathroom, panelled recreation roem and carport. Moderately priced. Available .immediately. • Tri -Level — Brick Veneer ., Three 'bedrooms and • 4 -Piece bathroom are contaihed in the" upper level of this, home. The. second level. has large. living room.and' "Hanover -styled" kit- chen. The lower level is Oc- cupied by panelled "rec" room and utility room, This gold medallion,. all 'electric home Ls available .for moderate, down per -tient and balance on, one N.H.A. mortgage at $91:00 per month P.I.T. IVEASSEY FERGUSON 72 S.P. combine.; '63 model, pleicisp; Seourkleen and straw spreaders new condition, guaranteed. W. Larder phone 482 -7252, Clin- ton. 7-8x THREE-BEDROOM . rutUtafr,itiMatitIblifiliat‘aiki avP approximately 4 ,bathroom and powder room, gas acresein,,Goderieneon west- side efurnace, living room, dining of Bayfield Rd,, ,en'area zoned room, kitchen with built-in cup - foe loeal business. , boards. Phone 6295 or 7532.- e 49tf RUTH VAN DER MEER-. 55.Mentre5l St., Goderith Phone 524.- 7875 ;se Agent for : 'WILFRED McINTEE Sr CO. LTD. Walkerton FOR SALE •Two 3 -bedroom homes, $6,50000 each. Three-bedroom frame home, close to lake, on lot 88 x 132, che.i.cle residential area. • SIX -ROOM house, oil heating, eleetric hot...water. heater,`.mod ern kitchen, three-piece bath, availableeimmeeliately, on Elgin Ates Phone 524-e7314. -6tf LARGE, furnished, bed -sitting room, hot plate. Mrs. Ron Allin, 54 Victoria St. • -6tf CONSTRU-C1 LON . MEN—Large self-contained units, showers, frig, and gas range. Maple Leaf Motel, •54 Victoria St. -6•tf HEATED, furnished apartment. with •built-in curpboards, , frig and 'stove, laundry faeilities, Eie,fht.eoom hOMQ, 2 batieloones, utilities paid. •A - WANTED. — Man for steady travel among consumers in Hpron County and "Goderich. Permanent • connection with large Manufacturer. Only re- liable hustler 'considered. Write Rawleigh,• Dept. B-216-131, 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal. -8 8. Help Wanted FEMALE help 'Wentell for fag- ..ey.eyysizic....-A • -,4,4„u_911,4 • ern ifirSlo es td., Segforth, ' -7-3 • DOES your in•cerrie keep .you from ever getting into a busi- ness of your own? Would you like to build security for your family without an investment? Pan yOU manage 'a business of your covn? „, If so, write to: J. Gauthier-, 350 St. Roth St., Mon- treal 15, Quebec. •-6-9 WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE.— If you would enjoy -working; three or four hours a day call, ing regularly.each intinth on a group -of Studio Girl Cosmptic clients on a route to be estab- lished in and around Goderich and are willing to make light deliveries, etc., write STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS, Dept. CW42, 840 LaFieur Ave., Montreal 32. hrtoOntirte pay .up to "35.00 pr •se, ',II 4 t Plit """?' 92 ambria ., phone 9437. •.• SALESMEN -6t1 Pwo-apartment home, separate • furnaees. Three-bedroom frame, eclose to, schools. FARMS 50 Acres, le mile from village, brick house, 2 barns,. $7,200. , . 165 Acres, 100 workable, Gode- __erielteTawashipeeellay-field-444--- crosses back of farm. Four acres reforestation, some maple bush. 'Eight -row -if house,- 'T-shaped barn. Clin- •ton.5 1963'Sa1es around $70,000. Big , potential for increased sales in 80 Acres', Stanley' Township, 50 diningeroom and by catering. • worisable, 12 ares bush, 18 Apply -Box 82, Signal -Star. .- „ pasture, clay loam, 2 atres . raspberries, 8 -room white • brick house with furnace, bath, and modern kitchen. • Chicken barn and brooder houee. Five minutes to Lake Huron e Near, Bayfields Will sell as unit atit btlildinas and „. small acreage. • TWO-BEDROOM, selfeontained heated apartment. New and modern . kitchen has ,built-in cupboards and tdiryer. , Phone 9615. -6tf DINING ROOM' FOR LEASE In Georgian Bay area city. B ea ti atully d eceratesle 'lounge, broadloom, etc., to seat 100„. known as "The Place to Eat.” Fully equipped kitchen. Licence expected int Spring. 100 -Acre clay loam, hig.hway ,..farm, near Lucknow.' Good corn larid. White brick.house, barn, garage. • • COME IN* FOR YOUR 'FREE CATALOGUE. • ALEXANDER CHAeMAN FOR RENT . ▪ New; one; two and three.th_eds room- ppartmefits, in' modern building. Refrigerator stove and heat prosideck Four-bedroom', two- orey red brick with interior decorafion in good taste. • Three .investment • houses, 'with self-contained apartments. Price ranges from $9,500 to $13,000. • • Thre,e-bedrbom, threb-year- old frame house, gas heated, low taxes, in good .section of town. .„ Numerous farm listings- from 60 to 450 acres. , E. E. CRANSTON " Phone 524-8301 S1klesinen for MODERN, self-contained apart- ment, four 'rooms and bath. shone 7112. 5xtf BUSINESS property on Square. :Apply Goderich French Dry, Cleaners. Day, -524 -8452, Night, 524-8718. ' 4tf FURNISHED apartment,. .heat - ad, fridge and stove, use of laundry, utilities -paid. Phone 524-9224. • , • A VERY 'nice, 2 -storey' brick hotise in a first-class area (Light- house St.) Four 'bedrooms, oil (hot water) heat. • Malcolm Mathere, Real Estate Broker, 46 West St. -44tf SEVERAL of my, tenants have recently, gone .to jobs in other. towns: Th a selectioirsof,fuisisished; house- keeping. rOoms in one or two - room units. . Miss Mary., B. Howell, 12 St. Vincent St. Phone 524 -8642. -3tf APARTMENT, one bedroom, new, modern, four-pce.. bath, TV -FM antenna. Phone 7170. • -2tf FOUR -ROOM apartment with bath, availablenow, utilities paid. 160 Eldon' St. • . KENT HOUSE, rurnished rooms with liting room. TV and kit- chen privileges, $10 weekly. Phone 8433. 46tf ONEIBEDROOM apartment, gas heated, self•tontained, ideal fof couple. TV and FM aerial sup- plied. Phone JA 4-7540 even - Ines, • -13tf • UNFURN/SHED three -1.00m apartment, with bath, heated. Available at once. Phone 4-7171 12ff and SALESLADIES Part time, evening, or 'Saturday. Work in your own -neighborhood. $3 per night plus generous', as commission Car required.,, 3- --or -4-'evuntrigr-of--Iallt -oval choosing 'per week, 6.30 to 9 or Saturday noon to 3 p.m.. coaching and training carrier boys in the . irn.provement of Toronto Star reutes. Opening t in these areas: Goderich, Clinton, Wingham, • Seaforth Apply Davicr Spencer, Box 384, •London, Ontario.. -- • 7-8x selling world. fainous,Goodyear maintenance product'. R ods Tortmotemd oves.$20,000 (not 'tYpiCal, but IndieatNe Dolev teal) last year. Dori Kirby had L50. repeat customers on one ex- clusive product his second yeaas Age no barrier. Diversified year round-I/4R_ ---,NO investment quired. We stake--e-aTe"-Wrili financing, shipping and pollee - tions. Start en part -tin ie basis if you like. Write Consolidated Paint & Varnish (Canada) Ltd, East Ohio Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. • ` -6-8 10. Wanted (General) ROOMER wanted, breakfast if desired. Phone 856§ or 159 East St. -8 GIRLS 'Wanted. for Clinton Marching Royals D,rum Corps, .Experience preferred but not ,necessary. Phone George Wench,. Clinton 482 -7028. -8 QUANTITY, -ofe-bay • required. leply to P.0. Box 878; Gocle- rich, as to quantity and price. -8tf TUCKS Cucumber growers wanted. Highest prices paid'. Free pick-up at gate.. .Bicks NO. 10, Dublin, phone 30 R 3 Dublin, after' six pm.. ' -648 11., Eniployment Wanted WOTT-137=3-1 e y-si ing home while mother works, curls, bowls,' etc.' Phone 7165. -8 • WILL mind children in my own home, While mother works. Phone 9649. -7-8 marriamomma•afamiaThimamamm• 12. Tenders Wanted " TENDERS will be received. by the undersigned up to Saturday, February 29, 1964, fpr the spray- ing ,of cattle „under the provis- visionoi the Warble Fly Con - Act, Tenders to state the price per head for each spray and the oontraet to he completed under the' SuperViSion of the TOWnship Inspector. .' B. C. Straughan, Clerk, Township of Colborne , R.R. 4, Gdoerich, Ont. • ANOSH-T . TENDERS will' be received for the supplying of approximately 300 lbs. of warble fly. pr:wder, said warbicide to be delivered ender 'the supervision of the Warble Fly' Inspector.. Tenders. will be received for the spray - :rig of cattle under the Warble Fay Act. Ten.ders to state price per head for each spray. Tend- erers to•-•, sup!) ly-4:a-1-1—necessary- qu iprnent and help. Township' will supply the warbicide. APPLICATIONS will he 'receiv- ed for the position of Warble Fly Inspector. Salary is 'set at $1.10 per hour. Inspector to provide his own transportation end will be required to collect the spraying fees from ,cattle owners. All tenders and applications `o be in. the Clerk's handse.by 6:00 p.m., March 7th, 1964. J. FS•Foran„Township Clerk, - - R.R. 2,untillfh,Ontario: WOULD' YOU LIKE TO MAKE A .NET PROFIT OF $10-$20,000 IN SIX MONTHS?. • Tenders to e as sue by a certified cheque Or 5% of Tender-.2•galince -Payable in tpe ..'4eYeaeserae o tender, necessarily. 'accept- ed".`"'!°"''--• ac.cmPanid---ALL PERSON- having claims against the Estate of WILLIAM HAROLD JOHNSTON, Retired ,Graordrnereireli!atine otfhethecoTuanv,tym off -Huron, who died on Or about tha---14tre,da3.6.0.4a4b-r-uarlY,--,,1964-, undentglittfkatvrthe--7.tia-tiay March, 4.,964,_as after thatedete trie-aSsetS of thejestate will be distributed. .Dated at Goderie , Ontario, this 6th day of February, 1964... PREST &•HAYS, Barristers, etc., ' " Goderich, Ontario. • -7-9 °DONNFTlit.yr DONNE :-1'8-The- Square, ,- Goderich, Ontario. TENDER FOR MAINTENANCE AND CARE OF scsom ' GROUNDS • Tenders will be recelved by the undersigned up* to -.March 7th, 1964, for the complete care and maintenance of school grounds at Victoria School and the Robertson Memorial School for the 1964 season. , The work will include: Spring cleaning up, rolling of lawns, cutting grass, providing and care of flower beds, Cafe of hedges, and raking leaves in t•he fall. Ansequipment to- be supplied by the bidder. -Tenders will be considered /for either or beth properties. „ .towe•st or any lender not necessarily accepted. S. H. Blake, Secretary, „ Goderich Public School Board Goderich, Ontario. • • ..e.„ 11•111111111111111111111111111W 16. Public Notice 26 TICKETS available to Red Wing-Bru.in game, February 22. Bus leaving 8:30 ant Saturday. Isffone 524-9587. -8 MORTGAGE money_ available on good residential Properties, Call Harold W. Shore, JA 4-7272, 38, Hamilton §t. • . s -15t1 MORTGAGE LOANS •Residenithiadiu, sCiraime.rciale E. R. ROWLANDS 14.. ervices Available ,At the Stoplight 524 - 7381 •STF-.1.3,3tABIS..2.003',..BEER DRIVEINS Canada'S Fastest Drive.- . otht-ehain -' ha -Oen Franchise Territory ib your area. • STEWART'S FRANCHISES INCLUDE: • 20 year franchise protection for your terfitory • CoMpletelY installed root beer and orange eti,' uiprnent necessary f�r opening at no charge , • cn the job training of owners' and employees • Plus many, ma,ny more benefits , WRITE NOW TO Stewart's Dtiveins (Canada) Limited 724 Michigan Ave.,"•, Point Edward, Ontario for detailed •iiriforrnation "Own a Stewart's Drivein and Be Independent' " ss-smaises AN BLOWES TRAVEL SER- VICE, 32 Wellington, Stratford. For all airlines, steamships, ran, hotel „reservations, tours. Low bank rates on, time pay- ments Prepaids, arrangedfor relatives visiting from overseas. Call 271. 7 5710. • 7.13 WELDING SERVICE Por able-weltling done at home or on the job, Phone 524-7460 Goderich, Frank Smith, R.R.. No. 4. 8-18x IstsT us restore accueacy and beauty to, your watch.. Fine jewellery repairs and diamond setting. Modern equipment. Don MacRae, watchmaker, The Square. -42tf SID BULLEN'S Cabinet Shops custom furniture, kitchen cup- boards, furniture repairs. 184 *Gibbons St. -.Phone' 9631. • • •fr44, & Service, Viking Separ- -ators and milkers, Blacksmith and Welding Shop. Basil 0:Roarke, • Brucefield, phone Clinton 482-9131. •' • -6-13 LEASE your new 'ears. We Are now ready to lease Acadian, %lick, Pontiac. GMC for 1964. Inquiries invited: McGee's Leasing Division, Goderich. -38tf- A6E 'Radio Service. Frank Wilcox, 60 Plasm St. W., Gode- rieb, Ont. •Phone 524. 7771. • 45tf istammermoimalimmummi 15. Notice To. CreditOrs .TBiE ESTATE OF 'DAVID K1M13LE BRINDLEY, LATE • OF THE TOWNSHIP, OF. • CO.LBORNE, IN THE .COUN- TY OF HURON, FARMER All. persons claiming• against th-e aboves-Estates'areerequired to forward' fun particulars of their -claims to- the lin,dersigned on or ,.-before tbe atli- day of 1Vkarch, 1964, after Which date the assets will be distributed. . DONNELLY, DONNELLY & MURPHY, 18 The Squrae,', .Goderich, ()Ataxic', ,, 43-10 -0,titERP7±1-75-11.f.;,..1411T.Thn6r:11Te... akkail.ealehlor &Sire_ ' express-To-We:7 kin neigh- bors,'and thoughtful friends iheartfeIrthanks for th,e many , expressions of sympathy, and aoinforting acts. •These kind- nessese-have inean•t much to 'us.. • PROCTOR.—With deepest grat- itude we extend this Wordof thanks for the many kind acts of sympathy . expressed ' by our many, manyfriends and neighbors. Special, thanks to all those who sentfloral tribiltes, •cards, to the ledies who 'helped in„ any way, and to Irbv. G. L.. 49Y4.7R,P.v..A. • G. Pease ad Mr, d. Stiles. Alvin and. Elsie Proctof and •• ninny, WALTER.—The family of the late Warner W. Walter ex- pre.ss deep gratitude for the many acts of sympathy . and ,kindness extended to • them during their 'bereavement. ' Special thanks to Mr,' and Mrs. W. G. Moorhead, DT. ,1". C: Ross and the,. staff at Hut nv fen, _ands_OS,Ir 1 S. M▪ ORTGAGE m°7-rc:::: TRUST ,977 G. Coming Events -5tf Card. Party. EUChre 'and'' "500"—Thursday, 'February 20, in Legion Hall, at ..8 p.m., spon- sored' ,by the Rebekeh. bodge; Lunch. Ever#One ‘yelconye. , -7-8 • Bake .Sale, Saturday, Febru- aty..22, .at two p.m., in 'Don- omine'e Flower Shop, seen: or - ed by -St: Gerc5:•ge"s E.vening Guild.. • 43' C.O.F. card party, Berm:biller Hall, Saturday; •Februark 22, at nine pan. Lunch, Provided. .. Vrizes.. Everyone welceenc. • IVIEMBERS of Ale)tandra Marine and 'General Hospital Associa- tion and oth.er interested par- ties are urged to attend the annual meeting of the Hospital Board which will be ,held on Monday, February 24, at 8 -p.m. in the Board Room of the hos- pital, at rwhich, tithe we will receive the financial statement, the auditor's report, the report of.the Board and elect Members to the Board of Governors and conduct other business. • ' 'E. GEORGENE ELLIS, • Association President :AULEEN CURRY,, The Goderien Home and Secretary-Treastu•er. School kssociation will ineet in • IN THE ESTATE., OF 'MARG-. ARET BRINDLEY, LATE OF THE TOWN OF GODERIOH, IN THE COUNTY OF II4RON, WIDOW. " All persons claimillg__Aggi,pst fhe _above Estate are require to forward-fult-partieulars of - their claims •tb the undersigned on or before the 9th day of 1Vfarch, 1964, after Which date the assets *ill' be distributed. DONNELLY, DONNELLY..& 1VILTRPHY, 18 The, Squrae, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the • Estate. -8-10 IN THE Ec4TATE OF ALICE PATIENCE WELSH, LATE OF THE TOWN OF GODE- RICH. IN .7T1TE rOUNTY OF ,ITURON, WIDOW. - All persons claimiy against the •mbove ,Estate are required to forward filfl particulars of their claims ,to' the undersigned on or before' the 2grth • day of Feb- ruary, 1964,. after Yvhieh date the a.ssets will be distributed. DONNELTY. DONNELLY & MURPHY, • 18 The 8quaire, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors foe the Estate. . ••••-•••••• ' -7-8 IN THE •SUROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF HURON • 'IN THE ,MATTER of the; Guardianship of Donald A. Thompson, the •iefant Child of, Kathleen Gra.ce ,Thompson,.de ceased. . , NOTICE is, hereby given that after, -twenty days ieom th:e date hereof Leona Fitzgerald, *of the-Vallage---of--1;4•14;eirey ' Ll e Countfor Huron, wil,1 make ap *cat i on to the Surrow Court of t•he Coonly of Hui' in to be apoointed guardian the person and estate of Donald A. Thomp.Sen, the infant &Ha' of Kathleen Grace Thompson. late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, wile died at .Goderich,n • Ontario,. on OT abont the 14th day of stanuary, 1964, testate,without 'Kevin ao- nointed a guardian of the said infant, the -lid Leona Fitzgerald eheeleevfalsesi•slere-ofeeth said infant • HAYS, PRZST & HAYS, 'Barristers., etc., • • • Dated at Goderich. Ontario, 'his 20th day of February, 1964. 33 Mentree,1 ,S. te. • Goderich, Ontario. -8-10 •.• ,aiamomioipmmmrmaaiimmma 1.7. Business 'Notice FURNITURE. — Upholstering and remodelling, all the latest at.Ciark, phone B'el5yt." h,Ar5th2r- oat. 0,8x' A. Birth,s a DAM.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on Febeuary 12, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank • Dame R.R. 5, Goderich, a daughter. ,. LEDDY.—At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderiche on February 15, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton Leddy, R.R. 3, Godericii, \ a stm. McGUIRE.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderieh, ,on February 16, 1964, to. Mr, and Mrs, Albert .McGiiire, Goderich, a son, Timothy George. • MONTGOMERY. — At Alexan- dra- Hospital, cOderich, on February 14, 1984, to Mr., and Mrs. Harry Montgomery, 11411.. 2, Goddrich, a daughter. :c.to ditorlw.onapi...:FAm52. an. rumi. 25, p.m. Dr. J. R. Leitch w.I1 be .the gaest .sp,aker. -8 .loin the Goderich Horticul- tairel Society and learn. some practical gardenin.g. Next week is the membership drive. Many 'advantages to beak; a member. See i.ext week's paeer: -8 -Citcle-Mateh -HI on -your-cal-- encl.:1r and be sure d.a, to miss the Easter tea and bake sale at Gojerich Baptist Church. Remeiriber—Mareh 18. -8 THE RAISING OF LAZARUS. A -Religious Dra'ma wili be . esi en in St. George's',Church at 3 p.m., Wecineeday, February, 26th. It is presented by' mem- bers of St. Paul's 'Anglican Church, Clinton and Speessored by • the Margret Seeger Club. .... :Silver •• Canadianae-•Ahmeek Chapter,- I.O.D.E.,•pleo to havea display of miniature authentic historical, characters of famous Canadian. people in the Public. Library, Saturday afternoon.; March .7. *Tea will be.seryed.. There.will also be a showing for children. •Reserve Saturday, March 14th, Lor the annual St. Patrick's dinner at the new SL Peter's 1,34rish Hall, sponsored .lay *St. Peter's C.W.L. Tiokets avail - from ineinbers Or ,at Den. onethe's Flower Shop. . -7=11 The caored. film "Coventry, -4 Cathedral"- will be- • shown in Knox .0hurch Hall on Saturday, February 2% at 7:30, pin., The filin is sponsored by the Lake Huron Centre of the Royal Can- adian College of 'Organists and tthe public is cordially. invited., -7-9 Goderich•. Township Federa- tion of „ Agriculture'Meeting, Thursday; February 20, at'Hplmesvjile, . -Criti.est -.speaker, Mr. Dan Murphy, .Goderich. Bring lunch. ' • ' -7-8 BINGO ,MbNistotty, FEB. 26 . Ilarbourlite- Inn" soilsored by Godgrich Lions Club