HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-02-20, Page 16r1r nice. rawsrj2 .Sailing faces. and gaily ploy - ed outfits abounded at RCAF Station Clinton, February $ and 8 when RCAF Clinton Crgss- -Trailer -Square Danoe-Gl'uu• host- ed. area 'dancers at their second annual Square Dance Jamboree: Caller for the occasion... was' Earle - Parkof Yorkton, Saskat- rhewan. DanceM, from as far away as Tobermory a'nd' Wind - ;•or attended this soeia1 func- tion. " . During the Saturday evening dance Group Captain K. R. Greenaway,• commending' offic- er RCAF Clinton, welcomed the visitors to the 'Station. G/C and Mrs. Greenaway were, in turn introduced to square danc- ing by area dancers. During:the weekend more t.han 3,249 da^"ncZ1r'a71;sKf�,� tn. . " rycWn• nd reny tnerut Voeerre participated and' the fountain was courtesy in the jimbree and. workshop. of Schaefer's Ladies'Wear;. The For new .dancers this Tdid°ee was-.--lyhei-ree est portuninto. ,colorful touch to each of the dance to a professional ,caller. windows. They had just graduated from Blossoming - 1 e ''` the many beginner classes held �., .�hrmugho.ut the ' areae Ti: 'was- sams - hand-crafted by the ladies quite, a spectacleto See 240 provided a' Spring-like atmos dancers moving in unison. pherdeen stage 1ierr---the+--modell- --Plans are alread-yebeing-made.. ing of the 175 hats. Caught h for the .fed—annual jamboree the boughs 'was a bird's nest 'next year. with ..a robin perched: :nearby. Stage accessories were. a large o y, A 'few of .the stunning creations modelledat the tea are shown by Mrs. Burns Ross, Mrs. Jim Peters, ,Mrs. Jim Britnell and Miss Esther Hume. • A arranges alentineo Tea hats and apple tee branches, in pots,- nosegays.. and Valen,-, rea arranged by the United Church- Wor`hen in North Street ;isti.atr Education Building., ruary 12. The spring-like weather fay- oredeethe---event :arid• r eere- Iran: 450 l "i>tsIewed the presenta- tion of tl ,oatiti,€ul Spring crea- tions"from Humphrys' Hats pf London while enjoying a cup of tea, Mrs. J. Cook and Mrs. 11 Wilson were the general ,con- e veriers. e Greeting the (guests were Mrs. R. W.. Hughes; U.C.W. presi- dent, and Rev. and Mrs, W. J. ten Hooper'. The 'door table was attended by Mrs: L. West- brook. -hH'earts and Flowers The "hearts and ' flowers" theme was evident from the moment the guests entered the building. A large V'alentine. solid ,with red 'roses, graced 'he entrance wall andgwas ff•ank- rt by tall standards of the roses. - ` er Models have tea between, the 'first".•and s'e'cond sittings Valentine Tea held. Wednesday df. last week at North of the Street very 1!I/eek New, AT United Church. It tools three sittings to accommodate 'all who came to see the many hats shown by • Mrs: Humphrys of London and to enjoy: a cup of tea.' The stage was given a spring-like atmosphere e<vith gay flowers . and a blossoming apple tree. All was meticulously done. by ,the Upited Church Women. ' R wMy P :;ELL'S -CIGARETTES All Brands With Purchase of $1.00 or , over • CARTON WITHOUT A PURCHASE 3.29' Polident Denture -: Cleansing Kit 49c Polident and 1.00 Denture Bath • Assorted Colors 1.49 VALUE c BAYER — 100' SIZE AS PIRlN CUIVIPAE AT 93c BAYER NOSESPRAY COMPARE AT- 1.25 97c r .. •BAYER < NOSIDROPS COMPARE AT 125 ,97c a, Deliver Dia THE $QUARE 7532 • ,r In the main hall', a live gar- den centred with a' trickling fountain formed - a 'focal point, Denomm-e Flowers prot'ided the array of potted tulips, clafio- Legion'. auxihary donafTrop to Highland piping :association The monthly meeting of the. Legion Ladies' Auxiliary was held on Tuesday, February' 11, with Mrs. J. Sherratt presiding. A letter was received' from the.n Children's Aid Society, t'hanki'ng them for gifts donated at Christmas. A donation of $100. is to be sent to • the Ladies' Auxiliary. Bursary, Fund to be awarded in 1964. It was passed to send donations to the March ot;Dimes and the- St John Ambulance: o aid in the C'ancer Society campaign. , The •auxiliary will donate a trophy to the Goderich High- land Dancing and Piping .As, eaciation to be presented to the .best piper. Mrs. J. Durnin will convene the bingo games to be held' at the •Otetario Hospital once a tlr: This - is a- new -project for the Ladies' Auxiliary who hope 'to -bring some pleasure to the patients. The conveners of the various committees gave their respcc- tivei reports. Mrs. R. Bowen will convene a rummage sale in March. , The ladies will travel to Exeter on February 26th for tin evening of ,cards. - • Mrs.. j. O'Brien was duly in,' itiated as. a member of , the auxiliary. . Mrs.. G. Willis won' the mys- tery prize: 'Lunch was served by Mrs..W. Moore and her eom- -garden umbrella and ' lawn April campaign chairs on a carpet of green • grass. '' Mr. Ed. Stiles,provided .mus- announce ical interludes -during •the -after- noon. The Goderich CCommunity The deeoY ations throughout the ,hall were 'designed and crafted by Mesdames, J. Warren, R. Menzies, W. Moorhead, K. Hopkinson, M.. McGill, J. Rem- ington, '-.1-f. 'Bettger, J. Walls, W. J. ten Hoopen and ;G. Muir under the convenership of Mrs. D. Aberhart. - Models Mrs. HumphrysVwas present to give'the commentary on'the hats as the models paraded on stage and among• the tea 'tables. Hats of,, every color, and hue, tcvture and fabric; plain and flowered were modelled by liCes- dames lea Walkom, J. Peters, H. L 1-f G d' B ROS Lyon 11 ,arn !er, B. s, fwA,! i,j, • T'3- Tl1 p yM.f'ri+.w.3.i..."aiiueiV.�,�,,,n. Scott, , L. Aldham, B. Hallam, 2'2 � D.-•Aberhart, R. Shr, ier; X. Mc !Millan and Miss E. I•Iume, Concerts Asso,eiation will cam- paign during April for member- ship for the 1964-65 season. '1'he board o,f directors de- cided to seek new members as we'll as membership erenewals. The board was ,told •the hari Ballet, presented, last fall, was well. receivjd, The next concert is presenting John Boy- den, baritone soloist, on lurch .18 at the GDCI auditorium. Community Concerts repre- sentative, Mrs, Margaret Brad- ley of Port Hope, told the board a French vocal duet, Varel and Bailly, will be part' of next season's concerts. ' Tea Room Dainty Valentine nosegays Icaughr••Vi1h pink•a'ibbon- cent- red the i�thite cloth -covered tea tables. Tea-room arrangements were made ,by. Mrs. J. Reming- ton and Mrs,eR':• Smith. Hostesses were Mesdames J. Kinkead, R. Menzies, J. Walls and D. Aberhart. The guests were • served by mittee. Mesdames A. Green, M. 1VTeG-i11, d . • NOBLE GRANDS - PLAN CONFERENCE a.s, • AS; The meeting of the act Noble Grands • Club of the Re- bekah Lodge was held at the home of Mrs. C. Tweedie with fifteen members present. The president, Mrs, ,G. Mumby took the ',chair. • ' Under new business tentative plans were made fol• the district m-eeting—i-n:--Apr•iie— -The—con- vener --.coni•vener was ,named, •with other mitttee in charge and a vote of members tbe added to the thanks was .extended to them committee, • • • as well, as to the h•ostees... Mrs. 'Ain't Oskraldeston, dis- trict deputy president; Will. pm - side. Date of. meeting will be announced later this month. The -reading ofe the ode brought the meeting to' a close. Several games of "500" were •played, prizes going to Mrs. Wm. Doak and Mrs. Archie Johnston, DOING A LITT DECORATI NG NoTimeTo Write �::... An...Ad. See You [ Next• Week? OD G E FURNITURE A. B. 'Corless, D. MacRae,,, G. Mathieson, C. Brown, A.:,Craig, 1: H'oft•meyer, H, Sturdy, H. Bettger, 'T: Little, R. Alexander, E. Stiles; J.'N. Hagan; W.-Tuek- '•r, W. Ferris, R. Barker, E. Waugh, R: 'McDaniel ,,,, ,_,; Vitiltilx . y w��uAas �, l�ro� 'mois nei+ I., Bean, F. Linklater; C. Stod- dart, A. R. Munday, H. Balker; A. P. Boutilier. Busily engaged in the kitchen were the conveners, Mrs: E: Pridham and Mrs: C. Hackett, assisted by Mesdames' A. Curry, E. Westbrook, B. Mills, J. Cook, A. L. ''Cole,. IT. Clairmont, E. MacKenzie,. H. Talmay, F. Mit- 1iieII;" *Wilson, : --S,pririg; R. Bogie, W. Dockstader, A. Beach, J. Sherwood, D. Riehl, G..Muir, W. Harrison, L Paper, nick and Misses G. Robertson" and M. Beacom. Valentine Table • A" Valentine table of artistic- ally decorated homemade cakes, and sweets. in'fancy boxes and baskets "was in charge df • Mrs. R. Round and Mrs. B. Feagan, Assisting with the sales were Miss NI. Buchanan, . Mesdames C: Anstay, G; Emerson, J. Ban- ter, H. Dgtterer, H. Potzel, H. Baxter, E. Hunter and .J. Scott. The children were supervised in the nursery by Mrs. Arvo Kaasalainen, Mrs. H. l?