HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-02-20, Page 12ar. . , . . • . ?r•• F0 2044'V-1964: , • -The."Ahr4e,tc Chapter, IDDBa the henp.0 of the resent.., R, 'G, flteraOn or the. rethrgary Meeting, with the :regent preSiding., • regent announced that • .0-13ed-Gressecenvass---evill-be, • a4d•in. March, and a letter was read. ,in • cenneetion with the Cancerirdartvass'in April. Some . of the members voluuteecfd to help for both of these. , ' Mrs. • C: Gibbons, educational ".seci•etary, displayed tkivb'. pie tureS -• of Queen Elipbeth and • Prince Philip which have been ,framed and'are to be presented to St. Mary's School. Plans ,were 'rnadelo F how the •.469,h1.. Carter niiniature histo. ic- al Charadters in the Public Lib- rary on March 7. - number of the members volunteered to help at the On- • tad° HosPital. The- n‘minatioris cdmmittee presented the following slate , of oftWarak,x041241.zear: Regent, Mrs: -R. G. Emerson; forst vice-regent, Mrs. G. Dus- --*-4-uwil'""teliv-- IkawittVierrel.ea H.-.% M. Tichborne; secretary, Mrs. J. G-Tfranderson; essistant, secretary,- fffall'rgiewrairlffa: stx.rer, Mrs. J, Robin; educa- • tional secretary, -Mrs.- C. Gib- , :bons; Echoe sectretar, Mrs. T. abroad, Mr's. C. Cutt; standard barer, Mrs. Wm. Doak; 'coun- cillor% M i1f-- F. Wailkorn, Mrs. M. •Everett, 'Mrs. C. A. Reid,• Mrs.*E. Mueller, Mr. G. Stokes; immigration • and Canadiatiza- tionMrS, E. Mueller; world af- fairs, Mrs. H. Dodd;, press and • 'publicity, Mrs: M. Everett; films, • Mrs. N. Clairmont; membership, Mrs. G. Stokes; commonwealth rekition.s,.Mrs. G.- Dustow; hos- pitality, Mrs.. F. Walkorn; ways And means, . Mrs. C. Gibbon, a-- 'Mrs. H. Tic.hborne; flowers, Mrs. 11 Stewart; telephone, Mrs. D. •,vIaeMiflan, Mr. V, Crooke, Mrs. 'C. K.nSautiders, Mrs. M. Everett, • ,Mrs. W. Doak, Mrs. M. Vickers,' 1rs. 'C. Ruffeja, , • The March meeting will, be . held at the home of Mrs..R. - , Johnston, Waterloo .Street. Mrs'. Tic:h-borne thanked the hostess and lunch, 'was served •py the: committee,. Mrs. N. Clairmont; Mrs. C. Ruffell. and Mrs. W. " • Year's, Work Reviewed • As this was the annual mem- ' in, the .activilles of the Chap- ter forNhe past year ver i.t re- •. • viewed asi.follows: The, Chapter ilas a membership of 34. Ten • , 'regular meeHngs 1re hold• . These ver held in the homes , of the. members, • with the • ception of the December meet- ear year' ing Which took theforM of a lun,oheon at the Maitland .CotIn-, tiT Club.. At this Meethu soven, 'Members were PreSented )kith 254ear pins by past reg- ents of the ChaPter. . • ., hey...,Inembers,w-ere ed . during. the Year,.. and, the Chapter lost, one mein:her trough death. ,Trophies were presented to thegraduating, student of both Victor Lauriston .and St. Mary's schooli. 'Framed pictures were presented to the schools along with other educational helps and, calendars. The National Geoki-aphicaowas presented this year to Victor Lauriston school and St. Joseph's' Convent. ., The sewing • committee was busy making. infants' nighties, aprons, quilts and knitted ar- ticles. These were 'given to 'he Huron County Children's Aid and the War. Memorial Ch ldrefi's 1IosNta-1-. Mints were sent to the local f shower was held far the cancer clipboard: were supported during the year • review - • II activty and..4 &Ration Was Sent to the Queen Elizabeth •school. It was decided that tnose who 'Were. in ebarge of the lunch at each meeting .shouttl provide some itm fQr the program and t14 -has proved' to :be very interesting. .During the year a special fund was set up to take • care of • Ohajrter activities which cpuld not use the general fund. Draws, sales of aprons, 1.0.D.E. cups and saucers, homemade bread, 'etc., have helped to swell this fund.The main hind raising project this year was the spring luncheon, along with a bake sale, ,nearly -new clothing and gift table, sale. There was also., a summer tea at the hornd of the treasurer. Two of the members attended the annual convention held in Hamilton. • At twa of the meetings films were showif 4nd at each meet- ing the world affairs, secretary "Under the. capable leader- ship 01 Mrs: -R, G....Emersori• the •tethers hatt,a_very s ful year. Goderich Scouting (Csontinued from page 1) to foresee- vast mternationii posgbilitieS as the outcome of tbiis fast-growing sisterhood and bro,therhood4in the near future. The League of Nation'scff,AV bo• for the moment, as its critics term it, a saunas legislative machine; .but this gr.fting spirit of personal friendship and wide minded goodwill among the fu, • pre citizens of the ,nations be- hind it may not only give it that soul, but may prove a .streng- er insoranee against -the danger of international .war in the fu- ture. • This may seem like a wHd dreani, but -50 would it have , been a Wild dream had anyone imagined 30 years ago that this little book was going to result in a Brotherhood of over three rnillion Boy Scouts and a corresponding Sisterhood, 1,44400 Girl Guides. But such is the case. ' And such -vision is not beyond .he range of possibility, if men and. Women come in to take their share in the promotion of the work. No enterpriseis too big where there is gbodwc11 and co-operation in carrying, it out. ,,,Every day we .are turning away boys and 'girls anxious to join the. Movement, because We have lnot"thc, impn 9r women to take . them, in and.. There is a vast reserve of loyal pat- riotism and Kristian spirit ly- ing dormant in our nation to day, mainly because it sees no direct 'opporPunity for express- ing itself. dere in this joyous brotherhood there is vast op portunity open to all in a ham work that. is ,worthwhile be- cause it gives every man hi. chance of service for his fellow men 'and for God. Old Socrates spoke ,trut when 'he said "No man goeti about a • more godly purpo than he who is mindful of, thc right upbringing not only la his own, but of other men' children." The above paragraphs arr taken from a 'letter by Lou' Baden-Powell in his book, Scout-, ing for Boys. • • Guide Ideals. The same ideals apply to thr Guide lVfovement.all around th world and who bette4ean ex Press the reasons for Guiding holds • . o -op rative • • o 113:----Ttrey- must irdre--80% had, a place in„unwerhties of he United_States and Great I3ritain," Mr. Ball said, 'but .had neve., 'Cattada: : • ritt0811 entscome .4 to sehoel.. „four ..rnonthsrgo,-ou-Circi;-46iir--ii0.)4tItsa- rayer. serviee • woi•k semester in industry, , in some subject related to their , • . academic work, and go , back A A , AUBURN. - More than. 70 girls from Blyth 'and, Londe.s- boro units joined with the Auburn -,C.G.1.T. • and the Auburn Explorers for their an- nual prayer service in Kncx Presbyterian Church. The pre- sident, Marian Youngblut, led th worship service: Margaret Sanderson presided at the or- gan and 'accompanied the selo- ist,"Betty Moss; who sang, Mas- ter of the Wakinf; World. Prayers were taken by Judy, Arthur, Wendy Schneider,.,,Linda" Baechler, :31arjorie •Youngblut, and \Gail Millen. The guest speaker, Miss Margaret --11: Jack,on, ,,was' introduced by'Mrs. We:s. Bra•dnock. Miss Jackson spoke on ',the theme, Let -us. Pray, and stated that ,they were ttfli1:44:::=4.4tVit=ialt;g4Wirld. th? W'Orld withthe program writ,ten. by Dr. Madeleine Barot of •Geerve, Switzerland. She stressed the Lord's Pray- er and spoke on'Iotir. themes. Miss Jackson tedd the girls to pray fo.r C -Courage, to say, no when temp•ted;. (,-Growth in Wisdom; 1-Infarnmable, •Re- liable; T---1-Truthful, and to ,..0,121„ntal`k. FULLY AUTOMATIC WATER SOFTENER work in' teamwork and to make prayer .a daily habit. ',Ada Loni.,/hurt thanked Miss Jack- son for her inspiring message. The 'offering was -received by Brenda Archambhult and Nan Lapp and the ushers, were Mary Sanderson and Diane Kirkcon- nell. Rev. 11. U MacLean spoke a few words and pronounced the benedielion.. • A social time, f011Owed in the Sunday sch,00l room ad cookies and 4hocolate,were serv- ed by 'the. Auburn assistant leader, Mfss•Lanrayhillips, Mrs. Kenneth Scatt,••Mrs. Karl Teich- ert and Mrs. 'Harold Baechler. Words of appreciation for- the evening were expressed by Jane Pollard of • the Blyth 0.G.I.T.; 'Beverley Lee of the faliTriirtErXatiliTTRIZ0 ers. . • PORTER'S HILL 7----PORTEWS , RILL. •- Susan Avey, London, has been a visit- or with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Matheis.1 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wright, Midland, visited Mr., •and Mrs. Allen Bettles and Mr. and Mrs. 'Alvin Bet -ties over the weekend. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. 'Join De Ruyter 'on the 'birth of a daughter' ,on Febru- ary 8. • Mr. and Mrs. Art Jongejan recently- visited relatives • at Georgetown.. AtaS,SeS PhyrItis- -wxtrf,--;FAYFleig 1VIcUowan and Gail .1",5ckhaFt, all of London, spent 'the week- end with relatk,es in this cam- munitY. :• You con have oceans of glorious soft water, yet 4 his water softener re- • quires practical no attention..11regen?rates automatically -at night while you sleep'. -t6r---,0-show you you carjenjoy all of the benefits of soft water and save money too, with a Duro fully auto- matic water softener.• for four months at the uniyers- •ity. The 'advantages are . that theyAare able to correlate what they are learning at school with practieal experience. Industries that have taken students have liked it and are most co-opera- tive. "Students entering must have three mathematics and tw.6 science subjects and an -overall average of 60%. French' is not •-,),`(194.14.4peat,,,,_,There are four OPtiOnal SUbjects- from grade course takes five year -aS.-oltVtqftto•-tottr-for.,,tire--corit, ventional engineering "'course because the boys ,spend periods, *Working in industry. "There Are seven co-ordin- ators, three In the Toronto' ern - and one each in Montreal, Hain- ilton, Kitchener, the Niagara Peninsula, ' and I have south- western and northern Ontario Each co-ordinator has 100 to 150 students, iii his care, of whom half .are out working at taken nine subjects in grade any, one thne.. mommommainampompummuipioppoW ANGEL CAKE WITH ASSORTED ICINGS • . SAUSAGE ROLLS FRESH DAILY each " CULBERT'S BAKERY 49 West Street • - poderich JA, 47941 Most:, Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat:, 8:30 'til 6:30 Fri., 'til 9 p.m. lit and Stotiting sitccesa_lhan, the old Chief Scout himedif. 1 hope this +paper Oyes each and every- one :of yqu, a more .omplete picture of Guiding and its re- lation to God and Country. Before a girl may be enroll- ed as a Guide ,she must learn and understand the Guide 1. A Guide's honor s to be trAsted. 2. A Guide is loyal. A Guide's chtty is to be use- ful and to help °there,. • 4.A Guide 'is a friend,'-te All :4 a siger to every other Guide, MIMI OM.. . ,•'•;• " ' • • '" " -f• • • • .5, A Gu44es is eourteettth' 6, A Guide is a friend to mil, mals. 7.4 Gide obeys orders. A Guide smiles 'and sings •tnkraj1 difileultieS. 9. A, GUI& is thrift'. „ 10.4 Guide is 'pure in thought, word and deed. ' • ' These ten rules to live 'By, are not unlike the 'Ten Command, ments given to Moses by (which all men are expectedto live by God, our Father. After a girl learns what is expected of her and: is ready to be enrelled- she makes a • . . - solemn prone before `her conA OPannYm;yrthi:;:i promise V will ;Queen, ,t,.;°'4. .4.11. 1 I " t i e411'11: tirti"911:1111111trillE ' Now and Weil' 0,001 Sob a ' To dd7,0•111flybedut---"ty to ' God and To lihrneelps other people at ell inbosbacirkpulybawritcho.l.niustlg' paegbaintienvontoliligehY bo, To obey thecrtlide law. to enjoy the f un of Guiding :174e- riati:dd,c11;s:Kidnejkidne7b:ina17740"4"34,17fieve.tati:•1146:. This Promise encourages girls blail6r discsunkrt"That's the linse I° through belPing, ,P.thers .an by co 44n.whichnunr'offretoPol_bul.,, as.ebrivnitni-gs.Gowd titoattlytteetesoret lay Q. ache #4 tir#4 frling. Then Yea feet, to than this? for . y644... Dobettdedis, Kire.s4tnehyettpt now,writLookbe, tterfirzGett:.. .,countera, 10U CaP uePf,i1 , On 4,‘,4... Lao blue box wilth the red baud at* g ganization Is there sons a•nd daughters to belong 4 v' A d lil.,,f0 • • . Vhdinomp.mopeogremppumionW MAKES . T _ _ . - • ,64 „ , , p 411111,01111111111, 6 a ' 11 • 3 s• Ib. Lean Tender SIRL „•,• •• N., • 1,4. • • GO'DERICH , ON'T. DANCING FOR THE YOUNG CROWD EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT No slacks or blue leans THIS WEEK • , 71474212:14Z •?'"'*" 9 P.M. UNTIL MIDNIGHT • ADMISSION -75c PER PERSON ring to Weddings, Luncheons, •Banquets, Lions, and 'Rotary Meetings. 'Phone 524-9371 or 524-9264 ' Beta plans gyBali Beta Sigma Phi h1 the first nieetim.,,, of the Month at the hom.',, of Ellen Pickt] at 16,6 Stock street. The meeting, w s conducted 1j. by the . vic-preident, Marg Ijongren. Plans .ver e• diseused and are underway for roc, annual May Bala, which the Sorority plans to make a tradition: A dclightful celtural pro- gram was" headed - by Marilyn, Wilson. A social hour ,con- ^inded the 'evening. SCHNEIDERS 8 VARIETIES 6 -Oz. Pkg. • • SCHNEIDERS COUNTRY SAUSAGE • • • 49c a CUBE STYLE BONELESS STEWING BEEF .BONELESS, LB. 59c • ,,,„,......„....... r,,,,„......._,........ „„,„,„,,,...„,..._ , ... OR RUMP ROAST LB 79e SLICED PORK LIVER. LB SWEET PICKLED. 35c Cottage Rolls LB 65c FRESH PICNIC •• LUNCflEON. ',MEATS 4 for, 89c 'SHOULDERS of PORK lb,. 43C CUT ANY THICKNESS IRE RINDLESS • T BONE STEAK Ib. 89c lanninagant2.17! FLORIDA WHITE SIDE BACON • ' V'T• ,• EAR and HOFFMEYER PLUMBING and HEATING ••• 55 KINGSTON STREET •524-7861 • • ,••41.. • . „ .. • „ e • • Now a truly, 160% ALL-ABRIC Wakier Speed Queen now offeri a third pgittor speed so feathery gentle that the sheerest delicates can belaundered with total' safety. No longer need the bathroom wash basin be 'a laundrylub. This new Model A4E Speed Queen now takes over the hand Washables, heretofore considered too delicate to trust to a washing machine, stogiii toi a demonstration.. lervico cnnbelpyou manage your :JO, idititrattlag and other personal finances vow' ili cbuttillasalikb WAY al lowest dist Our #00/04,001).t.t, iAt+ keeps you frorn• "eating. itaViaga,e ainiplifies, bill -paying with oaFClie4Wflg Accoun: (Only 100 01101Ve:i)i.$110Aeltayttl taloctiz!Owtoot can Ott,oftitioney intcret. Ziarnanc- • mai fAtik Branc. • EOROWING ROYAL BANK MONARCH 7-1b. BAG -(SAVE 8c MONARCH SAVE 17c ostry Flour. 6'3c : RED& WHITE 16-Ciz.JAR Peanut Butter 29c Piecrustmix 3 for $1 VCOMET SAVE 10c • Cleaner lfor 49c SUPREMEFRESH PACK - SAVE 9c , 0 NUTS SALADA 60's SAVE 8c lbs1 99c TEA BAGS . • 77t ec MIRACLE WHIP 35c 60-0i. PLASTIC BOTTLE - .SAVE JAVEX 37c WITH PsuRcHAsE 0 $5.00 OR MORE, I "OAKWOOD".Danish Modern. 6-01. , JUICE • ;COUPON VALID FEB. 20 to FEB. 27 41111111m8offirnmpairmimumMis. FAC Ei.LE BATHROOM • for49C TISSUE AYLMER FANCY 15-0z. TINS (REAM CORN for 9c VANCAMP 0-0z. TIN5 PORK' Sf BEANS CALIFORNIA SIZE 163, ROLLS 1.00 - , DARES CHOCOLATE CHIP ,or CHOCOLATE PUDGE foi 1.00 COOKIES A ailk 1-1b. BAG %VC RED Et WHITE STER SERVICE ELECTRIC . (Gderich) Limited VICTORIA and NEVI/GATE STS. - oassurfirstritartaorra,,' .14 .52443501 • • a . , . . . , ' ?9, • °peril Nightly Until 10 iPAILfr your Shopping Convenience 91 VICTORIA STREET 'NORTH'. 2 •. ;