HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-02-20, Page 9• - lUGAR "and PICE• illiumm!angHt .5yonmsail BiII • •Yr • Once in,. a while, it is 'the" - ..toodeeforttine eof en Englisth teacher. to come across,, a fresh, original piece of writing' by a student. 41 When he does, it'sa drink of* cold, pure water after days " t of wandering in thp desert of mangled syntax, crucified spell- ing, howling triteness and .tor- tured thinking •through which it has been ordained that he 'should plod. It happened to methis week. • e. At first, ,I-theught my judg- ment alight be prejudiced, be- cause I was 'quite fond of the `7 youngster in question.- I read soundeclegood. 71: To make sure, I had it mim- , Grade 13 stiodPnts, as a piece -for-critical analysis. Their snOts and giggles coYfirmed •L` My first impression. Then we discussed—it- - in depth. They could find little 'wrong with if. It had unity, coherence and em - The tone was consist- ent. :; Well; here it isjmp. ---4‘ritvarlivrittert,14EirrlitEr eke -Miff; • ation, under •streps. See what you think. ••••• • • •-• • * * • The title was: The Wander- ings of a Ten -Miler * "My mother was ,extremely. large and could make only loud, • whirring sounds in her throat.' The thing that puzzles' mg is how 1 turned out so thin when she is such a fatso. A"Anyway, when I popped out feeling like a wet piece of cab- ebage, a Jong, dark man with 401elatle mole beneath his left , eye clutched me and cried, 'Oh, 'darling George.' He and' the rest of the -boys kissed me all mere evee 'on the Queen's head. I was later to discover that- I had the honor of being tile first bill in an evil batch of. counter - f.eit money. I 'was the one, who Would set the plot in •motion., and traded for more chterettes. The stere owner' grabbed me and yelled, 'The Queen doesnft have that many bumps on her. nose.' The trail was hot,. ' ;*- .*"" "Well, my boys were found. Unfortunatelye,they tied already died from luieancer 'because they had smoked so -Many cig- arettes when setting bills in motion: * I•'write this while sitting amidst coals in a large furnace. The penetrating heat is begin- nif Stifle- me. My breath is coming shorter, the happy hunting grounds are coming nearer. • , * * the _moral or my story • ' e..._egq.Lafeee Counterfeit money;'-rnake only -one bump on the -Queen's nose and 'always buy gum, not eigar- ettes'." The, above 'essay. was writteif by my daughter Kim, age 12, Grade S. A' chip off the old crock? I'M only- surprised ' that "First of all I was given to an. unsuspecting old lady for a packet of •cigarettes. The de- crepit old, woman hesitantly handed them the change, all in nickels. 'They then. turned and scampered out, leaving' me to face the consequences: It turn- ed out that the old lady was a trifle goofy. ' * * "One fine day she traded inc for pennies, all pennies. I was Pushed Wildly into the -buyer's „pocket, where I met a girl ten - dollar bill. It was so eosy and dark in' there' that' I have to admit Iegazaelittle fresh. • .1 I • "Suddenly I was jostled out 0 Goderich. Rotarians learned about Interacle.Rotary Interne- tionare- now -este youth service project at Tuesday's luncheon •meeting last, week. London 40,erian Jack Struth- ers, who organized the London Interact Club, was guest speak- er. Mr, Struthers is general sales manager of Trans -Canada Airlines in London, Ontario. Among the objectives of In- teract, he sad, is the opening of avenues of'personal and cor- • • arnst-o • prpi ct: interact poration action leading to the, 1;30(.1,• with coin boxee not yet advancement - of international deflected', and returns cirom understanding and geode/All to. Aubtirn to come. ' ward all "people. • "We eonsider that •the cm "Ia a highly explosive °con- paign was a re.soending'eacceas, oir4e prosperitY," said . Mr. Mr. Rowlands said, "and a tre. Strut,h.ers, ‘`eve Would do some- thing to help youth build a more 'peaceable type wlrid." Resoundiee Succiss. Past president Ed. Ro*lapds reported briefly on tire Mardi of Dimes. -Collections counted earlier In the day 'totalled oderich Guides to host • , Guides Irene Centralia, Seaforth,. Bayfield and- Bressels-will be the guests of the Gadeefigeh_greekdeir is ur. at Knox .„Chural when a, Camp, Fire Training for Pat- rol Leaders of Huron Divisicir Tiger Dunlop her -second -last sentence didn't say, "My Wreath is coming in short pants." Women - • 6 The monthly-. meeting of the tJ.C.W. of Victoria 'Street Church was held in the church hall , fast Thursday aiiernoon. There were, ten inembers and one. visitor present. The meet- ing was opened by the Unit leader, 'ell's. T. The mipeas,leefeeele-Lek .met , Mrs. J. Vincent, and This was followed by the roll call. Mrs. N. McKinnonewas in charge of the devotional period. Scripture was read by 'Mrs. J. H: Mctionald. The Offering was taken and dedicated. Mrs. Mc- Kinnon gave a suitable reading and prayer?, Two readings were given by Mrs. MeDOnald, stew- aedshi.p_. _conVener. This was followed by a discussion on a project for making Money for the Society. - Mie. Argyle gave an inter- esting and 'instructive talk on the 8th, chapter of the study bock entitled, "The, Bible and Word- of God." An -interesting discussion followed. • - Pals grows The thirdthrd meeting Tiger Dunlop, Pals held on.Feb- PpuleadrYg 10, , Opened :With the: MISS P. Damude an,d the mo- thers were welcomed. „The roll call was answered by each girl showing the pictures she had selected for her home assign- ment explaihing how and why the lines suited her. Miss pamude expressed her pleasure on the large sizeof the' club and also commented oirthe roll,eall. , Mrs. E. Hunter gave notes on suitable clothes for school, church and dates. and Mes..R. Buchanan on the suitability tte the. occasion. ' Appreciation was 'voiced by Barb Buchanan to Miss Damude, Huron County's.. -home econom- fer 'her attendance at the meeting and for her remarks. .---geh-tr.Mte=x1=1;e41-14,t",a4,- creed. will be. in_P_Ogieele illres-Bege, bf RCAF. Steam, Clinton, will bt the trainer•for the day being aegletseCejeye jejedeteeee glop er - Miss IVfary-MeMillen, and District - Commissioner 1VIrs. Wane Steep. ee serve the birthday arthe Guides and Rangers will ob- High- Tea given or, Sunday, all Brow,nies, found- er er the Guiding and Scout Movement, Lord Baden-Pckell. mendous accolade .should go to Nancy Nephew for orgaeizing, thelhingso beautifully." . A. P. Boutilier addressed the club on behalf of the St. John Ambulance drive, and mention- ed the numerous eeeviees given voluntarily,' inGodertch through- ottt the year.' Attend Course "Training and equipment cost money,", he said. `The mem- bers "ere :volunteers, •and our revenue is derived from • the donations of individuals, organ- izations and industries. . They provide so many ,valuable ser- vices they are well worthy 'of support," -Mr.-*Boutilfer. 'Mentionedfhat 13 , womenl'' attended lBorne Sign , nursing course' conducted by the branch. • W. Stuart Forbes, in- troduced Mr. StrUtherst recall- ed attendingela 'meeting Of Lon- don Rotary at which 39 .high seheol steedents, forming the 'lest Interact Club there; were at the head table,end presented with ,their charter. by District Gqyernor 'Rogers af Sarnia. High Achievement ' "It is the hope,9"Mr. Struth- ers said, "that Interact' will be- come, es well known ih high Schools throughout the world as, Rotary thrOughotit the adult world.' "Basically, it is a club cm- sisting of, boys in the last three grades of high school, boys of good character and leadership potential 'and who have high marks in scholastie work as eveelleas achievement in currice ular and:. extra-ctirricular ac- tivities. • • • • • • GUESTS- WELCOMED • r • - I The ReininT-Cathoitc girl's' and, -leaders will--go-to-t-heirerhurch Together at 8:30 while the Protestant group will attend the, Baptist Church at 11 a.m. All collections• at Brownie and Guide meetings this week will be ,ferwardeet to the ..World Friendship rued. to helpneedy Packs and Companies 16ss :for, tunate than Canadian' units. The- Local Association of Brownie and Guide ;Mothere will hold a :general meeting at the home of Mrs. Peter Mac - Ewan, North' street, at 8 p.m. on Thursday, 'February 20. All mothers of Brownies and GiiideS are urged to attlid. Miss Mary meMillen vi1l ,be the speaker. The rummage sale held- last Saturday was, very successful and $43.00 was realized, • • Livestock should be kept from licking and, eating ,grease on meehinery, even the 511141/test amount of certain • lubri-cants -CarraialiSetZellor-rtgriellBeTeZ„...-eret - sometimes' death., .• • red, white setfin . • Sunny .skies outside and Riley.- They were assisted in preparing and serving by Mes- dames C.. Videan, 1'. Legg, E. Volland, J. Morris, '11. Dodd, M.Berre.G. MumbY, M. Martin, T.,. Bannister, Reg Bridle, 11'. Tichborne, S. McNeil, Rose Hill, C. Bannister, M. „Sinuisone M. Good, J. Carrick, Cynthia -Wayne and Carolyn Graham.- .' colorful decorations inside fea- ture'd the annual High Tea on Shrove Tuesday at St. George's Parish Flail. Red and vvieite• flower e' combined with red and white heart, deceratioxie to pro- vide a lovely ''g'Clting -tor the annual event,- sponsored by the Aft ernoo n Churchwoman's Guild of the church. The candy -table was most at- tractive with red and white streamers and \Try loeely boxes of homemade candy and, cook- ies. it WAS in charge of 'qrs. J. Wilson and Mrs. A. 'Neill; The , many leets were wel)- comet! ' by Canon and Mre. K. Taylor who recently returned froai vacationing vacatjoiiuii in Antique., Mrs. C. Videan ,the president a 'RI. -Mrs,: I). J. PLitierson was in Charge of t i ek t‘ ts. ,Arrange- ments :for' a, \ ory :fine supper .were made by :enliveners, Mrs. ameomommorwinompuramwewiwwwwwwwaiimm.mrienum DO IT NOW! Auto Body and , Radiator Repairs Call Us For AUTO TOWING SERVICE DAVIDSON -Auto- Bp' Igmegettre • --Fluni; • •Rd.' — 624-7231 Mt's. Craig , and 111P.,,;•' F....B.. The 8' NITTO 11:27 ivoi 1) - its lavish com/bri, delig1/20/ -ride and beqiiiiiki 119/es mezke this the holiest Nei/bitty Ford ever! rt. . ..••••••••*it .„9";410,•pow.4.' , ;""'"•, • • , The Tiger Dunlop' Branph sOf the Wet111011s Jr1Rtit140 _Ilia 14 'he ToVeralhip hall,- Carlo*, with the president, IYIrs. R. /3uchanian .1n, the chair. rl • • Tthe roll call was answered by a current event. The letter regarding the 4-11 Club was read and Mrs. E. Hunter and Mats. Cliire -ABM •will be the leaders, They will be assisted by Mrs. Buchapan. • It was decided to hold a Hob - Guild reads shut-ins' notes Mrs. C. Videan pi'esided at Ute February meeting_ of St. George's C.leurchevoman's, Guild 'Phe Seri ture as r icib M s. The treasurer's 'report was „.... presented beeMrs.• D. J, Pa tffiv son and MfeFrank flewra read the"Thank: you" note i reeeiV- ed".frm• the sick and_ shut-ins. The hostesses were Mrs. C. Videan, Mis. 17.., Glazier and • by --Show again this. ieer an Aped 2,9411. NM Wilmer Hardy and Mrs.- T. Lamb Wl1 convene this event. Mrs. Girvine Yotenee-ga Ye- an interesting paper on the "Agri- culturi.st Of the Future." Sciende will be a dominating feature. Mrs. ,E. Bogie spoke on the. motto, "Use the talents you (possess, the- womb would be lct,•j.g.,416 biij best- Mrs: 'T. Laiveei 4rweas1141dneeiodne' clPtUtIo°W„hsOVII:1•akj't:g'',. sale at • the • tre#-'n.tet.1 A donatliM was voted ,14 Mental tIeellth SocietY, • hcostesees, were Mrs. Gi vin- You, Mrs. .1balph jevIrelI ;rad 1VIns. 0. Pocock, - FOR. SALE, , GRAND , .BEND AutrpoRT . (LAND 480 ACRES ,— 1 HANGAR, and BUILDINGS) GRAND BEND, ONTARIO Subject to prior saleear withdrawal in whole or part, , , • Offers are invited for the above mentioned prope Closing date for receipt of Offers .0- — For details, including Conditions of Sale, apply to • CROWN- ASSETS DISPOSAL, CORPMATION. 1 FRONT STREET WEST • TORONTO OITAIM9 . . - 47immeiwwwwwwwwimaramwwww . .. • DOES SHUReGAIN TAKE THIE EXTRA TROUBLE -11114ffiei. -SELECTED-GRANULATED FERTILIZER Because it' mre eecive. sHurt-AIN Fertilizer isgranulated after the ingredients have been mixed and isnot jut -'a blend of granular • materials. AS a 'result each granule contains all ;three plant food' tlements in the right proportions. . -Ordinary 'granular and blended fertilizers simply consist of a mixture of ingredients, either in powde form or granules. Although it's easier to make fertilizer that way it cannotbe as effective in use clue-fQ the gePaationotingrediernsdffrent-sizeand- As every granule contains all the guaranteed plant food elements, SHIJR-GAIN' SelectecleGranalated Fertilizer remains completely bal- anced throughout storing, shipping 'and spreading—resulting in balanced feeding of plants from every granule; consistent, more even • appltcation of the best possible fertilizer to give you maximum . • yields and top returns fromyour fertilizer dollar. As always it Pays to get the finest fertilizer for your good earth . SHUR-OAIN Selected-Graulated. elelef"e4.'''ee Fe0,ee't .61 41,0"^1 0Ime:„ . 4..4e e„ eel "l.:',4* yt • 4.,..14,p041 se, .44„,,oit IR •-•,i4 jk•A o. 014,4 or0 01.,, *we i‘ " ". • ;*.o• h. et lo .4kell,lko "%kw, P.5 • ,110 •",, 41 A 6 41 • r. re A" Ill 16.1% I) ry ••., .111 4,4 00 r° A if . /111, - 41 rail elk 0 Po;• r.;;, m•• 0444 ••• , A 410.•• OP Au -P....-. 01, 0:" , • r S.. 01, Ir., • www VIN A P• • IL 0. *woo', "40 • pg, 1p A • •"" ewe,'34 Pt 4 .I.DB provides term loans" and, other types of financing to new or existing . businesses anywhere in Canada. We invite you to discuss tern financing with Us. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT-BANIC 23 BRANCH OFFIOffit ACROSS CANADA KITCHENEk WATERLOO WATERLOO SQUARE VLDG. TELEPHONE 744-4186 „ The 1964 Ford Galaxie 500/XL Convertible, one of the Total Performance Fords Built in Canada ilfoiefrets el,961111t1 ./ The SUper Torque Fcird is selling up b storni'l ... because it has what new cat' bLiyers 'want! Fabulous exterior beauty, capped by your choice C'if throe rooflines. A settle -in -and -smile Kind of interior luxury, --more comfortable than ever. (In the XL's, Shell -type bucket seatsare standard, and the Swing -Away steering wheel is a delightful Option I) The ride of this Ford—where you fufly realize true automotive luxury—is Smoother, quieter arid more relaxing than you'd have ever believed possilile, Which- Ford is your Ford ?—there are 16. models in 4 series, including the Ford Custom, Ford Custom 500, Galaxie 500, Galaxie 500/XL. Test drive the total performance of the '64 Super Torque FOrd-2-at your Ford Dealer.' • - Certain features illustrated or mentiond are optional at extra OdSt. • 4 —. IT'S FUN TO DRIVE. A WINNER — SEE YOUR. FORD DEALER! roRa, GODERICH . MOTORS. _VP: SOUTH ST. " - , 524-7008 OSED CARS. 0 w• • 5 t fertilizer • Be sure todiscuss your spring Fertilizer program with your kcal SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer dealer • . , ••••• ••