HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-11-12, Page 5it. r variety present aplimen- this fall int lines of busi- opinitan hey only )laced, 'in - a variety userings, Coatings, tvercoats, lection 3, dies' ave never ndGents' .ue. is fully Crockery selection a in our so many 5 positive` first-class ltl highest KE. tuetiou on purchaser, Pard Wise,. Pan, OW - os rumor. lcupied by . and Ur, 8ideoce Ori years old private e 1North- rt A rthur igly valu- Ing arson till 1,000 g of the hunting 'doh pigs ggery/e- ra. to at the of having ty. that the lit rates r record- - amoupt- er. n votors' Tuesday. number e may be those in - of liquor . at foot - by the wins the eyto!n, injuries playing ge. , on Fri- rvaiive) bery by re drop - drowned day were ay. A:1 ar where last. Oxford heir ag- o. They d Liver- awrenoe as fallen g ships goes at. own far- uth east nd dead fternoon. ix child- er living with a while at • brolen it fell ck him, cheek. morning planing. ry, 'Sun- he build - ring and e boiler ing, and evening abler, on ownship, children„ burned that the h match. , and -gets es had o horses tire sea- ° brother of Taber. me Pen- t "German 99 Syrup For children a medt- A Cough cine should be abso- and Group lutely reliable. t. mother must be able to Medicine, pin her faith to it as to her Bible. It must contain nothing violent, uncertain or dangerous, It must be standard in material and manufacture. It must be plain and simple to admin ister; easy and pleasant to take. The child must like it. It must be prompt in action, gh-ing iniuledi- ate relief, as childreus' troubles come quick, grow fast, and end fatally or otherwise in a very short time. It must not only reliex e quack but bring olein around quick, as children chafe and fret and spoil their constitutions redder long con- finement. It must do its 'WO!l;, in moderate doses. A large quantity Or !Medicine in a child is not desire- telt'. It must not interfere with the child's Spirits, appetite or general health. These things suit old as well as young folks, and make Eo- settee's German Syrup the favorite family medicine. insula, toll backwards from a load of shin,gleo the other day breaking hia neck,, and causing instant death. fie was 31 years of age and leaves a widow and five children, r, B. Ualer, vrbo is one of the most prominent busineas men in Toronto, ilas consented to become a candidate tor finger next year, and that he will !faro the support at tho preaeut aeon. pant of the seat, who wilt not be a can, dictate again it la understood. The other candidates who nava definitely announced themaelvea aro Md. Ale. ]aougal1. ex.cild. Flenaingand eat -Mayor Ready, Q. 0, The young langlish lad employed by John Webber, of Appin, went as usual a few days ago to the field at the back of the lot to water the horses. Whtle stooping over the well hie hat fell: In, and obeli he endeavored to reach it settwice t he followed. After sinking l i l e =waged to grasp theleatherather strap attached to the Junket and Wing there. Ile was found three hours afterwards still banging to a pail and inwater up to was almost unconstmi, ous. lio is now in a critical condition from a cold. V3ITen ST;1Tl:t1. Bold imports at New York last week, $2e40,018i do exports, $55,233. The Interstate Artificial Rain Co. has Bold its rights at ?caliph*, Texas, for $50,009, Governor hill, of New York, has de- aiguated Thursday, Nov. 20, as a day of Uiauksgivine for the United States. Allerton, 2,09,e, is probably the larg- est winner of any trotter of the season, having won $18,000 in the laic two races, Foreat fires are raging near Water- bury, Cortin., and already hundreds of horses have been burned, besides im- mense tracks of timber. An ox team attached to a wagon in which John Henry, a farmer, his wife and two children were riding went down Chilthowee mountain, near Knoxville, Tenn , Sunday afternoon. Henry and his family were thrown over aprecipioe 100 feet high and all killed. The ffoar output of the Minneapolis mills was again last week the heaviest ever made. The aggregate manufact- ure for the week ending on Saturday was 208,930 barrels, against 205,720 barrels the week before. Twenty-one mills are still running, getting out 35,000 barrels or over per 24 hours. The Kansas Ry. Express train, on the Missouri Pacific Road; was "held up" by six masked men about 10 o'clock Friday night, eight miles from Omaha. The thieves secured about $3,500 from the express safe, and then backed oft and ordered the engineer to pull out. In spite of a drizzling rain 2,000 per. sons participated at Chicago Sundayin a demonstration and memorial in honor of Parsons, Spies, Engel, Fischer, and Lingg, the Anarchists who suffered 'death four years ago. 'Chere was a street parade with red flags furled and draped in mourning, followed by speech -making at Waldlieim Cemetery over the graves of the dead Anarchists the Edgmoor Land Syndicate, best known as the Barley Syndicate of Chicago, has secured 250,000 acres of land In North Dakota on which it is supposed to place German farmers to raise barley for matting purposes. Those lands have been purchased in Nelson, Norma, Hansey, Steel and Bottineau counties. The immigrants will not be tenants $ttt owners of the land, it being sold to them on easy terms, Crops will be bought' by the company and shipped to all points where there is a demand for barley for brewing purposes. A cattle train on the Louisville, Evansville cb St. 'Louis il,oad became unmanageable on Edwardsville Hill, six miles from New Albany. Ind., at 2 o'clock Sunday morning and dashed into the city at the rate of a mile a minute, collided with a yard engine, turning it over on its side and running -to the yards et the P., C , C. & St. L. Railroad, where it struck a train stand ing on the main track, demolishing both engines. Engineer Peter Hurley bad both legs broken and was intern- ally injured.. The property lost will amout:t to $20,000. The accident was c tused by the bursting of the com- pressed air cylinder of the brakes and the brakemen were unable to atop the train by means of the hand brakes. iJ . R GB:.I Y E Before you buy your; Fall &'N/inter Clothing Oall and examine the large and well -assorted stook of Fine Worsted Szeititngs Pine Scotch Tweed " rc Canadian, " ct • Also all the leading colors and patterns in Overooatiugs All will be made up in first-class style at prices away below the lowest, Remember we + guarantee a ti,tP:.,,e ,ai x d4 or no sale -Give x e a call, l�'",�[GRIEVE. J, 1 . ItItteteif. Cold weather prevails throughout Germany, and the ground is covered with SUM. A poetwan has been found frozen to death According to a telegram received 65,001) persons were killed, 9,000 were injured and 75.000 Nausea were de- stroyed and 12.000 badly damaged by the recent earthquake, in Japan. Iloluifleld, -Maur, Feb. 14, 1890. 1P, hi. CoatsTacs, Brookville, Ont. Dear Sir -For 12 year Puy wife was a martyr to thatdroad disease, dyspep. ea. Nothing released her, physicians were consulted and medical skill tried without avail, One doctor advised a ohango of climate, suggesting Manitoba as a desirable place. We anted upon Una advice, coming hero two years ago. The change of climate wrought a change indeed, but for trio worse, as eho watt soonconfined a o nfin d to bed, anal un- der the care of two doctors, n assert- ed deo a w a as Ort• r ed she could live but a month longer. A neighbor came to see her one day tsho had been reading your Almanac. She told her of the testimonials she read in it, of the great amount of good they were doing, and advised her to try a boa of Dr, Morse's Indian Root rills. She did so, was relieved, kept ilnproving and is now able to do house work, and continues the use of!horse's Pills. Yours gratefully, Gso. Dow. 13Is FA:SILLY DID NOT KNOW RIM. A.Belleville man has for years bean bent and crippled with a lame back, but after try ing the OR, Kidney pure, ho tenth) walk like a boy again and his neighbors could hardly reeogaize him. This remedy is for sale by all druggists and the OR Company, Belle- ville -Wale A SEv£RE Armon.. -Dear ;fire, -My children were taken ill with ulcerated sore throats bordering on diphtheria. I had -nothing in the house but Hagyard's Yellow Oil whiob I used with great benefit. 1 am sure if it bad 'not been for it the disease would have developed into diphtheria. It is a splendid medicine MRs. E. CAazznON, Moore's Falls, Ont Tics CZAR or RoasiA--The Czar of Russia probably has his own troubles as well as we commoner mortals. Whore we have the advantage in such troubles as dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation, bad blood and the liko is in being able to procure easily a per feet remedy in Burdock Blood Bitters, net ore's grand restorative tonic and purifier. ADVICE FREE, -Keep the head pool, the feet warm and the bowels regular, and no disease can attack 'yore This is a oelebrat ed German physician's advice, and can beat be accomplished by using l3urdoek Blood Bitters,the best regulator and purifier known It cores all disorders of the stomach, livor, bowels and blood HAVE You BEAD this description of rheumatism and neuralgia ? "Put your hand in a vise, turn the vise until you can't bear another turn, and that's rheumatism ; give it another turn that's neuralgia." And still you'll suffer these tortures when tor 25 cents you can buy a bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT and be relieved, Euglish Spavin Liniment removes all bard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Seraios, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, eto. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Ouro ever known. Sold by 0. Lutz. 0-29.1y tatorrackingliam SNELL .BROS.' CO, Having commenced onr Fall Trade we will buy HOGS- DRESSED OR ALIVE. Iareasod hogs bought subject to the fol- lowing rules t 2 lbs per cut off ; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck ; 3 lbs off for bung gut or gullett if lett in. Raeder Roller Ndls, 500 CORDS Wood Wanted! DELIVERED AT THE MILL For -which we will pay high- est market prices. THE .EXETER 1 ZIGLINO Goy, It'IARKBT RE1'URTS. £Sl£g Red Wb.a t 4141. 411-1 •e 90 Sprriug Wheat ... -,. 90 to 53 Seeley . ..- Seto 93 Oats • •• V0 to 3l cloy, or Seed ,., 4 60 to 4 :0 Timonby 411-1 1 40 to 1 4t) Peas -. - 4141. tie to t:.0 Cern :., 0 40 to 5e lte seil $toter 41 +. 1-1 t ... 14 Se 1 Se 10 015 Flourperbb14141 .. roto 5 15 PPtetees,perbasher ,» .., 50 to 0 55 Applea,per hag 1-411 1 CO to 1 03 DriedAppletpr 1► t4eeseperib. .' .T 0 fG to 0th Tar1.:eyperlb es l9 to ti' Duette per lb .,. ,.. 001 to 007 Ohiokou, perpr se e. 0 25 to 0 3e floggelreaseelperf00 .... e. 5 00 to 5 25 Beef ... -, ... 400 to525 iiidesrongh, 41,41 -.se 4 00 to 4 he dressedse .. 5 03 to 5 2' Sbeepakius esesh ,,, ... 0 50 to 70 Qalfskins ... „. 0 50 to 0 ;it Weelperlb .,. • „. 0 la to 010 Rey pertou 411- „, 3 CC to 0 (10 0uteuenerhuat• w .,. 0 50 P to 0 QR 1Weatleeroord aT.xaaxo $ Fall 'Wheat 90 99 spring Wtceat..... ......... . 94 92 Beetey •. • ... 0 54 0 45 05t8 ..... 0 27 3v °lover Seed ....se Timothy . , 1 e- 1 3C Peas 0 fi5 0 57 e.gaa.................. ....e.... 140 15 Batter . ...•......... „ „ 1 0 14 Pot.itoei per ri^ •..,., ......•. 1-1-41, fee 'Si 4141... • Arnica per leteb...,.,.. 050 Wool per lb.........,..,... .. . ... .... ........ ...,18 010 Ray perlou 8 (1(179(115 Arun per ton,.,,,.. ... 34 01i 14 r0 Shorts' 4. ........ ....20 00 2,100 laatemelverlibt,.• 0 (+0 7 Q) Eiegteeressed Per ir3 „• ' Co to 5 se --tee-- tee--- LONDON. Wheat 95 to 97 nor hue. Oats. ire to 3s-cper bue. Peale to els per lies. 13rtr- le.t,elalting.ell to 49ei.er bus. Aariee Feed, °"a to i 's per bus Corn, alto to e,O per, bushel. .,...41,,,,, ,.11-41.,, . as 75 4 x•a TORONTO. Tor.,nto„ Nov, 1f --Wheat Spring --No. 2,910 tc't to pot bur, rod winter.Ne d, tee ,o OCo ; e e bus. Stanitoba No hard, l 07 to1 ua y s 99m to 101; PEAS isle to 67e per bus. OATS .1'e toerbus. FLOUR. extra.$t CO to teele per bei straight roller. et. 2pto4;211; strongbekors,?lee to $ .utl. BARLEY, ..o 1, feeding. NZ 40 meessnesasesereste4141 TRAYS I). Strayed from the promises of tile undersign ed lot 7. con 10. Dayton or about May cast, two on forehead. They hero enols e ring inatbo right ear, well to the centre. showing inside and out. Any personivintr inforivation as to their sr hereabout will ghesuite bly rewarded. DAN% Tnsuitooa, oe15-Im Dasbttood Pro CONTRACTORS. Smiled tenders addrotsedto the undersigned willbo reed ved by the eounail of tlie municipa- lity of Iiiy. on orsberer° the 21st day of No- vember, 2891, at the hour of 10 fa. m,, for the oouatruotion of the"clay Swamp Drains " Full particulars etmay , may be had from; fit the opffiipo ofpooi- Ilox3a,'Lurioli P. 0. S Saar 3. Lama, Clerk. Out. i or Fasn•Iiess,Reove oo22-4t of the Townahi p of Ilay. 900 SALARY and Cotnillis- • cion to Agents,Mon and 11'om- en, Toaebors and Clergymen to introduce a now and popular standard book, Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus ofivazareth The most remarkable religious book of the ago written by 300 eminent scholars.Non-sectarian, Every Christian wants it. Exclusive territory given. ADDly to; The Henry Bid Pub. Co., Norwich, Conn. We are also prepared to supply our chs tamers at the Packing House with all kinds of Cured Meat. Sausage, Bologna, Read Cheese, Fresh- Pork, Teuderloin, Spare Ribs Lard and Hams, Wholesale and Retail. 001C'S COTTON ROOT COMPOUND, .A recent discovery byan old Physician. Successfully us- ed monthly by thousai.ds of LADIES- Is the only perfect ly safoand reliable medicine discovered. Beware of un- principled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of 'this. Ask for Coos's COTroit Roca, OoiteouND,ta5e no substitute; or inclose el and 4 three -cont Canada postage stamps in letter. and we will scud, sealed, iby return mail. Full sealed particulars in :plain envelope. to Indies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond Lily Company No, 3 Fisher Block, 131 Woodward ave. ,Detroit, taich. Sold in Exeter by DR• LUTZ, Central Drug Store and by all druggists every where. DISEASES mu Of all ages, resulting from Errors or Indiscre- tions of Youth, may be permanently cured,and tbo vigor of perfect manhood fully restored,as NERVOUS DEBILITY, STERILITY with SEMINAL LOSSES es PREMATURE DECAY Long Standing cases of GLEET, STRICTURE SYPHILIS, VARICOCELE and all PRIVATE•' and CHRONIC Diseases treated with perfect success. Our field is in CHRONIC CASES in which others have failed ; if you are incurable we will frankly toll you so. Write forpartioulare and treatise Free, to Se, Louts MEDICAL Co., 162 and 1S4' King Strett• West, Toronto, Ont. 83:6in hizz Did you see our stook of FINE ' °OTS and SHOES Tliai Ivo have Dut in tho store bne door south of the Post Otlice? Now itis worth your while to give us a look, We will show you through. We have all the Finest Lines of Ladies' and Gents Shoes made in Canada, and guarantee they are right as far as wear and value goes. If you want a real nice shoe. sometbiug that it is a pleasure to wear, come up and seo ours. Besides our fine line we.also carry a largo and well assorted stook of Boys' and Misses' Shoes for school wear, also Mon's Working Slums and Knee Boots AWAY DOWN IN P1iICE, All our roods are guaranteed good. and as we wish to build up a !'RADE and KI(LP IT, we aro selling CIILAP for CASH, Children's, Misses' and Ladies' Toe Slippers and Oxford Ties for summer in all the new shades. Bring is your girls and buy them a pair of JrSchool Shoos• girl are o we cs, Cl N s HilwADGeive us a call. You are we:come• GEO. MANSON, Forest City Business College -AND- E GREATEST OF TH[MGALI Snorthand Institute, LONDON, ONT., Is without doubt the most 'rlloaotrotf and P5ACTmOAL Instltutlou in CANADA. GRADITPOSITtoes. Over fiTE8 of fty sexes Ess orn s students in Positions. CAT4t.LOGIUE YREE„ W. WESTER-VELT, PlieNCI.PAa,., FARMER BROS. WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS Wine ct plrn) Aerchants, ctoo.it'.td4t..R, EXETER, - ONTARIO, 31appy Prize Winners ! IS THE NEW PREMIUM Given to every subscriber. new or old. of TUE 1dE11 aErks tract !ben sEpeUtR n ii8ia9preTroMusa4n1ds . of Yta success is fully assured; It is a highly valued souvenir of the greatest stateeman and the most honored leader ever known in Canadiaa history. This beautiful Memorial Album contains 15 full•page illustrations of interesting seepei in connection with the history of Sir eha, end preseuts to the thousands of aeleirers of our late chief many new and valuable portraitures. BEAD Tara LIST. V 1Zl.page rvrtralts of SIr Jelin snd Baroness Kaedonald ; Rlrth•piacc of sir John an Glasgow; Portrait or Sir John ithea a young than ; 1'ertrait or sir .John's Mother, the only one ever published; The Ola Homestead, at lilrtgstou. occupied by Sir John furring the Rebellion or 1834; Earnsctllre, Sir John's Resldeace at Ottawa; Interior or Senate chamber•,, Ottawa, show- ing the Guard of honor and Body )(Jinx in State; Exterior View of mouses of roma. meat, with Funeral Procession forming is the foreground ; 'flew of Eastern 3tloclt, Parliament itulld#nus, web Punerat Pre- cession pasr,tu„; tithe Mew city Batt, •kings- ton, Draped in 'temente:,, es it appeared. tate '.y Air John's Body reached Ut,. sten aril Lay lit State ; Grave at t'ataraqul Verne. tery, with Floral Tributes from his Thous. ands or Followers ; View or 14estmesa.ter Abbey, in u'hieir the RemoMnl Servile was -;cid t lattrfor 4'tew or Westuduster; Brew of i;t. !'nut's t'aihedrxl, in which a Neuro. reit Tablet will be Erected to MI' John's Memory ;itstenor l'ieworSt. l'ath's cum. ',trot. A11 these vie wa are tine bait -toned .t'lintegravures on. heatvy enameled eases. ane s el ably bound. with an iitaminatted and cmba;;scd cover. ,1, really vahtnble sauvcne; trat wilt suitable oruamei,, on parlor or library table. The demand for this work nthneees to be gime .end in 30.11 •u..ki• eerie. with ONE VDL.LIit,and see TOR faI'LiEL.Lt Eltt'IRE for one year and ehie'lK1l0E1J,i, A.L110:1I. tiew eubseribers wit rt:emive Tun WereetSe EAIPir1 free for balance of this year. Op the afternoon of Tuesday, Sept, 1st, the street oppoPite the Dominion Labora- tory was blocked by boys and Girls trade happy by prizes drawn by purehasea of School Books and Supplies at Browniug'a Book and Drug Store. The following is a partial list of the winuere;-1-1 Ticket No. f7 --Willie Clarke. Beautiful Napkin Ring is Satin and Gold Covered Case No, 212--Eddlo Crocker. Tespet stand WS -Bettie of Perfume No.2.-lf erbert: Ilanaford. Dress Fan 21S -Mise Renter tlesboruie Pocket Bible 2t4 -44n $packman. alagieSlate Cleauer .3 -flu h teethe locket Neoessairio Kinsman. Polished lnkr•tand 100 --14th• Brooks, Set Silver Knife .Fork,SpoAn 071 Nerklaro 131 --Jessie Creech. Handsome Dress Fan D'7 -Allele Nelson, Sebolars Companion 2:0 --Eddie Crocker, Laeres%Stick or bottle of Florida Water 7i -^R. Bing uan, trio+t'art 17-f Buis Manning. Stenocopo complete with number of handrome Pbotugrapbio views 2eS-ElateCrocker. tip)a-b '--W. Brooke. Stemless Companion stint Lock 2i,- llugb liould, Co•Cert 217 -Mist Hunter0.7sborno) Fitch Pend Game 212 -Fruit Basket 5 -Win. Clarke.: cc ssaire c 205 -Miss lIor. Cut f ss Weight ht 2ti' r~aaie Dignan stamp a►bum 240 -HughGould. #ou d Ladies Companion ve-Eddie Cruoker, Mite wood elouetebox 170 -Louis Manning, Mame° Poekut•book 26 -Sylvester lenorett. lt,tbber Ball 5.7e -Wm. Brooks. Fruit Basket 40 7nlmellen.elagieSlateCleaner R S •lt ester Encrett. Band -painted Windt In -Emily Mother of Pearl Purse 231 -Henry Gould. Fountain Pon 7C -R. Kinsman--Itoso wood Writing Desk. BOY'S ! UIRLS All should buy their Seh000l Books and Supplies atl3rowning's and secure a chance of al'rize at the best great drawing. All Goods Sold at,Lowest Prices and the chance for a prize thrown in. Don't miss getting tiekcta-free to pur- chasers of School Books. The prizes at the next drawing will far surpass those 'given out at the last, DOMINION LABORATORY, Main-st,Exeter HURRAH ! 416 NEW Tailor Shop BISSETT BROS. TO THE ;: ' ONT.- The cheapest pla3e in town to by Builders' Hardware, Nails, Hinges Looks, Gla ;s, Put,y, Paints and Oils. J New stock of the celebrated Johnston's Liquid Iaaltlts-Showy Colors. New lines ;,t Artists' Parts and Brushes. Barbed, Plain, Strip. Black and Galvanized Wires cheap for Cash Tinware Stock Complete. -- Eavetroughing a Specialty New Raymond Sewing ?!Machines and N.edlas GIVE US A CALL--. We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on the shortest possible notice and in the Latest Stvles -AND A- Sure - Fit Guaranteed. W. JOHNS. A Tale of Love t r Courtship and Death ." We love to wait on our custom- ers ; we court their good will and patronage ; and say death to mon- opoly and high prices. Facts we know are wnndroua things - At least we cannot doubt it; We sell Stoves and Tinware cheap, And no nonsense about it. (Shakespeare. • Look out for Next Week. *IISS*IrT IMO.% Economy is HealdT GRIT lawn WELL BECOI atrwxnnn-h a. Sirs, --I am happy to say 1 have uaed Hageard's Yellow Oil for burns, bruises, sprains gad eats and fin that � d ba there la nothing better. 1 recone- mend it to all my friends armee' Lera. ALAI G. ; "cLstm, 5eerie, Mar:. By buying your Fall and Winter Goods at DOiJPE'S CHEAP STORE, KII.tETON New Goods in Every Department. Come yourself and bring your friends and you will find what a low price really gleans in Highest Grade GaocZs of Honest Quality. DOUPE (.ry CO., Kirkton, Exeter Music Store PERKINS & MARTIN. 'We have oonstantly on hand a large display of the best PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING MAZIHINES, BICYCLES and SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Persons anticipating the purchase of any- thing in the above linos will do well to call at the store. We guarantee satisfaction, and prions as low as can be badat the manufactories. We would rospeet£u1ly ask you to call and see our stook. It is as fine as will be found in any city music store. Y.S.-Agents for all kinds of agricultural implements. STAND :-Fanson's Block, Exeter, !aihna ty1o$! J 0 I) 0 0 z 0 0 11J nth BEST YET ! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YETI .ZEMAN'S W'OItBE POWDER E.L - Aro pleasent to tike, ('t i:t. in neer Purgative. Is a safe. Piro. reel effectual 411441Vor of [worms 3n Ceildren or Adults New Fall Goods Just Arriveel. New Velveteens. " Dress Goocis. Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeteri Gentlemen 1 leave ,your orders early, for with the best staff .of Tailors ; the best stock of Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, you are sure of satisfac- tion S Mantle Cloths, Prints. Table Linens. Shirtings. Cottons. Cashmere Hose. Cashmere Gloves Kid Gloves. Corsets. Cottonades. J. 1VIATHE SON, HAY P.O. - EXETER NORTH. Persuasive Prices PRODUCE Positive Profits, Good Beds from ;$2 00 and up. Here They are These are Scorch- ers. Full Bed -room Snites from $10 and up. Sideboards from. $7 50 and up. A Solid Walnut Side- board for $13 and up. Extension Tables( from $6 and up. Platform Rockers, uphol- stered, from $3 75 up. W oven Wire Mattresses from $2 25 and up. Hall Hat Stands from $5 and up. Solid Carved Oak Bed- room Suite antique finish, at $35, cheap at $40. And are only for 80 Days In oreer to make room for New Stook soon to arrive. We have our premises pecked full and are short for room. Parlor Suites, Dining Suites, Bedrbof SuitesKitchen Suite all away Y down. Window Shades, Cornice Poles, Pillow Mattresses, everything you want to furnis a house, at prices to make see buy, GIDL + Y'S Pioneer Furniture Store, ODDFS1,Lo'Vs' BLOCK