HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-01-30, Page 12° front, ,or in the h o u s e
.1e Althougyh great stress.bas should be removed.
.been put on the hitting
game in malor_enrlrlixig comp- in case you are net for-
getition,-theA aw shot and`Ttnate enough to have a
mastery of draw weight is good hitting team; you' aye
-equally important: • better off to stay with the
ability to switch type of game you w e r e
And the ability
from. t'a k e o ut s to draw playing When you attained
weight on any given shot
can be the .difference be- • , The secret is to get the•
tween success and failure " other • feil'iw playing the
in curling. By the 'same style -of game yore are best'
token,it is necessary to be at and this requires, some
able to s.witcb ' from the forcing of action on your
•-••draw^type• of play to hitting part. If you are better at
with equal effectiveness. hitting than 'at draw " and
are ,playing a good draw
you should switc•.i to the team, try to get them sheat
• ,draw gahle from hitting in Y as soon as. possible. To
when you are down two or
xtCree IK 'l! doesn't fa + do this
nnyv t ked!
• libeveve e • to • ares eb e .
soon, unless you have your • they « T'I'ot�cc�` to to Pray
weight down reasonably , their -game.
well. When playinga' good hit-.
,ting team and you don't
Shoulththe ice be tricky feel you can hit with them,
• and hard ta• hit on, it is • draw your rocks in front
lee&t to switch- tee r --di g -- o- ttie°-fe tr eneenttemea r for
gam s quickly as pos- them to 'neseW1 en they
sible. , 'ou might also try to do, either . raise or draw
get your opposition hitting. around •your front rocks.
LEADING Then as.lone -
as •you caan¢,
keep them :hitting you have
Generally it i ' advisable the advantage.
*hen you get ahead two or
three points to try to hit (:G NllI I IO 'S
everything ir, sight. Opposi- My experience in
tion stones, either out in _typesf ' t•th
been- that the condition of
the ice 'had. a tremendous
bearing on the style, of
game one should play." And
this is -particularly impor-
taut to a tow or somewhat
inexperienced skip.
When playixtg' cin ice that
is straight and keen you
will find it `just as easy to
hit as it is to drawand so
you Can adopt the normal"
game you • play best.
Should the ice be heavy
and swingy, you will find it
muchmore :difficult Whit -
'than to draW. So, the first
teeth' to get thedraw weight
wn will have the advan-
Playing on crooked " ice , .
that- has -kickbacks- where"
the,: rock falls against the
turn, it ise much easier to
draw than to hit. Under ,
t�lES�tr.C�jl�diliOnc� ...if 4611
can keep your opponent"'
hitting you should have no
trouble 'winning your
gaf ries.
It all. boils down to be-
ing strong and accurate
enough to make your op-
ponents play the style of
game at which you are•best.
o 44mpc 1 ion aS Toronto 'Telegram Nets Service
Goderieh and surrounding
• , area is included in a comprs
adn,sive resources report .to be
issued soon by the Mid -Western
Ontario. Development Aesocia-
tion. .
The three-year study 'was
•undertaken ` by Drr`'den and-'
Smith Planning Consultapts of
Kitchener for every municipal-
tiy in Ifurun, WeflTh n;`PQrili"
and Waterloo counties; ,
.'The report includes break-
downs of °. industry, land use,
agr:ieulture , and population ,
growth,. forecast for 1980.
, The association .says' it is
basically an' inventory of what
the area has Min land, agricul-
•tural production and forestry
ara primary information source
for future planning for the reg-
ar 737 tTaos; a director7rgrmi
Preston-, has •beers named acting ,1
manager of the association: -He
replaces Elmer- .W. Gobel who
died in December" after five
years' service. •
'The association is advertising
for a permanent' general man-
Mrs. Wm. Lawrence' sand :Mrs.
E,` Fraser attended the funeral
of their sister, Mks. Walter
Boyce sr., Toronto. • They were
accompanied by'. Mr. • and° Mrs.
E. E11•iott, Menesetung Park.
Rern!etnlbfer those warm wea-
ther -days_ of early November
When the lee, • was dieing Rut
tato. the new structure at'.the
Maitland Country MA?
• The "executive • was worried
that a deley, Qi. a «week or so
would cause .prospective cuneus
:.to. 'lose inter -est -arid turn . IQ
IPm,e ether. aotivity such' as
bowling or square dancing.
Now ewe can look back. on
those weeks, • since mid-Notrem-
tber and see the wonderful re -
,sults of "curling in our town."
Interest and, enthusiasm. has
increased with each passing
week and the ice is fully occu-
pied eeven nights. a week.
Active Members
;very section from- the high
school curlers • through the
men's, ladies' and mixed has
grown and improved as. the sea-
son: -,has progressed.
Frain_ a club_. that ' torted w i th
a nucleus of some seventy in-
dividuals who hail never thrown
a stone •we now haze an en-
thusiasti;c • and active menr.ber•-
ship of some 350 adults and
•104 high*school students.
The progress ,of some of the
: first y ear•erlrlers 'has -Iree .-. 4Vt
ritic and it is amazing to see
these members, participating
ban:Tick about the country.
The Maitland' Country Club'
is being heard from .this year
and will be a real...eantender in
ft tut e 3 ears. -^
Should Pause
As the experience and 'en-
thusiasm of ,our members has
increased through the first draw
into the second perhaps we
should pause ani'1 think of our
Ctir•ling is a,nd should .be ap
friendly game. Though every-
one likes to be on a winning
team this is not the true Spirit
of curling.
Perhaps we should all re -read
the `spirit of curling" as laid
down in the small ••booklets
passed out by the club at the,
start of , the season.
• Meanwhile we're .proud of
Mrs, MargMcMillan's rink that
came. in second in n bonspic.
January 22 in Medford.
Here's Scoring
Here are the scores for the
past week:
Toe Luetsr .-10, C l e1v _Gxzce
3;• Don MateEwan '10; Ray Hu-
ghes 3; Frank Tyreman 9, Andy
,Boutilier 4;.,,Bruce liohnee.
Hugh Spring 1; Bili ' 'iilt.e.•h10,
Don MacRae 1; Geo.' Broltth X10,.
Harold Baird 3; Howie Krlenzie
10, Al Dowds 3; Bower Parrish
12, Nbbyi Baker • 1; Alex Alex-
ander 10; Dan, Murphy 3; Lorne
Webb 10, Dr, 'Jackson,'3; Gordon
Knit 8, Pat •Osiborn 5; Shernl
Willows 10, Joe A lIaare 3; Nor-
ris McMillan 11, Jim Skeaeh 2;
Ed. Waugh 10, 130- Keene 3;
Jack Whetstone 6>, Jim Cor-
bett 6l/.; Ivan •N1cConnell 11,
Willard Quinn 2; Keith Middle-
ton 11, Harry Sturdy 2; D .
,tris 9, Geo. rane. 4.; _111 vac,
4, Ernie MCDonald 2; Ron Men-
zies 9, Dr. Mills 4; Geo. Ellis
11, Ernie McDonald 2; Andy
Boutilier 10, Willard, Quinn 43;
Keith Middleton 11, Clem ;Gra-
cey 2; Dan Murphy 9, Dr. Ald'is
4; Morris McMillan 10, Ray
Hughes 3; Bill Utley 71,4 Ed.
Waugh 5t/2; Pat Osborn 12,
l?r, Jackson 1; Sheen Willows
8, Frank Tyremaii 5; Jim Cort
bett 10, 'Jim S.keoch 3; Geo.
Grois'1 11, • Jim Remington 2,
Ladies' Day
glary Lapaine 12, Phylis Mc-
c.;onnc•11 1; 'Marion 'ticLeod 11,
i)o la 14I G'ee 2;`,ltuill- ,
%city t>uTexa•nder- •-E1,fr- urcIn er
9, JeanMcDonald 4; Adele 'Bed-
.arrl. a, Beth- iieinincc,tun.:3; -IKay.
Baker 12, Billie Croft 1'; Audrey
Tyr•em:in 10, Isobel Mehl 3; V.
Montgomery 9, Janet 'MacRae 4;
Peg Wood 1Q, Jean Price- 3;
4• ..
Ladiesr'' Night -
Nancy ,Nephew. 10, • Maxine
Martin. 3; Mary •Lapaine 10,
Mary Britneli 3; Peg Wood .9,
Be'tty Jones 4; Elsie. Gardner 8,
Vi Montgomery 3; Betty Waugh
9, Audrey •Tyreman ' 3; . Jean
Price 10, 41,Iarg -,McMillan 3;
Marion McLeod 11, Eliz, 'tIticir
2; Barbara Kaasalainen 13, Isa-
bel Richt 0; Millie Whetstone 8,
Dorothy Cruiekshank 5.
Andy I3outilier• 9, Bill C1aney
4; Gordon Muir 9, 'Lloyd Barn
forth 3; Harold Moxr:tgomery 1G,
Ed. Wa,u,gh 3; Al finger 9,
1 Jim 13ritnell 4; James Robin 10,
Nobby Baker 3; Stu. Robinson 9,
Len McGee, 4; M. Sutherland 12,
Russ Bradford l; Fred Price -9,
Howie' Kuenzie 4; Fred louse
11, Don 5IacEwan 2; Dr.; Wlii'te
Donald , 10, :Dr. ,Mills_ 3; Bill
sacW11 �teikgGo�ne�tpM Bert Y�;f i�ar'asalaltnen 1Ji"�ie�i�,�Gon
A10- 91 Frank Tyrerrman 4;' Wan DVt
ander B,; •11aa701 Iibhert 5%, Cannell 0, Bob Nephew '0 (de
Harry Sburdpr-' 6%;., Bud. •New•, fat4t);" Bruce Sulk $, Stan
nrair'*-Wilmotod . ;. -Fred- rul iashank;-4;- Bewet'=F,t1ntell
Whldden 9,`Dan Murphy 4;.Clem 10, •Adev Proiit.3; Bill Carder
'Graney 11, Maxine Martin, 2; 1?, ;Tecl Avis 1•; Bob Keene 10,
Fat Osborn 11, date 1LVIcdy' 2; . Buts Miajhieson 3; Ken Croft
Tree Oranewly: 14, Bruno La- 11; BOtty Jones 2; Al. MacDonald
Baine 2; Tony- B a0 12, Am Tom Jones 4, s' a
-.By `1' pular Request
HOT CROS4S BUNS every day.... doz. 5'
Mop., TLes., Wed., Thyrs.,'Sat., 8:30 'tiI 6:30
Fri., 1t11 9 p.m. •
Adults 75-c Studeiiis Sn`c • - C, Ifl en '25c
in-witi:teradry-4htrmes-the---mar*- -- •-
ous • membranes of your nose
and throat are robbed of mois- • 44,
ture. ' Once their efficiency • is
ut down it' clears the way for
colds, sinus infections, asthma w
and other respiratory ailments
and leads to an uncomfortable
stuffed up feeling.
Excessive drys. yair can do a
number of daging.things to
you and your home. It'can af-
fect ,your health','' your furnish-
ings and your fnel bill. Wood
shrinks, table and chair legs
wobble, veneers crack and peel,
-lours warp and floor boards.
Need more be said?
(Go erich) Limited
_;;,,.,VICTORIA and bra.. T.l...11S., - ": 4$ t •_
1. One good -period 'sof hockey
was the only encouraging' thing
about the three games the Siftos-
iftos. played on Friday, Sunday and
Monday. •
ellere in Goderich on Friday
ft1 +'t,tu cit �tioltvra' oar '
v-lrle�iirgly 'by Wlo
s�coire` rad -8-i ^
'Dhe 'Sines looked • like they
just might score an, upset in
the opening 'frat'e o1 this home
contest as they." skated 'and play-
ed With,the Siskins• throtigh,the
entire 20 'Minutes. They were
,fu]l . value for- their 1-0 'edge 'in
scoring that they' , skated off
" 'th. -`_
They kiliedro'IT two penalties
in this period with a relative
amount of. -.ease. Duckworth
carne up with some outstanding
key, saves and the locals fore-
dlhecked and hackch�ecked with
unGs'ual finesse: -
The highlight of this period.
was the playing .of.Wi17i.amison,
Wi1kinSon, Cates and •Shewfelt.•
The whole team showed <a little
'spirit. •
The final 'two 'periods' of this
home stand were .disastrous as
the. Siskins• skated to. eight un-
answered goals.
Larry Dietrich ~scored three
for Watenloo with Ron Smith,
Bruce •Donig; Jack 'Kline, Joe
Kale `and Wayne Pa•iennbnt
scoring one each. The lone
Siftos goal was'scored by Zettel,
On Sunday the Sitetos „played
a televised contest against the
Kitchener. Greenhirts, and the
Shirts pounded away until they,
hail won by the convincing
score of 9-2.
•In^'this game also the best
the Si£tos cotil"c - do was, play
•one period of, hockey. : Again
it Was the opning 20 'minutes.
In q1.10,': final two periods . the
Shirts rammed .ho^me six ern-
answered goals: •
Steve St e,l1 and Dennis Win
liiamson scored the Sifto tallies.
A postponed game was p1a)ed
Monday night here in Godetich
With the Siftos 'playing hosit to
the Owen Sound Greys.
The Siftos held the 'visitors
to ,a 6-2 count in a fair hockey
REG. 93c
This Advertisement Courtesy Of The
1,4 -Oz. Bag HOSTESS,;
7-pz. Size
Plus .Deposit
REG. 89c
Lighter -Fluid
Sponsor's Of Tho Goderich March df `dimes Campaign
lv. Wilkinson copped the
high scores hi the Ladies' coin-
mericial bowling.league on Tues-
day night., .1igr high single was
264 .and +higlh triple,, 638. ‘,
With A Large Variety of Merchandise 1S. Open NitelY 'til 11 p.m.