HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-01-30, Page 10;CLINTON. -4- ,u attract„ vee poster wall' the1of� Huron Presbyterial of the ,Wo e ian's Wsfonary Society of the :P`Itsbytertan Ohur, ell Baa. Canada anda skit• on hospital visitation; f ilhe-p st 100 " rs In Dat Oa as carried on by the same. society mere - the 'highlights' of the:.Arinual me:e`. ing ,held in' Se •, Andrew's Church, Clinton. • 'The poster, which illustrated the complete story, :wos made by. Miss • Belle • Campbell and Mrs. J. $. Russel, both of Sea - forth. Miss Campbell gave a short talk on their poster which will be sent on to the London synodical secretary of historical "'events., , 'Phe skit on hospital visitation was presented by members of Goderich Knee Presbyterian W.M.S. and was introduced -by . Mrs. Albert Taylor. She went increase in giviegs. Mrs. 'Wel- ter Shortreed, secretary of back to' 1914 Afternoon and, Evening Auxil- iaries, g a v, e an interesting_ ' Murray wee,'' when Miss Mary the first hospital suinmary from the "reports of visitor appointed by any denom- all societies. eeeitialieneli (ana lee "'The presi- Mrs. Edgar Wightman, 'wel dent of .Council of the Presby- come and welfare, ee rete ' - . ter-lan-E1iu eh in Canada e h c 'rs ted --.-h--, Atea* ; rl s • ti�.r"�;"°`m°"�"'t�f'e;"1Vlrsfee tle°'"suls'p been very active and had all • secretary,, and welcome and sent her a report.-..4Irs. 0. G;,,. welfare secretaries were taken Anderson, GladTidings°' secre- by Mrs, L. IT, Diggon, Mrs,' tary, stated there 'had been an ".James Thomsen; and Misse-L, increase hF subscriptiozis now ' M. MacArthur. Mrs. A.°H: Ers- totalling 313 in. Huron Presby- '' ___ kind was unable. to be present terial. Mrs. W. R. Kerslake •----•-••-"e r4 Mrsem'Pay}ar--s-crbstItuteri -for f eaforf reported rhat several her. This informative skit will news items had been .published • be presented . in , L.Qndon in April. • - - The morning session was in charge et, the president, .Mrs_ Wes Bradnock and the, devOrilir-1 al period was taken by Mrs. R. Homubh of the Madeline .Lane Auxiliary, Clinton. Rev, G. L. Royal, Goderich, moderator of Huron - Maitland• Presbytery, brought greetings and gave an inspiring message. The min- utes ooh *the previous meeting were road . by Mrs. Donald Haines "of Auburn W.M.S., in the absence of the ":seeretaiT, • Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. ' The financial statement was 'given by the treasurer, Mrs; J. A. Mc- Connell of Goderich •She stated that $5,292.29 had been for- warded to -the synodical 'treas- 1 " carer and that in the other- de- partments there had teen an in the Glad Tidings during the past year,' Mrs: Earl Campbell of Homall reportedfor supply and stated that large bales 'yf. good clothing, 'baby clothes and layettes had been serif to'Birtle residential school, the Cecile Jeffery school at Kenora, I;'or"- mosa, and that gifts , had been sent to the Hamilton Sanitor- iunl. Life Membership Miss Jessie Fraser of Sea - forth, life' membership .acree tart', reported that ctere had been eight life .. memberships presented, one In Menioriam and several junior •certificates, seals and pins. Mrs. ;Welling- ton Goody children's secretary, reported a successful year from allf groups' throughout the Pres- byterial.. The report of the . C.G.LT. groups,:.• prepared by Mrs. Rilee McDonald cif He Sell, was read and also the re port DMrs. Ed avies oprepared the Home 'rapers department. The historian, Mrs• Albert Taylor; gave a- „brief suriienaxy of her work. The re, port of the literature sand laib- nary department was not given as the secretary, Mrs- J.:Skeoeh of Goderich, was. absent. The ,special speaker of -,jibe day was iss .Clare Hanes; regional secretary for. the Hamilton and Loy �. Synodical. She spoke of work of the W.M.S., its pttrpose and nneaning and the call to di3cipleship; She stated that all women and 'girls should meet to study, worship " and pray. She spoke on theforeign mission projects and also of the work In the national field. Afternoon Session The afternoon „session was openedowitih the devotional per- iod led by Mrs. Wellington Good and Mrs. Walter Short- reed of the .13olyth - Auxiliary. The- offering was _ reeeived_y -°A r> ee a t rich and dedicated 'with prayer, ee .-,44-euMiQn. ow the work for the' coming year took place. The delegate to Synodical in London in ApriI will be Miss M. Murray of Hensall, with b 11 vot- ing delegates to go from Huron i'resleyteria • Mrs. Welli gton Gogd stated that the 'annual C.O.C, • rally would be held in' Goderich on the last Saturday in' May. Miss L. M. lyfeArthur Hen was. in. Marge of the election - of officers and installed the . foilawing Officers for the coming • year: New Officers ; The officers for 1964 are: honorary pre4ident, Mrs. Albert paylon Goderiegl; past presi- dent,°'.'Miss. E. M, 'Somerville,. Goderich; president, 'Mrs. Wes- . ley Bradnock, Auburn; ist vice- -president; -Mrs:--J,; --B: Russel Seaforth; 2nd vice-president, Miss Isabelle Campbell, pbell, Sea - forth; 3rd,, vice-leresident, Mrs. A, H. grskine, Goderich; tor- respending secretary, Mrs. Wil- fred Sanderson, Auburn; treas- urer, Mrs. J., A. McConnell, Goderich; afternoon and even- ing groups secretary, Mrs. J. Dunbar, Belgrave; C,G.LT. and young women's groups, , Mrs. Mervyn • Lobb,` Clinton; child- ren's groups, Mrs., Wellington Good, Blyth.; Home Helpers, Ws - Harvey Hyde, R.R. 1, Hen - sail; welcome' and welfare, Mrs. Edgar Wiglthna'n, Bel.grave;• lit- erature and, Xi rye Mrs. J. Mrs, 0. Q. Anderson, Belgrave; press, Mrs. ' W, R. Kerslake, •Seadbrth;' supply, Mars. Calvin Cutt, Goderich; life" member- ship, Miss Jessie „Fraser, . Sea: forth,, historian,. Mrs. Albert TaylorlWGode*riah;eflnancia�l, coxn- mftttee, Mrs'. J. A. McConnell, Mrs. Calvin Cutt and lVIrs,' 'A. Ljunggren, all of G,•oderioh; nominating committee, Belgrave. auxiliary; `1:0 IDI David Furish of Saskatcliewan was vbiting' relatives here' and in leticlwow' and g-odel^ich. Miss Sharoaa West of London ."isited her home here recently. Kw. • Robert' Simpson, who 11;as keen,a petit in Wingham hospital, is home,_ • , Y.P.S. Officers The Y.P.S. wdU ,Meet in Feb- ruary 'In Ripley. The presi- dent Is ,Ber+bara L. MacKenzie; vice-,gr.'eSident, Douglas Mac- Kenzie; secretary - treasurer, Ituthe-Ranken; -worship c i n- er, Barbara J. MacKenzie; social convener, Jean Macdonald, Wbmen's Missionary Society Miss Sadie Johnson, president of the Women's Missionary So- ciety, opened and closed the January. meeting with prayer. It was held at the home of Mrs. 17wan MacLean last, Thursday. The roll call was _answered with a favorite hymn. There were 15members and one child pre- sent. Mrs.. William Johnson was in charge of the devotional. A, panel discussion on South Asia was conducted by Mrs. W. I 'rr ";, . Sadie Johnson, . ti „Williar><1 'Johnson and Mrs, D. R. 11ac- Kenzi'e. ` Ales: Ewan MacLean gave the highlights of ,the Pres- byterial meeting held last week in Winghanr. A letter was read, from Mrs. Peter Van der ley ;of Whitby, a ,former.mem- ber, .thanking the society for making her a life member, Mrs., Don Wylds and Mrs. Hugh (Viae - Kenzie were also presented with life merllbersi ip--'cart lc- ates fast month. Changes in the 'executive for 1994 are: Mrs. R. West, 1st' vice-president; Mrs. - ordain FieViayson; 2nd vice- president; Mrs. }high MacKen- zie, secretary; Mrs. Wallace MacLean, assistant C.G,I.T. leader. • REFUSES SALARY EXETER. --- Mayor Simmons says °he's going to refuse to take $300 of Ws $550 an'n'ual salary, after Exeter Town . Qouncil- turns down his request that all of the councils' salaries be cut. "I'll still 'turn back 00- 'tre the town to cut' the„mill rate,” the mayor said. POET ApBEWJ Mr: and a. . '?et t and Mrs; t vin Hodges- motored to Isling- ton where Mrs. Hodges is stay; ing witfi Mr. and Mrs. Crossett's family. Ms. andp Mrs. Petrie and" Mrs. • Chas. Crossett went by air to Florida. "Mr.'Crossett head motored down- the previous week, - Mr. and Mrs, Leroy Draper, WaEra and -Darlene visited with Me. and Mrs. Eltgn Draper re cently. Fred Dicksbn of Toronto was a recent visitor with Mrs. Lednor.. FQrVooden or Aluminum Storm Doors, or for Prime Doors Roy N. ,Bentley ,�. PUBttC ��C,,NTANNT .•.;. ' P.O. Box 478.E Dial 524-9521 GODERICH — ONTARIO 1T7OO1?1W€J/Ht GODERICH ,° ONT. • DANCING FOR THE YOUNG CROW EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT No slacks "or blue jeans . ' THIS WEEK "Johnny Stevens And The Bel -Aires" "Catering • 9 P.M.,UNTIL MIDNIGHT ADMISSION 75c PER PERSON Real Estate Agent RUTH VAN DER MEER DIAL 524-7875, Goderich Agent For - WILFRID McINTEE . i EALTOR ' Walkerton FOR THE BEST IN TRAITS_ CALL, PHONE OR WRITE DAY OR NIGHT Stan Hadden 118 St. David Street , DIAL 524-8787 Ben Chisholm to Weddings, Luncheons, Banquets, Kinsmen 'Lions, and Rotary Meetings. Phone 524-9371. or 524-9264 OPTOMETRIST F. T. ,ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist. 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Radia "tW Repairs.. • Protect against rust with Unda-Spray . DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service " No. 8 Highway, Goderich Dial 524-7231' STILES AMBULANCE Roomy - Comfortable Anywhere .Anir`titne D1A1,;-524-81-42 77 • Montreal St:, :Goderich SILL A GOO© SELECTION, ;ON ALL ITEMS CaII Lodge MBULANCE' SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT Prompt Efficient Experienced Drivers TELEPHONE 5224-7401 Alexander. and . 'Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE PROPERTY,MANAGEMENT Canadian"' Imperial --Bank of Commerce Building, Goderich Dial "524-9662~, "PROTECTION FORMULA , for your business; Mr. , Storeowner A modern profjction package Tor_retail stores is now. avail-" able tocrist`storeowners. This 'a'tttraC'five` ; sirrraMTIAiti pa age is called Retail -Pak. It offers the tonveniertce, economy and comprehensive protection fea- tures of one broad coverage polity. For a survey of your insurance needs and details on what Retail -Pak can do Peter MacEwan Insurance - Real Estate 44 North St. 524-9537 . SUPER-DELtXL FRAME Luxury -car, styling, , Flexible, hiehltensile zinc -aluminum alloy casting with extra - heavy copper -nickel chrome plate. Steel back and plastic window. Ea. LICENSE -PLATE, TRW — Tough flexible fluores ' cent' -"red vinyl stripping.' Protech `hand's rift 'when you're cleariing car: Pr. ®1L/ MOUNTING' mCK-ETS:. FRONT LICENSE PLATE '"--BR'A°CKET-'-'-"Fives ravel skirt or bumper brace. Steel. . " •77 UNIVERSAL FR ON T BRACKET - To fit wide bumpers on most ,cars. Steel. Each .49 FRONT BRACKET" Mp!ints the license plate On. top of and 'slightly behind bumper. Each . •84 LICENSE PLATE LAMP BRACKET For, .59 • rear. Each FASTENERS . ' -' Set of 4 ' .27 JEWELLED FASTENER Red, green or amber. Each •.09 DELUXE FASTENER - Red or green Jewel in polished frame. Pair .39 :.HOLDERS ER Fastens onto steer- : impost. LeathOr- ette. Each :..,.•, •3 LICENSE•`CARD CASE- EachBownerolds's driverpermit. Lea's Ilcther-enee, . like plastic. 24 ..._ Chartered Accournelnts "Tri sfee.1i Bankruptcy E-icensed • Municipal. Auditor 39 St.' David St., 524-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO 32tf A S''SOC IATE STORE The Square. .A.' M. HARPER. 1 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55-57 . SOUTH • , STREET' • _ 'TELEPHONE 'GODERICH; 'ONTARIO. •. _... . 524-7562 WHETSTONE" 36 NORTH, STREET :;y.:; ` GODERICH DIAtt524=7394