HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-01-30, Page 2hon§
ay, Jaltiary- 30th. 19$4
• •
• ».•' The t:t.uasSUMl ng and.' ,quietly
. 4°tt ,iulllt,
n 1 J fl
al .t cs• of ��eve. Ralph jewel]. t• t ul
borne ,i o�v t[sh,t. a i a;ve. br•on h:thint the
: l art eiusl1ip elf ot`1 .ount;y.t 'The sig.
�' ,.is'.appy to join tv-i,th, his host of
_friends ii'c(.1grdtulati1g for- having
'achieved,this honor, not,,;dnl . for himself,
hut 1=01 (,albciruc+ Township.
. Warden- {1-e-tvc.l-} is -nom tt-, rrr�t-tt----tt='ltrr
t,usht'y himself to glory of as y kind in any
wanner o1'. I111'ittls. He simply eal'1•ies out
responsibilities assigned to hint in his'
t; hara('teristie. humble and .diligent r}rall-
11Pr Thi,„he has done oil .('o111ur11..e Towlt-
Council, This, attribute is readily
rtieogrii?ed'-br persons with iv11O111 • he
v�;t l; ►,_ .• .iia-ognizilig this Abet, his assok -
iates. eio ,thiitgs for. Ralph enablta
hint to climb 'tie ir111 ia.i Yltl �1a41,d t We
:4 1
i • )'Township
1�1•►c,tt• the cltl�cirs u1 (o�1)c elle
rlrt' t nilly Kuucl ul' , the' aclrieveni nt , oi'
their. 'Reeve --' uid, rightly so: ,:l,here is n-4 alcti'on. Is this not our attitude
t6'\1•i1Kh i1.) ill 11uroll 'with a more colorful' every time a. Now Year dawns?
history 'than that of Colborne•, dating Lack As Christians how .have• we
r o
:• allegiance • 'fi our a
' d t
---t-cr-t-}•tr- r1:rt;vs- u t 'I -t r�r� . I•� t•a t•r•1 u p iv }r-tr;
.i.t e
iA i Christ and His Church'? Would
By Rev., G” L, . Roydi,' Knox.' hope to a sinful Soe,let
Faithfulness: tW!hai'' mine?
Presbyterian Church. J
y '%An 1 nieasVre My faith
k. m
The time. for °,`resolution,s'Z is terms of .earthly things? It is
, got faith that gives• breath to
'the holy .stole
•a o has ,..
k - ,
p " e4 - onsibility"' a - ""o apt. • ?
when• 'they '-are to bei• -put' into r i p Y a' td '� y
Is it not f•aithy that. lies af . life.
base -root of the whole .outgging
prograin? -Can we attain any W
thing with faith? And, where
u •ed.
is this faith b nut a
Calvary! -That is the holy word
�uat pours life into faith! "When
1 survey the wondrous cross, . ,"
Here is the saving ground of
.Christendom! You 'ask, -'-'•what
happened of • •such importance
there?" ,This: Christ died for
the',si.riegf the world! When I -Ie
socked He immediately involved
Me! Against my will?: Perhaps!
But, it • was, is, and, ever shall
Abe God's Will! 1 am to have
faint that, in His sacrifice on
the High Cross,' I am cleansed;;
of •my,� sins,. In death Christ
Jesus substituted; Himself, un-
blemished and perfec't', for me
--me-who am unworthy to
A stoop anSatla,tchhts.
on His. sair a s. fie thrust of
m faith 'must be in --the belief
that Christ gave Himself a "liv-
ing sacrifice'' for ,me. .When I
amjonvinced�-�con•vi'cted-I am
brought to redeeming faith. I
am -able to say, '"Ohrist died for
'?thee"` W a" a '�caTCe "`to""'iai
£uin•ess.=that is, the outwork-
ing' of, faith-,7as, the basic in1-
puls.e of •• all our ..actions for
Christ's -sake.. "And . the 'apos-
tles said unto the Lord•, Increase
our faith." (St. Luke 17:5).
Mission: what is mine?'. Look
about .you -•see. -the .world -see
your fellowman •perishing in
ignorance. of imminent, .salva-
tion -•see the suffering of young
and old alike -see the stagnant
slumbering witness of .a 'once
virile and .urgent Christianity
and, can you 'not .discern your
mission? It is to humanity -
in the Name, of Christ -4e the
glory �f God -that all might
hear the Gospei�----tihen-reject
accept! The Missionary-
goes in a. spirit ;Of • love, hope,
consideration, compassion, sym-
pathy -not as a` judge' on .a
hi,gh�,-seat of. scorn -his mission
is •to help, `to; 'claim -and to se-
cure -,the lowest is not too low
111 0 `,e 11 $t, Wits the Lril i'ee1'e` Ui,t let t11��11 it be incorrect to suggest that
ill Yl>•• we consider iii order, Respons-
• '4\;ltrdelt Jewell is • a 'nth' with. the ibility, Loyalty, Faithfulness
fors1•ard look. 1Ie 'c'all 1►e counted 011 to and 1Viission? Let us try.
support „;lnythi.ng, havitlg-.•-til . dii'-�\vith_. the
future welfare.of Huron County in these
.rapidly changing .times.
tlow Will Goderi•e11 and Huron' County Failing, tliis,7 letters-Shotild be sent -to
celebrate the , 100th anniversary of. Con,. Mayor May Mooney • of God'eritli ',whom
tedel,tq lo11 in 1967, we know is looking for •ideas"• along"
While .this event of great national atorem.c'ntioned line. Former. residents
importance, is ttill some three years away, irctw living --ill--di�stattt -places are partic-
_ .._ t. ...._ , lx = t(3 aT,. 0111 1e-
lzot __ at -� ttt �A�o.. fit`_. S �}t
planning for m': The unified ate nee(T mt tiT d anw i i'tein ' leer idoas.
- a r g 1n )OsS-
' llilat ,
S• ',fort
rl l tai c,
1 a i
,The r
is ,rc�eas-.feasible ' iaea�s---f-ox• the suitable �C � „ i
recognition of Confederation within the.''esAing-ii °^n ' alclpilikill'::nevs.pa.pe.r•5 , ts'hich
bounds of Huron and the Town of °oder- are positively irreplaceable as far as aunt-
-telt •.
etltie local -his-torr"y--•-1 '-•.•eonee-feed.. --hes
, In -this' ntrtfetion,. many mends. are inelu.ie all. copies' of. Huron' Signal- of Jesus sums up the Mosaic Law
-worth-more'--t'ha�rr-.•7n -1 v--_41'ire^r;tr ire;'-.--€focicin.itrrh- •o•r•41rr7rt'tt't' 18G?.....,.th-e-- rea:r�..0,l 1,.. _....-.__or ...,.yI
' '��..a._ - � � ln�these words, •`... tl�ii� WIT'
• &oderich area residents -- as well as all , ,Confederation. , It 'includes a complete love the Lord thy God' with all
turner • residents of Goder•ich ..:migla.t report on _lac)W.-_Goderieh .c lelarated the thy heart, and'Svith ,all -'thy soul,
Well ,be giving, `the matter some thought first Doinini.oii-4 s on Jul}= 1, 467 -- and with all thy mind, and with
these days. ' The Signal -Star would be 'and a very in.te'rest111lM , account it is, too. all thy strength; . and ... thou
'Happy to publish letters from, its .readers This news story of 97 years ago Will be shalt love thy n,ergthbo.r as thy -
offering suggestions,. on how ,(Ioderich and re -printed ii The Signal -Star at some fiat- Thus, my nt. Mark
rk 12:30, 31).
" , • � self: (St. 1VIark
IIuron should observe-- Cbitediiration, "" tire (tate. " 'responsibility -is to a
Responsibility: What is mine?
When I look upon that majestic
Cross. on Calvary de I feel any.
drawing power that • calls. me to
live day upon day for HIM?
Let us call our responsibility
"personal." It involves' "me"
and "my Lord." It -brings into
true gperspect'ive tihat; as I dare
to call myself -"Christian;" 'I
find myself with 'k loving' duty
toward the One Who has re-
deemed me. It is not far-out;
Def us," He calks me .worship,
'pray. ., .
eand meditation. In •the
r •
Bible I find a Word that be-
comes the Living Word as God's
Spirit speaks through i In
tete New Testament, Christ
Person: the holy, saving, tend
A. ,measure 'of assistance' in connection sehobl purposes:•""•Goderieh might be e ig-
with capital ,expenditure ,on a sewage dis- ible for a loan of $100,000 or more. This
1)osal system'•here might• be fouled in - the, would not go very far on total cost of a
'Municipal Loah Fund set up- by the Dopii- sewage disposal plant, " judging from the
Ilion' government. Its purpose ,is to- enable -cost o f such tlllilgs el•se`\s:here, and a loan
Municipalities to undertake, or a( &cerate has to be repaid , eventually,. but if .one
projects which otherwise"' would not soon (warier. Were written off, the town ,Avolt1d'
'be proceeded lvith.' Assuming thr;t;the',gain substantially.
sewage project' would q,ual'ifyn, the bent i, • - • The 'tin li1nit is a • foriiliela•ble,„ diol
from using the flrnd would' be, first, a loty- 'perhaps ' insuperable obstaele. The ;sews-
er-t'hart-average, interest rate and, second1, age' paint; bas been listed'.as ii prOjec.t f01•
25% of the loan would be w 1 itten off- if the ,thiS year, but whether 01 not. ()ntario Mur -
project were .,completed .p'ri'vious to '1966. iei.pal Board approval for tyle outlay could
�"'�"""�~""�'�Pi�i'i�"r"""�tl f��""f"b'iiYl�""�`�°it�l�r'�i"`b;t�"ohm-••�'•lr�`'-o't)'t�'iri�'e�l�"i'lr••�•i°m�--•tb�•�I'rra�•e�---�•c��ri•trl�i'o;rt
Province, which administers the .loan tundl '`possible by,"the end• of nett year is Some -
?r municipality oohs h:orrovv lip to 20% of thing the e'oliln itIncl. y- think' worth wile
total annual tax •revnenue for g(•tiel'aL-_iiii(:l exploring.
n ` J
There must
�be some cold readers readers of.
this, 'newspaper who,, upon special oc'CO-
sions, Walked that corridor of Central
School 'leading to the teachers' room alicl
" lilzrar�'. ,A.s' a Corridor, itA was suffic:ierlt,
but now' the;•sartie space, or, 'part of :it.
houses.lhe office -Of Huron 1'ioneerilllusetuin
curator and staff: Kr. Neill; seldom "known
to use harsh language, de"s'cribed the setup
to county- council as ' .eonteniptible.-.
The mliseutn, •as he also said, is now
.a "lig 4placeend very widely- known,'
It has,something like 7;000 exhi'ui•ts, s iew ed
last year by 22,088 .p'ersoris.w Ifo pard'"' '417
to do "so. 1.70':,tire"' street, the .t+ounty reg-
i•stry office had revenue last year of $1$,089,
00, 000
1 ,
hut $15,7S0• was ,H'i'nt 'Oil the building. The
•'nitiseunl •etilrato1-. 1.110 emphasizes the need
for more room, realizes, that ati addition
will cost a lot of money, 'lint asks: "What
is tate llltr5•et1711 worth?"
"' It is an important' asset to tower -Panel
county, whether by dollar measurement or
otherwise. A1►v plan to provide additional
sphee ouglit to release the staff from "the
old Central ,School eorriclor, It is h rd to
'set money • value on the 'service
given brat. Neill, wlio through the years
has: llinTsa c9nstr o.. many.tmanyof the more
elaborate exhibit Internationally recog-
aized, 11 ,.shoulc. trot be withiiut lienor in 'lis
'0 \VI1 country.
50 Years ,Ado -7-491_14.L_____,,4,4
Victoria Victoria opera house Was
jammed to capacity for a public
meeting held in the interests
of the. Canada Temperance Act.
Alderman- :FY S, Spence 'of,-TOr-
-onbo was to.:.lyave been guest
• speaker but Was 'unable to come
due' to.. illness. Instead, Dr.
Abraham of Toronto; was guest
"You tan Make what laws
you like, but Aen you: Make
laws which affect; lny personal
liberty, 'I'll snap my finger at
them," `stated John Ransford,
who presided at a' pablic 'meet-
'ing held in _opposition to- the
,"Canada Temperance 'A''ct. ' This
meeting, also at Victoria opera
house, was hold the night fol-
' fawing the mooting 'held by the
• Canada Temperance Act:
30 Years Ago --19$4-. ,
,George Schaefer was elected
chairman- -of -the School •Board
for t1934: Mr. E. C. Beacom was
•'-appointed-be the;Publ?ic Library.
Board and G. L. Parsons was
re -appointed to the Goderieh
Collegiate ,Board
Mrs, J. Calvin Cut., was elect-
ed `president' of --the ,Victoria
�, . - `I•I ntY" i e '�isd"_ :."se';h�tfl "�.inlr:._ :. _
. •vice-presidents;; were Mrs, J, ed with the Robert Park Mem-
emory's Lan
•-15,, Y=earAgo
'An advertisement in The
Huron Signal offered .a re-
ward, of $400 to- anyone ap-
prehending John Bignali. Mr.
Bignell was the Superintend
ent of co;in'inon schools in the
HuronDistric•t,- who, abscond-
ed with a large sum of public-.
money, incitrding that to be
;.•paid to teachers as salaries.
He -'was, described in part as
"very round in his shoulders,
haughty in, his address, and
about' 50• yrs of age.
liowar•dr Mrs., R, Bisset and Mrs.
s'.almer, 'while the secretary was,
Mrs: James. Hume,
15 Years Ago -1949
The annual . congregational
mceting of Knox Presbyterian
OHS! Medal at the "graduation
nigh-t'''--v%-Victori -"dome• a'nd
School Association. , At Central
1'kiblic School, Ted Howell was
presented with the silver medal
for highest standing-in'the June
entrance exairninkions:
10,Y•ears Ago -1954
After eight years'of waiting,
Huron County 'Council decided
it would tear down 'the old
Court House and build a iiew
one starting in 1955. The vote
was 26 -to three in favor of the
er, sovereign Person of Al-
mighty Godas His . grace is,
channeled .to me in His Only be-
gotten Son. '
Loyalty: what is mine? This
is the stuf'f" that gives:backbone
to responsibility. Responsibil-
ity apart .from ,loyalty can be
a stern taskmaster rather than
an insatiable love toward the
Father. We must want to de
the things we do in the Name
of Jesus Christ. It i°s when -our
loyalty is slack that our - xe-
sponsibility becomes onerous,
arid dull ---Loyalty is a sense of
the soul • in ,which warmth is
present ,towad -- the object of
The death- °tourred at the
Toronto East General'. Hospital
Aiwa*. 16th of Harry Lawrie,
74, father of Mrs. 'Trevor Orm-
andy of Goderieh, , Mr;. Lawrie
had lived for a period °of thre.o
year in G.odertch " with the
Ormandys. Formerly of Ham-
ilto); he was a salesarian° with
the Imperial , Tobacco Company
for 45 years. °
4His , wife-- predeceased hint.
'Another daughter survives be-
sides -Mrs. Orrnandy: Mrs. Don
aid (Orma) Stewart of Dundas.
the funeral service was held
at Hamilton, on Jan. 18th. In-
terment was in Hamilton ceme-
tery. '
* .r• rr
''After a, long' illness, William
"oi r'itas i'oi---' 'lte' tiisr~'rples g fir-= the- effort -olid- Mime- �:v>
int down to Ernrnaus felt. that Christ's servant -it is a : 24 -
warmth' in C'hrist's. Presence hour calling -per, day -and the
that "heat, of affection" object is to make knownthe un -
must betranslated into our at- searchable riches of • • Jesus:
titude toward the One,§to Whom- Christ never backed away frotn
we feel loyal. It is when, the any situation - -He empowers
road gets tough that our loyalty His ambassadors with inspires
is, most sorely tried. It' is in lion to confront any -situation
the days of affliction and trial in His .Naive. "For the Son
that loyalty soars- to. its highest of •man is come to save that
heights as we battle in Christ's which was lost," .,(St. Matthew
Name for the salvation' of the 18:I1): ' ' : ` '
World. "•'or'"where your. treas.-. Four, words = Responsibility,
ure, is, there' will your, heart, Lbyai.ty, Faithfulness, Mission -
be 'also." , (St. Matthew 6:21), and a New Year! What about
Responsibility plus loyalty gives those days that lie ahead?
Christ Anglican Church- at,
Port Albert was 'planni'tig, to re-
place the -60-year-old, organ in
the church with a modern, elec-
tric one. - Selected 'to study ,the
proposition.. • were ,Mrs.. Roy
Petrie, 14, Adam's and Walter,
One Year. Ago -196a '
• Bill Elliott an Wallace Mc-
"b.urcli. was (conducted by the Douga11,. -district trappers, pick -
minister, Rev. R. G. MacMillan, ed up, $28 in bounty money for
. Geo.rge W. Sch!a.efer was• chair-
man of --the -b'usi-nes•s••-meetin'g
-;vhile II., J. A. �MacEwan ' was
secretary. It was reported that-
$16,500 had been raised during in. baby sitting. Yii�,sti'i'us'truc-
theyear for all purposes, " tion period was taken by Miss
-,_.M.a.i ilyn-�I-urger-tw-a�s••-present- Vivian Adair and the -next by
:Miss Clare McGowan.
ASHFIFLU. Mr`s. ,:("e0r a farmed on the Kintail_ sideroad.
Collinsen, is a patient in Gode>
rich hospital. "
' Mr. .and Mrs. William •. Jahn -
son attended the'' wedding of
their elder soli'; John, to Lor-
raine`,Sanford in Hamilton on
Saturday. Other guests 'includ-
ed Allan Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
Stuart MacLennam- and family,
-arid--•Mr---a ire-•M•r••s:•--Fred--•-M
Gregor: ,
Death of John Cowan
A valued member of this com-
munity died last Thursdayin:
the 'person' of Jon Cowan at
the age of 76. Born here, he
until three years ago when he
retired to Cortinna. ..He was a
member of 'Ashfield Presbyter-
ian. Church. Rev. Neil 'Mac-..
Cornbie conducted the funeral
service . on Saturday, in , Mac-.
Kenzie's Memorial ' 'Chapel,
Lucknow. Survivors are, his
wife,' the former.' Eatith Ta)lor;
ire -&ons-•-•Dainid, --cor1 lna; --On
daughter,, Mrs. Sabi (Marion)
MacQuillin, Galt; two brothers,
'Mervin, Greensboro, N.C.; Arn-
old, Toronto; one sister, Mrs.
Ewart Jamieson, Lttektfbw,' nrrd�
several grandehildhen.
Alfred Craig, 72, died Tuesday
in Alexandra Hospital. His par-
ents were the late William and
Lily Chambers, Craig. A life-
long resident of oderich;• Mr.
Craig operated a :service sta-
tion here for many, years, • His
wife, the former Sarah Jane
Sanderson, died in 1960. •
Surviving are one -son„ John
01 oderich; two �"'dlawghters',
Mrs. William
land, Goderich, and Mrs. John.
(Patricia) Cameron, Toronto;
two brothers, Joseph oCraig of
Goderieh and - Harry of Glen-
dale, Calif.; seven grandchild-
��d erne•-great•grandelrild.
The funeral service was held
on Thursday .afternoon of last
week at the Lodge funeral home
.with Rev. E. J. B. Harrison of
Trinity Anglican Church, Bay-
field, officiating. Interment
was in Maitland cemetery.
A resident of •Goderiei for
(11'•ye�anS, Mary Jane i,I1ac 79,
cl%ed sudder4y :•at her, Toronto
street home ;ono Surld.ay. Born'
,in Wentworth' County,. she was,
a daughter of the fate Samuel
'funis and gl the forger Susan
McDowell. 7 Her husband, • 'the
late Harr ,T. -..Black,` died ,in
1958. '.Mrs. 13iadk was a mem-
ember of Knox Presibyterian-
,Survrvin-g - are one son, Wit-
lto mhondoo two.. datt h
1 isa; Worthy Black, Goderi•ch;�
ivIr., Donald E. (Evelyn) Mac-
Gregor, Grimsby; and sitc.lgrand.
ltev. G. L. Royal officiated at
the funeral service "len Tuesday
afternoon at the Lodge funeral
home. Interment was :in . Mait-
land cemetery.
The- funeral ,was held last
Friday Oat Stiles funeral ;home
for Mrs.- Alice 'Patience .(Rosie)
Welsh, 86, whose death occur-
red at. Alexandra Hospital, on
January 21st -,Tofte -•»a month's..
f1. H'ar
•;Einess. r
Of Bayfield conducted' the ser-
vice. Interment was in Mait-
land Cemetery. Y
Born, in Somersetshire, Eng-
land, -she Dame to Canada in
1885 and lived at Taylor's,,,Cor-
1901 to Loftus Welsh, who died
in 1957. Mrs. - Welsh Was. ;a
member of , •St. George's Ani
gIic'an Gliur,, ,and of the •Kins-
rnen •''Club's • ctogenarian •ltib:
Surviving, ar•e.fourr'daughters,-
Katherine, Mrs. Beatrice Ruddy
and Mrs '.11 s4 (Evelyn) Patter. -
and Airs.
Soviet of Auburn;
1a�irl,on 13an�ks of
Wino grAndchild-
The 'community of Assiniboia,
Sa$kateliewan, \las sad -LI ned to
learn of the'suddfn passing of
Mary Evelyn Cobbe, on January
8th, 1964. < •
Daughter of the late Mr. and
un an-
Barkley o
f D
Mrs. Johntea_ Dungan-
•- Y .
non, Ontario, she was born at
Belfast, Ontario, and irr, 1918
married Joseph Co:bbe oI Lim-
erick, Saskatchewan, where'they
lived until their ietirement in
1951. to Ass•iniboia.'
Predeceased by her husband
in 1,56; she leaves to mourn
her passing, three sons,- Bill,
John, and Gienn Cobbe Of Lim-
erick; two daughters, ,Noreen
(Mrs. A. LaBrash) ,of Oshawa,
Ontario; Anne (Mrs. G. Francis)
of Moose' Jaw, Sskatehewan; 12
grand'c'hildren, and one,- 'sister,
son lo-£. Goderieh Carl
(Alice SVlary) Go
one brother, Sa
, xiglarid; alslo
ren aril 13 gree
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killing seven red. :foxer-w'hieh ,
- they -rad 'trapped.
Twantyfoirr• 'caii-didates. had
registered to take the course •
c�► 05abrrirh fttutt-Ittr
-0- The- County Town Newspaper of, Huron -F-•-•-
Published at Qoderich•, .On.tario every Thursday Morning by
Signal -Star Publishing' Limited '
GEO. L, PIUS, President • l;
and Publishei.•
S. F. Hills, Plant Supt.
' R
117th Year of
Publication r
G. SHRIER, Viec-President •
and Advtg. Mgr,
Mentlser ,of ,C.W•1V.A.., O:W.N.A., C.d,N,R., and Ad3.C. m
dS^obscription Rates $4 a year. To U.S"A.,:$5 (In Advance)
0 Author ed as Second Miss vaii, Yost Office Dept., -
Ottawa and for Payment of Postage in Cash.
Youll Be
ow Little It Costs When We
• i
Is the, ring that your diamond is set •in out -of
style? Is ypuri stone loose? Why not come in and
have us check youri, diamond and make sure.it is
tight and if you like we will give you a price
on having your stone- reset in a new 'setting.
Featuring Style and Securi;t -
'a c� ;6� E.
EAST STREET (Opp. the ' Post'; Offices) ,
IV£argarat (Mrs. Richard Gard-
ner) f'orme11y of IeticknoW, Ont. -
Chapel service was hold in
Assiniboia, and,.uneral� Service
on January 10th was held hi
me r i e k •Trinity United
Church„ eondu'cted , bjt Rev. V"
Watkinson. Interment was in •
Hill.erest cter 1, . Limerick,
e .me ., Y
A portrait, "Tlie' Meticulous
Mr, Wi
exhibited at the Hiram Walke
Historical Museum at Windsor,
The painting was loaned for the
exhibit by a- great-granddaugh-
ter ,now living at Goderieh,_ Mr.
Wilkinson ' was ,a pioneer ''t)f
Essex County. In February of
1848, Mr. Wilkinson walked
from Sa-ndwich, now a part of
Windsor,, to Goderich. His notes
on the trip- recounted that the
roads were "hard," or difficult.
He is- buried in Sit. John's An-
glican Churchyard in the old
torn of Sandwich,
British Mortgage
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