HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-11-5, Page 5"August J. FI.GREIVE Flower" The Hon. J. W. Fennimore is the Sheriff of Kent Co., Del., and lives at Dover, the County Seat and Cap- ital of the State. The sheriff is a gentleman fifty-nine years of age, and this is what he says : "I have " used your August Flower for sev- " eral years in my family and for my own use, and found it does me more good than any other remedy. I have been troubled with what I "call Sick Headache. A pain comes " in the back part of my head first, " and then soon a general headache " until I become sick and vomit. " At tittles, too, I have a fullness " after eating, a pressure after eating " at the pit of the stomach, and "sourness, when food seemed to rise " up in my throat and mouth, When "1 feel this coming ou if I take a " little august Flower it relieves "me, and is the best remedy I have a` ever taken for it. For this reason "I take it and recommend it to other's as a great remedy for Dys- "pepsia, .e." C? G. G. GW'EEN, Sole Manufacturer, WeAbury, New Jersey, 11. S. Before you buy) your; Fall o ,Winter Clothing Call and examine the large and well -assorted stock of (auna'iien Paoilio railway Statement of earnings Ano expenses •.—Brost! earnings- September, VOL $1,835,- 058,42; I,S3.a,O5 ,42; January 1 to September 30, 1891, $14,2S2,699,97 ; working expen- ses, September 1891 $1,010,417,90 ; January 1 to September 30, 1891. $9,- 119,913.17; 9,-119,91i 17; Clot protlta, September 1S i1, $•25,210,40, January 1 to Sep- teuibor It:, 1831, $;i,I62,7;6,S0. In September, ISM the net protitsiRero and from January 1 to Septetnher 30, 1840. there Ives a not profit, of $4,233,W1,82. The gain is not profits over the 641110 period Leet year is. therefore, for September, S11u0$'>,0$, and from January 1 to September 30, 59+.i:4,422,0S. UNITED VAT R'. Typhoid to epidemio in Portland, Maine. Thirty families were burnt out at 13 aterviile, Me., on Sunday night. Prairie Gres aro stili raging in the Western anti Northwestern States. A series of brutatmurders have been perpetrated recently in Georgians, Alt:. The yearling trotter Bell Bird failed to equal her record Tuesday. Palo Alto reduced his record to 2.00&. Reports of the murder of several white mlasionaries and traders by South Sea Islanders hayq reached San Iran. ciao'. (`. F. Bliss, the proprietor of the Bede hotel, .Peekskill, N, Y., was murdered :Monday afternoon by ii. E. Betts, of Brooklyn. Incomplete returns of the State elections indicate that McKinley has been elected Gevernor of Ohio, that the Democrats still hold New York and that the Republicans have recap. tussal the 'iovernor8hip of Massachu- netta. .Fine Worsted Suitings Rite &eote1i, Tweed " Canadian " Also all the leading colors and patterns in Overcoat,ngs All will be made upin first-class style at prices away below the lowest. Remember we guarantee a coop FIT or no sale.—Give lace a call. J. H. GRIEVE rc cc tutor RC! Mills, 500 CORDS Wood Wanted! DELIVERED) AT VIE MILL F'or which we will pay high- est market prices. TU1 RXIuT'ort 11i.I[JLINo Goy• MARKET REPORTS.. EXETER ItedWheat .., .,. sprang Wheat ,.. . ,,. Barley ... Oats... .., Clow or Seed .., Pena - Corn ... Eggs ,.. Batter ... Plonrperbbl ., f'otatoes,per bushel 4pples,per oeg PriedAppleppr b Geese perlb, Turku per lb llueltapet lb olhickensperpr Rogs,dressedper1C4) Beef .., ffidesrongil, ,.. dressed .„ sheepskins each Calfsklne Woo/ perils ... fiarperten Onionsnerbnel� Woodpe€aorel Have You Hoar atria description of rheumatism and neuralgia ? "Put your hand in a vise, turn the vise until you can't bear another turn, and that'a rheumatism give it another turn that's neuralgia." And atilt you'll gaffer these tortures when tor 25 cents you can buy a bottle of 41NMMID'S LINIMENT and be relieved, English St'awin Linin entretuovea ell herd, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blond Spavin, Cama, Splints. Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Seraioe, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs. eta. Cave $50 by use of one bottle, War- ranted the most wouderftil Blemish Cure over knowu. Sold by C, I,ut.. 0.29.1y "diner i'e Liniment Is the hast. oz::rl:Ral,. Mrs Parnell's condition is becoming very serious. The cabin in which Sitttpg Bull was killed is to be exhibited in the World's Fair. Snow and frost are reported in many parts of Great Britain and the Europ• can continent. Timothy Healy, M. P., was publicly horsewhipped in Dublin Tuesday by a nephew of the late Irish leader. The residence of the Prince of Wawa, which was burnt ou Sunday, was Sandringham Hall in Norfolk, not Marlborough House, as reported ,,Ion - day. A dispatch from Yokohama says that according to an official estimate 4,000 persons were killed by the repent earthquake, 5,030 injured and 5,000 houses were destroyed. No Europeans were Trilled. The Sandwich Islands alphabet has 12 letters , the Burmese, 19; Italian, 20, Bengalese, 21; Hebrew, Syrian, Chaldee and Samaritan, 22 each ; French, 23, Greek, 24; Latin, 25; Ger- man, Dutch and Engliah, 26 each; Spanish and Sclavonic, 27 each; Arabin 28; Persian and Coptic, 32; Georgian, 35; Armenian, 38; Russian, 41 ; Mus- covite, 43; Sanskrit and Japanese, 50 ; Ethiopic and Tartarian haye 202 each. London, October 31.--A private de- spatch received here from Japan says that the loss of life by the recent earthquake, which shook the island of Hondo and other places, is estimated to be very great. Over 2,000 persons were killed and about 25,000 houses destroyed in the Province of Nagoya, on the island of Hondo, the capital of whict: is Nagoya -a city of 130,000 in- habitants, L, addition to the forego- ing, 5,000 houses were destroyed and 5,000 persons were killed by, an earth- gna1re in Gifa. The towns of Kano and Kasamantsu are also reported to nave been destroyed, together with fifty miles of railroad. It is presumed that the fire, which started among the Wrecked buildings at Nagoya, may have a great deal to do with the great loss of life. As the loss of life of Kano and Kasamantsu is not mentioned, and these towns aro said to have been des- troyed, it is estimated that the total loss of life may eventually be ahowu to be over 10,000. 1�. strayed from the premises of the undersigned lot 7. con 10. Ilay on or about clay last, two yearling heifers -both red.aae hese white spot ora forehead, they have each a ring in the rigTet ear, well to the eentrct eoli,awine inside and out. Any person etvin information as to their whereabouts willbesuitably rewarded. Dater, Tae 1�istia, ec15-Im ood 11IS FAMILY DID NOT ENO V HIM. A Belleville man has for years bean hent and crippled with a lame bask, but after try ing the OR, Kidney cure, he eoule w.,1'c like a boy again and his neiehhors could hardly iecognize him. This remedy is for sale by all druggists and the OR •Company, Bell, - elle.--a, 6 TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed tenders addrerood to the undersigned will he received b,' the caunoil of the inunieipa- hitr er liar. on orabofore the 21st day of No- vember,1, 91, at the hour of 1u la. in., for the construction of th&'llay Ssrarnp Drains " Pull Particulars may bo had from; and plans.apeei- tientions, eta.,ntay bo seen at the at➢ee of S Box35.Zurioh P. 0. Saar J. LATrx, Clerk. 2 Ont, c or Farn'1iEss,Reovo oc22-4t of the Township ofllay- xterckinEHAuse SNELL BROS,' Go, Having commenced our Fall Trade we will buy HOGS- DRESSED OR ALIVE. Dressed hogs bought subject to the fol- lowing rules : 2 lbs per cut off ; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck ; 3 lbs off for bung gut or gullett if (cit m. We are also prepared to supply our ens tomers at the Peeking House with all kind of Cured Meat, Sausage, Bologna, Head Cheese, Fresh Pork, Tenderloin, Spare Ribs Lard and Hams, Wholesale and Retail Exeter Music Store PERKINS & MARTIN. 88 to 90 883.too 94;J 28 to 23 46')to4;0 1 44) to 1 4e 67 tq 57 OdUtq 6U 14 to 15 14tpth:A 40toaIS' «. 50 to 05; .«, le C0 to 1 UO ,.. 0 4toQOQ ... Q05to0Ca «» 07 to Cr „. 4 06 to 0 67 N. 025to030 „ 500to525 4 00 to 5 25 400toi50 ., 0000to025 „. 060t0 70 "0 la to 0 s „:606 to 9 W 060to060 ". 2a)ta3o0 aT.x,�axs � Fall wheat .... ............................. 84 94 Ospring lylheat,,.. ,.. . . ............ 8a 93 aats�y 0 030 2. Clover Seed 3 7r. 4 :i Timothy ., „1 1 ac Peas ,,.....,.... Q N6 0 6; . Forest City Business Cotte g ligea . ................ ...' ,..... ,.....,,.... 14 0 15 Butter 13 Q 14 Petaatoe► Per bat:.., Apples per hash 050 Woo) porlb 19 0 1 1teT PertOn ,. S Olt ;i 419 Aran per ton................................14 alta 14 fit OatmealperbbL,,... 61G07 010 Iloga,dressed per 1,00. „ .... 6 DO to a tri LONDON. Wheat. 91to fel per ons. Oat,', to 31rerline. Peas.5hc to 57e per bus. Bar. lor.Mnitin& 47i to ,ie z.er bus. Marley Feed. Silo to 4''c per bus Corn. tyle to 61.e pe r. bushel. ----,► TORONTO, Toronto, Nor, 4 ;-Wheat Spring -No. Mlle tis -.e per bus; rod wtnter.Nu 1. 115e to OGeper bus. Manitoba No 2 hard.1 .7 to 1 O8 No.3, 99c to lot : PEAS Cale to ale per bus. t1ATh 314 to 36e per bus. FLOUR. extra. $4 CO to 144.10 par hot; straight roller. 14. 20to $1,2s :drone bakere.44.0D to $S.W. BARLEY, No 1, feeding, .• a to We. We have constantly on hand a largo display of the best PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING MACHINES, BICYCLES and SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Persons anticipating thpurchase of any- thing in the above lines will do well to call at the store. We guarantee satisfaction, and pri oes as low as can be b ad at the manufactories We would respeotfuliy ask you to pall and see our stook. It is as fine as will be found in any city music store. P.S.-Agents for all kinds of agrioultural implements. STAND :-Fanson's Block, Exeter. Did you see our stock of FINE 'GOTS and SHOES That we have nut in the store ono door south of the Post Office? Now it is worth your while to give us n look, Wo will show you through. Wo have all the Finest Lines of Ladies' and (lents' Shoes made in Canada, and guarantee they are right as far as wear and value goes. If you want a real nice shoo, something that it, is a pleasure to wear, come up and see ours. Besides our fine line we also carry a largo and well assorted stock of Boys' and Misses' Shoos for school wear, also Men's Working Shoes and Knee Boots AWAY DOWN 1N PRICE. A11 our goods are guaranteed good. and as we wish to build un a TRADE and KI1E.P IT, we aro selling CSEaP for CASH.' Children's. Misses' and Ladies' To Slippers and Oxford Ties for summer in all the new shades. Bring in your girls and buy them a pair of School Shoes. They are dandies. Give us a call. You aro we:corn- GEO. MANSON, Nearly a million dollars has been sub- scribed for the erection of a temperance temple in Chicago, and the moat of this money was scoured through the personal efforts of Mrs. Carse, who has a genius for collecting funds. Her plan is to do her soliciting just after her quarry has had a good dinner. I11ost men are is a generous frame of mind about that time, it appears. —AND— Snarthand Institute, LONDON, ONT., Is without doubt the most Taoaoaos and merman institution in CANADA.: GEM:TATES of both sexes Assxsrxp To good rosrriose, Over fifty of last season's students in positions. CATALOGUE 1FREE. W.'ES"TI'ERVELT, PRINCIPAL, FARMER BROS. WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS Wine tt, t plrii, merchants,. EX TER, - ONTARIO. Holmfield, Man-, Feb. 14, 1590. W. M. Comseocc, Brockville, Ont. Dear Sir -For 12 years my wife was a martyr to thatdread disease, dyspep• sia. Nothing releaved her, physiolans were consulted and medical skill tried without avail, One doctor advised a change of alienate, suggesting Manitoba as a desirable plane. We anted upon this advice, coming here two years ago. The change of climate wro}rght a change indeed, but for the worse, ab she was soon confined to bed, and un- der the care of two doctors, who assert- ed she could live but a month longer. A neighbor came to see her one day who had been reading your AImanac. She told her of the testimonials she read in it, of the great amount of good they were doing, and advised her to try a box of Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. She did so, was relieved, kept improving and is now able to do house work, and continues the use of Morse's Pills. Yours gratefully, GEo. Drew. ' ',EE ABT9S 'WORM POWEvER.t_ Are pleasant to t,:ke. Contain tboir ova Purgative. Is a sol^, 0 rr. a::d effectual 44Nltiroyer of worms in Children or Adults; Happy Prize 'Winners OP the afternoon of Tuesday, Sept. let, the street opposite the Dominion Lubora- tory wee blocked by boys and Girls made happy by prizes drawn by pnrehases of School Books and Supplies at Browuing's Book and Drug Store. The following is a partial list of the winners ;- Ticket ?'.o.47--WillieClarke. Beautiful Napkin Ring in Satin and Gold Covered Case Na.212-Eddie Crocker. Teapot stand 216t --Bottle of Perfume \o 2 -Norbert liendford Dress Fan els--Miss hunter tl'sborne) Packet Bible ^i 4 John: aekreau. Mag;e$latoCleaner .Jr. - Iluelt ttould. Pocket N eoes; airio 75 R.li:inanan, Polished lukStand le0--Wain Eros ks. Set Silver linife:Fork,Speen e7--Necklnen 131 -Jessie t'reeoh, handsome Dress Fan +1-A'nier Nelson, icllolaraCompanion 210--Eddiot.racker,LaerosseStick or bottle of Florida Water 77---R. Kinsman. Go -Cart 17 -Louis Maiming. Stenecopo complete with number of handsome photographic views PAS -Eddie Cracker.Splash Breoka, Scholars Companion with Lock 23n -Thigh Gould, Go'Cart 217 -Miss Iluntertl'sbornel Fish Pond Game 212• -Fruit Basket 66 --'ilea, Clarke. Necessairo 2l Mise Ranter, Cut Glass Weight 201 -Eddie Dignan., stamp album 230--I1ugh Mould. Ladies Companion 8-kaidict'rocker, Whitewood Money -box 10 -Louis Maiming, Magic locket -book 20 -Sylvester I,acre, t, Robber Ball 6.; -.-Wm Brooks Fruit Basket 44-Jo11nMania Slate cleaner e 'v' 0 t tt„-ret!:. Hand -painted splash 2.11 -Emily tionld. Mother of Peart Purse 431 --henry Guaid, Fountain ken 7C-B.Iiinirsan-lteiewood Writing Desk. BOYS ! terIRT.LS ! All should buy their Sch000l hooks and Supplies at Browning's and secure a chance of aPrize at the best great drawing. All Goods Sold at}Lowest Prices and the chance for a prize thrown in. Don't miss getting tickets -free to pur- ehasers of School Books. The prizes at the next alrawiag will far surpass those `given out at the last. DOMINION LABORATORY, Main-st,Bxeter OO 'S COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully us- ed monthly by tliovsaads of LAMS. Is the only perfeot ly safeand reliable medicine discovered. Beware of un- principled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this.. Ask for Coon's CoTrore ROOT CO„P°UND,take no substitute ; or inclose $1 and 4 three -cont Canada postage stamps in letter, and wo will send, sealed, Shy return mail. Full sealed particulars in:plain envelope. to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond Lily Company No, 1 Fisher Block,131 Woodward ave.,Detroit, 6tioh. Sold in Eretor by DR• I,UTZ, Oen trul Drug Store and by alt druggists everywhere, DISEASES OF Of all Ages, resulting from Errors or Indiscre- tions of Youth, may bo permanently oured,and the vigor of perfect manhood fully rostored,as NERVOUS DEBILITY, STERILITY with SEMINAL LOSSES & PREMATURE DECAY Long Standing cases of GLEET, STRICTURE SYPHILIS, V ARICOCELE and all PRIVATE and CHRONIC Diseases treated with perfeot success. Our field is in CHRONIC CASES in which others have failed ; if you are inourable wo will frankly tell you so. Write forpartionlare and treatise; Free, to ST, LOUTS MEDICAL Co., 162 and 1,4 Ting-Strect. West, Toronto, Ont. s3:6m HURRAH ! Nzvor Tailor Shop ENLARGED TO - 16 PAGES WEEKLT IR`CD>F2 1892 AND BALANCE OF 1891 THE MAST LIBERAL OFFER EVER MADE.. We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on the shortest possible notice and in the Latest Steles -AND A. - Sure Fit Guaranteed. W. JOHNS. NO FAKES! NO CHEAP BOOKS i NO JACK-KNIVES! SCISSORS OR CATCH -PENNY OFFERS! BUT A CLEAN, WHOLESOME FAMILY NEWSPAPER UPON ITS MERITS. Commencing with the issue of 7th October Tin WEEKLY GLOBE will contain sixteen pages instead of twelve pages as heretofore, making it the largest and best family newspaper in Canada, Every effort will be devoted to making it BRIGHT, READABLE, ACCURATE and INTERESTING in all its departments. Special pains will be taken with its Agricultural. Pages, and MORE S'1ACE WILL BE DEVOTED TO SELECT READING FOR TATO FAMILY. SUBSCRIBERS WHOSE ORDERS ARE RECEIVFI) PREVIOUS TO 31st DECEMBER, 1891, WILL HAVE TIIE PAPER S::NT TIIE'M UNTIL CLOSE OF 1592 FOR THE ONE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION. mEANsIInozlths of a l6-pagefor �ITH s every 011e «rho subscribes now. AGENTS WANTED INALL UNREPRESENTED DISTRICTS. For terms, address Hardware, Stoves —AND— TINWARE FOR 60 DAYS ! 0 Heating Stoves -away down. -Coal and Oven ; Double Heaters, - See the .Art Amherst. AXLS, HINGES, NAILS, LOCKS, ETC, Everything in Tinware, Cheap: Boilers, Pails, 'Dippers, Milk - Pans, Graniteware, &c. Sheepskins, Hides, Wool Pickings, Old Iron &c. , taken in trade. Four Gallons Coal Oil for 65ets. W.H. MONOGR, J. N. HOWARD, 11Qaler• Prop. THE GLOBE, TORONTO.. HISSETT B.ice L OS. -- TO THE FRONT. -- The cheapest plane in town to by Builders' Hardware, Halls, Hinges Locks, Glass, Putty, Paints and. Oils. Nevtstock of the celebrated Johnston's Liquid Paints—Showy Cohrs. New lines el Artists' Paints and Brushes. Barbed, Plain, Strip. Black and Galvanized \Vires cheap for Cash. Tinware Stock Complete. – Eavetroughing a Specialty New Raymond Sewing Machines and N. tulles GIVE US A CALL—, $X E $11` $ FARC FOR SALE. eubaoribor offers her farm, eon tainJug 100 acres bong lot 2. in the '2nd con of Hay township, for sale, 80 acres cleared, good bush, splendid Rater, 21 miles from Exeter, convenient to schools and churches. Will he sold on reasonablo terms. Apply on the premises or to Mrs, Rant. Murray,Hay P. 0, Sept. $-2m :molly is Wahl GET RICH , QA.LES`IAN WANTED To tai:eerdersforourwarrautetl NUIl>ri1Y STOCK to be delivered in thospring. A,rents etartingNOW can make ;big Salary, or Com- mission. St .ek andvariety superior tc, any- thing heretofore shipped, Outfit audins true- ttonsfurnished ERNE. Write at once for terms to E.0.14ILAif LMI, Nr'nar•,arntair, Sp 1.9t Toronto, Our. By buying your Fall and Winter Goods at DOUPE'S (,;HEAP STORE, KIR] i ON New Goods in Every Department. Come yourself and bring your friends and you will find what a low price really means in Highest Grade Goods of Honest Ottality. DOUPE 86 CO., Kirkton. !ahnaIi Styles ! New Fall Goods Just .Arrived. New Velveteens. Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths, Prints. Table Linens. Shirtings. Cottons. Cashmere Hose. Cashmere Gloves Kid. Gloves. • Corsets. Cottonades. J. MATHE SON, HAY P.O. - EXETER NORTH. Persuasive 0 0 lJ Prices PRODUCE • Positive Profits. Good Beds from .$2 00 and up. Full lied -room Suites from $10 and up. Sideboards from $7 50 and up. A Solid Walnut Side- board for $13 and up. Extension Tables from $6 and up. Platform Rockers, uphol- stered, from $3 755 up. Woven Wire Mattresses from $2 25 and up. Hall Flat Stands from $5 and up. Solid Carved Oak Bed. room Suites, antique finish, at 335, cheap Here They are These are Scorch- ers. THE BEST YET 1 And are only for 80 Days THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET 1 Best Ordered Clothing piodnced in Exeter Gentlemen I leave your orders early, for with the beat staff of Tailors ; the best a house, at prices to make yon buy. stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, yen are sure of satiate°. ' tion In order to make room for New Stook soon to arrive. We have our premises packed full and are short for room. Parlor Suites, Dining Suites, Beetroot Suites, Kitchen Spites --all away down. Window Shades, Coruioe Poles, Pillow Mattresses, everything you want to iprnis (a IDLL-:Y'S Pioneer Furniture Store, e ODDFEL' LOWS BLOCK