HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-12-23, Page 15lei ►QO0 Be )py THE TH:U...MB ' bY, 4, MacLood Rosa , r WHAT WAS A ROBIN? The news that the Olive Cres- cent Moth ,has been rediscover- ed after anabsence of 100 Years probably 'leaves the vast major- ity of people quite cold and 'un- responsive. Twenty years ago the Scarce- Hookup moth dis- be said to be 14 ager t�f tinetion,, A few have been re• (Weed— . -- , - O)ldition p`- by slaughter but, the 'majority is disappearing as` fast as. the par. ocular kind of coentcy uuey need for existence is'disappear. 'i All this is 'at' the han4S of man; as' oftens riot by mis- takeor- ignorancee or uncoa' • sciousness of what a given area supports which is , net alway& visible to the casual eye. There is no earthly .reason why the child'' of 2Q00 AA mould have to ask lois' question about the - rabble but only if enough people' are prepared to take a little -trouble. ' Some losses may be inescapable, some species May disappear bit, with an effort, many can be saved and a place in the sun kept for thein.. Conscience, ingenuity and A1ove all, foresight (and not that on a rifle) will provide the means; for to' destroy their habitat is as unnecessary as to pull down /t grbat cathedral in order to grow potatoes oh the site. The above presents what is largely a world view of conserv- ation but for those who have eyes to perceive, the arguments in favor of conservation, all hold here in Huron. Are we willing to blot out the Lake sunsets with __shanty towns?- Are --we' determined ` to desecrate our Parks? Will we always be apathetic to. Conservation Boards? Must we foul our own nests? I going to the Glousher mill for The World Wildlife Fund is the modern Noah's Ark, situated at 2 Caxton Street, London S.W. 1. Like its chairman, Peter Scott, on whose.: article the fore- going is based, we refuge to believe that this ,is really "The End of the Game." lished a book: The End of the Game, dramatically written and beautifully illustrated by his own photographs, which deals with the precarious situation of wildlife in Africa,, In South Africa game w'as wiped out same years ago, en masse and i'$ being painfully reintroduced appeared, from Leigh Woods in new that the loss is realized Somersetshire because the small and regretted. What will be done by. the newly independent leaved lime it fed on was fell- Africans 1n areas where poach- ed. The decision to 'build a ing if rife? `hey aim to pre. promenade at St. Armes, Lance- serve everything in the country shire disposed of the grassy which, will yield wealth and breeding ground of the Sand- wildlife represents very great hill Rustic moth, while the New wealth for them. Forest Burnet both yeas ousted Every baby half grown leo• by heath fires 40 years ago. pard carries a .price of $200 on These are some minor resultsits'l�fli':""";`pia, the fashion 'for of what is known as .the human their skins is popularized, the population , explosion, for there rarer they4 get and prices rise. will be , twice as many of us. As prides rise the hotter the mitt Business Directory + 'Real Estate Agent RIUTH VAN DER MEER DIAL 524-7875, Goderich Agent For WILFRID McINTEE REALTOR Walkerton FOR THE BEST IN PORTRAITS CALL, PHONE OR WRITE DAY” OR NIGHT Stan Hadden Roy N. Bentlev PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Dial 524-9521 118 St. David Street DIAL 524-8787 DONN 11il�'�. RO Dee 1 ` h e C�, December er xne ing - of the =W. Was held on Tneaday afternoon at ;the bonne of Mrs. Murray,good att.Wilson endar�yyuee. The call to worship wwas.was.w.US F o : g iycn-;by�tlilra,! ::est Sn delx.,wia6 had charge of the mirngraui. "Angels from the realms of glory„ was sang and Mrs, Hill arcl Jefferson, ,,Mrs. Margaret i,eddy` and Mrs. Torn Armstrong read scripture ver- ses from Mark, Luke and John on Christi -has. Mrs. Snowden led in prayer followed by the Lard's Prayer in unison. After singing "Joy to the world", Mrs. John Hildebrand read from the study book. This was followed by a ' discussion. - Mr. Stuart Chamney read the minutes of the November meeting and al- so lso gave the treasurer's report which showed that %h'e --allo- cation had' been reachh'ed. Deb- bie Jefferson received the offer- ing. Mrs Sam Thompson took charge of the business. Mrs. Edward Robinson gave a report on the Christmas card sold. Offi- cers were then elected for the SANTA' VISITS THE HOSPITAL 109-YeAR-OLD APPLE CIDER MILL ENDS ANOTHER YEAR • AUBURN, Dec. 17.—Another have viiited thie small, mill' to successful yeae hae been term- watch the procees. 1VIr. Giou- inated in the making of apple sher recalled times when teams cider on the feem home of mr. of horses hitched to wagons and -Mrs.' Herbert GlanShere stood_ ineeke for' sever a mile R.R., 1, Auburn, on the Auburn down the road and lane waiting to Blyth road. their turn to heve apPles made Ever since September, farm- into cider for.vinegar or ,,apple ers and town folk have been juice for a beverage or to make apple butter. Assisting Mr. the ever popular apple juice Gloueher is his wife who re - which was formerly *ailed places daily the jute sacking cider. Mr.- Glousher eStimates and washes them to keep them that a cider mill has been oper- in condition. Ming an this fade for over 109 years. His father, the late John Glousher, purchased the farm from the late -John Plaet- Twelve properties in Huron zer who had also operated the County; three • years in arrears mill. The late Mr. Glousher. of taxes, have been auctioned came from Zurich and with the for a total of $5,400. assistance of his son, Herbert, County elerk-treasurer Jahn who now operates the mill, car- G. Beery said nine of the pro- ried on the business. perties were farms, and three The first mill was operated were village peoperties. -He by a giant timber of hard said the county handles taxes in maple, 44 feet long, by 22" arrears only in villages and on square, which gave from 40 to farms. 60 tens pressure when moved Former property owners have dawn .onea large threaded cedar a year plus a day to redeem block. This large screw jack, about the size of a dinner plate, was balanced in the centre with a plank. The apples are first placed in a hopper where they are ground up finewith rallers covered with grated edges and then placed on jute eacking where they are strained. It is on this mixture that the pres- sure is placed and Mr. Glousher estimates that they cap make an average af. 100 gait:leis per hour. ,Ten yearg ago the old timber was removed arid an- all -steeli eress was installed, run by tractor power. But the peess needs some hand opera- tion. The .mill has a capacity for 18 bags and this takes about 20 minntes to' make approxim- ately 85 to 90 gallons of apple R. W. BELt OPTOMETRIST F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist The Square 524-7661 REFRIGERATIDN AND APPLIANCE SERVICE All makes All types GERRY'S APPLIANCES Ben, hiskolm • ,Esso Imperial Producfs 20 Albert St., Goderich Home -524-7835 OBITUARY. SOLD FOR TAXE Resbekahs Hcild Ytarltide Party Mrs. George Morley, Noble Grand, presided for the meet- ing alGoderich Rebekah Lodge, held at MacKay Hall, on Tues., coming year as follows: day, December 17. . President, Mrs. 'ifiliiaa;d vJef- fcr on; 1st viee president, 'Mrs, Tom Armstrong; 2nd vice pros - 104 Mrs. Sam Thompson; see- retary-treasurer, Ur& Stuart O:bamney; coillosponding ,Secret. ary, Mrs. Egnest Snowden; citi- zenship, Mrs, Margaret Leddy; literature, Mrd, tiYilli.; oda'• dy; pres:, Mrs, Cees' Jeffer- son; stewardship, Mrs. Wesley Jefferson; supply, Mrs, Morley Johnston; flower fund, Mr ,. Gurdon Naylor; program emu. mittee, Mrs. John Hildebrand and Mrs. Murray ;Wilson; pian- ist, Mrs. Murray Wilson; offi- cial board, Mrs. Tom Arm: strong; board nf stew*, 1.EEdward itobinsOn. "Silent night, floiy n, waa :stmt °and 1Mr . S' uwdett 'viand the n'aeetirlg with prayer,, lLuareh was served by the hAs- to s as$is�tcti by Mrs, Morley ,rohnstou and Mrs. tom Arm. strong, The ja uary meeting will be at the home of Mrs,,Sain. Tiioanpson. 'ander the National Defenee Aetthe madinnurn o£ nihil personnel assigned ley Calleft to the North—Atlantic Treaty. ,tOrganization is' 14,000. REID'S UPHOLSTERING 48 East (Op.posite post .0ffice) PLAN 'NOW JA 4 -8422 - To have your chesterfield, sofa bed, chairs, etc., neatly and correctly done. CHOICE OF *FABRICS — 'ESTIMTES IN YOUR HOME PICK-UP end DELIVERY It was planned to pack Christ - a number of shut-ins, and sev- eral of the members were ap- pointed to look after this, and to deliver _same. Following the business ses- sion, the members enjoyed a Christmas party. Mrs. Ruth Hayden and Mrs. Donald Riehl each gave a reading with "Christmas" as the theme, and Mrs. Clayton Edward rendered two beautiful salos, accompan- ied by Mrs. J. A. Spider. After- wards Mrs. Edward led in sing-. ing Christmas carols, which were much enjoyed. -A gaily deearated Christmas tree supplied gifts for each lady present. The tea table looked festive with a small -Christmas tree, red candles and a Santa Claus on either side. The lunch committee, under the. convenership af Mrs. Hay - LLOVD W. PICOT Lleyd W. Picot, 52, died Wed- nesday of list week at Victoria HOspital, Londen, after- suffer- ing' 'a -self -ere *heart-attack. on Tuesday.- He was- a son' of Mrs. Eleanor Weston Picot, Goderieh Township, and of the late Frank Picot. He had resided for sev- eral years in town, -but farmed Goderich Township. Surviving besides his mother are his wife, .formerly Amy Mair; one daughter, Miss Elea- nor Picot,- London; three sons, George, Garnet, and Garth, of towni two sisters, Mrs. Verna Pollock, Waukee, Iowa; Mrs. !Merrill, (Lillian) Switzer, Bay- field. - The fuperal service was held Saturday afternoon at the Beat- tie funeral ho -me, Clinton. In- terment 'was in Clinton ceme- The Square "The Store That Service Built" Mechanical apd Body Repairs, Wheel Alignment and Bal. ance, Window Replacements Protect agamst- not With No. -8 Highway. Gr;derichi , Dial 524-7231 h4. George Turton Co-operators Insurance A Complete Line of Castialty and ,Life Insurance. - Prompt, Efficient Claims Ser- vice by Goderich Adjuster of CIA. 3117 Huron Road Dial 524-7411 Ask About A • FREE °CHRISTMAS TREE DO IT NOW! Auto Body Radiator Repairs CalKUs For AUTO, TOWING DO -YOU HAVE INSURANCE 11111V vau is - / BECSSCD THIS tott their properties by paying the den, served a delicious lunch. back 'taxes plus 10 per cent, Said Mr. Berry. He said in such A personal mention' is wel- come news in the Signal -Star. a , case the buyer could redeem his payment plus 10 pee cent from. the municipality concern- ed. Back taxes collected by the county are turned' over to the municipality' concerned. juice. The mill is "at eye level and many interested persons BLACKSTONE FURNITUR WEST STREET Dead. Animal , REMOVAL for dead and disabled animals; call collect Darling Company of Canada Ltd. .Phone HU 2-7269, Clinton ' Dead animal licence number • Rim FOR ALL AT JUKJO 4 -5 -AC ---1.4 '1'(711r1 Bea chnORI DAVIDSO Auto Body and Alignment Huron Rd. — 524-7231 complete year around vacation resort... 60 ft. swimming pool...sandy beach... pier for fishing...near 'churches, excellent golf couries; modern shopping centers. Deluxe accommodations - luxurious rooms,, - suites and completely equipped kitchenettes. Completely air-conditioned and, heated-. Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge. and fun Florida holiday - at prices you MiTtiffttrplottift, Write, wire or call for reservations, or for further information to - FLOWE STILES 'AMBULANCE Roomy — Comfortable Anywhere, — Anytime 1 DIAL 524-81'42 Call Lodge AMBULANCE SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT Prompt Efficient Experienced Drivers TELEPHONE 524-7401 The "Quick As A Wink," yet thorough service that we -have given our policyholders over the years has been the foundation for our growth as an insurance agency. If you are looking fOr "Insurance Service," give us a call today. Phone JA 81342 DAY OR NIGHT Agent for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING - Route No.4-.RtylERA BEACH, FLORIDA Telephone WEST PALM BEACH VI 4-0013 Peter ,MacEwan Insurance— Real Estate 44 North Ste 524-9531 ALEXANPErt & CHAPMAN Biltler, Dooley, Clarke at:Starke GENERAL INSURANCE Bank of Commerce Bldg. Goderlich. Dial 524-9662 A. J. Alexander 4 Res. 524-7836 Res. 524-7915 Chartered Accoemants pcensed Municipal Auditor 39, St. David St., 524-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO 32tf 0 ris-rius #.4 • //yr ag all the festive Peasures andverry companionship oefhe holiday season. It's wonderful WA N T ADS BRINd RESULTS We're :ringing out our very warmest Yuletide greetings to you and yours ... with a sincere "thank you." A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT TELEPHONE tbDtRICK, 'ONTARIO 524-7562 55-57 SOUTA STREET RECKENRIDGE AD STAFF GODERICH PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION