HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-12-23, Page 7"Tay- $iann Irl, the opera invited 9rWard They Helen BRIEFS. ,d and 'The 1863 'Goderich Town rfOiy Council has held' its last regular it and • meeting. LGh an. Need - ten, for to the ' 'Mrs. tae'. Ys De ate However, Mayor E. C. Fisher „ave a last minute warning to councillors they may have to make 4heir finial bows at a special meeting' after the new year. His Worship said he expects, late word from the Ontario Waiter Resources Commission on adding a bypass instrument. to the town's new water filtra- tion ltra- tion plant. The OWRC has informally ad- mitted a bypass should have been installed when the plant was built. However, no final decision has been reached—whether to add the bypass now or who would pay the approximately $5,000 cast., During the brief one -and -a - half • hoar meeting, Friday, council: • heard Floyd Lodge on be- half of the town's funeral diyec- tera ori"-paymeht of indigeiit funerals. See a separate ac- count. • received rough estimates from the OWRC en enlarging the . filtering _ capacity of . the water plant, a matter complete- ly separate -from the bypass question. See a separate ac- count. - • received application farm directions from the Ontario De- partment of Hi4hways on im- proving Highway 8 !' '. iin the town at a 75 per r en grant from the province. See a sep- arate. account. • received from " corstilting engineers B. M. Ross three prints of the plan and profile far the construction or a storm Surprise and Please The Family With . Cut Fl�wers from ;BRENDA M. GODWI Flower Fashions 34 East Street 524-9674 T24 - :tea tridiapa DMIDIM a -moi C�nsiderajion F9r Health Nees Of Rural People'�flSouijht 4;,. The i Kron County 'Federation al plan •iQrTMa;•providin total of At ricultifre repeats the fol• health carp sh`ouid °aim at the • lowing release from the Imran- least possible ` infr�ingcment on ation Dep�artm nt, Ontario, Fed". elation of Agriculture: The Ontario Federation of Agriculture requested ' special consideration for the health needs 'of rural people "u its submission to ' the Committee of Enquiry on 1VLedical Services. In a brief submitted, the Q.F.X. supported the sug- gestions put forth by the Co- operative Med cal 4Pedexation that while the objective iti gov- ernment legislation should be the provision of total health care this should be achieved on a contributory basis. It recom- mendedthat the ,participant retain his freedom in tihe choice of a doctor, and, in the choice of insurance. agencies or car- riers. The role of the Government •should be restricted to provid- ing assistance to those who are financially unable to purchase their own .medical-, insurance needs but this assistance should be provided A hrough existing insurance agencies and co- operatives. The O.F.A. suggested the fin - -sewer to serve Maitland road, Walnut street, and Regent street do the vicinity of the Sifto Salt plant. Estimate: $5,885.60. Explanation from M Ross: "The construction of 'this stortn sewer willtie in with the overall storm sewer plant for the,Town of Goderich and will serve as an outlet for the area northeast of the Ruron road in. the vicinity- of Walnut street. This • sewer cannot be used in . the drainage of the area surrounding the Dominion Road Machinery Plant and' a separate sewer will be required for -this- purpose." „ •,,received a group insur- ance proposal from The Travel- lers Insurance Company for the town's staff. Council deciitled to ask the existing un IerVvriters, Dominion Life Insurance, to draft a new proposal of their own toupdate their eight -yea.; old policy. CotOrcii will then make a eemparison. • •appointed Larry Rieck to complete the unexpired term to December 31, 1964, of Eric pC. Johnstone°who has retired from the Goderich District Collegiate Institute Board; reappointed Dr. R. W. Hughes to his third three-year tern; on the board. In committee of the whole, council: • decided to rent the former Mitchell farm, now- the town's industrial basin,, to _ Gordon Brindley. The committee de- cided to rent the house separ- ately. • heard of complaints that the town's snow};plow has clear- ed the race tr'aek, ' One com- mittee member speculated that this might be last ye'ar's rumor still going around. The Signal - Star went out and checked. On Saturday the track had still not been plowed. the riches and liberties of pro fessional and 'consumer groups. It strongly recommended that every preeraution betaken to see .. that no, single 7‘insurance carrier -would ite placed in a preferential- pasdtiorj or have any advantage over its com- petitors. The committee of inquiry yvas urged to pay particular agent tion td the co-ordination, of all. services relat&d . to ,,health --pre- ventative, curative, nutritional and social—,soy that, as far as possible, the physical and' men- tal health of the people would 'be protected and improved. The Federation wishes every- one a Happy and prosperous New Year. annual Meetin British Mortgage The effect of government lending on the mortgage market was cam -merited an by Mr. Wil- frid P..' Gregory, Q.C., newly - elected President and Manag- ing Director of British Mort - .gage & Trust at the Company's annual meeting at the Bead Office in Stratford on Tuesday, December 17. He said that be- cause of the subsidized interest rate and easy terms offered by Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation we are now forced to move "more nd more into industrial and c mercial -busi- ness as well as lending_ on the security of older homes. This is of course of assistance to home owners who wish to rare a higher amount on an old home," Mr. Gregory continued. Mr. Gregory- also detailed plans for four `more Tara�nnto branches of British tMorltghge & Trust, to be opened early -in the new year. The offices are to be located at Eglinton Av- enue near Dufferin, Danforth Avenue at Coxwell, College Street near Grace and Bloor Street near Runnymede. "This will enable_ British Mortgage to become better known in the Toronto area," Mr. Gregory said, "rand to make our services available in several districts of. this great metrepolitann centre. W. H. Gregory, President -of British Mortgage since 1955, asked to be relieved of his responsibilities as the Presi- dent, but will continue to serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors. He is succeeded by Wilfrid P. Gregory, Q.C. The Company's net profit for the past year amounted to over $356,000. Total assets, exceed- ing $80,000,000 increased over sixteen million from 1962. Paid up capital exceeded $1,445;000 and general reserves totalled $2,700,000. Mortgages, less re- serve, exceeded $56,000,000, an increase of over eleven and a half -million. J. M. Armstrong, Q.C., Man- ager of. the Trust Department' and Assistant General Manager of British Mortgage & Trust, was elected a new director. • t4-8821, 444.2, BERT KEMPSTER, LEFT AND .BERT. McCREATH HURRY THE MAIL CHRISTMAS FOWL GO TO PRIZE WINNING BOWLERS During the week of December Afternoon League, it was Dolly 16 to, 21 the Little Bowl gave Kelly,,4 Ealy Sheardown, Joan Far- prizs of Christmas Fowl to qulirar, • Ruth, Ellwood, Marsi hig trupae; high ' ittg1e; Bidden Wunder/toll and May McAule single, low single and low, triple The Sheaffer Pen League pro- duced duced Grait:e Boyce, Harold Gau- In the men's Monday Night ley, Mary Boyce, Gord Walters, League, winners were Bill Dean, Donna Berry and .Eileen Kelly Waiter Binder, Keith Good, as winners. Charles Williams and V. Kina-• Lan. In the iaaies' Monday Night League, M. Bannister, Barb Doak, Pauline Melick, Jean Pinder, Louis Pitre, Carol Bryan, Joyce Pettus, Shirley Kennedy and Kay McAstocker, took prizes. Ladies' Ten Pin League win- ners were Mary _Warner, Ruth Rush, Helen .Townsend, Joyce Vint and Phil J [c. sa.ae. Men's Ten Pin League were Jack . Brady, Gord Harrison, Gerry Pitre and John Park.. Taking home -the fowl in: the - Teacher's League were Betty Boyne, Ralph Smith, Chris Straughan, Jim Jamieson, S. Whiteman, Bill Black- and Mrs. Norman. Fowl winners in the Men's Commercial League were Bab Williamson, Harry Kerr, Wilf Gilders and Ray Cook. In the Ladies' Wednesday In the Mixed League on Wed- nesday the winners were Dolly Kelly, Vaughan Kinahan, Jean Wilson, Ron Durnin, .Rev. W. J. ten goopen ,and Elaine Mel - ick. Ontario Hospital League win- ners were . Pat Matthews, Jim Hunter, Maurine Elliot; Dan Riehl, Bernie Tippert, Bob Mur- ray, Marilyn Blue and Dan Mero. Winners in the Men's Thurs- dafryNight League were Len Willis, Bill,, Dean, _ Warren Mo land and $Qb. Rush. d - Thursday Night Ladies' Lea- gue winners of fowl Were Ruth Oke, Vi Fuller, Rose Rising, Grace Williams, Emily Jenner, Joan Willows, Edna Shaw, Mary Shaw, Lais Lee, Ethel Fuller and Isabel Kernshaw. In the Sift Salt Mine League it was Bud Lea, Art Kinder- vateT, Lou Whiting, Raips Wei- gle, Mel Stewart, Wayne Rumig, SAN DY'S BARBER SHOP 32 :Hamilton Street SANDY and STAN PROFIT wish to thank all their cust- omers for their patronage throughout the year, and wish them, their families, and friends .. . 5 f r •.. 44. ,`,, ~ ,' . - .6; !r sir; r< Very Merry Christmas And A Guid New Year Tae Yin An' A' Marcel Richard and Ken Boyce who won fowl. Fowl for the table was won by Donna Stegenstad, Doug Mc - Isaac, May Carrick, Joe Rumig, Bill Melia, Gladys*�'"-Wtllert, Betty Heleslc and Elaine Melick in the Friday Night Mixed Lea- gue. In the Junior League on Sat- urday morning, these junior bowlers won a carton of pop for ,a. hidden score: Carol Me - Ewan, John Robertson, Glen McCuspey, Jess Fester,_George Rurland, Brian Mask, Charlie MacDonald, Don Pollock, Bob Kelly, Paul Doak, Terry Patter- son, and Joan Glen. OBITUARY MRS. IRENE BEATRICE - DURNIN Mrs. Irene Beatrice Durnin, 80, died Friday in Alexandra Hospital. She was the former ""'Irene Kennedy, widow f the late James Durnin. Surviving are three sotii4, Joseph and James, both 'of Goderich; John, Blenheim; and two daughters, Mrs. Clifford (Maria) Vanstone, Berrmiller: Mrs.1:4ames (Dorothy) Drennan, London. The funeral service will -lac held this. afternoon at 3 30 at the Lodge funeral home. Intr- ment will be in Maitland c,,,ne- tery. c' "The «oOdell Sigrtra))tar, ¥euday,. G:c.derich Christmas Rec In resporl a to nt merous re- quests for distinctively women's features in The Signal Star w decided tel put together, with the Hair of ouroreaders, a series� of Christmas recipes glearnal from the good kitchens of G:adericlh. Unfortunately the response has been' ^athelr. backward. To date we have received two un- solicited r contljiitionms, last week's plum pudding recipe from Mrs. Hattie Roach, 53 Waterloo street north, and this one for turkey dressing from a very experienced . cook, Mrs. Jennie McGratten, 33 Essex street, who is $3. We thank all you ladies who've helped out, Mrs. Roach, Mrs. McGratten, and all the lathers we encountered along the way to help get the feature sta-rted: Mrs. Frank Wallkom, Mrs. A. O. Pearson, Mrs. Jean Cook, Mrs. Fred Price, Mrs. Earl Allison, ,Mrs. K. C. Cutt, Miss Esther Hume, Mrs. Gene Ellis, Mfrs. Audrey Fisher, and Grandma Price. —Am your 'time "and`` rouble, from all of you, has been most appreciated. It's helped us pro- vide you with a better paper. As for the future, we're not certain yet. Obviously Christmas recipes would be out of place from next week on. But we would like to provide some distinctive service to all our very important wo- men readers. We make an appeal, once May you enjoy warmth and cheer,' friendships dear .•• and every joy of the holiday season;! v t Goderich French Dry Cleaners 35 WEST STREET `Cominglo you this Yuletide are our warmest holiday greetings and good wishes for a joyous season,. EARL RAWS6N STYLE .51-1,0P WEST STREET • CA - milt' girder' .• Pause ,find Take Time Again, at this happiest 'of all seasons,y we extend our heartiest wishes to you all.... hoping that every joy and delight of the Yuletide will be yours to enjoy to the fullest. Merry Christmas! to recall the MIRACLE of that FIRST CHRISTMAS and let it ting JOY into your hearts throughout the NEW YE.%R. �.3•�: 4•Y .( . Christmas comes but once a year,..and always such a happy time for all of us to wish all of you and your families every Christmas joy! rt ixiNtommitiotio, w, +t 's` iIontilit ti t 9Aufa aukno niton maraitai 'i ► votanol iz. AINSLIE'S • again,, for your suggestions ,and. emollients, Unfortunately any silence k discouraging. w Mr$. McGratte es Ares. inti • Recipe e For ' an eight ,pound turkey, crumble Ave .cups bread cru?nbs, a little chopped celery, .and two finely chapped onions. Md a quarter cap 'butter. 'Fill cup with cream or ca'ed Milk. Add one dessert spoon salt, half teaspoon pepper, one teaspo•P18 sugar. Sampo: for taste. ;'r 'tura key in Poll; Serve gravy really hot. - When-lilarco»i roomed in Newfoundland 104.'1901 'a radio signal broadcast :front 1rngla444 it disproved the experts, fheaxy that radio -waves could .not get. around the curvature of th0 : earth. ' FiIsDri's' (!rrrtiui To the .members of the Goderich Community Credit Union. May the Festive Season be a Happy one and may the New Year be bountiful and. rewarding. Board of Directors Goderich Community Credit. Union - of GOA. Garbage Collection Christmas Week No collection Wednesday,/eDeceniber. 25th No collection Thursday; December 26th ti NOTE: The areas regularly covered on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will be picked up on Friday„December 27th..: S. H. BLAKE, Town Clerk tfit'ZIWOZtZt• l t7.A"Et ta'ntigtC '? 'Z WA'=taR {'I 'T '• P!C l JS.Q' Sincere 1,1 �r5 OU i 6A i 8V (1 tt I al ' 9 GREETINGS i7) O our Patrons and Friends E_ - 'tea ADD TO YOUR HOLIDAY FUN DURING OUR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS. WEEK FOWL MONDAY, DEC. 23 to SATURDAY, DEC: 28 OPEN BOWLIN EVERY AFTERNOON and E\VENING Leagues, cancelled during Christmas Week: Leagues resume play Thursday, January 2 4;1 -Men's and Ladies' High Triple — TURKEYS • Men's and Ladies' Second High Triple =- GEESE • Men's and Ladies' High Single.— CHICKENS • Men's and Ladies' Second High Single CHICKENS OPEN Christmas Day, Wednesday, Dec. 25 and Boxing Day, December 26 • OPEN New Year's Day, Wednesday, January 1st MEAT MARKET THE SQUARE 'at t•t +• riktevel KtiC ai6 aC titwatt E C mi• LITTLE BOWL 204 HURON -b: -For Reservittlons Hilal -524=95 6. itr*%; t ars f2:xxi l tart +' vostkvzaPabhti itz* t* t'ltk tt)tllOg t., a, d Fx, f