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The Exeter Times, 1891-11-5, Page 1
tier AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET T» CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' VOL. XIX. NO. 8. EXETER, ONTARIO, THIJBSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 5, 1891 Histoqenetic system of _ Makkin°. Its Challenge is Investigation. Its Passport 1s Truth, Than system is complete. having different lessiretiClaro ctilSa.©I taste- less‘ lltenirCOeFi.tE- 01Y is to rebuild the diseased cells and tissues of he b3v.a4l b' thus reaching the primal consent' disease Owe medicines �will save lite where the old eystetua n: giCIIIR poiiaen,•us drugs seutin-set-ably. reeoto ails' daros.xl'➢al:arns the i;tareauxs:rte m•t+tt'rn; A5=15rrATroN: C.cuttemcn.--M1 daushtertpok a severe cold en the 21st of last July. and it did not break but settled all through her system, :She had a b avers headaehe.p:true in the cords of her Beek. ears. right side and through her hotly generally follow:ea soon by chills. fever. poor and failing appettte and nausea. A cough set in, the lips became very pale end system bloodless; tongue thickly coated yellow; ilit tines& extreme pros- tration and rapid decline followed. 1 consulted Dr.Rear. who seemed to be much alarmed at naydaughter's condition. Ile prescribed the 1f4st' onotio remedies for her, and sho gained rapsdly,aud only required threolots of' medicine and ono visit In ono ,month she was cured soundly. I consider her case Walt a very hope- less ono, and that IIistoxenetsc Medicines and the doctor's good advice saved her life. I think it is the best system of medloine. 11$H➢3E1tT LEt3(lE, ilk College -at., Toronto, Sept. t 3,1891. OVERCOATS I OVERCOATS OVERCOATS! Noir fora lively time in Men's and. Boys Suits end Overcoats. Our prices are so low on these goods that you can- not help buying them. What about rrobatiaTIIZIAS Well when you see our 10e grey 'Flannel it will a:;tordsh you. 4R. TO THE DIES' A WORD E L�AU Although there has been a •big rush there are plenty of hats loft yet and yon eiiu get then, at Moderate Prices, at A, J. 11eT wish & Co's, Special all wool underwear only50cts, Ask to see thou. InsTOo:NBTIO t1CBI01NCASSOCIATION : (gentlemen, -This is to oortify that I have 1' suffered with rlsoumatism for the last twenty- five years, At fire different Periods' haveheen • tit• ad that I had to remain in bed for several Talk...:13 at a tsms. This summer I was suffering s9erely with pain all through my bgdy,consti ;,kine. headache. drowsiness, eta I began taking Ilistogonotio Medicines on Juno lulls and continued for eight weeks. I began to ins- . prove at once. Pain left sue gradually. I do not fool it at all except a very little at change of weather—nothing to speak of just a gentle reminder. Constipation and headache oared 4 up and no return of either since. It is now six weeks since I stopped taking the medicines. I feel l:ett'r nor, ti:r•s i hive for years. and I heartily recommend theileople of London to try Histo4enotio Medicines, as they did more for mo than all the Juniors' prosoriptions or other medicines that I had taken JAMES before. SACK, London, 669 York street, Sept 19,1891. A. J. MITA VIStI cc0 CO, James Piclkard's Old Staltd, nIaTOGrNr.TIG 31EDICTNR ASSOCIATION Gentlemen, -1 bad hip disease when young, followed by varicoseveins,tbe veins in my leg hayo bean large ever since and for a longtime I bad varicose ulcer_ and erysipolae of he leg and ankle which laid me up a great deal of the time, I commenced treatment last April with Histogenetic Medicines and have only had one attack sine°. I only took two tots of medicine and have boon so much benefited that I have been able to work all summer. I recommend all so afflicted to try the treatment. Yours truly. JABEZ JOHNSON. Pine Orchard, Sep 9,1891. WQodhana. "11 oodhar Connell No. 97 Canadian Order Chosen friends was organized here on Saturday evening Oet. 31. with 15 charter applicants by (,rant organizer, S. F. 1Ii11, ot Bowmanville, Ont. The follow - in; officers were elected and installed; --P. Councillor, T. l'othetin ;ham; Councillor, Jae, Mille; '4, Councillor, John Swallow; Recorder, Anglia Mt:Nevin: Tress., Simon Chappel; Prelate, Wesley stilets; Marshall, A. Luxton ; Warden, Samuel Lankin ; Guard. David Wynn; Stilt, Sydney Mills; Medical examiner, \5'- Irving, Kirkton; Trustees, S. Mills, S. Lankin, T. Fettles. ingham. Council hold another meetings on Monday, Nov. 2nd to initiate more charter members. OUR REPRESENTATIVE SILL DE AT E1iZrr.1 I-1:11, CENTRAL HOTEL Tuesday, Nov. 8rd. 9•C0 a.m. to 6,90 pan. Am) AT _El 1ENSALL HEN:. -;ALL HOTEL Same Tuesday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. CONSULTATION FREE Kiri ton. Belem—Mr. Hugh Smith bas ronted the farm of Mr. George Stacey and will take poeseesion shortly. Mr. Stacey held an auction sale on Friday last, at whith he sold bia stock. Mr. S. we understand will go to Detroit, ---Revival services have been going on in the .Methodist church during the past three weeks and are being attended. with success.—Mr J:raylor has moved into bis new betel and has fitted it up in modern style to meet the requirements of the public at large, Stara. firsara—Mr. Geo. Butson bad the mitt• fortuue to have his threshing ougino upaot by a spau of inete ou Monday. The engine will require some repairs, but it is hoped will be in working order iu a day or two. -- Mr. Kirk, butcher of Kirkton, who has visited Stals with meat during the past summer, while going tbrongh Cromarty on his way home on Tuesday last,was observed to fall from his wagon. A good Samaritan of the village quickly ran to hie assist. ance,took him to an ion and had his injuries attended to by a physician. Heart trouble is said to have been the census—Miss Fanny Sadler of Pickering, a siator of Mrr, Johu Sadler, of this place, has been visiting friends hero fluting the past week. --Some of the football playors of tho 7th cou,mct to play a friendly game with Staffs players in this Tillage on Saturday afternoon. The game lastgti uoariy half au hoer without a pool ]sting Ina" , when the hall burst.— Richard Spears and Alexander Miller arrived home on Thursday last from Manitoba look- ing hale and hearty. Tlsoy left bore on August 4th and spent most of their time in Carberry. Mr. Spear° will leave in a few days to take a position in Hansnll, while Mr. Miller will content himself on the farm, probably until Spring, when he may return to Manitoba to take up land. HISTOGENETIC MEDICINE AS- alOCIA'TION--Rooms 2 and 3 Albion Block, Richmond Street, London, and 19 Yonge St. Market, Corner Gerrard & Yonge Sts., Toronto. .Mentton Exeter Times, 1/x.Y* MONTHLY RF>'oRT--The October report for S, S, No, 2, Hay is as follows, names in order of merit ; .ire—Homer Russell. V --•- Davits Smith. 1V—Kato Chapman, Aggfe Shirray,Frauk Ross, I11. -Ralph Chapman Aerie Northcutt and Nellie O'Brien, equal; Alice Gould, Sr, II• --Jas Shirrav, Nellie Gould, Nellie Nottboott, Jr. II Beokie Northcott, Henry Besot), Wm Warren. Pt,il-.Flora Northoatt, Milton Russell, Melvin Gould. Pt.I-•-Berne O'llrios,Josaie Munn, Wm Bosch. Russeldale. prefers—Air, Ww. H. Gill is about to build a large hennery on hia farm, the building to be of brick, 24 Met aquas, 9 feet of wall and cottage roaf,and will take12,000 bricks to build it, --Mrs Edmund Cornisb, who has ben suffering for nearly a year with a spinal trouble, was taken last weak with 'severe attack of sciatica, --Mr. J. G. Roy has been laid off work for two weeks past, the result of a sprain rocelved in the knees and batik by clipping on the stairway when coming down from the barn with some peas, but is now able to go around with the asalstenoe of crutches. Farquhar. SPARROW SHOOTING Masco --Some few week. ago Taloa Rankin and Wm. Mc- Clocklin, chose sides of 22 earth, and ar- ranged a match of two weeks' duration, the side producing the larger number of heads ata given date, to be given an oyster sup- per by the losing aide. Tbo heads were produced an Friday evening lest, and duly counted, by E. Hewitt and J, Ballontyne, Mr. llunkin'e side having killed 3,000, Mr. McCloaklin's. 3,500 spnrrowe. The supper was given at Weetta w'a temperance house, at which 52 persona participated, and a pleasant evening was spent. There is soma sense in shooting menthes of this kind, and if other communises would follow suit the sparrow peat might soon be done away with. Eden. FOOTBALL—What is the mutter with the Lucau football club again, that we haven't heard anything from them lately. We ex. pected to see a letter in the Lunn aper Iastaweek, but failed to find it. If you fellows down there can't write anything, send us word and we'll write it ;for you. It is alto.. gether likely that our team w;11 go to Kim - ton on Thanksgiving Day to play the team there. BRIEFS—Mr. Thomas Cave paid Luoan a flying visit on Sunday.—Messrs, Will Bowden and Nelson Baker were the guests of Charlie Coates on Sunday. Miss Pringle of Exeter, was visiting friends in Usborne last week.—Mr. John Misery returned from the States last week after disposing of another carload of horses. The farmers are busily engaged taking up their roots. They report a good crop this year WEnDING BELLS—A very pleasing event took place on Wednesday evening of last week, it being the marriage of Miss Eliza Welsh, of the 2nd con. of Usborne, the younger daughter i',of Mr. John Welsh, to Mr. Thos. Jonos, of this place Thehappy couple drove to the James -at parsonage, Exeter, and Rev. Mr. Russell of ciating,the young couple were made one ; after which they repaired to the residence of the bride's father, and in the presence of a few friends sat down to a sumptuous repast at which all fared bountifully of the delicacies spread before them. The presents were numerous and costly. About 11 o'clock the boys visited Tom with the purpose of serenading him, but before making any noise they told him what they wanted. He did not ask them to have "'some sweet apples,' etc.," but gave the boys $2. They then went away satisfied without .making any noise. We all join in wishing Mr. and Blrs. Jonos long lives of usefaluess and prosperity. They will live about a mile south of Exeter. oma+. Itoh, Mange and Scratches of every kind, on htunan being or animals, cured in 30 min- utes by Woolford'ssanitary lotion This nev- er fails. Sold by C. Lutz. Oct. 9 ly. Brucefield. NOTICE! ,JO$N WHPrE & SONS Publisher and P:oprletore The farmers throughout the County leave had a bountiful harvest and are re- ceiving goodprices for what they sell. We hope those who are is arrears for TUE TINES will; not fail to remit the amount to this office, The label ou your paper tails up to what date your subseriptien is paid. - BRIEFS—Our unusually quiet villago was disturbed last Monday by shrieks and cries coming from the neighborhood of the meat market, It asoma that our genial butcher and his clerk came to harsh words over the latter's time of wurkiug. Hard blows, fol- lowed by the free flow of blood, was the extent of the injury done when timely as- sistance arrived. Had not this help arriv- ed when it did we might have had a couple of deathl notices to chronicle as n proper sequel to this epistle.—Our citizens aro kept busy attending farm sales.—Miss N. Dickson who bas been spending her holidays in Chicago returned last week.—A number of onr yeune people were moat hospitably entertained last Monday night at the resid- ence of Mr. P. McGregor. OH; WHAT A COUGH. Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your- selves if you can afford- for the sake of saving 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it: We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will' cure your cough. It never fails. Goderich. $eusall. Fart Oi,riront;i--Mr. R. Chapman, who has been visiting bis many friends in this neighborhood returned to California an A{onaay. lie was aeaatnpatlied by Mr. 3. Tremor and Mra, Nicol of Chisoltturet, Mr Nicol will leave in about two weeks. Their destination is , We wish them a pleasant journey. Rumor says tbat sone of our villagers will alertly leave for the Golden State. I-har4Zt4Ttert or OswwCana.—M the regu- lar meeting of the C. 0. F. Society ou Tuesday eve, the following atlicer° were installed : 1', 0. R., E. Roedding; A. We eluh; Vice -R., C Beck; Fin See'y 11. Rennie; Ren. See'y,P. Triggersonf1'reas, R. Meek; Chap., R. Welsh; Sr. Woodward, 1). W. Fuss; Jr. do., T. Palmer; Sr,Beadle, F- Meyer; Jr. do , W, Blecicwill; Phyaictau, W. A. Thomson. This court is in a moat tiourielting condition, and at each. meeting there are Krems alleging themselves with thianobloorder. May it contiuuo to pros - Ver. Toa NISREE.Ts.—Grain has been moving somewhat lively this week, and prices in Hensen aro farm. Some .plondid wbeat is Wing marketed at a teat of 05 lbs, and as high es 01 cents were paid fur this cereal this week. Following aro the current pricer; Wheat 88 to 92 Barley . 98 to 45 Oats 28 to 30 Paas 58 to 58 Ilay 800 to 9.00 Butter ,. .,15 to 16 Eggs 16 to 16 BRIEFS—Bro. Mitohell, of the Star ac- companied by his two sons and his sister. Bene, were the past week visiting in Ottawa. —Saturday was a dull one on the lake, henget the fog whistle was blowing all day. —Great preparations are being made by the High and Model School Literary Society for the forthcoming annual literary entertain- ment that will be given in the grand opera house os the 4th of December. The bill of fare will include dialognes, recitations, solos, instrumental musio, and a number of tit bite. The best soloists and elocutionists will also take part in the proceedings.— Rain, snow, sleet and frost inti educed No- ynmber.—Blind Boone, a colored musician who appeared in the Grand on Saturday evening is a musical progeny. -Considerable farm produce has been marketed the past two weeks, wheat and potatoes being the leading lines.—The High and Public school Boards held their reenter monthly meeting on Monday.—Col, A. M. Roes, of Toronto, was at bis Goderioh residence the past week. —Barrister S. Hays, of Soafortb, was in the county town last week,—The town council meet tomorrowevening.—The trout and white fish season ended on'Saturday and:all the Goderich fishing fleets are now in winter quarters. Gill net fishing has proved a fairly profitable investment, but trap nets have been a loss to most of the persons engaged in this special line.—The tugs Oroadia, Siebald and Mystic, and the schooners, Carter, Ontario, Kolfage, Tod - man and Pinafore are all m winter quarters. —On Saturday morning the water in the lake and this harbor was at the lowest point we have ever seen it. Unless the govern- ment dredges it out pretty soon. instead of having a harbor of refuge, it will be a har- bor of destruction.—the Saturday morning the three masted barge Bavarian when mak- ing a line for tbo harbor entrance. struck on a sand bar about 200 yards from the north end of the piers. The strong wind then blowing soon carried her north of the piers about 100 fathoms where she is now settled. She is not likely to move as ebo was filled with water, which with her cargo of coal should keep ber fast till fine weather comes to relieve her --The creamery closed last week and an audit shows that its patrons will receive about 16,} cents per ponnd for their butter,—The storm on Sunday drove thousands of sea pigeons and galls into our barber. At one time iu the morning there were many thousands restiog on its disturb- ed waters. 4 Clinton. Butene—Mr. Houston of Brighton has been engaged to fill the position rendered vacant by Mr. Turnball's resignation of the principalship el the Collegiate.—Arrange- menta are being made for the reception of tele Liberal leade-,, Hon, Wilfred Laurier; who is to address ameeting here some time in December.—Miss .McDonald isvisiting in Detroit.—Mre.Hitchcoa of Paris has been haltlingGospelTemperance meetings bare the Pad few nights, a large number/law signed the pledge•—Mr.Bert Davie and Muse Dolly Fair aro attending the Collegians—His many friends in town will regret to loafs that owing to ill -health Ur. B.I,loltnes, for- merly of the New Era, who has for the paat six yoara been assistant librettos of the isegislature library, has signified to the Government his intention to retire, Rev. Wm, Inglis,formerly Parliamentary librarian bas been appointed in his stead.. -Mr, and Mrs, Robert Henderson of Gaderiuh were in Clinton Friday on their return from a #oversa days' outing and swing friends ill Exeter, Rippe%. St Marys and other pima east of the county town, Usborue. SCHOOL REPORT—The fallowing is a re. port of the standing of the pupils in S. S. No, 5, liaborne, for the month of Oct, said report is baeed upon regularityof attendance general work and good .conduct, together with the written exawinaticet, Some who were not regular in attendance appear Ismer in their classes then they otllerwn-e wadi. The nausea appear in order ot merit :.-JV.--' Edward MCDougall.Edith Westeott. Sr III --Lila :McCord, r; Violet Russell, r. Jr 111 —Lily May Weateett, r:; Garnet Frayne, n'; Wm Frayne, s'; N. I'rout,I'; Lily Mcl)inal.i r; aid Elijah Higgins. is Sr II—Emily Wood, r; Marion MsDcugall, r; Mkt Willis, r; Norman ;McDodald, r; Jessie Richard, r; Vincent %sea ; Eliza Mesita r; Carrie Shipley, r; Maggie Rusee➢I, P. Pt It—Marjorie McDougall, r; Annie Mo. Dougall, r; Fanny Shiplev,l'; Geo \Vestoott r; Arnold. Perkins r; Willie Rowe➢iffe,John Richard, Edith 1loCord,Iom Higgins, Maud Rowellfle, r; Fred Cornish. I't I—Harvey Perkins, r; David M0Cotd,r; lliil':o Martin, Wilber Martin. Those (wheat nausea are followed by r here been promoted int.) the next higher alma. Irnaart • L —:lits (Rev.) Henderson has �A s returned from a two weeks'visitwitb parents is Chatham —Chis. Moore of Tileanburg ,pent a few days of the past (week with his permits bore.—Mr. C. MaDonell has return- ed from his duck abooting expedition at Lake Smith. He was aeeompsnied by a party of Exeterites, and reports ploaaant time and a successful shoot.—W. T Robinson of Lam- beth and bride spent a pat t at their honey moon the ghesta of Mr. and Mrs J. 0. Stoneman.—Mr. Wm. Elder, Henaall's energetic implement agent, has been given the agency for this section of the Patterson as Wiener Implement M's'g Co,—Mr. C. Brown apont a few days of last week visiting friends in Port Huron.—Mr. T. J Wilson, who hue boon i11 for nomo time, is convales- elug.--Mr.nnd Mrs, John Ball of Dashwood spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrr. A, Weaeloh. BRIEFS—Messrs Coed and Colwill vibitod Black Ureek the other day and brought home considerable game, amongst which was a goose; and some of the all -wise sports woula have it to be s tame one. What insult to two veteran sports to accuse them of not knowing a tamp from a wild goose. There is a good action for libel here.—Mr. Geo. McEwen has purchased a safety bicycle. It is a beauty. On Friday A. Weseloh rode to Zurich on it, but on the return trip, when halfway home,inconsequence of his physical stamina failing him,ho preferred walking — There :was no service in the Methodist churoh on Sunday last,moet of the congrega- tion going to Bethesda.—Tbe S. S. of the Metb. church are already talking festival for Christmas eve, which is drawing nigh.—A grand concert will be given on the 17th inst, in connection with the Me- chanioa' Institute. Some good talent has been secured. Particulars Inter.—Mr.Wm. Elder moved his show rooms back on Mon- day and has commenced the improvements as announced in last week's Timm—Hal- lowe'en passed quietly in the village, the removing of gates being the most mischief done' - A plowing bee took place nt Mr Si. ling ter'! ce Friday, which wonnd up with a grand party in the evening. Those present report a very p'eaeant evening,and the plow- men did good work. All are in sword in saying that Si. and 'his estimable wife are most affable --Mr.' Gilchrist owns an old grey horse which once in a while surprises some of the fast ones. • Mr. G. says he is homely but he's comely—when any of the E.eter dudes try to pass him with any of their flyers.—Your correspondent has heard of cowardly acts, but last week ono came to his ears which surpasses any. Recently the manager and the pedestrian undertook to escort two young ladies home. They had occasion to pass an oreherd,and with prince ly liberality was about to treat them to some toothsome fruit from a oitizen'e garden. Having nicely reached the tree a wag, bent on fun, put in an appearance, and to see these lads run, leaving the young ladies in the dark and alone, it would have made a horse laugh. It is needless to say that,with characteristic relentlessness they have not since attempted to either esoort the girls bome or visit the orchard in question.— Mao says his present sett fits much better than the sett be received previously.—The 'Canadian Home Circle' will shortly organize in town. DB. T. A. SLOCUM'S OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. If yon have a Cold --Use it. For sale by all durtg,oiets. 35 gents per bottle. J. W, Hoot swat, Teachor. ♦ 1•- 0 Zurich. Bitters—Mrs Ed. Hardy, Airs Rupp and Mrs Thiel are vitiating in hamburg.—Airs Johnston has returned from her visit to Clinton.—Mrs harry Weber has moved into the Centennial,—The concert and lecture under the adapices of Zurich Public School which was hold in the town hall on. Wednes day evening of last week was a decided m- oose. Mr J. E. Tom, Inspeotor of Publio Schools for West Huron, spoke for upwards of an hour on the subject of 'Education; during which time the beat of order pre. veiled, which was, no doubt, due to the yory interesting way in which tine subject was presented. He dwell very entensively with education under the following heads, viz, Moral, Physioial, Mental, and £sthctio. Mr Tom is a plain speaker rend says a great deal in a few words, The people of Zurich will be pleased to hear him again on this or any other subjeot.—Mia Strempfer has re- tnrned from Buffalo.—The following teach- ers attended the lecture given by Mr Tom Miss Reith of the Bronson Line; Messrs Beatty, of the 14th; Hauch, of Dashwood; M .Gregor, of No 6, and Latta,of Hillagreen —The following teachers have been engag- ed for the Zurich pnblio school for 92 : Mr Sam J. Latta, principal, (re-engaged); Mr Ed Hogan, first assistant, and Miss L. E. Hauch, second assistant, (re-engaged.—Mr Soott's singing plass was not largely attend- ed on Tuesday evg.—The catechism clam in oonneotion with the Lutheran church has been reorganised. Everybody knows why so much trade is done at the Bargain Depot in Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths, Cloaking, Under Clothing, Flannels, Cottonades, Hats 44 Caps, Gloves of all kinds, Tweed Suit. ings, Ready-made Suits, and Lovely Overcoats. The secret is Down Went Me I M 44W(ZU Goes the Goods. And yet we have lots of them. Just call and see our large assortment of all Icings of Boots and Shoes, s uitable f o r anykind of weather.Felts a specialty. Rhher -ods here at the lows posi• bee prices. Our Groceries are fresh and niee-m Coming in fresh every week. Try thena- You TARE so Ras In buying Hood's Sarsaparilla ;for it is everywhere recognized as the standard building -up medicine and blood purifier. It has won its way to the front by its own intrineio merit, and bas the Largest sale of any preparation . of its kind. Any honest druggist will confirm this statement. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, do not, he inducedto buy anything tese instead. Be sure to get Hood's Minard's Liniment cures Colds, etc. s .•, • Condensed, J. P. ROSS. Geo. Stewart, formerly of Tuekeremith, hal returned front Dakota, and with his brother-iu•law, Joins Cadwore, has rented from John Hannah 200 Berea on the 2nd coca. Tuokeraterith, at a rental o. 23110 per 1 ear. Jas. Tresuer has rented hie farm on the 2n4 con., Mullett, to Thos. Riggin for fire years,—air R.3, Miller, of the same t Awu- chip, has bought 50 acres from Mr, Rens. ford, on the 3r1. can-. for ;1,800, and 50 from the Canada Co. While Mr. Robert Trick. was amain the stoma in his mill, in Gaderrch town- ship, he met with a dangerous accident para of the tool with which ho was working flow and struck him in the eye, remaining tL re, and it seem° impossible for it to be extracted. The consciousness of having a remedy at band fax croup, pneumonia, sore throat,and sudden colds, is vary consoling to a parent. Will a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in. the house, ane feels. in such ems, a sense of aeourity nothing else can givot Mr. Robert Wilson, of Seaforth, lost a ;3300 standard bred bland marc Last week. The animal was pasturing on the Donovan farm in Tuekeremith, and going into an old shed for shelter, her foot went through the floor and became task When found aha wait lying with her Ieg broken and her foot still caught. She could trot a half in 1.19. John 0. alorrison, clerk of McKillop tp.s, who was au applicant for the county clerk- ship, writes to the Expositor giving the members of the county council and their political proclivities a severe overhauling; and in the main objeotiug strongly because he dirt not got the position. Mr. Morison requested county papers to copy the article, but ea there is nothing in it but self praise, we do not caro to intrude upon the patience of our readers in publishing it. 540808. A gymnasium is about to be started in Seaforth. The new hall at Kippen will be opened on the 13th inst. Dr. MoKilvey. Ethel, had 12 sores of peas which yielded 360 bushels of grain. A gentleman in Holmesville has a potato which measures 3 feet 3 inches in circum- ference. , Henry Cook, son of Mrs. Cook, of the 2nd son. of Hallett, died in Bay City, Mich., on Wednesday. Mr. W. Manning, of the 4th eon. of Col borne. died on Monday night, Oct. 26, after a short illness. Beattie &. Pyper, merchants, of Seaforth, have dissolved partnership. Mr. Beattie con tinning the business. Mr. Robert Mennel, of Gederieh town- ship, is in a precarious condition, with but sligbt hopes of recovery. Mr. Jos. Copp, of Clinton, has in bis gar- den a pear tree in full bloom. This is something unusual for November, Mr. L. Manning, of Clinton, was thrown from his bnggy the other day, by hie horse running away; result, a broken rib. Mies Maria Parr, of Mcliillcp, died the other day after ten years Buffering from consumption. She was an estimable young lady. While turning too short from one of the botch! in Clinton, last week, a gentleman was thrown from bis buggy and his skull split open. As a oure for colds in the head and ca- tarrh Nasal Balm has won a remarkable record from the Atlantic to the Pacific, It never fails. Give it a trial. All dealers. While oiling a machine in the Organ fac- tory, Clinton,. last week, P. herr had his right hand caught in the rolls with the re- sult that one of hie fingers had to be taken off. A few days since, Mre. Stanley, sr., of Hullett, fell and hurt herself, from the effects of which elle is confined to her room, and fears are ontertaiued that she ;may not l'19001. 44. A BENEFICENT DISCOVERY; THE NOBLEST ACIIIEYE]XENT or SCIENCE. The iron horse, with its tireless strength, its pulses of vapor and its head of flame, is a glorious exponent of the creative capacity of the human mind; and the metallic nerves through which intelligence courses over a continent proye by every flash of thought which traverses tbem that man possesses ono attribute essentially ;grand, the power to annihilate apace and time. But vast and important as have been the results of mak- ing steam and lightning the common car- rier and messenger of the world, the discov ery by which weak or impure blood can be vitalized or restored to new vigor andpnrity by means of internal and external remedies is of infinate value. The rosourses of vege' table chemistry as developed and applied by Thomas Hailoway has proved equal to this mighty task. His famous remedies impart to the stream of life a disinfecting principle which frees the system from all impure and poisonous elements. The powers of chem- istry are almost beyond calculation, and as he has brought them to bear upon all the varieties of disease in those lnvalnable vegetable compounds known as Holloway's Pills and ;Ointment, they have compassed their highest and holiest object. Stcam,ae the great motor, is a subsidiary agent, Its usefulness consists, mainly, in conveying substantial benefits, with spend and certainty, to the fields in which they are to operate. It is Pimply the bearer of Ialessings, not their originator. Of all the freight which it carries ,over land end sea, there is perhaps none so precious as Hollo- way's remedies. Itis scarcely a figure of speech to say that whithersoever it conveys them it flies "with healing on its wings." Under the influence of the Ointment, the skin, however disfigured by erupticns or ex- oresoonoes, abecemea a tabula raw, pure, apotlese, and transparent; and this erasure of blemishes is not accomplished by driving back disease iuto the vital recesses of the system but by neutralizing the morbid ma- terial which feeds it. The Pills act upon the internal finids and the organs which secrete them upon the sanitary principle. Thoy destroy the acrid particles subjected to their chemical action, as infallibly mean alkali neutralizes the acid; and at the same time impart n mild and aonstant eleetrio action to the secretive and excretive machinery. The sanction of govornments,'the patron- Age 01 pr?sues., the approval of nil Chriotian aatfor:_, ;;•r:.a"; ie of pcgan millions at - ter. :, ti: :lei - :..- tions twin enrativea. In feat these f zdeers,. with which England or a vy conn bee nee eoacreroial later. cr.•urse where Roikswn, , oaid act find him- self et More. f e ., uotitzate mar be formed of tho extent ei a vswhsty of his soecign cor- respondence, fromilvt. r t;'_; of testy onrres ponding char, al' vl .-'. t,ntrebec sixteen are eeeompushee ii .y, i:t. , sae seeploi-ed is conducting it lie fru ctn:;ensu o+a asitary circle that bait, the ncr1.1. Ll titwIttpublie.