The Exeter Times, 1891-10-29, Page 8INMAN C "{ ENf.+iST aLLIO•la,A(EENT FOB SRX ?;'VFSTL1iNc1BSLfItA1QOIl COM, PA,lel7F f Toronto; t .o cn , also for tlaaPHCKNIB 6'I11,E INMIRANC'4 QOIMM1'AisY, of London; Sueland,the ROYAL {,ANADIAN of Mon, treat. and the ONTARIO MU1`G'AL LIFE ASSURANCE, waterloo established 1870, 4aaurancesinforce,S13,12?.400. Bonuaoa every Svc years, Sinallware Oe" artraent The Mart Counter Goods ; Tays Stove Polish BEe;ad Snoe Dolts Match Safes. t)it:ys ;needles R^?i HaairPin;? Purses Thimbles S9 Peneita Button Agate Eroehee ' - Pearl %V earning A indlterchiefs Toy Woks Ne ek Ties R rives Fries • :Tri O gears SpieShera 131•,0 .fiats G-G'lfe� 1 1'a NI ljruslres Tin Fila Scree , Tea Steepen lxlitir'; Tea= set Stands ,Stole ,s 4e•aub 4aeds Teeth " Dunt Pena Ttry ;3ems Tensa Pitchers Spine Jars Salts, Ind Rules Hammers Tacks Screw Drivers Postai Cards Can Openers caning Tonga Fire Shovels Salt Sitters Potato' Mashers Telnet Forks Dippers Egg Deniers Cal:e Turners Pans Leal, SelrlfeZere ("ark Serewa 4;'rpleulPes Goblets J. R fl tin's - Exeter itktpt Stare The (:treat Trade Centre Of xiaZeter A GREAT SNAP A (illi+ 1.`.0 SNAP Yesterday we got a great map en a very ilrge purchase of :lien's Rows' and L.' L'tliltrwe u. Tins iA u-itlinnt ex- res.4it•n the tho,aeest. ane 1tte-west lot def (`fast re•letrhing we brave ever lal+Setvl fill our vomiters. See what We are *temp'g, ett• ia.•fe.ire the best values aareeall' a4e nye, e. a *LIP : C4:1'.l,i :: COLD Y ^ i tatty rest assured that Swd* are 1.. e pl e.,i for the sold snap. Overcoats v.,'1' awn nuti boys are ,among our snaps f r this fall. We hare an ception- :li,r arear orient, and our lrrices woe. girir'.rrtteol to be thee Liwe:it. Buy wwir a ltie'twoltt front us trod. try your ler e for ', Beauty," J4WKF.T$. 1.4t:1NTJ�,,,,1,18. eV WRAPS tier st ctrl; of Seaaalcltes is acknuwledg, Aldi stay judges to be far far alteadl of any in town. berth fetr quality and value. In 41aauatlea fend Wrap cloths we der c:er'tain- lr-xcel. Our Black ;4lrnitlda Cloths are jus; feel larii-tt.y as they dean he, and in col. rood •Ydtdatlu We have a beautiful lot, WHY NOT. YES, WHY NOT Inty your Blankets autl Flannels at the Big ;Bankrupt Store 3 We certainly will rave your money. Just look through our stock of Woollens. DON'T, O. DON'T FORGET that we are dointhe Dress Goods trade of Exeter. -.Remember that we have more than double the assortment of any house in Exeter. Conte to us for your Dress and we will save you looney, If yon want a nice Silk Dress we are prepared to) save you money. Try us. TEL TEA ! ! TEA: ! ! ! Do you want your Tea from us 2 If not, why not ? Our 25c uncolored japan. Tea is a great leader. Our a0c Gun Powder Tea is the saute as re;u lar dealers charge 45c for. REMEMBER that we give "Beauty" away New Year: Eve. Do you want him ? Costs you nothing to try for him.. CONDITIONS. There is now in our window a glass Sar con. tinga number of buttons -the number is unknown to any person.the guaranteed which appears helm. With every purchase of 4 you ubuttoentitled st in the jar; with a purchase, number two guesses, and so on. In our office will be kept a book where you wilireaisteryour name and your guess. 'Phe 'contest will elose at 8 o'clock on New Years Eve, when the jar will be opened and the buttons counted by three disin- terested and responsible persons ; anelthe per- son who has guessed the correct, or nearest to the correct. number of buttons, will become theowner of Beauty, Should there be. a tie then thetirst who bas registered tae correct number will be the winner. "This is to certify that the number of buttons in the jar in the window of the. Big Bankrupt Store is unknown to any person, as they have been placed there by us and the jar sealed in our presence." • Signed : B. S. O'NEIL/. R: H. COLLINS J. A. STEWART, Dealer in Bankrupt Stock. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1891. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Personate. Messrs John A. Morrison Michael Has- sett, and the Missis Uhloe Mitchell and Jennie Fries, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with friends in town -Mr. and -Mrs. John McTavish, of Ripley, were the guests of • their son, A. J. McTavish, last week. - Mrs. Colley, of St Marys, is the guest of her daughter, Miss Jessie Colley. -Revs. Martin of the Presbyterian church Exeter, and Henderson, of the Presbyterian church Hensall, exchanged pulpits Sunday morn- ing last. -Mrs. R. Edict, of Toronto, is the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Carling. -It has transpired that lair. .Archer did not get the appointment as burner of a Quebec Angelican College as. announced. The',appointment fell upon a P. t a ' n tem n to Montreal. ---Dr. Lutz e e g i P nt a few days in Toronto.- Mrs. Little- john left this week to visit her eon in Chicago. -Mr. W. D. Yeo, . late_ of Hord & Co's, Mitchell, has been engaged by Messrs Caring Bros. as clerk in the dry goods department. The young man comes highly eco 11 g y r e mmended.-Mea. J. ty. Clarke is in Toronto tending on her brother, who recently went under,a severe opetation in the. Toronto hospital. -Mr. Cleo. Eaerett, who has been working in St Marysrduring the past summer has returned to town for the winter.' Re 'Will work with his brother. The millinery and mantle trade is boom- ing at Richard Pickard & Sons. Their prices are selling the goods. Satvtt+ila. A watch. ticks, 160,144,900 tunes a year, Turkeys will 800111"64R0 the meaning of full crops, 'rr Blankets 1 B1auketa t at the Exeter Woollen Mill. Richard Pickard A•Son have the best 25o tea in town. Next Saturday will be Hallawe'eu Look out for depredations. If you want furs at correct prices go to Richard Pickard et Son's. A onion service of the churches is Spoken. of for Thanksgiving Day. The store windows present a very .at- tractive appearance juRt now. If you have anything to sell advertise in Tin Tzars. Everybody reads it, It will only cost you 10 cents to get a sample skein of yarn at the Exeter Woollen Mill, On Saturday tart traffic through the St. Clair tunnel commenced. Everything worked satisfaetorily. A young son of Mr. Semi, Priek,ator got his right hand seriously car last week by getting it into a straw cutter. Bicycles }were again brought forth dur- ing the past week, It would seem Re if we are haring .lndiap summer. Thy your sealettes from ne and save 2tV. We import them direct from ' the 014 Country. Richard "Pickard sb San. Bobier's apple evaporator at Varna re - mimed operations ou Monday, and those of Exeter employed left for there the same day. Blit and colored cashmeres and heuriet. tas ie various prises, as well as bik and colored cashmere gloves, will be sold close by J, Ia. Clarke. The Sunday school in connection with the James -et Methodist church will in future commence at 2.30 p.nr. iuetead of 2 o'elosl: as has been the custom, 1Cutwithstauding that potatoes are plenty this year, some people cannot resist steal- ing. as on Friday night last dr. Passmore laed a quantity stolen from his garden. Teuders are being called by thetownship counefl of TION for the coustruetieu of the swatnps' Blains in that township. The advertisement appears in another Warne. On account of tllefallingolfol•husinessin CenadeiCompany eiroles their Exeter agenoy will be etase i about the lst December next,. Mr. Specimen has beeu agent for a great rnany yeaa. Every good housekeeper wanting good sugars anti gr.aeteries will find it euitab a to the ts'ate nt' her hungry guests to purchase her gree. 'vies hem J. P. Clarke. Jnstgive him erre trial. Mr. (4ulloway, who is ou a lecturing tour will lecture in the Main -et Methodist chureit this evening on "How to succeed in Lifc," There will he a eolleetiou taken up at the close. The Treasurer of the South Huron Ag'i Society will be at the Central Hotel. Exe- ter, on Monday. November 2, to pay prize money in cennection with the late exhibi- tion held in Exeter. An exehauge tate of a priuting office in Kentucky being opened with prayer. This is a rade excepttou to the rule, as from time immemorial it has been the custom for printing offices to be opened by the devil and closed by the sheriff. A union meeting of the Y. P. 5oeieties of the James.st. and Main.at. Methodist, and Presbyterian elrnrehea was held in the Presbyterian church on Wednesday evg, A pleasant time was spent, and much good will be the outcome of the convention.. The editor retinue thanks to our friend Mr. Geo, Fisher of Osborne, for his annual present in the shape of a bag of beautiful apples, which were left at the office this week, For many years Mr. Fisher has practiced this, and we hope he may long live to enjoy the pleasure of continuing it. On Monday several of the village sports went into the wood on a hunting expedi- tion, having agreed that the persons who abut the leastameshould oysters. bn Two of the crowd fell asleeph the by the rig, and it is needless to say that they had to put up for the oysters. On Saturday Mr. James Penhale, of the North 'Boundary of Stephen died of typhoid fever, at the age of 22 years and 11 months. The young pian had been ill but a few days There are several bad cases of fever throetghout the country, and the doctors ,the lowness of water in the wells as a cat.6e for the prevalence of the malady. The many friends in Exeter of Mr Wm White, of Bodgerville, will he sorry to learn of his serious illness. Last week be was taken had with one of his legs, which has bothered him for some time, and on Monday left for a hospital for treatment. It is feared that a bone disease has set in, and that the limb will have to be ampu- tated. What Wright have been a serious expios- ion in the Verity foundry was prevented just in time on Tuesday morning. Mr. Chas Neil had put a fire in the furnace, preparatory to getting up steam, and as the steam was raising he noticed that some of the flues were leaking. An examination revealed the fact that some six fines were defective, and work was at once suspend- ed for repairs. The residence of Mr, Richard H ey,of the Thames Road, was the scenes a fes- tivity yesterday, it being themarriage of his daughter Mary to Mr. RobertDown of Osborne township. There veer few invited guests present, but the presents were numerous. The young coup( took the afternoon train for the State o New York, where the, bride has many relatives. Congratulations. The many friends in Exeter of M Isaac Crocker, formerly of this place, brother of Mr. Richard Crocker, will regret hear of his death, which occurred at Nor . Mich., on Friday last, at the ageof 47 years and 7 months. He had been 11 for some time, and his death was'ex cisil. He leaves a wife and six cliil,Iren fight the battles of this world. Deceased will be remembered in Exeter as a noted musician and for a long time leader of theband. He also lived in, St. Marys and Wi sor. STV of ea e f la Mr. nth to North i pe to dw ua nd At last the hen -roost robbers have been detected, and warrants for their arrest are out. This nefarious work had been going on for some months and ib was high time to have it brought to a halt, It appears that on Friday night last Mrs. Orris, at the station, lost a number of fowl, being the third lot stolen from her lately, and being traced to the salt well where the night hand " g s were at work, the spot of. the feast was located. ' 'Mr. Mills, manager of the well, was apprised of the fact; and upon questioning the employees, at . the point of their discharge, was informed who brought the fowl to the well. 'Information was then laid and warrants for the arrest of four young men, well known in town, were issued. We .understand they heve. all "skipped." A Sextons. OrreraN.* Wm. Thomas, of Cobourg, brother to Mrs. J. P, Clark of Exeter, a young man ofnineteen in years, underwent the. serious. operation of having his. right leg amputate ed, at the Toronto General Hospital last week. Some two years ago, Mr. Thomas while running to a Are, fell and iejured the bone of his lee just above the knee. For it lona time it did not trouble him, but lately it gave him much pain, and he went to the hospital for treatment. After a careful examination of the limb, it was decided at a consultation of doctors that in order to prolong life the member would have to be amputated, and it was accord- ingly taken off near the thigh joint. The young mau is now in a critical condition but hope is entertained of his recovery. flow Te Select A't Turh.ey, In this country oily is the turkey found in a wild state. It is very fitting. there- fore, that in the Thanksgiving dinner it should be the principal dish, writes Maria Parlor', in her department in the Ladies' Rome Journal, The turkey must be wise - 1 Owen, weflcooked and properly served. it should be short and plu.lap. the meat white. with sone fat, filo legs buck and srnooth; and if there be spurs they should be short. The end of the breast bone should befexil'le, more like grist'e than bone. .A turkey that is long in proportion to its size, and has dark or bluish flesh, away be tender, but ce'taiuly will not be Only llavered and juicy. A dr, picled turkey will be found to have a much bet- ter flavor than a scalded one. Ml poultry that is dry picked costs a; few cents a pound more than the scalded, but is well worth the extra price. The Census, According to the sewn bulletin re- apecting the census of Coterie, the follow. ing shores the population of ; atlnnaES&x NORTH.. Mlsa Orate. viliago (out of Williams East) 872 732 Biddulph 4,103 2,91C 2,6t!0 Exeter, village (out of Step hem 1,72. 1:.htl Liman, village (out of Iltdlulohl 976 n.a Medillivrar 4,654 4.17e ,0'4 Parkhill. torn tout of »'est; Williams 1,"20 1 riSf1 Rteehen x,949 48!`4 4271 �lrilMiamsEast !Satre '.195 1,794 Williams sweat 't.427 .'.aebii 1,7Sa 19,4':n1 '21,2<�3 l'.eWI naeex WEST. Ashfield - - N 8)3 4.7C9 4 010 1 Cliniontown - - - Wee 20,1 Zen Colborne - - 2.429 2,fr.3 M,21a East lyawanarb� - - 2311 2074 2078 taoderieb - . - '1615 3441 VIM Goderieh town - -• - 9 914 d 304 d elle West {t'arranosli - :1743 is+& mows ep. or* •• iwromift Totals - - - at ,,x)6 23512 29{04 nuxax aerie. Baseeld. village lout Stanlesl - - liav - - of 279 8(15 - 1,897 4,421 4 241 Hallett - - - 9 Ma 3875 i 2 8 ,te]iium) - - - . 3,60^4 4,418 3,058 Seaferth, town - 1.169 2 40 2.011 Stanley - - 3,204 2 tug n 4711 Tuekersmith - - 3,1191) 3.,5C 2,S3e Totals . - 20,254 21 9'rl 19,181 Meth, village (oat of aloe. " T Brusrei:s, village {out of Gtroyl (troy - - - - - _km 1iowiok - - - - - 6.417 Morns Turnborry- - 3,201 Wingham, town (out of Turuberraf Wroxoter, village tout of ilowiole - - - - - 914 927 1,280 1 204 4,877 4 il'2 5.616 4.430 3 816 .2.256 3,0W 2.453 1.918 2,117 591 C01 Totals - - - 16,425 21,720 18,069 rERI% sOUTn• B1anshard ... 3"05 3,244 2,12; Downie .... ... ... 3..738 3411) 32,1 Fullerton .,. 2908 2.708 '2,811 Ali oho11, town 1.822 6 3 2(4 2101 StMerse,town 3124 3,415 3416 IIsborna ,. . 3.831 3,074 2529 Totals ... ,,. ... 22715'31,00810,402 The Rankin Concert. The concert given by "The Rankin Scottish Concert Company," in Drew's Opera House on Tuesday evg. was a de- cided success. The old Exeter. favorites the Misses Stevenson sang in good style, winning an encore to every number. Mr Rankin has a fine tenor voice and an easy and agreeable stage manner. Itis execution of "The Slave Chase," "The Englishman, Scotchman, and Irishman," was particularly good. Miss Carrie Stevenson made a fine hit in Emmet's "Cuckoo Song." which she sang magni- ficently, agni fico tl and the arch nn n y. manner in which. she responded to a hearty encore with "The Three Old Maids of Lee" was pro- ductive of mirth and pleasure. Miss Maud Stevenson sang with all her old time power, sweetness and purity, and too much cannot be said in praise of the execution of tli.e two duets : "Two Merry Girls" and "The Greenwood Tree," by the two young ladies. Mr. Sim Fax was as droll as ever, his "Roll on Silver Moon" being a particularly rich comic treat. The duet "Master and Pupil" by Miss M. Stevenson and Mr. Fax, and the duet ' Pride and Poverty" by Messrs. Rankin and Fax, were both gems, and won enthusiastic encores. The dancing of Miss Aggie Rankin was simply perfect, the twink- ling of her flying feet over the stage. in the Mazes of the "Highland Fling," "Sword Dance." "Irish Reel" and 'Sail- or's Hornpipe,' was almost bewildering while extremely pleasing. If Mr. Sim Fax ever loses his power as a comic singer he will score high as a ventrilo- quist. "Auld Lang Syne" by the coo pany and "God Save the Queen" by the company and audience brought to a close one of the best, if not the best, concerts given here for a long time ; and should the "Rankin Scottish Concert Co." again favor our town with the opportunity of enjoying an enjoyable musical evening we bespeak• for them a bumper house. C. Dorward's sae of stock and imple- ments on Saturday, was largely attended, but the stock did not realize weil, Big values in dress goods, at Ri'Piekard & Sons, another large shipment just at hand,dire . direct from the old country. There died in California. .on the (6th inst., at the age ofe37 years, Mr. Thos. Cummings, brother-in-law Of Mr. N. J. Clarke, Butte City, Cal., formerly of Exeter ; and uncle of Mrs. M. J. White of this place. Deceased was a native of McGillivray, in which township he spent his boyhood days. Many years ago, with one of his. brothers, he went to the Golden State and engaged in the gold mining business, at' which he con- tinued almost up to the time of hie de- inise, Sid 'Which, it is thought, caused his early death. . Bargains IJftI'�� - GOOD! Baraains We have just received another large sh .. ma.eut of Dress Goods f from a direct from Britain (per Vis. uruess�a�t: This is a lot of goods which we bought on especial good, terms, ani, are very ftne value. It will _4 you to inspect them. RICHARD & SON. B We have the finest range of Mantles in town. Cauadlau Order Chosen hones Is a tritely Canadian ]3enceulent awl Fraternal Society, is chartered by the gov- ernment, ment, and admits both ladies and gee• tlenren to It;,1 menbershipand full benefits from age to "- and IS a,d yeara, 1 a pays the full. claim at death or lige 70 years; or onehalf an s,ase of total disability anti balance at death or age 75. dal also a sick benefit fund paying :0 per week. Certificates are issued for $500, .S�tiki0 or .52v00 as the Mem- ber may elect. The order gives its benefits at actual cost as it does not allow any more surplus than :;20,000 to accumulate at one time. The object of the Order is to pro. teat the families of its mwnboit in ease of death and the members themselves in the event of disability or old age. The order is controlled by its members, each member having a vote an all questlous, fndividugl- lv tint, and thou by their delegate in the Grand Council, every amendment being submitted to the nrentberehip In the Neat cooneile before Lek*g brought belore the t,rw.l Connell. The Order has already between three or four thousand inunibere. Exeter Courted No, lit has decided for a slant thee longer to admit eeudidutes at charter r:•ttec. There is a deckled a Ir,mt-- age in jeiniug tat el arter rater avlucb eau only tremarlo known after initiation. Now do not put off until to -morrow that whist: you should do today, (live in your name, adorn procrastinate," "you hum not what a day may bring forth." He that providleth not for his sawn and especially those of his household hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel For full particulars see circular or apply to any of the following :--Rev, W. M. Martin, Crutwiltor; eJ P. floss, P. 0.; 3. :senior, k, e,,; I. A. brown, pre:atn and asst R.; Mrs.:(. A. Brown, Recorder; 1'. Fitton, Tress; J. 1•I Grieve, Marshall; R. Muir, Warden; E. Christie, Guard; Mrs. J. P. Ross, Sent; lir:. Amos, Medical examiner or to any of the members, .As the Council can close Charter at any meeting apply at once and make sure of getting in at char- ter rate T. A. Brown Asst. Rea, 0,29-1t it'•Nov is the time, and the Exeter Woollen Mill is the place to get your blankets. A number of the Exeter sports left for Lake Smith on Tuesday on a deer hunt Ilargains in men's and bays ordered and ready made clothing at Richard .Pickard & Son's, Ladies, will you please call and see our costume cloth at 10c a yard and all other prices at J. P. Clarke's. The Exeter Council of R. T. of T. go to Crediton on Thanksgiving Day to assist at an open satin o the p meeting f a Council there. We ate showing a very fine rango of library lamps, ask to see our $5.00 lamp its a beauty. Richard Pickard &Son. One day last week while Irvine Arm- strong was at the head of a horse, backing the animal, it bit the top off one of his. fingers. Those in want of table cutley and silver spoons, scissors and razors, lamps and Iamp goods, can be satisfactorily supplied by J. 1'. Clarke. Mr. Isaac Carling ou Tuesday received his diploma in the recent examination for B. A., at the Toronto University. It is handsomely mounted on parchment. To every man whose head or hands has not a suitable covering from the cold, and wants to be supplied with a good persian lamb cap or imitation, or one of the largest variety of gloves we have ever shown, call at T. P. Clarke's and get supplied. Mr. Jas. Dignau last fall sold a hand. some driving horse to a gentleman in Nor- wich. This fall the animal has taken sev- eral 1st prizes ; and the other day it was sold to a gentleman in England at a big price. It is never pleasant to be bootless at this time of the year, and no person need be so when you see the variety of styles for ladies and gents,boys and youths.childrens and infants shown by J. P. Clarke. On Friday last in Shasta County,Cal., the Redding stage was held up by robbers and the mail bags, express boxes and people gone through. The robbers then lifted their hats and wish- ed the passengers a safe and pleasant journey. Holmfield, Man., Feb. 14, 1890. W. M. CoMSTocs, :Brockville, Ont. Dear Sir -For 12 years my wife was a martyr to that dread disease, dyspep. sia. Nothing releaved her, physicians were consulted and medical skill tried without avail, One doctor advised a change of climate, suggesting Manitoba as a desirable place. We acted upon this advice, coming here two years ago. The change of cliumt : Wrought ' a change indeed, but i•: . the Witte, W e 8D she Was soon confined to bed, and �un- der the care of two doctors, who assert. ed she could live but a month longer. A neighbor came to see her one day who had been reading. your Almanac. She told ber of the teatinonials she read in it, of the great amount of good they were doing, and advised her to try a -box of Dr, Morse's Indian Root Pills. She did so, was relieved, kept improving and is now able to do house work, and continues the use ofItIorse'e Pii is. Yours gratef-,ully, GIGO: DUNK. HAT All 7OV WAll� TQR � Our Stack is large,, Our Goods New, Our Prices Low i'F e make a business of making BARGAINS in Dr'f..Goods, G1'ooere1es Iia>ts' Ca s Boots, ULOTHING, F UBNISIIIkia G00.08, NOTIONS, `iO., The Latest in Style, The Finest in Quality, The Utmost in Val it?ty, lIave been combined' in ala in one mighty ell ,rt for trade. 4 We are no fakirs, neither (lo we propose to cl<o fake business in order to gain custom. We call a dollar a dollar, and not ninety-nine cents. Our Goods are all marked in plain figures, and you may depend that OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Our Fall and Winter offerings will not and cannot be surpassed, Ali all their blow, brag and bluster to the contrary. There is a limit below which honest goods cannot be :told. We rlaac our prices at the low watermark for Safe and Reliable Goods. Inspect Us 1 Ci i d;ise ' Js Know Us And you will find we deal fair and save you dollars. CA LING BROS. • O Y � i3 Want A Suit Of Clothes 53,O00 WORTF[ OF Men's Boys' and Children's Suits, Overcoats & Pants, do be sold off at SPACKMAN & CO'S this next 30 DAYS. At Less Than Wholesale Cost. .Having visited the markets and clearing out so]4e big lines of Clothing job "ob P rices enables y011 Suit or Overcoat for a Man, boy or child Cheaper than, Wholesale 'Cost. FACKMAN & CO Samwell's Block, Exeter. s CENTRAL Barber Shop, FAN SON' kl BLOCK.. A. Hastings; ngS,i " Prop Shaving and Haircutting in the latest style of the art. Every attention paid to cutting Ladies' and dell iren'sHair The !Maisons Bank (CHARTERED BYPARL.IAMENT,1 885) Paid up Capital ,.. ... 0,000,00 RestFund ... 3,000,00 HeadOntoe, Montreal, P. WOLFERSTANT1i0MAS,Eso., GeStERALIVIARA.G.E Money advanced to'goodfarmers at their own note with one or more endorsers ate? per cent per annum. 'Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day,from l0 a.m,to 3 p.m SATURDAYS,10 a,m.to 1tpan, 4Peraent.perannum allowedfor money on DepoeitReoeipts. Savings Bank at 3 per cent. N. DYER HURDON, Sub -'tanager. 1.