HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-12-05, Page 154 > in ters To T Goderieh, Ont., Dee."J 3, 1963. star, Signal -Star. ear Sir: The Fluoride naturally pre- ent in the water of Stratford s calcium fluoride. This Is not listed as a drug in brie Food and Drttg Act, of Canada: - The fluoride which is' being voted on in Goderich is sodium uoride and is.'Jisted as drug In the F. and D. Act; also listed the Canadian Intelligence ,vice of 1962 as a ileadly poison. There is no doubt that after a number of years sodium fluor- ide could have a serious affect on heart, kidneys, or bones of same of our adult and senior itizens. Installation, cost, mainten- ance, and in time, repairs to our town water system, through corrosion which is a common complaint in fluoridated areas. Let's be sure on this issue. Syd Lawson. mak olida eve aide tr is o ou? Goderieh, Ont., Dec. 2, 1963. Editor, Signal -Star. Dear Sir: Copies of an address against fluoridation ,btr James J. Rae, pt,D., have recently been cir- culated in Goderich. We note that Professor Rae has stated that he is not speaking on be- half of the Departmerut of Chemistry. Furthermore, his views certainly do not repre- sent those of the Department of Dentistry (of which he was a former member) and which has endorsed fluoridation as being effective and safe. The address by this gentle- man was full of mss -statements and distortions -of fact. Let us deal with his five conclusions. Ile stated: - (1) "Fluoridation means the adding of a cumulative poison and a well-known. enzyme in- hibitor to our water supplies." This fact is denied by every Medical and Dental Authority and Dr. Rae has no proof of this fantastic' statement. Cer- tainly not when it applies to fluorine in the proportions of. one part in a million. _ (2) "By this scheme there is absolutely no control over the dosage of, flugride any one in- dividual will get." This is pure nonsense. In the first place, there is control. In the second place, since it would .take five bath tubs of fluoridated water to poison an individual his as- sertion becomes fantastic. (3) "I know that fluoride add- ed to water causes dental fluor- osis which is indicative of im- pairment in calcium metabol- ism." There is no evidence that fluorosis is caused by the addition of fluorine to water supplies in the proportion 4ef one part in a million. Dr. Rae cannot prove any such state- ment. (4) "I know that fluoride does not cure tooth decay and that fluoride is not needed -to pro- duce sound teeth"" This is pure prevarication.. Fluoride in the proportion of one part in a million in water supplies does produce soundteeth and, fuz-- theranore, these sound teeth last during a whole life time.. Dr. Rae is quite ready to state that fluoridation is adding med- ication to a water supply; yet In the same voice, he states that fluoridation does not cure de- cayed teeth., At least he should avoid contradicting himself. (5) "I feel strongly that a public water supply should not be used as a means of giving drugs" to children." This is another -example of trying to bewilder an uninformed public.. The normal water supply has at least 19' • chemicals added by Health, Departments, for one reason or another to make the water more suitable and more paletab e: Any of these in- gredients if given in excessive quantities would •be poisonous. As citizens, we protest again- st what seems to be a gigantic conspiracy ,to befuddle the pub- eic, in defiance of all Medical and Public Health information. R. W. Hughes, D.D,S. —...- .,� J ..IT.''''P'eteirs; .' D.D.6:. W. G. White, D.D:S. Fluoridation Con practice, I do not believe that Mich methgds .Of prevention, as tablets, topical applications, or diet, will prove practical. In e s benefit the -first place, the most t bon of fluorine in the water, is ob- tained by infant children, .dur- ing the - time the enamel of the teeth is being developed. Haw- ever, nature being what it is, 95% of . us would not follow directions for long. Fluorida- itioa would beeel`lt the ones who need it- the most. It has been proven, not only in Brantford but in Newburgh, N.Y., Grand Rapids in Michigan, and other U.S. cities, that fluor- idation will reduce cavities one- third, at least. Perhaps that could be increased to two-thirds or more, were we willing to refrain , from .taking- so much sugar and starches in our diet. Goderieh, Ont., Dec. 2, 1963. Editor, Signal -Star. Dear Sir: Many people of Goderieh have asked my opinion on the question of fluoridation. Perhaps, it is because they know I have practised dentis- try for 39 years. It may be because I have, now, nothing financial to gain or lose, as a result of the vote on December et11. For what it may be worth, I would like to state m, feel- ings, fairly and clearly. When I came .to Goderich in 1922, Huron County had 13 dentists. Now there are only nine.. The need for some form Of preventive dentistry is di questionable. • After these- .many - year of Goderieh, Ont:, -Nov. 28, 1i.. Signal -Star. l I,Edltor, gra -Star. Dear Sir: _ As with all progressive health measures, fiuoridaticm has in- cited its quota of opponents, versus ,propronents.. When an- tiseptic procedures were Intro- duced into hospital operating rooms its proponent was sub- jected to humiliating ridicule. Old great -grand -uncle Ed. also wore the horns when he sug- gested vaccination as a eurb to the then rampant smallpox. And, of course, there $till are people who consider a witch - doctor more efficient than the modern medical man. The P.P.M. of Lake Huron water, I understand, is spout 6.05, far .below the recomlmend- ed one part per million. --. As -to -expense;- the -estimated - cost per person, each year, is from 5c to 15c. This meant, that the maximum cost to a family of three,; would be 45c per year; whereas the average dental fees for a like family is estimated at $26.50 per, year. In my remarks, I have tried to keep to subjects that direct- ly or indirectly pertain to den- tistry, keeping in mind my ex- perience over the years from 1922 to 1961. In short, I recommend that the people of Goderich vote for fluoridation. H. Te Hall, D.D.S. S:onieone left a piece of -pink propaganda at my dd'or, this week, opposing fluoridation on the grounds that it was "polit- ical"; in that it denied each individual citizen the right to, choose for himself whether of not 'he should use fluoridated water -..,.By _this -_line -of -reason,. ing the same "political" aspect could be applied to the choice of driving on whatever side of the street you choose, or the chlorination of drinking water to control harmful bacteria, or the dumping of garbage an the street without the use of a suit- able- container. Any measure that tends to regiment people, for their own welfare, could thus be termed `political." The ,great majority of us 'are unschooled in the more intric- ate phases of medical science. We wouldn't know an enzyme from a hormone if one lit " on the end of our nose. So, we James Richardson- & Sons Ltd: "serving -the Feed Dealers of Western Ontario" PHONE JA 4-8383, GODERICH must rely upon° a conecnsua of opinion advocated by medicala I scientists, and organizations, which we shave come measure far more re- liable ,tn r of faith. This a l s liable gambit than sounding off, prematurely, or listening to pro- paganda from ti n q u a l i 11 e d sources. . . The pink nlip, ' mentioned above, bears the accreditation of "The Citizens Rights Associ- ation," for whatever that may be worth. It was , compiled for the purpose of persuading the people of Metropolitan Toronto to vote against fluoridation. How, or why, it swerved into the Town of Goderich is a mat- ter of wry eonjedture. Conceiv- ably, it could be Jibe effort of a crusader without a cause, look- ing ooking for a new torch to carry. Its impact upon us, as • individ- uals, will depend upon our own convictions. As. opposed to "The Citizens Rights. Association," obviously opponents of . fi umur dation, -,.I would like to list the following exponents of the same measure, all of whom endorse fluorida- tion as being conducive to healthier" teeth and gums in growing children: The Canadian Dental Associa- tion; The Canadian Medical As- sociation; The Canadian Public Health Association; The Nation- al Research Council, U.S.A.; The forties—wonderful . but vulnerable years The United bates pliblic Health Seryiee; The American Dental Association; The American Med- ical Association; and ow own Huron, County Health Unit. Personally, 1 shall expect little or no. help: from fl1urida- tion in ray own dental predica- ment but I shall vote for the measure,, December 9, in the hope° that somebody's children will reap the benefit of sound teeth and gums. This letter is a humble attempt to, present the other side of the question, plus a frank effort to offset the effect of that intrusive, piece of pink propaganda. Yours cordially, - George Jenner. PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S H LL, Dec. 2.— Mr. and Mrs. Argyle Lockhart, Gaile,Shaaron and Colleen visit- ed is/i:r. and :yrs. Lawson . Lock- hart in Mich/gent, recently. Miss Thelma Irish. and Mrs. Eva Harvey spent several days last week with Mr. Alec Wes- ton, Mrs. Bruce McClinchey • and her pupils are busy practising for their annual Christmas con- cert. Wayne elcelinchey,,, thxee- yearold: son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill McClinchey, required five stitches in one finger when he injured his hand in a car' door on Saturday.', • Grace Sunday school wild hold a Christmas party on Sat - COMPLETE ELECTRIC MTOR REPAIR SERVICE _Rew..indin ,, iaeting see ekes,-bear;ingi cepacitatorst_` brushes. Any size or make of motor repaired with fast it -client service. Pick-up and delivery on large motors. Replacement Motors Supplied If Required MaDONALD ELECTRIC JA 4-7851 04 4,44 xt $4444., $ts't Thursday, ursday,, iC'e lIrday afternoon O>n Stint .�ay eozaa acted the service -at Verne afternoon a White Gift service church, and tale Verna , ,cater will be held at d.45 p;rn was west speaker at ereee Last Su_..nay Rev. A. Q. Pease Church. Need boliday mo • Get on liFC Shopper's Loan • Shop now for the best buys on seasonal needs. Pay cash. ,Repay°sensibly. Borrow confidently from the company backed by 85 years' experience. • • Ufe Insurance available . auorx gcaup.rate _ - AMOUNT F LOAN $ 55050 - 1000 1600 25500 , MON 36 months $ 60.88 83.71 95.12 T,NLY PAYMENT PLAN 30 20 12 months months morn s $ $6.12 $ 6 2 73 32.86 5124 31.65 44.13 69.21 41.45 58.11 91.56 68.81 94.11 146.52. 94.62 129.41 201.46 107.522 ' 147.05 228.93 Above payments include principal and interest and are basad on prompt repayment, but do not include a cost 01 xousExau FINANC JA 4-8146 38tf G. N. Crawford, Manager 35A -West Street ` ' Telephone 5247383 GODERICH ASK THESE QUESTIONS ABOUT FLUO.R,tDAT;ION.' Before YOU VOTE! The forties are rich and satisfying years for most women. Children are less demanding by then, allow- ing Mother more time to relax and enjoy herself. And shice income is often higher many women can turn to personal interests they "couldn't afford before. At the same time they can be vulnerable years. A woman syidowed in her forties needs i substantial income to keep the home going. If she doesn't have this income she'll have to go out tO work. Probably the kind of work she was doing before she married. But twenty years have gone by. The methods she femem.bers, the equipment she's familiar with—all will be vintage 1940. She'll discover she's competing for jobs with younger well trained people. Life will be a tough row to hoe. One sure way to prevent this tragic readjustment is to invest in Manufacturers Life's permanent insufance. It combines family income protection with the advan- tages of a sound personal inveament. -Call the Man from Manufactureis and ask him to help you Check whether you' have enough permanent insurance fot your current needs. W. E. Williams Representative • GODERICH Tel: JA. 44665' waNpfAcjpffALIFE • 1.-0010 GH wAmr. pt. with an automatic HEAT" LAY w AS CLOTHES DRYER. BEATTY FRIGIDAIRE HAMILTON INGLIS KELWNATOR KENMORE MAYTAG SPEEDQLTEEN VIKING WESTINGHOUSE Haeeecafe_ehildren been tested for' allergy to -.fluoride? NO Is the dental caries problem solved -in water -fluoridated Brantford? No Should my 'child drink water containing an uncontrol- lable chemical which is tasteless, colourless and odour- less? (I can detect an overdose of chlorine in the water because of its taste and smell) No Should my child be subjected to an -uncontrolled dosage of fluoride (a cumulative poison and enzyme -inhibitor) every day for the rest" his life? No Have I been assured that my physician can immediately recognize ill effects from fluoridation? (They might not be as quickly detected as the tragic effects of thalidomide!) No Can my -child be taken off fluoride treatment, administ- ered through the municipal water supply, if he develops mottled teeth (a symptom of fluoride poisoning)? No Should I expect my unwilling.neighbours to pay for m child's fluoride treatments? . NO. Is water fluoridation scientifically saund? (Who can guarantee clildren drinking the right a- mount of water.daily? Who can guarantee the main- tenance of 1 ppm at the water tap in the home? Who can guarantee anything?) No Can l' igndre the one,per, cent the proponents ef fluort- ., . dation.9f water admit will stiffer adverse effects? ., No Have I beengiven actual sCientific proof that water fluori; dation is harmless? . .. kl" Illinj Have I, any guarantee that water fluoridation will do all that is claimed for dt? No 'Have we any guarantee that equipment or people will suffer Ito harm from fluoridated water at one part per million? No Is "no proof of herrn" the same as "proof of no harm"? . . No Is there such a thing as a completely harmless drug for every person in -the community? No FREE RCA VICTOR RECORDS Is it economical to spend $1,000.00 for fluorides when only fifty cents' worth will reach its proposed objective? 0 Does my physic n prescribe a drug 'for my child with- out examining m before and after, and tell me it does not matter how .much or how little he takes? No . Have I been advised who will pay foi: any possible dam- age to pipes, heaters or other equipment? _ No Should we install fluoridation equipment at great ex- pense when it may be only a temporary programme? No Is fluoridation of water the only means available to re- duce dental caries? (Dtops, pills, paste, etc. are available to all without violating the right of anyone who does not wish it. J. Waldo Monteith, Minister of Health, Canada, re- ports: "Rinsing your m:outh of food particles immed- iately after eating can cut tooth decay 60%.") No Are doctors, dentists, bio -chemists and scientists agreed that fluoridation is wise? __ (A host of men eminent in their fields raise serious doubts about the entio programme. They advise us to ga slow. When experts disagree, we had better No Have we any assurance there are no 'other additives to follow should we approve of water fluoridation? (We have reason to believe that fluoridation would open the door to furthur medication. Vanadium for heart disease has already been recommended as a municipal water additive.) Have the promoters.of the fluoridation programme*acc- .proo err c aims Is it medically reasonable when certain prescriptions issued in London warn against it? . (Seen on a prescription label prepared last week by a London doctor and druggist_ "Not to be used in • . areas. where sodiUm fluoride has been added"!) On Human Rights' Day, December 9th, can I impose enforced medication on my fellow citizens who de not wish it? (Let us preserve the rights we still have!) Is water fluoridation generally being acceptO? . (60,000,000 people in the United Statef have voted it out! These Ontario communities have said "NO" in referenda, this and last December: Belleville, Chalham, St. Thomas, Sarnia,. Fonthill, Ottawa, Stou- asing, Pembroke, Cochrane, Fort William, Hamilton, and St. Catharines.) NO No MO . 111 NO ALL THESE QUERIES ADD UP THE GRAND TOTAL OF NO NO NO Natural Gas Dryers make laundry such a breeze vcre're inviting aterybody to come and u`kaltz through Washday': with us! What do you do ? Fitht, drop m and see today's top model automatic gas dryers —priCed as law as $199.95/ Modern gas dryers save you time and money . . • actlially help fabricslast longer! Nnd every purchaser receives—fite— albums! One, The Werlcl'-s..,Great Waltzes. The other, Favourite Music for Listening or Dancing. Then—with your purchase—you can enter our fabulous "Waltz through Washday" Contest! You may win one of the eight magnificent new Westinghouse "Solid State" all transistor stereo sets, equipped with AM/FM Tuner—FM Stereo and Garrard changer. Get your free record albums aud enter the -"Waltz through. Wash.clay" Contest before Deceinber 24th, 1963! Full details available feom your depart- ment store, your gas appliance, dealer or your Gas Company DECEMBER NINTH, ON THE MATTER OP Hoine-ownerf arc happier with Natural Gas UN ION S COM PAr FLUORIDMN THE FRIENDLY FUEL THIS ADVERTISEMENT DQNATED AND PAID FOR BY A GROUP OF CITIZENS WHO BELIEVE IN THE RIGHTS AND FREtDOMS OF THE INDIVIDUAL