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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-12-05, Page 14
'The Goderieh Signal -Star, Thursday, December 5th, 1963 Editorials • • FS 4 - WE FAVOR FLUORiD.ATION ",1 re you in favor of fluoridating the Goderit,h public water supply?„ This is a question which will be sub- mitted ub- initted to Goderich ratepayers when they pick u11 their ballots on Monday for the municipal election. Some time ago, Goderieh Tush ('uuueil received a petition with about 500, names on it a�l.iiig that such a plebiscite be pre- sented to the i-atepayeN at a lurinicipal Heetion. It IV;a:l expected that the subje-et•wuuld get a going Over at the nomination ]meet- ing but such was not the ease. There was only one little reference to the Imatter. This was no doubt due to the fact that no one felt qualified to discuss the rou- troversial issue. Down Memory's Lane 50 Years Aga --1913- - . St. Andrew'•s Day is observ- ed Sunday by Inverness camp, Sons of - Scotland, attending Knex Church in a body. Rev. Geerge E. Ross is the (preacher. Bishop Williams ' visits St. George'sChurch on Sunday and ordains Rev; J. A. Robinson of Dungannon as a deacon. After the ordination service, a d 'e- attoji is made, when the com- munion rail in St. George's, erected to the memory of the late Jamas L Moore by has widow now living in Stratford, is' dedicated by His Lordship. Theinquest ordered by Cor- oner Hunter into the death of "llhornas Stone and other victims of the terrible marine disaster Of November 9 is again ' ad- journed. . Advertisement: "Call at the OLDE CURIOSLTY SHOPPE, Hamilton street, and see our five and ten cent display of olde-fashioned . Toys, Jewelry, Books. d -.Na 044- :S . ,,.. of -the John 'Butler' stoc'k. • : Tire only place you can get any- thing of this nature between Halifax and Kincardine. Wish- ing everybody a Merry Christ- mss and 'a• Happy New' Year:" en;l -opposing tiuoriylatioie May you read, hark, learn anti inwardly digest' thein before voting. 1)r. I M. Aldis, Iluron's Medical ( )l'I'icer of Health, 'maintains that -the. total annual cost to Goderieh ratepayers for having t uoridate.d water would run the neighborhood of $1,(100. As to the claim that one's health may be unpaired ,from using fluoridated water, the city of Stratford can be taken as just one example. They -have had natural fluor- ide's in their water for more than 40 years and we have never heard of anyone being afleet ed by using 'Phe- ones who are to benefit most from fluoridated water are growing children. If their tooth decay can be lessened by it. The Signal -Star has- run letters from using fluoridated water, then we arra all - .d :^y^; ,. ...... .r-tt_ir'e•r'o."- '" Fftiltiz:. -115 reada�rs ���ha- 6'7 -are �i��o�lsfi�>.:o�'p©sed to"���rr-�:�..�it�tl _ ... � �..4. s - oto l,l!~t1v� fluoridation. This week, there are letters that such is the ease. from those who -favor it. There are adver- We plan to give a vote on Monday iIt' tisements with information both favoring favor of fluoridating the water supply. HIGHLY CREDITABLE MEETING The Town of Goderieh did itself proud at the nomination meeting Thursday even- ing. While many municipalities for a wide- spread area around us in Western Ontario had, attendances ranging over a few mul- tiples of "a baker's dozen", MacKay Hall witnessed a near capacity crowd of some 250 ratepayers. This was more than- doub- le last year's attendance. Good going! May the same- interest and enthusiasm be shown on election day, Monday, December ninth. Highly gratifying were the nine nom- i►ldtions for Town Council seats. It might «eXl Iii ve -Ten-.anly'.,six- i1 o'rninaltio'iiS' :(- P- an acclamation), with difficulty getting even the sixth. required nominee to qual- ify, as is frequently the case in many mun- icipalities today. Healthy also, is the fact that there will be elections for •the P.U.C, and the school -board, too. All those nom- inated for offiee qualified — and this _s quite unusual for Goderich. Mayor E. C. Fisher was nominated for Mayor as a gesture of appreeiatioii for his devoted pagt services, but -neither he nor the meet-. ing expected hint to run. Consequently, this nomination (Ides not really belong to the aforementioned general category. A titan ding -ovation .was given Mayor Fishe-r at the conclusion of his address. It was one which he rie'hly deserved, for the average ratepayer Will never know the vast amount of time he devoted to his duties. He served Goderich over a period of 13 years with a zealousness and thor- oughness that was outstanding. In the office of Mayor for the past six years; he was a 'credit to Goderiieh and thiM Town will. -definitely miss him as he moves away to Toronto for service with 'the Ontario Government. I11 a subsequent issue,- we plan to elaborate on the contributions which Mayor Fisher, made to the municipal life of Godcri,ch. Filling Mayor Fisher's shoes will be difficult for W,hoever may lye the successor. •There .are two seeking this office, both of whom ' have their partieular, individual qualifications. But each of them would be- the first to admit that they have much to learn in the way of administering the affairs of the Town• for ratepayers who, as .the public, are becoming annually more critical. Serving the 'public today, in any capacity, is no easy task. The average ratepayer is hasty to criticize his elected representatives but not nearly so fast when it comes to giving them due praise for ',jobs hell done. May whoever is elected— Mi7s. May Mooney or Kenneth Croft --be given all blessings sinee that person will definitely need them in the job 'to be faced next year. The spectre of a sewage treat- ment plant is but one problem that will un- doubtldly- rear its threatening head in '64. Should it come into being there could eas- ily result a tax rate increase of ten mills for that atone. The Ontario Water Re-,• sources Conimiss.ion` will probably push Goderieh for such a plant in 196.4.. On the other hand, the Ontario M u n i e i p a 1 Board has something to say about the matter also. Even though the 0.W.R.C. -as1�1� that.C�ade�i�h�.put�in...a.:selva.lir.e�r. ment plant, which would' cost plenty, the Ontario Municipal Board -could put the blocks to it by proclaiming that the Town's finances at the present time are in no eon - clition to handle it, thus delaying the mat- ter, How many , ratepayers, for example, realize.. that the 'debt of the. Town. of Goderieh ' act' this time is approximately $2,000,000? On this debt th,t, Town is pay-, i11g off principal- at the rat e .of about 010,- 000 a year. The picture could change, lim.vever. .The way the provincial and federal gov- ernments are being, called upon to play Santa Claus, it could be that certain- grants from thele will be instituted in the -interim which would materially lessen our munic- ipal financial load. But don't count on thele. Another deserving tribute paid at the nomination sleeting was that to George MacEwan, -a former Mayor, who served for the past 15 years on the Public Utili- ties Commission, several of thein as Chair- man. Mr. MacEwan gave much of his time to matters connected wit11 this Coin- nlission,over the years and served the Town well. & (baineillor Reg. .Jewell gave a most creditable report, of his role as the cap- able chairman of the water, light and har- bor, committee. His acclamation as Dep- uty Reeve was deserving and he will be. heard from in still higher roles in future years. The other committee chair- men, Reeve Frank Walkom, Deputy Reeve May Mooney and Councillors Robert Squire Kenneth Croft, Robert Hays and Joseph Moody gave inspiring reports. of accom- plishments in their respective fields of endeavor. Now, let's show our appreciation by do- ing the least we can do — turning out in full force to vote on election day,'Monday, December Ninth! WHAT IS A' FARMER? .Farmers these days are finding it a bit difficult at times ...to understand just what, exactly, they are trying to do. The times are a bit confusing also to those en- gaged in most occupations. But in case the farmer doesn't know precisely what 'he is, a writer in a Newyork State week- ly newspaper has ventured the following explanation : A farmer is a paradox — 'he is an overall executive with his home; his office: a1 scientist using fe'rtiti r attachments; a purcha inri agent in -an Mii tat; a mer sonne•I director with grease under his fin- gernails; . . . a' produetion expert with a-, surplus; and a manager battling a prie-e cost squeeze. He ma.n:agc's more capital than most businessmen in town. IIe likes sunshine, good foods. He is! not much for droughts, ditches, throughways, experts, weeds, the 8-hrsur day, or helping with the house- work... A farmer musthave faith to eontin- nally meet the challenges of his captic- Established 1848 ities can You amid the possibility that a late spring bring his business to a standstill. can reduce his acreage but not his ambition. Might as well put up with him. He is your countryman — a denim -dressed, businesswise, fast-growing statesman of stature. And when he comes in at noon. having spent the energy of his hopes, he can be—reeharged anew with the magic words : The, Market's up." * * s. • e Read That . • Failures are divided into two classes — those who thought and -never did, and those, whw-did and never thonght. Our biggest mistake'' fn mit- pursuit of happ fess is not knowing ,vhen we've got it. Some parents have difficulty in dec- iding on a nine for a new baby. Others have rich relatives. Ci' ni rrirbtang- .L [] The County Town Newspaper of Huron - --0— s. Published at Goderich, Ontario every Thursday morning by . Signal -Star Publishing Limited GEO. L. l LLIS. President add Publisher 116th Year of Publication R. G. SHRLER, Vice -President and Advtg., ' Mgr. S F. Hills, Plant Supt. ,Member of C.W.N.A., O `W.N,A., C.C.N.R., and A.B.C: • [� 0 Subscription Rates — $4 a year. to U.S.A.. $5 fin advance) ;Pi,tuthOxlzed as Seconil CI« Mail, boat ®like Dept., its Ottawa and for Paent of Postage in Cash. • 30 Years Ago -1933 A group of those interested in beautifying of Maitland.ceme- tery meets in MacKay Hall. The question of a commission - in- stead of a town council commit- tee to handle cemetery affairs is broached. Huron County Council ung animously motes to discard the time-honored system, in vogue for 34 years, of electing war- dens along political lines. Lib- erals and Conservatives alter- nating. Henceforth wardens will be chosen in open council, instead of in caucus. miller and his band of willing workers„ who collected and ship- ped two carloads of fruit, vege- tables and clothing to two points in the dried out and grasshopper section of South- ern Saskatchewanc have just reason to feel proud of the splendid, and humanitarian work they have accomplished, judging from the numerous let- ters received by Mr. Patton. Special Saturday only, at the. Sanitary Meat Market, Hamil- ton street: shoulder pork chops, 12c lib.; chuck roast, 8c lb.; rolled prime rib roast, 12c lb.; pure :pork sausage, 2 lbs. for 23c. 15 Years Ago -1948 Goderich will have an elec- tion for reeve and deputy reeve. All other offices are. filled 115 Years Agc;1 In Goderich Our worthy friend, Ira Lewis, Esq., barrister, has been making a tour -of -the Province, and is now. return- ed full of life, and love, and law, and poetry, and will henceforth be found 'plying ,his profession in Goderich,up- on- those strict principles of integrity for which a respect- able 'practice in law is pro- verbial." An' advertisement offered a "liberal reward" to anyone finding a black stray ' ox, "nine years old, blii d" of the off eye with a gimblet hole in each horn." It had stray- ed from lot No. 16, third concession of Wawanosh. Another advertisement told of plans to celebrate the an-. .niv..eraa 4-113e..patrc aint _ St. An lrewo' `fiy Il e S•o is ' of St. Andrew at the Huron Hotel. The Sawnies or Strat- ford were planning to do likewise. citizens for municipal nomin- ations. It rs the largest crowd in .two decades, packing the upstairs auditorium and over- flowing into the hallway. The controversy is the operation of the Goderich Memorial Arena. Councillor C. M. ...Robertson and Mayor John E. Huddles are nominated for mayor. Joseph Allaire and John Vincent • con- test for deputy reeve. Reeve John H. Graham and six coun- cillors return by acclamation. Former mayor George Mat'h- ieson dies at the, age of 48. One Year Ago—'1962 There's a bustle of activity around iGoderieh harbor these days with the end of the ship- ping season looming up this weekend. Not ,for a long time has Goderieh 'harbor presented such a busy appearance much of it due to dredging jobs and waterworks construction on top of the filling of grain barges for winter storage and normal grain -and salt. ahippt tralliiee An Emergency Measures re- hearsal, involving nearly 700 students and staff members of Goderich DistriotPColl'egi.ate In- stitute is planned. - The school will be cleared of occupants and rural students shipped home by bus within one hour. - Leonard Sheardown is in- stalled as Worshipful Master of Maitland Masonic Lodge in a ceremony at the Lodge rooms. The installation is performed by Rt. Wor. Bro. A. R. Scott nd his staff of assisting officers. A record low of 35 ratepayers returns Goderich Township Council by acclamation at the nomination meeting at Clinton. by acclamation. Mayor George- G. eorgeG. MaaEwan is re-elected may- or. Ex -Mayor Mooney, who was nominated, has no intention of being a ,candidate. The six councillors are John Graham, Earl Elliott, Joseph Moody, Fred Sturdy, Leo Walzak and Joseph Allaire. The people of Goderieh Town- ship ownship are shocked to learn of the sudden death of Robert G. Thompson, township clerk for more than 25 years. Goderieh can put away its candles and lanterns for there will be no more blackouts for ome. mmeeprdviciedehydro-ens= tamers conntinue to keep down the amount used. 1(f they dont, blackouts will have to return, according -oto the Gode- rich Public -Utilities Comanis- sion. Mrs. Therese Pfrimmer gives an interesting demonstration of Swedish massage at the meet- ing of the Community Nursing Registry -in MacKay Hall. - 10 Years Ago -1953 The Goderieh plant of Purity Flour Ltd., long known locally as the "Big Mill" has changed hands and will shortly be operated by the Upper Lakes and -St. Lawrence Trans- portation.Co: Ltd. It is under- stood that future plans for the "Big Mill" entail a definite pro- gram of expia aiion- . The town hall is jammed with Swallowing your pride will never give you indigestion. Perseverance ''` Yndicaies �a strong will; obstinance a strong won't. BETTY ETiE PRESENTED WITH HONORARY GAVEL The sixth meeting of - the Beta Theta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority was held on Tuesday, . Noyeu ber 26, at Tiger Dunlop Inn with nine members present. After the dinner, presentations were made arid rituals held. Miss Betty Etue was present- ed with a past lsresident'e gavel and 'was thanked by president Ellen Nelson for her hard work aspresident last year. Following this, a ipledge rat- ua;l ' was held for Miss Ellen Pickell, new member to Beta Sigma Phi. Th"e Rilt1ial of Jewels follow- ed for Miss Pat Simpson and (honorary member• Mrs'. May Mooney. Mrs. John Sully was installed"' as -social sponsor of the group and presented with a symbolic yellow rose and re- cognition pin. Time is that expanse of space, between pay days. - If You'reTIRED ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody geb a "tired -out" feeling, and nray be bothered by backaches. Perhaps•noth, mg seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. Thai's the time, to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all drug counters.Youcan depend on Doddra.scn This. is all it costs Just a little more than a cent a day, to rent a Safety 1$eposit Box at BRITISH MORTGAGE. There are three sizes of boxes , for you to ehoose from., to hold your valuable papers and documents. Even your' jewellery. 'A BRITISH MORTGAGE Safety l)elrc ;sit Box assures the 'safety, and seeurity of your most important paskessions. Are yours safe? BRITISH MORTGAGE. &TRUST Telephone 524-7381 At the Sttplight Goderieh "Do we turn the clock ba ward or iorward onq 'hour?" This Often perpfiqsing which faces millions el people twice a year is, of cOur,se, re- lated to the Daylight' Saving Time system. Blame it all on' Williaiax Willett, all English- man, who published in 1907 "The Waste of Paylight,". a book 'aimed at securing anore daylight leisure for recreation and lessening the work per- formed by artificial light dur- ing the summer months. T. PRYDE & SON — Memorials Finest Stone and txperienced Workmanship Frank Mcliwain DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE JA. 4-7861 or 200 Gibbons St. — A-9465 111111111111111.11111141101.0. for after-fiv Do iki1r want a dress that will mak a grand entrance on the Festive Bolide scene and yet go anywhere .and do eve thing after the mad whirl has subside Well, we have a beautiful stock of dres that will take you to those festiVe seaso parties and also take you anywhere yo might like to go next year. No need f a bouffant skirt and all the fussy tr rnings. Neat and yet oh. so prettysis o stock of dresses. See them, won't you? 19 95 to 50.00 GIFT WRAPPING FOR MEN AS USUAL su or ea nc PI th 1)1 4,1 :SQUARt