HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-10-29, Page 5`German Syrup" Here is something from Mr,Frank A,al proprietor e, pr ,punter of the De Witt. House, Lewiston, and the Tontine Hotel, Brunswick, Me. Hotel men meet the world as it comes and goes, and are not slow in sizing people and things up for what they are worth. He says that he has lost a father and several brothers and sis- ters from Pulmonary Consumption, is himself frequently troubled with colds, and he Hereditary often coughs enough to make him sick at Consumptionhis stomach. When- ever he has taken a cold of this kind ke uses Boschce's German Syrup, and it cures him every time. Here is a man who knows the full danger of lung trou- bles, and would therefore be most particular as to the medicine he used. What is his opinion? Listen ! t e I use nothing but Bosehee's German Syrup, and have advised, I presume, .more than a hundred different per- sous to take it, They agree with me that it is the best cough syrup ij1 the market," (O NETS NOTES - CANADIAN.. Hon. J. A. Ch.apleau continues to im- prove.. The deficit in the Hamilton saenger- fest accounts la $1,52T.09. Charles Stallard, of £ ewnaarket died from poison by handling skeepsklna. Fire apparatua at Berlin was destroy- ed by fire yesterday, entailing a lose of The 17. S. National Wholesale Drug- gists Association will next moot in Montreal. A. Olen is under arrest at Brussels, charged with the larceny of $358 from Alc.t*isiater's store. Bishop Anson, of Qu' es ppelle, was thrown from ills rig an Thursday evg. and seriously injured, Sir John Thompson's 12•year.ald daughter, Frankie, is dying with hip disease produced by a fall. The Donlinlon°"and Allan steamship linea will not tun to Halifax hereafter. They subsidy does not justify it. The body of Louis W'ittie, who has been missing from Waterloo since Oca. 13, waa found in a mill pond Friday, Ot' eral Herbert has rented Earns. oldie for the balance of Ila term In Canada as commander of the militia: There were 42 failures in Canada during the fast seven days. There were 22 for the corresponding period last year. '1'lie gold medal for best ploughing at tlko provincial ploughing ma•ch has been awarded to John Dickinson al. Eramosn. Capt. Aleck Donnelley of the Grey- hound,whrch sailed out of Kincardine, was killed in laza coaster the other day at Stokes Bay. Alex. Newman, sentenced to the Kingston penitentiary for 20 years, for arson, as dying of consumption and has been released. Teo palatial steel steamers are to be added to the lake passenger fleet next season to ply between Kingston and Montreal. At aReform convention held at Fer- gee Friday, John Craig received the nomination on the first ballot to fill the yacnncy for .least Wellington in the Local Assembly. The total wheat exports from the United States and Canada for the sea- son to date is 70,173,000 bushels as against 30,771,000 bushels for the cor- responding period last year. East bound freight trains on the Grand Trunk were running trough the tunnel at Sarnia Saturday:'Everything worked satisfactorily. Five excursion train loaded with visitors were there. Herbert Mills, a G. r. R. yardsman, broke his right leg Friday morning at Stratford. He was having a friendly scuffle with another young man, when he slipped and fell,causingthe fracture According to a Kingston dispatch,at Carleton Place, Miss Abbott, the elec- trio girl,`"caught by the horns a bull which came at her with lowered head, and tossed the animal to one side. He weighed 1,900 pounds. The third lot of Canadian cattle shipped from Boston this season left there Friday in the steamship Border- er, They number 700 head, The rate as 35s. From Montreal it is 75a per head. ',The following is the return of traffic rnings of the Canadian 'Nellie Rail- w'ay from October 14th to October 21st 1891 t-$441,000; for the same week in 1890. $379,000. Increase 1891, $62. 000. A Birtle despatch says that on Fri- day two sons of Robert Newsham, aged three and five years,being left alone in the house, were playing with powder. The powder caught fire and the house was burned. The two children perish- ed in the flames. John Cumming's house near Pen- etanguishene, was burned on Sunday morning, and three of his children were burned to death,and his wife was very badly burned -fatally, it is fear- ed The fire was started by the child- ren, lighting papers and throwing them into a woodbox,while the parents were at church, Much damage was done in the vio:n.. ity of Monoton, N. B., by a storin on Saturday night: The outer breakwater at Point Duchene way carried away and "a small schooner crushed between the breakwater and wharves. Eight inches of snow fell along the Interco- lonial Railway between Newcastle and Bathurst. The entire northern section ot the province is coveeed with a fleecy mantle. J. H. GREIVE Before you bu'R your: Fail c 1Winter Clothing Call and examine the 'large and well -assorted stock of Fine Worsted Suitings Fine Scotch Tweed tI Canadian " <t Also all the leading colors and patterns in Overcoayti gs All will be mac'le up in first-class style at prices away below the lowest. Remember we guarantee a aQp D FIT . ti..., or no sale.. ---Give me a call, J. H. GRIEVE. Isolorrackingom SNELL BROS.' CO. ];laving commenced our Fall Trade we will buy BOGS— DRESSED OR ALIVE. Dressed hogs bought subject to the fol- lowing rules 2 lbs per cut off ; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck $ lba ofi for bung gat or gnllett if lett tn. We are ileo prepared to supply our ens towers at the Packing House with all hinds of Cured Meat, Sausage, Bologna, Head Cheese, Fresh Pork, Tenderloin, Spare ltibs Lard and Hauls, 'Wholesale and Retail. The application for bail made on be- half of Wm. Wilson 'and John Fitzpat- rick, of Strathroy, who were commit- ted on a charge of murder, in connec, tion with the death of old Mr. Tipton, proved successful 10 Toronto Saturday, and the prisoners were released on substantial bail, A Logan correspondent writes : Mrs. Chambera, of SVoodlitock, is visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. John Ward, who is alao a grandmother. The cid lady is 87 years of age and is very feeble. It is a very rare instance to know of a family of five generations, and a woman who is a great great grandmother. I'he Mounted Police Department at Ottawa is advised that constables Alexi ander and Ryan, while patrolling near Fort McLeod, N. W. T., on the 19th, were fired upon by a party ot Blood Indians. The policemen returned the fire, and one Indian received a fatal wound, while one officer was killed, Constable Alexander received a slight wound. The superintendent of the Mounted Police is bolding an investi- gation, TM/TIM STATES. Martin won the bicycle race at New York,having ridden 1,466 miles during the week. The next electrocution in New York will be that of Martin D. Loppy, for wife murder. In Tabasco, Mexico, cropa have been ruined and thousands of cattle destroy- ed by floods. The Pacific short line has been sold for $2,000,000 in the interest of the Great Northern. British commissioners to the World's Fair at Chicago speak enthusiastically of Its outlook. The teller of the Louisiana State Bank, Eugence F. Garca, is said to be a defaulter for $10,000. At Sioux Falls S. D., eighteen in- dictments have been presented against the Louisiana lottery. Four hundred and sixty-two thou- sand two hundred and seventy-sixemi- grants have arrived during the last nine months in the United States. Spanish fever has broken out at the Cincinnati stook yards. Seventeen cattle have already died of the disease, and many others are sick. A novel remedy has been applied to the 'sink ones, and with apparent success. It is that of sawing off the horns of the af- flicted animals. The New York "Green Goods" men have been caught. The detectives are in possession of letters from persons sending for the "green goods," and they will be looked after :n due course. There were 500,000 circulars ready to be sent out. Robert Shaw, of Snow's Falls, Me., went to sleep in a field the other day,, and when he awoke be was minus a good pair ,of trousers. Field mice, which swarmin Oxford county, knawed the garment into sbreads and carried it away. About eight weeks ago as Lachlan Taylor of Wiarton wos working in the bush, in stepping over a large maple tree which he had recently cut down, he fell on a sapling. which was broken off about four feet from the ground and badly aplintered,cutting his throat severely. EIS FAMILY DID NOT KNOW HIM. A Belleville man has for years been bent and crippled with a lame back, but after try ing the OR, Kidney cure, he coule walk like. a boy again and ilia neighbors could hardly recognize him. This remedy is for sale by all druggists and the OR Company, I3elle- ville.-ag6m3 holm Boller 500 CORDS Wood Wanted! DELIVERED AT THE MILL Il'or which we will pay high- est market prices. TILE EXETER MILLING Cos. esnyylelyymorney MARKET REPORTS. Redwheat .., ... Spring Wheat ... Barley ,,, Oats•.., Clov er Seed ••• ,., Tinuonby Peas .., Corn „• Eggs , Butter FloereerbbI , Potatoes,per btishttl Applea,por oag DrledApplespr b Goose peril). Turkoyperih Puekapec lb Cbickeusperpr liogs,dreasedpor100 Seel Hldearongh, ,. " dressed Sheepskins each Calfsklna Wool pert b 13aypertan Ooionvnerbush Woodporoord 0,11 Oee ye Yet sT atASTs - 88 to 90 *- 88 to 94 ••• rite 45 26 to 27 460to4,0 1 40 to 1 40 -. 53 to 55. .,. 0 40 to 50 • 15 to 16 »• 14to005 60405)5, 50to 05,5 •.+ 1 CO to 160 -, 0 4te 050 • 005to01..6 .» 07 to (8 - Q06to007 • 025to009 .» 600 to62,5 .,. 4 00 to 5 22 „. 400to460 - r ao to 5 25 -. 0 60 to 70 • O5Oto0S0 • 018 to 019 .,, 8 0r to 9 et. • O5eta0 00 • 250to3QO s .Fall Wheat ., , . 88 96 Spring Wheat.................. ... . ..... 88 99 OaBats 0 35 0 45 Clover ticoci ,...,....,.., 0 a 4 25 Timothy , ...,,. 1 2.51 iltf Peas ...................... ....... .. 0 ti 0 55 Eggs .. ............ .. ... 15 0 15 Butter.. .. ................................ .. 13 o 14 Potatoes per bag 50 5r Apples pottanctt .............................. 0,60 Sioalporlb 18019 ling porton 8 Oil 9 99 Bran per ton 11 0014 (t0 Shorts " "' 20 00 241 00 Oatrnoalnorbbl.. .;. ,. 6 09 7 OO Hogs, dressoal per 100. 5 00 to Li '9..1 LONDON. Wheat. 91 to 93 par boa. Oats, 3tle to 4Pc per bus, Peas. 5Ic to 57c por bus. Ilar ler, talting, 47i to r '',er bus. Barley Feed, 36c to 4 l per bus .germ, 56;0 to Pte per bushel, TORONTO. Toronto. Oct, 28 -Wheat Spring -No. 2, fi tc to95o nor bus; rod winter.No 2. 95e to 98e her bus. Manitoba No 2 bard, d 07 to 108 No 3, 99e to 101 : PEAS 60cto G)o per bus. OATS gilt to 30eer bus. FLOUR, extra. St (0 to 54.)0 per but; straight roller, $4.«Oto $4 2C, strong bakers, 54.9) to $5.00. BARLEY. "No 1, feeding, 32o to 53e. London Cheese Market. Saturday, Oct. 24, 1891. The market was largely attended to -day, and 35 factories were boarded. Some fuw had the August make on their bands. A. large number of the September, and not many of the October cheeses baro been dis- posed of yet, The bidding today was dn)l, and bnyers were in no humor to invest. Out of the 35 factories only part of two was sold ; 308 boxes out of600 belongingtoCher- ryhill factory sold at 9;0 per pound, and 350 boxes out of 600 from the Wallacetown and Dutton factory went at 9 13-16e. The ma- jority of the salesinen naked 10o for all their make, and one factory' (Genry's) was offered at this price and :closed, A number of factories have heavy stooks on hand, and ac- cording to tbo disposition of the buyers of the last two markets, their intention if. to hold on until prices advauoe to 10c a pound and over. The following factu.i ware represented : West i'lagdala.,. Boxes. .300 Centralia 350 Bryanston 540 1 Westminster 0.00 N4 allacetown and Dutton 600 White Oak .260 Leitch's ..... 400 Devizes Blanchard and Nissouri... 650 Glencoe .. 1,000 Avonbank 450 W. 1'1 issouri 1 North Branch.... 500 Keyser ......................... . 200 Codarvale 200 Chorryhi]1.. 600 Victoria,... ,..,... 285 Maple Grove... 240 Thompson'a................................ 23i0 Pond Mills... . Sifton's 275 Gladstone- a20 Elgin-- ... .... ...... ..... .. ....... 4-50 Yarmouth Centre 25) Delaware ... 560 Appin and Mayfair 675 Mapleton... ..... 220 Kin torn ... 305 T h amesford•... 250 Thames.. 410 Union Hill 400 Glanworth 350 North Street.......... 260 Icer Gear y's .................. . . . 300 290 1AR12 FOR SALE. The subscriber offers her farm, containing 100 acres being lot 5. in the 2nd con of Hay township, for sato, 80 acres cleared, good busb, splendid water, 21 miles from Exeter, convenient to schools and churches. Witt be sold on r:asonablo terms. Apply on the premises or to Mrs, Relit. Murray,Hay 1'. 0. Sept, 8-2m. OOK'S COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfullyus- edmonthly by thousands of LADIES. Is the only perfect ly safe and roliabl e medicine discovered. Beware of un- principled druggists who offer inferior medicines in Place of this. Ask for COOK'S COTTON ROOT CO►ipoIIND,take no substitute ; or inclose 51 and 4 three -cont Canada postage stamps in letter, and we will send, sealed, Eby return nail. Full sealed particulars in :plain envelope. to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond Lily Company No, s Fisher Block , 131 Woodward avo.,Detroit Mich. Sold in Exeter by DR. LUTZ, Control Drug Store and by all druggists everywhere, DlSILASFS �yt OF Of all ages, resulting from Errors or. Indiscre- tions of Youth, may be perm tnontly curod,and the vigor of perfect manhood fully rostored,as NERVOUS DEBILITY, STERILITY, with SEMINAL LOSSES Sc PREMATURE DECAY Long Standing eases of GLEET, STRICTURE SYPHILIS, VARIC00ELE and all PRIVATE and CHRONIC Diseases treated with perfeet success. Our field is in CHRONIC CASES in whioh others have failed ; if you are incurable we will frankly tell you so. Write for particulars and treatise, Free, to ST, Louts MEn5oet. Co., 162 and 1c4 King Streit. West. Toronto, Ont. 153:6m Forest City Business College ^AND-- Snorthand Institute, LONDON, ONT„ Is ,without doubt the most sIosoucit and d eueermee institution in CANADA. ma,. =.; n GRADUATES Of both sexes ASS/STEW TO geed. rostrums Over fifty of last season's students in Positions, CATALOGUE FREE, W. W' STERVI IQr, PB1,ICIPAL. ARMER BROS. WHOLESALE 8s RETAIL GROCERS Wine d, i.3p111,6 zierehants, r4 ri .ifs . I EXETER, ONTARIO. Happy Prize Winners! On the afternoon of Tuesday, Sept. let, the street opposite the Dominion Labora- tory was l,leekeil by boys and fllrls made happy by prizes drawn by purehaaea of Sehool stooks and Supplies et Browning's Book and Drug Store. The following is a partial list of the winners :-- Ticket No.ti7 -\SiliieClarke. Beautiful lapkin Ring to Satin and Gold Covered case No. 212 -Eddie Crocker. Teapot stand 200 -Dottie of Perfume No."-lierbcrt llandford, Dress Fan 8i',.-5fis; If anter (i'sbornel Pocket Bible 201 -John Spackman, lfagioSlate("termor 32T llugh Gould. Pocket Neoessairie 75--R. Kinsman, Polished 1ukStand 111),,,I5 iu lir Ic.9it,t Silver KnifeFork,Spoan. 5. \erkiaA 1143 -Jessie Creech, Handsome Dress Fan 207-A'mer Nelson, Scholars Companion 210 -Eddie Crocker, Lacrosse Stick or bottle of Florida Water 77 -IL Kinsman flo-cart 17. -Louis 31:tnning. Stenocone complete with number of handsome pltetegrctphtc views 205 -kiddie Crocker, Splash a -W Brooks, Scholars Companion with Lock 211-11ugh Gould, Go Cart 217a-1h=s JTunterfi'sborno) Fish Pond Hanle 242- Fruit Basket 66 -Win Clarke. Xecessaire 215--11is hunter. Cut Blass Weight 20-Ealdiel)ignnn.Stamp album 231-llugh Gould. Ladies Companion s Eddwc'rocker White wood Money -box 170 Lour Manning„ Magic. Pocketbook n Sy1ve terRacrett, Robber Bail 55-\i'm Brooks. Fruit Rasket 40—John Snell. Magio Slate Cleaner "8 'y'vester Eacrett. Iland-painted splash 221 -Emily Doted, Afothcr of Pearl Purse 1-11eury Gould, Fountain Pon SC -it. lifa,staan;-Rose wood 11'ritina Desk. BOYS; ! (4 RT.S ! All should lay their Schuoal Books and Supplies atBrowning's and scenre a chance of aPrize at the best great drawing. All Goods Sold atlLowest Prices and the chane for a prize thrown in.- Don't miss getting tickets -free to pur- chasers of School. Books. The prizes at the next drew'itig will far surpass those !given out at the last. _? DOKINION LABORATORY, hIain:st,Exeter HURRAH ! 3.11.347 Tailor Shop We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on the shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles -AND A - Sure Fit Guaranteed. W. JOHNS. Hardware, Stoves -AND- TINWARE FOR 60 DAYS ! O :a Heating Stoves -away down. -Coal and Oven ; Double Heaters.- See the Art Amherst. AYES, HINGES, NAILS, LOCKS, LTC. Everything in Tinware, Cheap: Boilers, Pails, Dippers, Milk - Pans, (a'raniteware, &o. Sheepskins, Hides, Wool Pickings, Old Iron &c., taken in trade. Fun, Gallons Coal Oil for OSota. W H. IVIONCUR, J. HOWARD, Man'r. • Prop. IS TRE NEW PREMIUM (Area to every enbserillor, new or old. of THE WEEKLY Eail#'nt: IHR 3898, Thousands of dollars have been spent in its preparation. Its enccess is fu11Y assured it is a highly valued souvenir of the gr'ea,cat statesman mud the most honored lender ever known r t a n dian history. This beautiful ltletnori el Minna contains 15 foil.pag.illustrations of in;eresting scenes in connection with the history of Sir John. and presents nsattotneow a d nnrAhi of oat our'tato Y portraitures. BEAD THE LIST. Iru11•pa„ a rortraits of Sir Jolsn i.iost Baroness Macdonald ; Birthplace of sir John is Clss cow ; Fortran of Sir John -Then a You545 man 5 Portrait of air John's M411,1eurer,Honrtheesfead only oneat ,?veronpublish ,occupied;ed by 7Aca Kingst .sir John during the 1$ebeldlon of 1837; 8atrnse11tre, 81r Joint's Residence at Ottawa: Interior orSeuate ('Lumber. (wawa, show - inn the Guard or Honor and Body ri.3'8tr, #n State; Exterior View or Mouses of I anis- went, with Funeral Procession fornrtrsg in, the loregrouinl View of Eastern Klock, Yarli ,went Building*. with Funeral. Pro- cession passing; Flue I lew City Ita1L'li.inye• tort, Draped ,u Mournlug, as it appeared the clay sir John's Cody reached kingatan and Lay int State ; (:rave at ('at rraqul ('eare- terS. with Flora Tributes front his Thous- punts or Followers ; \ leer or Westminster ,Rirbey, la yah els the Memorial Service was held ; Interior i ie lv er 'FV,eit'nt user; View 4,0 PAL Pant'.+ cathedral, lis which se Memo. Oat Tablet milt heErected. toSIr 7oh"'.sMet tory Interior View or St. Paul's Cathedral. .All tt es' vt +.s a.e,:ne Waif -toned Photogravures on /wary cm-true/est paper.and stnitablY bonnal with au )luu,:n,i-,1 aa,,.i t tm'a as=err co -r. A r,.%11..r {alttnb)n souvenir that wi:i be 16 si,itahlit nrtt.u,uen . a rn ra.;vr oc ]i",. u a hurl .. 1 li.• d..tn ,nd fni ivti work urgent:-, , to lo' great. e, i d in snort nrd, i r.,.rh. e t'h U'i7: #)01,1,53'., and got Til'.: \\ F;LhL'k MU'll.E for 000 y car and this 31#:.iloft15d, .#,..t.78. N.,w salswrai,er; vviii ri-e]vu Tull \\'gri lx E1es.'tnu fi e tor Dalai i cf t),1 year, ISSIall BR TO THE PEON b The cheapest plat in town to by Builders' Hardware, flails, Hinges Locks, Glass, Putty, Paints and Oils. New stock of the celebrated Johnston's Ligtud Paints --Showy Co,ars. New lines of Artists' Paints and Brushes. Barbed, Plain, Strip, Black and Galvanlzr'd Wires cheap for Casal, Tinware Stock Complete. -- Eavetroughing Specialty New Raymond Sewing Machin es and N1.e files GIVE US A CALL ISSZVT SIV CS* Exeter M usic StoreG Whizz Did you see our stock of PERKINS & MARTIN, 'We have csnstantTl on hand a inrgo display �t n'•� of the best TI i tl ��,OOTS and SHOE'S PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING liit'TIINIS, BICYCLES and. SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. That we have put in the store ono door south ot'thcPOA Office? Now itisworthyoarwhile to Sive us a look, We will show you through. We Intro all the Finest Lines of Ladies' and (4011 tH Shoes made in Canada, and guarantee they aro right as far as wear and value goes. If you want a real nice shoo, something titan it Persons anticipating the purahaso of any -lis apleastare to wear. come up anti see ours. thing in the above linos will do well to call at Besides our fine line we also carry a largo and the store. We guarantee satisfaction, and well assorted stock of Boys' and hisses' .hoes prices as low as ear, bt had at the manufactories. for shute Bouts . also Men's Workiw r Es Imes We would respectfully ask you to call and sae our stock. Itis as lino as will be feud in any city" ""'" music store. 4 AWAY llO\VN IN PRICE. " P.S.-Agents for all kinds of agricultural 4 All our goods ore guaranteed good. and a:; we ""iwish to build up a TRADE and KIOEP IT, we are selling CHEAP for CASH, and tOxford Ties fir bummmeri in all Slippers Oxford Bring in yourg�rciris and buy them a pair of School Shoes. rbo), aro dandies. Give us a call. 3.ot are welcome. GEO. MANSON, New �'all Goods STAND :—Fansou's Block, Exeter. E conn 1 ca1tI GET RICH By buying your Fall and Winter Goods ab DOUPE'S ;HEAP STORE, KIRK`T'ON New Goods in Every Department. Come yourself and bring your friends and you will find what a low price really means in Highest Grade Goods of Honest Oualitq. DOUPE & CO., Kirkton. !a:hiQnhI ! J cD H z 0 0 1-1 CP 0 0 These are Scorch- ers. New Velveteens. " Dress Goods. ac cc tc Cc tt cc Lt cc /t CC Mantle Cloths, Prints. Table Linens. Shirtings. Cottons. Cashmere Hose. Cashmere Gloves Kid Gloves. Corsets. Cottonades. J. MATHESON, HAY P.O. - EXETER NORTH. Persuasive Prices PRODUCE Positive Profits. Good Beds from $2 00 and up. Full Bed -room Suites from $10 and up. Sideboards from $7 50° and up. A Solid Walnut Side.. - board for $13 and up. Extension Tables from $6 and up. Platform Rockers, uplaol- stored, from .$3' 75 up. Woven Wire Mattresses from $2 25 and up. Hall Hat Stands from $5 and np. Solid Carved Oak Bed- room Suites, antique, finish. at ;$35, cheap; at $I0. And are only for 80 Days In order to make room for New Stock soon to arrive. We Have our premises packed full and are short for room. Parlor Suites, Dining Suites, Bedroon Suites, Kitchen Suites -all away down. Window Shades, Cornice Poles, Pillows Mattresses, everything yon want to furniel a house, at priced to make you buy. GIDE -+ Y't Pioneer Furniture Store, ODDFELLOWS' BLOCK Here They are TEM BEST YET ! TIDE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET ! Rest Ordered Clothing pl oduced in Exeter Gentlemen! leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, you are sure of satisfac- tion