HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-10-29, Page 4Established 1877,, VISTEnte EXETER, ONT Traneaets generalbankine business. Receives the aceounte of waerelearits and othera on favers.ble terms. r men every aceounneeation consistent with aafe yid conservative barking prieeiples. Five per cent, totems; alloyed ou deposits. »rafts issued payable at any efilee a the eferchaate Bank. NorEs DISCOUNTED, 4e. MONEY 'XO LOAN ON NOTES AND MORTGAGES Ow Coln Viwo. TRURSDAY, OCTOBER '29th„ 1 MANAD AEXATIO. re in receipt in privs.te envelopo NOTree5 AND 002431TENTS. The Globe made a statement the other day that during the thee interveningbe- tween the deeth of Sir John Macdonald and the formation a Premier Abbott's Cabinet, Ron J. A.. Cimpleell: through an intermediary, offered to desert the Conservative party with all his followers and go over to the Grits on eondition of receiving a portfolie in the prospective Laurier cabinet. Dar. Chapleau gives the story an emphatic denial, and has entered an aetwa againet the Glebe for libel. duly sealed and fan postage paid, of pamphlet beariug the eiNoplirae.dta Erestus Wim. 314 Broadway, N. entitled thlinpossibility a Canadien An- nexation." Mr. Wirdald hes for f or tivo gone, been telliang the .Amerinan peopie that Cartade could be annexed, thee the d. aim fel, trade recIperenty would hi about 0.1111tWitiOit, at has ee far as poesible concealed the annexation rtet ef fact from his Canadian audiences, but annexation him been promiuently put forward m his American speechea. Mr. F. W. Glen, of Brooklyn, a form er member of the Canarlien Varna:neat, ba$ teken4 hand in, and go ea in very strangly fug aneexation. M. Wintatt publishee this pamphlet to rebuke Mr, ellen for las indiscretion. *Mr. Wituen, we presume, will send his pamphlet to every newspaper And every prominent man m Cenaila 'So one can doubt after readine the painplitet, that one a the cherishea ardenteo Wirrianai life is annexation of Canada, yet that peinphlet lielieg printed for Ciusadiert readers, triee to show ite iropeseibitity, and tentlesirebilitea Mr. Wireen exposee his whole., eotithia- try ha 4 sentene.e or tsv f tiaseritieteris of Irtite :lten. Save Mr. Winter:: `*The mite eney of mini:nation is Itii 511Z:St dCet feat, ao fares Carriaaiscencerned„ end hese eetiefactorliy saleed the queetton grateful as !ant tie Mr, alien, 1 lialiiisee idniard, eel this fart Tate foreibly area The li,inter a Agriculture has re- ceiveal a cable enessage from the /iligh C'ornmissioner Baiting that at meeting in Liverpaol on Wednesday of the Corn Trade Associatiou it was ;leaded that hereafter red wheat grown in Canada eaet a the 'Rocky Mountains a a quality it lower than No, 2 Stetidard red win- ter or No. 2 spriug. shall he quoted for delivery at the sane figure as similar wheat from the United States. Sir Merles Tupper has thus again proven the value of his services to the DOndlition by having the unjust disetimination ateainst Cenaeliati wheat removed. t t he Wands in tbe world a lama, their nun -them will mount into hundrede el thousands, Thoreau) over 1.000 ielande under the flag cf Japan, many hundreds in '00 St Lawrimeo river and in Georgiau Bey, the north eaten - ion a Lelee aluron, where we fiud very few islands on the maps, the aro in y several thousand ielende, most of them a course, quite emall. it wa among these beautiful wooded little 15 lantle tint the if uren Indians took re. thee when they were assailed in Ita49 by their implaeable foel, the Impel& Amon g the labyriathine channele the Irequoie could not enceessfully pursue them, and ttmee who escape1 to the is. lands eaved themselves fora the eater- minetton which befell their friends. COMMUNICATIONS. The 'Editor lees not netreasarile endorse the sentimente advanced in Articles under this heading. Independence Icapoesibio„ To the Editor of the Exeter Time,. Dnen reed with pleasure the letter signed "Canada kiret." pa your paper last week, I agree fully with neerly everything it ceutained. I observe, how- ever, that "Canada First" advekeetes Coma-, dian Independence. To tee sentimental mind the idea of Canadian iedependeree appeela strop*. Bat this is a dollars and cent:: community, and if sentiment and self.iuterest conflict, aelf interest wins uuless succees involves humiliation or dia. honor. 1 was in &Vox' el Canadian rode pewlence a ehort time aince, but a closer study of the question lea.is me to conclude that Canada cannot afford to pay the money that would be required to eetiefy our seuti mental longings. In cousidermg the question of our Wore we cannot avoid comperisons witb condi- tion* which exist in Canada and the WW1 States. To a large eittent we are coialyeti. tors a that country. Like two merchants eldiug linsinee,s side by side the one that offers the best advantage will eet the Mt - terriers, (provided alwaye.of course, the the avertiscs ixi Tue.' Exe.eert Thane) ells ustorraers ere not greeted hy sentiment in reakiefe their purcleasee. Neither are peo- ple whom we desire to make Canadian alone, whether uative or foreign born. Py Cateeilian living will go to the States emorrow if ee kuows he can get a few or per year there then here. Ian eentimeet dosen't mut or 40 web dter a1 .Now for the comparison. The Canadian national debt has increased sines Confeder- atiou from $aa to ifila per head. That of he United ateece, on the other baud, is heiug Maimed very feat. In Septemeer the combitied national, state mid meeicipa date of that country Was 618 per head. attic)* I hear mile one seyirag, i•Well, but gee what we have epeot to develop the couutryea Yee, aud aomeek the more appeiutiog is the result of that expenditure. We kept blowingililee gooa fellowa wbile the mouey was bong epent that in come- queuce of the improvemeate effected—the lalice of railwava, cauale, opening new territorysu.1—t be ete.,—e come woeiN all up with eettlere so feet Out oeweortiera woula help to pay tide vy ad:need that our own ehare of the zieting deLt weld be lesseued. But omit, as I have elate le is that instead expeetatierstieing fulfilled, the debt 1rbed insteaal of M. It would t tqapeee as if it bad beeu better for had we teat eptiat the [Jamey, or had we "developed," There hart beeratea times e motley epent by the Catiadien Gov - anent enalaniteba then by the United aie Goverment ea Detiota. Yet the attraeting vastly the Urger alum. ber ef peop:e. In the pet. ten yeara 'tektite mereteed aiii„Vea al compared with etteetai in Manitoba. dkuil Miming:a pa- eesses a, better di:nate awl better land than Datiote. alinneeoteuddedMat= to her opetation in the past ten yeare. All %made, from enan to wean. added 20,Ced Itaa, 1ietdau, whielt certainly is not richer, naturally, than Onterio, added:M. Pea, or bat at trifle lese thau the whole Dominiou incream. These are antihero faets. 'Cana& First' and 1 may agree as th the causes of this deplorehle ea:militia+ of thing e ; but a tauten% aud I am home out by tbe ()Mei= of Mr Rieke, to whore 1 mu politically opposed, that this reeult has placed Canada In such a gontlition that an milepeudeut exietenee is au utter impusni. bility. Lot inc allow wity t Our expenditure for administrative purposes could. not be re- duced to any great exteut It is uow ueitely forty minim aunually, or Sea per head. We would need a tliplomanc seta viva unless we inthud only playing at national businesa. That would be very costly. .re be independent iu retelity as well aa in name we must be le 0 position to defend ourselves should events render deft nce necessary. If wo have an army in the same ratio to population as England, that nicane twenty million dollars more. We have thus sixty million dollars at least to raise yearly, or 512 per head. That is paying a pretty penny for the whistle, isn't it, Mr. "Canada First"? But farther Canadian a seem to think they want tree trade with the United State& Women sigh for it, children for it" The raising of sixty million dollars would not only abso. tutelar prohibit us from having free trade with the States or any other country, but it would necessitate a very substantial in- crease in the tariff'. Independence would thus take us farther from instead of nearer to the goal of free trade with our neighbors. Should our perverse neighbors take it into their heads to lower their own tariff, thus reducing the cost of living .there, where wouldCanada be left with an increased cost of living, caused ey a higher tariff and her Inability to lower her tariff to the Ameri- can standard? We would not get immi- grants, and those who are here would all be packing their grips for Uncle Sam s do. minions. There would hardly be enough people left in the country in a couple of years to memetislize the United States Government to take us in out of the cold. Independence is nice to talk about, but, like a mock orange, that looks tempting— its N. iv. for eating purposes. 4 4 4. At one of the seestorte of the Ecumeni- 510ln:diet Cortforeue, at Weshingtea he egbjeet of Chrietien Unity wee dise reed. The dieeneetort as was to be tedwas both abie and interestine, e fear it will here little practicel Weitlet the Methoiliets of Carieae he is deem intimate harie, by his Awe eacy of teilitieet union." Ntatanzin nye in eft, "let toe lure the Cettedians, by trade prespeets, keepine eneesetion in the beck ground, even Guying that it is deeirable. Let ue give the annexationiete of Came& a ChalkOd by not speaking uf annexetion on our effeettielly put hy our own Rev. Dr. Itrigem, yet the elaccelice win& followed ilia net int in the direttion of organic unity. Of course the obvious thinga were said about the desirelnlity of unity, theugh it was evident that tunny believed eat deneminetionalism in entirety corn- petilde with essential unity. But no se dal) dor b ardor. Let ua sit eeetirely of the speakers, so far as their utteran- on Mr. Glen and hie talks. Let us eee have been reported, gave any indie soothe, not frighten the Canadian peo- ple and then they will drop into our lap without diacuseing the questien or A- nent without knowing it." Such is the ()Ilea of Mr, Wituan's gamphlet. It in o pelpeble blind, andii Wllt111 has a poor- er opinion of Canadian intelligence than we theught be bad, if he thinks Cenaai. ane will not aee the drift a the whew matter. Whelan and Glen, buth Canadians, are aiming at annexation, by different tee - tics; and one is usually setting severely on the other. We euspeet from the tune of the pamd phlet, olt Wirnan is the shrewder and deeper plotter of the two. We eau assure them both that their plotting is useless, Canada will not he annexed. Canada has a higher and nobler destiny Nauru Lee We want truer liberty than lies under the Ameri- can eagle. Coercion and coaxing are alike ineffectual. Canadian° are begin- ning to appreciate their grand heritage, and. with their ozone -fed intellects, they hive rare dreams of the brilliancy of Canada's future. May their dreams corne true. VOITDEUSED NEW'S. Front Various Sources Tbrouge Out tbo Oistricts winos, 11r. Win. Hodgine, lot 8, S. Usborne, haa sold hia farua to Mr. Washburn. Coolwarm and johnstone,, marble outkere, a Brussels, have akippea the tewok leaving =guy sorrowful friends; Chapter 1; Weak, tired, no appetite. meteor 2; Take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Chapter 3; Strong, cheerful, henry. Dr. Trainees was allowed the auto of 050 or eervicee as county dere during the M- eta of the late Mr. Adamson, Mr. Fitzallan Sprung, of Goderich town- ehip, hes sold his farm of 55 acres, on the 13eee to Mr. John Sheppard, his neighbor, for the aunt of %on. A neglected ease of cold m thehead may goat yoe your life. Why run the xieit wben Neal Balm effete yon a speedy read and certain curd Soli by all dealers. Tuft. ff on Wilfred Laurier, leader of the op- poenioe in the Rouse of Commons will seams county of Buren Inefesigese at 1 Canteen some time in December. Mr. Jesiab. White, of Tucnersmitli, has veleta. the piece kuown as the Sinclair farm ter a term of two yeare„ at the esannal rent- al of three heuelrea dollars, Itch. Mange and Scratches of every kale, on human Winger Weide, tatted iniia mita u tea by Woolf:treat etwiteay Mien Tide uov- r We. Sold by C. Lutz: Oa. 9 ly. A loage Cif the 'Sons of Scatlend lass been instinned in Seaterth, with 32 charter members, 16 16 called the alenly Nairn" aud Wee. lialioutype is oleic!. 4,esibRia McGregor, of Maillop, die en Wtelnesday lest. life was a native ef Perthehire,Seotlund and came to this court. lry in idal, aettliug Meliallop towuebie. The tiustees of S. S. Q. 8, llullett, beam M engaged Mr. W. 'g. now teaelang in 1;;b. to succeed Mr. IdcFachlen. Mr. Doig aratetian teacher. Tie io e eremith bey. catien that they Mt more than an academic interest in the matter. The existence of this Ecumenical 'Conference is itvelf a witness to the fact that organie unity le teat a practical question in world Methodism. Ite delegates COM from all branehea of Methodism. but they are eelf-aent ; they are merely unofficial in- (Retain's. They do not bear any Qom - milieu from the churches of winch they aro members ; much less are they in- trusted with any instructica an regard ta unity. The Conference meets because tea Methodist unity is possible, and when some speakers the other day referred to such a unity they meat once reminded of the almost insuperable obstacles that atand in the way. These obstacles are o generally recognisea that one may rend itlethodiet papers for years without seelug any reference to the subject. When the sister brandies tof the same great body, holding the same Oreedaand working in the main on the same gener- al lines, find it thus impossible to come together as one organization the hope- lessness of any universal Christian unity becomes apparent. The trial of Owen Murphy and Robt. McGeevy for conspiracy in defraudiag the government of tbis Dominion was concluded Friday morning, and the two were foiled guilty. When the Judge was about to pass sentence neither could be found. Mr. Tarte the member who demandedtheinvestigation intothe public affairs is out considerable, having gone bail fox McGreevy. * ** "The Windsor Review, a pronounced Conservative paper, is out strongly in favor of annexation. We 'all special attention to this, so that some of our Conservative exchanges, which have evidently overlook- ed the fact, may be able to denounce the Review in that vigorous and choice mentor that such traitorous conduct domande. The Clinton New Era, from which the above is taken, has been either misin- formed, or is endeavoring to create a wrong impression. The Windsor Review has not declared itself strongly in favor • of annexation, and we challenge the Era to produce an edieorial from its columns to substantiate the statement above. .Retract, brother! * * * This is the season of the yeer when the list of marriage announcements in- creases greatly. The betrothals of the summer are fulfilled in the weddings of the autumn, and in all the circles of society we have abundant end practical proof that the cry about the failure of marriage, which Was beeu raised by a few pessimistic philosophers, both men and women, is not heeded by healthy minds, and does not cheek thegrowth of the sentiment which results in matri- mony. It may be true that there has been a decline in the marriage, retain:at highly civilized coenbries during recent years. That is a matter of statistics, which are indisputable. But because there has been such a decrease we have • no good reason for concluding eftat the desire for marriage has lessened propor- tionately or that the institution of mat- • rimony has fallen into any disfavor. It means simply that more people are un- able to gratify the desire for mating than under the older social conditions. The great and pervasive emigration move- ment in Hoop° must have tended to reduce the marriage rate in the countries most affected by 16, and, as a matter of ,5 The Meltinley Bill has affected the price of eggs in this country but little, yet the Toronto Globe works a scheme to give Canada a alap "Washington, D. C., Oct. 22"--Sarnue1 D. Pate, United States consul at Port Sarnia, Ont., transmits to Secretary Blaine an extract from a Toronto paper which shows that since the passage of the Mc- Kinley Bill the Canadian farmers have been seeking a market in Eastland for their eggs, with but poor success, as many of the eggs spoil in transit. It also shows that one consignment of 34,500 eggs, which cost 11 cents a dozen in Canada, yielded but 75 cents profit to the exporter. Why continue this policy of crying down Canada? The Globe knows full well that Canadian produce dealers enite in declaring that they have found no difficulty in eecuring a profitable market for their eggs in Great Britain. The Globe's course is a peculiar one. Mr. D. D. Wilson of Seaforth. one of the largest egg dealers and shippers in Canada,was one of those who disbelieved in the idea of an English market. But this dealer seems to have changed his mind, for he is now in Glasgow, Scot. lend, where he declared to a reporter of the Glasgow Mail that consignees in that city had, on the day of the interview, 12,000 !dozen Canadian eggs on the Clyde, all sold in advance without the purchaser having sampled a box (this by reason :of the excellent reputation" of Canadian eggs) ; ate:inhale tinny were selling his (Wilson's) eggs "for country eggs at two shillings a dozen." • This same gentleman says that eggs will keep fresh without salt for six weeks'which is ample time to make shipments to the furthest points in Great Britain from the remotest parts of Canada. To the same reporter he gave information to the effect that there has not been any great development of the egg trade with- in the lest year, as many of the farmers had killed off, through fear of the Mc- Kinley tariff affecting the business. Rowever, Mr. Wilson' thought the prices which have been going on will induce farmers to re -commence the trade in eggs, and he would not be surprised to see this branch of trade opening up in a way that many little dream of. Canadian eggs seE better in Great Britain than they do iri the United States. Rurrah predecessor he will fill the poen= accept- ably to all parties. No notta Bontza.—Gentlemen,—I have used liagyard's 'Yellow 011 far my chilblains and it cured theta. 1 have never been both ered wtth them dime. Begie I(eown, Via- toria, B. 04 BaYfield correspondent eays t—There has been considerable speoulatiou here CCM, corning the man whose body wag found Seating in the river a few week a ago, and not a few have expressed their belief that his death was uot the result of awident, supposed at the time, Of course there is no possible way of proving it a the preeeue time, but some RO SO far aid to say that he nxuat have been murderee tor his mum lt doee item my singular that a well dressed man, wearing the beat of clothes, and evidently in easy circumstances, should e.omrait euicide,and while it %quite possible for him to bavo met an accidental death, there are numbers here, judging by tbe gossip beard, who do not think so. =WV. Mr. John aybourne, of Logan dug from his turnip Odd Ude week a turnip weighing 33i Tne S Marys curling club has been or. ganized eith James Chalmers, Pm., F. la Joao, Seoy. Treat?. Ricbarcl Fiery, a respected resident of Downie, passed away an Tuesday at the ripe age of 8) years. Mr. Jahn Jefferson, Bibbed, Las par.. 113sied the Pulttnin faros, Lot 1, Con 3. r the sum of 3,7efi. D. 0. Dorrauee, teaeher, of Cornelia, bee been remed to teate cherge of S. S. No. 3, Masa, daring 1892. For disturbing the peace of the Sabbath by fighting at the British hotel, two young teen of St Maw Imre leo week anal t0 each, aleaiers W. TT. and Fred Davie, gracere, ot alitehellihave die:milted partnerebig, awi W. 11. Davis will egeiu go iuto the nem. peps' business. The Orangemen of Mitobell intend cele. brat' tog the connive's ,ry of thegunp owiler plc t this year by an oyster supper af- Mr. flarea betel on tbe everting of November Sth. Mr- James Sieep, of Ciluton, hal shipped quite a few apples up to date. and 31r. D. tioutelon ie exparting them now at the rate of 300a Larvae a week. They MO beius shine,' to the Northwest. .T. W. Rite te detain in liven at talinteu. fiareil bat etealitere a 45 per gen& eatill glaprOnutseou$4,200• het ono et them re rued to seven. aud the eetate wfll uow Le wend up. Mr. Wut. Wareeek, of Geaerlele, bits equiteh wbieh wrieles 314 Ilei and Measures 6 feet in, in eiteututerence 2 feet 9 iu in diameter. The next lairgeet on recall is oue groan in Now York, weighing Otia feca they are the countries where the fogthe Canadian hon! decline is most noticeable. Wingliam correspondent writes :—We hear that one of our merchente, whe has tem in the habit of loalkilig his tamp dine at dinner, forgot himself and loched a cue - tenter iu; theta the way to keep theill. Mr. Itilneall Walker awl Mise Lizzie Wateer, et Stmaley arrivea from Winnipeg on fitoudey last. Mr; Duncan Walker went out lest spring, but has ima peer health duo he went thither, and returned to apentl the whiter in °Mario Woula yen like to excbange your Whey ebeelas ter thoeo glowing with health's theme Theo try Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. They rebuild tbe system and make fife as bright as cruildboocre dream. On Sunday Miss O'Leary of the Com:ner- d:11 betel, f3enforth, wae standing on a cbair in the cellar read:lug for some articles when ebe Accidentel/y slipped,and falling to the floor, suetained serious injuries to her bad. aho has inee been coufined to her room. A, convention of Liberal. Conservatives of East Huron was held at Brussels Saturday for the purpoee of selecting a candidate for the Rouse et Commons. Some bueiness was transaoted but the selection of a m- illdam was deferred. The ease of Dr. Campbell againet Dr. Scott, hall of Seaforth, came up at tbe Stratford assizes last week, but was was settled before going to trial. The charge was Mat Dr. Scott had publicly ac- cused Dr. Campbell of negleot fable attend- ance upon One Marmand, thus :musing his (Irelanda) death, Dr. Scott restate full apology, and Dr. Oempbell dropped the mit. If the conditions of the country demand a change, and I fear they do,the only thing we can do is to join the American Repub- lic, let them assume our national debt, and take our places as States of the Union. I should like very much if we could be an independent nation, but I am satisfied it never can be unless as a preliminary to union with the States. St. Mary ,Oct.23,1891. C.sNADIANA DR. T. 4. SLOCUM'S OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE OOD LIVER OIL. If you have Oatarrh—Use it. For sale by all druggists. 35 cents per bottle. Beauty is said to be only skin deep ; but to possess and preserve a beautiful skin., pure, vigorous blood is essential. This is beet secured by taking Ayer'e Sarsaparilla in small but frequent doses. It is the roost reliable of blood purifiers. As a family medicine, Ayern; Pills excel all others. They are elute& to every age and, being sugar nested, are easy to take. Though searching arid thorough in effect, they are mild arid pleasant in action, and 'their use is attended with no injurious 1 e - °Onion sysraut. —A corrupt system, tab ether political or pertaining to tbe human body4000not do otherwise than work untold injury. Eitiengiben and purify the entire system by means of Burdock Blood Bitters, and such troubles as biliousnesaidyspepsia. oonstipatioxi, bad blood cannot exist. Migare's Liniment cares Diphtheria. clergymau who resides out of town, was here the other day, trying to get arid of a small bag -full of coppers that had been gathered at different times from the collec- tion plate. He stated that he bad a notion to ship about a eat load out of the country, as there was too much eamenese in the collections,—Clinton New Bra, Miss Mellardy, organist of St Paul's oburch, Clinton, is quite a clever marks- womme .46 200 yards she made 17 out of O possible 25, two of them bull's eyes, tie- ing Lieutenant Rance and doing better than Lieutenant Combo. In shooting off the tie the lady and Rance again tied. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lurepa and Blem- ishes from home, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifiee, Berates, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughti, eto. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by 0. Lutz. Oct. 9 ly Goderich is exercised over an alleged die- orimination against the lumber dealers there by the .G T. R. in the matter of freight rates. Representatives of the town Board of Trade interviewed the dietriot freight agent the other day, and, as a result, a new tariff will take effect on November 1, and the town placed on the Bayne footing as other lake ports. jI.p. CURE We have never shown a better variety of Staple Goods than at the present time. We have never been compile -amt. - ed more by ear customers than this fall in showing them the different lines represeeted in each department of busie ness ; they assure us of tbeir opinion in the readiness to purchase; they only re -affirm confidence hitherto placed in our judgment. . We have never shown suclt a vo.riety of Patterns in Tweeds and Tirouserings, in Black and Colored Worsted Coatings, in Overcoetings, and in Men's Oaercuats, Boys' and Youths% Never shown so good a selection ol Grey Flannels, Fancy Flannels, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. We have never hadso large a stock of Ledies' andGents" • _Hosiery, and they are good value. In fact every department is fully equipped, namely: Groceries,Orockery and Glassware-, and very Fite selection of Toiletware. Never before in our business career bave eve shown so many varietien all of whit% we say is positive- ly true. WA,NTflik.---A quantity of first.elass Butter and Eggs, for whir the highest price will be paid in trade. Foitlafully Yours, P. cLARKE While John Paulin, of Fullerton, was eltovelaing gravel in a pit the ether doe the eta:element left, caeca in on biro. His leg was brolieu htt tivis planet betel' the knee. The towitehip ef Rained eltricaltural saekty have a deficit of alma elle Asa result et their fait abow thie eear. late takow was o gond oue, but the weather waa very bud. TA1U Ttuss is requeeted to antlirdner, tbat tibe treaeurer of the Blandieral Acrienttltral Arty wall be at Eirhton on the tint teee. mina iu Neu:rather to ray the price money bit counection with the reeent falleshibition. Jantee Mardle. of Stretford, 'elm ob. tainei it quart of whialtey uotler (else pre - truces, frere Et tineilzr's liquor store lea week, was sentenced to sts mouths' retire. meat by P. NI. O'Loans, Mr.James FL Lem. of Blansbard, threehed for Mr. John M. le:ablution, in otto and it half hours one day recently, 160 bus. bets or peas, 100 butffiela of barley mut LIN Imitates of oats. Tho oats, were the proaget of seventeou Cent: ran enareen trases.--Dear Sirs„e- Wel: it a privilege ta recouncead Hag. yard's Wow' Oil al a Fore cure for ohappetl hands. swellings, sore throat, etc, 1 mom mend it to all. Mrs G Ward dosephine,Ont Michael Esther, who at ono time kept hotel in Mitchell, died itt bis residence iu Detroit last wed; in bis 42ud year, Tim deceased bad been eraployed in Detroit Radiator Works and was eettiug ralonterery succeedully pravioue to bis death. Inflam- mation of the kings the wise of death. Fan» property is lorniug up again. Mr. Geo, liieliert, of Fellatton, has purcbaaed lot 22, eon 4, Downie, from Mrs. Iamb for $4000. Mr. Hermitian haus purehased tbe west half of la 24, oat 5, for $3,100; and on Friday 10tn inst., tbe Meantime farm on the 7th eon., 'townie, was knooked down to Mr. Walter Rae, for $5,100. Mre. Biadicagol Mitchell, wbbe walking along the street in that town eotne months ago, was tripped by a loose board in the sidewalk, and fell, severely injuring bong. She sued the town for damages, and at the meant assizes received a verdiot for $75 damages with county mart costs. The suit will cost the town of Mitchell over pm. James Davie, son of Constable Davis,. of Blyth, met with a very painful ana nearly fatal accident the other evening. While returning home with a spirited young horse, which he bad been wateri g at the Queen's hotel pump, and while turning the corner at Efobkirkei, the animal wheeled and kiok- ed him, striking him on the point of the breast bone and leaving the mark of the Oboe in the flesh. Mr. Wm. Lane, the newly elected cderk of this county. began his duties Thursday. Be was born in England 83 years ago, and wben he was two years of age his parents came to Canada, settling in Pickering town- ship. In 1861 thoy removed to the town- ahip of Ashfield, where Mr. Lane has resid- ed eyer fence. After attending the High School in 1878 be obtained a second class certificate and engaged in teaching until about seven years ago when he opened a general store at Lane's P, 0. Four years ago be dieposed of this and has since re- sided in Dungannon. For tbe past seven years he has been clerk of the township of taken back to the jail, after bidding an af- Asbfield, 60 that he has a good knoriedge fecting farewell to his daughter and several of raunioipal affairs. The new inoombent friends. While in 59 years old. wi11 no doubt *Sake an efficient oftioar, and s ould he emulate the good quailtite of his Minardei Liniment is the Best ASIDOLUSUN. Andrew terahaue, M.D. of Dortheater„ is to be a:modem coroner for County of Mid- dlesex. Mr. Robert Williams, who lived near Weetio Corners, Malillivray, died on Friesy last in the prime of M. Ou Friday eveuing late, Mr. and Mrs. Quigley, of Elginflold, ctiebratecl their ery- awl wvading, and presented with it beauti- fuily ernarnented dressing case anti a pair of handsome oil -paintings. Three cowboys rade up to the Firet Natrona' Bank'Enterprise, Neh, on Friday, and while one held the heroes the others.wIth drawn revolverstenter- ed the builltiing and demanded the money. The cashier WAS threatened with instant death et the point or re. T41veri endlsanded over $;,f,OU in billst 11M -4,11e..111. MARRIED. 'Lees- -Hammy- -At ti4eresi1eriecrof the bride's Porno, Thames itted.tatiolue, on the 2etli October. 1r Rebert Down. to Mies Mary, daughter of Mr. Richard name, all of he - borne the 111th Inst at the rea- deuce of the brble's parents, by the Rev..1 Dolmen, Mr. William J. Remota,- to Lovedaell Mark, both of Meltillivray Ild,apv—Iiiaos—At tile reselence of tbehrlde'a mother itrinsloy, on the 14th inst., by lov. 0, Itetionond, Mr. William Rarity. to Mies Maggie Dixon, both of Mettillivray. Cosnattrn—ituarrm—Ity Rev. J. M. eilkintoni at resideuee,Terunte. John Oosgroye. of Toronto, formerly of St.:Vary% to Lillie MaY Reattie,of Si. Marv. 31rEzEpan—fleourso the It. 0, church. Peri:bill, on the eeili inst., by Roc. Father Malta% Mr. Alcictecer, of Stephen, to Miss ) flooding. of 11ctiillivrar. Mounrsos—leseten.—A t tee residence of the bride's father,in Wawanosla township. on the 210h inst., Mr. lienry Morrison. of Fullerton, to Mise Elizabeth A.. Rintout. Yuer—Uumarane—At the residence of the brine's father. Iiirkton on the 14th Mate by the Rov, U. Pletcher, Mr. Robert Yule, of Toronto,to alias Elizabeth G.. tliessio/daugh- t er of 51r. John Urquhart, of Kirkton. PAntailt—LOTHEREY—At t110 manse. Kipper:eon thee.lat inst., no, Rev, Samuel Acheson, Mr. Enoch Parker. of Rase to Alias Wilkoltaina hutherhy, of Tuckersmit h. Juexs—Weaeu—At theJamea-et paroonage. 00 the 29th, be Rev. A. L. Reasons:Mr. Thomas Jones to Ansa Eliza, youngest daugliter of oho Welsh, all ot the end. ooneesaion of tlaborne, Tbe death occurred Saturday at Ohiaago of Mr. Wm. blaoloan, of St Marys. Twenty years ago deceneed was a dealer in grain on the St Marys market. Be left the stone town 18 yearsfago and located in Lard:ton Co., finally settling in Sarnia. About a year ago he removed to Chicago to pass tee remainder of his days. Ms death is due to paralysis. Thursday evening, during the temporary absence of his wife, Valentine Allendorisi, a ve.gonmaker living at Gadshill, near Strat- ford, made his way to a workship and out his throat from ear to ear with a razor, without, however,severing the jugular yein. No caws is known other than temporary insanity induced by recent ill -health. He is about 37 years of age. TWO•STIIIICE.—The out -door household work in summer suola as that of the sum- mer-kiteheu, washing and ironing, is a sort of makeshift with many mishaps as burns and scalds. But Mr Jim Heinemann, Mid. dle Amnia, Iowa, IJ $ A., has found the true remedy. He says • ',I scalded ray leg with boiling water, and bad a sprain- ed ankle at the same time. One bottle of St. Jacob's Oil promptly oured both." That doubles its ealue easily, and shows ita great usefulness. The trial of Daniel Whale for the murder of his wife at Mitchell, ewas concluded Fri- day at the Stratford Assizea, Tee jury re- tired at 10 o'olook and returned in an hour with a verdict of guilty of manslaughter The prisoner being asked what he had to say as to why the sentenee of the court ahould not be passed, rose to his feet, bung his head and uttered :—"The jury has Mend me guilty. I will lio.ve to abide by the verdict." His Lordsbip in pronouncing sentence said he could not see how tbe jury could have come to any other conclusion than the one anuouncee. Notwithstanding the iugennity of the defenoe, the coedition of the unfortunate woman's body WOE such as to preclude the theory that simply fall- ing off the lounge would inflict the injuries A diepute evidently arose between the two, and the priaoner dealth the blow that oaus- ed the iniuriere Then followed the terrible words :—" The sentence of this Court upon you, Daniel Whale'is that you be confined to the Provincial Penitentiary for the re- mainder of your natural life." The prison- er seemed dazed at the severity n.f the sen- tence and it twitohing about the mouth showedthat it required an effort to restrain the teare. The prisoner was immediately DIED. Cate:gm—In Northville, Midi. on the 23rd inst., Imre Cracker. formerly Of Exeter, and brother of Mr. Richard enterer, Aged 47 yeare and 7 months. Morart.—InUilverton.on the 23rd inst.. John Moyer. aged 76 yenta. 10 eoeiusedeme father of /errs C. Grob, Zurich. and Mrs. A. Rill, Oredi ton. Evos—In:Blarithard, oe Oct. 14, Mrs! M.0. Ilede, wife of Afr. Thos. Hyde. aged 60 years. Ifoner—In Exeter North. on: the 286h inst.. Raebael. beloved wife of Win. There Horn, aged 35 years and mos. Bnooxs—On Friday 23rd inst..at tho home of her son. Philip,near Whalen, Jane, relict of the late Wra.Brooks,aged 86 rears and 5 mos. Pettnene—In Stollen. au the 24th inst., „Tamest Penhale, so xi of widow ;Penhale of the lake road. aged 23 years audit raonths. 'JAYE You READ this description of rheumatism and neuralgia? "Eat your hane in a viee, turn the vise until you can't hear anotber turn, Rua that's rheumatism ; give it another turn that's neuralgia." And still yon'll suffer these tortures when tor 25 cents you can buy a bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT aud be relieved,. A TiOTION SALE OF NOTES .1 -3 -AND ACCOUNTS. Mr, John Gi 11, auctioneer • will sell by pu blio auction at the town hell, exciter, at 2 p.131,, en Tuesday the Srd day of November next, all the unpaid notes and aticounte of the estate of Jas Pickard, a list of which can be examined at the officeof 11 16 Conine at any time before sale, during office hours. GEO. SANIVELD, • oc29-1t Assignee. QA.LESMA.N WANTED. To take ord ars for our Warranted RUBSEBY STOOK to be delivered in the spring. Agents starting NOW can mage .bie.Salary, or corn- — mistime, Stook and variety superior to any- thing heretofore Shipped, Outfit saidinstrm. Was f unlisted P11111111. Write et once for terms to •• B. 0 .3-11AEIAPS, atndrivniarr, Sp 1-06 • Toronto, On+„ STR A.Y ED. Strayed from the premises of the undersign ed lot '1',.00n 10. Bay, on or ebout May last, two yearling heifers—both red.one ha,s a white spot on forehead. They have each a ring i„n the right ear, well to the °entree showing inside and out. Any person Laving information as tO their whereabouts will be suitably rewpaarsdhewdo. ad oc15-1m DAN% iraionstana. TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed tenders addressedto the undersigned will be received by the council of the municipa- lity of Hay. 00 02 dbefore the 21s6 day of No- vember, 1891, at the hour of so to, me for the construction of the"Day Swamp Drains " Full particulars may be had from; and plans,speci- ecations, etc., may be aeon at the office of Box 35, Zurieh P. Sem J. Levin, Clerk. Ont. t er Petnelless,Reeve oc22-46 of the Township of Ray,