HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-11-21, Page 5Catholic Wornen'S League christnas_„_Fair be held SaturdaY, Tember,23, 2,5 pan. in St. Pete 's Parish Hall. • 45,6 open House -At the Salva- tion -Army Rome League tea and sale Satnrday, November 23rd, at 2.30 Van. 'til 5 o'clock. Ev.eryone welcome.„ 46 BINGO WEDNESDAY, NOIL.27 830 p.m. Harbotirlite Inn Sponsored by Goderich Lions Club anors Lose 9.•3 In Rugged Debut Goderigh Sailors, local entry in the ORA Intermediate "B" league, xnade their home debut Tuesday night before a crowd of 250 people. - After their 9-3 come-from- beliind win in Centralia on Sun- day, the' Sailors looked like rank, bush league amateurs in this 12-2 defeat at the hands Of tfib Elmira Polar tCingss. The tempo and tollye of the kame was set right &In the opening face-off. Before one minute had elapsed in the game Goclerich had a man in the ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Nov. 24th, Sunday Before Advent 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion 10:00 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class, J1:91,am, AornIne Prayer .414 Sernook (Junior Congregation and Nursery) 7:00 p.m. Evensong and Sermon gector; REVt1NON KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D. 'Mr.,:beorg Burgoin, Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA penalty 116. 'Before two min. utes had elapsed there were two Goderich and two glmira players in the sin -bin. So it went fur 41xe- engre, `opine; loolced, for a very few sec; Olds at the ten minute mark, as if Goderich might- Settle floWil and PUY tb.e hockey 0 which they are capable. They struck for Wm goats in a space OE( 10 seconds to tie the game Up. It vviis Walters frornCruick; shank and Shewfelt and then Walter's did most of the work tHE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Victoria Street United Church 11:00 a.M. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship "The Way of the Pioneer" 1:30 p.m. Benmiller-Church and Sunday School REV. CECIL A. DUKELOW, Minister. MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist. 4 FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner Victoria and Park Street!, REV. R. G. PELOREY, B.A., BM., Pastor Dial .524-9306 9:50 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Servke Wed. 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting' and Bible Study North Street United Church 10:00 a.m. Sunda); School .11:00 a.m. Morning Worship "Miracles" (2) (Nursery and Junior Congregation) The JitElf.,,W,. J, ten HO9PEN, B.A., B.D., Minister MR. L. H. DOTTERER, Organist and Choir Director GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH Montreal Street Near The Square 10:00 a.m. Sunday' School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship Lawrence Stibbards, senior student minister from McMaster University, will be in charge of the Services. ray Ids its, ut, ew- Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister Miss Marion Moore, Deaconess William Cameron, Director of Praise 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:10 a,m. Minitter's Bible •Class Study: St. Jahn 12:42-50 11:00 a.m. Service of Divine Worship Sermon: "A Call To Newness Of Life" Nursery and Junior Congregation 7:00 p.m. Evening" Worship, Studies in "The Acts of The Apostles": ,(5) "Results Of, Peter's Preaching" 8:00 p.m. Young People's Society Enter to Worship ay- Inee igh- , to sell, n J. nar- I tup 2.00 ited 46x Lon - once :dest Mr. n of Mall, mar- nber Depart to Serve •?? 4WW THE SALVATION ARMY CAPTAIN and MRS. ROY WOMBOLD ° 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.' Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Salvation Meeting Tues., 8:00 p.m. - Prayer .Meeting . A WELCOME IS. EXTENDED TO ALL Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Corner of Elgin and Waterloo Sts. REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes- for all sges. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 1 7:30 'p.m. Evangelistic Service Tuesday "8 ,p.m.' Bible Study and Prayer Friday, 8 p.rh. Young People's Service / • • ...,••••••••, • • , • •:.:X.; „ • • •••., • • • • •,;;V:*••....-•:"?".. " meek 26. cups s for -46 the. I As- sday, toria in, .48 n the In - if the ArmY ?mber 48 Today, 1., • in forth, shara s. All nights .4 Acing enter 1,hurch ember enter. t and !Oen Isforni • bores iandi r gale 5 gift goods udiflg bread in a nue: .4647 owe ; one s be' pae' tered U$. a vs nigh Inan. great "talk "Ekiport sales? -We wokkthroiigh our'local' bank" Helping -to tnove the goods that mean so much to 80 many Canadians is an every-dayservice of the chartered. banks. Manufacturers, producers and ship- pers incre'asingly use the local bank -not only to help finance the moveMent of goods in and out of the country but for assistance in oyercoming probletns of distance, currency,and regulation. Today the chartered banks are able, through their network of 'branches across Canada and their foreign blanches, agents and representatives, to provide trad- ers and travellers with the facilities of one of the world's largest international banking systems. This world df service is available to customers of any branch in- any town or city. It provides quick business com- munications, speeds delivery of goods, helps Canadian companies to compete,in markets everywhere. , THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMNIPNITY, thtargia full.range banking resporzsive to g;ozoing, changing needs. • •-• pi,*etiarei 641 as well., After' hardest .hitting game of hockey this t sly..o.,„xo contest. It was obvious Goderleit wa,s, rout to play it rough and rough they playedfi. Sticks were 'constantly high and the cheeks came fast and heavy; The locals did not miss A chance to throw a check and More than often went looking for A inaktO hit rather than for the puck. The -second and thireptriods reminded one of man-to-man combat but instead of bayonets, boaips and sticks were ,the weapons. It wan without question th that (Ints'Ibeen seen in the local arena for many a season. As a result of the style of hockey the Sailors were trying to play, the$, ,,were constantly coming out on the short end of thP play and had very few real chances to score while Elmira bad many chances and made them count. It was A elose scoring game until the last five minutes of the second periati when Elmira Laced in five goals in five min- utes. - In this contest none of the Sailors deserve special mention BEDFPRD HOTEL DINING ROOM - CLOSED SUNDAY , 'Til Further Notice 11M111111. for either good or bao o. play as airwere equal in both -Tate, gorfes. SLAP SHOTS: In conversation with local players after the game we found none of them proud of their play. The comments ranged from "well have to quit that type of hockey" to "we learned FLOWER FASHIONS EAST ST. (Opp. Post Office) Fresh HOLLY Wreaths and Sprigs For Christmas Supply Limited -Order Early 524-9674 Aake a Note of This Number 'NOM, 0111011111Merear GOODWILL USED CARS AT McGEES USED CAR LOT- IN GODERICH All our used cars have been winterized and reconditioned to assure the purchaser satisfaction and carry our written guarantee. 1963 CHEVROLE T "Biscayne" sedan, economy 6 cyl. engine, automatic transmission, custom radio, white - „ walls, discs, washers, low mileage, saddle tan finish with matching interior. $2,600.00 1961 PONTIAC "Parisienne" 4 door hardtop 348 V8 engine, radio, automatic, power steering and brakes, whitewalls, discs, seat belts, etc. This show- room „car is finished in beautiful ermine. white with red interior. New price $4300. This car has been driven only 25000 miles now only $2,395.00 1961 OLDSMOBILE "Ninety Eight" Holiday 4 door Hardtop, full power equipped, search tuner radio, whitewalls, etc. This -luxury Car is like new and sold for $6800. Now only - $2,995.00 1961 DODGE "Seneca" sedan, slant 6 engine, new tires, fully reconditioned. Whitewall's, discs, for quick sale at only - $1,495.00 1960 -RAMBLER "Classic"- Super sedan, custom radio, re- clining -seats, beautiful white finish„ clean inside. $1,495.00 1960 VOLKSWAGEN Coach. This economical car is yours -for only - $875.00' 1959 CHEVROLET "Impala" 2 dear Hardtop, 283 V8 engine, automatic custom radio, 2 tone, very sharp. $1,650.00 1959 OLDSMOBILE "Super 88'.' 2 door hardtop, automatic, full power equipped, custom radio, new white- wall tires( bronze finish with matching in- terior, very sharp. $1,750.00 MAO, MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM 50.00 up NO DOWN PAYMENT IF YOUR CRECilT JUSTIFIES 1958 CHEVROLET "Biscayne" ,sedan, economy 6 engine, auto- matic, radio, whitewalls, new paint, a good clean '58 model. $1,195.00 , 1957,CHEVROLET Three of these in stock automatic and stand- ard priced from $175.00 up 1957 PONTIAC "Pathfinder" sedan. Fully Reconditioned. $895.00 0 1957 PONTIAC "Pathfinder" sedan. Mechanics' special. $175.00 1957 BUICK "Century" 4 door Hardtop, power equipped, only - 1956 OLoSMOBIL "88" coach, radio and automatic, only - $475.00 1956 BUICK "Special" sedan,.a0tomatic and radio, only - $299.00 1956 CHEVROLET "210" sedan, 6 cyl:nder engine, new paint, $550,00 1955 CHEVROLET "Belairl sedan, 6 cylinder automatic, radio, , new paint. - $595.00 Twenty new pONTIACS, BUICkS, ACAD- IAN& Sedans, hardtops, coaches, convert- ibles in stock for immediate delivery. Any of the courteous salesmen will be pleased to serve you! Ken Treitz • Joe Thompson • Len McGee • Al McGee . For The Best Deal and The Best Cay See McGEES IN GODERICH YOUR -PONT.Ac; BUICK't CADILLACACAD1A,N, WU DEALERS USED tAR LOT NEW CAR 'SHOWROOM 42 NEWGATE ST. 37 HAMILTON ST. DIAL 5247801 'The Cloderieb, Sighal-Star,-T u our lesson, !oow we eau, s .dowu and play the type of hockey we can play," 411 the players were agreed on 040 thing, they were not proud Of the pitch battle they bad put on. Local fans, we Are sure, can look forward, to "hockey" from all members of the Sailors from now- on. Gus Boussey made it. plain Noven the ty hoekey fans eau,..tit,44 1» league. "We dont knOw vAbait got iuto the fellas tonite but: you could see 'What type ot game it waS going tobe right from the opetIting lo‘ce-on. You have some gool hoekaY -Plants on this eiub and y,ou will -see some tine aloekeY this YearP. said Gus:. • 0_,• onmentive Prices Plus PervaonL ger** Special Values and Reminders Tills Week Pre - Christmas SALE 'BUY THESE QUALITY GIFTS AT BIG SAVINGS THIS WEEK AT YOUR W.A. STORE • SAVINGS IN EFFECT UNTIL SAT., NOV. 23 KODAK 8 FUN SAVER MOVIE KIT 19.97 • FREE Film - 4.95 • FREE Movie Book - 1.00 Capture the joys of Christmas with a KODAK 8 Movie camera , Kit. Truly the most sensational camera bargain this year. -Hy-Stylp Hair ,Spray 18 -oz. 2.251.11 33c VALUE Kleenex New Man Size 2 for 59c THE SANITAF,YeNAPKIN CONFIDETS 51e Value 47c CREST Tooth Paste 1.09 Value 93c 5.49 VALUE GERITOL Liquid or Tablets 4.47 5.50 VALUE PARAMETTE Liquid 4.29 UE LISTRIVE ntisceptic 157c • VALUE 1.8,1 BABY POWDER 87c 50's - Regular 2;25 ' DRISTAN'Tablets . 1:99 , HOT "Utility" ,1VATER BOTTEL 1.59 LenthencIClassKs in Fragrance ive %'-ounce bottles of different delightful colognes, attractively gift boxed. REGULAR $2.50 4-SPECIAL1,97 --OLD ° SPICE Men, • s Grit Set A touch of luxury for your man . . . After Shave Cotion, Soap in a Mug, Talcum. Regular 4.25. SPECIAL 3.97 RONSON "Pioneer" Lighter Regular 3.95, Lighter and flask of fluid, handsomely gift-packat.,ed. • • SPECIAL 2,97 CUTEX MANICURE SET - Regular -3.50 ECIAI. 2.97 -Rubberset SHAVING BRUSH Pure Badger brist4s . .the mark of the superiority of a sha- ving brush. SPECIAL 3.97 SPECIAL prices on over 35 Christmas Gifis afid, other drug needs all this week. I.D.A. PRODUCTS ARE GITARANTEED TO PRODUCE RESULTS AND BRING SAVINGS TO YOU EMERSO DRUG STORE CORt4ER WEST STREET & SQUARE JA 4-9212 e WE DELIVER •