HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-10-29, Page 1AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZ MUTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE TE EY MAY.' VOL. XIX. NO 8. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY SDA MORNING, OCTOBER 29, 1891 Histoqenetic S7 sten of Medicine. Ifo Challenge is Investigation. Its Passport IB Truth. This system is complete. having di!lercut me,iioinee winch aro pert cetl,y pure and Mete- le_'I, remail the .li :ereed dieeeees. 'til B a 111.- OILY isle rebuild the ,tiereeedceileand tlesues of the bo3y.a 1 by thus redchins, the primal cowed dieeeeetbeeeaaae8iemeewill teyc life where the. Bald eyeteme o•.t givieg meefal enc done fait nI•Ferable. 1to+ Ets extol:unarm the 55"4:0111aentfrc0 to any n,l'+ire-s, 1tlAratu4\arae ::i.: V.! : Gentlemen. -01y deueliter toe!: n. severe ci+"d on the :!:St of last Joie: and it acid n+•S hreat: butaettec1: I1 through her 1St term.. 'ho hod a. a cvere-1,eadaehmeetns to the envie ober meek. ears. right sego and through her bully genyraily folio -eel rano by chills. fcvcr.peur mad fattens appetite and nature, A cough eel in, the lige beeauto very pato and system hlood'.esa; tongue thickly (meted F.ellaw:;tliazincee,extreme pros- tration and rapid dcclmao A4iuwel. a consulted Dr.ltear. who seemed to bo much alarmed at my daaglityr'a can4l.ion. Ito prescribed, the llieto:;onettoremedies for her. and the gatnel rapidly'and male required three Ittte of medicine and ono visit In one ,month ibo vias aurcd wane:!, 1; et her sen enc a h^pe We men and that 111ati enetio Mc•l:ciuee anti tart deetor'e good advice aave.i her life. 1 think it is the best eyateut of medtcane. 111:tt1t1 ItT LmlaIC. 3 1 College -at•. Toronto. Sept.'23.1841. Itis t01111 tate UnnletNR ASSOCIATION : tffcntlemen,-This la to oertify that I have suffered with rheumatism for the last tNulty- five years. Ataye different periode 1 havebe'n so bad that 1 had to remain in bed for several severe y withipatu all tsummer rough ms bedsuffering cnneti- patios, lteadaclto., drowsiness, etc. I began taking llieto>senetlo Medicines on Juno 15th and continued for eight weeks. I began to im- prove at once. Pain left me gradually. I do not feel it at all except a very tittle at change of weather-rothipg to speak of just a goutic reminder. t,onetri ation and headache cured up and no return of either .into. It is now six volts since 1 stopped tnking the medicines. I feel butter now than 1 have for years, and I heartily regotnmend the people of Landon to try IIistoconetio Mcdietaea, as they did more for mo than all the doctors' proscriptions or ether medicines that I had taken before..J AM JACK, London,569 York street, Sept 19, 1891. OVERCOATS OVERCOATS 1 OVERCOATS! :low for a lively time in Menti and Boys Suits and Overcoats. Our prices aro so low on these goods' that you can- not help buying them. What about Well when you see our 10e grey Flannel it will astonish you. BISTOOEA?TIC 11ZnIC1NE ASSOCIATION Gentlemen. -I had hip dieeiwo whon young. followed by varicose veins,the veins in my leg kayo been largo ever since and for a long time I had varicose ulcers and • rysipotas of the leg and ankle which laid me up a great deal of the time, I commenced treatment last April with attack ainooa I only tooand t eo have of medicine and have been so much benefited that I have been able to work all summer. I recommend all so affi yours truly hJ' 1BEZ JOHNSON, Pine Orchard, Sop 9,1891. OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE AT Ji4 L' J73r1F.ii2,11, CENTAL HOTEL Tuesday, Nov, 8i'd. 9.:.0 a.m. to 5.10 pan. AND AT A WORD TO THE LADIES' Although there has been a big rush there aro plenty of )tats left yet and you can get them at Meilen: Prime, at A. J. McTavish & Co's. Special all wool underwear only;i0ets, Ask to see them. .HEN-SA.LL HENuALL HOTEL Same Tuesday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. CONSULTATION FREE A. f. MITA VISH r 00. J41=0S PeCkterd's Old Stand. Chiselhtrst. Bun -az -Mr. ileo. Gauer to taking a cnureu et the Meld Farina, Gtlelplr,-air. Robert. Chapman. who bee becain;Californi:t ft,r the beat emu years. is renewing ay. eguaautanceain the niighbtritno3. Ile in- tt nes graius basic in alert weeks, E11mviUe. Fluters -Gar old neil:hl:or air. M rearmu of London has been araunl again among his friends He teaks as natural ae over, with the exception of the mouetaelee -.barns off in the late fire. -The yaatog ladies will learn with pleasure Wet their ostcemed friend Mtn. Bonnet is sojourning once more in aha naigliborhood With her daughter, Aire. R. Taylor, HISTOGENETIC MEDICINE AS- elOCIATION--Rooms , 2 and 3 Albion Block, Richmond Street, London, Aid 19 Yonge St. Market, Corner Gerrard & Yonge Ste., Toronto. .bfentson Exeter Times. Zlon. Bazaars -After neat week our young man from the north won't have to walk so far, nor be filled with heart pangs by passing the old loco.-Dmring the late continued waren weather many strange things occur- red. ccurred. Raspberries blossomed the second - time, the fruit formed. and in many oases ripener. Peas, that shelled aut. took root, sprang up, blossomed and formed a pod. All withoat advertisement, either on the corner or In the Waal panes. -'Wo learn that the Zionites have raised sufficient money by aubaeription to clear oil the en- tire debt on the eburoh iueurrad by the recent renovation. Geed again Zion! Wo abvaya claimed we could not be beaten. .b'uilarton. Bnnirs-Thos. Hanson, whoee hou-e wan burnt, has bad it rebuilt, this time a two story briek cottage, which is now nearly oomrloted.-Township council mot on Monday, the 12th inst. Ml present. In- spected the bridge known as "Roy's" on old Mitchell road, and decided that with a little repairing it would do for another year. So the probabilities aro that Fullerton 'sill be clear of bridge building for a year or two. Garteli'a bridge" Thames Road, is to be replanked. Louis Sebach to provide the material at $12 50 per M. -H. Francis, who has received support fyom the township for some years, was reported ill and unable to cats foe himself. The council agreed to get him into better quarters, and have some one take care of him. He is 90 years, of age. ICippen. tixxst;s-A new industry bas been started iii our village in the shape of a butoher shop, by Mr. Gilbert Diok.-Dir. Peter Lamont, of Stanley. shipped a car load of cattle from here for Toronto on Monday. -The directs or of the Ktppen Pubilo Hall Company are talking of holding a grand entertainment In the new hall shortly. -The many friends of Mr. James McLean, sr., of this place, will regret to learn that hs is in very poor health, and is now conned to the hoose. He is troubled with weakness of the heart. Granton. Deters -4 very exciting coutest arose be- tween two professional tnangold pullers, Jaatee Murray and l'4r, WM. &own; th hellion o Blanshard former f r a Itmg from Llan hard and the latter trent Ponegil. Ireland. needleer to eel the former had no chance with the latter as marigold pulling is a profeaeaon le Donegal, and it le learned from goad author- ity that Browne graduated with hinters iu the art.. --Ar. Lang hag been offered the haudsomo suet of $800.00 for his bay filly Ahead Rsndolf.---A two -legged colt of Dir. Geo. Gratton, an the 8th of Blaasbard, purobased, is rs said, at two hundred and fifty dollars, the eighth wonder of the world,. has recently died. It appears that it was overfed at the threehiug with green apples. Blanchard Burnes -Mr. Isaac Benton, a gentleman of extensive esperienoe as an agriculturist in Cambridgeshire, Eng., where he owns a small estate, has leased Mrs. Beattie's farm on the Base Line for a term of years. -Mr. Robert Balyea, of the llth eon., recently unearthed in a mound on his farm oue of the largest beds of sand in that part of the townsbip. fihe pit extends some sixty feet and masons state that the sand is of great value for building. -What might have proved a serione mishap, befell David Mor - lite, a young man in the employ of a farm- er f the 10th concession. He was helping Mr. Ridley at his threshing and whilst working at a grain stook one of the large doors of the barn which had been unhinged and was standing alongside that structure, was blown down by the wind. David at- tempted'to get out of its way but was struck by the door and prostrated. Whalen. B1uura--Mr. John Markin and family loft for Manitoba on Monday. their preaeut destination being 8'audon. They will be ruiesee in the neighberheod. esgeoially is the 'subtle azhoel. He tank ear lead of et•axlz, implements, ore , along, anl attends to engage in farming out there. We wish there a pleasant joaraey, and prosperity in their new haeme.-.-Oteot the ogle -t inhabit ants. and ono of the first settlers of this neighborhogsi, dice on Friday evening leer, in the person of t1ra. Jane Brodie, relict of the late Wm Brooke. and mhtber of Measre Philip and Janice. Brooks, at the ripe ago of 86 years and 5 menthe. Her remains were followed to their last reesting place. in Zion cemetery, on Sunday by a large conconrso of sympathizing frionde.-Mrs Fmk Mor- ley paid a short visit to her parents in Mor. nington last week. -Mr. Joltu Brook has moved into hie now /muco. Clinton. BRIEFS: -A runaway team caused con- siderable excitement on Main ate on Friday last. It came in contact with a tree in front of the Waverly and was brought to a standstill. -The Bane Caldwell concert on Friday avg. last was a decided success. 'Mrs E. G. Caldwell, of Toronto, and Mr. J. 0. Bane, of Pittsburg, Pa., assisted by Miss Cargill and Mine -Fisher, were the artists. Mr Bane was the attraction of the evening ; as a guitarist he has no equal in America He represents mach more thau a player, who to content to let nature do it all for him ; he is a thoroughly scientific musician and grasps the mathematics as well as the rhetoric and elocution of music. His mueioal taste and judgment are never at fault; his technique surpasses that of any other country, we ;',venture to claim -Mr. Jas. Turnbull has tendered this resignation as principal of the Collegiate • Institute. It will be hard to find another who will fill the position as ably as Mr Turnbull has filled it for the past twenty years. -While Mr John Dayment was working at the'G. T. R. bridge near this place, the other day, had the misfortune to cut his leg with an adze, from the effeots of which he will be unable to work for a few days; Hay Council Council met on Oat. 17. $5 50 was re- funded to Jacob Gouulz. charged to him on au award, the same having been proviotsly paid. The clerk war instructed to advertise in Tun Exrrsat Tnzzs, Beaforth Expositor and Saturday Globe for receiving tenders for the construction of the Hay swamp drains. The reeve was Instructed to pur- ebave 100 chairs for the townball, the price not to exceed 39e each. Arrear9 of taxes for 1859, against Ea lot 15, con 5, was can• celled. Council adjourned till Nov 21,at 10 a.m. Cower or IinvxaeoN.-The Court of Reel - don mot on the 17th pot., when the fol- lowing changes were made in the nsseas mint of Hay drains :-Cou 4, Wa22, re- duced to 37; 'SV 23, to 311; 1924, do; N. B Eh10, assessed for 515; Wes 10, do 53; 15, reduced 565; 14 to $60; Wl}13, assessed 52; 5313, do 33. Con 5, E}21, raised $24; N} Be21, do 415; W}21, do 55; Ee22, do 55; 1922, reduced$$5; 23 to 545; Ss24,asaesaed 520; N24, do $20. Con5,lot 15 raised $15. Cun 7, i part 22, assessed 525; 21 and 5 pt 22, do for $135; 23 reduced 522; 24, to 525; 25, to 510; 5326, to 511; Na26 and 27 to $35 ; 98 to $25. Con 8, 21, raised 565; 22, reduced 530; 23, to $40; 2.4, to $13; 25, to 543; 26, 319; 27, to 555; 28. to $65. Con 9, part 21, H. Ileie, massed 515, and W. Sehwalm, $10; 22, reduces 1128; 23, to 330; 24 to 510; E325, to $10; W 25, to $10; Et26, $15; WON. to $11; SO27, to 59; Na 27, to 525; Sa28, to $25; N}28, to 521. The amount rednced on Canada Co. lands north of the Zurioh road to be spread pro rata overall the company's lands. The amount reduced on all other lands was spread over all the lands assessed. Court adjourned to meet on Oot 31, at 2 p.m SAI. J. L• ATTA, Clerk. NOTIG E The farmers throughout the County have had a bountiful harvest and are re- ceiving geed d prices for what they eel). We hope those who are in arrears for Trim TIMES Will not fail to remit the automat to thin office, The label ou your paper tela up to what date your snbeeription is haul. Sensall, Ttu :flamers. -Grain bas been moving very elowly daring the woeit, and there is, notwithetamding, a decline in the prices. It is expected, however, that alter the weather breaks the market will be more Unite Following are the pricee paid Wheat 85 to 88 'holey Oats Pea% 32 to 34 24 to 26 55 to 56 Hay 7 00 to 8.00 Bettor 1d to 15 Eggs . 15 to 15 BnI*rs.--Basiates8 teas bents dull in the rillogefor Elie past week. the line weather. no doebt, keeping the farulera at home pre. paring for winter..--Soutebow our enone are Always in trouble. 0n Monday two well known knights were distant cabana; 6 franca iu (wet of bare, when their horse, Wee '1 tray ate i to a tree, uprratel the seeped and ceene galloping hemi. The ehagrm of the sports eau bo better imagined than &cash- e:L.--"pits lleilaatl perking house has coni. meucei operations for the winter season, anal already have received a largo number ant hogs, The pr.apriotere have ree utly purchased a new engem andboiler and will now operate alto establishment by steam. Their onterpriso tea commendable, -Messrs. Cook Bros. aro busy this week putting in a roller process chopper, their buaiuees bar- ing so increased al to outdo the stone pro. cess. -Rouses to rent aro scarce in Hensall whieh is au evidence of the stability of the plane. i1otwiteat ending that many new ones have tbla summer Wee orectetl,houses aro is demand. -Wo regret very much to announce the iliacs of Mr, Wm. White, of the London Road, south, who is in a critical condition with an affection of the hip. Mr W. went to Detroit this weak to receive treatment, but it he movers it will be some num bolero he is able to bo about, -air. Soblgter, who was taken dangerously ill of inflammation at MrrsR. Cook's last week, arae taken to his home in Zurich an Feiday last much improved ',lira. ding, who has been visiting her parents fin the northern part of the county, and also visiting friends in Cleveland, returned home Men.ay evg.- Chas. MoDoneil left on Monday for Exeter where he joined a party of spotts wlto Aro spending a season hunting deer on ;hake Smith, Tho brethren of this village wish them every success. --Tho beaming conn. tonaneo and stately form of Honsali'e founder, in the person of Mr, James Petty, is daily seen en the streets, and Howell, since his return, is again herself. Mr. Pettywas absent Smos,and during that time saw a great deal of the 01d Sod. He reports a pleasant palings across, but on the re- turn trip the weather was fierce and the voyage very rough. The trip atoms to have done Mr. P. some poi, as he has gained four pounds, -Mr. Buchanan, who has been at the Gnelph tlgrioultural College, is ex- pected home in a few days, having com- pleted his course there; Ho will join his father on the homestead west of this place. Mr. B.'s many friends will welcome him back. -Rev. Mr, Martin, of Exeter, preach- ed very acceptably in the Presbyterian church here last Sunday morning, Rev. Mr Henderson conducting service for Mr. Mar- tin. -Mr. and Mrs. Stark, whose marriage announcement appeared in last week's Teems. left on Tuesday for their adopted home in Iona. They were met at the sta- tion by a large oirole of friends who bade them farewell. -The Masons of this place are occupying their newhall.-Tho trustees of Bewail Public School have re-engaged J. T. Wren as principal for his fifth year, and as assistants Miss Monteith, who ro- maine, and a Miss Simpson, of Goderich, in place of Miss Johnston whose certificate expires at January. -A Mr. Paterson, of Waterford, is in town trying to orga.iise a society entitled "Order of Canauian Home Circles." The society may be ever so good, but a place the size of Hensall with no lees than five organised societies, has about all it can safely oarry.-Mr Win. Elder, imple- ment agent, purposes removing his build- ing 12 feet to the rear of his lot and than raising it 4 feet. He will then erect a plat- form from which he can load all machinery and thus ' avoid any heavy lifting. -Rev. Joseph Cook and wife, now of Ripley, for- merly of Hensel', paid the village a visit last week. He had been attending the Ecumenical Conference at Washington, while Mrs. Cook was visiting the parental roof. Come again. -Tho Christian En- deavor and Epworth League societies have Pet aside their meetings of the 1st and 8rd Monday of the month in cyder to organise a 'Mutual Improvement Society. This sooie-. ty bas been carried on most successfully for the past three winters, and are glad to hear of so harmonious a spirit in both societies and we feel oonfident that pleasure and pro fit will be the result. The first meeting takes place on Monday evg., Noy. 2, at 7.30 p.m. in the basement Of the Presbyterian ohurob.=Miss Norris, who was visiting at Wingham has returned to her sister's, Mrs. J. T. Wren: -Urquhart & Robinson, oat- meal millers, owing to the extra demand for their meal, bave had to place on three new hands -Mr and Mrs Irvine bave re• turned from the Ecumenical Conference which was held at Washington. They speak in the highest terms of entertainment they received while there. . The many Mende a oI Jim Neil, the popu- lar bar tender, of Exeter, will be pleased to learn that he Is now bobio+i the bar at the Munro lieu.ae, Ail•e Crain, Goderich. BRIEFS. -Goderich is always receiving advice how to make improvements. The latest and best is from a Galt editor who prescribes a branch of the C. P. R. The gentleman states that his town gave it a bonus of one !hundred and ten thousand dollars, and that that sum has been repaid time over time. -During the voting for the county clerkship one gentleman got 43 rotes, yet in the final vote hia name was not seen on a ballot paper-While;unload- ing coal from the schooner Kolfage at the dock on Monday,the hoisting tackle broke, and in the fall the block struck F. Bluet on the side of the head, making a serious cut. An addition has been made to the number of men engaged in repairing the -north pier. -The Goderich Organ Company is still' doing a rushing business, orders for their finished work being ahead of any previous period: -The winter week -day service in connection wish .zit. George's. was resumed this week, the opening ser- vice being held in the school room last evening. -The close season for white fish and Strout commences on Sunday. -The apple evaporating establishment is still taming out a ltirge quantity of prepared fruit. -The schooners Uurter, Ontario, rodman, Pinafore and 1. iage have al- ready taken up winter quarters in this harbor. -The steamer City of Windsor left for Georgian Bay ports on Friday. - `The steamer Celtic called in on Friday and Ioadedconsiderable freightfor Lake Superior ports. -Our boat builder is arranging the patterns for two tugs that he has contract- ed to build for launchiug in the spring. - The Big Mill is receiving new Manitoba wheat by cars. The first reached the mill last Friday and proved an excellent sam- ple. -Two of our well-known shots left last Thursday for Johnston's Harbor, on a deershooting expedition. Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism. J ORN WHITE dr SONS Publisher and Proprietors .McGillivray. Balers -Mr. Albert Thompson, of the 16th, lost a valuable two-year-old colt on Sunday by falling into a well. When found life was extinot.-.-Mr. Robert Williams, of the 8th, passed away quite su-ldenly ou Friday. . Mr. Williams had been Ill for some time but teemed to be improving when a sudden change for the worse took place, He leaves a wife and two mall children to mourn is los/.--Mrs. Thomas Pewee.. sr. since the death of her lentbaud, has taken rip her residence with her eine W. BE., where all her personal wale til her old days wilt be promptly attenJel W by her Wee. Umtata on. •-- 1 e Ore4lton. Blum -County authorities were in the village late week taking the m.'asnremeuts of the bridge hero, with a view to erecting new one at an early date. The atruetnre is in very bad repair and the sooner it is attended;to the better for the safety of the peoplie-Mr, 11. Kilpatrick ou Saturday pulled from hie garden a sprig ou which were several clusters of ripe raspberries, this year's second growth. The betties were large and looked very tootbsnme.-Our mill, under the mauagouieut M Hr. Henry Sweitzer and with the new miler at the beim is utat;tug rapid adrancentent. Re- cently a new packer wee erected, and ae coon ae things can be got into shape Mr. Sweitzer will cammeuce the exportation of flour. --Mr. and Aire. Aaguet Ht>1 wore away for several days titin twee attettlin, the Anneal of Mrs Hill's father. at ti 'lye'. ton, where he died on Frieee bet, at the age of 76 years. Mr. John Moyer. the. cte- ce^zsed, was t:oli•b+owu in aunts tit'i,.drorr- boad. having for some ties lived with ids daughter, Mo. Charles tend+ of ?urieb. The death was a auel,:en otto, as, hat a few days erevlouely, ho seemed to bee in the best of heath -IDr. Stn, bler event tit to welt visiting friends io Ilailelo, N. Y. -Rabbits, partridge, and lee elenut bunting ie the rage with the sports at protenn too have not beard of any melt fwguidable rnbbita no was reported two weeks ago -Tho town hell continues. to announce the Limo fate times a day Prem Smitte'a blaoketuith shop. A stranger so hearing it ruug rho other evg, for six n'r'nnie aalree it there -et a ee.te art an fc.r to•nigtit. P. not diagram!, the town but papa around. Iho hat at once for a now one.. -W. Faietz and Jacob Heist from Michigan, and families, aro visiting fneuds here. -Last Tuesday. Tbomas Cbambcre was married to Mum Selenfa Donee, at trio residence of William Sweet, The happy couple have taken a trip to the State of Ponnsylvania, We wish tbam au oujoyablo trip and a happy return. -Mr. Adolphne Hooper claims the cake for horse carrots,bo hav one on exhibition at the port.omce which weighs 6 lbs 9 oz.-afr.:August Hill and wife bave returned from Milverton where they have been attending the funeral of lira. Hill's fatber.-A ;largo number of Foresters attended the concert at Dashwood Tuesday evening. They report agooe time, will bo off again Friday and are going to Parry Sound District. The old gentleman says that if there is deer left be will be sure to bring it home with him. He threatens to shoot the man that gave the party away last fall if he finds bim in the country when he gets there. You readers may expect some sport when they return that is if they will only tell their friends the truth. They ought to be able to kill lots of game, for they have taken enough ammunition and((?) with them to lay out anything. Dashwood. SanomL Ronne -The following are the names of those pupils who were promoted during the month of October, in S. S. No. 8. Hay. The names appear in order of merit :-To Sr. Fourth -Wm. Bean. To jr. Fourth -Dan Hartleib. To Sr. Third -Wm. Kleinstiver, Ed. Then, A. Kraft, Louis Walper, Laura Lindenfeld, Ella Weide. To Jr. Third-Lourada Hartleib, Maggie Livergood To Sr. Second -A. Eclstein, Bertha Miller. To Jr. Second No. 2 -Henry Kraft, S. Rader, Fred Gent- ner, Lizzie Schroeder, Henry Rhode. To Jr, Second No. 1 -Lizzie Bender, Bertha Baker, Conrad Miller, Milford laud, S. Schroeder, Sophia Gentner, Ricks Fisher, Tilly Ruby. To Sr. Pt. II -John Schn- maker, Clarence Kellerman, Sarah Ball, Ed Willert. To Jr. Pt. II -Clara Witzel, Selina Nadiger, Mena Kleinativer, Clara Rader, Lister Eckstein. Wm. \Vl"rt. To Sr, Pt. I -Arthur Walper, Duncan Snider, Lily Hartleib, F, Snell, Rebecca Smith, .Sam Kraft, Sol. Schroeder. Sam. M. Hauch, l Teachers. Miss N. Fulton, f Calk at the BARGAIN. DEPOT and see the extra values we are offering IN ALL LINES. We have gust received a second consignment of DRESS GOODS which are cartied off nearly as fast :.s ave can ,get them in. Thin is the place: to secure your UNDERCLOTHING. We carry a large assortment and you knew THE PRICES ARE RIGIT. Yeti will find our Ready-made Cloth- ing the Nicest, Cheapest, and moat Value for your ;honey ; try then, .Don't be afraid that we can't supply you with Goode : for we have luta of theist. J. P. ROSS. feven;--Mrs. teteiuha eta is very: ill at pre- sent. -Mr. R. Cook is sawing luiaber thea week. 'Z.11i7ich. 1iu3er0.--.Wo are curry t , hear that tete of Me. C. ttnral•1•ahryebee the eneeaste rte to Pei ani hire aklate la;.; wt.i:c? elbubin„ after beeobnuts. -Mrs, J. Smith and fawitr ro. tur"4',l to their houto in Milverton loot wok Quite a number of rear citizens went to Dasfawond Tuesday ev,ariug to hear air. Jewett Fax.. --Part. litott has auicesern l$ orwafibtt! n singin,; slate of ab. at tnt'nty pupils au;t gill givee leecotis eve<ry Tue..day r'c.-Tian Zurich P. S premotionexamine. ti et is over and quite a number of promo- tion two tai:en !laze-ellfr. Fischer hail moved inter Mr. 1?nmart'a Itouro next door to the general More of Mr. D. Steinbach.--- Mrs, Il;tchanan and Mrs. ttpprl spent a few eeee U. lea. .,,'va ..1 e...+.n.ae-ar.---.r1C. ettd, Airs. Coleman were last week. colied to at- tend the funeral of Mr. Colcrosn's plater.- The fisIiwmD• ago Bylnalawreviwill takeionof plaalaents etaay aaturSadayp neatrain, -Wo believe Mrs Moritz leas Bold her pro- perty on Main -at to Aar. bred Kibler.... -ansa Ran, a former resident of this village has returned for a short time -All business houses in aha village wall be closed on TItanitsgiving Day (November 12th j -:low is the time when the shrill shriek of the unfortunate bog may he heard as ha is led captive to tbo executioner's block. -Mrs. Decker, vibe lives in this vicinity had the misfortune to cut one of her fingers almost off. PROMOTION EXAMINATION. -Tho following is a correct list of the pupils who pnsaod^the recent promotion examination, beld in the Zurich public school, on the 15tH and 16th Oct: Entrance to senior 4th -Lydia Koeh- ler. To junior 4th -Rosa Lippett, Ida Lippert, Andrew Hess, Norman Petah. anau, Ida Well, Leslie Williams, Garnet Steinbach, Tillie Kibler, Will Geiger, ;Geo. Lippert, Jas. Johnston, Sa'z' Faust, Annie Hese, Laura Kibler, Mary Randall. To Sr. 3rd Ezra Haist, R Strempfer. To Jr. 3rd Wes Kibler, Hilda Strompfer,LouisaWurin, Viet Johnston, Alf. Pfaff. To Sr. end - Beatrice Steinbach, Clara Buohanan,Louisa Lippert, Mary Demuth, Clara Reichert, Helena Koehler, Oleva Peine, Mabel Hardy, Willie Beichert, Oscar Koehler. Dan Koeh- ler, Henry Brown, Arthur Kibler, Maggie Zimmerman. Amelia Axt. To Jr. 2nd - George Hess, Hartman Steinbach, Clara Warm, Nettie Demuth, Tillie Foster. To Sr. part 2nd -Susie Johnston, John Brown, Ethel Williams, Diary Weseloh. To Jr. pt. 2nd -Alf Peine, A. Well, Nelson Beichert, Eldon Seigner, Molyina Koehler, W Beaver Oliver Geiger, George Smith, Theresa eat, Bertha Quigley. --SAI. J. LATTA. Principal. BRIEFS -On Thursday evening last a large number of young people assembled in the Evangelical church here to organize a Young People's Society. The constitu- tion of the Young People's Alliance of the Evangelical Association was read and ap- proved by the majority present. An op- portunity was given to all who wished to help organize an Alliance here to sign their name to the constitution under the con- ditions named in the same. Twenty-two signed as active members and two as hon- orary. The election of office;s came next, with the following result : Pres., Mrs. (Rev.) Bean; Vice Pres., Sam'l Hauch; Re- cording Seey., Thomas Snell; Cor. Secy., Miss L. Rennie; Treasurer, Mies F. Snell; The Alliance meets every Thursday even- ing at 7.45 p. m. -The Patron meeting of last Tuesday evening proved a failure on account of the disagreeable weather, very fe w attended. Seemingly the farm- ers in this section do not care to bite the bait. We suppose our genial merchants Messrs. Hall and Killerinan must t•oat them well. -Mies Egan spent last. Sunday in her home at St Marys. -Mr. S. Hardy and family, of Zurich, visited friends here last Sunday. -Mr. J. Snell was in London on Monday last. --Mr. C. Lippert formerly tailor at Zurich,paid our village a short visit one day last week. -A number of our sports bave been at the lake lately shoot- ing ducks, which seem to be very numer- ous this season.. -Quite a number of child- ren of this village are stole with searlet TBE GREAT BENEFIT -Which people in run down state of health derive from Huod's Sarsaparilla, conclusively proves that this medicine "makes the weak strong." It does not act like a stimulant, imparting fic- titious strength, but Hood's Sarsaparilla builds up in a perfectly natural way all the weakened parts, purifies the blood, and assists to healthy action those important organs, the kidneys and liver. TURN THE RA'cAL3 onT.-We refer to suet rascals as dyspepeia, bad blood, biliousness, constipation, sick headache, etc., infesting the human system. Turn them out and keep them out by using Bei dook Blood Bit- ters, the natural foe to disease. which invig- orates tones and strengthens the entire sys- tem. TEE TRADE OUTDoolt.-Tbe trade outlook seems bright, but to those burdened with bad blood, stomach and liver troubles, etc„ the outlook is blue. This may be avoided and bounding health restored by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters, the most effective, rapid and satisfactory mnedicine'for all de- rangementa of the .stomach, liver, bowels and blood. UERTIFICATE OF srERIT.-Dear Sirs,- This is to certify that my hunbend had asthma for about 8 years,00mbined with a bad cough, and that his lunge also were badly affected, so that he could not rest or work. I then got Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, which has greatly relieved him, After taking six or eight botiles it has entirely cured his cough, and done a great dual of good to bis lungs. Mrs. Moses Cough, Apsley, Ont. OH, WHAT A COUGH. Will you heed thewarning. The signal a perhaps of the sure. approach of that snore terrible disease Conk}tpiion. Askyoer- selves if you can alfer.i1 for the sake of saving 50c,, to run the risk and do nothing for it: We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough, It n ever ails ltiinnrd'e Lielm.ua cores holds, eto.