HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-10-22, Page 8sonsoossesammen
PANY, of Toronto; 8,1oo for thePlIO:NIS
England, ate ROYAL CANADIAN, of Mon -
;real. and the ONTARIO MU i'UAL L37PE
ASSURANCE, OO'Yof Waterloo established
every tive years.
Smallware Dearfinenl
The Mart Counter Goods
Toys Stove Polish Pitchers
Blade Shoe. " Spioe Jura
Dolls :llatolt Safes Salts, Ind
Wee Needles Rules
rt `;e 'lair Pins Hammers
Purses Thimbles Tacks
Si Penoila Suttee Agate Screw Drivers
Broches •' Pearl Postal Cards
W chains fl ►udl:erohiefs Can Openers
Cups 'meals Curling Tonga
Toy Beeks Neck Ties Fire Shovels
Knives Furs Salt Sitters
Mh Organa Slashers Potato' Mashers
Whisks Table Mats Toast forks
Scope Bibs Dippers
N1 Brushes Tin Pails Egg Renters
S tf,e Tea Steepens Cake Turners
" Te +est strode Pana
♦ton> of Comb Lases Lem. Squeezers
Tot.t a " Duot Pune Cork Serena
IN. PI :tee S."rp Ladles
Fey lar'mR Tress Gables.
J. GRIGG, Exeter
The Great Trade Centre of
(';1 H I)(w.s IT
CASH 1.AtE* 11!:
Vie ,tuc ti++n ie often asked, " How
and why evau the Big Bankrupt Store
t•ll tit, smell cheaper 0311 .our regular
re it.: •, \\' ?ay., Cash does it :
•u ,le.al with ne ; you know that
a ' a ea a tela p,teste. Ite'atlymoney
tells every time. 1\'e eaentinet our
l •emacs alit t110 most perfect system
&town. (rutile and see.
t 11MM tED CLOTH INi !
wtag` nal s.avc from .0 to .,+➢ per tem.
your ;ant ,n tevere+eat this fall : \\'(i
Uwe a beautiful stock of cloths of zll
the newest makes, land guarantee per.
ge.eion and tit. Some extra value,
Black 'hes; Suits to censer.
('at ::thick great assortment ; great
a;alue.;-=-(.xloves, Ties, Sex, Shirts,
1.)r'awcrs, BMWS, iJnllals, llllillers ;
:anything you want in the furnishing
line—very cheap.
Moots Shotts.tinai Rubbers. Do you
1Cn;ew that we claim and are prepared
to proves that wo have tate largest and
vht,ieest stook of Boots and Shoes in
toren, fan(1 all at prices that should
incase. Buy your Rubbers from us
and save money.
is what every lady goys that uses our
Uncolored Japan Tea. Have you
tried it yet ! If not, ;et a sample
}sound fur za quarter ; it will make you
.Are y uu good on the guess ? Have you
tried for '• Beauty !" If not, you
should, and if you have already, you
'ti+,uld try lig4in, and continue the
work till New Year. With every SI
you spend with us you have a chance
There is now in our window a glass jar con-
taining a number of buttons—the number is
unknownperson.the to any person, ho gnaranteeof which
appears below. With every purchase of e.4
rc a :.re entitled to ono guess as to the number
of buttons in the jar; with a nurohase of Ss
two guesses, and so on. In our office will be
kept a hook where YOU will register your name
and your guess. The contest will close at 8
o'clock on New Years Eve, when the jar will be
opened and the buttons counted
by three e
terested and responsible arsons •andtbo per-
son who has =tossed the correct, or nearest to
the correct. number of buttons, will become
the owner of Beauty, Should there be a tie
then the first who bas registered too correct
number will be tho winner.
"This is to certify that the number of
buttons in the jar in the window of th,.
Big Bankrupt Store is anknown to any
person, as they have been placed there by
us and the jar sealed in our presence."
,r,igned : h3; S O'NEIL.
Dealer in Bankrupt Stook.
ag enter Mem
We sell the best 25e tea in town. Rd.
Pickard & Son.
Mr. Thos. Dearing, who has been on
the sick list for seine time, is able to be
on the street again.
Ladies ! Fur millinery go to R. Pickard
& Son's ; they lead the trade.
The school children were entertained
last week at a panorama given in the
Can't do better than buy your fall goods
at the Big Bankrupt Store and with every
$4purchase have a guess for Beauty.
Prof. Weigand has procured a situation
inHensall and on Monday moved his fam
ily thither. •
Just received, a large stock of china,
glassware, lamp goods, eta., at R Pickard
d Son's.
Division Court was held in Exeter on
Monday, His Honor Judge Doyle presid-
ing. The docket was light.
The Exeter Woollen Mi11 can supply. you
with'Blankets,napped or unmapped, bleach-
ed or unbleached ; all sizes and prices.
Take care of your body; it is the casket`
iu whieh life dwells, and one way of doing
so is by being provided with goods boots
and rubbers. We have never shown better
value than:at the present time... Every
member of your family can be supplied by
J. P. Clarke at reasonable pricey.
Minard's Liniment for Rhenma4isui,
Big bargaina in ordered olothing at R.
Pickard & Sons.
Mrs. Gardiner has Gold her residence on
Williau:-st., to Mr. Rd. Williams for a
neat sum.
Joseph Keefe, son of Andy Keefe, of
Biddulph: with others, wart burned to death
in a the ru Detroit last week.
Mr- Roble Gardiner, of Farquhar, is
drawing brick for the erection of a hand
some brick residence at Farquhar.
lir. John Farmer has had considerable
of the walks leading to his residence laid
with composition:manufactured by Mr. P.
The other day a man tied his horse to a
shade tree, and allowed the horse to muti-
late the tree, although there was a tie post
pet eight feet distant.
The anniversary sermons of the Main -et
Methodist church will be preached on
Sunday, Nov. 8th, by Rev. \% . J. Holmes
of Stratford, formerly of Exeter.
The Raukin Scottish Co. will give au en-
tainment in Drew's Opera. House, Tuesday
evg,, Oct. 27. They ate highly spoken. of,
flan of hall at Lotze drug store.
The funeral sermons of the late James
Tom and John Sweet were conjointly
preached on Sunday evg, last by Rev. Mr.
Metonagh, of the Main-st Meth. church.
Wm. Balkwtll shipped on Wednesday a
carload of bulls to the Old Country, and
D. McColl a ;;aria of hogs ,to Montreal,
anal. R. Davis a eerie:ad of cattle to Mon-
lnttth Bins of Hay have just completed
a alio with a 4r:parity of 150 tone. It is
the finest we have seen. The ensilege aye -
tem of feedh:g is becoming quite popular
withwith alt
.Mr. John (rill will next week superin-
tend the dvlivezy, in Exeter, of over $30O
worth of fruit trews for a loranto nursery
firm. The sto;:k has been purchased by
farmers in the neighborhood..
Mr•. 51 `m. ilawdeu last week purchased
in \1'aitfo:rl a handsome driving liorae,pay*-
lug x350 for her. She is a light hay. &
eeetleanan of Chicago is now atter her and
it is likely she will go to that city.
A dog jumped tlutrugh ere of the win -
slam's in Farmer Bros' Ettore yesterday, It
:tw its owner insole. and although the
door wasopert,it went through the window;
it is needless to say it went out of the door.
<\ cluldreu's service was eoudueted iu
the Presbyterian church or, Sundaylast by
Rev. Mr. Martin. Tire renter of the
vilerch was reserved for the ebihlren of
whom there were a large attendance.
\nation aides in this section are not as
numerous as on other years,owingo
i 1,to ! a awl rl t the well craps . ar l rho aabundarcao
ref /adder. lite tales that have taken plus
were tared). attended and every r•lass of
animal, ease horses, sell well.
It you want a good value in bays' suits
and overcoats and in men's overcoats. with
or without capes ; if you want goods. suit.
lugs and overeoatinga, tlauuels and under.
wear.. kindly call end see those shown by
J. P Clarke.
Tut; TIMI•N has received a copy of the
bluebook containing the evidence in the
Tarte charges. It rs a voleme of 1,500
pages, and atfcrds some idea of the work
the committee on privileges and elections
had before it daring the recent session of
Advertise your strayed stock iu Tun.
TIMES; or if you have estray animals in.
your possession likewise advertise then in
Tus Teams. Or if you wish to tell your
farm, advertise it in Tux Trines if you wish
a purchaser at once. Read those now
To come in during the next Reek—one
of the finest seleotions of goat robes,
beaver caps, neutra caps, ladies' opossum,
capes and collarettes, muffs; also men's
persian lamb caps and imitations—in great
variety. A call solicited by .i, 1?. Clarke.
This is a glorious climate. Summar has
ebbed away by such slow degrees that
foliage preserved much of its midsummer
green uutil a few days ago, when it seemed
to anrirlunly recollect itself and ;Ion the
o r 'fall.
golden hue bac a my the Foliage.
never looked lovlrer than now in its new
found oolois, Well displayed by a genial
sun. A suspicion of Indian summer is in
the air, and if a man cannot be happy and
glad these days he is a duffer.
The following volunteer changes are
Gazetted :-2Gth Middlesex Battalion of
Light Infantry, No 5 company, Lucau—
Capt. John Craven Frank resigns his com-
mission ; 27th Lambeth Battalion of In-
fantry, St. Clair Borderers, Sarnia—Lt..
Col. Charles Edward Harley Fisher is per-
mitted to retire retaining rank; 33rd.
Huron Battalion of Infantry. Goderich—
Major Robert Crockett resigns his commis-
sion and is permitted to;,revort to the re-
tired list of captains.
The superintendent of the grand Trnnk,
appreciating the evangelistic work done
by Condw;tor W. K. Snider, has decided
to place him on a run where he will be in
a position to engage in this work even
more fully than he does at present, without
at all interfering with his duties as a con-
ductor. He has, therefore, promised to
place hint on a line between Toronto and
'Stratford, with his home in the former
place. This will very greatly widen his
field bf usefulness, and 'it is a fore -gone
conclusion that Mr. Snider will do his best
to fill it. Wh are sorry that he is to be re -
/naiad from his run on the L. H. &'B.
Sundaywas generally observed through-
out the Church of England in the Mother
Country and the colonies as a day of inter-
cession for Sunday schools. The Bishop
of Huron, in a recent pastoral to his clergy,
gave this direction :—"As His Grace the
Archbishop of Canterbury has appointed a
day of intercession for Sunday schools, and
as the growth of Sunday school life is of
the deepest moment to us all, I write to
suggest that, if thought desirable, we
might take Sunday, October the 18th, as
a day of intercession for Sunday schools
throughout the Diocese. On that occasion
the work of Sunday schools and the educa-
tion of the young might with great pro-
priety be brought before your people."
We can save you 25% on Sealettes ; we
import thein ourselves. R. Pickard & Son
A happy event took place at the resi-
dence of Mi. Ed.' Maguire,Exeter North,
on Thursday last, the occasion being the
marriage of Mr. George Windsor, of
Brown City, Mich., (brother of Mrs.
Maguire) to Mise Gamble, of .Brockville.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Mr. Martin in the presence of a few
friends, the affair - being a quiet one.
Mies Porte, of Toronto, a close friend of
the Bride, was present. The young cou-
ple, after taking the usual: honeymoon
trip, will leave for Brown City, where
the groom conducts a successful mercan-
tile business. Mr. Windsor has many
friends in McGillivray township, and we
join all in`wishing the young couple a
full measure of prosperityand all happi-
Map Thai* Esrek 7itt;dge.
Mr. John Ainsley, County Engineer, oza
the 5th inet., let the contract for the erec-
tion of Black Creek Bridge, on the bound-
ary between Hay and Stephen, to. Mr. R.
Jamieson, his tender being the lowest,
Mr. Jamieson, however, afterwards de-
clined to proceed with the work and on
the 12th inst. the contract was awarded to
Mr. L. Hardy, of Exeter, the next lowest
tenderer, for the sum of $330. Thework
could not have fallen into better hands as
Mr. Hardy is pretty well known as a re-
liable et/tweezer and always makes a good
Court of ltevist,n,
Sial. (=eudman of Parkhill, Revising
Barrister for North '-Middlesex, held the
Court for the revision of the Dominion
voters' list for Exeter, iu the towu 1u 11
here on Tuesday. There was a good at.
tendance at the court. R. U. OoIlins
acted on behalf of the Reform party and
L. Dicksen for the Conservatives. Thera
were two camas added for the Reformers
and one for the Couservetivea; the names
of three Reformers and one Conservative
were retuned to be added; there were eight
tionservatives and three Reformers struck
off; of the appeals to have struck off,there
were twelve Conservatives and five Reform-
ers allowed to remain. A reeepitplation
shows the result of the court to he about
seven in favor of the Reformers, The
Revising barrister exercised the utmost
in*partiality and dealt tairly with both
panties ; and gave pubtie notice that he
would proceed to snake up the net for
polling district Nos. 11, 12, 13, 21 and 24,
on the 28th inst.. at his office in Parkhill.
Agrirnatural Society Mooting
The South Huron lAgrienitutal Society,.
canr1 the Stephen hen fi UsBerne hranch wet
here on Saturday to settle the business in
connection with the late fair. It wen found.
that the prizes which amouuted to $1,200
were well takeu,and that the :tooth Huron
Society will require almost every dollar
(besides the SRO awattled by the local
society) in its treasury to pay prizes and
expenses. The memltersnip of the branch
society is 450, of the county society 87.
The local society will have a surplus of
$30+1, above all liabilities. and it is the in.
teutian of the dire, tors to purchase a par.
eel of laud in order that the grounds may
bo enlarged. Mr. 11 "m 11 twden submitted
an elder of as netn4 nem as they desired
at S100 per nere. title society derided to
buy tiro acres, but ns this amount of land
will he inadequate for the purposes design-
ed, is is thought that a arrnngenaents wilt he
made fah • the purchase f five a
foreo aeres more.
It is hoped, so at least; then Exeter could
breast of the tinest agricultural grounds in
the county.
Prof. Knight figured prominently at a
concert in Ildertou the other even ing.—M r
Sweet of Blyth, was in town last week
visiting friends. —Ii. K Ilyndman Left last
week for the Toronto school of medicine
to Tirane the stulies. of the medical pro.
fession- He will remain all winter -»•Mise
Mettle llawkshow returned home this
week froth an extended visit with friends
in Detroit.—Mrs. al. J. White has return-
ed from a visit with friends in Windsor. --
lir. anti Mrs. Thos. Rowe, London Road,
returned from a visit with friends its Rum.
iiton --Mr, (.oleo. Weir, of Ridgctown,
formerly of Exeter, was In town this week
on business. Mr. 'tVeir likes his new home
vary much.—Miss Burritt, of Mitchell, is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. It. H. Verity.
--Mrs. (Rev.) Buchanan, of Georgetown,
who for somo time has been visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Chau. Perkins, re-
turned home last week --Mr. W. 11.
Gundy spent Sunday with his parents in
Sarnia, Miss Spieer has returned from
Ingersoll, where she was a delegate to the
Western Women's Misonu'y Convention.
--Mr. Jos. Bawden of London is visiting
his parents.—Mr. Reg. Elliot of the
Molsons I3ank, Toronto, is visiting friends
in town.—Geo. Cudmore, who sustained
injuries to his back, while working at the
salt works recently, is around again.—Rev.
Mr. Fletcher, of the Thames road Rresby-
terian church, preached very acceptably
in the. James-st Methodist church on Sun
day evg, last. notwithstanding that he
suffered from much a severe re cold. Rev.
Mr. Russell occupied Mr. Hatcher's pulpit.
—T. A. Brown, principal of the public
school, (received a telegram on Tuesday
announcing the death of his sister in Darl-
ington tp, and left to attend the funeral.
—Mr. 13. W. Grigg of Montreal is in town
in connection with matters concerning the
Pickard estate.—Andy. Boyd of Montreal,
a former Exeterite, spent the past week
renewing acquaintances here.—Mr. Sam'l
Cornish is visiting friends in St. Thomas.
—Miss Ella Fanson, who has been ill for
some weeks, is convalescing.—Mrs. Daniel
French spent the past week visiting friends
in Centralia.
North Middlesex Election Protest Trial.
The court room in London was wellfilled
by residents of the North Riding of Mid-
dlesex, on Friday last, to hear the trial of
the election petition of. James H. Mc-
Fadden vs. Wm. H. Hutchins. Justices.
Rose and Macmahon, duly seated, George
C. Gibbons, solicitor for the plaintiff, first
addressed the bench- The defendant,seid
be, has been examined very recently and
swore he knew of nothing irregular in the
election and that :he was not even aware
who his committeemen were. It appeared
that the management had been in the hands
of his son and his secretary.' As they
could not be procured for the preliminary
purpose in time Mr. Gibbons asked that a
later date be set, and Mr. Meredith, soli-
citor for the respondent, agreeing to the
adjournment, the trial was postponed till
the 7th day of December, at 11 o'clock a.
m. There are fourteen charges to. be in-
vestigated. Mr. Archibald Campbell, of
Parkhill. an agent of the respondent, is
charged with paying $2 to John C. Mac-
donald of Eat Williams, and promising
along with the respondent to procure him
the appointment of sessional writer, in
order to obtain his vote. Campbell is also
charged with paying and promising to pay
money to Hector McLeod of East Williams
Mr. Thomas Dignam. also an agent, paid
the express, etc.,of George Render,junior.
Mr. William Major, of Lucan, agent and
private secretary, is charged with the seri-
ous offence of tampering with theballots;af
polling district 18,Biddulph,and mutilating
and destroying the ballots of district 11, of
Exeter. Messrs. R,ubert S. Hodgins and
William E Stanley of Lucan agents of the
respondent,' are charged with paying, or
promising to'$ay,John Casey of Cleveland,
George Pogue of Detroit, Ephraim-.l3t tler.
of Saginaw, John Jackson of Trenton and
Aldert Neill of-Lucan, their expenses and
for their loss of time in coming o vote.
The last chargel is that Mr. John Fox of
Lucan, an agent of the respondent, voted
when he had no right to vote, and that
Geo. A. Stanley received his vote
We have had a big rush in our
Mantle Department this season,
\vhioh may be accounted for by
the fact that we are selling per-
fect fitting stylish goods 25 per
cont. cheaper than, other houses
are selling common, goods. If
you want a Mantle come and
see us.
V'.B —Tie are showing some great values in, &aiettes.
Division Court.
The sitting of the fifth Division Court
was held in the learn hall here on Monday
last. His honor Judge Doyle presiding.
The following eases were disposed of :
v.*; xs;..
F .i"x IaDI.tA I
T CAn elle for
,a n
IAI) on contract was tried, ser e
b a nt Gt i d, argxie 1 and
judgment reserved. R. If. Collins for
plaintiff, Elliot tis Elliot for defendant..
Cowes I.I. v. A in. An action fin. the
balance of an account Judgment for
plaintiff: In this action the defendant,
who is a married woman, was represented
by her husband, the celebrated Frank
Allan, of Grand Bend; but notwithstand-
ing the elequenee of Frank, judgnseut went
as above.
Sri:a:•i v. Ds: terga'. --.A garuiehee pro•
seeding, was adjourned. thelison for PM
.it'ltNE,Tr,N v. adjourned.
A.,garuieliee pro•
ceedittee was diet:need of. ju Jgraent bcnng
given Iter Valutiaf for the amount of his
chum against bath defendants and the gar.
There being no eases for trial at ('redia -
ton or Zairii:h the sitting at the Court et
these places was not held. bort was asl-
.jenrned until D. eember neat.
Great drives in nom's overcoats at Rai.
Piclkard & Sons.
The Corbett ebeese factory receutly des.
troyed by tire will bo rebuilt at once.
Blankets'. Blankets 1 at the Exeter
Woollen Mill.
Mr. Pe IL Verity on Friday moved into
the residence recently purchased of Mr.
John Trick.
Our coats for men and boys are getting
a move on atthe Big Bankrupt Store,great
prices do it.
Large shipments of cattle were made
from Exeter this week by Messrs Prier and
Don't forget to see the ladies' and gents'
underwear shown by J. P. Clarice, You
will be setiafaed that they are good.
Robert :McLeod. of Luetn, wall -known
in Exeter, will open a liquor store an that
town on Nov. 1st,
We are selling an immense quantity of
furs ; our micas are doing it Call and
see them. R. Pickard to Son.
The wet season has now apparently sot
in. Sunday and Monday were wet, fall -
like days.
See that new and special make of black
silk at the Pig Bankrupt Store. Beats
anything we ever saw.
Rio ha Farmer an tl
Elliot leftRc . Ellit
yesterday for Lake Smith to spend ,a few
days shooting duck.
It7ow ready for sale —cheap—a large
number of very fine Blankets.atthe Exeter
v oll n Mill.
o e
The close season for quail ended on the
15th and our local sportsmen have since
been in quest of the game.
The sale of our glassware, granite tea
sets, porelean tea sets, china tea sets and
toilet ware- continues at J. P. Clarke's.
More fruit jars to hand.
Mr. James Beer, while at work the
other day,a large door fell on him,and but
for his celerity would have been seriously
We are still showinga big range of ladies'
and children's mantles. Come and make
your selection before the stock gets low.
R. Pickard & Son.
Mr. Johns, while hunting in the swamp
the other day, lost one of his thoro' bred
Beagle hounds, and has not as yet recover-
ed it.
Crowded every day ; yes,every day finds 1
a crowd at the Big Bankrupt Store. There
must be some reason for the unusual rush
so early in the season.
There have been several weddings in
town since our last issue, particulars of
which can be seen in our marriage notice
Don't forget this! Call and get quota._
tions and secure samples of our sugars-
)i or $5 you can get 104 pounds, comprising
five different kinds at J. P. Clarkes.
In the 1 yr•old Canadian draught class,
at the lrranton fair, Henry Rundle got
firstprize instead of Jas. Routley, as pub-
lished in the prize list.
Wanted immediately 1" 1800 pounds
choice butter in tub or roll, and 1400 doz.
of eggs, to supply a particular need, the
very highest price will be paid in trade by
J. P, Clarke.
ORATextlo CREATION. -The Sopranos and
Altos at the Chorus for the Oratorio will
meet at 7.30, the 13esees and Tenors at 8
o'clock, in the town lull on Monday evg.,
Oct. 26th.
AUNTY'S ADVICE— "\a r brother had a
severe summer complaint about a year ago
and no remedies seemed to relieve him, At
last my aunt advised us to try Fowler's Ex-
tract of Wild Strawberry and before he had
taken one bottle he was entirely cured."—
Adelaide Crittenden, Baldwin, Ont.
-You have catarrh, and other remedies.
have failed you --then -give Nasal Balm a
fair trial. There is no case of catarrh it
will not cure if the directions are faithfully
followed. -
Mas Geo Interne --Mss Geo Rendle; of
Galt, w,ites : •ii cnu recommend Dr Few
Jere Extract of Wild Strawk rry for it i a
acre euro r&» rill summer;imke 0
¢, tlr-ire
without it in tiie house," Few -
La e5':l.ii e ev.berry. 1}rine 35 c;' 4
Our Stock is Large, Our Goods New, Our Prices Low
We snake a business of making BARGAINS in
Dry -Goods, Groceries,
TkaR atAs,Caps, Boots, 'hoe
ULOTWING, �e t.,Ri`lI8, I;i,INa GOO.t)$, NOTION,
The Latest in Style,
The Finest in Quality,
The Utmost in, vada.
Maar e been combined in us in one mighty effort for tazn fr
We are nra fakirs, neither do we propose to do
tl fake business iu order to gain custom.
We hall.
11 inarkeel,
3141..3a t ninety-nine! cents. (hir Geolla e+.
and you may depend. that
Our Fall and Winter ofliti'ings will not and cannot be surpaic.'sertl, with all
their blow, bin anti bluster to the contrary.
There is a limit below which honest, goods cannot be sold. Wo place
our prices at the low watt mark for Safe and Reliable Goods.
Inspect Us,
Critise Us,
Know Us
And you will find we deal fair and save you dollars.
00 YOU
Want A Suit Of Clothes
53,000 WORTH
Men's Boys' and children's
Suits, Overcoats & Pants,
to be sold off at SPACIMAN & CO'S this next
At Less Than "Wholesale Cost..
Having visited the markets and" clearing out soln�e
big lines of Clothing at job prices enables us tbo sell you a�
Suit or Overcoat fox a man, boy or child Cheaper than
Wholesale Cost
Sainwell's Block, Exeter.
A. Hastings, s, Pro
Shaving and Haircutting in thelatest
style of the art.
Every attention paid to cutting
Lashes' and ChPlaren'sHair
The Molsons Bank
Paid up Capital .'2,000,00
RestFnnd ... 1,000,00"
Head Officio ; Montreal,
Money advanced to'good farmers on their own
note with one or more endorsers at 7 per. Dent
per annum.
Open everylawfulday, from 10a. m.to 3 p.m
SATURDAYS ,10 .m. to l p.m,
4PerQent.perannuro allowedformoney on
ne)3osiiRceoipte. Savings Bank at 3 per oonta
Sub -Manager.: