The Exeter Times, 1891-10-22, Page 799 YOUNG FOLIO. SE effect pre aced 1 v F y rah Merry. L eeitorr.l. Colds. Lia ;;,Ie, Cronp,l and Sere. Throat are, in =hue arses,,irn- media,riy relieved by the use of this wonderful remedy. I'. strengthens the vocal organs, alines imitation, and pre. v? is the inroads of Consumption ; in every £ ge of that dread disease, A yei's Cherry Feet rt,s21 relievescough. . I3 and indnoes •„ •• - refreshing rest. • P'61' X lafi•S a used t. yer's Cherry I'eetoral rat my fancily for t rrty years and have :;lir•. ye found it the best remedy for srou,p, to which complaint any children have been .stnbiect.'r--Ca •t, U. Carley, Broehly-n. N. Y "Vreest, au experience of over thirty geaa, in the sale of prepeietary Moth. L roes, 1 feel justified: In ieemotriareding r One of tl A ••~• belle 1. 4 to s« `vert P a. t3C bees econanaend *ions of the Pcetor&ei is te.o eutdnring q•tality of its popularity, it being more sat'11iie now titan it was twentee ve yeaes ago, when its g.. at strewn WAS consideree) marvelans,” R .. S. Drait.e, MD., Beliot, ll;aua. "My little ;lister, tour yen.T3 of Age. was so 111 frame bronchitis Haat welled almost given up hope of her recovery. Oita Annie' pl1yeiiclaf, a ehilful man and sof Jerg: experlenace, pronounced it use le:;; to give her :suer more medicine; aaying that he hard done ell it was Pope Ohio to do, and we must prepare for the wast. Aa a last xe;ort, we determined to try yen's C1. rry l'eeetoral, sten I can •truler eay,wssith •the meet happy results. After takilag a • tc:r doors she eemncd to breathe cosier, tend, within is weelo wits out of danger "45 We continued giving the ',cetera until ettta::lled she was ent.redy well Thiel Imo ficv,,:itneunbounded faith f h , n r t e end I reconemend it nt a Kai n, p ro vt• customers., ' t. etto . gilt! t 1 >c' 4y, 3. -peer, Druggist, .1 ort \e :.,ane, Intl. 'hat Cotati :;,.ti Ce.ugLs, tales A 66 Mil Pectoral rr.x::.rul s :r C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass ,lrri:t$1,slzbottler, en. 'Warm tro. et tattle. THE EXETE11, W:I1:iES. Ito;tbtieeeel every Tliure,laynitwit neare TINIES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE dta'u•s'tre;;nrartyoppn+ to;•'noesis Jowelerw bWra,l,zoter,uut.,bPJnlata W w.c,,t 3ue,t°ri vrint rs a 11ATr.e OP Anyzsr'tstxa Firstiu:ertion.peruue ,..,tt)coati eb a'theoqueattni ertinn pet'iue .....9cent To innate Ynsertian, ativertacom.onti about! Y. bisent " is nodal for than Wednesday rte •• in Y a.m P OorJO': PAINTING. DF.I'•\RT:11NTte one oldie largest end heatogntppea in the Comae 0 Hummel* ;writ ex:trustee 1u do )silt rosnt%o oitream ptattaatton. Dees ons Hagar(' In ; News- paper:eh 1Anyperirnwoe t ,.e+'t nit''re;41ler frn;1 analJ'r•otftec, whether direct in his Mame or teeter whetier. 110 has ttib tribcd ur trot is re,•ponell•1e for pas . 2Ila pe.von orders hi( paper disenntinucd he 18201.1 pity all arrears or t110 publisher may rontinue:etlend it until the payment ell trade, and tben collect the whole amount, whether ll1epatyler is takcnfrom thcotlleeornot. 3 In suits for subccriptions. the suit may be in•atitated in the place where the paper is pub fished, althouyrlt the subscriber ;nay reside hundreds of nines away. 4'1'hocourts have deelded that refusing to takenewspapers or periodlvatis front the post. o%Ucc, or removing end leaving diem uncalled or is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud PURE PONDERED PUREST, S iyRg1 GEST, BEST. _Beady for Water Distnieeting had Per d. othger uses. A can equals 20 pounds bel Soda. sem by All Grocers sea Dregctete. =. "aro3teao.. Caulks M?;,,,ea`;an i the Ilusioal Tree. There w.t3 a small boy ninled t'atulius Magee, Whose father lived under a, musical tree. That played, when ('atultus was happy and goosi• Most boautifula r5 arctic edge of tilt wood, Whenever C'zta11us was naughty and bad !lie aa, of the tree we. a both doleful an(l tad. To learn his r,o'a s eo^lclact old Mr. Magee ]lad only to list to the mu-icat1 tree. "" If thetree gate a talo-begonesorr)wlut howl. And tut w adored from the cupboard a )ratty or ft•wl, Tho father would piny, with a interment onose frem A. bir.l:cn tattoo en eatulltis Magee. • "' If the irce made at moan at the iooa of the d It meant tont• Clonal -a Renu , hoot was awry. And without fo i*'ralaesilos,whenhuniewwlyd he came, Ilea tied his anatto!ny n)oro.tban shams'. o day, when eatu:ltzs way merry. and good, The tree pay<ateal airs of the edge of the - WO )d, Assn\e ntheo:c nusb e•st.sofJune. The tau-featbranches were all out of tun "• Sail Mr. Magee : " Ilene no 'musical tree Shall make and b leve 5 cat 1 can't rrer,eC.;n or,ymllot r-' 1 Bove n an- acts 1 wh.", you again ftsl"a.1 t ntlonfabre. "' 1 It re t itipl•ed you. t:iauslt l;00-1. when the nail "e was rail.' 'lies, indeed, ti,.:rues 1r ve' eon 1.44 the tth. Fore. each t`rra-hincr arr-.1 * ..•d Mr. tt ,s':e, Antlthe n`a¢(h"jtldC.:'?151-tYt.)".tn!,a?Rtttt`leT" tree.' Nabrast it's Adventure with I' Q:ve.1. (.1 ,$tery f ittrn' •rue Fart. ) Once Nebel -elm had hien to vide at her neighlente and: ear:e a for Louie when it wee wanly ela1;; lout els it, cults ittliglitnil ht she did hot ;vel l In:ly reel had j.l�t thought, \\'hat a love 1} teeming far a rude . when she laeard'patte lies steps Leaking mond, ado taw two la -ekes tilt' lt;eily following. $1.1\ urge.. her hetto eat a 1 1 his ^ aloe k speed, r,rot. petty, -, attdtr '.1to ilia,". t '• tried think; out what site e. i a !. tr 1 nl � do, fora; e, wee1ay tide 19r^,C only h '.f lay ):ante, anti seven ire#its frees then t e ,reel 1 ease. She keps pet feetly -till h:e:,t se , Le )anew ilial It sl:c Fvr ante i b fore elel, \lrti attack• eti> altl.ough would ~.are the ealteaale away for t1 time, they tvauld rennet, would seen get used to the Alleles toad not be. frigietened'by it. Lbs felt certai;t too few of them would net dare ntraek 11cr, for Wolves' . a , l Are v. • C(It • 1 a f• Lr cowardly, 111 lEknew .Ao a m h;. � that tile) >snnl'1 el:M l©e tit," esti of hil=t peek M unites, lneteerct,y. L' Le wave', . sserte Haw in NI 1 al;,`;nit, and t $be, &seeein lock, owe there sere' thee. i She woe aerated indeed now, and they were , t; tint:,-, me her every minute, she ):new soniedeiug iatta't, he Ilene if she \vas i0 reash Inoue alive. Sete ;:hew their owes 5woiclil not tort . !made to atta::l: her, for there 55as +.=Witt Ew ► ., peek ofr• i s wr them. ash. t l. rt Iler inn o , ,tried. danger and the neat intltant ('apte'hendt:d what lie 'weal L. 1 and tn�llal nl a rt `` t ue fJ p l• tight, re, )ltlrlinl; Pact:, pa5vii:,(m e1. w d .edit Ire at. r('' 'lid, habits. abits, liar how he hada many tittles 1 ".;t himself frotn the fer'..t ion': anitnelu. And now his bravery etaod huh mistress in good stead, for as his feat canto down on the wolves tierce yelp: eh'» wed that ho was not elealiu., gentle tape. Ile a few seconds there were four stretched ;lead me the ground and the others had fled. 'lilt' y Dung, ruder bad thnubllt, art soon as she knew what ho wan going to do, that she was safe if she ('onld keep on his back, and tine required all her strength and AUL \\bola the pack were sone she 1(- diced flown at the dean bodice, and shuddered as she thought of her nal•row•;'Ccape. With no injuriesantl only a few m• xious minutes, she hall secured four dead wolves, width more than fifty dol lays. She dismounted and *dune them ever Paw. nee's back and then galloped home. No treed of Baying that her father and mother were sure ri-.ed to see her come up tt, the door and exhibit triumphantly four slain Wolves 1 Alter his glorious exploit, the pony wan more *,acted than before. Did he not de. serve it? glib,. THGOLD B7 DOOM'S'S E BES'; i;oyil�jii ttamrzr"�'k' nitifcr" 1, OEN sa In stamps ~simply as a ejatmt.t;ua•anteooEgoodfailh] to us, and we will send yore by express, C.O.D. this elegant watch which you can examine, and. if you do not find it all andevennioro than wo claim for it DO NOT TAKE IT, but if perfectly sat- isfactory, past the Express Agent OUR SPECIAL CUT PRIDE et $5.35 and tako the watch. Such a chance to secure a reliable timepiece at such a ridicu. lously low price is seldom if ever be. fore, offered. This" is a genuine COLI,' FILLED WATCEI made of 2 plates of SOLID COLO over composi- tion motel. It has solid how, cap and crown, hunting case,beautitully en- graved and is dust - proof. The works aro Waltham s l tY C, 'richly 5ewµ•11e0. with expansion balance, is 'regulated and wo warrant it an accurate tinge - keeper. 'It is suitable for either a lady or gentleman. A guarantee is sent with each watch. Address CEO. W. WYATT & CO. Ntratelunakers, Peterborough, Ont, SEND USolo AaCanzedoafslyiopufilpnaepeerratnhdo we will send you postpaid this elegant ELDORADO )4,75'�'i'SOLID GOLD FILL DDND RINIG YAiia''s.6 i. These rings aro now Worn by ladies and gentlemen in the best saiioty, and havo the Same appearance as a ring costing $2,5,00. We guaranteeaperfect L°; arA satisfaction. Address Geo. W; Wyert ": Jewellers Veteraorongh,1:, Maket How to Silhottei).ea. The Candie or lamp may be placed on the table at :a• distance that is found on trial to make the plainest shadow. The lightshoul•t be on b letel with the head of a aubjeet sr. that there \gill be no distortion of the fea- tures by the rays casting the shadow in a diagonal direction. By turning the head slightly and slowly a few tinea from sib to side the profile can be cast perfectly in shadow, as it is easy to see when the bead is turned either too ninth to one side or the other. Have the " model " . sit up erect that tho chin may not be sunk in frills or a high collar. Throw the head well hack to .give an independent, striking, lively attitude, yet not so far back that it looks strained. If the bead stoops the sil- houette wiP. probably look downcast or hump -shouldered. Don't let the model "as - 10010" an expression for preservation. Let hen talk a moment or so while you watch the shadow in profile on the paper before you. Catch the most natural set of tile lips or toss of the chin; and then let the enb• ject maintain that position and 'expression easily and naturally, with no pursing•ep of.the month or nervous gripping of the jaws. - ' chile ho sits steadily for a moment, quickly and firmly trace the outlines of the shadow upon the paper with your pencil or crayon. Watch the sweep of the hair and indicate it easily in its waves, though that is a matter of secondary importance. See that you preserve the angles of the face, the bend of the brow to the bridge of the nose, and the squared, pendulous, rounding snubbed, pointed, or Roman turn of the nose itself. Catch the tharp angle or curve where the nose turns into the upper lip as exactly as possible and the exact turn of the lilts, Hain and firm or tenderly pouting, closely set or softly dropped 'tpart. Seo that you have the turn of the chin and the lower lip above it. Indicate the neck, r shoulders, and coat by attend, expressive outlines that will preserve the eharacteris ties. And there you are I This is the simple silhouette, and for it but a few moments are required. 4 round dozen can be drawn in re very 'short time in the evening when the lamps are lit. They may be filled in 011 a holiday,: a spare even- ing or a rain Saturday: 1 of hast work, liquid blacking or dark ink will dot fhb in the outlines, using either the sponge iu the blacking bottle or a marking' brush. The penciled outlines must, of course, be care- fully followed. • Do not fnish the silhouette out to the edges of the raper. Let the lower part of the "shoulders- and bust go 'unconsidered. ])raw a curve downward from back to front, beginning just below the: coat -collar and touching the front of the outlines at abort the centreof the chest • or e, little above. This will give the effect of a medallion head and a much more finished look to the work LAt, f; FUR, when completed. -^— Our ye: ug English friend excuses liinl. Uer Little Speeoh. It was one of those ehilly evenings that sometimes intersper a the warns ones of sum- mer, And it was chilly, too, for me got out their overcoats and women put heavier dresses on for the evening. About 8- n'eiock I got on t5 street ear to go dome. Seated just its front of ale were c. neatly dressed yotmc girl of ]rt or nfi and a little ragamuffin of 7 or S. •Tile ill ,s sorted pair sat close together and the wide contrast• 10 their habiliments attra:ted consillembie attention. The little boy was evidently sleepy; emitting vigorously whetaever the ear stopped or etas tell, until, :alter fisc) minutes, . R. 11S bead te.,.! e d ) nfhe;) Orin w,•!, nau's elioulder. It looked funny then, cure enough. The girl had on a neat jacket aud there wan a jaunty stir about her hat and the rest of heir tulle up. The little Leg grew Sleepier each moment. His little, hands were &Arai bet ,seen his legs as if tae wwt•ae cold hall trying to huddle himself together. The ga••1 :noticed this and pest her neatly, dee sed anti around the ragged foie.), and tired it eioser to Ler. The pair ettraete l the attention of en .rod gentlemen acid lie sk: , e l across the aisle 1 - 1 p t n e a t turned over t•zue of the state se that he eonln thele the Sout*g "• It"s a eleitly night for August ," he ob- eerwCel. "",Ti:e little fellow events cal." e1 Si ea,'c:tid the 0301, hesitettngly, bot thee. malt :a ago oarid ('allp •:hetce reeeterell eel; es, she 5: da11. on, •" he is a t";,,1." Who 10 he ? Yon know bible tlh, yet, ear ; buy lid tie brother." Indeed? You dont loll; tench till:€ " No," broke in the your 1 weevil, Colt- prehentlieg Isis Burnie,, " \\•o (1001 look mash alike now, that's trait. But of he 119"1.t't work 10 a Irrick var,lall Hite, and if I tiler; t name over nib clothes of ereeutne es after I colae haute front tile atone, we Wait,. hear Vlore 1'esemblance to each other. Istat. he's nay brother,`" eoulittucd the frank gill, and 1 lore hint. i e 1 tit c, i ce e was c �c 000the strangest u r t gnn $ever made ztcr" a western t ¢, aganst child labor mei for the',Letter hoaae-, anti bet ter pay for gir9 e',tplrly es. I learned that the inttresteltold gentlemen twee eeri of t11 • heevie t itomehaete end ee hit tli5ts to the easy. 'the = irrq einlrle talk 1 found hi': heart and 1110I'1made that Ire locale t•etleat- etl (20 gor,it leenits into the :Wore of him - deeds ef honks. n� d tie 1Q It in 5'trcl} to tae Anstte"1 Haat ese•l'7 one of our gide, cm b -,L ilsg rental, e+r rather ;Tan tinisbing the cense presta•il:c,l in their text•heeko shenl•l tate :mother cure a of r - how r or laeger elt.t.ttietn, and that in a lictpito! tratnitog-'l l:aol for wines. They arc: all taught, as touch front (ih'it•rvulic•n ,0" an};hung c1Rc, that a fond mg lemon Afield he laid on the t( l till. and hunted, tali freed front env coast:pint of c:othing, aeon the waiht or threat ; that piece ot hotllenne! is good for rhettnaatism and grewinh+ pain . that hot lemonade e It Ratle atbedtime 1 ,111 (la nt to d o 1 f e cold : that In :u'ho•latc of gala l"1 goon rise acidity : that they had beet not cit, between a fever patient anti 1Ie flee, or :Mend, it"fore eating, anyone suffering flout a caantOgi•ntt ilium', 01' come Into ant'), p e.'ellt'tl Wilde p^tspithug 1 and that Is ail they llnew ho platin ' relation t i tllnc:s It might not be desirable that they should know anything more: of the life of the sick• roam, since their youth is the time for iigltt..hcat•tedncas and toy, and one W.)11141 spall' them all that lo;sibly they might he spare.). latzc i(y.102 -by, youth passing, ce the necessity luavieg 1st: :SOU through love, the ncc.l of knowing; mole that' eche 2Y. them with a force bitterer than i.ny direct knee ledge of.1)aill end sul:hring they could have gaillell 31114 three or F12 menthe' Ctlnree in a hospital ward. Whet suffering would he saved to thomselwca its well 11S to those they love 121•tlett by-,lud•liy if, for instance, they linea' enough, at the sight ot the swift. pulsing jet from a severed artery, to tie the bandages between the heart ane) out; t if the}' knew Chit hitt water Shiite up the Pined veseele, and prevents congest -ion and tho blacl. x11.1-biue marls of to brume where the little teallei has bumped his head ; if they h110w that the wasting and fatiguing night sweat of eomsnmptIon could he lessened, of not hindered, by a sponge hath with salt water just )before sleep, or that the "lisgnst• ingafter flavor of eodliver oil could l;eturned into the twee of a delicate little Blue Point oyster by a quickly drunk glass of water in which a bit efironhasrastetl; tilatin sudden eases of poisoning, warm thin mustard water will empty the stomach as soon as anything that can be ordered Sri au apothe- cart''s cabalistic claracters; and that if eorlosive sublimate has boon swallowed, following it at once with the white of an egg it 1t will tarn it into what ld known a3 blue plass, aud let the victim escape with a salivation ; that a patient can be bathed in bed without letting any moisture escape upon clothes or sheets, if, the sponge being squeezed, the back of bather's hand is hurriedly turned and wiped on a handy thick towel before applying the sponge to the surface of the skin. If they knew how to make a panado, or an agreeable decoction of toast water, to cure ahiccough, to matte a poultice, to administer an enema, how mucin better off they would be than where their gnorance obliges them to see those they love suffer, or else have some one else, better informed than themselves, give their dear ones the relief they themsolvea are longing to give 1 How mach better oft would they and all concerned' be. if they only knew hex- to make the bed for the sick -not in the fashion they have always thought sufficient, with the under sheet wet• tucked in at the head and the upper sheet well tucked in at the foot, but with that andel sheet drawn tightly as possible, alld. fastened by means of strong safety pins at the , four Miners, the sides, and top and bottom, so that not a wrinkle may More to tease the poor sleepless wretch tossing and tinning ug for relief. In fact, the things seem ountless with which a woman, as now oda- aunt, finds herself uuaognainted: And for the sake of their own future happiness, to say nothing of the well-being of those fol' whose comfort iu time of sickness they ar le - it would, be' well if, before r responsible, v ou p girls began their careers of pleasures-thez dances and lunches and teas and oche• amusements, however innocent --they hay: first received the diploma that might h, given then for skill in some of the simple, branches of the great, art of nursing the sick. e • 1Fa that none err happy but by the anticipation of change change itself is nothing. When w have made it the next wish is to elating• again. -j 7ohnson. A new mineral resembling asphalt ha, been discovered in Texas which is claimer. to be the most perfect insulator known fo electric purposes. Itis unaffected by water alkalies, or acids, and the supply seems be almost ,inexhaustible, 'Lille du1 int •r SD 1 .of. gutiye, pe eche, renders the •lisce re; w of ,s ...ae,ei lal'allthe mere w�aluable. Such is the state o, I self for goitig on a spree by saying he was getting up a " 'appy tight." heaven helps those that help themselves) but pl.ty int. for your daily bread does not entitle yon to the entire bakery. Ito-"" Shall we try the tricycle or buggy 1 this • morning, Laura?" She--" Either, George. I'm yours for wheel or for \rllnu,.» i 'Jiuralist--"" 1)o you realize, sir, what is the end of this feverish, grasping life of youret" Speec,Lator•- "" Certainly ; a1 divid- cnd." t'asiiier•--"i 1)o you known when double entry w. first used " Bookkeeper--" Yes when e the Lrtrd 1ark i, entered the LwO x two." A l\'este.rn medium has joist had a Iong interview with the spirit of Adana. lie re• 1)oris tliat .ttd:uu stall blames the whole b ISIIiess 014 1' re, Do you believe monkeys talk ?'' "" No They chatter," "" But the; seem to under- ei an 1 each other," '" Oh, well t Wien of it? So !do Bunting -"jaw a sight today which ,i¢,1 lay heart t "COG, Larkin "" What was it ., lolls. in •- t f, A pltenaitr bet>tpty, a pre sir m:1,,u eenment de,l at a. retail store.'' " You say the eh ;e°,en coup isn't geed ? Why, I told tIte eo ok linty to make it. Per- haps sihe didn't earth the idea." 1loarder- "' .%I3 1 1 1111011 it tote tlteolti:lten she didn't • eateh °' ' I want you to palest us a big month in e gilt. lettere," she soul to the sign fetish " \ (',in. Whet is the text " It i, aero tikes- ,l to give than to re etve." at Oh, I - Fee the la+liter, are gettingready foronithcr chateh fair." Filet little 11;,y My uta pot a utw 11, coo gt ,tn. r•ta)e hull hoot threw ire. asitia remind yea m r:i, Melt dues ynnr um do. 1., ('8 cite- chis a new dress r4r+:e-;ld Little Ito +Y dere est} r sial 11 telaeiv,s biirt, latae lie nal ern t .•-toy on late again. 131 t -'r' 1} -.'• hire. Plural, title; 141!11, ie m. , , r s ./ sour." 't t , u al Don't re 5 t 1. rt t . h (•an 1, , It a only last ni„ litnis ill. anti it's b , tl. etertd11(0 alt eight Maw l)ett,ery. ' Mr. Well, trntaldn t it stake }-on tour to #':;roil tail Leight in the ledte2 `tilthe Ste: axle , soul a g.41 is now to smut. -• Of a. ;,4,nivot5 that's* bail\ tr teali: -- And --A nl -ti•;a flirt : site is co more • Titian et hat si gel--tt, de.riine cre.turc. MN -amen (to t'ami(+- ""1. waist •'liar ti a • 1 ! t , tramp 1 rea�taeMt Y}9 " lilt, 701' lila du ',-e 1 t Well, too moan iv dello Sn,11lt an' til: ad'Irr-s is NatWest' Utae•, i. the 91.'11 aite if. 7.c°; call co rat. don't tremble to baa, o'1i. Ina ,yist stall; ill." fie Utwlea ROatuou the Valuta. It i•i well l,ii wh that en the olieeoctry of tat el, t1.\ at 1 ttntrdt,a werefont the. xikt"rat"eoftlte horceon this emit bleat. Nor was 11,1*C ate) tratlttiou among the nt.tivee pointing to a former knowledgce of :1 ll a opt ;domed . 11t 5 1en Cortez hest n " keeled Il 1 I IO 11 F Mexico, .t I I a t of \1 wits the (e t neat n t the 4,pptattu cofa110400nitotrelt'kstru 1 wnuni••r end ewe feta the nst'mu,ietl. Aett'v''s. Nevevth.,lees geology has le:e,tled the facet tl ti: in this a atintry hor.ees, t - atetly,like the Kur+.l'can nouns!, rOerIed the 04139 it1 en,tatievel,tttni:er , anal their utters:tinction in a land in whielt the cnvirantnents are so tater:hie eta a eigerea5 etlntinaation of their i, (t' le a s:ibjtct of surprise and wonder to Fe le:taste. No plausible sui; ;).shag -has ye been nettle in any attempted exi)latertion-of the hauldltrppearam'e of alt amulet which at eotalu palm' must fleet 1tti ver) numbers, hetet been a cons -pie umre Oat in the faunal ,'f this country. :11l that eat; be said on the niettet he that the home "lied out in Auterl- 1.t long berme the discovery; but how long •a1uot be determined. Marvelous deposits of el -genie remains have been dleenv,'t' d in. the Western legions of the United 5t.ttee, :uld the-ehave yielded fossil:) with respect to the home that cchibit not only the types already found in Etneme, but in every preo liability the primitive typo itself and its ditches"ave DIOdi leatiOns,.Y.^r. . How to Olean it Hard Wood Floor.. ],rush off the dust with a soft hair or feather brush, or wipe it with my olothof soft texture. Ifthe cloth •s slightly moist the .hist will adhere to it more readily, but wipe with a dry clout afterward. If there be any dirt that will not came with wiping, wash it ort thoroughly with dean water, using soap if necessary, which also cleanse off with clean water as quickly its poetibieaud wipe dry. When the face of the floor begins to look :worn and shabby after cleansing of the dirt tndwipi ig dry, if water has been used, rub the surface all over nicely with a cloth moistened with a few drops uF oil, if the floor has a had oil finish, or brush it light- ly with thin shellac if it has a shellac sur- face. After the finish is worn down to tate sur- fiape of the wood, sandpaper the floor all over evenly and give it another coat of shot• lee or hard oil finish, afterwhich continue to keep asbefore. Waxed floors can be cleansed by washi'lg oft' thoroughly with turpentine or benzine after which they can br r.'um,rrri ar,LH for t2La is and Children. en• ' "Caaterialssatoreiladeptedteenildeenthat Caetorle, cures Celia Can 'alien IreeomnnenditasatugrrferWanpproscrilaxion'Sourf>toma:511,74:::::::treeQn.'xucsa<tten, brown tome;' II.er >T. Bills woruard ncdl.ti,x 7.c^tt33dle n,>an2 t3o.4x,fordkt:oa3'2i.3Y,itlaoutiniot,T)lasEe5r.-ra, 0,•ay Sl ee5, 3+. 7. WililMERNIENSImmilmogsmagesuswommonsalitallea EXETER LUMBER YARD The ltr•.dersigned wishes to inform the Public iu general that he keeps constantly in stack all kinds of BUILDI - MATERIAL Drssaed, or trza.dros cd.. PINE AND HEMLOCK- OC - LUMBER. SHINGLES A SPE A. TY 000 ,000 X XX , ' and X X P.ae and CedarShingles ilQ\Y Ill Stook,A. call solicited and la.tl9f.Ct10I3 guaranted. 5741.='$ WilIt=�'„rw. GOO OS, ft COMPANY, f Maallufaletnrdr;a awl Wholesale Dealers the foliar.IIAx specialties La M d2l,0 1 Tc1oI C S Bust Cl ' ti t� Z1a�',3�.�° �r��.1 .r`iitLn.w elci34 TRY OUR LARDTNE MACHINE OIL AND YOU WILL USE N(1 OTHER, I, 1 Fol. Sale 'ti By I3IS S�aTI BRO.S, Bzote>4, Out. Ia used both internally and externally. It nets gutol4y, a Cerdinealntosticetent relief *maths severest pain. "' :- r 9•ai,'T, c.-'23, 2-sr;42-r.Yi DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. n I'3STJI I lfEav SI F ITS a ACTIO ( For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRHLEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA. MORBUS, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, NQ REMEDY EQUALS THE PAIN -KILLER, In Canadian Cholera stud &owe; Complaints rte effect is magical. It cures In a very short time. THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS; RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA cad TOOTHACHE, Coto EVCRNWttcrrc AT 2Sc. A EGirrLEr, Beware of Counterfeits and Im.tataoua. Manufactured only at Timm* e HOLLOWAY'S L• STABLXSUS(Et1T, 7S, 1Vlerthr' OXVOItt.Ya S'S'�t2illi:T1 LO3,T3 O11'. 0 ct3 ,�, „ti°4� ��, •y0�° „'• _,j .+/` o >v ` .-.Q til ,g- X>#1:0:1 t: t1 9� °\ Q' t" �y c t ` 4`) � � x''o° °'�,. �4r�. �=° � ��_' y' oda c;>x`� ‘1/4 °J tc.* Cel aCS'� - *' A 2 .4S•e tr eke,,, E, ,a 1r e. t' e :e, ti o CP r •. o tib b��" ° /'lei°.r"• 'c t �r ,4 Si' tit. 19 .5.o r•,dr r i?, 4 0' fib\,. Vit*"' , tg, S,�L` esti a$ .c9 • at 47 St. da°tie' •�°� 9 Purchasers should look to tiro Label en the Boxes and Pets. If the address is net 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spnriena. How does he :reel s ---He feels 'ranky, and is constantly er,peri Denting, dieting himself, iodopting trange notions, and chaogit:g the _ooking, the dishes, the hour:, end gamier of his eatingsl ;'lower the Remedy. How does he feei ?-«-He feria at times a gnawing, VOI•aCiotia, insati- able appetite, wholly unaccountable, ':nnatural and tttiheaitlly.--A.lgilst Flower the Remedy. e 's_o Ho does he feel 7 -He feels w desire to go to the table and grumbling, fault-finding, over -nice- ty about ver-nicetyabout what is set before hien wile,- he it ,-he is there -August Flower the Remedy. How does - he feel 7 -He feel: after a spell of this abnormal appe- tite an utter abhorrence, loathing and detestation of food ; as if mouthful would kill lulu --Bust ^a Flower the Remedy. i•:oly does has fool 7 -He has' ir• testi owels an peculiar stools -1 c 1st p'la�;r.' 1' the Remedy. 0 Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pulls. Dr. ase �a Root Pills. Dr. Morse's I." dian Pills.Root Dr. Morse'sIndian lot Pills. Dr, Morse's Inv ian — Root Pills. save Doctor a ' s use. 1�. t' -co e,�\� D�t;�tl>;s Bills fidN: 1 Dr F orse's India Rost Pills. THE BEST FAMILY PILP EN USE •,l ai b d P l `` F©R SALE BY ALL DEAh'RS .;Lee;:' 11Q Yi'or7:e az, 90052 artier. Yorat15 1, Ont., ianuary r5, i89o, TV. Il. Colesxocx, Brockville, Ont. 322045 SIR,—'5Qunr "Dr. iu cr se's, India 1 Root Pitts" are the bestregulator fo- eke sy'tent that lnnnanitg can use. Life's as the tii:e•plccs;: frail and delicate are many of its works. A tiny particle of foreign _,, substanceGkerestothe smallest wheelie the works, and whatisthe result ? tfrst,onlyaslightdtffercnctl is perceptible in its (11310-0-e'ing, bu t wait you ; as the obstruction, grows, the aaegularity declines greater, until at last. what could have been rectified with little trouble., • u the beginning, AT ill DOW require much care in thoroughly c c:alsing the entire works, So it is in lnnran life --a slight derangement is net,0 lectea, it,gzowe and increases, imperceptibly at first then rap:aay, until wwn"n",` could in the betinniit . have been cured with lit tie'trouble, becomes almost fataTo prevent c sys1. .dent ta-_, 1 advise all oto purify Lha tem fr oaantly, by the nee of \Leases Sills, and se preserve vise_ aha ';taut). Yours iia: hfuil••, 6 EL .1.2. L1.TCyF•LL. 2779 3'satleZl rs% ,Safe-ffuro1'.i:, Am/mamma Porn. 15.3., Jan. Ay, '90. W. 1-i. Coi;sxocx, Brockville, vide, Ont. ]jut 1t Slat -For tnanv years, I have been a firm believer in your "D-- Morse's Indian Root Pills." Not with a blind faith, but a cosi Oenae wren ht by an actual xersoaal oraerieace of their value and merit., i%fy business is such that, I spend much et my time awayram home, and 1 would not con. steer mytraveil.az outfit coma, e e v about r. boa of Morse's Pills. Yours, r&e ,1"1.14, 141010/1 c 'l uu3 a -i •JEcZs s3Z(6 ueil. P.onsortors Ta4.so8, N.S., Jan, _l, 'go. W. 11. Cocsxocx,'Bro.,lawille, Ottt, ` :etc f51.1. -This is o certifythat?` deal in Paten Mledicines c°ccing v ious kinds of till_, I'eel more oft. Morse's a Dr,11.o,ze's Indian Root Pills than of al the others combated, Their shies: 514: are still lip: creasing, 'lours, ,Oe., : •Iel. L.'1. rcneLas';t, rte"'