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The Exeter Times, 1891-10-22, Page 5
1 9 NEWS. NOTES. Mrs, Parnell is still in a precarious condition.; Tbe storm in Great Britain continues with unabated fury, Hanlau and Stephenson will row on Saturday for $606 a side. The. Farmers' Hotel, Ripley, was de- stroyed by fire on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Gladstone have deter mined to pass the winter in Florence, Hanlan beat McLean in the sculling race at Victoria Monday by 150 yards. Five persons were killed in a railway collision at oh f u t, Silesia, w Monday. We Gold to the amount of $1,555,000 are rived in New York from Europe Mon- day. A bold attempt was made to bur- •g)arise Dr. Talmage'e new tabernacle yjact week. -Ali William Duffy, a Haltonhotelkeeper, was stabbed by William McGarrn on eThurad ay. e- The Winnipeg City Council will spend 5100,000,003 t4A elm improve meats this season. Mr. J. J. Curran. 111•P., of Montreal, was offered a judgeship of the Superior Court, Montreal, and declined. rhe foundry firm of Stewart 4 Go , Baltuilton, declared to a City alderman its determination to remove to Wood- stock. The Government "rain -making" ex- periments m Texas Have proved an un. qualified encomia, Tbe people are jubilant. The civic census of Victoria, 13, 0., thei Ives population at_oa l as �.. 031 :6,000 00 R 1? p , more than the official census recently declared. The boiler of a locomotive exploded on the Philadelphia &; Reading Rait- road Monday night and killed3 train bands. Second °rope of strawberries and raspberries were sold on the Hamilton market Saturday by Thome Snider, of Grimsby, J. H. GREIVE Before you] buy your Fall & Winter Clothing Call and examine the large and well -assorted .stock of Fine Worsted &i,it ngs 7 Fine Scotch Tweed cc " Canadian Also all the leading colors and patterns in Overcoatings All will be made up In first-class style at prices away below the lowest. Remember we guarantee a 0QOE or no sae, --Give m call. J. H. GRIEVE, tt ,. 1 cc et C. P. R. traffic earnings for the week- ending Oct. 14, 1891, $464,0001 for same week 1890, $397,000; increase for 1891, $07,000. John Rorke, a young man living at 23 Sirocco street„ was killed at . ortit Toronto Alonday by a demote getting out of order. A convention of Conservatives of East Huron has been tailed for Satter. day, Oct. 24, to nominate a candidate for the Commons. Ann:e'Ilames was awarded $1,000 damages against James IlastleatStrat- ford Assizes Monday for breaoh of promise of marriage. Complaint is made that a largenum- berof Chinamen are crossing the in- ternational boundery into the States near St. Vincent, Man. r~ It is stated at Ottawa that the Gov. ernment leas issued an order that the Irish Canadian newspaper be stopped from all departments. Eighty immigrants from Russia,most ly Mennonites, arrived in Winnipeg on Saturday. They will settle in the neighborhood of Monday. Something akin to an epidemic of typhoid fever seems to have visited Ottawa. The latest victim is Dr. Chip- man, of the Protestant Hospital. In paying the additional $500 in- demnity to members of Parliament' a pro rata deduction is made for every day absent at the rate of $10 a day. The Columbia Banking Company, of Columbia, Tenn., capital $100,060 and the Bank of Columbia, capital $60,000, made assignments at midnight Friday. john S. Cook was sentenced to five years' imprisonment at the Walkerton Assizes on. Friday for shooting Johnston Abercrombie with intent to do griev- ous bodily harm. Timothy Harrington, M. P., Dublin, replying to O'Brien's revelations re- garding the Boulogne conference deni- ed that the negotiationa were based on the absolute retirement of Parnell. The result of the sale or horses by W. D. Grand, of Toronto, in New York has been eminently satisfactory. There were 34 head eold for a total of $17,- 029, or an average of $519.58 per head. The Czar it is said designs going on a tour of the Mediterranean on the yacht Polar Star. It is contemplated to meet M. Carnot, the president of France, at some French Mediterranean port. The award of the arbitrators, re the claim of the 0, P. R. against the Gov ernment in matter of the Onderdonk contracts in British Columbia, was taken up by the company, who paid the arbitrators' fees and exnenses amounting to $25,000, The Pall Mall Gazette. referring to the appointment ot Mr. Balfour as Conservative leader in the House ot Commons says: "It will be nothing but a boon to the Liberals to have opposed to them a man specially identified with coercion in its most defiant form' Two cows belonging to Dr. A. C. Dunoombe and Albert Wood, Water- ford, met on the street a short time ago. After sparring at each other for a few minutes a furious fight began, when one succeeded in breaking the other's neck and killing her instantly. The Allan Line steamship Circassian has landed at Point Levis a large con- signment of pedigree live stock, con- sisting of seven different breeds, viz : Shorthorn, Sussex, Red Polls, Polled Aberdeens, Devons, Ayrshires and Jer- seys. They were consigned to the Minister of Agriculture for theProvince of Ontario. The tenders invited by the Depart- ment of Crown Lands for certain pine timber west of Sudbury damaged by fire during the past summer were open- ed in Toronto Friday. The estimated gum tity for which tenders were asked' was 53,010,000 feet, board measure, whi h was offered in four percale. The aggregate of the successful tenders was $L22,730, or an averege of $2 31' .-Minard'8 Liniment cures (folds, etc. SMELL BRAS,' 00. Having ccrnmenced our. Fall Trade we will buy HOGS- .DRESSED OR ALIVE. Dressed hogs bought subject to the fol- lowing tiles 2 lbs per cut off ; 5 'be extra if shoulder etude ; 3 lbs off for bung gat or gullett if left fn, We are also prepared to supply our ens towers at the Packing Ilouee with all kinds t,f Cured `:feat. Sausage, Bologna, Head Cheese,Fresb Pork, Tenderloin, Spare nibs Lard and Hams, Wholesale and Retail. per 1,009 feet as bonus for the mere right to cut and exclusive of Govern. moat clues, which aro $1 per 1,000 ft, A French brig -of -war was wrecked oft St. Catharine's Point,Islo of Wight, Monday and five ot the crew drowned. Another lot of renal' cattle,number- beg 272 head, arrived at Montreal Fri. day from Allen's ranch, about 50 mile South of Calgary They are about the best looking bunch that have arrived yet, averaging 1,312 pounds weight. They will be exported to the Old Country by the steamer Brazilian: The residence of Sir Bector Lange- yin, on the corner of Slater and Elgin streets, Ottawa, was offered for sale by auction Friday, but was withdrawn. The highest bid made was $4,490. Sir Rector paid $6,000 for the property, and $6,000 was the reserve fixed when it was placed in the hands of the auc- tioneeer. Windsor bas a trotting dog that is a wonder. He is owned by Willie Far. quier and the way he reels off a half mile would make a pony turn green with envy. At the Driving Park the other afternoon he trotted the entire circuit without a akip in 3.05. Ile is the winner of a number of prizes and has only one superior in Canada, the trotting dog Doo. Holmfield, Man•, Feb. 14, 1590, W. M. COMSTOCK, Brockville, Ont. Dear Sir -For 12 years my wife was a martyr to that dread disease,dyspep- sia. Nothing releaved her, physicians were consulted and medical skill tried without avail, One doctor advised a change of climate, suggesting Manitoba as a desirable place. We acted upon t his advice, coming here two years ago. The change of climate wrought a change indeed, but tor the worse, as she was soon confined to bed, and un- der the care of two doctors, who assert- ed she could live but a month longer. A neighbor came to see her one day who had been reading your Almanac. She told her of the testimonials she read in it, of the great amount of good they were doing, and advised her to try a box of .Dr, Morse's Indian Root Pills. She did so, was relieved, kept improving and is now able to do house work, and continues the use of Morse's Pills, . Yours gratefully, Gso. DUNN. Calor Roller Mills, 500 CORDS Wood Wanted! DELIVERED AT THE MILL For which we will pay high- est market prices. TUE EXETER MILLING Coy. OH, WHAT A COUGH. Will you heed the warning. The signs. perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your- selves if you can afford for the sake of saving 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it: We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails HAVE YOU I1L.AD this description' of rheumatism and neuralgia ? "Pot your hand in a vise, tarn the vise until you can't hear another turn, and that's rheumatism ; give it another turn that's neuralgia." And still you'll suffer these tortures when tor 25 otuts you can buy a bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT and be relieved, 111ARKET REPORT/3.. ExETEtt RedWheet 88 tv 90 0prtug ?Ntteat ... 8S to Oataey 3510 45 26 to 7 OIo' er Seed ... 4 6D t� 4 tp Timonby «, 1 40 to l 40 Peau ... «. 53 to 55 gore • «. 0 40 to 50 agga «. I2tD 13 Butter -.. - ,. 14 t� 0 15 F000rpbxbbl .,, .., 00 to S 75 Potatoes,por butibel .,. 50 to 0 55 APples,per nag «„ ... 1 Coto 1 uO Dried ,pplespr b «.. «, () Oto OSO (bee o perlb, .., ». t1 OS to 0 RO Turkey per lb ,» 07 to G8 Pe okapor Ib .,. 006 to 007 (ihiekeasperpr «. , 0 25 to 0 30 iT4gs,dressedper100 ▪ .. 600 to 0 2u Root • ,. 400to525 Hidesr0ugh, -.. .. 4 00 to 460 " dressed,▪ «, 5 00 to 5 25 sheepskin. oaeb «, «. 0 00 to 70 oaltakina ,., .« Ia] Pert or1 „ o0 685 to 00 195 Woo/ parte PniORvuerhes2 5005E0tao 00 051: Woodpornord ...w0 t8 t 00ST: maims $ r'a11 Wheat Spring Wheat .. ...,.• .,... 8864 9.. Barley 0 g5 0 45 Oats 0 25 20 glover Seo5i ,.«,. ,,,.,,,,, 3 75 4 25 Ttmotby ,., 12,50 Peas 0 (5 015 57 NOM-. ..... ...... ..-s..............„.... , .. 19 0 13 TRUE At tI— Ibavs great faith in Bur.. dock Blood Bittersas a blood pus; fier. I have taken three bottles for bad bio, and find it a n• rfect cure.., It is a granmedi- o9no Slid I recommend it wherever Igo."— Ida' Sanderson, Toronto, Ont. Butter J3 0 14 Potatoes per bag „.,. ,.,,, 59 55 Apples per besh 050 Woolperlb 18 0 10 Bayperton........ ................ 8 0' 9 00 Bran per ton*.. , .... 14 0014 CO Shorts " '* ..20 002000 Otttmealporbbl„.,.» , 41 GO 7 Crit flotas,tlressod Per 100 }' . 5 00 to 5 el LONDON. Wheat. 91 to 93 por bus. Oats. 27e to OOeor bus Peas. fits to 57e per bus. ]lar- ley,5alting,47i to 'Wooer bus. Barley Teed, 353 to 4"e per bus Corn. Mc to Ole per. bushel. TORONTO. Toronto. 00.21 -Wheat Spring -2 o. 2.91e too -,c per bus; red winter.No 2, 95e to e c Per bus -Manitoba No 2bard,107 to 11a No.3. 99c to 101 : PEAS fiOe to filo per bus. OATH 3t'e to 32o perbus. FLOUR. extra, $4 CO to 54.10 per blil; straight roller. $t, 2Oto 1.2.E strong bakor', 44.9.. to SIM. BARLEY, 'o 1, feeding, 514 to 52e. London Cheese Market. Oct. 17, 181. The market wag largely attended to -day by both buyers and sellers, and 81 factories wore registered on the call board, This is one of the largest out -puts of the aeason,and some of the factories had as high as 000 and 1,100 each. This would make two end four aerlands rospeetively. There dill not appear to be any game in the buyers today and the bidding wee dull. In fact, not a box out of the whole lot was sold. The would buyers go no higher than 91 cents por pound, all clinging tenaciously to this as the maximum bid,and thefactorymen would not sell less than 10 cents per pound. The buyers say the condition of the Maglian market now would not justify their paying any more than offered to day, and faotory- men intend to wait for advance in prices before they sell their late made cheese. The fallowing factories were represent- ed ,-- Boxes. W. Nissouri .......... ...550 Bryanston 1550 Murray's ... ,2650 west Magdala. .300 Centralia. 0 Elgin.. Mapleton 226 Keyser 2QD Walnut..... 250 Westminister 1,100 Maple Grove 240 Cedarvale 260 North Street 150 Devizes .,.....«., 425 Delaware Glanworth 200 north Branoh Muncoy Road 380 Cb erryhill... .. 610 Shif ton's.......... 475 White Oalc 60 ICcrwood ....... ........ .......,,, 2.90 Leitch's............................. 400 Avonbank..- 450 Thames ..410 Thatnesford 250 Kintore...5 Union Hill 918 Appin and Mayfair ........ ........... 4'22705iOetSept Wroxoter,Forest,Gallabank.Vyner 920 Pond wills 500 FARM' FOR SALE. The subscriber offers her farm, containing 100 acres being lot 5. in the 2nd con of Ray township, for sale, 80 acres cleared, good bush, splendid water, 2} miles from Exeter, oenvenient to schools and churches. Will be sold on r:asonable terms. Apply on the premises or to Mrs, Robt. Murray,Hay P. 0, Sept, 3-2m, 00'S COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. A repent discovery by an old physician. Successfully us- ed montkli by thousands of LAMES. Is the only perfect ly safe an d reliable medicine discovered. Beware of un- principled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Coox'e COTTON Room COMpouND,take 210 substitute ; er inclose $1 and 4 three -cent Canada postage sta1nps in letter. and we will send, sealed, iby return mail. Tull sealed particulars in _plain envelope. to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond Lily Company No, 8.Fisher Block, 131 Woodward ave„Detroit, >uich. :Sold in Exeter by DR. LUTZ, Central Drug Store and by all druggists everywhere. Forest City Business College Shorthand Institute, LONDON, ONT., Is without doubt the most Tgosoaoa and PEACToCAL institution in CANADA. GRADUATES of both sexes ASSISTED. To ood PosrTioNs. Over fifty of last season's students in positions.. CATALOGUE ht'BEE.. DISEASES OF in W. WESTERYEL,"P, Purre11'Ar,. FARMER BROS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL Of all ages, resulting .from Errors or Indiscre- tions of Youth, may bo permanentlycured,and the vigor of perfect manhood fully rostored,as NERVOUS DEBILITY, STERILITY with SEMINAL LOSSES &z PREMATURE DECAY Long Standing cases of GLEE "f, STRICTURE SYPHILIS, VARI000ELE and all PRIVATE and 0IIRONIC Discuses treated with perfect success. Our field is in CHRONIC CASES in which others have failed ; if you are incurable .. 1e will frankly tell you so. Write forpartiet4ars and treatise. Free, to ST, Louts .141dniCAr Co., 162 and 194 Ring Stroct. W est, Toronto, Ont. s3:61n GROCERS Wine & Spir1v merchants, STAB. * ,rd'ROCE The accompanying, cut repre- sents the famous Crediton: Road Cart, manufactured by Wm. H. ton. WenzelOntand' .Israel Smith, Credi- , This cart has now been in the market for about two years and "f has met with great success. The ,t• `• ��manufacturers claim that it is the beat cart manufactured, both as regards conven ease and darabit= ity. They have dozens of testi- monials from arties who have P purchased these carts, which. 101 ,,,, ,,..: speak in the highest terms et ahem. The workmanship and material employed in their con. 'TSF1 CE6 3=TON' ROS 1D C. R.T. $traction 'eau not be surpassed, and the Piece's as low as is consistent therewith, A glance at the tot wdi s'enw *Sia reader a feel ;advantages this cart has over all others, viz --The easy made of setts;; in and out; the absence of springs or bars which bring the rider's weight on the shafts so as to sag them ; the convenience of carrying a robe or rug in cold or stormy weath- er. These certsare mauufeetured for oae or two persons, and finished' to suit the pur- chaser. Gears furnished to the trade. Ur NVeezel also m.inuf Ltnres ZV a gens, Buggies, Sleighs, Et:,, 801 does all Walla of repairing in these lines. Mr Smith runs a fist -,class general blacksmith shop, and guarantees t t give eatisf ..- tion in all kinds of new work. repairing. horseshoeing, etc., et; to which tae gives Feta netaolprention. See circulars for further particulars eoneereeag reed cart. W. R, WENZEL, a • CredtaF,za. 4)44'ISRAEL 'M1'FH, BISSETT B ROSI EXETER, ONTARIO, Happy Prize Winners! On the afternoon of Tuesday, Sept, lit, the street opposite the Dominion Labora- tory was blocked by boys and Girls made happy by prizes drawn, by purchases of School Books and Supplies at Browning's Book and Drug Store. The following is a partial list of the -winners :-- Ticket Nv.67 in Satan land gold Covered Napkin Ring No.212-Eddie Crocker, Teapot stand 200 -Bottle of Perfume No 2-llerbert Handford. Dress Fan 218. Miss1lmlter(Uaborne) Pocket Bible 2n4 --John Spaeku,an, MagioSiato.Cieaner '3f I1ucp oleuld. Pocket Neeessatrie 75-1. Kinsman, Polished Inkstand 1O0 -,flu. Urouks, got Silver Knife,Fork,Speon ee-Necklace leis -Jessie t'reeelt, liaudso:no Dress Fan. t'7,-Almer Nelson, sicholare Companion 210—Eddie Crocker, Lacrosse Stick or bottle of Florida tt'attr 77--I1.Kinsman. t0v-tlart 17—Louis Maiming. Steuocope coulplete with nu,tber of handsome photographic views 203--i?dtheCrocker. plash &9-1V. Brooks, Scholars Companion with Lock 205 -Hugh Gould, Go.) art 117 -Miss Bunter lUsborue) Fish Pond Game 212 -Fruit Basket fG-Vent. Clarke, Nceessaire e15-3118$ \lies hunter, Cut tittles Weight 209—Eddie IJignen. Stamp album 230—Hugh tiouid, Ladies Companion 'S'3 --Eddie ('rocker, White wood lloney-box 170 -Louis Manning, Magic Pocket -book 20 -Sylvester Eaerett, Robber Balt 5S-1,1,tn.11rooks, Fruit Basket 40—John 5no11,1fagiv Slate Cleaner lei -Sylvester Svivester Eaerett. Ir1,i1-painted splash 2't Lmiiyhould,Mother of Pearl Purse :91-lienry (tould. Fountain 1'eu 7C -R, Kintunan-Rose wood Writing Desk. 13017S UrIRT.Sr All should buy their Scli000l Books and Supplies etBrowning's and secure a chance of aPrizo at the best great drawing. All Goods Sold atiLowest Prices and the chance for a prize thrown in. Don't miss getting tickets -free to pur- chasers of School Books. The prizes at the next drawing will far surpass those 'given out at the last. DOMINION LABORATORY, Main-st,Exeter HURRAH! NE 771 Tailor Shop We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on tb.e shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles -AND A - Sure Fit Guaranteed. W. JOHNS, STOVES irons STOVES! And still STOVES, and'if you want a Stove that is a Stove and a Stove that will give you satisfaction, call on us. We have the largest as- sortment in town, and the cheapest spot from which to select. Call at J. N. lloward's for your Hardware and Stoves, and you will see something that will sur- prise yon -both in looks and in price. Call and sae for yourself. O NT The cheapest pla. e in town to by Builders' Hardware, Waits, Hinges Locks,Glass, Putty,Paints and cO_.l.s, New stock of the celebrated Johnston's L.ignnl Paints—Showy Gas. rs. New lines of Artists' Toilets and Brushes. Barbed, Plain, Strip. Black and Galvanized Wires cheap tor Cast. Tinware Stook Complete. - Eavetroughiug a Specialty New Raymilw oti Sewing Macltir:es and \t v lies GME US A CALL • IS Z V :? Exeter Music Store ° PERKINS & MARTIN. We have =stoutly on Lane a largo display fl of the beat PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING 11ACII1rF..ti, N 1ICYCLES and SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Persons anticipating the purchase of any- thing in the above lines will do welt to call at the store. We guarantee satisfaction, and p Wo as t respectfully alit y u t©fcalll anti sea our stock. itis as lino as will be found in any city music store. P.S.-Agents for all kinds of agricultural. implements. STAND :-Fanson's Block, Exete :Nulty is Wealth! GET RICH By buying your Fall and Winter Goods at DOUPE'S (CHEAP STORE, KIRKT'ON New Goods in Every Department. Come yourself and bring your friends and you will find what a low price really means in Highest Grade Goods of Honest Qit;ality. DOUPE & CO,, Kirkton. !ahina1 tyles r CD z Fhr-i� ham' 0 Did y'eta eco wurr.c.r; of FINE WON and SZIO S That we halo nut in the Mole. ono of the Post Oil)' ? New it to give visa look. We will show run thr ouch. lti a have all the Finest Lines of La ilex' aleGeula'' Shoes male ,n Camille, and R a'irintes they tiro right as fair as we:e. and vel e., Gess, If you went areel nasoFlt e :retie LT: ft IS a p'eaeura t0 trear,, came u;' n:,1 o•tare. l.esideaour Sue flee we Citi carry a torrbt•rnd well assorted stock of li,+v and Mi a :+ for scitoolwear. else Men's WerlerL elz'+. i and Buse Boots AWAY DOWN IN PRICI"., All onrgoods oro guaranteed gr'od. reel a3 WO wish tohttiidalta TWO nnnKF.11' 11', eo are selling Cli hAP for CASE. Children's. Mises' and Lnlies” Too filippere and Oxford Ties for bummer in iii the leer shades. Bring in your girls and buy filen n rser di School .?'hoes. They are dandies. Give its a earl. kou are weleoute- ___. GEO. MANSOr', New Fall Goods Just Arrived. New Velveteens. Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths, Prints. Table Lines. Shirtings. Cottons, Cashmere Hose. Cashmere Gloves Kid Gloves. OOPS et s. Cottonades. tt tt tt It tt Et tt tt !C 11 J. MATHESON, HAY P.O. EXETER NORTH. DO YOU Fci WANT TO BTJY 0 T THI+.' BEST YET I TETE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET! Best Ordered Clothing piodused in Exeter Gentlemen! leave your orders early, for 1' with the beat staff of `Tailors ; the bust stock of Fine Trimmings, and the best No HOWARD �4 D • Cutting in Town, you are sure oaf tiafaa- •�y�y. .y �gy.p�q tion ,moi" �r51.QP EUX r�,-O,rts1,. ^�, jo FIRST-CLASS SS AT LOWER RATES TWA' SHAM GOODS —ARE USUALLY SOLD- -TERN ,TQ- GIDLE .iS�(� ' S -ONLY FIRST -GLASS- Reliable coot r At Prices Lowor that so -oat led Cheap Houses can gic e Uidartaking in all i Branches. S. GIDLEY,, (Successor to 0 se S. Gidley) ODDFELLOntS' BLOC r.a