HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-10-17, Page 7By Dwight Aldham For the first time in many ars, the Goderich Vikings lot the nurnber one spot in e fogtball conference. Last ursday, the Blue and White mpled the Clinton Redmetr tee sweet tune of 19-7. 13111 elc nson starred with three achdbwna, while Steve Snell, e field general, added the e convert. our soccer club is not doing wen, They lost to Clinton Wednesday of last week. evertheless, the team ..is not -eooraged, and is looking for victory in its next league net On Saturda, evening,- the cal i illaoe "squares" (town enagers) will become hay eds. Out in the deep wilder- ess of Carlow and vicinity, the le Young People's group is uing to sponsor a hay ride, pen to all teenagers. Now for ose unfortunate beings who ave been deprived of such an xperience, Doug Fisher will ell you, it is scrumptious. here will be a dance and re- reshmcnts following this wag - 1 rid^. If anyone wants to me, they are advised to see oug first. It will take .;place aturday, starting at the Nile hurch at 3 p.m. Twenty-five ents is the small price for an vening of fun. Saturday morning, the An- ican Yourig People's Associ- tlon.iYs going, door to' doer _to_ ell 109 ;gallons of golden apple ider. Since the supply is Hea- ted, 'those people who want o be assured of some may elephone JA 4-7969, between ow and Saturday.. Ope dollar er gallon is the • reasonable rice. • The profits from this enture, coupll'd with the pro- zeds froni the car -smash, will o towards Christmas gifts for eedy children. So please sup - ort this worthy cause. I have inquired -about a form- er local car club 'called the lodifiers, and have found out that .this group has lately been dkhanded for financial reasons. t is really a pity, since the ex- perience and knowledge gained rom this club is preless. tarty teenagers, when they first -melte-Trot the def- erence between a carburetor and a distributor. After a few onths, they could do minor epairs and assemble most ma- jor components of a car. Grad - rally, through trial and error,. custom cars were produced. OBITUARY MRS. D., MaeDONALD The death occurred at Pine - crest Manor nursing Home, Lucknow, en Wednesday of last week of Mrs. Duncan MacDon- ald, 91, mother of Clarence lacDonald of Goderich. Other urvivors are two daughters, Mrs. C. (Rene) McNab and Glagys MacDonald', and two sons, Cameron and Leonard, all of Lucknow.' The funeral service was held at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow, on Friday. IPS HERE NOW Anticipating Night Classes T� -Be titled The ladies "keep fit" class to be operated this winter as one 'of the night courses at Gode- rich District Collegiate has re- ceived sufficient entries to guar-` antee its operation, and will commence activities Monday night under the-Ieadership of Mrs. Fred Skelton, it is an- nounced by Principal, Okal Day. Still Room Other classes in which a good number of applicants hay e ex- pressed interest, still require a few more entries to make up the minimum number of 15 in some cases, and it is hoped that last minute registrations Mon- day night will 1111 out the classes o that they -:pray be -continued. A few vacancies remain in• the art class which it. is planned vu111 ,he, conducted. my Mrs, -1�1/al- ter- Rathburn, president of the Goderich Art Club. A skin diving class to be conducted by Ken Stewart and John Palmer of the It.C.A.h'., Minton, seems assured of suf- ficient entries, being nearly filled now. Entries Needed Classes in bookkeeping, typ- ing, wood_ working and dress- making are also partially filled, and if sufficient latecomers reg- ister at the school at 7.15 Mon- day evening, the classes will be carried out on the regular - schedule. >gularschedule. A .proposed class in English for New Canadians has definite- ly been dropped, ovv'nrg to lark of interest or need in this par- ticular locality, Mr. Day said.. These„ automobiles. were safety checked regularly. Besides the mechanic skills each member learned, there was a greater lesson involvede. Each "grease monkey" acquir('d an appreci- ation of .cars, and the respons- ibilities that every motorist has. He was aware that driving was not child's play. hitt something which took skill and courtesy. -Previously, I stated that [Tie club'sfe ;kd?wn was a pits. Rather,)- ' Aft a pity that more people did not tat^ an' interest., The Modifiers held a number; of dances and a unique model car show in order to keep' out of the red. The- weekly dues and these projects fell, short of the expenditures. It should lie stressed' that teen driving could..be i'nfl.uenceelecor- r-ectly if such a club again ex- isted. Therefore, I think that the townspeople and town coun- cil now have an opportunity f to show their concern for their teenagers. If a small financial grant were given to establish a bider and better car club, considerate 'a•nd 'appreciative! drivers will be the reward for such a venture. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Stirling andr M . and Mrs. Bill Stirling have returned home ` after spending a week visiting rela- tives at Sault Ste. Marie and at Pickford, Michigan. Miss Olive' Goldthorpe, Tor- onto, spent Thanksgiving week- end in, town with her sister, Mrs. W. G. MacEwan. Holiday guests with Mr. and rs. Frank Hawkins were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Holmes of Lon- don; and Mr. and Mrs. James Pinder of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sayea-u, Markham, spent the ThsDnksgive ing holiday. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jeffrey and other friends in Goderich. Mrs. Lillian Estabrook and her friend, Lee Di Gesare of 13uffalo were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bogie Mr. and Mrs. James Thomp- son of Oshawa spent the holi- ..ay weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson, Auburn. Mrs. Harold McWhinney, R.R. 1, Port Albert, picked ripe strawberries in her garden early this week. She also found many blossoms on her berry plants. Miss Gladys Harrison of Parkhill, spent the holiday weekend with her cousins, the Misses Davies. ' Mr. and. Mrs. Ed. Jessop, spent the holiday weekend in Kitchener. Mr. Art Waters, formAr man- ager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Goderich and now of Dunnville, and Mrs. Waters spent the holiday weekend in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnston, vn and Bill of Scarboro and Mr. and Mrs: Ronald John- ston of Halifax, Nova Scotia, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Allan; Walker of Hamilton spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke, C%y MONEY TROUBLES GOT. YOU UP AGAINST A BRiCK WALL? Join The Gofierie1v"Community Credit Union THIS IS ALL A CREDIT UNION LOAN COTS YOU r Cash you get 6 $ 50 $ 100 $ 200 $ 300 $ 500 $ 750 $ 1,000 $ 1,500 $ 2,000 - Average Monthly Payments - Mo. 12 Mo. 18 Mo. 24 Mo. 30 Mo. 36 Mo. 8.60 17.24 34.49 4.43 J• 8.87 6.08 , - 17.74 12.17 9.37 26.62 18.24 14.06 44.34 30.41 23.43 66.55 45.62. 35.15 88.74 60.80 46.87 132.95 91.20 70.30 121.69 "93.80 19.2-5 28.92. 38.58 33.00 57.85 49.51. 77.20 , 66.12 When you are offered credit somewhere, add up all the charges you are asked to pay. Then compare with this table. Almost always, Credit Union charges are lower. Remember . . . the Credit Union covers all eligible loans with Loan Protection Insurance at no extra charge. . This can- cels the, loan if you die_ a are p.erntanently disabled: GODERICH COMMUNITY CREDIT 1UNION 39 ST. DAViD STREET Constrution, Goes, Ahead A.t Planis Here Ideal weather conditions of the past week have contributed greatly to construetion progress at the new ffctbry wing at -Do- minion •.lad Machinery Co. Limited, President and •General Manager J. K. Stilly_ allvised The Signal -Star this week. At the ibeginning of the week the concrete slab floor was being poured in the new 80 by 200 foot assembly plant. .it was expected that the rection of steel for the walls and roof would commence at the end of this week or the beginning of next week. M.+ At Si, to Salt bloclz, Manager IA13outilier report that Taylor lkir#gine.ixag, company is pro• gressing well with the instal- lation of conveyor systems, y bucket elevators, sereening, mixing and warehousing equip- ment. He estimated .the instal- lation work would be continued until about the end of Decem- ber. The big new plant will not likely go into operation un- til sometime about Maroh when equipment from the old plant will be installed. • On Ventilation Some ' minor construction work is being carried on at the Sifto rock salt mine at- the harbor, where a crew is com- pleting work on the ventilation system at the top of No. 2 shaft, Bill Asher 'reports. The steamer Burlington was ;n on Monday for a load of salt but no other vessel is schedlled to call in the next few days. Ericsson Stili Wait For Load The Goderich-based steamer John Ericsson, now the focal point of crontinuing labor trou- ble at ehieago as successor to the Howard L. Shaw, met With another relusa1,Friday by back- ers of the S.I.U. to load her despite dries of $3,000 a day levied by ' .U.S. District court. Shipping from the loading facil- ity there has slowed somewhat since the busy month of Aug- ust, and nowe conditions are described as normal. Fancy PEAS 69` 4 1S -oz, :This I M The GOder%ekn Signal -Star, Thursday, ', October. -Paul' 1''Iu lerty, .lawyer for waiting station at Upper 14410e l kz1 hug at Chi* cago,said further attempts to met her ,utaded would continue this week. The .refusal last Friday was the third in that, week Men Refuse Gunter .(olds h n1dt„ super- visor of 13 elevator of the Con- tinental Grain Elevators, told the foreman to' get' the loaders, on the job and was told " they would not work the Ericsson. Goldschmidt then asked each of the 32 -man' crew to work the steamer. The men, all members of Local 18, Flour and Feed Mill Workers Union, refused. The 1ricssop's Canadian Mar- itime Union Brew ,then got her under way and eased the low - slung grain carrier out of the river without help of a tug crew. • The boat took i.tp her CATSUP 11 -ox. Bottles \ Inc; bar1 entrance,.' The local 41.5 mega,•' #01,11atest sithe f International L;nzrgslao, men's Association, have .refused, to load Upper Lakes vessels since April, in sympathy, they say, with the Seafarers' nter- national Union which used to reOxesent Upper Lakes creme. Pay Fines The ILA. has paid a total -o $21,000 in fops for refusing to load the Tipper Lakes vessel, Howard L. Shaw, Mita. preced- ed the Ericsson in attempting, '., unsuccessfully, to take on grain here. The fees were assessed at the rate of $100, h day and later at $200 a day --dor con- tempt of court -by ;Judge James B. Parsons in U.S. District court. Parsons said some time ago he would increase the fines to $3,000 a day if his order to end the boycott is not obeyed. GOV'T INSPECTED . GRAPE A OVEN READY R LU M P' N TENDER . MAPLE LcAr t.F►,�r�v HMS 1112 Lb. TIN 1.3 CHALLENGER. COHOE SALMON 1/2 Lb TIN 39c T TASTY DELICIOUS AND TENDER CENTRE CUT LOiN NO. 1 ONTARIO WASHED,, TRIMMED DIAL 524-7931 AA RAWSON R._ style shop WEST STREET • ELERY • CALIFORNIA SUNKiST VALENCIA , ORANGES 6 . CALIFORNIA SUIr1KIST FULL -O -JUICE LEMONS NO. 1 ONTARIO • CAULIFLOWER 2 9 LARGE WHiTE HEADS NO. 1 ONTARIO OT.TOES1oLbs.29C S! T ANNIVERSARY ED -TO -MEASURE SUIT SALE Ewa T.. (h I r '41••1 1, 1.11 Or l�rlrnd,: rda iEL WEIGHS ONLY 19 LBS. _ 108 bar add choin) Rugged die -Cast unit stands op to the toughest jobs. Smooth, free-brectihing Oper- ior I`roubTe-brae �ulfln�: ,.., • New 'Perin30.Hard' Tip Bor. • New tow:ports ports ,pekes. BALLET -WHITE .OR. COLOURED Bathroom - TISSUE KLEENEX ECONOMY --WHITE OR COLOURED FOUR ROLL PACK eA1Ar WHITE OR COLORED BATHROOM TISSUE - c 2 tail Pack' r - lir fifth ,lnniver,;lr•\ tailored-te-measure sale Ia.;t Oett,hner wee our rrfosl ,n� I1r1-ale t,, dote, t ivinn us many happy and satisfied 1llstOnrrry 1>R(001•', that thr e•;11 r s were litter I>>„ than ,ens,pinnal. - have (';+1lr,1 111)011the snnic leading. etistorlr tailor to co- operate in tr.;1 ;h, r sneer -value tailored-to-nlraM1 re sale - W e have ,Piet receii'ed 12.i suit 1'rr,,flhs, mostly one' of a kind, srtffieient for, olily one soil. These suitings formerly sold as high as :100.00, and we are able to -offer them ti) you at the e ,'eptionally low price of 4;69.50. SALE 'l'ARTf:1) O('TOIREIH 1:5 ANI) WILL I)EhTN1TEI,1' ENI) SAT- T1RI).�.�', O(`T()i3ER 2G1h. AVI CANNOT RF.I'EA'f' '1'II18 (1k`h`ER TIIIS YEAH. A'iSIT 1'S NOW, POR h HIST SELECTION. `- infTiim'her - (1141)-..-_- $69.50 „ REGULAR KLEENEX TISSUES GET 'A 'I REE 'DEMONSTRATION 'TODAY c. ARGYLE r. REPAIR SHOP 92 Britannia E. JA 4.9201 `ilnecrely, EARL RAWSON P. S. Should you require service after hours, an evening appointmtennt may • be arranged by calling JA 4-9312, • , FACIAL 'ISSUES i:ALL=Wt•iliTl . , SERVIETTES250 SERVIETTES 2 � 5. t -