HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-10-10, Page 8The Gederiehe Signal -Star, ThUrsday, October 10th, 1963' P-oderich Area Plowmen . • (Continued from page 1.) Kenneth Coleman, R.R. 4, Sea': forth,- also best crown. Boys and girls 15 and tinder, Thomas Leeming, 14, of R.R. 2, Walton, also best Frown and finish; !ohn Learning, nine, Gordon Ryan, R.R. 1, 'Walton. Senior high school pupils„19 and under, Graeme Craig, R.R. 1, Walton, also bege finish; Robert Becker, Dashwood; Charles Becker, Dashwood, also best crown; Exeter High School won the team award in this event. Junior high school pupils 16 and under, Robert Hickey, R.R. 3, Auburn, also best finish; Janis McCall, R.R. 4, Walton, also best crown; Kenneth Brindley, R.R. 6, Goderich; Clinton High School won the team award in this -e Vent. Mounted plows only,- Paul Turnbull, R.R. 1, Dashwood,, also best finish; John I3aan, R.R. 3, Walton, also best crown; Wayne Durnin, R.R. 3, Auburn. Special, utili•ty class, Donald Perrie, R.Rs 3, Brussels, also best finish; Arnold Young, R.R. 5, Goderich, also best crown; The Leernin'g brothers who won the boys and girls 15 and under class comej from a long line of expert plowmen. Their father, W. S. Leeming was a Huron County champion, and their giandfather, Thomas Leeming, was coach to Gordon McGavin, Canadian champion in 1926. - Robert HickeY and Kenneth Brindley represented Godera last year, but nbw attend high school at Clinton. Brindley proceeded info the Internatien- al match at Caledon this week. 4. -DUNGANNON .46 DUNGANNON, Oct. 8.—Mr. and Mrs.. W. A. Culbert and sea- Bill visited Mr. and Mrs. Brtic,e Robertson at Gorrie on Sunday. _ Mrs. Wilbur Hopkins, Lon- don, visited on Sunday with her 'mother, Mrs. J. Falls, at the IR. 4. Durnin residence. Weekend Visitors with • Mr. Brown Smyth and Ws. Bessie Stewart were their nephews and nieces, Mr. Bobby Brigham and son Bill and- Mrs. Robert Smyth and Robert, Carol „ and Lynda of Toronto. Mrs. Steve Helesic, Goderich, spent a few days with her mo- ther, Mrs. Frank Jones. Miss Gay Veldhuis returned to the parsonage with her par- huis and family after several weeks at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, where'she underwent surg- ery. • Mr. and Mrs. Herb Finnigan visited ,Mr: and Mrs. John Fin- nigan, Wingham on Sunday. Mrs. Russel"Drennan visited the' lattei's motiier, Mrs. Abner Morris on Monday. Born, Tuesday, October 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Andrew, Six Women's Institute ladies from the village attended the W.I. Rally in,Goderich on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blake Bill , and Barbara, and Bill Crozier visited Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Foulds, St. George, on Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Bert Whyard and son Jim ,ef London • W ere recent VisitorS isith their aunt. visited at the home of his bro- ther Roy, Goderich, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Popp visit- ed for the weekend with their son Murray, his wifeand fam- ily at Bobcaygeoie Mr. and Mrs. Victor Erring- ton visited Mr. and Mrs. George Turn,bull, Brussels, on Sunday. C.G.I.T. Elects Officers On Monday evening the CGIT met in the United Church base-, ment. Mrs. Robert Irwin and Mrs. Herb Finnigan swere the leaders ansl 15 answered the roll ,, call after repeating the Purpose and singing ehe curt' hymn. "Giving Glory to God" was the theme of the•meeting. Rev. J. A. Veldhuis conducted the election of officers which re- sulted as follows;s President, Bernice Thompson; vice-presi- dent, Mary Lou Henry; secre- tary, Donna Pentland; treas- urer, Joanne Veldhuis; pianist, Dianne Erringtaii'. PORT ALBERT' Field Day Keenly Contested By Elementary Schools Here Goderich Public and Separate schools held their annual Field Day last Friday. The day was hel•d under perfect weather con- ditions and all events were hot- ly contested by the young ath- letes. The individeal champions for the day were: Junior boys, Randy McLean; Intermediate boys' champioeship was shared by Kenneth Bowen aed Glen MeCuspey. Dennis Vander - burgh won the Senior boys' Girls' individual honors were won by Brenda Graham in the Junior division, Peggy Stod- dart in the intermediate classifi- cation and Linda Taylor was the Senior .girls' champion. Boys' individual event win- ners were: .Field Day Results' 50 yard, dash: Randy McLean,' frJr.); Kenneth Bowen (Int); Dennis Vanderburgh (Sr.). 100 yard dash: Randy 1VIcLean. (Jr.); Kenneth Bowen (Int.); Dennis Vanderburgh (SO. High jump: Tom Plouffe (Jr.); Glen IVIcCus- Broad jump: Harold Refiling- haus- (Jr.); Wayne Fisher ant.); Ray Lawson Os). Hop, step, jump: Brian Rumig (Jr.); Glen McCuspey ant.);' John Shear - down (Sr.). In the girls events the win- ners were: 50 yard dash: Bren- da Graham (Jr.); Peggy Sted- dart (Int.); Judy Graham4Sr.). 75 Yard dash: Brenda Graham (Jr.); -Peggy Stoddart (Int.); Linda Taylor (Sr.). High jump: Judy Beattie (Jr.); Jennie Pros- ser (Int.); Shirley Meriam (Sr.). Broad jump: Ann Ilopkinson (Jr.); Bonnie Sims (Int.); Roses marie Basler (Sr.). Hop, step, jump: Carol Willis (Jr.); Peggy Stoddart (Int); Rosemarie Bas- ler (Sr.). Population „$een At About 6,767 With the 1963„ assessment survey completed; Teswn As. sessor E. H. .tessop expects to have the neW FoPOlation figure for Goderich ready by next week. With seven of the fourteen polls completed on Tuesday of this week, an . increase of 101 persons was recerded for that area' of the I lawn over the populftion fig- ure of a year ego. the same rate of Increase is shown for the rest of the polls, there slsOuld be an over-- all increase In population for Goderiob Of about 290. This is in line withthe 207 popuila- 'tion increase shown at the time of the 1962 assessment. survey when the final popul- ation figure was 6,567. HONOR BRIDE -ELECT ,1VIiss Anne CaldWellf Was honor Miss IVIaAjorie Yotings bride -elect, On ..her approanhing marriage. After a number of contests were enjoyed, the guest of honor was placed in a chair prettily -deeeratecl with pink and white streamers while hal- loos, which hting Overhead from a White bell, showered 111ViraPPed her gifts. T4Q YOling, atter which a mei decOrated wagers Wee gifts was drawn in by it Dianne POpg, and Weal 1111 pleSent for their lovely Then a dainty lunch wasoxygd PITMPKIN 28 -oz. Tins f°r 37c CORN NIBLETS 14 -oz. Tins 2 for 3 STOKELY FANCY mum JUICE SHORTENING FOIL WRAP 48 -OZ. Tins • 2 for SAVE 5c 25 -Foot Ro Its 2 for 57 33 3 5c PORT ALBERT, Oct. 7. — The L-shaped barn en the farm of Albert McGee was -complete- ly destroyed by fire ef unknown origin Sunday afternoon. The barn contained 7,000 bales of hay and 28 ba s of potatoes. The Lucknow Annual Banquet Of Tiger Dunlop Is Held At Dungannon banquet of Tiger Dunlop branch Goderich Takes . re department 1 of the Women's Institute was destroyed. I United: Church in Dungannon. I championships saved the house from being ,' held in the basement of the s Honor Bride -Elect stitute catered for the banquet. The South Huron public The U.C.W. of Port Albert After a delicious turkey dies schools held their track and United Chtirch were hostesses ner, enjoyed by all, a short pro- field meet in Clinton on Tues - at a shower given in honor of dram was . presented with the day and Goderich walked off Miss Armette Dickson, brides president, Mrs. R. Buchanan, with top honors for the overall Miss Ida Whyard. elect. Contests were conducted in the chair. The ode was meet as well as three top classi- . by Mrs. Dave Martin and Mrs. F.O. Wayne BroA was home Tom Dickson. Mrs. Earl Bogie with his parents, Mr. and Mrs., read, the— address, fter. which Wilbur Brown, from Trenton, Annette was assisted by Miss where he is taking ai.Wo weeks' hMary Elizabeth Westlake and 11K E PEAS . 4 'for 69, ROSE 1-1b, packages MARGARINE fqr 89c- SAVE 27c DOG MO to -for si MAPLE LEAF — GRADE A — 18 lbs. and sung followed by the toast to fication,honors. the Queen.- The toast to the ,,, The local schools won the Institute was ably -proposed by meet by 55 Points. Goderich a - Mrs. Ralph JeweIT- white Mrs. massed Terence Hunter replied in her next usual pleasing manner. muster Af„ter a short business meet- school big-, Mrs. Buchanan called Oh — Mrs. T. Lamb to Speak to the members. Mrs. Lamb gave a very vivid description of her trip to Calgary via the Trans- Canada Highway, telling of the beauty of Northern Ontario 'and the varied scenes across the country. Mrs. Lamb had many amusing incidents to tell and her talk was enjoyed by all. , Mrs. Horton moved a vote of thanks. Mrs. Tait Clark gave a read- ing entitled, "Popping Corn." Mrs. Hardy moved a hearty vote of thanks to the Dungan- non ladies and the meeting closed with the Queen. _ _ course before returning to Miss Willa Dickson -in opening Winnipeg. the gifts. Annette made a fit- ' Mr. J. C. Durnin of Kitchener ting reply and a lovely lunch !was home with Mr. and Mrs. was served by the ladies,_ I Herls Finnigan for a few days Mrs. Mel Dickson was hostess !last week. Congratulations are at a trousseau tea held in hote extended to J. C. who has ob- or of her daughter, Annette, at thelr home on Saturday, Oc-' tober 5th. Guests were present from London, Sarnia, Lucknow, Goderich, Dungannon and sur- rounding community. tained the degree of C.A. after studying accountancy for five years at ,leitehener. He has , taken a position with Munroe Calculating Cos London. Treat Your Family To A Special THANKSGIVING DINNER at the LITTLE INN Mrs. Arthur Eggleston, Gers aid and Donna spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Eggleston, Peterboro, and at- tended the Eggleston -Strain ,wedding on Saturday. The groom is Mr. Egglesfon's nephew. bert's birthday, September 29th, visitors, at his home were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crawford, Wing - ham; Mr. and Mrs. Briice Rob- ertson, Gorrie, and Mr. and Mrs. -Earl Sherwood and son Ernest of Carlow. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kidd and daughter Sheila of Isling- ton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Webb, Gode*ssisitecl the latter's tem On' Sunday. ss, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Erring- ton and family visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Errington and family, St. Helens. Mrs. StanlestIlughes, Toronto, was a recent visitor with the Errington relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Rieve had as visitors on Sunday Mr. Bradley and Brenda of Eagle; also Clements and Miss Mary Lou Stirling of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Finnigan BAYFIELD Monday, October 14 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. MENU PRICE. Tomato Juice Cocktail or Hot Apple Punch with Assorted Savories PRIME RIB 3•ROAST of BEEF with Yorkshire Pudding Or ROAST TURKEY with savory fruit dressing ROAST VIRGINIA HAM with glIzed sweef potatoes Creamy Whipped Potatoes Baked Acorn Squash or Turnip Green Beans or French Peas Sushine Salad or Personals Mrs. Art Stewart is a patient in Goderich hospital. She is wished a speedy recovery. Visitors over the weekend with IUDS . Dave 'Martin- were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gilders, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher. Gildens of -'Detroit, Mrs. Susan Grigg and Mrs. Pauline Beck of Mrs. Jim Young visited with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Young over the weekend. 151 points and their closest rival could only 96. The third place had 55 points. Mrs. Lorne t'alls, Ontario, week visiting Smith, Niagara was in town last friends. SAVE 20c — WHYTES CANNED 1%-tb. HAMS 11.39 ()KED HAMS READY -TO -SERVE BURNS 1-1b. package SIRLOIN STEAK DO IT NOW! lb. 89C AutO Body and .Repairs COFFEE RED ROSt Radiator Quantity of Low Cost SNOW TIRES . BONELESS BACON DAVIDSON Auto Body and Alignment Huron Rd. — JA 4-7231 PUMPKIN 'and MINCE PIES DO IT NOW! PUMPKIN' TARTS CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 1 -lb. BAG • POT ROAST 49; . Tin 75, FLUFFQ r 49c SHORTENING POPPING CORN CHRISTIES CHEESE NIPS SAVE 20c 2for59 67 69 2. f" 35 SPIC AND SPAN BLUE BONNET 2 for/0c MARGARINE Qt. Size 3 -ib. Pkg. ea lay Have Your Steering , Safety. Checked PUMPKIN SPICE CAKES Before It Is The Cause of An Accident CULBERT'S BAKERY 49 West greet — Goderich — JA 4-7941 D IDSON Auto Body and Alignment Huron Rd: — JA 4-7231 Your-- Home Heat ; SERVICE DEALER ew Furnace Finotice Plan Tossed, Crisp Green's with " Swedish Dressing Crisp Assortod Relishes Hot Homemade Pumpkin Pie with :whtpRed cream or Apple Pie with Cheese Cream Puff with Ice 'Cream butterscotch sauce and toasted almonds or Banana Cake and Coffee Ice Cream Fruit Bowl and Millts For Reservation Phone Open- Holiday Weekend NO DOWN PAYMENT • Low Interest Rates Call Ui For you HEAT A HOME YOU -CAN'T AFFORD TO*KIP SILVERWOODS SUN SPUN ICE CREAM KADANA TEA 'BAGS 100,s 1/2 Ga 59c CALA LILY PASTRY tirAICW-SANBORN-40-Car--4AR--.SAY.E.. 70e INSTANT COFFEE 09, - - - ORANGE -PINEAPPLE DRINK FLOUR SAVE 10c - SQUIRREL 16 OZ. JAR PEANUT BUTTER FROZEN PEAS or CORN WESTONS 3 9c-- BUNS 11 I 1 1 TIN rrn— 24b. BAG THERE'S MORE FOR YOU IN GRAPES California No. 1 CAPBAGE N?._, 'SWEET' POTATOES CRAN,BERRIl$,, 2-ibs 27c Heads For 27c 3- lbs. 25c 7 Bag Cinnamon Iced 9 2for7 THIS COUPON GOOD FOR, ON THE C PURthASE OF REDi WHIP 1 lb. Pkg., 29 impm THIS' COUPON GOOD FOR ON THE OC . PURCHASE OF I WN.AndrewsWhipping'Cream TIIANK YOU woulsili win appropriate at this Thanksgiving time of year to thank you for your contin- tied' patronag,e. Monday, Oct. 14 Will be our final day of bus- 'negs for' this.year and we look ,ierward tO serving our fine Wrong again next year. 011ee again our iiineere thanks. • HOMEVATING EQUIPMENT Serince Electric (Goderich) Ltd. VICTORIA ST. JA ‘4.8181 Home He -at Service, MORE service—Over 200,000 free furnace conditioning n9w completed. MORE value—Free mid-season check, free annual burner tiled. Free 24-hour "no heat" emergency servkel MO'RE---Esso service MK finest in Canada, are hand-picked bylmperial. • AND EVEN Mo'RE—ask about our low cost parts insurance—and easy terms on new heating equipment. CALL ESSO HOME HEAT SEillflOk TODAY B.: CHISHOLM GObEitICH, ONTARIO apen Niihtly Until 11.0 foil; Your Shopping -Convenienie 91, VICTORIA ST. N.