HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-10-22, Page 2LEGAL. --- . 1 , E. KORSDN, Barrister, Soli - 1 -4. otter of Supreme Court, Notary Platlie, 3o avevancer, ClInnlisie4oner.. *te Menev t o Crean. 011acein Pansou'aBlock. EXOter. - ---- II. COLLINS, o Banister, Solicitor, Conveyaneer, zto, TalETER, - ONT• °Mee over the Post Office. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, BilliSterS3 Solioitors, Notaries ?Alio, • Conveyancers &c, Jo. lanfeney to Loan at lioweet Bates of interest. OFFICE* a UAW - STREET „ "EXETER, B. V. 0.1,1;1o7. Z. tnizov. a...... TANTAL . - - \B, 0. II, INGRAM, DENTIST. 1 ) Successor to a, la Billings. Me naber a the Royal College of Dente/ Snide 01;16.) Teeth inverten with or without pleae, in Golder Itubber. A, este Antrathetie gaiera for the pstiplese extractiou 0 testis. Inates secured firmly iu the mouth hy 1 TemeraPateut VOIVO., OFFIOB ; Over O'Neil's Bank. SUAN ,DIii"NTIST,D. KIN,L 1 . s. F,Ausen's Meek, Hain.st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain, Away at Huse= en • firet Friday : Crete, eiscond Ana fourth l'utiedity; and ZUnteg on the last 'glints - :Meat 6rienta201)th. MINIMMENCIR ,.. . .-- At Z In VA 14 ,,,,-..---,--- -,,- T 'W. BItOWNI.NG t." • 7,2, . a . Graduate Viotoria linirfe ''. ince and reit/deuce, Dom Won Leta, it tory. Exeter. _ _------ .,,, TR. RYNDMAN, coroner for tat A„-. County of Huron, (Mee. opp te Catalog Brov.atore,Exeter. nit, 3.&. ROLLINS, lif.0.2, S. Offlee, Mato $t. Exeter, On. Itesidevee, bootie r *gently atm:aphid b3' P, Mclthallips,Esio, TIR. T. P. MeL4.1.1GRLIN, AlEll. .2., be of the college of Physielane and Surgeon?. llaterie. Physician. Surgem and 44Seatileheor. Gfilat.D4$J1Wiltals tan. M .11E NM MOW WPIIIIRMIR P.M.. imopme ,14., WRAMIT..41**0 wA. THOMSON, Al. D.. C. • Iii.,llarmahar effilollerof Phystelane sill Satzten$. Outwit'. OM= I IIODOINS* BLOwE, HENSALL. i3R. DAVID M. STA EBLE R, illNIVE11.51TY or TORONTO/ Pliyeleismeturecon, etm Raving silent the winter of leatie147 in Near York, a:ad winter of I8i74a in Vienna, Austria. Orrice I CREDITON, ONT.a.RIO. o „ e . DR. W 0 (3DRITEP.F Dieeases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE 41111 TBROgi -- Eve ghtssee and Speetaeles furnished for both Near and Dietant Vision. Always at home, except on Fridays. No. is Queen's Avenue, London, Ontario, &tit; 11t !NV —...._ ..... EIARDY, LICENSED ADC- Ia. tic.neer for the County of Huron. Charges moderate. ratter P.O. E—NSi A J., ROLLDTS, LICII • Auctioneer for Comities Huron and Middlesex. Residence, I mile south of Exeter P. 0. Exeter. EBUSSENBERD,Y, General Li • censed Auctioneer Sales remit:ate, in allperts. Satiefactionguaranteed. (Merger 3noderate. Bunsen P 0, Out. HENRY EILBER Licenaed Aire- tioneor for the Counties of Efurou and allealesex . Sales conducted at mod 'orate rata. Glace, at Post -aloe, Cred. ton Ont. -n H. PORTER, GENERAL . AuctioneerandLamdTaluathr. orders sent 'by pail io nay a d arose, Bayneld P. 0., willrecetveprompt attention. Terms moiler ate. D. H. PORTEtt, Anotionaer. ea••••••••••=0...et VETERINARY. Tennent &Tennent EXETER oNT. 00.)isz Graduateeof the Ontario Veterinary Col I lege, , throacx : One neer South ofTown Hall. IMINIIIIMINIMEIMO. IMILWISPOIS 1 MONEY TO LOAN. I — - - -- - I ONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND ' percent, $25,000 Private Funde. Best ' Loaning Companies represented. L. DICKSON, i Barvister . Exeter. SURVEYING. - FRED W. FARNOOMB, : Provincial Land Surveyor and Givil En - Office, linstairs.Samwell's Meek, Exeter.Ont 1 IN S Tr KANO --- THE LONDON MUTUAL , ...1- FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF ' DAN ADA . Hee d 0 ffice. London, Ont. 1 After 31 years of suocessful business, still iontinues to °fertile owners of farm property r tad private residences, either on buildings or i iontents.the most farorable protection in ease , if loss or darnageby are orlightning, at rates ' mon suoh liberal terms. that no other respect- i thlecompany can afford to write. 42,375 poli3 ties in f once lstJa n ,1890. Assets $878.428.00 a cash in bank. Government &epos t. Dob. ' tITCS awl Premium Notes. JANES GRANT, I Jrosideart; D. C. alciDosaan,Ma.neger• Dann i faerres,Agent for Exeter andvionaftv. . i THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSUISANkJEQO. Established in 1863. 'MAD OFFICE - WATERLOO,ONT. This Company bas been over Zwenta-eiebt years in successful operation In Western Ontario, and continues to insure against loss or damage by, Fire. Buildings, Merchandise. 'Manufactories and ell other deseriptioes of insurable property, Intending itsurers have the option of insuring on Oa Premium Note or Gab System. During the vast ten years this company has issued 57,000 Policies, covering uroperty to the amount of $40,872 038; and mai in losses alone $709.732 00. • Assets. '55/1c,i00.00, consisting of Cash „-n Bank C4 -.vents en t Depea' lied the un asses - "ed Premium Notes on bend end in force. E,1„ W.iiraanee, M.D., President: 0 M. TAroorr awetery; ..T. B. Menus, Inspegtor. OEIAS ete t1Ii\. 0reti l .iPtaeter a ni vicinity. WIZ SNOW STORY, Toward the end of 1811, ata methorialper- iod for Ruesians, lived °tibia vivo deepen of Nenartialova the kind-hearted Gavril R. Re WAS celebrated M the whole district for hie hospitality and hisgenial character: Neigh - bore ectustantly visited him to have some- thing to pat end drink and to play at floe eo-neek boston with his wife, Praskovia. Some, too, went to have a look at their daughter, Maria, a tall, palegirl of 17. She was an heiress, and they desired her either for themselves or their sons. Maria bad been brought, up On French novels, and consequently was in love. The object of her affection was a poor ensige in the army, who was now et homein hiaernell villege on a leave of absence. As a matter of course, the young man reciprocated Maria's passion. Bet the parenA of his beloved, noticing their mutual attachment, forbade their daughtorto even think of him while they received hint worse amen ex, assize judge. Our lovers corresponded, and met alone daily in the pine wood or by the old reed - way ehapel. There they vowed everlasting love, inveighed against fate, and exchanged various suggestiees, Writing and talking A this way, they quite naturally reached the following conehision. If we cannot exist apart from each other, and if the tyranny of hard-hearted parents throws obstaeles in the way of ow liappi- nese, then can We not inauage withent theme Of course thie happy Mea originated in the mind of the yousig woe but it pleesed inimeneely the roars:die imagination ei Maria. Winter set in and put a stop to their meetings. But their correspendeece beceme all the more Active, Vlarlinur begged Merle, in every letter to give herself up to hint thet they might get married eeeretly, bide for a while, and then Oren' theMegYeS at the feet of their parents, who would, of come, in the mid be touched by their limit/ eon - stoney and say to them, "Childreul meet* our arms!" hlaria hesitated a lou g while, and out of many different plans proposed that of flight was for a time rejected. At last, however, she cemented. On the Appointed day She W45 to decline supperand retire to her room under the plea of a headache, She and her maid, who was in the secret, were then to go out into the garden by the Ixtett stairs, and behind the garden they svould Alai a sledge ready for them, would get into it and drive a dietanee of five miles from Nenara. glove to the village of Jadrino, straight to the church, where Vladimir would be wait- ing for them. On the eve of the iletisive day Maria did not sleep all night; elle was packing and tying np linen dresses. She wrote, more, over,n long letter to a friend of hers, am- timental young lady, and another to her parents. Of the latter she took leave in the most touching terms. 8he excused the step she was taking by reason of the unconquerable power of love, and wound up by declaring that she should consider it the Imppiest moment of her life when she was allowed to throw herself at the feet of her dearest par- ento litealing both letters with a Toulaseal on which were er.sgraved two flaming hearts with an appropriate inscription, she at last threw herself upon ber bed before daybreak, and dozed off; though even then ehe waa wakened front one moment to another by terrible thoughte. First it seemed to her that at the moment of entering the sledge el order to go authget married, her father stormed hereend eth eruel rapidity dragged eee r t he snow, and threw leer into a dark, bottomless cellar -down which she fenced - long with an indeecribable sinking of the heart, Then she saw Vladimir lying on the grass, pale and bleeding, with his dying breath he implored her to make haste and mull' him. Other hideous and senseless visions floated before her one after another. Finally she roue paler than usual and with I real headache. Both her father and her motherroursrked har indisposion. Their tender anxiety and (instant inquiries, "What is the matter with you, Masha-are you ill 1" cut her to the heart. She tried to paeify them and to appear cheerful, but she could not. Even - ng set in. The idea that she was passing he last day in the midst of her family op- pressed her. In her secret heart she took eave of everybody, of everything which urrounded her. Supper was served ; her heart beat vio- ently. Li a trembling voice the declared hat she did not want any supper, and wish- ed her father and mother good night. Iley kissed her and as usual blessed her. Reaching her own room. she threw her. sell into an easy chair and burstinto tears. [ler maid begged her to be calm and take 'enrage. Everything was ready. In half to hour Masha would leave forever bar arents'horne. aud her own home, her peace - al life as a young girl. Out of doors the snow was falling, the wind howling. The shatters rattled and hook. In everything she seemeti to re- ognize omens, and threats. Soon the whole house was quiet and sleep. Moshe wtapped herself in a shawl, put on a seal's& cloak, and with a box in her •land passed out on to the back staircase. 'he maid carried two bundles after her. hey descended into the garden. The nowstorm raged; a strong wind blew gainst them, as if trying to stop the young ulprit. With difficulty they reached the nd of the garden. In the road a sledge waited them. The horses, from cold, would not stan d till. Vladimir's coachman was walking to nd fro in fronteof them, trying to quiet hem. He helped the young lady and her aid to their seats, and packing away the undies and dressing -case, took up the eins. and the horses flewdorward into the arkness of the night. • aluving entrusted the young lady to the are of fate and of Tereshka, the coachman, et us return to the young lover. Vladimir had spent the whole day in riving. In the morning he had called on he Jadrino priest, and. with difficulty came o terms with him. Then he Went to eek the witnesses trom among 'the neighbor - ng gentry. The first on whom he called. vas a former cornet of horse, Dravin by tune, a man in his forties, who consented t once. The adventure he declared, remind- cl him of old times and of his larks when in the Hussars. 'He persuaded Vladimir to stop to dinner with him, assuring him that them weed be no difficulty in getting the other two witnesses. Indeed, immediately after dinner 10 came the surveyor, Schmidt, with a mustache and spurs, and the son of a captain.magistrate, a hoy.of 10 who had recently entered the Uhlans. They not only accepted Vleditair's proposal, but even swore they were reacly- to sacrifice their lives Lor him. Vladimir . embraced them with delight, and drove off to get everything ready. • . It had long been dark.. Vladimir die - patched his trustworthy Tereehka to Nen- araelova with his two.horsecl sledge, and with appropriale instruetions tor the occa, sion. For himself he ordered the sine' sledge with one horse and started alone without a coachman for Jedrioo, where Maria ought to arrive In a couple of hours. He knew the reed,. and the drive weld, only oceupy 20 minutes. , But Vladimir had. scarcely passed from *be enclosure hate the, open , field when the wind rose, MI Seen there was A driving Snowstorm so beevy and so severe that he could not see, Itttt monneurthe road was eoverea with mow. All 'landmarks disap- peared in the 'mirky , yellow daeknees, through which fell white flakes of snow. and earth became merged into . one. Vladi- mir, in the midst of the field..tried itt Vain to get to the road, jlte hone walked on at rasidem, end every moment stepped either into deep SOW or keto a rat, ete that the sledge Was eonstantly upsetting. Vladimir, tried at let* mot to lose the riga direetion, but it seemed to bine that more than half an hour had passed, and he had, not yetreech- ed the Jadrino wood. Another IQ minutes passed, and Atilt the wood WAS invisible. Vladimir drove across Aelds intersected by deep ditches. The snowstorm aid not abate, and the sky did not Clear. The horse was getting, tired, and the perspiration rolled A from m like hells in spite of the Act that everyraorrieut his lees were disappearing in- theuow lastrtatmAtnirfound that lie was going in the wrung direction. He stopped ;began to reflect, recollect and consider ; till at hist he became convinced that he ought to have turned to the right. Ile did so now. ITis • horse could naively drag along, But he had been mere than an beer on the road, • end declaim geoid not now be far, Ile drove and drove, but Otero was Po getting out of the fiat sou enowtirifte and diteltee, Every moment the sledge was upset, and every moinene Vladimir had to MVO it up. Time was slipping by, and Vladimir grew seriously Anxious, At last in the distance some dark object could he seem Vladimir turned in its direction, end es he drew near found it was a wood. "Thank heaven !" he theught, "I am now near the end." He drove by the side of the wood, hoping townie at once upon the familiar road: or, it not, to pass round the wood, Jadrino was situeted immediately bellied it, life soon found the road, end pared into the derkuees of the weed, now stripped by the winter. The wind could not ra,ge here; the road Watt smooth, the home pieked up courage and Vladimir was comforted, Re drove awl drove, but still Jadrino was not to be seen ; there was no end to the wood. nen, to Ids horror, Ise discovered that he had get into a strange wood, no was in despair. Ito whipped his and the poor .W=1 started off' on tt trot, fiat it soon got tired, main a <Viarter af an hour* in spite of all poor ladintiede effort% could only erawl. Gradually the twit became thinner. end Vladimir drove out of the wood, but dad - rine was not to be een. It must have been about midnight. Tears gushed from the young melee eyes. Ho drove on at random, and now the weather had abated, the clouds dispersed, and before him was a wide stretch of a plain, covered with a white billowy carpet. The night was com- paratively clear, and Ise could see a small village a short, distance off, which consisted of four or live cottages. Vladimir drove toward it. At the first door he jumped out of the sledge, ran ap to the window, and tapped. After a few minutes a wooden shutter was raised and an old man stuck out his gray beard. 4. What do you want?" " HOW far is dadaist) V' "How far is disdrino ?" "Yea , ewe. Is it far I" "Notfar ; about 10 miles." At thisanswer Vladimir clutched hold of Isis hair and stood motionless, like it man eontlemned to death, Where do you eome froni 1" added the Man. Vladimir hud not the courage to reply. " My man," he saki, "can you procure me horses to Jadrino ?" " We have no horses," answered. the peas- ant. "Could I find a guide. I will pay hire any sum he likes," "Stop," said the old man, dropping the shutter ; "I will end my son out to you; Ise will conduct you." Valadimir waited. Scarcely a minute had passed when he again knocked. The shutter was lifted and a beard was seen. "What do you want? What about your son?" " [Tell come out directly ;be is putting i her mother, *lie never loft her bedside, could ouly make out from them that her daughter was- desperately in love with Vladimir, and that probably love was tho eattse of her illness. She consulted her husband aud seine of her neighbors, and at. last it 'was decided nuanizionslythat the i fate' of Maria ought not to be nterfered with, that a woman must not ride away from the man she is deetined to marry, that'poverty Auto crime, that a woman 'has to livenot with money but with amen, and so. on. Moral proverbs are wonderfully useftal on such occasions, when we mire invent little or nothing in our own justiti- cation, Meanwhile the young lady beg= to re. eover„ Vladimir had not 'been seen for a long time in the lionse of Gavrii, so fright- ened had he been by hie previous reception. It was now resolved to smut tied aunounce to him the good news which he couldecarce. ly expect, the eellSent of her parents to his marriage with Maria.Bet what was the a.e.tonishment of the proprietors of Nenaradova wheo in answer to their invitation they received an Arnim reply, Vladimir informed them he could never set foot in their house, end begged them to forget an unhappy luau whose only hope now was in death. A few daye after- ward they heard that Viedindr bad left the place and j?ined the army. A long time passed beloee they ventured to tell Moshe, who was now reeovering. She never mentioned Vladimir. Some months later, however. finding 1.11S POMO in VIC Mt of theee who distheemielied theinselvea and been severely wounded at Borodino, she fainted, and it was feared that the fever might return. But, heaven be thanken ! the fainting fit had no bad results. Marie experienced yet another eorrow. Iler fetherdied,leaviug her the heireee of all Itis property. lint the inheritanee could not eousole her, She altered einearely the affliction of her mother, and vowed. she would never leave her, Suitors clustered round the eharming heiress ; but elm gave no ono the slightest hope. Ifer mother sometimes ttied to per - suede her to ehoose compauion life ; but Mesita, shook her head and grew pensive. Vladimir 110 longer existed. bad flied at ;Moscow on the eve of the arrival of the Freeeh, Ma memory was held sacred by Maria, end she treasured up everything that would remind her of ; books be had reed, drawings whieh be had done, oaul the pieces of poetry Well he had eopied antler her. The neighbors, hearing all tide wondered at her fidelity, and waned with curiosity the arrival of the hero who must in the end triumph over the melancholy coustancy of this virgin Artemis. Ile:towline, the war had been brouglitto it glorious conclusion, mid our armies were returning from abroad, The people ran to meet them. The music played by the regi. mental bands consisted of war songs, "Vive Henri -Quatro.," Tyrolese waltzes and airs from deconde. Nourished on theatmosphere of winter, °dicers who had started on the eampaign mere striplings returned grown men end covered witli deeorations, The soldiers conversed gayly among themselves, mingling German and French -words every moment in their speech. A time never to bo forgotten -a time of gloiy and delight Ilow quiekly beat the Theism heart et the words, "Native land 1" How sweet the tears of meeting 1 With *hat unanimity we combine feelings of national pride with love far the 'Tsar 1 -And for him, what a mo- ment 1 The women -our Russian women -were splendid then. Their usual coldness disap- peared. Them delight was really intoxicat. big whenemeeting the conquerors, they cried "Hurrah 1" And they threw up their cape in the air. Who of the officers of that period does not own that to the Russian women he %sae indebted for his best and most valued re- ward? During this brilliant yeriad Maria was living with her mother in retirement, and neither of them awe, bow in both cap- itals, the returning troops were welcomed. But in the district :1 and villages the generel orithusiasm was, perhaps, even greater. In theta places the appeartnce of an offi- cer became for him a veriMble triumph. The tocepted lover in plain clothes fared badly by his side. We have already sant that, na spite of her coldness, Maria. was still, as beim surround- ed by suitors. But all had to fall in the rear when there arrived at his castle the wounded yomag captain of Hussars-Bour- min by name -with the order of St. George n his batten -hole, and an interesting pallor on his face. He was about Mk He had come on kayo to his estates, which were close to Martees villa. Maria paid him such attention as none of the others received. In ds-presenee her habitual gloom disappear- ed:* It could not be said that she flirted with him. But a poet, observing her be- havior, might have asked, "S'amor nonche; dunque?" - Bourmin was really a very agreeable young inan' He possessed just the kind of sense . that please(' women ; a sense of what is suitable and becoming. He had no affec- tion and was carelessly satirical. His plan- ner toward Maria was simple and easy. He seemed to be of a quiet and easy dis- position ; but rumor said that he had at one time been terribly wild. This, however, did not harmehim in the opinion of Maria, who (like all other young ladies) excused with pleasure vagaries which were the re- sult of impulsiveness and daring. Bet above all -more than his love -making more than his pleasant talk, more than his interesting pallor, more even than his band- aged arm --the silence of the young Hussar excited her curiosity and imagination. - She could not help confessing to herself that he pleased her very much. Probably he too, with his acuteness and his experience, hall seen that he had interested her. How was ib, then, that up to this moment -she had not seen him at her foot; had not received from him auy declaration whatever? And where- fore did she not encourage him with more attention, and, according to circumstances, even With tondernesi ? Had she it secret of her own which would account for her be- havior? , At last, Ben min fell into such deep medi- tation, and his blarik eyes rested with such fire on Maria, that the decisive moment 'seemed very near: The neighbors spoke of the ameriage, as an accomplished fact, and kind'Praskovia rejoiced that her daughter had et laet fosse(' for heraelf a worthy mate. The lady was sitting alone once in the .drawing -room, laying ont gal:Irk-patience, when Bourmin entered the room, and at once inquired for .Nfaria. "She is in tin garden," replied the old' lady go to her, and I will w.tib for you ere." Boutnen went, an the old lady made the sign of the cross and thought, "Perhaps the affair Wi 11' be settled today 1" Bourmui found Karla in the ivy.hower beside the pond, with a book in her hands, and wearing a white dress -a .veritable heroine of romance. After the first impir• les,'" Marfa parposely let the conversation drop ; bleed:stet; by these means the mutu- al einherraesment, from which ib was only poSsible to escape by means Of a sudden and positi Ve declaration. on his boots. Are you cold? Come in and warm yourself." "Thanks ;send out your son quickly." The gate'creeked, is youth came out with s, cudgel, and walked on in front, at one time pointing out the road, at another look- ing for it in a mass of drifted snow. • What o'clock is it?" Vladimir asked him. "10. will soon be daylight," replied the young peasant. Vladimir spoke not another wog. docks were crowing and it was ligiet when they reached Ja,drino. The church was closed. Vladimir paid the guide, and drove into the yard of the priest's house. Iu the yard his two -horse sledge was not to be seen. What news awaited him! But let us return to the kind proprietors of Nenaradova, and see what is going on there. Nothing..Theoidp ople awoke, anti went into the sitting -room, Gavril in it nightcap and flan- nel jacket, Pra,skovia in a wadded dressing gown. The samovar was brought in and Gavril sent the little maid. to ask Maria how she was and how she had slept. The little maid returned, saying that, her young lady had slept badly, but 'bind she was bet- ter now, and that she would come into the sitting -room in a moment. Ansi indeed the door opened and Maria °acne in And Wielmd her papa and mama good -morning. " flow' is your headache. Masha ?" (famil- iar for Mary], inquire(' Gavril. '°Better, papa," answered Masha. " The fumes from the stove must have given you your headache," remarked Pres-. kovia. "Perhaps so, mamma," replied Masha. The day passed w -ell enough, but in the night Masha was taken ill. A doctor was sent for from town. He came toward even - leg and 'found the • ptient cleliribue. Soon she was in Is severe fever, and in a fort- night the poor victim was on the brink of the grave. No memberof the family knew anything of the, flight fie= home. Ilse letters writ- ten by iVlasha the eviming, before had been burnt, andthe maid fearingthe wrath Of her muter and . inistrees, hoel not breathed a word. The priest, the ex -cornet, the big mustached surveyor, and the little lancer .were equally discreet, and with good res - son. Tereshka, the coachman, never said tee much, not even in his drink. Thus the secret was kept better than it might have been by shall ftdozen conspirators.. But ,Maria, herself in the coarse of her long fever, let out her secret. Neverthe- less, her words were so disconnected that 1 le happened thus Domini% *ling the awkwardness of his position, informed Maria that he lied long soughe ali 'opportunity 01 opening his heart to her, and he begged for. a moment's attention. Merle eloeed the book and lowered, her eyes, as it sign that she was listening. "I love you, said Dourmin, " I love you passionately 1" Maria blushed and bent her head still lower. " I have behaved, imprOdetttly yielding, tj,01 Pia 1 have doue, to the seductive pleasure of seeing awl hearing you daily," Maria col- lected the first letter of $t. Pem itt "L Nouvelle Iteleise," "Itis too late now resist my fate. The remembrance of you your dear incomparable image, must fron to -day be at once the torment and consola tion of my existence. I Lame now a gray duty to perform, a terrible secret to dis- close, which will place between 113 an insur- mountable barrier," It has always existed 1" interrupted Maria ; I know," he replied, quickly; 441 know that yon once lora But death and three years of mourning may have worked some chaa!ge. Dear, kind. Maria, do not try to deprive me of my last eoneola- ottopeerertaiiki;r.te himoies idlte.4:aslt: a ts aek-oeu tinoi t spell aarke_c:oni seated to make me happy Don't I know, I feel that you could have beets mine, but -I am the most miserable of beings-IamalreeAlymarried 1" Maria looked at him itt aatentshment. " I ant married," continued Dounnin ; " 1 lowe been married more than three years, end do not know who my wife is, or .where she is, or whether I shall over gee her "What are you saying exelaimed Marin; "how strange! Pray continue." In the beginning of 1812," saki Boma. min ; " I WAS hurrymg on 10 Willie, whore my r!pgituent was stationed, Aerie i»g one eveninglate at astation, Ionieredtheborece to be got ready quickly, when seddettly fearful enowstarm broke out. Beth station- master and drivers advised= to wait mail it was over. I listened to their advice, but on unaccountable restlessness took possess. of me, just as though some one was pushing me on, Meanwhile the snowstorm did not, abate. Ionia bear it PO longer, and ogairi ordered the home and started ni the midst of the atorm, The driver teolt it into his head to drive along the river, which would ahorten the distance by three miles. The hank was covered with snowdrifts the driver missed the turning which would have brought us out on the road, and we turned up man unknown place. The storm inner coma I could (hewn a light, and told the driver to make for it. We entereda village, and fouud that the light proceeded from it wooden dwell. The church was open, Outeide the railings need several sledges, and people passing in and out through the porch. " 'Miro 1 here 1" cried several voices. I told the coaehman to drive up. Where have you dawdled said some ono to me. 4 The bride has fainted ; the priest does notknow what to do; we were on thepoint of goingback. Make haste and get out 1' "I got out of the sledge in eilenee, and stepped into the Church, whick was dimly lighted with two or three tapers. A girl was sitting in a (lark corner on it beneh ; another girl was rubbing her temples. 'Thank Mod,' saki the latter, you have rcoe at last Yon have nearly been the th of the young lady." The old prieat approached me, saying 2 "'Shalt I begin?' "'Begin-begue reverend father,' 1 re- plied, absently. "The young lady was mind up. I thought her rather pretty. Oh, wild, un- rardonable frivolity I I placed myself by ser eido at, the altar. The prieat hurried on. • "Three mon and the mold supported the bride, and °coupled themselves with her nlone. We were married I " Kiss your wife," said the pri4st. "My wife turned her paleface to rae. 1 wesgoing to kiss her, when she exelaimed, " Oh. I it A not ho -not lie I" and fell back insensible. "The witeesses stared at me. 1 turned round and left the church without any at- tempt being made to stop me, thrbw niy-self into the sledge, anderied, Away 1" "What 1" exclaimed Maria. "And you don't know what became of your unhappy wife I" "1 do not,"replied Bourmin ; "neither do I know the name of the village where I was married, nor that of the station from which I started. At that time I thought so little of my Wicked joke that, on driving away from the church, I fell asleep, and never woke till early next morning, gefter reaching the third station. The servant who was with me died during the campaign, so that I have now no hope of discover- ing the unhappy woman on whom I played the cruel trick, and who is now so cruelly avenged." "Great heavens I" cried Maria, sciziug his hand. "Then it was you, and you do not recognize meV' Boernun turned paleand threw him a elf at her feet. -[From the Russian of Alexan- der Pnehkin. 4IP ' r mt- , r to It covers gie groz,41is,d .3, —the 13. & C. corset. It is - perfect in shape and fit, is boned with Kabo, which will not break nor roll up, -end if you are not satisfied after , .A wearing- it tWO or three weeKs, return it ancl get your money. For eaA by 3. ,A, Stewart, Hints to Housekeepers. Initiels on house Ibsen are notch darned over before heine worked to raise the letter. To remove 'tar from cloth rub cloth well with turpentiue anti every trace of tar will be removed. Perfeet mutton will be then and juicy, it rather dark red in color, and with a good Ileal' of hard, clear white fat, much more in proportion to tho Ictus than in beef. An excellent use for oyster hells is to clean the fire brick of the stove. Lay a number of them on top of the hot coals and when the fire builifs down it Will be found that all the clinkers have scaled off the bricks. Chamois skins are not derived from the chamois, as many people suppose, but are the flesh side of sheepskin. The skins are soaked in limewater and in a solution of • sulphuric acid; fish oil is poured over them and they are carefully washed in a solution of potash. If practicable have the breakfast room face the morning Kin, and in the window set some Moomieg, plants, to be replaned by others when they cease to blossom. Let in • the sunlight upon them and the table, and try to greet the dawning daywith happy converse and gentle laughter. Nothing so well fits man or woman for the duties of the day as t0. begin it with cheerfulness. • Only the best and largest oysters should be chosen for frying. Dip them, one by tile, in flour, then in beaten egg, season with salt and the merest dash of cayenne, dip again in powdered butter cracker and fry them in boilinghot fat, deep enough to float e dough- nut. Turn them in trying and cook them in all for four minutes. DraA them thoroughly, lay them for it moment on coarse brown paper to absorb any fat that may cling to them. and serve them at one in a folded napkin on a hot dish accompanied by quart- ers of leinon and u afer•like slices of brown bread daintily butt end, -icsA maecatmtan,appenossopoon•qamw REAO-MAKEWS v.:m.4Am NEM flett re era SAT1001141 trere AI.g IW Ai4 graldielftee. DR. FOWLEINEXT QF vS "WILD' TRAM/BERRI CURES HOLERA holera.Morhus 0 LA. 1 C -e•,-. RAMPS IARRIKEA YSERTERY AND ALL SUMM ER COMPLAIRTS AND FLUXES OF' THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR QHILDREN OR ADULTs, ,RICORD'S SPECIFIC (TriAilE MARIlt RICOMSTILACO ) Solo Proprietor, V. EVIIOVIELD. Belieriela a Drug Stare, filr.at Sre TostoNTo. Thon e ly Iternedy which 'win per- maitentlyeure Golioninea, Meet, andallprivate dismes, no mat ter how long etandhez \las lotte and eueeesefully used in French 11,11a English hoepitals. Two bottles guaranteed torero Gm weret ease. Price,dd per bottle. I4 ye ry hal. None d a 511 or nettle bas In y sig. nature OA t110 le - MITI= Those tried o- ther remedies without avail will not be discos- vointed in this. Mention this paper. TRB or Avvwx.wriat 40••••••••".1. THE KEY TO FEL:a,. Unlocks nil the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying a gradually without weakening the syse tern, all the =purities and foul numora of the secretions. at the same time Cor- reeting Anidity of the Stoma.eh, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of. the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of' Viszon, jam - dice, salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sero- fula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nei,- vousness, and General Debility all these and many other ',bailer CosneVlamts yield to the happy influence or BURDOCK BLOOD DITTEXS. Par Sale by cat Dealers. T.MILB1JRN&CO.1Proprietors5Ter010. 3.11 The element of difficulty is the very core of all progress. The best path is not the easiest to find or to tread ; but, once found and once trodden, who would retrace hi steps? For Over Fifty Years. MSS. WINSLOW'S Sii0TRING STRUT ha used by millions of mothers for their childrea while teething. If disturbed et night and broken of your rest by a siok child suffering aud crying with pain of Cutting teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winelowar Soothing Syrup" for children teething. tt will relieve th e poor Intl° sufferer immediately, Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake ' about it. It cures Diarhoon, regulates the St omacbund Bowel', cures Wind Colic. soy is ni the gus, reduces Inflamtantion, and g es tone and energy to the whole system, - trs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup' for children teeth- ing is la leasant to the taste and is the preSerio- tion ot oue of the oldest and best femaio Physicians and nurses in the Utlited Smote Priem es cents a bottle. Sold by alt druggists. throughout the world Be sure and ask for Mns. Wixsane 'iorremee Synge." During a forenoon saunter about the har- bour the. late Provost of Peterhead, on ob- serving A fisherman lauding a variety of fish, including one of the. shark species, inquired -" What is the naine of that lang; sharp - nosed beast, Buchan V' " Weel, sir, no' richt euro o' his real name but we ea' Jaime,. sas, lawyer, as he tak's ,tahing he cadeget." The provost was a lawyer in extensive pram. tice for many years in the town. CONSUMPTION CURED. .6.tt old physician raired from practice, isay- ing had placed in his hands by am East India wassionary the formilla of it simple vegetable. . remedy for the seedy and permanent core for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and. all throat and lung atfections, also it positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in tbousauds of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to, his suffering fellows. 'Actuated by this rsortiVe., and it desire to relieve human sutrering, will send free of cluirge,to all who desire it, the recipe in Oorman, French or Enrclisix with fall directions' Inc preparing and using. Salt be mann by addressing With stamp, nonitoz' Vale paper, W. NOYES, 1310 Powers ,''.'elieeter, N. Y.