The Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-10-10, Page 2v}.
The Goderieh Signal -Star, Thursday, October 10th, 1903
Collegiate Vikings Wi:n Again
Take Colts By 12.6
The Wingham Colts suffered er when Dennis Williamson
their first football defeat in fumbled a Wingh"am, punt on
four years last Wednesday his_own 30 -yard line. How -
when the Goderich 'Vikings • ever, two standout .'defensive
handed them a thorough 12-6 plays by DoWds and McLean
shellacking.. kept the Viking, out of trouble.
Ile,. cioua Goderich ground Fourth Quarter
gain.. kept the \Viugham boys The fourth quarter opened-
_ with their backs to ,tile wall with Goderich moving the ball
almost continually throughout from their own. ,four -yard Iine
the ga:ne '11re Goderich ground to theWingham 12. Once again
at, .um piled a total• of 243 t foul up in the Viking back-
yards un the ground hi coin till cost theta possession of
part,on to 82 by the ('olts. th,.s ball- The Colts took Jiver
11ow rr penalties and back and ;n two downs could only
field inexperience cost the Gude- ntov:• the ball three yards, clue
rich h.)' , at least three touch to some tine defensive work
down_ Dan d;, John :MMcLean,
Goderich received the open. ,Ray Donnelly and Ross Sturdy.
lar, kick - off and promptly On the third down, Brian
Marched to the •Wingham four- Dowds broke- through- the Colt
ard line on fine runs by Bi1l.l defence to block their punt.
Wilkinson and Larry Paperni- k. Dow 0., recovered on the Colt
With first down on the lour,,15. Larry Papernick smashed
Ste Sniq1', short pass was oft tackle for three yards. Steve
iutcrL= p'ed by John Peters. Snell then hit hill Wilkinson
Th.' Colts were tot cod to kick witli a beautifully executed
after 'hrec down; and the \ ';k rr=•••n pass Wilkinson, be-
ipi s once again took over on hind the blocking of McLean,
the Wingham 50. from here Dowd, and Clark went over
they moved to the Colts' nine -1 tanding up.
yard line but fumbled with The Vikings, undefeated as
Wingham recovering. The yet. meet the Clinton Redmen
strong Goderich defence kept this Thursday at our local
Wingham from entering Viking; Agricultural Park.
territory for the remainder of Not Satisfied
Head Coach Wayne Horner is
still far from satisfied with the
showing of his boys to date.
"We have been three - touch-
downs better than Wingham
have beaten
', owel
or Listowel, yet h8
both by only one. The' boys
have not taken advantage of
the many scoring opportunities
they earn and until they do
our success is still in doubt."
However, the coach did have
_some fine words of praise for a
few of his players.
the quarter.
Second Quarter
• The second • quarter opened
with the' Colt quarterback pass-
ing 35 yards -to Don E11,icot who
carried to the Goderich six-
yard line. 'Once again the '*ic-
tim of the pass was Rick Duck-
worth- • From ^ the six, Ellicot
swept his right end to score.
The Vikings received the
kickoff and •pr"om,ptly marched
from their own 12 -yard line to
the Wingham six. Bill Wilkin-
son. wl'o was a 60 -minute stand-
out for the Vikings with the TROUSSEAU TEA
help of., Pipernick, ripped yard Mrs. Gordon Orr entertained
after ard off to move theVik- at a trousseau tea last Saturday
ings into scoring position. evening, in honor of her daugh-
However, two costly penalties ter. Marilyn, who will soon
put the Vikings back on the become the bride of Mr. James
Wingham 46. With third down Dre'hmann. AssistinK in receiv tones, under the capable" three- nine holes, Jean Papernick; low
and time running out, Steve ing the guests was Mrs. George tion of Mrs. Bruce Sully, Mrs. net nine holes, Peggy Day. Door
Snell pitched a 35 yard pass Drehmann, mother of the Ed. Rowlands and Mrs. F. Over- prize was won by Martina The offer of additional
to stick Duckworth who went groom-to-be..ti holt, while Mrs. Win. Gardner Schneiker. __ awards for citizenship,- tender -
was in charge of tickets. ed by 13. R. Robinson of Godey-
over standing up' Duckworth Pouring tea were ,Mrs.- Harry
fiorl:"of their Remembrance Day
Mrs. Mae Mooney? an ex- QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ rich was gratefully accepted
��,��,e and ... o v fund, by authorizing ur-
golfer herself and still an ar-1. Which Canadian province re -by the board. Mr. Robinson cha.p� of a wreath. The board
,lent supporter, presented the mains free of rats? has offered a cash award of �.
chairman was delegated to re-
present the board at the cere-
monies at the War Memorial,
November llth.
Refuse Payment
'On consideration of a request
from Wingham District High
School for payment respecting
Goderich area pupils attending
that school, the- secretary was
advised- to inform the Wing -
ham board that no permission
had been granted by the local
The women's section of the Maitland Country Club • held
their year end dinner at_ the club house Saturday night and
presented trophies to the various winners of tie year's com-
petitions. Winners and runners-up are, front row, left to
right: Maxine Martin, winner of Maitland Trophy; Peggy Day,
:g 5 5
on which they have a low score.
These scores are kept -.separ-
ately on what is .known as . a
"Ringer Sheet," and as t h e
summer - progresses and the
golfers improve, the Ringer
Sheet scores get lower•. The
lowest Ringer ,,Sheet score was
won by Edna Overholt with
Marg Evans and Maxine Martin
The official closing of the
Ladies' Golfing Section of the
Maitland Country Club was held
on Saturday with golf in the
afternoon, followed by dinner
and presentation of prizes.
Twenty-five ladies participat-
ed under a cloudless sky, and
enjoyed a very pleasant after-
noon of golf delightful buf-
fet supper was served by Mr.tying for second place. ger of the ••A. ,M. Robertson
and Mrs. Tom Jones who have Prize winners for, the day Mathematics and "S c i e n c e
were: low gross 18 holes, Edna Award.
Overholt; • low net 18 holes, I A. M. Robertson awards for
Evelyn Wilkinson;- low gross Progress and Development go
in the school should be C.S.A.
to Lynne Ryan 'and Conrad or Hydro approved.
Watters. On a motion by Trustees
Munro and Walter, the board
acted on a request from Branch
109, Canadian Legion, for sup --
winner of the Rose Bowl. Back row, left toll rigivt: Jean
Mcllwain, runner-up for the Club Championship; Mrs. May
Mooney who was on hand to present the trophies; Edna Over-
holt, winner of the Club Championship, and Mary Rouse,
runner-up for the Rose' Bowl. Signal -Star photo
Four Award Winners Announced
By District _Collegiate Board
Winners of the A. M. B.obe't- regarding zone meetings to be
son Memorial Awards were an- held regarding salary negotia-
nounced at the regular meet- tions; a letter from the Eng-
ing of Goderich District Col- lish teachers' section of the
legiate Institute at the school Ontario Educational Associa-
Monday evening. tion, protesting the standardiz-
Bonnie Allen was namedek as ation of English texts through
winner of ,the A. J. Moore Mem- a school system; an invitation
orial Scholarship, while David from the London Board of Edu-
Kelly was announced as win- catio , to attend the opening
of the A. B. Lucas Secondary
School, October 24th; notifica
tion from H.E.P.C. of Ontario
that all electrical 'equipment
taken over the catering at the
club. The lounge was attrac-
tively decorated in autumn
Future Curlers 1nv:iita To Mee
At The Club On October 15 and 1
The arti.fidial ice making
machine is now 'being installed
in the new curling rink but it
will be about a couple of weeks
before it is in operation.
The building itself is rapidly
nearing completion. Some of
the more enthusiastic curlers,
anxious to see the rink ready
as soon as"possible, have been
droviding volunteer labor. This
nos been mostly in the matter
of evening out the gravel, etc.,
which is spread on the rink bot-
tom and over which the artific-
ial ice pipes are placed. This
volunteer work has been done
and will continue to be" done
on Wednesday afternoons and
on Saturdays. Volunteer aid
from any other ' prospective
shoulder catch and outsprinted Ruth Orr of Goderieh.• grand-
Wingham defenders to tie mother~ of the bridal couple.
the score 6:6. Their attendants were. - Mrs.
Third Quarter Dan Willis, Mrs. Jack Meriam
The third quarter was a see- and Mrs, Charles Orr.
saw battle with the Vikings Mrs. George Bacon presided
continually pursuing pay dirt in the wedding, gifts' room; Mrs.
but `couldn't. seem to find it. Robert Hoy, the trousseau; Miss
Three penalties during this Marlette Chenier• the "hope
quarter against Goderich were chest"; Miss Olive Miller of
extremely costly as twice they Toronto, in the bridal shower
"" were held. from scoring. The gifts' room and Miss Lynda
Viking defence was also given Willis was in charge of the
a severe test during this quart- guest book.
It's Fun --It's Healthful .
Any night is available for your group. Here
are the- times available on the . various days.
Monday 9 to 12 p.m., Tuesday 7 to 12 p.m. and
W'4'ednesday,-. Thursday and Friday 9 to 12 p.m.
()n` any" -of` iTibse' nrgh"ts-Tve "i: ff'-taltr-T'grtttxp"'i�f---"--�_
up to four teams.
Saturday Af terngon and Evening
.sem. o.s s a moo.1 yrs w11M11.11111•11 .�� �� a .r�� 11111111111M111
For This Week Only — Oct. 14
') A
JA 4-9966
trophy winners *it.h their .2, In the over -21 age group are $50 each for a boy and girl
prizes, assisted by Mrs. D. Ia':, there more men or women in in Grade IX demonstrating out -
Worthy. It was definitely es- Canada? standing citizenship.
tablished that the ladies' pre -13. Average annual earnings of Committee Chairman
sident, Mrs. F. Overholt, is the production workers in manu- Dr. R. W: Hughes, board
No. 1 shotmaker, 'as the list of facturing in ..Canada were chairman, explained that he
prizewinners will testify. The $1,156 in 1944. What was the had been advised by Trustee
Club 'Championship, which is 1962 average? Eric Johnstone. that he had
18 -hole match play, with no 4. What Canadian river has a tendered his resignation to his
handicap involved, was won by length of 2,600 miles? appointing body, G-oderich Town
Edna Overholt, with Jean Mc- 5. Natural gas exported from Council. -Mrd` Johnstone had'
Ilwain as runner-up. The Rose Canada to the U.S. had a been chairman of the property
Bowl, 18 -hole match play with value in 1962 of $19 million, committee. Dr. Hughes asked
handicap, -was won by Peggy $39 million, $82 million? that the chairmanship of the
Day, with Mary4,Rouse as run- ANSWERS: 5. $82 million, committee be filled for the re-
ner-up. The Maitland, .Trophy more than twice the 1961 value. mainder of the term. On mo -
is nine -hole stroke play with 3. $3,979. 1. Alberta; rats came tion, of. Trustees,' G. Ginn and
handicap and was played off here from Europe on early ex- E. East, Dr. Jar Leitch was ap-
on the opening day in June; plorers' ships, have been mig-
winner Maxine Martin, runner- rating westward at a rate of Lengthy List
up Edna Overholt:. about 10 miles a year. 4. The The ' board dealt with a
During tie "golfing season the Mackenzie. - 2. At the- time of F- lengthy list of correspondence,
lady golfers put a ring on their th 1961 census, 5,323,767 men including a letter from the On -
score cards around the holes olid 5,289,999 women. tario School Trustees' Council
proved as committee chairman,
proudly displays the.
Coffee Brewing Institute's
"-G- LID_EN_
presented for producing a fine beverage coffee in accordance
with the highest brewing standards --- standards based on
scientific and consumer research. •
• ..
curlers would be most were - and liquor : with o•
Soliciting is still in pr gressi meals. In charge of eaf
for the sale, of 50 additional
shares 'nt $50 .each in the Mait-
land Country _.Club to facilitate
the' financing of extra `plans in
connection with the curling
rink. These shares may be
purchased from any Member
of the curling rink building
committee or, directly, from
the chairman, Dan Murphy.
Curlees' Registration
Meetings are to be held to
determine how many of the
shareholders of the Maitland
Country Club will be curling
this season. All men who plan
to curl are invited to attend a
meeting at the Maitland Coun-
try Club at 8 p.m., on Tuesday,
October 15. All women who
board for the pupils to attend are planning to curl are asked -
the Wingham school.. Payment to meet at the Maitland, Coun-
was therefore refused. try Club at 8 p.m., on Wednes-
A report from the heaciquar- clay, October 16. Any who find
ters of Western Ontario area it impossible to attend these
Canadian Arany Cadets indicat- meetings are urgently request-
ed that the training year at ed to complete the coupon on
the local school had been as- the- questionnaire mailed to
sessed as good, although not them this week and mail it to
the highest in the area. Dan Murphy, 18, The Square,
On motion of Trustees D. Goderich.
Murphy and E. East the ac- The Maitland Country Club
counts, totalling $6,028.48 were
authorized to be paid. v
To Close School
In the course of his report,
Principal Okal L. Day announc-
ed that a Headmasters' Con-
ference had been set for Lon-
don, November 1st, and also
that an educational conference
would be held at Elmira, Nov-
ember 8th. 'Ori ffititton of Trus-
tees Murphy and Ginn, it was
decided to close the school on
the latter date so that the
teachers could attend the con-
A request that French texts
be purchased for students in
grades 10-12 to the value of
$116.00 was granted on motion
of Trustees '13. Walter' and
Robert Jewell. .
Generous , Offer
An offer by • Dr. • Kenneth
Lambert of Gederich to give
medical inspection of sports
team members at •a nominal
fee was gratefully accepted by
the board on motion of Trus-
tees Munro and Foster, with
the comment that -it was a most
generous gesture on the doc-
tor's part.
On motion of Trust=ees R.
Fdster and R. Jewell, the secre-
tary was authorized to call
tenders for the oil fuel supply
for the year.
Trustee G. Ginn, in making
his report on behalf. of the
vocational committee Which he
at the Club are Mr. and
loin Jones of Toronto,
troduce this couple to the
members, the evening of
day, October 12, has been
aside. There will be au
estra and lunch will ba se ,
Admission is $1 per persrtp.
The Jones' have torte;
Goderich after some years
experience at the Taro>{It4.
and at the "Briars," Jack
Point. As caterers, fey,
prepared to organize
events and notices willtrm
ed to club members as li
are finalized.
1964 Model
is now fully licensed for the
sale to its members of beer
head=s, announced that the of-
ficial opening of the vocational
school at Clinton would be held
Nosember 8th. ' -
Approve List
He also reported that the list
of students attending the new
school from the Goderich area
had been checked by Principal
O. Day, 'and that with the ex-
ception of one student who had
transferred from Marathon,
Ont., the -list was approved, and
responsibility for the students
could be accepted by the local
board. On motion of Trustees
Ginn and Eat, the secretary
was instructed to advise tate
board of C:ILS.S. to this effect.
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The Signal -Star
Of Interest
OCTOBER 15, ` 8 P.M.
OCTOBER 16, 8 P.M.
This Coupon Must Be Completed and Brough
With You or Mailed To
•1111.1.10.M.11 1.11111111111111.011. 41•11,1.1111.111•
1 Previous
IPosition Played
No. sof Years
[_MixedDo You Wish To Curl As Mr, and Mrs.
,..r.... ..11111e....11.11=1010.....,..e.......e1.111..