HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-10-22, Page 1AND HURON & MID DL,ESEX GAZETTE. '°HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FBT,T4 WHERE THEY MAY,' VOL. XIX. NO 8. EXETER, ONTARIO, TRIJRSDAY ORNING; OCTOBER 22: 1891 .1rOHN WHITE & sows ruliilsher and Proprietors Histogenetio system of Medicine, Challenge is Investigation. Its Passports Truth. This eyetem 'fa complete, having different medioines twhich aro perfectly pure and taste- leest foralt thedittoreut dinette. T11E •t ltE- tiltY le to rebuild site diseased cells and tissues of the boar, and by *bus reaching the primal eauaeof discuss these medicines will sawn life where the old esetenas of giving psileelllra drains fait smoothly. hooks explaining the setvnt eta *co to any address. nose ague 1I11UUG1'. aaSeceerie;;: Gentiemen. -fly daughtertook a leaver() cold on the'2let of last July.. and it +lidnot breiak butaettled all throuttli her eyetem. She had a a evens lie dsche,paioe in the envie of her peek. ear& right side and through her body generally followed soon by chine, fever. poor and raining Appetite and nausea. A cosh eat in. the lips iecemevery pelt) and a etomloodless; tongue thickly coated yellow: a ovalness, extreme pros- tration and rapid decline followed. 1 tenoned Dr,ltenr. who seemed 10 be touch alarmed at my daughter's condition. lie prescribed the 11 M0000110remediesfor her. and :the .gained repidlyandonl required three lots of medicine and one vlsie .1u one,iuontlt The wail oured. soundly. I coneidor hercaie wee a very how 1eat tine, and that llietoltonotio Medicines and the doctor a good advice saved her Me. I think itis the boat eyetem of medicine. RT LGGE. 300 Collego-at.. Toronto Sept. 23,18Ein. nra4rintaTI0 MEn:OINK A39001ATION Oentlemon,--This is to certify that I have eufterodwith rheumatism for the last twonty- *ve years, At five different porfods 1 bavoboen to bad that I had to remain to bed for several months at a time.. Thin sumtnot'I was suffering severely with pain all through my body,coneti- takin0, 11 stogenetio drowsiness, onn June ]bth and continued for eight weeks. I began to inn - prove at onto. Pain left me gradually. I do not feel it at all except a very little at change of weather -nothing to speak of just a gentle reminder, Constipation and headache cured up and no roturn os either since. Itis now six -weeks since l stopped taking the medicines, I fool better now than t ]cavo for years. and I heartily recommend the people of London to try Bistogenetio Medicines, as they did more for mo than all the doctors' proscriptions or other medicines that I had taken before. JAMES JACK. London, 569 York street, Sept 19,1891. BISTOOENETIQ. ateninINE ASSOQIATION Gentlemen, -I bad hip disease when young, followed by varioosoveins,tho veins in my leg bays been largo over since and fora long time 1 had varicose ulcers and erysipeias of the leg and ankle which laid me up a great deal of the time, I commenced treatment last April with HistogenoticMedicines and have only had one attack ainoe. T only took two lots of medieino and have been so mach benefited that I have been able to work all summer, I recommend all so afflicted to try the treatment. Yours truly. JABE'L JOHNSON, Pine Orchard, Sep 9,1891 OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE Ar EXE rt,14:D, CENTRAL HOTEL Tuesday, Nov. 8 a'. 9.10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. AND AT HENSA_ L HENtALL HOTEL Salve Tuesday 6 p.m. to 9 p,m. CONSULTATION' HISTOGENETIC • MEDICINE AS- clOCIATION—Rooms 2 and 3 Albion Block, Richmond Street, London, and 19 Yonge St. Market, Corner Gerrard c& Yonge Ste., Toronto, Mention Exeter Times. E%HIBITION . • . THE NEWEST THINGS Ix FUU! Mi1Iinery Cant be seen by visiting the show. rooms of A. J. McTavish A. Co., on their opening days : the 20, 28th and 29th of Sept. Any person who is interested in the styles of hats and bonnets should see through o ur stock before u chss' , Miss Colley having justreturned from Toronto is prepared make ;anything you email wish in the way of head-dress. Styles and prices to suit all, Remember also Ire do the Dress Goody trade in nice style ; and one glance at our immense stock will convince auylady of the sante. Call and see for yoursdlves, A. J. MITA VISH c 00 James Pa cka,rd's Old Stand, art The open trot which was to have taken Owe at Parkhill fair. but which was post- poned on account of the wet weather, cense off ou the 1'artiliit track ori Friday, There werethree good horses in the race, Torn Ilonrl;o, owned by J. Benoam, Clinton ; Amber F, owued by D, Mo1wea, Aires Craig; and Sleepy Joe, awned by William Bowden. Exeter. The track wee a little heavy and the horses were 'matted for all they were worth, making quite an exciting contest. The Brat heat was won by Torn Bourke, Amber F, second and Joe behind. The seeond heat waa ilnialred in the same order, In the third heat Amber F. pawed uudor the atriue first, Tout Bourke eeeond and Joo last. Tom Bourke did not get a good start in title heat andin the next beat for the firat belt mile Atnber F. took the lead and it was thought he would win, but he broke up atter paeains the half anile and dropped to third place, and Tont Bourke won the heat and the race, The prizes were 800 and $25, and considerable money changed bands on the race, Time, 2 37S, 37 , 2.36e. 2.87. Dr. Carr, T. Dignan. ander. H, Bollaude noted as judges to the satisfaction of all parties. w,•*. t7sborne. BnnEas.-Thorn died on Tuesday. M the residence of Mr. Sarn'l Routley 8arab,rellet of the late Wm. Stinson, at the age of 74 years, 4 months. Deceased bad boon ill all aummor of general infirmity, and had suf- fered a great deal. She was one of the pioneer settlers Of the townehlp,was widely known,and highly reepeated Her remntna will be interred in the liirkton cemetery to- day (Thursday) at 1.80 p.m. -Our township clerif left on Tnesdayfor Goderich "to apply for the county olerkship. While we would not like to lose hien, we would be pleased to learn of his suooess in getting the ofiico.- A quiet wedding took plate at the Thames Itond mimeo on Wednesday, when Mies Margaret Jane Hackney was wedded to Mr. John Cole. They have our sympathy and our congrathlatione.-The annivertnry ser-. vices of the Kirkton'Methodist church were held on Sunday and Monday. On each oe- -casinn the attendance was large and the affair a thorough success, the receipts amounting to over $100. The address by Rev. Flucten on ':Love, Cunrtehip and Mar. riatte was one of the beat we have heard, while the sermons on Sunday by Rev. Jas. Bauuou, of Guelph, were eloquent, instruc- tive and well Intermingled with emotion. The Exeter Male Quartette acquitted them- selves creditably, and on the whole the an- niversary was one of the most successful ever held. Q oderioh• BRIM -The High and Model School Literary Society will hold an open meet- ing on Friday evening of this week. --The steamer, City of Windsor, was detained in port two days the past week by stormy weather. -Mr. Jeffrey and wife of the Galt Reporter were Iu town the past week on a holiday visit. -The students of the Modelite :lass commenced teaohing the classes on Monday. -The annual Harvest Festival will be held in St. George's ohureb this evening( -There is considerable fueling over the proposed enfor,.ed retirement of A. J. Morse, B. A., of the high school staff. The general sentiment of our people seems to be that the gentleman le an excellent imparter of inetructton, and that it would be not only a mistake but a gross injnatiee to all con earned to sever his connections with the sohool.-The town counoil met on Friday evening aid transacted general business. - The schooner Coriaoua, of Port Hope, ran into this harbor for refuge on Th umber of Test week and in running in ran aground.- The past week was so stormy as almost to prevent the lifting of fishing nets. -There was a fire the past week,; a house in the south portion of the town being consider- ably damaged. The building was being re- paired it Laving been on fire eome two weeks ainoe.-The three mon committed some tide since by the Blyth magistrates on a charge of attempted burglary were tried by Judge Toms Saturday, and acquitted -The Signal had a strong articlein its last issue on the subject of a Huuee of Refuge. It should be backed up by every journal in the county. -A government engineer was in town last week oe an inspecting tour, On Saturday repairs were started on the harbor. piers. --The County Council met onTueeday for general business, but the principle cause of its assembling was to appoint a county clerk. There wero a large number of appli- cante for the position and after considerable debate the chuiee fell upon Lane. of Dun - gen non. . Dliust• d's Linimuut eaves Diphtheria. Hl.lis'Green. BnIE€a-- fdr.George Foster, w o has been attending Goderich model school, was Wright home on Friday test and lase been in very poor health since. We wish ititxt a speedy* recovery. --Ware pleased to state that Aiiae gnea and Ur. Robert Ferguson, formerly of this neighborhood, but now of li Clinton,were snceeseful inobtainiug gecond- class non-professional eertificates,oti appeal, Dir' John Ragan of Stanley bas puroltased a farm near Grand Bend,•-.Dfr, Edmond Teo r felt vrplowed, up his:experimental fielCreator*, S1t Et' Tristan, --Cue night last week, Dfr. Robs. Sweet.hae the misfortune to have I e se era.. f h` y o le alt e . worried, w rr d o which fLy a two of them died, others are he a oritioal ccmdi. tion, aappoeed to be the work of doge, Diners -One day last week Messrs, T. Walker and Il Handford ahipped 1$ flue horses for \tauitoba,--llfr. 0.T4ylor of Elk. ton, Mich., ie at present visiting hie parents, dame rumor hag something to say. In. specter Tom viaitod our schools last week, 11fas, Hyslop of Manitoba is the guest of Min. It. Easerv, Clandeboye. Baipra--4,t about 2.30 Wedneadaymora. ing an incendiary Are °courred neer Claude boyo on the 2nd con McGillivray, by which the'exteusire barns, stables end simile of ,1 Ir..lrtemue Bice, together with the entire crop oil two hundred acres and a thorough bred Durham bull, were utterly consumed. The fire orilfeneted in the Horse stable. The lose will be at least 3.500 dollars, with an offset of some $1,800 in the Me. Gillivray Township Maui since company. Tbeea barna wero built but recently to re. piece time burnt laet;year. The fire wee the work of an /acendlery, end it Is thought. that steps will now be taken to punish the guilty. It is really too bad that some people have no more regard for the value of property than to Ars it in the manner that Mr. Ilico'a property lure lately been destroy- ed. -No clue to the arould-bo grain thieves yet. Woodham,. Bette -The St, Mary's Dintrtot revival services recently held in the Meth. church at Ilirktou wore times of torah spiritual power and blessing, much good seas done in Improving the spiritual life of the vburoh and in the salvetionof souls. TheRev.Dir, Hutton, pastor at Eirkton, with the help ,of Rev, Mr.Leech, have continued the night meetings for two weeks since the dietriet eorerees with very gratifying results. Altos gather be Itae received into membership: welt the church upwards of fortyfive. May this spirit of revival extend on every side through the district and through the entire uonneotion,-A very sudden and unexpected bereavement took place m the home of Mr. Wm, Switzer, on 3rd line ofll3lanshard, in the death of hie daughter, Dora, who died last Tuesday of typhoid fever, a most ;inter- esting 'any' lovely ohrfstfan woman and member of the Meth. cbnroh. Tho fancily have the sincere sympathy of a largo circle of friends and neighbors. -Mr. Petah and Mr. Moes:eu of Crosshill were guests at Mr. Syke's over Sabbath, two weeks ago. They visited the Sunday school at whioh Mr. Petco gave a very interesting address. Such friends and visitors are welcome here. -fir, Samuel Ford was favored last Saturday with a wedding visit from his cousin Mr. Stratford and bride, of Brantford. .Elden. Foora&Ln-Our football dub went to Luoan on Saturday last, as was announced, with the intention of playing Lucian club for the silver cup given lir J. 1), MnOoll, We arrived there about noon and proceeded to the football grounds. It will be remem- bered that a club from this place played in Luoan fair day, but wheu our boys got there Saturday wohad a different club toplay-not a Luoan club, but composed of a few Luoan- ites and the remainder entirely strangers. Our captain asked them if they wete going to play these men. They said yes. "We won't kick each a club," was the reply. "We came here to play a Lucan club, and if we played this team we -couldn't say what we played against." The captain of the Lucan club said he intended to play these men, When he said this Edon boys got their coats and started off the field. Mr. McColl said he would like to see a match, but if Luoan men did not play with their Own men he would have to give the Eden boys the cup. This he accordingly did, as the Luoan captain was bound to have his way. What do you think of it Mr. Reader? Don't you think it would have been more manly on the part of Luoan boys and a little more encouraging to the people of Lucan if they had said 'we will play with our own teen or not at all.' "If the Lucian boys get the cup they will go home with sore heads," Just jog your memory Mr. Lncanite and see where the sor e heads come in, Arriving at the hotel, Mr. McColl gave our captain the oup. This is the sea and cup our boys have remade season; but this one was won a little more easily than the first, as our boys did not tonal a ball for this one. It is a very beautiful cup, and we thank the donor very much for the way in whioh he anted as regards the trophy. Everybody says our boys deserved the cup, and most Lueanites,, eaoept the football club, say Mr. MoOoll did the square thing. While in Luoan, outside of football, our boys were used as gentlemen and have uotli ing' against the Lucan people whatever. When the cup left Luoan the chagrin of the Lucan football club eau be better imagined than desoribea. FRaaa AND VieonouS -On a fine 'm r au ing and a fine, road, what is more invigorat fug than a spin on a cycle. When it comes to a race, the suggestion of Mr George Phillips,Sec'y .Leinster Cycling Club ,Dublin Ireland, has force;n .tI have a e fou d St Jaoobe Oil an invaluable remedy for sprains and bruises, and so have several members of our club," Tito ought t a be borne in mind. T le V.41 The foment throughout the County have had, a bountiful bravest and are re- ceiving good rime for what they sell. We hope those who are in arrears far Tuit Tiaras will not fail to remit the monist to tido oflke. The leant ora your paper tette up to what date your subeoription is paid. 1 texlll, TfIM IlA Te --Dori u8 the a past weak grain has been marine lively, and the prices paid have been very eatlafaotory. Just now, however, there is a decline, as the fol. lowieg report will ebom Wheat 83 to 90 Barley 35 to 45 Gate .. 26 to 26 Peas ,.. ......... 55 to 56 Hay , , , , 9,00 to 0.00 Butter....,......,.., .,14to 16 Egge , 14 to 14 MAxrtatONI at -Mas Sterk,of thin village, was on Wednesday moraine of last week united in the bonds of matrianany to llir Britton of Iona. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. J S,Henderson, and was witnessed by the relaiivee of the contracting parties, The bride was Present ed with a number of valuable and nsefal presents, The happy couple. after Wing warmly cougratnlaicd and partaking of a anmptuaus breakfast, took the morning oxrress for Brantford and other places,where they intend spending a few days. We heart - fly unite with their many Mende in wishing Win long and contingecl happineea, Bnxgrs,-Aa previously mentioned in Tut 'Traroi ,:lir. Alex. MoUwen,who recent. ly bold his property in Manitoba, returned to town last week and will again take pos- session of Itis farm in flay township;-Tba Sabbath echoed convention of the townships of Hay, Stanley and Taekerterith beld,here last week, was largely attended, and proved to be quite a ancoeaaful aliair.-;Mr. A. Wesolob'b father in Zurich is very lowered Mr. W, visits him almost daily. -Great in- terest was taken here in the horse race at Parkhill on Friday last, between "Amber P," "Tour Beek" and "Sleepy he," all well-known horses here. "Tom Burk" took first, "Amber F," second, and "Sleepy Joe third, The race was a keenly oriented one, the best time being 2.36 made by "Amber F." It was an ofi•dat, for "Sleepy Joe," oleo he would have made it very warm for the others, Mr. Donelley aro e "Jon" with secure, cousiderine the condi. tion of the horse, --Mr. Sehleter, of Zurich, last week took daegeroaely ill at Mr, *1, Cooke of inflammation, and. for a time hia recovery was despaired. Sudor the treat- ment of I>r. Thomson, however, be soon rallied and is now au a Our road to recovery. -Our esteemed friend Mr, James Petty re- turned home from a three month's visit to the Old Country on Monday evg., looking much improved in condition. Mr. Petty enjoyed his visit vary muck and till ka he will return again soon, He was welcomed on all sides on Tuesday, and was heard to say "there is no place like Henaall."-The merchants commenced closing their planes of business Monday night at eight o'clock, as per mutual agreement. The hangers around are objecting strongly to the new order of things and say they will either start it club or institute a reading room in connection with the Meobanioe' library,aa now they have no loafing abode. Your correspondent would suggest the latter pro- posal as being calculatedfor the improve- ment of their mental, moral and physical condition. Let some of tho more public spirited of our young men make a move in this conneotion, as suoh is assured of suo- cets,-Mr. McNaughton has returned to town and re-engaged with Mr. Stoneman, jeweller. A large circle of friends welcome him bank. -Mr. Thos. Berry has been somewhat ill during the past week, bub is now improving, -Mr, Wm. Johnston left on Monday for the Stratford business college to resume his studies there, He left Mon- day and many of his young friends were at the depot to see him off. -Miss Urquhart, of Chatham, is visiting her uncle Mr. D Urquhart. -Mr. and Mrs. .lames Bell. re. turned on Friday from their honeymoon trip east. They are welcomed back and were royally received by their many friends. They report a pleasant trip. -Mr. John Miller, an ecnplo,yee of Brown c& Clarke, blacksmiths, while welding two pieces of iron on Saturday, a red bet spark flew into hie left eye, and penetrated the ball. Ho went under an operation, bnt as yet cannot open that member to view. The occident was a very painful one. -Chas. Burford placed in MoPherson's grocery on Saturday amaugoldwhich weighs 35 ihs, Itis the largest we have seen, is quite a curiosity, and would feed n beast for a week. -Mr J. Sheppard has made large shipments of cattle. and sheep from this station during the week*; large shipments of apples ate being made. --Mr. Weigand, of Exeter, has been engaged by Messrs Taylor& Sons, and has moved his family td town, -Tho plate glees was placed into position in MaEwen's new blook on Monday. It add a. much to the appearance of the premises. -The debat- ing society will oigauize in a few days for the winter season. WIIAT Dons IT 11,IBANY `'700 Doses One Dollar" simply means that Hood's Sarsapa- rilla is the the most ecnnomioal medieino to buy, because it gives more for the money than any other preparation. Each bottle contains 100 doses and will average to last a month, while other preparations, taken a000rdiug to directions, are gods In a week. Therefore,be sure to get Hood'sSarsaparilte, the best blood purifier. BIIAtTTIFUL Baxrm, N W T, -I wasiuduo ed to use ,your Burdook Blood Bitters for constipation and gone* al` debility and found its complete mire which -I take pleasure in recommendiegto all who ,ay hotline nffiilt calCan. ,u, 2, it W T. BIIRON COUNTY COUNCIL. Lanes, of Dungannon, the Choice ata. Salary of $6Q0. • Council eat at 3 p. n1., at Goderich on Tuesday, the warden in the chair, two members being absent. The matter of the salary of the clerk was referred to Salary Qom. All the accounts were passed and considerable other business transacted, Qu Wednesday morning that Salary cool. reported that the salary of the clerk be .$600 per annum ; Stall and 1?roudfoot int amendment that it be 8700, lust; Cook and Nay in anmouument that it be $41►0, lost; McKenzie moved that it be 8000, but did not got a sec, ander; salary, therefore, was placed at 8000, A motion that the council ballot for the candidates until ono has a ma - bjolty, and that alt the candidates then e pitted against him, was carried. The ballot up to the tenth vote was as fol- lows : Holman, Stivens, tenecban, Whitely. J. lteberteen. Unease, Danes. Hoye, 1,23+15678910 84200'00000 24 44? u 19 23 19 10411?tt,'0(( 300038840(40 a 4 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 urges% II 1 1 1 1 0 e 0 0 0 Dorranee, 1 1 0 14 4 4 0 0 0 e. Steuart. 0 0 0 0 4 n 4 4 e 0 llalis. 000004 utl itr f till:Robertson, 0 0 1 0 0 e u It it 0 Moreleon, Butnrnge. eel 1 n s oti e e ;s! 55 5) 47 fin flu 50 al ell30 A special from Goderich at a later hour gives the final vote as follows :- Lines, Dungannon, 20 votes ; Holman, Elimville, 17; Whitely, Clinton, 7, thus tomes gets the uliice of County Clerk of Huron. Clinton. B1tzitu . xr. John Stewart, who ono ed his apprenticeship with harry Cante- lon in Clinton as a cerriago builder, died suddenly at Seaforth on the 10th inst., from erysipelas in the face and head. -- Mr. Joe. E. Whitely shipped a quantity of apples from Clinton station, Monday,. centupned to Loudon, England. So far this season ho has secured 5,000 barrels for shipment to the old country. Bzdd�izlpkt. BUM -Owing to tbescareity of milk the North Middlesex cheese factory will only run every second day.---Jno Little, of Biddulph, has been appointed a county constable. -Mr. Joseph Culbert, of the 3rd concession of Biddulph, ]las sold his farm, 100 acres, to Mr. Robert Flynn, of the 8th con., of Stephen, for the suns of $4,600. Mr. Culbert intends moving to Adelaide township next month. -Mrs. Charlotte Sceli, 2nd con., is reported as seriously ill. As the old lady is now in her 83rd year, her recov- ery is doubtful. -Messrs. Jas. Coursey and Bert Hutchinson of the 2nd con,, have gone on a trip to the Northwest, - A 4 -year-old son of Dir, F. A. Dobbs, 4th con., got his leg broken on Tuesday. He was riding in a wagon with the hird man and while driving through a gate the rack struck the poet, breaking his thigh bone. -Miss Eliza Fitzhenry, of Detroit, aged 21 years, and sister of Mrs Pat. Curtin of this township died on Sunday, 11th inst., of Typhoid fever. Deceased was an exemplary young lady and her many friends will regret to learn of her sudden demise. BruceiielcL BRIEFS -The Misses Hall, of Guelph, are holding evangelistic services in the Methodist church. They are doing a noble work among our young men and women, We understand they will dis- continue the services on Thursday night, We are sorry they find it impossible to stay with us any longer, but no doubt they will carry with them the good wish- es of the Brumfield people. -Mr. F. L. Walker, of Boston, Mass., is furnishing music to our young people, -We would like to know what is the trouble with our grain market, also the sidewalks in the Stanley part of our town.- Miss M. Cooper who has spent the summer in Ripley is visiting her parents in town. - Mr. Moses Dixon is painting and other- wise renovating the Dixon House. This house is a credit to our busy little town and we hope Mr. Dixon shall long be spared to oversee the management of his house. -Rev. Jas. Higgins, formerly of this place but lately of Quebec preach- ed with great acceptance to a large con- gregation in Union church loot Sunday evening. -Our football team will com- pete in the Brussels tournament on Sat- urday. Go in boys, we wish you sec - cess. -Mr. ,Tease O'Neil who has been in Manitoba the past three years has re- turned for his holidays and is visiting his many friends here. He has charge of the Manitoba and North Western Railway Station at Strathclair, he is de- lighted with the country. -Last Sabbath was Sacrament in Union church. The service on the Friday was conducted by Rev. Mr. Needham, of Egmondvillo, and on the Monday by Rev. Mr. Hen derson, of Bayfield. All services were well attended. -Mr. Fauh, proprietor of the frame hotel is refixiug his large stable and will when finished be one of the finest in the district. Call at the BARGAIN DEPOT and see the extra values we are offering IN ALL LINES. We have just received a second coneignnsen . of DRESS GOODS which are carded off nearly aa fast as we can get them in. 'I'bis ix the place to secure your UNDERCLOTHING. We carry a large assortment and you :now THE PRICES ARE RIGIiT. You will find our Ready made Cloth. ing the Nicest, Cheapest, and most Value for your money ; try them. -Don't be afraid that we can't supply you with Goods : for we have lots of them. J. P ROSS. St.chars. : OltrarAnr•-`11e death of tlseolaiestsettler can the Mitciwll Read, Elanebord, tie:erred tat St.Marrs Trtesday morr izig in tit" person cif Mr. Joheeton Arutetropg, Dtceased had suffered from paralysis furabaut a ;wear, basing sustained a third stroke last =timer since which tame he bas been belt lea%, and his demise was not unexpected. He wall aged 74sears and carnet° this country from County Fertnanaglt, in the north of,Ireland in 1842, taking up Ids residence in the awl• dorness akout five miles from Where the;tewst of St. Mays is now located, Here he re. retained until *even years since, where he removed to St &tarps to spend the remainder of ilie days; He wart married in ISl6 to Mia, C:lariuda Sperling, and trine children, three sons and six daughters. together with big lite partner, survive bin, A brother and crater, aced 76 and 80 years respwetive- ly, the former residing in B1ausha-4 and they latter in Iowa, aro both living. The deceased was a prominent Metbe-Bet, hav- ing been a local preacher for somethirtyeix years. Blyth,. Brum---Mr. David Grey and his gang of workmen arebusy at present extend- ing the salt siding on the G. W. R. track upon the switch' -On Monday Mr. Jno. Willford shipped from this station a large consignmeut of apples for the Old Coulrtry.---We regret to hear that Mr. John se. Brownlee, Belgrave's tinsmith, ie confined to his bed at his mother's residence in town, His many friends wish to hear Obis speedy recovery. -- On Friday Mr, James Davies, jr., was kicked in the breast by his broncho while giving it some water. Ho was unconscious for some time. -Mr, .Tiros. Rainy dug a well for Mr. Daniel Milder - john, 5th con. Morris, last week striking a magnificent spring at a depth of 45 feet leaving a depth of 26 feet of water. -On Saturday the three sten whom Constable Davies arrested a short time ago, on supposition of attempting to break into Metcalfe's jewelry store, were brought before the judge and acquitted. They returned to town the same even- ing but only stopped a short time. E1lmville. • Bnxnrs-Mr. W. Miners had a valu- able cow die last` week. -Each week brings fresh arrivals from Manitoba; the latest are, T. Andrew, J. Hail, B. Spicer, they arrived last Monday, --Mr. Robert Smale an old resident of this village now of Lambeth was visiting his friends this week, he was accompanied by his wife. -The Patrons of Industry hold a meeting on every Friday night. Mr. editor it will be a good thing for you when they get in working order as you will not have to wait two or three years for your dollar, as they are going to pay cash. -Mr. A. Spicer was paying his friends a visit on Sunday. --We were pleased to see Rev. Scofield in his place on Sunday, after being on the sick list for four weeks. -Mr. John Pincombe who has been very low with typhoid fever, at the time of writing is a little better. -Our enterprising blacksmith traded horses on Saturday; look out Richard, or you will make a fortune yet. .eta, a Zurich. Council metin the town hall on Sat- urday. The work of revising the Hay Swamp Drainage By law was almost completed and the clerk was ordered to advertise for tenders. Bangers. -Mr. Chas, Lippert of Mich., and formerly of this place, is visiting in the village at present. Mr. Lippert has gone through a vary painful operation since leaving here. A eaneer,sonne bine ago, commenced to grow on the' lower jaw. All the bones of the lower jaw have been taken out, which leave`s his face somewhat disfigured, We are picas - ed to see that Mr, Lippert is able to be about, and hope that the cancer will not break out again. -Mr. John g. Tom. Inspector of South Huron, will give a lecture in the town hall on Wednesday • evg., Oct.' 28, on "Education." This will be very in.teresting,and parents and friends of the school should avail them- selves of this opportunity of hearing the Inspector. There will also be singing and reciting by the pupila of the school. - Mr. Sam: J. Latta 1-;a organised a Mule of ebuut 10 puupils in short Bund.