HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-09-05, Page 1410'Thcodeeh Signi$t',TSklaY) SPtenibe 77-.7 By Bill Smiley ;;1L,••,, tt, Where in the holy old blue eyed world did that summer get to? It ,seems like three quarters of an hour since was the middle of June and I was building a picnic table. • - coffee they've had in 'peace months. * • Re -opening of school is thrill- ing for teacher, too. Their egos are badly flattened from :being treated, just like every- body else. They're weary of 'giving orders to kids (their t own) who ignore them. They're on stage once more, with all those eager faces turned to- ward them. They can't wait to take that first deep breath of schoolroom air, composed of ,the beloved odors of chalk dust, floor wax and warm humans. C.• This, was the summer in which I was determined to make something of myself, or bust my posterior in the effort. I planned to fish, golf or swim everyday, get myself in perfect trim, write a book, stay ahead of the weeds in the flowerbeds, and prepare all my course out- lines for September. . * havenq b'een- •fish-ing stare trout season opened, in May. I doubt if I could find my way around the golf course_ it's so long since 1 saw it. I gave up swimming early in ,July when I nearly drowned while trying to get out - to a raft 12 feet away. My belly has gone from a solid 30 to a pudgy 32. 1 haven't written anything ex- cept my name on those govern- ment store slips, • The weeds wave like saplings. And I didn't even know what was on the -course when school started. Oh, well, I Like September better anyway. * It's easier to go- to work every day and 'tell a lot of kids what to do- than it is to be home every day and have your wife telling you what to do. Like - -Mow that Pawn, .,get off - ycrur big fatAail, gpt a loaf of bread, take the kids fo.• a swim, stop smoking so much and when ar6 you going to take all those • •beer bottles ba.ck? * It's probably a jolly good thing that kids have to go back to school. Another month of their kids eating purple poP- Sicles and green apples, falling off bicycles and in love, and parents would begin screaming and running_ rapidly in ever - decreasing circles. * * Mothers' heave'. a vast, soft sigh of pure joy -when they shove the kids out the door on opening day of school, and sit down in that beantiftiLlquiet- kitchen ..,for- that. 'first cup of for , 1 -r It's hard to tell,what thqpki-dA themselves think of -going back to school. They profess to be {disgusted. But I met one of my .students who has gone to work in a bank, asked him how he 'felt about not going back this fall, and almost' wept at the look of unutterable longing that slipped across his face. * 4 I think most youngsters are :delighted to return to school. Especially the little girls. After :all, it's pretty awkward trying to strike up i riimance with a small Malelype in the summer, when he's always going -places on the dead run, always doing things girls aren't allowed to do, ancLnearly always dirty and rather smelly. * * But it's a different story when she gets him sitting. behind, befront-l'of beside her in tht classroom. He's not only sta: tionary, but fairly clean, and she can smile at him, snub him, make him talk when"he should- n't, tell the teacher when he pinches her, and generally pur- sue the arts of courtship em- ployed by small females. Is everybody, then, happy, about school starting? Not ex- actly. Check the old man. ,Gone with the summer is that peace- ful hour when he could get up in the cool of the morning and enjoy a solitary, Jeisurely breakfast paper propped up against the coffee pot, while the old girl and the kids loafed in, bed. . • *- -*- During the school term, Bayne R. Boyes, 17, -Clinton, was fined $25 and costs, or five days in inn, when he appeared before Magistrate Glenn Hays in court here on Thursday, and pleaded guilty to being intoxi- cated in a public place in Gode- rich on August 23. , Gerald Wayne Linington, 18, Goderich, *as fined $15 and costs, or' three days, when he pleaded guilty, to having liquor in Goderich on July 14, in an illegal place. George William Scheuermann„ St. Marys, pleaded guilty to causing a disturbance in Sea - forth on August 24, by swear- ing in a public place, and was fined $65 and costs, or 10 days. Jerry McCabe, R.R. 3, Goderich, was fined $15 and costs, or three days, for following a motor vehicle too closely in Colborne Township on July 12. .4 Took Vehicle Gele Joseph Schnubb, 16, Clinto was fined $10 and costs, or two days'; when he_Rieaded guilty to having liquor in Gode- rich on August 23, in an illegal place. He also pleaded guilty of driving a motor car in Stan- ley Township on August 24, on a temporary licence, and was fined $3.00 and costs, or two days'. Schnubb also pleaded guilty to unlawfully taking a motor vehicle in Clinton on Aug- ust 24, without the consent of the owner, Bruce Dupee, James street. Clinton, and with intent to use the same. For this, he waSt given „suspended' -Sentence for one year. , David O'Neill, 19, Goderieh, p1eas:10 guilty to unlawfully stealing a ,SUm of money under $50 from McDonald's store, Kin - tail, on July 19,and was given suspended sentence for two years. O'Neill also pleaded guilty to obtaining liquor in Goderich on July 18, being a person under the age of 91 years. On the second charge, O'Neill was fined $65 and costs, or 10 days. ‘k. In the absence or the Huron County Crown Attorney, W. Cochrane,.Q.C.' the assistant Crown. Attorneyfor Huron Co- unty, C. V. Laughton, QC., Exeter, iacted. TEACHER FETED Mr. and Mrs. Tp. Shackle- ton, (nee Alice JoariMevensoh), visited last week with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art Stevenson. Before her mar- riage Mrs. Shackleton was en- tertained at, two miscellaheous showers in Mount Forest arid two in Sudbury. She also re- ceived a large cut glass vase in the cross and olive design from the teaching staff of Princess Anne _Public- Schaal. Sudbury, where she had taught for the past three years. ---Mt. Forest Confederate. (Mr. Shackleton is a son of Mr. H. M. Shackleton of Gode- rich.) Farm Machine Parts -Delayed ' (Huron F. of A.) The information department of Ow Ontario Federation of Agriculture repeats the an- nouncement made by -the Hon. WM, A. Stewart, Minister s of Agriculture, of the Goverzt ment's intention to establish a Farm Machinery Board. While we havereservations at to the effectiveness of such an advis- ory board, we trust this action will ultimately lead to ways of solving the'rnany problems with which farmers have been con- fronted. The announcement co- ineides with the publication of the Report of the Ontario Farm Machinery Investigation Com- mittee which recommended the establishment of such a board. The Ontario Farm Machinery Investigation Committee came intO being as a result of a resol- ution endorsed by the 1961 an- nual meeting of, the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, This resolulion. requested the Min- iste.r,of Agriculture to imple- ment' a farm-rnaebinery-act-for.., the Province of Ontario. The Ontario Federation of Agriculture compliments the Farm Machinery Invegigation Committee on the exceltnce of its report. It is obvious the REID'S UPHOLSTERING 48 East St. breakfast hour, if our pouse is any indication, is like Saturday night at the corner saloon. One kid wanders in underwear, look- ing for the -pants and shoes he took off last night. Another is. getting hell from her Mother because she just splashed orange juice all over hei only clean blouse. rad is trying Co feed the dog, find lunch money, ea? his burned toast and MAKE THOSE BLASTED KIDS GET „ A MOVE ON! comMittee ittaS' cenducted a VerM tharmigh and eXhatotive InVeSt- igatiou Into all aspects ,of the farm MachinerY in4nst:47. We also Compliment the ,Minister of Agriculture on' hia prompt action in preparing to imple- ment the r ecommendations of this coniraittee at an early date.. Mr. A. 11. K. Musgrave, presi- dent of the 0.F.A., feels it is most gratifying to note the In- vestigation Compaittee has in- corporated, in its recommend- ations, many of the sugestionS put forth by the Ontario Feder- ation of Agriculture. He points out, for example, that we asked for adequate research into new types of equipment and rigor- ous field testing under Ontario Conditions before offering ma- chines for sale. We asked for a minimum full warranty per- iod of one year on all machines; for the standardization of parts so they could be interchange- able _between machines; that repair parts be attainable on Saturdays and holidays dining busy seasons; that replacements parts be made readily available for a minimum period of 10 years from .the date of pur- ehase of any machine; that deal - STUDENTS Skeoch Office' Supplies are again offering the same low STUDENT TYPEWRITER (Opposite Post Office) JA 4-8422 PLAN NOW Tolsave your chesterfield, sofa bed, chairs, etc., neatly and correctly done; CHOICE OF FABRICS — ESTIMATES IN YOUR HOME PICK-UP and DELIVERY RENTAL RATES erS be .required to Trove the snitabilltY of Maehinery by, pro. . vicling am adequate demonstra- tion on the farmers own. land. These, and other reconunenda- tions of the OntarioF eration I. of Agriculture, were includ- ed, in whole Or IA art, in the report of. the klarni Machinery Investigation Committee. Reports coming into this of- fice indicate that conditions still exist where farmers are 'un- able to procure replacements parts, even for new me,del ma- chines of leading manuf4turers, without experiencing disastrous delays. That such, conditions should continue to prevail, even though they had been condemn- ed during hearings held by the Investigation Committee, indi- cates that some form of legis- lation will be required before the Farm Machinery Board can operate effectively. ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN Chinese Food Our Specialty ca ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10p.m. -Dirf" The Esquire Restaurant + Business. irectar FOR THE BEST IN • PORTRAITS' CALL, PHONE OR WRIT11 . OR NIGHT Stan Hadden 118 $t. David Street TELEPHONE JAcksen 4-8787, V Real Estate Agent RUTH VAN MR MEER PHONE JA 4-7875, Goderich Agent For WILFRID McINTEE REALTOR Walkerton Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT PA. Box 478. , „ Phone JA 4-9521 GODERICH — ONTARIO Insurance Agent Phone JA 44526 "Mechanical and Body Rep Wheel Alignment and ance, Witicktw RePlact Radiator Repairs. ,Protect egainst rust will ,Unda-Spray DAVIDSON'S Texaco Serv -No. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4-7231 George TurtoR INSURANCE Co-operators Insurance A Complete Line of Casualtl and Life Insurano, rompt,,, Effictent-Cllielireo vice by Goderich. AdjustO • of CIA. 319 Huron Road Phone JA 4-7411- The Square-Goderich-JA 4-9941 STILES- AMBULANCE - Roomy — Comfortable Anywhere — Anytime PHONE JA 48142 77 Montreal St., Goderich 1 Month ""$ 5.00 3 Months $12.00 10' Month School Term $30,00 Sept: 1 to July 1 All current model machines Portable and, Office Models 71 Hamilton Street GOPERICH-JA 4-8652 ill111111111111101111111. FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL COLLECT DARLING AND COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Clinton — HU ii -7269 , Collect. Dead Animal Licence No. 262-C-63 TF 411111111.111111.11.11 Call Lodge AMBULANCE SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT Prompt — Efficient Experienced Drivers TELEPHONE JA 4-7401 R. W. BELL ALEXANDER CHAPMAN GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Bank of Commerce Bldg, Goderich. Phone JA 4-964 A. J. Alexander, Res. JA 4-7836. C. F. CHAPMAN, Res. JA 4-7915. . OPTOMETRIST F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist . The -Square -JA, 4-7661' Use MECCA for SCRAPES BRUISES INFECTIONS Mecca, a favourite famity ointment for over 60 yeirs quickly heals minor wounds. Non-irritatim soothing antisep- tic. Sold e,Lall drug counlers. • Buy Mecca In !In or tube why don't they... make cars that fight rust a lot longer? RAMBLER DOES (the exclusive Deep -Dip process with 7 times more galvanized steel on critioal areas makes Rambler the world's most completelYrust-proofed car.) make- brakes that won't fail even with a:broken - hydraulic line? . RAMBLER DOES (Double -Safety brakes have front and rear systems that operate independently. If one set -is damaged the other con - tin ue to opei'ate. Self-adjusting, too.) make ufflers that won't corrode or rug out? RAMBLER -DOES (the exclusive Oeramic-Armoured muffler and tailpipe are guaranteed to last as long as the original buyer owns his Rambler.) `L. make the lowest priced Canadian -built cart. RAMBLER DOES (it's the Rambler American ... and " it not only is the lowest priced but also the most economical to operate and maintain. The American, ----tdiffigWitliaigfi Worm -ea Sik cyTinder enine,too.) xr 45 -Piece Set Melmac NinenOre make doors that close solid, straight and true? -RAMBLER DOES (Uniside, the newest development of Single:Unitconstruction, replaces scores 6f small parts with a single piece stamped out of a sheet of steel.Givesyou-greater strength, more perfect door fit.) make -seats as tairifortable-as-a -reclininglounge. . chair? RAMBLER DOES (chair -height seats, firmly cell sprung, adjust ind ivid ually. They convert instantly ,into a nap couch. Headrests are also available.) - 99c ri• That's right, we Will sell you a lovely 45 piece set of Melnias Dinnerware in the wheat .pattern fdr the ridiculously low price of 99c. Of course there is a catch to all this. Before you care -get this -set for 99c, you must first - of all purchase $100 wdrth of Attirniture. Buying $100 worth of furniture is eas- i e r than you think. For Kroehler Week' (which still hasn't officially- begun) all the prices are marked way down and at the same time all the stocic jsjarand-new--for-Fail-.'6a.-- ,We have justiTeceived a ifew` shipment of lamp and coffee tables, and chesterfield suites in the newest Corks-a-rg-designs' . We aren't quoting prices, ause we want you to come in and see for you self what we are making all this fuss about. Even if you don't buy, it -is always nice to have people drop in, so pay us a visit the next time you are downtown. Who knows, we may: have something you will like. LODGE make a car that gives top performance and economy?It-A ABLER DOES(with one of the best weight•to-horsepower ratios in the industry you get the best Performance In either a six or -V8 engine with 'exceptional economy.) - make it really easy to get in and out? RAMBLER, DOES(Unisideconstructommakes.possible-the-widest r---"SId'highest door openings. Try getting in and wit of a Rambler soon at your nearest Dealer's.) Anything else you've ever wanted in a car? Look over thoheatA, tiful new Ramblers. Rave a talk with your Rambler Dealer. Hell be happy to answer any _other questions_ ou have about cars. - REFRIGERATION .AND APP ANCE SERVICE At akes — All tyres GER V'S -APPLIANCES , 59 Hamilton St. -"The' Store" That Service Built" Ben Chisholm Esso Imperial Products 20 Albert St., Goderich Jffice—JA 4-7502 Home—JA 4-7835 tf Butler, Dooley, Clarke & Starke Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auctitor .39 St. David 'St., 524-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO 32tf Signal -Star ads bring results. HURON CO-OPERATIR MEDICAL SERVICE. Prepaid' Health Plans at Cost • 'the ic0-0P , way . , AOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Fordyce Clark,11R Goderich; Vice -Pres., Gord Kirkland, RR 3, Lucknow; 0. G. Anderson, RR 5, Wing Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Exeter Hugh B. Smith,' RR 2, Listowel; Lorne Rodges, RR 1, -Goderie Roy Strong, Gorrie; Russell'? Bolton, RR 1, Seaforth; Be Irwin, R1t 2, Seaforth; B KIopp, Zurich; Gordon Richard. son, RR 1, Brucefield; Kenneth Johns, RR 1, Woodham, C. H. Magee Secretary -Manager _ Miss C. E. Plumtree Assistant Secretary For information, call yout nearest director of our °nett the Credit Union Bldg., 70.0. tario Street Clinton, Telephonfr HUnter /-9751. or see your I C0-011°. representative GEORGE TURTON 319 Huron .St., Goderich Ont Phone -JA- -4-74W UMW' NT. 1 A. AA. HARPER & CO. 'CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 55-57 SOUTH STREET TELEPHONE GODERICH, O JA 4-7562 FOR GENERAL INSURANCE See KEN CROFT FIRE — AUTO — LIABILITY- CASUALTY—Ii-hone JA4-7253 mew FULLY AUTOMATIC WATER SOFTENER •k. • • • " "• 1, . "NA A • .1 - •••' RN ITURE • 'A PRODUCY-Ot AMENIc.AN )40tOND (CANADA) L1)411T,D • 1963 Winear ot the MoterTrend niagatirka "Car ottboYearo mod. "1011' OdgandiNg &Mon actiteiVfatent and engineering excellor6"." • You can have oceans of glorious soft , Water, yet this water softener re- quires practically no attention. It regenerates automatically — at night while you sleep. Let u,s show you how you can enjoy all of th'p benefits of soft water a n sayp.:„mpno_400, Diirp fuliy auto- matic Water softenei. 41511.50 " 44A BAYFIiiD ROAD JA 4.9561 .1 t, 1