HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-08-29, Page 12QV 12 The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, August 29th, 1963 Editorials . • • LET THE VOTER BEWARE '.We have brcotue so enamored of grants._, subsidies and coi1tpurrsory plans for questionable public.bellefits that we are much too inclined to vote for •the party • which makes the highest offer for our little X on the ballot,'' comments The Wiu t tin Advance -Tinges in dealing with the n.r•thconliug provincial lection. Continuing, The Adva•uce-'Tinges says, in liar': "We seem to have forgotten that ev- ery time government institutes another costly welfare seheare tilie voters, individ- ually . pay the price. The e lormous costs of these Plans are 110 hurtle by Koine inyth- HELPING HAN When school opens in (loderit1i : on September 3rd there will be some pupils attend;ng thein here for the first time. They will include those just starting sohocil' and also the children of parents who have just recently moved to (roderich. - Among thein ,will 'be children wondering whether the 'other children ,v:ll like them. ,l'p to a certain age it is a big help if "Mummy" could go along and hold their hands. although not necessarily so in any Canadian schools, th7tre will be schools in the United States this fall where even " rrorr.my - wood be glad to have someone iva.l Source of revenue remote from our own. shores. Every dollar. that is pcii.u'ec), out so generously ta, the public has 16 be put into the government coffers by the beneficiaries, plus the high costs of ad- ministration inhet'Yllt ill the plan: There is no pot of gold at the end of any party rainbow, unless you consider your owll wallet ill that sense . . . Pay close atten- tion during this Campaign and give very careful thought to 'casting your ballot for the party which does NOT promise to look after your every' want. Seel,{ for some -spirit of courage -and independence where public expenditures are concerned: - DS. NEEDED hold her hand. We speak of _those U.S.A. schools where desegregation will be the rule for the first time this !all. The Nat- ional Women's Committee for Civil Rights in the U.S.A. is trying to do something to help the situation. That eomniittee is suggesing that it would be nice for white women to take the hands of Negro child - .ren and their parents and walk with them into the sehoolrooni, that first .ay. It's a heart-warming suggestion and one that will he sorely needed in some U. S. A. schools, Moine opening day for'school this fall. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Goderich, Ont., August 26, 1963. -Editor SignaI-Star. Dear S;r: I still think that our police force is responsible for the en,, forcement of all municipal by- laws. I have gathered a few statistics on this dog question. If you remember, the Council paid 5150.00 to a firm which was ,supposed to come in once a week and pick up all ..dogs still a large area of the town to assess so that with the, com- pletion of the list there could very well be 200.dogsr a great many of which have never been. tied up yet. Fite months have elapsed since thil 1963 tags should have been purchased, and up to now nothing has been done. We have been pestered with dogs all summer. We have repeatedly appealed to the mayor,' and to the Chief of Police. We have been assured that the matter would be taken running at large. Not one dogtcare of. We are .really dis- was picked up. Then it was gusted with the whole matter: revealed ' by the tax collector We have seen our officers early , this year that out of directing traffic in the vicinity about 600 dogs only about • 40 of the Judith Gooderham Park tags had been sold. The Coun- and a half dozen dogs running cil, disturbed by the situation, around within sight of him. tried to do something about it. It would be interesting to know how many qf•• the 540 delinqu- ents actually paid up for 1962. And why was it that no action was taken in 1962? Who was at fault? Did the tax collector supply the Chief of Police with a list of delinquents? If not, why not If a list was provided, how many were brought to ac- count for it? Just last week I visited the tax collector's office and asked to see the list of delinquents - The -Chief contends that his -men are not dog catchers. Cor- rectly so! But they do not have to catch them. I£. they had a list of all tags purchased it would be an easy matter to find out who owned the do,g and the necessary .action could follow. With the cost of police ad- ministration- being what it is, the Council should not have to hire a special constable to take over animal control. It is my intention to appear in person :he ---next oun.cil -meeting there were 82 l asking that something sehsible dog owners who have failed to be done about this dog nuisance. buy their pet a tag. There is Any person who likes to have a dog as .a friend or pet has a perfect right to do sa. But these persons should also see to it that their pets do not destroy his neighbors' flowers, shrubs, etc, which are just as much his pets. This brings us to the reason for a restoritive bylaw, which is intended to protect both parties. -. There is a slogan on all signs telling the ,people who are enter- ing our town on all highway approaches that Goderich is the prettiest town in Canada. Those of- . us who have flowers and shrubs, etc., are contributing in our small way to, that slogan. - Mr. Editor, I shall probably have more to say on this ques- tion after I have talked the matter over with the Council. If the situation is to be no better next year, then we should change that highway slogan to "The town has gone to the dogs." Sincerely, J. E. HUCKINS. Almost everyone who has had dealings with - goOernments knows the meaning of the term "red tape,", but how did the expression originate? The' En cyclopedia --Anger el'm`s—suggests it derives from the fact that at one time official documents were bound together by red ribbon or "tapes." Down Memory's Lane 50 Years Ago -1963 Goderich has Won the dis- trict lacrosse championship. By a splendid rally at the close -of the season the locals bested their strong competitors of Clinton and Wingham, ,winning three decisive games within eight days. The Goderich line- up was as follows: goal, W. Snazel; point, G. Johnston; cover point, F. Dale; .1st de fence, E. Statharm, 2nd, W. Blackford; 3rd,- W. Drew; .cen- tre, R. Walter; 3rd home, G. Beacom; 2nd, W. Doak; 1st, E. Page; outside, S. McKay; inside, H. Belcher. A project fpr the construction of a county inter -urban 'electric railway to serve all parts of the . county was the chief subject of discussion at a meeting of Fie Ur erfc7 -ward of Walt -s Tuesday evening. The subject was introduced by Dr. W. .1. R. Holmes. 30 Years Ago -1933 There was some excitement on St. David's street the other night,,,�,"` r rather early morning. With Mr. and Mrs. Harry San- derson ,attending the World's Fair at Chicago, their house has been unoccupied. Sudden-, ly lights appeared in the win- dows. A neighbor checked up with relatives pf .Mr.,§,pndtkv, son and established that he had not come home. The police were phoned and Constable 115 Years Ago In Goderich A number of highly respect- able emigrants passed through Galt during the week, chiefly bound for the Huron District. One party had seven wagons laden with furniture. One family had several cages of larks, goldfinches, bullfinches, linnets, canaries and even sparrows, which were heard singing merrily. Gundry responded. Neighbors surrounded the house while the officer crawled through a win:. dow and descended to the cel- lar, gun in hand. Suddenly an upstairs window shot up and a„ftiendly_femlpi- vnien called:- out: "Who's there?" It was disclosed that friends of the Sandersons had come from Tor- onto and had pre -arranged per- mission to use the house. The constable and all 'went back to their beds. 15 Years Ago -1948 On Friday night about 10 o'clock Bert M-oPonald receiv- ed a message from Amberley to the effect that a yacht Off shore was sending up flares, ap- parently as distress signals! Immediately Bert manned his two launches, Captain John and Annamac, and with Bruce Mac- Donald, James Reid and Gordon Sullivan, radio beam operator, set off' to the north, reaching Point Clarke, 22 miles away, at midnight. When they arrived the•yacht was just disappearing in the distance and they were informed that the „engine trouble had been adjusted and the yacht had proceeded on its way to Tobermory. The Gode- rich men with. the two launches made an easy trip, back to Goderich, arriving at 3 o'clock. MESSAGES FROM THE WORD BYa GODERICH MINISTERIAL. ASSOCIATION MORE TALK Ey . Rev.. Cecil A. Dukelow, Victoria Street United Church. "Now rhose who were scat- tered went about preaching the word." Acts 8:4 R.S.V. The Church: made its first impact on the world by "talk." St. Augustine pointed out this truth when he said: "One lov- ing spirit sets another on fire." Our text goes one step further —an apparent disaster became a blessing. The scattering was the beginning of "the gather- ing in.' The mighty . ants of the apostles is' not a picture of lay "preachers"' going , out to conduct an official mission of evangelization. Rather it was a picture of a number of ordinary men and women "Tim, Dick and Harry -Susan, Jane and Mary," conversing with their neighbors with "More Talk." The "Word" had no special- ized meaning as yet; it was not yet the written word. The pen or print was not the medium, but the tongue—"talk." These were simple church- folk talk- ing Church language. There-' is no suggestion — it would be unwise—that Chris- tians should always be dragging in religious talk. An opportun- ity always presents itself for "Church t4k," "More talk," mare talking the ordinary Fan•guage of- the Church by Christians. Today, 'lack of "talk," "Church talk," is why Christians make so little im- pact on their own circle -of ac- quaintances. We must be able to give reasons for :our faith and show its relevance to the problems of our age, in ' our world. Where will we learn the language for "more talk"? The answer is: go to the lang- uage school of 'Christianity, which is the Church. In Church 10 Years Ago -1953 The staff of No. 532 Squad- ron, Maitland Air Cadets have been busy the past few weeks preparing for the beginning of the coming air cadet training year which begins on Septem- ber 9th and operates every Wed- nesday night. -The staff for the coming year will consist of CA% iti+l~a cutt, -F76 Adjutant BM - Hill, F/O. W. Leggy, supply; C. Banks, chief instructor; F10. E. C. Rivett, radio; D. McLaren, flying training; W. J. Johnstone, armament; K. Pennington, dis- cipline; R. Craig, drill, and F. Wood. • One Year Ago -1962 •A local laundromat has been victimized by an ingenious thief who obtained about $26.00 in coins, from the coin -changer, by the use of copper. The slugs are. the exact size and weight of a quarter and have been stamped out of sheet copper. Estapltshed A 6-10trifh —0— The County Town Newspaper of Huron -•-•D ,.. • Published at. Goderich, Ontario every Thursday morning by • • - Sinal -Star Publishing Limited Oignal4tar 116th Year of _ Piibitctltriott GEO. L. ELLIS, President and Publishes A. T: Elliott,. News . Editor 11. G. SHRIER, Vice -President - and Advtg., Mgr. S. F. Hills, Plant. Supt. rile'inber of C.W.N.A., O.W.N.A, C.C.N.i't., and A.i t.C. •dSublscription Rates • $4 a year. To U.S.A;. $5 ,(In advance) O'11 , Authorized as Second' Class Mail, post Office Dept, Ottawa Od' tor Papuent of Postage in Cish. 40 n Youngsters Ruin House Interior Goderich police report four young "Rumpelstiltskins," 10 years of .age and under, were responsible for an olernight "interior decoration job" done to the Mary street home of Leo Miller. Mr. Miller, who intended to start redecorating -his recently- purchased- 'home ecently-purchased-'home Friday, found ev__er_ __ rn.o.rly had air done—after a fashion. Most of the cans of paint he had stored in the basement had been used in the process: . Mr. Miller estimated it would cost 'him $400 to remove the paint from ceilings, floors, win- dows ;and walls. Police said the four boys, one 10 years old, two nine and one six, entered the house through a basement window Thursday night. all is centered in God and what God has done. If we are to speak the language, we must learn it. The only school in which to learn the Christian language is the Church. The worship of the Church has kept the "Faith" alive, spread the "Gospel" and passed it on from age to age. • What is needed today, then, is more •Church people to learn and talk Church language. Lot us have "More talk," Church talk Making Survey Of ;Airports., Dr. Neil McArthur of the Royal- Military- College,- ,King $ton, ;was in Goderich Thursday and Friday doing an historical and economic research 'story on Sky Harbour Airport. He is doing similar stories on private airports across Ontario. Dr; McArthur is a brother of Don McArthur of the Bell Telephone staff, Goderich. Objectives "--of his study of community airports are based on the following: 1. To assess and determine the land -use compatibility of ex- isting community airports in Penninsular Ontario to ad- jacent municipalities. In par- ticular, this -concerns the former B.C.A.T.P. airfields. ra Zoning, eonflictiug laud uses, access; blight are to be con- sidered. 2. To determine the various uses • to which airport sites are put. 3. To determine, froth official sources, and by c, tuestionnuaire, the a.:PPell>i. P2teBIi.-of exp .fisting community airports, the areas served, the degree of under use, and the need for more extensive facilities. 4. To • suggest alternate public institutions which might be located on unused portions of airport sites and around airport perimeters. 5. To prepare a mathematical model of the Canadian Com- munity Airport. This is a long term objective. Friederich Nietzsche wrote, 'Wan is thet animal most cap- able of suffering and he had to invent laughter to preserve his sanity." n Your All-Canadi HEALTH CARE INSURANCE PL Exclusively for Residents of HURQIt CQuNnr MULTICARE GROUP PLAN THAT -PAYS * DOCTOR BILLS . He's 15 years away from college-... But those 15 years won't seem very long. It isn't long, either, for parents 'who are saving money to send thrir children- to eol.lege. Earn high interest on your saving at BRITISH MORTGAGE. Invest in Guaranteed -Certificates, paying 51/4% from 1 to 5 years. Invest $305.20 for 10 years, for example. You will receive $500. Helpful when educating your children. Drop in to the BRITISH MORTGAGE office today—or write or telephone. BRITISH MORTGAGE &TRUST Phone JA 4-7381 At the Stoplight, Goderich --1 et 1 et. A Tribute To Our School. Teache..rs! Today, as no time before in history, the school teacher is recognized as the builder of tomorrow's Canada! It is high time that tribute was paid to those patient men and- women who instruct our young. Let's remember that teachers are human beings, not mach- ines. Let's give them the support and c'onfi'dence they so richly deserve. Let's,attend the Home and School meetings and contribute something more than our "children. This community is fortunate in having such fine schools and outstanding educators. We app- laud their work and 'their good Canadian achieve- ments. - From the Very First Visit THAT PAYS AMBULANCE * CHIROPRACTOR and OSTEOPATH FEES • Visits and X -Ray Charges THAT PAYS 100% * SURGICAL -BILLS Surgeon Plus Assistant Plus Specialist Fees According to Ontario Medical Assoc. Fee B THAT PAYS Diagnostic Cos Including X -Ray and__ Laboratory— THAT PAYS * Maternity Bills - C'-hildren Covered From Birth . Private and Semi -Private Hospital Room Accommodation Benefits at Your Request NO AGE LIMIT! Every Resident IS Qualified NO MEDICAL Examination Is Required To Enrol NO CLAIM FORM Is Required for Accidents - or Illness Your Doctor's OK Is Sufficient NO .APPLICATKN REFUSED Regardless of Past Medical History IMPORTANT! < n> o enc -Pk od -Ent = - Saturday, September 7, 1963 ACT NOW! • MULTICARE REPRESENTATWES ARE CALLING AT EIrEllY 'HOME POSSIBLE JN HURON COUNTY. IF YOU HAVE N B'I+71 N CONTACTED, CALL OR - MITE MR. J. A:' CANTO Hamilton's Motel JA 47348 - DON'T WAIT TILL IT'S TOO LATE! NNW 111•11111a11110112 CHANCES ARE: Your present Medical Rise once does not pay for --- EVE REFRACTIONS • CONGENITAL 'CONDITIONS' PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS • MENTAL DISORDERS. NERVOUS CONDITIONS- • CHIRO:PRAtTIC TREATMEN Your Multicare Groep Plan Pays I3enefits for -- . .,MULTICARE GROUP h l§ 'G►reat.wd and Underwritten by CANADA HEALTH 44 ACCIDENT' ASS#RANCE CORP, A SOLID CANADIAN COMPANY Chartered by »omI 1ilo,tr, Goverziment of : dattatda. Z.1cen ;d kot woo.' Province of the duos R 110 actin§ Ads. I lrs. elms ; t visi Its. iept i al• ill. A spend h Mr s and liss avis Dave eral Nortl Unit }le Ti Id till sUn rothy s.. X11