HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-08-15, Page 10XR ° The Godedieh Signal -Star, ThurSdaY, . ,ugu,St A6tb, 11)63 If you hear any rude noises -while you're reading this col- umn, pay n.o attention. It will merely be my stomach trYing to remind me that I am not the Etnperor Nero. • For the past couple of weeks, I've been trying to convince the old grocery -chute, through one orgy after another, that it could handle anything 1 chose. to throw into il; half -raw steak on top of skunky beer, raspberries and ice cream on top of gin and lemon. All I'm trying to say is that we -poor people, simp-ly. because we have some summer holidays, shouldn't start acting as though life were just agay, mad whirl, a big bowl of caviar. It's more like a blind stagger, a bowl of As our most recent carload of old -friend visitors fades into the exhaust fumes, and I wave a shaky farewell, I can't help -thinking nostalgically of those good old days when I was a weekly editor, and had one week's vacation a year. Every- thing was so simple. You went to the editors' annual conven- tion, tottered home looking and feeling like a skeleton, and Went happily back to. work for -another fifty-one weeks. Now that I have those longer holidays that used to look so gulden, 1 realize- that' man is a creature of toil, and is happier and better when hp has his nose to the old grindstone, his shoulder to the good 9Id wheel, and his feet planted ecstatically in that good, old, familiar rut: Lengthy surfimer, holidays, and I say it with deliberation, aile a menace to health, wealth, morale and marriage. Take -health. When my days began, I was in good shape. Just the usual smolser's hack, '(crocked knee, touch of bursitis in the shoulder, and aching' back. But clear of mind, steady of nerve. Today, I'm a wreck. My sunburn .1s peeling, my stomach is snarling like a scald- ed cat, and every time a car 'stops outside our place I, run - and hide in the attic.' My wife is in even worse con- dition. When holidays began, she was pate but perky. Today, she is brown on the outside, but a whimpering shadow with- . in. And no wonder. Just the other day, for example, she was aboui to step froM a dock onto the deck of a millionaire's cruiser. The gentleman, who can run eight coMpanies with one hand behind him, can't run his boat. As she stepped, he put it in reverse, by accident. And there was the Old Girl, with only ten feet oL air be- tween her and fourteen feet of water. It was like one of those -cartoon comedies in which the hero runs off the edge of a cliff and keeps running in air for a second -until he looks down. I might add that she didn't have her. swimming attire on. She'll never be the same girl. On the way to her watery riel- come, she hit the dock a couple of good ones, losing about ,a fobt of skin ,off her arm, and 'picking' up a bruise on her nice tanned log the size of a grape- fruit and,, next day, the color of a baboon's bottom. She's off millionaire boat drivers for life. Take wealth. When we began -in-onths' salary to put me end of one month, I had ilia month's salary and a session with the bank, manager. It seems that when you're working, you can't spend money. When you're not, you can't. Most People save up for their 'holidays and blow flie lot on a glorious two weeks doing some- thing, or staying somewhere, they curl. afford. Try doing this for two months. Take morale. Frankly, after six Weeks off the jab, I have become a total slob. It rhyrns but it doesn't reason. My total accomplishment, on projects around the house, has been the erection of a twenty -foot clothes- line. The book I was going to wtite this summer has turned into a comic book. My wife laughs every time mention it. Children imitate. When the kids see -their old man lolling in a lawn chair looldng at the trees, they lie down on the uncut lawn, and do the same. Ai for marriage, you can take it, too. Lengthy holidays put more strein on a solid marriage gambling or other lacomen. I won't go into details. But lady, how would yPu like to run a motel -without -rates with one hand, and try to 'direct a lazy, unshayen brute with the other? Dad, how would you like two months of togetherness with the old battleaxe? I leave it to your imagination. If this is what a long holiday is like, I sure hope I die before I retire. • Discuss Steps To Curb-- Smoke Following is, a letter to Gode- rich Town Council discussing steps being taken by Domtar to ameliorate smoke and ash nuisance which has been a i chronic problem in the east end I ;of Goderich for a long time. Representations were made re- Icently by Council, after Wing waited upon by„a delegation of complaining citizens. , Here is the company's statement: Goderich, Ontario, July 18, 1963. "On the recent visit to our !plant of Mayor E. C. Fisher, !Councillor Croft, and Town Sol - 'some length the _problem of Isoot emission from_ our stack I and- the steps we are taking !and are contemplating taking to I reduce this nuisance. I "In our last letter to you on October 31, 1961, we explained that the only solution to the !problem is the inkallation of :dust collectors. 'The only ltrac- ; tical location for this equip- ment is at the 'base of the stack which is surrounded by P'roduc- tion equipment and buildings. 'At that time we were not in a position to advise you if and when these old buildings would \ be removed. .„."We are 'now undergoing a complete renovation of our plant which we anticipate will be completed early in the new year. Immediately following that all old buildings, including those around pur 'stack will be demolished. We then plan to erect a dust collecting system to handle excesgive soot and fly -ash now being emitted from our stack. "Although most dust • c011ect- ing equipment manufacturers claim efficiencies in the order of 98 and 99%, we do not, feel under actual conditions we will eliminate all fly ash. However, we are confident the equipment we install will enable us to come well within the practical limits set by air.pollution ordn- ances, in force in variouvcorn- munities in Ontario, and there Should be no cause for further complaints. Yours truly, A. P. BoUtiller, Plant Manager." Lost Grunter Camping Out May Survive Without ever particularly wanting to, members of the Pro- vincial Police detachment ,k Goderich have ,becorne the guardians of a small stray ,pig which was re.scued from a be- wildering life at large on High - Way 21 south of Sheopardton Sy a tourist: The young grunter seemed 'frightened and distraught when ;tourist from Michigan, who 'turned it over to the police. 'The small porker has been "boarded out" with a farmer but some fears are held that the animal -may not survive the ordeal, as it appears to have 'huffered from exposure and Owner. of the pig may have same by identifying the beast and paying what costs may be involved in its care. Sgt. II. Two Charges A Monkton resident, Ken Vanderbergh, was charged with driving while intoxicated and also with careless driving after being taken in ehargi by Pro- vinetal Constable R. Primeau of the Goderich detachment. fle was pieked up a couple of miles south , of Goderich on Highway 21 when the ()P.P. was alerted by Goderich police department. The man was later released. on $500 cash bail, to Opear in magistrate's cOurt here August 15. uron _County Fpf A President efends Grain Testing 'Station Recently a letter was pub- lished in a number of pluron Vounty weekly papers written by Rbnald McGregor of Kippen, which criticited the proposal to establish a grain testing sta, tion in Huron County. Mr. Mc- Gregor classed it as "Unneces- ihry expense to satisfy a minor- ity group" and he -suggested, "The best way it wpald seem to me is for a farmer to own his own tyster lase it." Mr. Elmer Ireland, president of the Huron County Federation of Agrioulttire, has written the following on the subject: If I interpret Mr. McGregor correct- ly he 43uggests that each farmer should own a moisture tester. The lowest quotation we have been able to obtain on a mois- ture tester is $325.00, plus tax. This would appear an expensive alternative to co-operative ef- fort. The above figure would indicate the impracticability of Mr. McGregor's suggestion: McGregor raises the point of whether farmers question the accuracy, of the moisture tests they receive. May we point out, the law reguired that all weigh scales (used in commerc- ial trade) must be inspected and bear the stamp of approval of the Department of Trade and Commerce. Yet no such regul- ations apply to moisture test- ing equipment. We submit the moisture content of grain is as much a basis of trade as the weight and grade. Yet no pro- vision is made for the insPec- tion of -equipment used in mak- ing a moisture determination. We question whether Mr. Mc- Gregor would cqnsent to settle- ment for his grain had it been, weighed over an uninspettiecr scale. Yet he intimates that farmers should not question the accuracy of a moisture test made- on 'uninspeeted equip- ment. -In making the above observations we are not casting any reflection on the ;integrity of any rit,ember of the grain trade but it seems most incon- sistent to employ strict regula- tipns to govern one aspect of trade and .have no regulations to govern other aspeats. By bringing this situation to light we are not,. as suggeMed by Mr. McGregor, attempting to arouse suspicion, and distrust be: tween farm producers and pri- vate enterprise. Rather, we are attempting to fulfil the ob- jectives of the -Federation of AgriclutUre namely to obtain social and economic justice for farrn people, I sell very little grain from my 'farm and have had little ex- perience but I do know that one must watch the moisture con- tent of corn when purchasing it for feed. Since there are many farmers in Huron County producing grain for sale I would personally think it a good thing to have a testing station. A resolution requesting a Grain Testing Station was presented and carried at nur annual meet- ing last November and will be dealt with at the 0.F.A. annual this Fall, Further comments from grain producers on this subject would be welcome, con- cluded Mr. Ireland's article. OBITUARY MRS. PERCY EAST The death occurred in hos- pital at Stratford on July 30th of Mrs. Percy East in her 74th year. She was the mother of Mrs. Bert Jessen of Goderich, Mrs. Harvey Brown, Owen Sound, and Mrs. Gordon Cook, Stratford, and aunt of Mrs. Har- old Larder and Mrs. Wilfred Mrs. East was the former Ida Copp, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Copp. Burial took place in Strfatford. NEW AMBASSADOR Canada's 'newly appointed Ambassador to Russia, Robert A. D. Ford, once attended public school in Goderich for. one year back in 1920. He Editor Emeritus ...of_The Lon- don Pree Press, and Mrs. Ford. Mr. Robert Ford is one of the comparatively few Russian-speaking officers ,in Canada's foreign service. Most of,Canada's 11,500 Eski- mos live north of the tree -line on the coasts of the mainland or the islands of the Arctic Archipelago. James Richarclion & Sons Ltd. "Serving the Feed Dealers 'Of Western Ontario" PHONF4 JA 4-8383, GODERICH We Are BUYING WHEAT — OATS — BARLEY MIXED GRAIN — FLAX at competitive prices CHECK US FOR PRICES BEFORE YOU SELL New fast unloading dump sink and hoist facilities. Our new facilities mean 57qu can unlo4r twice as fast. "TAOISHI II' ARRIVES The ft.CM,P. patrol'. beat harber a Week ago Wednesday on a routine Patrol, in charge of Cpl. Dick Dion and a crew ef three constables. The craft has Sarnia As home port and patrols the Huron shoreline Crew Member Big Vessel Is Stricken One of the largest lake ves- sels to enter ,Goderich harbor called here last Friday with a load of grain and take out a. big load of salt from the Sifto mine. It was the 620 -foot R. Bruce Angus, a turbine driven vessel owned by Upper 1,akes Shipping Co., recently very much in the news in 'connectIon with labor trouble in U.S. ports. Two weeks ago she Nkas unloaded in CleVeland under the protection of police armed with rifles. ...._ Porter I-11 . The big ship's stay here was marred by the sudden illness of a female member of the crew, Mrs. Loretta Larch, second porter of Port Colborne, who was removed from the ship by stretcher and taken to Alex- andra Marine and General Hos- pital, suspected td be suffering from some form of food poison-, ing. Mrs. Larch was in serious - condition, suffering severe swelling about the body to the point where it was necessary to cut rings from her fingers. It was later determined that the illness was not food pois- oning but some form of allergy, the origin -of whiah was not immediately determined.- She Leitch. ._Classified ads , bring- quick - results. BRECKOWS MEDICAL MASSAGE gTEAM,' SAUNA and HIGH 118 Anglesea St., off Victoria JA 4-8281 (office) or JA 4-7617 (residence) 32x FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL COLLECT DARLING AND COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Clinton — HU 2-7269 Collect. Dead Animal Licence No. 262-C-63 TF ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD IN -TOWN 'Chinese -Food Our Specialty ALSO TAKE-OUT. ORDSRS OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. "Open Every Day" The Esquire Restaurant The Square-Goderich-JA- 4-9941 greeineat 'Appears Possible:. For New Milk' Marketing Plan ers who saw a milk marketing • Ontario,'s 70,000 dairy -farm: rather than on quality. Concentrated milk .shippers, whb receive less for their pre- duee than do whole milk ship- pers, claim their milk is of just as, high quality. It is expected the new scheme will" presCribe a price for top quality fluid Tilk, between the average pride now received by the two groups. Only opposition so far was expressed Thursday • by the Channel Islands Breeds Milk Proclyeers' Association, in a brier to the government com- mittee. The organization, represent- ing 1,700 Jersey and Guernsey dairy farmers, claimed the pro- posed plan would encourage marginal farmers to produce more milk, thus creating a Tir- plus problem. scheme founded last year may be nearing a more compatible The new scheme would be based on the principle of equal pay for equal- qualitY; milk,' as agreed to by -the Ontario Milk ProctucerS' League and the On- tario' Concentrated Milk Pro- Endoriernent of the principle has coine in briefs presented bY the two groups, representing a total of 28,000 dairy farmers, to a provincial' inquiry com- mittee ,which concluded hear- ings at Toronto last Thursday. Other dairy groups would have to agree to it, and the scheme would have to be ap- proved by farmers before it could become effective. Farmers now are 'paid for their milk at rates depending on the final use of the product, A classified ad in the Signal - Star brings quick results. SUN -LIFE a progressive company in a industry GOR -DON T._ WESTLAKE -- SUN LIFE ASSURANCE, -COMPANY OF CANADA DERIC MONDAY, AUG. 19 AGRICULTURAL PARK sHows: & 8 p.m. Ausspices Kinsmen 110.Witless POUR/MIS CALL, PHONE OR WRITE PAy OR NIGHT Stan Haddon 118 St. David Street ' Real Estate Agept RUTH VAN DER MEER PHONE JA 47875, Goderich - 0 Agent For REALTOR Walkerton Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P.O. Box 478. Phone JA 4-9521 GODERICH ONTARIO Roomy — Comfortable Anywhere — Anytime - PHONE JA 4-8142 77 Montreal St., Goderich Call Lodge AMBULANCE SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT Prompt — Efficient Experienced Drivers TELEPHONE R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist -The Square -IA 4-7661 ItEFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE All makes — All types GERRY'S APPLIANCES 59 Hamilton St. "The Store That Service Built" Ben Chisholm Esso Imperial Products 20 Albert St., GoderiCh Office—JA 4-7502 Home—JA 4-7835 tf Butler, Dooley, Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor' GODERICH, ONTARIO 32tf Signal -Star ads bring results. HUGIIES RE AG insurance keent Phone• JA *8526 Mechanical and Body %eft Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust with Unda-Spray DAV IDSON'Ttirbtaco Sankt 'No. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4-7231 George Turton Co-operators insurance A Complete Line of Casually __and Life Insurance. Prompt, Efficient Claims Seg. vice by Goderich Adjuster of CIA. 319 Huron Road Phone JA 4-7411 ALEXANiDER CHAPMAN ed Sa 11( of ed br ar ar of GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Bank of Commerce Bldg, Goderich. Phone JA 4-9661, A. J. Alexander, Res, C. F. CHAPMAN, Res. JA 4-7915. HURON CO-OPERATIVE NEDICA14 SERVICES Prepaid4lealth Plans at Cost the way BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, Goderich; Vice -Pres., Gordon Kirkland, RR 3, Lucknow; Mrg, 0. G. Anderson, RR 5, Wingham; Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, ' Exeter; Hugh B. Smith, RR 2, Listowel; Lorne Rodges, RR 1, Goderich; Roy Strong, Gorrie; Bolton, RR 1, Seaforth; Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth; Bed Klopp, Zurich; Gordon Mat son, RR 1, Brucefield; Kennelli Johns, RR 1, Woodham. C. H. Magee Secretary -Manager Miss C: E. islumtree Assistant Secretary For inforniation, call 'your nearest director of our office in the Credit Union Bldg., 70 On- tario Street, Clinton, Telephone Winter 2-9751. or see your CO-OP representative GEORGE TURTON 319 Huron St., Goderiah Ont Phone JA 4-7411 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE or STU-MO SEAFORTH, ONTARIO 30-31-32 CHAMPION 'AERIALISTS, ACRO, BATS AND EQUILIBRISTS CONGRESS OF CLOWNS -- THRILLING RACES—ACRE OF TENTS. • ELEPHANTS • SANTIAGOS E,kanuu,sRigAANNsE _rift ORLIPS NEWEST BIG SHOW . THE WORLD'S FINEST CIRCUS ANIMALS A. M. HARPER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 55-57 SOUTH STREET TELEPHONE •GODERICH, ONT. JA 4-7562 FOR GENERAL INSURANCE see KEN CROFT FIRE — AUTO-- LIABILITY -7_ -C—ASUALTY---Phone JA4-7253 You can have oceanl of glorious soft water, yet 'this water softener re- quires, praifically no attention. It regenerates automatically -at night while you sleep. or Let us show you how you can enjoy all of the benefits of soft water and save money too, with a Duro fully auto - Matic water softener. For rent at 48 West Street, Goderich. Ground. floor prem -- comprising fotir room and vault (now used as dark room). This. location is completely self, contained with grade entrance. Contact owner, 46 West -Street, Goderich GLEAMING AND GLITTERING WITH GOLD AND. WONDIROUS' SURPRISES 'FOR YOUNG AND OLD t REMEMBER 'THIS: Clean and whidesoms entertainment is the platform upon which the SELLS • GRAY CIRCUS was fOunded upon IROG.Indeed they have set a pace to be fbUhd with no other circus ln America's hiitory. ADULTS $1.50 31-32 DAY OF DAYS Looked,forward to with tonging by the children and grown,Ops. The eventful day that delights; entertains and in, structs, refreshes and relieves from the tedium of toil.Tife one hest hell, day dawns with the Great SELLS and CHILDREN $1.00 11 rnmertime Comfort 1110111. In the heart of downtown Toronto facing Allan Gardens. Close to finest shopping and. entertainment centers, mai0 :,hospitals apd subway. Beautifully appointed rooms and suites.. Dining Room. Teievision. • Children FREE. Moderafeiy $6.50 Single Priced from-- • - -Occupancy 8.50 Double ' Occupancy Prederick runn411, Geo. Mgr. CENTRA+LL'Y LOCATED AT Toloplitoo: 368.,i4823 306 Jarytt.St, ...with a low-costlife-insured loan BANK OF MONTREAL • Near &. Hoffmeyer 40*