HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-08-15, Page 7DUNGANNON dNGANNON, Aug. Alan and Suzanne of Che Mrs. Thomas Young alid ford, Mass., returned home after and Mrs. Robert Mole on spending ,a few days with the ay attended the garden former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. y held for theAr'chblshop Wilbur Brown. anterbury from n4,gland at Visitors With Mr. and Mrs. residence of Bishop G. N. Cecil Blake on Sunday were Mr. on, London, •when more, and Mrs., . W. D. Foulds and Bob, 1,000 Anglican Church of- Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sharp and $ attended. Cathy of St. George; Mr. and, and Mrs. Clifford Jardine, Mrs. R. A. Treleaven, Orange- ville, and Miss Jill Phemister of Agincourt, Ont. On Monday, Mr. Fred Finlay, St. Thomas; Mrs. Warren. Finlay and Lorne, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Blair, Tor- onto, were visitors. Bonnie, Carol and Doreen Ctilbert and Patricia Eedy spent a week at a cottage at Port A1- bert recently. y and Cheryl visited for a with Mr. and Mrs. E1ddn pert and 'girls. Jean and y Brown returned with the Imes after spending . two visiting their aunt and le Chid cousins in Toronto. he United Church Women meet in the' church Tues. ,evening, August 20th at p.rn. Irs. William Caesar is a pat - in Wingham hospital 'being ited for an arthritic' condi- . We hope to hear of her rovement. Ir, Robert Sherwood is en- tnk a vacation' with: lits =aunt,' Alfred /label, Port Col- ne. Ir. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown, Iontue .. . (Continued from page 1) • gge nd also a six -mile etch from the village to the port 13 Years' Service ;gt. Fcagan, a son of Mr. d Mn: Chester Feagan of lmerstoc street, has been in R C.M.P. for 13 years. He ned goon after}• finishing Gode- 1h Collegiate. He has been itioned at Inuvik for the past ar and before that was at rt 'McPherson, farther up the icKenzic River. At Inuvik. be is in change of e- t ori Ii .CtiM,1?-t, : 4detacb ent A few years ago, the C.M 1 titi ere in charge of most Iverninf•r'. and public work 'r u more of this work is me civilian government iipiever- But Sgt., Feagan is ill r ,;,,:.rar of vital ,statistics erF Dunn:, the' time he has spent th:r. the Arctic Circle he has tted at. increase in crime non thr Eskimos and the In- an, lir believes this is large - attributable to the increased quos eon-urnption and also to �e -.cc of the white set- ers. Blame Liquor Thr- most common crimes are ttribattil to liquor consump- on, the second most common petty theft and the third, ex otl'er,-es. At the present me, one Eskimo is serving an 8 months' sentence for incest a corneetion with his daughter. Pra,lically all of the Eskimos nd Indians speak English, Sgt. eagan told The Signal -Star. recovery. A. E. Townshend last week. ie added that only the older , Mr. Bill Blake returned i Joe Blatchford returned home ieoplr have no knowledge of he English language. There ire at least. 800 pupils attending chools there which are run by e Anglican Church of, Canada nd the Roman Catholic Church. Mese-pupils are flown tri by Mane from a widespread area irourci Inuvik. " Right now, Sgt. Feagan is en- oying holidays at the home of lis parents in Goderich but :ome September 17 the two months' holidays will . be over tnd he will be back on duty .n the Far North. Visitors with Mrs. Irvine Henry one day last week were IVfiss . Carol Ann Bradley, Gode- rich, and her sister, Mrs. Bill Iiaysom. and little son of Vic- toria, B.C. Mr. Msdi1 McAllister, arrived liofnehan "Sunday and T reel/ ..:rating after surgery at Wing- ham hospital. - Congratulations to the newly- weds, Mr. and Mrs. William BEack (nee Marlene Cousins) who will make their home on the 4th concession .of. Ashfield. Visitors with Mrs. Abner - Morris last week and who were also camping at Port Albert beach' were Mr. and Mrs, Ken Knight and family of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs, Anderson Mug- ford, London; Rev. J. Lean, Lon- don; Rev.' Richard Hollings- worth, Troy, Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Freeman, Clinton. Mrs. Margaret Moran, who is staying at the Henry home, took a weak spell Sunday and the family were called home. She was doing very well towards recovery._ this week. She' ob- served _. her 88th -birthday couple of weeks ago. Huston ra n d'family 4£a i y a i Ripley;.leo , 'Mr. and Mrs. Calder Pa,ttrsn and family of Windsor,_ and Mrs. Jean Patterson of Gode- rich. Family Gathering A happy family gathering was held on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy and' Mr. and Mrs. Heber Eedy and family. Those from a dis- tance 'were Mr. Lorne Eedy, Stratford; Mr, and Mrs. Russell Reilly and ,son Charles of Mil- verton; Mr. Scott Coulter of Millbank; Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Eedy and Sheryl, London, and gr. and Mrs. Errol Scholtzhauer and family of Milverton. Tideswell Reunion About 35 descendants of the late William Tideswell and Lenora Hall met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park on Sunday, August 11, for their first family reunion. The elec- tion of officers resulted as fol- lows: President, Fred Tideswell; secretary -treasurer, Pearl Tides - well; lunch conveners, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tideswell, Mr. and Mrs: • .8 Tidnsweli, jr:; ,spnnx& committee, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park. Next year's picnic is to be held the third Sunday in August at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tideswell, Gode- rich: Race results are as fol- lows: girls, 4-8, Bonnie Schultz; boys, 2-6, Steve Park; girls, 10-13, Brenda Schultz; girls, 13- 18, Bonnie Tideswell; boys, 8- 12, Bobby Tideswell; shoe -kick, 4-8, Valerie Park; 10-13, Karen Tideswell; 13-18, Bonnie Tides - well; . women, Dorothy Tides - well; men, Gary Lee. Ball throws, boys, Billy Tideswell; ladies, Louise Tideswell; men's balloon contest, Gary Lee; bow tie contest, Mrs. George Ashton; guess the marbles, Bob Tides - well; coming the farthest dist- ance, Mrs. Waiter Carpenter and family. PORTER'S HILL Dr. II. A. S. and Mrs, Vokes are expected to move from Tor- PORTER'S HILL, Aug. 13.-- i Mr.- Roy A. Leggate of Pitts - onto to Dungannon some time burgh, Pa., 'and Miss Dorothy L. this week to' occupy the village Reinke of Ilamilton, recently residence they purchased from visited 1r. and Mrs. John Tor - Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Durnin. ranee. Misses Valerie Lee and Wen- dy Chase, Goderich, spent a few days with their aunt, Mrs. Fred Young. Mrs. Jack Caesar, son Steve and Mrs. Bill Stewart and son Brian spent the weekend with the . former's sister, Mrs. I. Rebjohn, Detroit. Recent visitors with Mr. and' Mrs. William Park and family were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook and family, St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bowers and fam- ily of -Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brown and children. Miss Rebina Sproul was taken to Wingham hospital for treat - Mr. nd Mrs William Parr have returned to England after spending several months with their daughter, Mrs. John Mil- ler, Mr. Miner, Lorna and Maureen. Lynda and Norman Simpson of Ajax visited John Manning on Saturday. . • Rev. G. W. Moore of Chester, Va., called on Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Betties on Sunday. - Grace U.C.W. plan to quilt at the home of Mrs. John Torrance this week and next week at the_ summer cottage of Miss Dorothy- Cox. orothyCoxa ment at the end of last 'week: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Peterson of Her friends wish her a speedy Drumbo visited Mr. and Mrs. home at the weekend after a cruise on the Trent Canal with his cousin, Mr. Ennis Comfort. Canadian -Girls In Training who went to camp last week were Fay Pearson, Diane 'Er- ring -ton, Mary Lou Henry, Mary Elizabeth Westlake, Arlene Dickson, Beverley Culbert, Ber- nice Thompson and Donna Mc- Kenzie. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson , Culbert and family on Sunday were Mrs. •Culbert'•s sister, Miss Pearl Caldwell of Leamington; Mr. and Mrs. Glen new barn. to Atwood on Sunday after spending the week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam p Blatchford, and brother Ernest, visited .the Townshends 9n_Sunday,- --- Thomas Sowerby returned home on Friday froma bus trip. to Sycamore, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs, . Austin Harris are able to be up and about again.. They were released from hospital last week. M1" Workmen have begun con- struction on Bill Townshend's HALF ` RICE' s LE haye 74dd:d a- few more dress= to our half-price selection.. here is now a large stock and zas rand frcnmP _5 to 24It:.. You in now buy two or three drosses the price you would normal- ly have paid for one:, so huy now and :.are on clothes for this sten- .. 7 a: -Id n -xt. Regular 10.95 to 29.9,E $.a7 to 14.97 FASHION SHOPPE 1 Taylor's TAYLOR'S CORNER, Aug. 12, anfl Mrs, Jimmie Oke And Vickie have `moved into their new homerecently purchased from Mrs. Robert' Fuller who has moved to Goderich. Mrs. Donald Scott and family, Windsor, are spending this week with M'- and Mrs, Ben Whitely and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker, Karen and Freddie of. Montreal, visited a day last week with the McCabe family. Douglas and Brenda Taylor of Toronto are spending holidays with their cousin, Norma Wal- ter. Mr. and Mrs. George Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Hall,- Wing - ham, were callers at .the. Roy Wilson home, one day last week. Hold Picnic On Wednesday of last week the ladies of the community held their annual picnic at Har- bor Park, Goderich. There was a..:good 'attendance and- "Mat previous members of the church and community were entertain- ed for the afternoon. The sports committee for the after- noon, chaired by Daphne Mal- lins, kept everyone busy all afternoon. The results of the sports are as follows: Pre- school, Douglas Taylor, /Lary Ellen Sturdy; boys, 6, 7 and 8 years, Jimmie Ginn, Billie Whitely; boys, 9, 10 and . 11 years, Johnnie Sturdy, Joh Mali €; girls race, Norma Wa - ter,rNancy Ginn, Carol Whitely; kick -the -slipper, Nancy Ginn, Laurie Ginn, Norma Walter. This was followed by a peanut and candy scramble for all children present. Passing the ball, Jean Ginn; most articles in purse, Jean Ginn's team; guessing contents of spice bags, Reta Holmes; fancy hat made from newspaper, .icon` Sturdy, Nina Walters, Mrs. Whitely; grandmother with most great- grandchildren, Mrs.,,C h a r l e s Prowse; longest and largest run in loose, Mrs. Walsh; lady with nest buttons, Mrs. Pete Young; lady with closest birthday, Reta Holmes; grandmother with her own teeth, Mrs. Pete Young. Just before a bounteous picnic supper, was served; everyone was called to order by the pre- sident, Mrs. Jean Ginn and Mrs. Robert Fuller who has recently moved to Goderich, was honor- ed. Mrs. Pete Harrison read a very fitting address and Mrs. Elroy Rodges and Mrs. Ben Whitely presented her .with a • tfl3ITUARY 4'•i4 MRS: FLORA CAMERON Mrs. Flora; Cameron, 80, wi- dow of thii late Judge 1Vlalcoirn G. Cameron, dried at Toronto on Monday after a brief illness. The body rested _at the Lodge funeral: --bowie until. Wednesday when the funeral service was hold at Kntl Presbyterian son of Toronto; one brother, Dr. Church at 4 p.m. Interment !Robert A. McLean of Pittsford, was in Maitland cemetery. N.Y., and a sister, Miss grace Born at Smith's Falls, Ontario, C. McLean, of Perth, Ontario. she was a daughter ,Of the late .I Mr. and M 's. John McLean. She was married to the late Judge Cameron when he was a practising lawyer in Goderich. They lived in the home now known as The Castle. Follow- ing her husband's appointment as a judge, she moved with hire to Cobourg, Ontario. Her hus- band was at one time an MLA for Huren. After her husband's death at Cobourg she went to New York City to practise her profession as a nurse. Later she returned to live near Lon- don, Qntairlo. Later she moved to Goderich and lived on Glou- cester Terrace for a number of years before moving to Toronto where she has lived for the past two years. She is survived by one daugh- ter, Mrs. John S. (Diana) Robin - tri -light lamp. Although com- pletely taken by surprise, Mrs. Fuller very ably replied, _ invit- ing one and all to visit her in her new home. Everyone en- joyed a lovely supper and at the close Mrs. C. A. Whitely of Goderich thanked the members for inviting the older ones to such a special afternoon. Travel Direct To BY WED., ATG. 21 and 28 $4.50 Return Fare Lave Goderich at 7:00 a.m. For further information Call your agent for . -, Trailways of Canada Ltd. Gordon Stewart JA 4-9231 32 WILLIAM N. WATSON William Norman Watson, a lifelong resident of Blyth, pass- ed away at Victoria Hospital, London, on Wednesday of last week after a long illness. Mr. Watson was the youngest son of Edmundson and Eliza- beth Fitzsimmons Watson. Early in' hiS life he became engaged in the' drover businesswith his father and brother, John B. He wa§ active in church or- ganizations, in the Blyth Agri -- cultural Society, a charter mem- ber, of`the Blyth Lions Club, and a past chairman of the Union Cemetery Board. w His first marriage was- td Frances Mason who passed away October, '1918. He later mar- ried Annie Elizabeth McManus of Goderich, who died in Sep- tember, 1955. Surviving are one' son, Paul, and two daughters, Mrs. W. J. (Clete) Lyons .of Toronto; and Anne Jeannette at home; one brother, John B. of Blyth; four sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Potter, and Miss Alice Watson of Blyth; Mrs. E. Mattie Lane, Calgary, and Mrs. Florence West of -Lon- don, A private funeral service was held at the Tasker Memorial Thinking of Building A New Home? Save yourself time and trouble. li! Plan and buildour New Home_ __ with our' help. PLAN WOKS • FREE ESTIMATES FRIENDLY SERVICE Of rr `-ANGLESEA'ag CAMBRIA R - 6ODER6C•N DIVISION OF - GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO. LTD. 0 . -„ .TA e � r The Goderich SignalSt� ThurS,day, Mtat#: 15tia:: 19 T. Chapel, Blyth, ou Friday aftelr- Edward-WWtson, Geot'ge eshitt, • noon, conducted by Rev. Robert Ulyth, 'amen li acl?hee, ' Y?!ete.1t F. MeaIIy, rector .of Trinity Sturdy and John Sturdy, Code, Church, Blyth, ,,,The pallbearers rich. Burial, took place in Blytl , were Jack A Watson, London, Union cemetery. 4' Huron Progressive Conservative Association NOMINATING„ (ONVENT1ON and ELECTION. of 'OFFICERS Legion Hall, Kirk St., Clinton WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28. 8:30 p.m. Authorized by the Huron Progressive Conservative Association a 32-33 1`J 0' SUNDAY SERVICES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Aug. 18th, Tenth Sunday after Trinity 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon 1\ /i'r1 (Junior Congregation and Nursery) Rector; REV. CANON KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D. Mr. George Burgoin, Organist and Choirmaster.a THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street . United Church 10:00 a.m. Sunday School i't':00 elm. Morning Worsh:itr "The Book of Amos (3). Is This the God We Believe In? The God Who Visits Us." (Nursery and Junior Congregation) The REV, W. J. ten HOOPEN, B.A., B.D., Minister MR. L. H.' DOTTERER, Organist and Choir Director Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister Miss Marion Moore, Deaconess — Morning Services 9:30 a.rn: and 11:00 a.m. Nursery and Junior Congregation Sermon: "The Picture Of A True Man" The Minister Preaching at •Both Services "Blessed, is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in- the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of scorners." Psalm 1:1. AUTOMOTIVE BATTERIES Summer heat will beat your bat- tery and come the first cold day this fall you will find your car ,will not start. Buy now and save. 20% off 'Til September lst .-_. 1000 ACCESSORIES Big Price Cut. MU FFLERS Large stock for Fords, Met- eors, Dodges, Plymouths, De- sotos, Chryslers and Chevro- lets. These are heavy steel mufflers to fit cars '55 to '59. Enter to Worship Depart to Serve THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Victoria Street United. Church 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Summer Ministry Rev. J. Ure Stewart, B.A. 10:00 a.m. Benmiller, Church- and Sunday School REV. CECIL A. DUKELOW, Minister. MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist. 32 3 FREE METHODIST CHURCH SPARK PLUGS Goodyear TIRES We are selling quality, first line Goodyear tires at ridiculously low prices. Get set for safe mot- oring and save too. - AS LOW AS - With Recapable Trade -In FREE The "Golden Cup" is the sign of a cup of good coffee. Our bevqrage has received the Award for excellence in brewing after rigorous testing by The Coffee Eirewing Institute in their laboratories. Salhrit a . uranl 1448411141411114141181, ut u REG. 1.10 .60 FLOOR MATS There is a variety of colors av- :Iable, one and two-piege sets. a 9 Y REG. J.98 • WHILE THEY LAST FARM 14" and 15" farm wagon tires. Can't go wrong at this price. i TIRES Fra 9.00 With Every 4.00 Gas Purchase You May Get A One -Pound Tin Of Grease Dial JA i K 4 8982 :. Hvvy. 21, rI • Texaco and Goodyear Products, SKY RANC RESTAURANT Mile N. ,of; Goderich at Sky Harbour P) Corner Victoria and Park Streets REV. R:'O. PELFREY, B.A., B.D., Pastor. Phone JA -4-9303 9:50 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Ev:ning Service. WED., 8:00 p.m. Prayer Mee° : and Bible Study. GODE13.1CH BAPTiST'CHURCHI Montreal Street Near The Square REV. E. VON KEITZ, B.A„ Minister._. 10:00 a.m. Church School 11:00 a.m. "Restored Confidence" - 7:00 p.rn. "Living In A Vacuum" THESALVATIONARMY !a CAPTAIN and MRS. ROY WOMBOLD SUN. 10:00 a.m, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 p.m. SALVATION MEETING TUES. 8:Q0 p.m. PRAYER MEETING A WELCOME l$ EXTENDED TO ALL Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Corner of Elgin and Waterloo Sts. REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School. Classes for all tges. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship .7e30 p.m. Evangelistic Service Tuesday 8 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Friday, 8 p.m. Young People's Service AUG. 18 — Iev, Kenneth Reid BAYFIELD. BAPTIST CHURCH REV, T. LESLIE HOBBINS, B.A., Pastor SUNDAY, AUGUST 18 10:00 crit. Sunday School 'L1:4$0 a.m Morning Worship 7:3044m, evangelistic -Hour Wednesday, 8 p.m. Prayer Service You Are Cordially_ Inviter! To All Of Thos. Servie rs •