HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-08-15, Page 39� Nun "motli....109: Campaigns o. Leng.then Membership RoU9 eederich Wane h 109, Royal eladian Legion, is 4oiuing rte ,other branched coast -to- ast hi ,fin effort to win more ttIe honors for itself, stir, • ew interest in its members and venire mew ones: ' Within the past few years. the glen ineGanada has been pro- ssively spreading its lines, gag on larger and more var- irojects in the 'form of sor- es to the *various comnnun- ea .in which it. operates. - Ma jot• Project Currently, the major project Branch 109 is the sponsorship low rental housing for sen- e'citizens, in which costs are tag shared ,jointly by the. eters and own Council. This perhaps one of the most am- Itious undertakings the Legion a sponsored locally aside from e original major effort in ren - voting the Legion Hall after it as received from the town. ate• responsibilities and ostly ones require a strorig;' tive membership, and fol: this easort, lranch 109, along with ny other branches across the iuntry, is launching,,,a member - 14 drive. Sports Program Hitherto the emphasis on ser - ice work in Goderich has been or youth, and sports activities ave been taking a lot of time nd attention by Legion mem- ers who help junior sports in everal ways IocalIy. Sponsorship of a public speak - g contest for junior secondary hool students has also been recent innovation for this ranch, and -Goderich has been ortunate in having successful andidates from Goderich pro - ed into Provincial competi- a physical fitness and sports tivities are winning acclaim' oC the Legion across Canada, as_ t was one 'or the first -national ganizations to promote an en- rged physical fitness program. Makes Donations • The local branch also makes ash contributions to a variety f worthy causes here, includ- g assistance to the •Goderich dd District Association for Re- rded Children, The Salvation my and other works of a charitable nature, aside from thew welfare a;re work which is done for veterans, regardless of whe- ther they are members ornot. • On the strength of this pro- gram of activities which is be- ing steadily expanded, the local branch, along with the national organization, is aiming at a six percent increase in member- ship by the end of 1963. Many Unattached Statistics show that there are many veterans and ex -service persons eligible for membership who have not joined. Anyone with full-time service • experi- ence and honorably discharged, is eligible for membership. Apart from the opportunity to work with fellow comrades and veterans for the public good, Legion executive ` mem- bers. are hoping that prospec- tive members will realize the value of the companionship and social activity with people ofeer��nm'on' interests:- Some of these activities Are dart competitions, bowling teams, dances during the winter season and bingo games 'on a regular basis. Important Role In many of these activities, the ladies 6f the Auxiliary to the Legion play a leads art, and the Goderich ladies have a well-earned reputation for the excellent banquets which they serve for various groups at the Legion Hall. They also took an active part in the carnival recently held by the Legion to raise funds • for the housing project. The Auxiliary offers a chance for the wives of Legion mem- bers to share in a similar pro- gram of community service., Based on its present member- ship_ of about 300, ab t25 'new embers would mouore than fule fit the six percent target. - A tually, the local branch hopes to exceed this considerably, as thereeee quite a job to be done in re -activating former members who 'fpr one `reason or another are inactive. Membership was at one time in the 400's. • Membership forms are avail- able at the Legion Hall or from any member on request. olive Liquor Seizures d More., than 50 performers, re- presenting top talent from five continents, are with Sells and e •* Cl ewns and pretty dancing girls also appear with the circus. , Gray wild animal circus which comes to Goderich "on Monday, August 19. There will be two shows at Agricultural Park—one at two o'clock in the afternoon and the other at eight o'clock in the evening, ,Sponsored by the Kinsmen Club of Goderich, pro- ceeds will go to community cork done by the Kinsmen. The advance part of the cir- cus will arrive at Agricultural Park during the early hours of Sunday morning since travel over the highway has to be done at other than normal daytime travel hours. There will be dancing girls; great Companies of trained sing- ers, a grand golden -toned organ and the crash of cyprnbals.:'Yet this production which daily amazes thousands, is but ' one feature of the Sells & Gray Cltcur:— _. Rosemary Audrey, star of the flying trapeze; the five Santi- egos, thrilling bareback riders; the amazing Ivanovs, equilibrists and the Robles Bros., aerialists, are some., of the season's high- lights. There are more'than 100 peo- ple with the big show which recently returned to America after a tour of South America. The 50 performers represent eight foreign countries. The clean business methods and the magnitude of this great travelling enterprise have al- ways made -the Sells & Gray Circus welcome visitors to the communities it visits: This marvel, super show of 11000 wonders, travelling on two spec- ial convoys represents an in- mense investment. 4. Anna May, the elephant which appeared in the motion picture, "Jumbo," will 6e here Monday. This picture was shown. • at the„ Park Theatre, Goderich, last Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Colborne Cemetery Memorial Day Attracts Large Congregation "This can be_a day. of .sorrow _despite the= dry weather. The for some,--Duclorr most a^ ay o`£""`flowers decorating the graves memories, memories of the Happy, the bad and the good were particularly beautiful. times. It can also be a day of happiness because separation from our loved ones through death leads only to reunion," declared Capt. Roy Wombold of the Salvation Army Sunday afternoon. The occasion was the anneal memorial day at Colborne ceme- tery, when Capt. Wombold was guest preacher in, a service of remembrance, organized, as has, been the custom for many years In the course of the sermon, Capt. Wombold reminded his hearers of the power of faith declaring that true "faith shall remove the mountain, the moun- tain of death, sadness and sor- row." "This is -the fervent desire • and hope we have in our hearts, that we will meet again. God has promised this to us and it is the clear teaching of the Scriptures, .. Through Adam all past, by the Cemetery Com- die, through Jesus all live pSharply l'his . ear mittee of Colborne Township.___ Five seizures of liquor, most from parked cars, were Made y Goderich police over the eekenff. This number is larg- r than i sual, Police Chief Fred nshall told The Signal -Star, dding that as many liquor seiz- res up to the present time this ear have been made as there ere all the previousy year. Among the seizures made last 'day night was one_at Harbor each,' abort ten o'clock. It -is lieved that one of three air - en from the RCAF.Station, inton, James Hope, 2r0, had en given .his discharge' from e air force and a little fare - ell party was being held to k the occasion. The other .0 celebrating wee Ronald ltz, 2�4, and Robert Reid, 20. ested Friday night, the three en were released on bail' from e Huron County Jail and will ppear in Magistrate's a Court ere today. Hiltz is charged 'with having quor in a place other than is' residence. Reid and •Hope ie charged - with the same. nd, also with consuming liquor bile minors. Stole -From Boat Mr. Harvey Johnston on Mon - ay morning reported the theft tit his houseboathouseboat', near the oath of the Maitland River a own metal fishing box, a een plastic ibex' containing hing tackle and h.' fishing rod. e former has been found on e lake bank below Harbor fir. -Canvass 6n the house= - nn paint. It is believed the activ- ity is the work of young boys. Police are investigating. Mr. Graham Inglis reports the theft of some $62 fn cash from his service station on f West street. The theft took ( place between 4 and 5 p.m. s last Friday. Steal Flag Pat Patterson informed police n that the flag pole in Octogenar- ian -Park had- been 'broken and the flag on it stolen. b Robert Pinnault from the h RCAF Station, Clinton, was ar- rested Saturday evening at a local dance hall and charged with being drunk in a public w place. - s Goderich , police have been " told of a boat stolen from Mea- " ford and are on the lookout G locally for it. It is a 30 fodt boat with white hull, mahogany H trimmed and a dinghy on the m Reeve Ralph Jewell was chair- Those who live in faith and man for the affair and opened serve God faithfully, should be the service with a ew appropri- ready when their time comes ate words of weeome to the and greet death with the words congregation. ' In addition to "Yes Master, here I' come." township residents, there were Held Regularly former residents who came Although no definite date- is from distant points especially knowri-for-tire- -first-service of or the service, and others who remembrance at Colborne ceme attended from nearby vacation tery, it is thought the annual pots. - service was ,instituted about 25 Well Attended years ago, and has been held There was a good gathering regularly since then except for ear the chapel in the ceme- a few times when weather made ery, . where portable chairs the holding of an outdoor ser - were set up, while a good num- vice impossible and the service er remained in their cars and had to be cancelled. eard the service through the public address system which was operated by Herb Neill. A choir of ladies assisted ith the singing of the three elected hymns which were Jesus, Lover of my Soul",, Breathe on Me, 13reath of od"; "Faith of Our Fathers." H. A. McCreath and Wilmer ardy were also on the com- ittee in charge of arrange - Stern. it carries the name of "Nissimo" from Southampton. With no other weapon than his tongue, Austrian statesman Prince Metternich • for years struggled against the power of Napoleon in his heyday. So clever was Metternich that he j not only saw, to the enlargement. of -Tuts own country and -set -up.i alliances agairrest Bonaparte, but he even ' ielanri r , • did brought off the French/ . on erir's mar- riage to Mary Louise. In the end, the diplomat not only? out - survived Napoleon but . pretty well ran Europe for 45 years --Waterloo— ments. The cemetery showed the re- sults of excellent maintenance and was in excellent condition Goderich Boys Al Choir Camp TYRCO-NNELL, _::"J`he,..evni ee.s` of 118 boy choristers from An- glican churches throughout the Diocese of Huron joined daily in church hymns in a small pas- ture on the farm of • Alister Littlejohn near here. The boys, aged .eight to 13, were attending the first of what _meld become an annual "choir camp" sponsored by the An- glican Diocese of Huron. About 20 of the campers were from Detroit. Among those attending from this area were Jeffrey Such and Glen Preston of Godericb. The camp was originated this year to enable boys from throughout the diocese to., prac- tise together for a 10 -day period ,prior to singing at the 11 a.m. service in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, last Sunday. Most 116x. A. M. Ramsey,, Archbishop of Canterbury, was guest speaker at the service. Much Help E. S. Davies, choirmaster at St. Paul's, and director of the camp, said much assistance was.. received from area businessmen in setting up the camp. An Timothy Seed We are buyers of new crop Timothy Seed. For information on handling and markets contact your local J. M. dealer or representative or Jones MacNaughtan Seeds PHONE 235-0363 EXETER, ONT. 30-31-32-33 411.11.1•111111.111. AMOY UNSET DRIVE-IN HIGHWAY 8 - EAST OF GODERICH Now with the widest screen in the territory Thurs,, Fri.,5Sat — Aug. 15-1117 "The- Three Stooges Meet Hercules" plus Kerwin' Matthews and Tina Louise in "The Warrior Empress" In• color Mon., Tues., Wed. -- Aug. 19-20-21 Red Buttons, Barbara Eden and Fabian Present art- exciting adventure comedy "five Weeks In A Balloon" •. -chlor Plus. "The Living Swamp" and a cartoon Thurs., Fri., Sat. -,.. Aug. 22.23.24 •David Ladd and Pam Smith "MISTY" a ,grand family show lddie Albert and Brenda Lee "Two Little Bears" * Color CITY WINNERS PEPSI -COLA CANADA LTD. ANNOUNCES THE RESULTS OF ITS $300,000 CONTEST 11.: WEEKLY- WAND RM WINNER : WERE E EACJ AWAR:DED A Renault Caravelle and a return trip to Paris for two via TCA and $14000 expense money to tour Europe. 0 1. Mr. Henry Behm, Douglas, Ontario, Mr. Marcel Chamberland, St. Pacame, Quebec. 3. Mr. Melvin Wielgoz, Regina, Saskatchewan 4. Mr. Roger Cawker, Oshawa, Ontario. 5. Mr. Romeo Legere, Montreal, Quebec. • 11. Mrs. Paul Bt1Kak, Dauphin, Manitoba. MIssMarie-ReineSenterre, '6. Quebec, Quebec. Mr. John Cake, 7. New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. Mr. Dennis Walsh, 8. St. John's, Newfoundland. Mr. J. B. Hogarth, 9. Tillsonburg, Ontario. _ Mr. Elphoge Marcouxx 10. Drummondville, Quebec. AND ... THERE WERE OVER 125,000 WINNERS OF CASH PRIZES FROM $1 TO $1,000. ni ow e st Thrthose who thiflkowk TUCKEi't kVpRAGES — . EXETER Roa.&Buiidin+ in Huton-.. On Schedule Grudi;ng and granular . bake on' the development road from Seaforth to Walton is 60% coin pleted, County Engineer James Britnell reports. The first five miles is finished, -George Rad- ford Construction, Limited, has this contract. Including ma- terials supplied by the county and engineering fees, total cost will be $307,000. The provinc- ial government mays 100% on development roads, the county paying only for 50% of pro- perty cost. On Schedule In general, road work throughout Huree is, on sche- dule, Mr. Britnell said. The cold mix paving job between Carlow and Nile, 2�/._. miles, is finished. The grading was done asVeyea -- -- Highway 4 to Winchelsea, ia► the south, was a reconstruction job over 51.e miles, and has been completed. The bridge north of Holmes- ville, at a creek flowing into the Maitland, in Goderich Town- ship, is well advanced. The deck has ebeen1'poured Find a start will be made on the ap- proaches within a week: This 79 -foot span and its approaches will eliminate a steep grade and sharp turn at a one -lane bridge on the old road. Piers have been poured for a three -span bridge on ,Road 7 in Turnberry, between concessions 8 and 9. The Brussels -to -Highway 4 project, eight miles of paving, remains at top of the program for next year, with Clinton west on county road 13 as a prob- ability fox 1965--�_ ° 1;;-;) old garage' was donated for a cookhouse, discounts Were given on the purchase of cots, more than 20 tents were borrowed from the Canadian Army and gas stoves were supplied. H�spital Administrators HoId Conference On Their Pr�bierns Administrators and dire tors -of nursing from Huron County hospitals and hospitals in Lis- tewel and Kincardine, met at Winghaxn and District Hospital, a week ago Wednesday to lis- cuss a host ori subjects. On the agenda were discus- sions on uniform salaries in the district, staff nursing problems; future hospital managernent an, a regional and district basis, convalescent hospitals, emerg- ency hospital service and out- patient services. Outdoor Dance Success Here More than 100 persons, repre- senting square dancing clubs of a dozen communities in this, area of Western Ontario, en- joyed a highly successful out- door modern square dance here .Sat►Irday nighir _ ,•,.� ..... . The dance -was sponsoredby the Goderich Square :Dancing Club and • •was held Con the pre- mises of the Conklin Lumber Company of " Goderich which made its facilities available- for the event. Plan Classes The caller for the evening was Al Haveling of Stratford, who will be conducting a course of square dancing in Goderich this fall, classes to beheld at Goderich District Collegiate Institute. The dance here was one of a series held by area clubs who are all members of the South- western Ontario Square Dancing Association, and invitations are exchanged regularly by the host clubs. TO FIX CURVE HOLMESVtrJ,E.—Work is to start , soon on eliminating the dangeeeusrettrve..on,tbe.Cut Line between No.. 21 Highway and Hoimesville. It is expected that the road will eventually be black -topped to take care of the increasing amount of traffic over it. ' • ATpARK THEATRE: THE GODERICH SHOWTIME 7:30 * air-conditioned for your comfort * Now—Thurs., Fri. ,Sat. — Aug. 15-16-17 Shirley. Jones, Glenn Ford, Roberta Sherwood in "TheCourtship of - Eddie's Father" ' in color Mon., Tues., Wed. — Aug. 19-20-21 — Adult Entertainment Sean Connery, Ursula Andress and.Jack Lord A British -made Caribbean suspense mystery filmed in Jamaica - "DR. NO" in scenic Technicolor - Thurs., Fri., Sat. - Aug. 22-23-24 BOB HOPE, Anita Ekberg and Edie Adams British -made in Africa. A riotous spoof on big game hunters "CALL ME BWANA'` Color COMING — "Diamond Head" Adult Entertainment CREATIVE CAPITAL- is modern pioneering.. • The early Canadians laboured hard all their lives to clear a patch of land to call their own and lay the foundations of our nation. Today's pioneer can make` his personal fortune grow, and Canada's too, with little labour and very much faster through prop- eely placed creative doIIars. It was creative capital that opened up Can- ada to ' settlement, discovered and developed our mines, our oil: and gas fields, our new in- dustries, built the plants and made our high standards of living possible, Every Canadian who can save a few dollars has the right to share in the rewards of creative capital — to own an interest in Canada's .xpandITIVeeellennye - Money invested now in Canada will do bet- ter than anywhere else in the world. We be- lieve in Canada. We believe we are entering a period of growth and prosperity unprecedent- • ed in our history. Now's the time for those who have vision and faith to take advantage of it. If you are sincerely interested in putting some of your creative capital to work in oppor- tunities of merit to earn income through divi- dends and profit potential, simply complete and mail the coupon below. 1 , _ .. Nn moo ow, _ alp mem :ee a wn _ a ow .r. _ .re ow wok Now am. w-wo. N. L. SANDLER & COi LIMITED INVESTMENTS . Suite 203, 121 Richmond St. West, Toront6 1, Canada 1 Please keep me continuously infbrmed on the opportun- ities of merit to earn income through dividend§ and pro- fit poterf°tial sponsored by your organization. 1 Name �. 1 Address Low ow we Oka era Wo sio owt IMP WI 1 • 060 ow fool � Wingham hospital adroinis, trator, Mrs. I. E. Morrey, was host. Wingham director Q nursing Miss Zina Hopwood took delegates on a tour of the hos- pital building. ' In addition to Listowel and Kincardine, there were 'dele- gates from hospitals ineter, Seaforth, ,G•oderich; Clintoi and Wingharn, . Alexandra Marine and Gen- eral Hospital was represented by the administrator, Leo Wal- zak. PAVE NORTH ROAD Much to the relief of. drivers using the North Shore road as access to the harbor' and the salt mine, a new coat of black- top paving has been completed aver a section from midway down the hill to a point on the north side of the harbor where Fepai rs te-tiaa.,raorth-,Side-a-ihe,- ' harbor are currently -being car- ried out. Levis Construction carried out the werk. For most of the summer this section of road was generally in. a washboardy condition and re- quired frequent grading. The pavement represents a great im- provement to the harbor • ap- Caaax=h f•Oigthnill106$ m,�ar da , u ust dt9oaGr=h Tc rowa nevdero, nhtlelrrt�inag- read tree`1s to -.the �aafinG un* avaidahl w .11':eontinue .to 'anali~e the trip bumpy and '4usty for some tirne,. C.'Vlf' HENRY HURON TERRACE PHONE 505 KINCAR1 NE, ONT; Is Prepared to Teach VIOLIN BEGINNERS or ADVANCED PUPILS ACCEPTED -- also -- Violin . Repairing Bow R ehairing and GEORGE HEINL VIO-3.IN Highly Recommended, ,for Beginners or Professional Use. To be had at Leybourne's Jewellery Store or at res- idence, Kincardine. 32 reteekg/M GODERICH , ONT. - DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT FOR THE YOUNG CROWD "The ' REVOLS" '9 p. m. to midnight - Admission:: 75c per person CATERING _ WEDDESCC,S --- LUNCHEONS -- BANQi7ETS ' Kinsmen — Lions — Rotary Meetings JA 4,9371 or JA 4-9264 GERRARD'S LADIES' WEAR FINAL SUMMER CLEARANCE All the summer merchandise in our ladies' department is going on the block. Our new fall merchandise is arriving daily and we must make room to display it.. . Save many dollars. Summer is over for us but there is still over a month left for you. ` • .DRESSES • SLIMS -. • BATHING SUITS i `T-SHIRTS • BLOUSES • ETC. EXTRA SPECIAL! ! - Summer Maternity Wear Sets, Tops and Sports-. wear are included in this reduction. 1/2 - PRICE GERRARD'S LADIES' WEAR The Square