HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-08-01, Page 1010 The' Godqrleb. Signal -Star, Thursday, August ist, 1963 FORA• GREENEk THUMB By. G. MacLeod Rosi CHLOROSIS AND ITS CURE !gladiolus, petunia and snaps and similar herbaceous plants, use half the amount for azaleas. It is always difficult tO diag- nose the disease of a plant, When the- leaves of a plant or shill/ turn yellow, or the young growth is yellow, it is a possible sagn of chlorosis, or the failure of the plant to make chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the stuff which enables a plant to turn sunlight and carbon diox- ide into tissue. Chlotosis is caused by three deficiencies: magnesium, manganese but most usually iron. In the first two cases it easy to feed readily assimilable salts hut not so in the case of iron deficiency. .46 ..:OBITUARY kW MRS. MARY ELLEN CRONK A resident of Goderich on Lighthouse street for more than 15 years, Mrs. Mary Ellen Cronk, 97, of Dresden, died at the Chatham General. Hospital On Saturday,- July 13. The funeral was held on July 15 with interment in Dresden cemetery. Mrs. Cronk moved from Gode- rich to Dresden abut 13 years ago. Her husband, who pre - shrub or tree and whether the deceased her, was for some tell-tale symptom of yellovsecisyears a marine engineer on leaves is present or not, there Great'Lakes boats. seems a case for - a trial of Surviving is a . brother, Sequestrene 330 Fe on such Charles Aikin and a sister, Eva, acid loving shrubs as juniper, both of Dresden. A daughter, taxus, cedar, spruce and pine, Leella, who was a nurse in De - which, from time to time and troit, died some years ago. locality to locality yelloyv and shed foliage, just as application to roses, hydrangea and hibiscus MRS. ANNIE M. ArIcEWAN should provide that slight touch of what we have come to call Mrs. Wm. Sallows, 13 Water- ironThe old remedy of sulphateof is useless because the cal- . . loo street, received word last -Sss-ssiss----- --- .s-ss-s.s.----ciana-in---thss-ssoll-tusassssit-into sfesiLchst.Yf butrwislit....".....X..nai . be only. a sunekslhats,ter.„sisstsrsatra ac o so u e iroa ancrWhich -- .s_- an insoluble compound of iron Ewen, the former Annie May- - which the -plant rannot -assimi- 'wculd i.moss'ove the perform- ncegenerally and fight off C-oOrtney, passed a -way- sudden - late. a fight 1 in Victoria, B.C. on July 24. disease,because robuster constitution of the ,r, 7 - merelyof the She attended del school The Swiss Company, Geigy, which, discovered DDT\ develop- . in Goderich and taught at No. plant so treated. ed what has been named a chel- p The o,Id rose formula known 3, Colborne Township, and 'No, ate, a name derived from the, 9, Huron Township, before go - as "Tonks ' can be amended • Greek for a crab's claw. The ing West to take her Normal in , and the one-half part of sul- phate of iron eliminated, The fWinnipeg. She continued teach - name describes the action of a substance which has the power .ormula therefdre becomes: ing at Hamiota and Brandon, . six to grab ‚the 'iron out of the soil , Manitoba, and Regina, Saskatch- . pounds superphosphates, five FOR the plant, instead of it ewan, where she married W. H. being locked in by the action pounds nitrate of potash, one . . -pound Epsom salts (the mag- McEwen, Q.0 , who predeceased of the calcium. The chelate is her in 1941.She resided in ,,. nesium content) four pounds sold in varying strengths for1 plasterof Regina until moving to Victoria lime and one-half ou1nhcet 330'O years ago. s' 1 alkaline, for alkaline, or slight- ly acid and for acid soils. Re- Tsvo sons, Wm. Courtney of spectively these are identified FeIronChelate. Kitchener, and Dr. Donald Mc - J. A. WILKINS HURT Ewen of Regina, Saskatchewan; ' s under the -trade names of Se: o. • Y4uestiene 138 Fe; Sequestrene : James A. Wilkins, Elgin av-It.:kio‘,;s20sters and three brothers 330 Fe; Sequestrene Na Fe iron enue, suffered chest injuries '_`-•1''''''' chelate. Locally the choice isand nossihle internal injuries I Was in C.Q11i510/1_With a car ,,s,ssI/A410-rosserr by Andrew Patterson of --TIVe 'death -occurred-inshoss- However:these .,Chelate sess a further proaerV which ,Ripley; on Highway 21, three pital at Ottawa o.n July 13 of is of peculiar interest where miles south of Goderich. Mr. 'sMiss Jemima (Mima) Russell, soil is so alkaline that it will Wilkins is being treated in Alex- Reg -Ns in her 97th year. She not, support the growth of such andra Marine and...Geherai Hoss,was an aunt of Mrs. Tait Clark so-calledacid Inving-pigntS as Ipital, Goderich. , of Colborne Township and 1n. azaleas, hibiscus, camellias, ! Mr. Patterson and three other , past years was a frequent visit- gardenias, holly, hydrangeas, ;persons riding in hiS"car escap- or in Colborne. rhododendrons, primrose and ed injury, police said. i Miss Russell was the eldest roses. It is also useful for trees ! , daughter of the late Mr. and. * 30 Fe but on chalky soil 138 Fe Sunday evening when his car MISS MIMA RUSSELL would be needed. and shrubs such as pin oak, maple, magnolia, spruce, box, cedar and other hardwood coni- fers. Apple, peach, plum and cherry also benefit. The use of the appropriate strength of Sequestrene has remarkable re- sults on rhododendrons and a- zalea, which put on new color and fresh growth after years of struggling for existence. Hyd- rangeas have trebled in size and even plants not seriously af- fected by the presence of lime in the soil have gained from the use of this chemical. Sequestrene 330 Fe Iron Chel- ate contains 105 iron as me- tallic and is sold in. four ounce bags;, one pound canisters and five pound bags. 11 may be ap- plied as a foliage spray—a tea- spoon tp a gallon of water or, by soil application. The dosage for closely growing plants in beds.and rows (azalea, hibiscus, -hydrangeas and roses) is 6-12 ,tablespoons per 100. sq. ft. For individual plants, a teaspoon per plant up to two feet high. Two teaspoons up to three feet', and for larger woody plants One tablespoon per plant. For shade -trees 3.6 tablespoons per inch sof trunk diarheter, applied as a soil drench or broadcast on the soil around the base csf f.h-e- tre or shrub and heavily water- ed in. For turf and lawns, one pound in 20- gallons of water per 1000 square feet or, for soil application, one pound per 1000 square feet with fertilizer or 'with an inert such as -sand or dry soil. Th o issalgirs_Wateri ass should- fol/PW -ea ch application. For chrysanthemum, carnation, • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA.- TENDERS- g.ALED TENDERS addressed to Secretary, Department of Public Works of Canada, Room B 322. Sir Charles Tupper Build - 4 , ing, Riverside Drive, Ottawa 6, - -and eUdergred •e+T.,11E-It FOTt 4, • HARBOUR REPAIRS AND IM- PROVEMENTS RECONSTRU- CTION OF -600 FT. SECTION OF NORTH PIER). GODERICH, HURON COUNTY, ONTARIO. will be received until 3:00 p.m. AUGUST 21, 1963 Tender documents can be obtained, on deposit -of $25.00 in the form of A CERTIFIED bank checue to the order of the RECEIVER GENERAL OF CANADA, through: Chief Engineer, Room E-443, Sir Charles Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa; Dist- rict Engineer, D.P.W., P.O. Bok id68, 457'Richrtiond St., London, Ont. and can be seen at the Post Office at Goderich, Ont. and builders Exchange, Lon- • don, Ont. The deposit will be refunded on the return of the documents tebff -Condition withTh one xrionth from the dile of tender opening. To be considered each ten- der must be submitted on the forms supplied by the Depart - Merit and must be accompanied by the seeurity specified in the „ tender documents,, Tho lowest o any tender 110 necesSarilY toted. 110AtitttOlTIt1t, Secretary ..• • • All Makes of Hearing Aids --- GET YOUR HOT WEATHER FREE CHECK-UP FOR YOUR HEARING AID NOW! Each year at this time we urge all hearing aid users to bring their hearingids to BEDFORD HOTEL, The Square from 1 to 5 p.m., August 2 for a FREE CHECK-UP. This precaution in many cases can save you much frus-, tration as well' as repair bills. The hot humid weather of the summer months, plus the ever present subjection to perspiration, can be extreme- ly hard on any electronic equipment and the minute 2omponents of your hearing aid are no ekeePtion. Another Fine Service by Broughton & Rigby YOUR HEARING AID SPECIALISTS HEADQUARTERS 6 40 Erie St. Stratford Dial 271-5011 Open Fri. 'til .9 p.m. Terms Available - SAME DAY SERVICE Mrs. William Russell, a pioneer family of Arnprior, Ontario. Born six weeks before.Confeder- ation, she was educated at Aril - prior and entered the first class of the Training School for Nurses at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal. She prac- tised her nursing profegsion, in New York City and Cleveland, Ohio. For several years she was a resident nurse at Mac- Donald College, Ste. Anne de. Bellevue; P.Q. Miss Russell helped introduce Public Health Nursing in Saskatchewan's school system before returning to MacDonald College in the capacity of Superintendent of Student Residences. Burial was in the Russell fam- ily plot at Arnprier, Ont. on Monday,..Tuly 8 in Royal Oak Chapel, BUir:riaby, B.C., Rev. W. Little United Church Padre of Shaughnes'sy Hospital officiat- ing, The internitent was in the Field of Honor, Forest Lawn Memorial Park. A nephew, Rev. D. A. McKenzie of Pine River, Bethel charge,. travelled to Vancouver to attend the fun- eral. Dr. McKenzie leaves to mourn his passing his wife Erna, one brother, Donald (Dan) of Blyth, one sister, Mary McKenzie of Port Albert, also several nieces and nephews. Four brothers, Jim, Jack, Alex and Roderiek, also one sister, Grace, ilred'e- ceasefl him. * MISS MAUDE ELLIOTT A former residers of Gode- rich, Miss Maude Elliott, 80, died in St. May's Hospital, DR. HECTOR M cK EN Z IE London, on Sunday. She was the elder daughter of the late Dr. Hector McKenzie, a na- Thomas Elliott, a native of Col- edtive of .Ashfield Township, pass - away in Shaughnessy Hos- borne Township, who for a time iT517 rarkoilfia-7 ' after 'a lenatly rich Organ Co. Two sisters and illness. _ a brother, William, wh0- was -a- Dr. McKenzie was born teller here the Sovereign Ashfield Township near Port bank, died in comparatively Albert, in 1888. After receiv- early life.. tion in Goderich, he taught ing his secondary school educa- Miss Elliott is survived only by cousins: Miss Ida Elliott, school for three years, then went , to Queen's University, London, with whom she had Kingston, where he graduated lived for the past six years; \Mrs. 'as a doctor in 1915. Irnmedi- Fraser McTavish, Windsor;, W. ately After graduation, he en- E. Elliott, Gooerich; and W. listed in the army, and until the H. Elliott, Toronto; G. R. Elliott, conclusion of the First World Santa Monaca, Cal.; T. R. Elliott, War, he served, as a doctor in Oshawa, and Mrs. Allan Haight, various overseas countries. Ninga, Man. Service 'was held Tuesday ;After the war, he spent a few years in England where he earned post -graduate degrees in medicine and surgery and re- ceived much high praise for the quality of hs work. He came back to Canada in approximately 1922, and until his retirement seven years ago, he worked as a doCtor in var- ious places in Western Canada. During the Second World War/ he served for about two years in .the army, most of this time - in Westdrn Canada. The funeral service' was held Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Dance 'To Lionel Thornton EVERY SATURDAY TWIST -to the "Crescendos" Every Wednesday and Friday THERE WILL BE A MIDN'ITE DANCE CIVIC HOLIDAY WEEK -END .COMING - BOBBY CURTOL-A THURSDAY, AUGUST -15th-- evening at Needham Memorial Chapel, London, with burial in Mount Pleasant cemetery, Tor- onto, on Wednesday. ny Attend The 40th Annual Tebbutt Reunion at Harbor Park More than 70 people from many centres, including Leth- bridge, Detroit, Dresden and London, attended the 4Orth -an- nual Telabutt family reunion at Harbin' Park. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Tebbutt were in charge of the register. Races, conducted by the sports comMittee, 'assulted as follows; Girls, six and under, Sharon Colclough, Brenda Forbes; girls, seven to nine;-. Helen Pickard; boys, seven to nine, Kevin Hulley; girls, 10 to 12, Lois Merrill, Janice Tre- wartha; boys, 10 to 12, Larry Boak, Ivan Merrill; teen-age girls, Faye Merrill, •Patty Teb- butt; teen-age boys, Rick "Boak, Larry Boak; ladies' kick slipper, Norene Tebbutt; men's kick slipper, Jack Merrill; ladies' running race, Marianne Col- cleugh; .men's running race, Akara.Y-E01:bissilaile.Y.MQ.Q11„,rt layssMarlene Forbes' team; bean race,—Murray- Forbesteam; heaviest man present, Gordon Dow; oldest person present, Will Potter; couple married FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL COLLECT DARLING AND COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Clinton — HU 2-72139 Collect. Dead Animal Licence No. 262-C-63 TF Wishing won't take you places ... but an HFC Traveloa-n will! So take that holiday now. Borrow confidently -repay sensibly. Life insurance available at low group rate AM'NT OF,, LOAN $100 550 750 1000 1600 2200 2500 MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 36 3b 20 12 months months months months $ 60.88 83.71 9512 23.73 31.65 41.45 68.81 94.62 107.52 $ 6.12 32.86 44.13 58.11 94.11 129.41 147.05 $ 9.46 51.24 69.21 91.56 146.52 201,46 228.93 Above payments Include principal and Interest, " and ore based on prompt repayment, but do not include the cost of life insuranc4_ HOUSEHOLD FINANCE. G. N. Crawford, Manager 35A West Street Telephone JA 4-7383 GODERICH nearest 25 years, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Taylor; youngest cliii present, Sylvia Forbes; latest Married couple present,11r. and Mrs, Murray Forbes; lady/with most buttons on her dress, Ldis' Merrill; largest family present, 10. and Mrs. ,Ray Potter; mar- ried couple from greatest dis- tance, "Mr. and. Mrs. Clifford McCartney, Detroit. ' Following the picnic supper, the president, Mr. Lloyd"Bond, 'welcomed those present. Greet- in,gs were received from Mr. and' Mrs. W. E. Sheppard, Lyn - den, Washington. Mr. Lorne Jervis moved a vote of thanks to the president and his com- mittees. Secretary and treas- urer's reports were read. Officers for 1964 are: Honor - ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN odd— Our Specialty ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. "Open Every Day" The Esquire Restaurant The Square-Goderich-JA 4-9941 CUSTOM COMBINING Two self-propelled machines to serve you. Also cartage arranged for. Contact Lyle Montgomery R.R. 3, Clinton Phdrie HU -2'-;731- - -28-29-30 , , • ary peident,•Mr. John Curry; past president, 1111,..14104 Bond; president Mr. Jack Merrill; vice-president- Mr. Russell vis; secretay, Mrs, J1,WA son; assistant 'secreacry Mrs. *kelt Tebbutt;. treasurfA Mrs. Robert Taylor; charge 'of reg- ister, Mr. and Mrs. Will Tb - butt; assistant, Mr, and Mrs. Carman Tbbutt. 'Management committee is: Mr. and Mrs. Russ Vwartha, Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Cox,oMr. and Mrs. Les Jervis, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Grigg. Vie sports committee is: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Norman, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Holland, Mr. and Mrs. John MeCowan, Mr: and Mrs. Tom Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Trewartha. Of t anada's $4.9 billion,wiyth of , evorts in 1.96* tioit the total, was aceountect- for' by nine commodities print, wheat, lumber, nickel, aluminum, petrol,' eum, iron ore and copPer. BRECKOWS MEDICAL, MASSAGE STEAM, SAUNA and Ho COLONICS Jintertsal baths 118 Anglesea St., off Vick JA 4-8281 (office) or JA 4-7617 (residence) *****osmisimmasimomponraw area. GAMES — BINGO — GAMES — BINGO LEGION CARNIVAL 1WICQUDALAUGUSL5. Proceeds to Senior Citizens Housin% FISH POND — PONY RIDES DRAW' AGRICULTURAL PARK GODERICH ,. ONT. DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT FOR THE YOUNG CROWD "The REVOLS" 9 p. m. to midnight Admission: 75c per person CATERING • .„ , ..„R'DDINGS --IUNHEONS — BANQUETS kinsmen- Lions — IrolarYlVfeefilig-s- - ---- JA 4-9371 or JA 4-9264 - . ••• •A ASIV Alex Ma Quebec, Church .30 an Miss Wirfelsoi iitith0T% Mrs.. a patie for t\sc READY MIXED CONCRETE The fast, clean and economical way to solve all your con DISTRIBUTORS OF — Calcium Chloride — , Pre -Cast Concrete Bumper Blocks — Sidewalk Slabs and Curbing Radio Equipped Trucks Huron Concrete Supply Limited JA 4-7361 Goderich and Seaforth JA. 4-7361 24-29 Fler up! • nepseSi,s,is 1 What with? Your family's holiday Togga.te,.h._a_tist_tarrr _ If you'd like a new tar to take vou on yOur vacatipn...see the B of M. Matter of fact, you might wish to finance both the Sir and your vacation under the same IAV flARIUU low-cost, life -insured plan. 10 JIM /0V raNap,,os Thats the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan, of course Available at every B pf M branch, BANK OF _MONTREAL 1 I• ..-"-"''''',,m2 ,-,,ft,:4,ig:;M:=,;.*:',,i,r.:•Z':::::?..?":,i2X,i,,,,,i,,,,SM?i,...>;0,,,,;:,,,,,,,,,7—"•-"' '''' -'' ami mance an brings all your personal credit needs Goderich Branch: BEN CORLESS, Manager, • • • • • 2, • * ' • 4.;. • „ • • • ' . . Rambler Seatt cantata* eniiiighti Out (0..malteloti elitO • Riding in a Rambler you can lean all the way back and relax. Those reclining seats convert instantly into a lazy nap couch. If you're driving, you can adjust the seat to thel:?ea_t_ psition° f� t you. It -doesn't lei -atter if VOU're 5 Toot 2 or 6 foot 4, you get comfort. For a few extra dollars you can have foam -padded, adjuttable headrests installed in your Rambler. Not only do they give you added support, they're a; safety feature you vvolYt get on, any other oar. Everybody ,talks aboui comfort but nobody does as much about it as Ramblr. For what it's worth, our head-rodm, hi - THE LOW.PFIICED AMERICAN •141.X.. BAYRELD ROAD room and leg -room is equal to or better than other standard size cars. But Rambler also gives you well cushioned chair -height seats in,a arthatidesteady, rides mooth. • Unusual is the word for the number of special features you get in a Ramblr. There's quite an impressive list that includes low price, a guaranteedInuffier, battery and coolant, the best rustproofingnd exceptional mileage. You also haye a "good. 8SOrtrilent of models to choose from. Take your pick of a onvertibl, hardtop, sedan or wagon. See them all at your nearest Rambler dealer's. Hoyt i tSt rest On one df our reclining seats soon. Winner of the 1963 Motor Trend magazine "Car of the Year" award "for if-desen achlevethent and engineering ledership." Now :a eh as Ibtey fermi can Your the s, show' whit brow ever face See Colo Colo toda THE p Li I. A 'itl„ $ 1 d is' I " E ,‘11/ !A Pe10000t At4EtocAts movons coAtubm Litiirea A It U t. AM,BASEIACIOR v JA 4-9541