HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-08-01, Page 6The Goderich Signal -S 1. Articles For Sale • THREE male blue -tick hounds, 8 weeks old. Phone 'Clarence • Hoy, 25 r 12, Dungannon. -30 SMALL, solid -built house trail- er, interior unfinished, speciah hunt axle. Enquire at Near and Heffmeyer Plumbing, King- `ston St. t30 CUT flowers, snaps, asters, Zin- nias, annual and perennial minis, daisies and glads. Phone 9649. -30tf THREE-PIECE—beciroom suite; priced reasonably.. Phpne 9545, -30 PORTABLE 8 -transistor car radio, - excellent condition. Phone JA 4-8737. -30 COTTAGE SPECIALS Heavy duty ranges $15 up Retri•gerators from. $30 e GERRVS APPLIA.NCES The Square. -30 ASTRAIAt ridge, good condition, suitable or cottage. Phone HU 2-7375, Clinton. 30x FRESH picked black currants. Gibson-. Widder St. -30 ONE now aluminum door, 30 x 80,.lef: heed. Phone 9984. 30x _ — BABY carriage, excellent con - (hour., converts to stroller or car bLti, complete with carriage pad and mosquito net, $25. Phone 7719. -30 4 FLECT111;:. Singer sewing ma-. chine t 11 zig zag- and back I stitc1:. $46, or take over ' $81 paymtnts monthly. Write Box 24, S:•..7nal-Star. -30 , GRADE 10- books, used one year. ..„-,(!neral course. Phopel 8988. -30 BABY ••••Ning and stand, bath ; and commock- chair. $9; single Al: ood condition. Phone 8183 30x1 pumps, 7' AA: Imre. ee. and nylon pumps, 61, ' A.1, . na,r suede.sandals, condition, reasonable.. 7895. -30-31- 12 out1Toard boat, 10 h.p.. Joi.,r...,(.7;. motor. Phone JA 4 - five p.m. :30x ' etOpEe'e wing machine cab -e inet, used. walnut finish. Co.t Offer. Phone • HU 2-7i3i. Clinton. -30 • t At-IWO:ATI(' Zig Zag sewing machint. SCWS on- buttons, makt.s bettonholes,. does ern-• broiderv work, SACRIFICE: Take on payments,- 7 of $7.00 or $46 Of,: cash. Write to box 23, Seenal-Star. • 30 STRAW BERRY plants—Sparkle„ ..e,-Redebeeuui1nr$2 per hundred. 'Phone 13 r 2, Dun- gannor, Len Chisholm. 30x tar, Thursday, Augnst lst, 1963 ?4* Ciir,5,,1ruchs For Sale 57 MORRIS, 4 cylinder, reason- able, good condition.172 Pie - ton St. • e -30 al Escate For Sale OT, lag by 66, on corner of Cayley ,and VVarren Sts. For information phone JA 4-9472 after 6 p.m. -22tf WHITE frame house,' large lot, 'corner Hincks and Mary Sts. Phone JA 4-7016. 15-16xtf RUTH .VAN DER MEER 55 Montreal St. Phone JA 4-7875 Agent for WILFRED McINTEE Realtor, Walkerton THIS IS IT—On a large lot in good location. This home is very attractive, with attach- ed, double garage. As an added BONUS, you get a brand new four -piece' bath. Large mastet bedroem and , two average size bedraoms. - -Downstairs ttreree is -a' en °demi kitchen, dining room, living room and leathroame-Igull siz- ' ed basement with -large new recreation room. All heated by a gas furnace. • JUST BUILT—brick and ranch wall construction, large living room, large kitchen, four bed- rooms, oil furnace. Under $10,000. Brick home near the LAKE, 4 be-drooms, mahogany panelled recreation room with fire- place, faniily room, large liv- ing room with best' broad- loom, two patios, large lot. , One of the better homes. 34 PIGS. nine , weeks old. Georee McKinnon, R.R. 1, Port Albert. Ont. Phone 633. Six -room house, gas furnace, many built-in cupboards, would accept summer cottage or farm property as down payment. Low priced older homes. Five -bedroom home. Two bath- rooms-. Modern kitchen: New storms and screens. Included - are wall to wall -vinyl rugs throughout the downstairs. 180 Acre farm; nine -room house. • two barns. DM ANT farm, five -room --11-e-us•o, bank barn, r miller district. 100 Acre farm. Ashfield Town- ship, 8 -room house, 3 -pc. bath, large barn. 50 Acre farm, 9room house. barn. 20 Acre farm. solid brick house,. batik barn, trailer home in- cluded. Lakefront lots, summer cot- tages. 3. Red Estate For Sale SELLING or renting Septeinber ist, *utiful clay brick 3 to 4 bedroom ranch home, overlook- ing lake. Fireplace, hardwood floors, gas. $18,000. 181 Essex St. JA 4-7138. -30 NICE large house and garage, near churches, school and stores. Full price $2,500, down payment $700, $20 monthly, 10 miles from Goderich. Phone 32, Dungannon. " -30,31 _ FOUR-BEDROOM red brick house, good condition, centrally located, gas heating, garage. For further particulars phone' 7690. -30-31 HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broker ; General Insurance Agent in Goderich District for Kernohan Homes and LEE BUILT Homes ' —7 -- Th ree-Bedroom—Centrat Location An interesting deal can be arranged for thg right purchas- er, Nell price and down pay- mentwiee-on this three-bedroom frame home which also has large living room; kitchen, full basement and extra lot. If -you can make a substantial monthly payment but do not have a large down payment contact this broker for details. Four-Bedroom—Brick Drastically Reduced This family home has now been reduced by 81500 and is offered with good terms as the owner is leaving town. Here is the chance to -buy a real bargain. -Call today. -21 Other Homes For Sale Through out Goderich Several four, five and six - bedroom • houses at reduced prices and most in an excellent state of repair. • Summer Cottages Two three-bedroom cottages at Bluewafer Beach. Both re- -cent -1y consteueted- and well- fur nished .on lake front lots. Two-bedroom cottr,ge at Blue- wat,,r Beach 1,000 down pay- ment. ling land, Ben'- ., • Development property at Point Clark. Lots near Poplar _ii„.1_3eash. and Pine River. • ---- CONSIDER THESE ETReAS LOT 78 x 120, garage, storage shed, permanent Bar -B -Q; -alum- inum storms and screens, TV aerial, venetian blinds large family room, tiled floors' except living and dining room, modern kitche-n and bathroom., Besides the above extras this twli-starey red brick house is in A-1 shone, inside and out, .very tastefully decorated. and sPai- lessly clean. May be seen by appointment. • WINGHANI Classic cook stove; 20 -gal. hot waten_tank; medium size o.1 heater; reasonable. Phone 9530. -30 ee'lIEST drawers- dressers; , Chrome table and chairs. Pat- terson Used Furniture, 97 St. Patrick St. JA 4-7616. 30x FEMALE toy Pomdranian, seven weeks, old. Phone JA 4-7592. • -30 E1GHT-foot International bind- er, good condition. Apply Dave Bean; R.R. 5, Goderich, phone 6351. -30 • CUT flowers, gladiolus, snap- dragons. zinnias, etc. Flower arrangements. Baskets any oc- casion. L. 11.0 Holman, 187 Cam- eron St. Phone 8852. -30tf _ _ NEW potatoes. Lloyd MeLarty, R.R., 1, Goderich. Witch for the green mail box, one mile east on No. 3 Highway., 29x GEORGE White thr-e"Shing ;ma- chine in A-1 condition, with -grain thrower, straw shredder, good belt. D. J. Lassa1ine, phone JA 4-7096. -28tf P1oT1-RES — Did, your picture -ap()- in The -Signal -Star late- ly' If so, p-rhaps you woul'd like 'n have a elessy print of it. 8" \ 10" or 5" x 7," size wili be Si 50. Three or more prints will be 8.1.25 each, - _ ALUMINUM MORS and Win- dows. Screen,: and glass replac- ed. Arnold Fe -her. 39 Britan- nia Road. phone 8162. 17tf IF YOU are constantly asking people to repeat thintes then maybe you are in need of a Bel tone hearing aid. Cell us for an appointment or for • service. Cemplete stock of fresh batter- ies. Campbell's, The Square. Phone' 7532. -16tf NEW and used appliances. Why pay more? See them at Lufnbys, -136 East St., Goderich, Ont. •12tf HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six samples r25c; 24 sainples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53. Nov -Rubber Co., Box .9)1., Ham- ilton, Ont. 110101110111miitSIONMONMI Oars, Trucks For Sale THINKING of Rambler? the EtIneWater Service Station, Dayfield Rd. JA 4-9461: • -15tf 1956 FORD rairdane. Rest offer. P110116 SA 4-6280. 30x „ 1961 PONITAC StriatOJChief. With automatic transmission, radio and 6-01. Mothr. Per in- . spection,'#.38 DrItarthis Croderieirt Ont.. '144Orke. JA4- 9692. -60 4. Real Estate Wanted PABFALS —are usually better satisfied than a father with five million dollars. The man with five million dollars wants more. I want more listings on 2-3 bed- room, homes. Have client for small hcime under $10,000 in Bayfield or Goderich. List now for results. RUTH VAN DER MEER, 55 Montreal St., JA 4- 7875. Agent for Wilfred Mc- Intee, Realtor. -30tf 5. To Rent _ • UNFURNISHED two- bedroom apartment, quiet residential dis- trict, priv.ate entrance, partially heated, hot and cold water, use of phone, available Auguet 10. Phone JA 4-7182 or write P.O. Box 602, Goderich. -30 MODERN two-bedroom apart- ment. Phone JA 4-7578. -30 FURNISHED and unfurnished apartments for rent. Available immediately. Phone JA 4-9421 or "JA 4-9466. -30 HOUSE for rent, oil -fired fur- nace, 8 rooms. Phone JA 4-9421 or JA 4-9466: -30 AT PORT ALBERT; 2 cottages, Aug. 10-31; 1 cottage Aug. 10-17; 1 cottage Aug. 3-10; 1 cottage Aug. 10-24; 1 cottage Aug. 6-10. phone Mrs. Clarence Hoy, 25r 12, Dungannon. -30 THREE-BEDROOM house,. 36 Nairn Dr., in V.L.A. sub -divi- sion; full basement. JA 4-8818. -30 FOUR -ROOM apartment, up- stairs, separate entrance, heat- ed, unfurnished, garage if de- sired. Phone 8728. 30x ONE furnished apartment, self- contained. JA 4-9303. -30tf SMALL, three-bedroom brick. house, $65.00. Available im- mediately. ' Phone JA 4-9844. 30x FOUR -ROOM apartment, Self- contained, heated and furnished, second floor. Available August 1st. Phone 9210. -30 APARTMENT, all modern con- veniences., Apply Ahl Shoe Store, East St. -30- SUMMER cottage, furnished, all conveniences, $55, 8 miles south of Goderich, available August 3 to 10. JA 4-7518. -30 THREE-ROOM cottage (winter-. 138. Hamilton St. Dial JA 4-7272 ized) with three-piece bath, un- *, furnished, newly ,..decorated, Malcolm Mathers equipped for gas heating. Suit- able for couple. Phone 8843 • after six. p,111. -30 Real Estate Broker 46 West St. „IA 4-9442 • A A' ell -kept .br•ck bungalow, in a good area near high school, six rooms, new bathroom, .mod- ern oil heating, oak floors, largc front sunporch, large garage. The above property includes a ' blinding lot, with fruit trees -a-rarhUshes, WhiCh we can sell separately. A SURPRISING HOME Here is a honfe that will sur- prise and delight you, in it's lay -out and it's many added. features. One of it's three bed- rooms is approximately 16 x 28, large enough'for a studio. At- tached double garage, two stair- ways, new bathroom, modern kitehen, living room,' dining room and large finished and heated rec. room. Good exter- ior, gas furnace, and on a large lot on a quiet street. To be seen by appointment only. SEMI -DETACHED -2,, complete units. Income 140 to 150 per mo. Price $13,800. Terms. . -- -Acres —4 -bedroom modern home with oil furnace. Onl highway. „ Four -bedrooms -1'e bath, Pay- ments $80.26 for P.I.T. $2,500 cash reqUired. THREE ares, nix -room house, ,810,800. Half cash, or BUILDING 1ots—$500 to $3,000. E. E. CRANSTON Phone JA4-R801 BRUNO LAPAINE Salesmen for ALEXANDER & CHAOMAN Goderich Phone JA 4-9662 KEN CROPT Real estate .And Business Broker 83 Victoria St., Goderich, Ont, General Insurance Phone JA 4-7253 BUILD for Less. with a Halliday Home—Call at our office for your new 1963 catalogue. THREE-BEDROOM home on Mary St. Very good terms aVailable. .RANCH -§TYLE home on WU- son St., overlooking the lake. Easy terms. wormistnol• WE HAVE one of the largest listings of farms in Huron County from $3,300 00 -to $16;000,00 .mOdOmmim LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED KEN CROFT Perkin 51110111114111: John I. Rapson 452 South °St. --JA 411559 4tt On the 4th concession of Goderich Township, we have a double house (two semi -at- tached houses) requiring final finishing. The building is in an attractive setting, overlook- ing a stream; it is insulated to electric heating requirements, has a well, pressure system, septic tanks, bathrooms, alum- inum windows and ,ecan be out, t as loW as $600 down. A large four-bedroom brick residence, with- small acreage, corner Bayfield Rd. and Blake St. • We have Summer cottages in very excellent Lake Huron areas. We have several choice, ser- viced building lots, 60 ft x 133 ft a developing area, for sale. - We have approxinfately 4 acres in Goderich on west side of Bayfield Rd., in an area zoned for loeal business. W. J. Intughe Real EstareBroker -General Insurance 50 Elgin Ave., E., Phone JA 4-8526 Attractive red brick 3.bed- room home -on nicely landscap- ed'corner lot. Double living emu, dining room and large kitchen, full -.basement and oil furnace. Owner has purchased home in another town so price has been reduced to $10,000. White brick - income home, central location. Modern 3 -bedroom, on oor, red brick home. Livin oom has• oak floors; large brigl,it kit- chen, recreation. room irf base- ment, and fenced Jot outhl west location. 15.0-Atre• farm, with ood brick house and large bank barn, west of Highwey 21. Full price $18,000 with terms. We °have a number of good businesses for sale. No information given by phone on these. Furnished cottage on nice lot et Buchanan's Beaeh. pride $3500. Farm Salesman: H. Pentland Huron Rd. --JA 4-9007 LATINOS AND INQUIRIES $ - INVITED &Yet the riasthvo AeCadeS the weight of taxation' In Caot adn Ins increased from 21,6 pet cent of national intoine in 1930 tte 33.1 per Cent ih. 102.. FOUR - BEDROOM, two - storey house, -west end, automatic oil, hot water heating. Available immediately. Apply Box 26, Signal -Star. , 30x TWO - BEDROOM apartment with living room, kitchen and three-piece bathroom, ' freshly decorated. Available immediate- ly, over Eedy's Grocery, Phone 8887. r. 111.. Robertson, 106 Park St., Goderich. 30x HEATED apartment, 33 Hamil- ton St. Hardwood floors or tile throughout. Exposure 3 sides. Large living room overlooking the Square. Two bedrooms. Im- mediate possession. $75.00 a month. Not suitable for child- ren. Apply R. , C. Hays, '33 Montreal St. -26 THE KENT HOUSE. -,-Are you tired of living in one room, and are looking for a home away from home?" If see -we have the answer, comfortable bedrooms, with community living room. TV provided. Complete kitchen for your convenience. Ideal for working couples. Dial 8433 or Apply 155 Quebec St. -29tf TRAILERS for rent.— For a dif- ferent, better, cheaper holiday, rent a modern, easy -drawing trailer. The "Tour -a -Home" sleeps four adults and has crib, at $25 weekly. The pew "Sham: rock" sleeps six 'adults, 'at $35. Both fully equipped, insurance, wiring and axle hitch supplied and installed. Both presently rented until August 10, Re- duced dates in September. T. C. Anderson, phone ,62 r 22, Dungannon. -29-30 GROUND floor, Self-contained, ea apartment, oneehedropein, Jarge living room, kitchen and bath, $70.00 monthly. Phone JA 443344. After '5 p.m. JA 4- 8170. Also two-bedroo,m heated apartment. 27tf MODERN apartment, heated, furnished, hot water, front and back entrance. No children,. Phone 9715. -25tf .** TWO unfurnished,heated apartments, available immedi- ately, above former Business College. Phone JA 4-7450. -24tf ONE -BEDROOM apartment„ gas heated, self-contained, ideal for: couple. TV and FM aerial sup- plied. Phone JA 4-7540 even- ings. -13tf UNFURNISHED th-ee - room apartment, with bath, heated. Available at once. Phone -SA 4-7171. 12tf ONE large furnished room, suit- able for one or two men. Phone JA48881. -20tf FURNISHED rooms, kitchen facilities. Mrs. J. Gottschalk, 55 Cambria Road. Phohe JA 4-7202 after 5 pen. 17t1 SELF - CONTAINED 2-e oom apartment, partly furnished. Good view of lake. Mary B. Howell; 12 St. Vincent St, JA 4-8642. -26tf jARGE housekeeping room, furnished, frig and rangette, heat and light supplied, use of phone. Miss Mary B. Howell, 12 St. Vincent St., phone .8842. -14tf 6# Wanted To Rent. HIGH school teachqr, male, re- quires seif-contained apartment, furnished or wit Med, by September lst. Write to Ilex 22, Signal -Star. ' .30 8. Reit) Warited – - YOUNG girl or woman wanted. to mind two _children while mother works, Phone 8875. 30x CANVASSER --For Dumont Al- uminum Products, for Goderich and area. Phone C. Fudge, GE 8-5131, London. • 30x CLERK -STENOGRAPHER Usu,a1 5 -day week Company benefits Interesting and varied work. Domtar Chemicals Limited Sift° Salt Division Goderich Mine Goderich, Ontario -30 WOMAN wanted to care for two small children while mo- ther works. West end. Phone 8155. -30 SINCE 1889, RAWLEIGH'S HAVE BEEN FAMOUS FOR QUALI. TY RANTRIGH DEALERS Own °their businesses, Set their working hours, No fear of lay-offs, Steedy work, steady income, Build security for future. Expanding population creates need for more dealers in Huron County and Goderich. For full information write, THE W. T. RAWLEIGH COM- PANY LTD., Dept. G -216 -SPA, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. , -30 10. Wanted (General) USED piano, good condition, wanted to buy. Phone JA 4- 9612. 30x 1911111114011111111111111111SMINIIIMMIEMIIIIIMES II WILL not be rTsponsible for any debts contracted by my Wife, Mrs. Karen Hartman, after this date. 11. Employment Wanted .BABYSITTING wanted by high school girls. Phone JA 4-9591 or JA 4-8869. -30 WOMAN will do cleaning by the hour. Phone 9684. -30 15. Notice To Creditors per.ons„ having claixn's against the estate ••ot FLORA bieVIPSON, late of the Village of leintail, in tile County of leuron, who died on or about the 22nd day of June, 1963, are required, to file the same with full par- tioulars with the undersigned bylhe 24th day of August, 1063, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at -Goderich, Ontario, this 30th day of July, 1963. HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal St., Goderich, Ontario. -30-32 ALL persons having claims against the estate af WILLIAM JOHN ROBB, late of the Town- ship of 'terawanosh, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Retired, who died on or about the 30th day of June, 1963, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 3rd day of August, 1963, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. 'Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this,4th slay of July, 1963. HAYS, PRET & HAYS, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal St., Goderich, Ontario. . -28-30 1,6., Public Notice, MORTGAGE money available on good residential properties. Call Harold W. Shore, JA 4-7272, 38 Hamilton St. -15tf FINANCE; the purchase of your next auto or farm machinery at bank rates through Harold W. Shore, 38 IIamilton St. Dial JA 4-7272. .-15t1 WILL the lady who saw ac- cident on July 22, 1963, at lights on Highway 8, please call at 57 North St.? .Thank you. 13. Auction Sales - TWILIGHT ALeitOie SALE Clearing Auction Sale" of pro- perty, tools and equipment of machine shop in tlie Village of Dungannon on - TUESDAY, AUGUST 6th at 7 pin. Forney arc welder, max. sec. amp 180; electric wall drill (manual); electric hack saw (11, h.p.' motor); electric grinder (1,4 h,p, motor); portable electric anti grinder (4"); blue point hand electric drill; Snap -on 15 sockets; Snap-bn 24 sockets; metal box; tap'and die set; pipe holder: p Yoe- -cutterr-pip e-thre-ati er; adjustable •blade reamer; hack saw blades; 1000 ft. steel tape; belt rivets, and burrs; anvil; forge with blower; steel bits; carpenter's square; ma- chine bolts, all sizes; welding rods, large quantity; 2 bench vises; - coal and wood furnace', Warm Morning coal stove with thermostat; cabin trailer,.8 x 18,. fully equipped. Property—At the same time and place will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid, 1<4 of an acre of land on Main St., with building aw TERMS—CASH. Property Estate of late Everett Errington. Harold Jackson,' Auctioneer. -30 14. Services Available LET us restore accuracy and beauty ta your watch. Fine jewellery repairs and diamond setting. Modern equipment. Don MacRae, watchmaker, The Square. 4 1-42tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment, all work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. 2, Brussels. Phone Brussels 442W , . 6. 14-39x SID BULLEN'S Cabinet Shop custein-furniture,__kiteleien cup- boards, 'furniture repaiH7---/-84- Gibbons St. Phone 9631. -31tf SHARP? ARE THEY READY? Saws: hand and electric, hand H power lawn mowers, cutlery,IGGINS.—At Alexandra Hos- etc. C. H. Horner, Huron Rd., pital, Goderich; on July 21, opposite store. -12tf 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. John Siggins, Goderich a daughter - ACE Radio TV Service. ,Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton St., W., Gode- rich, Ont. Phone JA 4-7771. -31tf • . -30-32 RECEPTION in Kingsbridge Hall, Friday evening, 'August 2, 1963, for ,Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Marsman (nee Franees Dalton). Boyd's Orchestra. -30 18. Personal MRS. Minnie A. Fisher of Salt-, ford is now in the Patterson Nursing Home, 216 Cedar- St., Collingwood, Ontario. Cards ,or letters from friends or rela- tives would be greatly appreci, ated. -30 alalar12111111.12=1111113011202150, 19. Lost And Found LADY'S wrist -watch lost near Square or post office, Thursday afternoon of last week. Phone 8115. Reward. -30 101111142111(4111SINZIEZEIZalleLlialellPEROMmeeell A. Births ANDERSON. — At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on 'July 27, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson, Goderich, a daugh- ter, Joanne Darlene. BEDARD.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on July 24, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Bedard, Goderich, a daughter. BUSHELL.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on July 22, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bushell, Goderich, a daughter (stillborn). CHAPMAN,.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on July 24, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chapniam-Goderiehr-a-daugh- ter. DENOMME.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on July 18, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred ' DenOrnrne, Goderich, a son. DLEHL.—At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on July 25, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Diehl, ,Goderiele a daughter, Brenda Lillian. FEAGAN.—At Trenton Hospit- al, on 'Iffy 22, 1963,- to F/L. and Mrs, Glenn Feagan, Tren- ton, Ontario, a son, Larry Glenn. 15. Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO ,CREDITORS In the Estate of DR. HERBERT PERCIVAI.3 THOMAS, deceased. All persons having claims againet the Estate of HERBERT PERCIVAL THOMAS, late of Goderich, Ont., who died on or about June 8, 1963, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before August 31, -1963, after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the Un- dersigned shall have notice, and the, undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. Dated at .0tfewit., this 22nd day of July, 1963. EWART, KELLEY, BURKE- ROBERTSON, 1.111XE & BUTLER, Solicitors for ' AdminiStrator, Estate of Herbert Percival Thomas. 4m-22 The inefal-riell Preto/lb—fiat' Shield, shaped like an interted ,horseshOt with Oudot% BI3t its tetitOr, tOvers nen*, if of Cowls, . LASSALINE.'-- At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on July 16, 1963, to Mr. and Mr. Marcel Lasealine, R.R. 6, Goderich, a daughter. McNALL.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderieh, on July 27, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. ,Elgin Goderich, a daughter, .Nancy Jean-. POLLOCKee-At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on July 25, 1983, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pollock, R.R.- 3, Auburn, a daughter. . POPP.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on July 23, 1963-, to 14r. and Mrs. Murray Popp, Goderich, a son. PRIMEAU.—At Alexaradra Hos- pital, Goderich, on July 30, 1963, to Mr. and Mr's. Raphael Primeau, Rit. 2, Goderich, daughter, Noreen. RYAN.. --At Alexandra- Goderich, on July 11„. 1963, to Mr. and Mrs: ROnald %Tait, Goderich, a ,soh, Gary john. SAGiElt.—At Victoria Hos ijtal, London,, on July 30,. ; 't Mr. and Mrs. George Sager, Goderich, a SOIL • SELTZER.l.eer At Scarborough General llospital,, Scarbor- ough, on 41Y 22,1963„ Mr. andSeltzer (Eleanor Jeffery), ough, 4,8011,. Daniel Kent, A. Births VANSTONE. — At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on July 25, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. James Vanstone, Goderich, a daughter, Rebecca Joy. WARDELL. — At, Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on July 18, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Wardell, Goderich,- a daughter. WILLIAMS.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on July 2 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. dwar Williams, Gaderich, a son, Gary Andrew. ° WILLIS.—At Alexandra 'lloepit- al, Goderich, on July 23, 1963, to MIC. and Mrs. Emmerson Willis, Goderich, a son. mmaimpalmwommansmisummaimii C. Briefs Order Sh.ell furnace ail and stove ail from Edward Fuels tank truck dealer for ail Shell Oil Co. products. Phon. JA 4-8386. -39tf Verna's Beauty ,Salon will be closed. from 5th 12th Augupt for annual vacation. =30 Josephine's Beauty Salon will be closed from August ,3rd to 17th—for holidays. -30-31 11911ZINSINIIII D. In Memoriam FISHER.—In loving memory of my dear mother, Elizabeth Weber,' who passed away March 31, 1929; also my be- loved sister, Martha, who passed away July 26, 1954; also my brother, Ezra, who passed away August 24, 1957. It is sad to walk the road alone, Instead of side by side, But to all there comes a mo- ment When the ways of life divide. You gave us years of happiness, Then came sorrow and tears; But you left us beautiful mem- ories We will treasure through the years. ' —Lovingly remembered by Nancy. -30 HA-4-11,T-0-isi-.—In I eying em- ory of a" dear father, David W. Hamilton, who passed awa one year-ago, July 30, 1962. —Ever remembered by his -30 PEACHEY.—In loving" memory of a dear grandson, Arthur Peachey, killed in a car ac- cident, July 26, 1960. This month is here with deep regret, • It brings back a day we will never forget. - A sudden call from Go - Took from us the one we loved. No word, no warning, no last farewell, But in our hearts he will always dwell. --rovingly remembered by, his graffdparents, W. and E. Peachey. 30x PESCOD.—In loving memory of a beloved grandmother, Sarah Pescod, who passed a,way Ju1ye2lee.e.,961. Too deeply loved 'to ever be forgotten. —Always remembered by her son-in-law, Jack Graham, and grandson, Ronald. 30x 11111111110110 =V' E. Cards of Thanks KOSTER.—We wish to express heartfelt thanks to our 'nd neighbors and friends fo he map expressions of sym- patiiy,,suiritual bouquets and flowers received_ during our recent bereavement. Mrs. Harold Koster and Jim. -30 • McCANN.—I wish to express my thanks to everyone who sent me cards and gifts or visited me while a patient in Alexandrae-Hoepital:---S.peeial- thanks to Dr. N. C. Jackson, the nursing staff and the neighbors who assisted with the- farm work'at home. William McCann. 30x McKAY.—I would like to thank Dr. W. N. Watters, the nurses and helping staff for their kindness to me while in Alex- andra Hospital e; also my efriends and neighbors for cards and gifts. I say thank -you- - Mrs. .Clara -k- McKay; -30 • Engagements eMr. and Mrs—Vharles ley, RA. 5, 'Goderich, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Barleara Joan, to Mr. Robert Paul Moss, son of 1V1r. and Mrs. John Moss, Goderich. The wedding will take place Saturday, August 17, 1963, at two o'clock, in Ben - miller United Church, Ben - 30x Mr. -and Mrs. Charles R. Jef- ferson Of Donnybrook, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Elaine Joyce, to Mr. Albert Franklin Campbell of London, son' of "Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell of Westfield. The marriage will take place on Saturday, August a, 1963, at 2.30 p.m. in Donnybrook United Church. -30 Mr. and Mrs. John L. IVIeLerii of Goderich wish to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Sandra Margaret Ann, to David Gower, eon ofMr. and Mrs. -Thadeus Gower, Goderich. The wedding will take place at Bethel Tabernaele on August. 10, 1963, at 12 o'clock noon. -30 Mr. Benjamin E. Morris, Goderich, washes to announce the ertgagenient of her Only daughter, babel Jean, to. Mr. Donald George Neilson, OA of Mrs. A.' Neilson, Calgary, Al- berta, The wedding will take' place in Victoria- Street United Chureit, Goderich, Wednes- day, August ,g1., 1063i. at 8 o'clock. .30 N DsljN.TaGicANk aitaNtro •A.21,9171 Mr. : and daughter, MrS.'Vietor.Sew- ard, Jene and George of Oak- land, California, were recent visitors with Mrs,' Robt. Beat and called on a few other forme ,er acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs.. Tom Park -were "at home" for a family'reunien on Sunelay, July 21st, at which' about 35 relatives attended. Visitors at the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Finnigan were Mrs. Winnifred Widcombe, Windsor, Miss June Schilter, Kitchener, Miss Shirley Hill of St. Jacobs and Mr. Conrad Mc- Clure, Elmira. Mrs. Herb Finnigan and Miss June Schilter were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Atkinson, Oshawa. .4r Mr. and Mrs. Ken Knight and family, Detroit, are visit- ing, her grandmother, Mrs. Ab- ner Morris, and eleo. eamping at Port Albert this week. The McClure picnic was held Sunday, July 21st, at Seaforth at which 170 descendants at- tended, Mrs. Douglas Lewis of Park- hill visited her grandmother, Mrs. W. R. Andrew, on Sunday. Mrs. Simon McKay, returned home to her daiighter's after spending a week at Goderich hospital. We are glad to say she is much improved. Dr. H. A. S. Vokes and Mrs. Vokes, Toronto, were here for the weekend, at their new home, which they heve purchased from Mr. Marvin Durnin. Master Ruddy ,Arnold Falls of Markdale visited a few days with his grandmother, Mrs. John Falls. Mrs. lertatek Jones returned last week after spending three weeks at the home of her daugh- ter, r11,,,I.rs. Weldon Rudow, of E F. Engagements NON 1 Ivlacifte rkS:#1,14,:nadniatlo rdyt 9' 1 nrl'fi 18°11trrraSiiploilw:e:48.4t4ntedrat,( iSstI144 nipeealid. other pellets, son, litigh McWhinney andel/ Pibanyni:d'staith2e5th will be church. lei the Nile Y.P.U. Auguat.i wiTllh be Uhenlitde,;lexCthsntienedha.ye‘eme days. , • lymfrro. mmaasnonopmeraatilolins on Sunday visited Mr. Bartle Whinney, at Victoria Rev! London, who is recovering Mrs. Bert 111cWhinney uthniDeuounns,guaaoninntioAnneueygi utetpe, dition is alai favorable aeit an operation lest week at Nir ' hamhsBospoitthal. mtsM cC onnell visi ‘a few days last week witle ins, Miss Lobta Gibson and kri Henry Johnson, Stratford, ei returned home on Monday„ , W.I. Meeting - Mrs. W. Moorhead of ee, miller gave hints and tips k gardeners as well as displayle several i l anrsrtiivatngteem the wmenetsetitipl jhoenldesonattheThhomursedaoy, July fMrs, Fr251 Mrs. A. Riehl of Goderich, dii, trict president, also attentki and spoke briefly, }mingle greetings from the Dist Mrs. Cecil Blake, president, ati —26,,lsaodemiest hatnnsgw enreewd tthoe grroollwi your garden." A splendid mol to wasgiven by Mrs. PM Young on "One is never tie _ enough to be without neje biers." '' Plan,s—w-eie discussed for the picnic meeting e August. Mrs. Adelaide Hays Lucas an- nounces the engagement of her daughter, Shelagh Claire Lucas, to Mr. John Buckwell Sully, son of Mr. and Mrs. John K. -Sully. The marriage will take place on Saturday, August the 17th at 3 p.m. at St. George's Anglican Church. ' 30x ;. Coming Events AMMO Ham and turkey supper, Mon- day, August 5, St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield, 5 to 8 p.m. Adults $1.25. -30 • - Colborne Township Cemetery memorial service will be held Sunday, August 11, at 2.30 pan. This is your day, so please bring your flowers. -30 Personals Mrs. Mary Stinson, Miss Alit John • re were in Mitchel Saturday whet they attended the funeral of their brother-in-law, Mr. D. A, Gray. Visiting with Mrs. W. G. Mac. Ewan are her daughter, Ma D. E. Mason and son, 'Paul, of Oniaha, Nebraska. Miss Olive G'oldthorpe has returned to Toi onto after visiting with het sister. Mr. and Mrs. L.. 35„.Divalji Clucas) of St. Louis, Mo., were in town , for several days this week. 0 Mrs. (Captain) C. Adams and daughter Helen of Kie_eflt visited Mrs. F. B. .11iley and friends in Goderich, and Mr. William Riley and Sharon of London. SUMMER DARKS We now have a complete selection of those beautiful cotton dresses that you :will, wear with ease, right . - through the summer months and well into the fall. The styles are all the latest and you will be delighted with the fact that you can be so cool and comfortable and yet be dressed so very suitably' for any ,occasion. Drop in today and try- on a few of our new stock ot SUMER DARKS. They are priced from :4Q95 THE FASHION SHOPPE- THE "SQUARE ammismiammumailerie 11111111...11M111111•11111.1.100 We 4,re BUYING WHEAT OATS BARLEY* MIXED GRAIN — FLAX at competitive prices CHECK US FOR PRICES BEFOR,E YOU SELL New fast un16-ading. dump sink ind hoist facilities. *Our new facilities mean you. can unload twice as fast. OP1101•Cii FEEDS - SEAPORTli, ONTARIO lt lun 111 on Cha oro ali f of 00 111 an( Mr Ri Ve fec '1 sh( zin tor an( ski ba boo lac sec -01 115 an of 10 ze Sn iai Pe sk te he wl en