HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-08-01, Page 2The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, August lstt 1963
Is' a. mall's life worth $300 or :400 ?
This T,cealld be the attprointate colt (►f
buyi!i aP a reslyeitator to he placed. at
Alo:der1'•11. harbor for drowning enterbetl-
Saturday evening a man from l'lintolt
.fell from a sail (boat into Goderich har-
bor. Despite repeated di''ing attempts
to bring nine, to the surface, Some eight
minutes passed 'before the attempts were
suocessff"h•- .-.When he was eventually
brought to the surface, art:fieial respira-
tion cfforts were initnediately started.
'''his was followed by the u'e of the re-
suscitator of the Goderit'll Fire Depart-
One obie•rver stated that had the re-
sil4rri:1ator 1)e d tSeiretirlii r isle Man 's:
possibly could have been saved. Another
said it would have made no diffe're etc
Slllt'e the Ulan \V11S too long under water
to be rt \'ivetl. So. it remains a matter of
opsit X11.
A. fireman states it takes about four
minutes for the fire truck with resusci-
tator to 'be at the harbor from the fire
station olive an alar''' has 1)eerl turned
in.- Every man on file file department
knows how to operate the resuseitator.
Therefore,` It ,ds argued, that the resusc-
itator o11 the fire ti'uelc is sutli.lellt to take
care of any such elmergeney at the har-
bor. But another viewpoint is that' a re- the horse and buggy over the
suseitator should be placed right at the top of Dunlop's hill on, the way
to Goderich to a picnic, an
automobile passed. The poise
startled the horse which broke
the snap of the holdback and
it started to kick.
Doin Memory's Lane
50 Years Ago -1913
Walter Joseph Thompson of
Colborne Township, GTR brake-
man, was killed' when a heavy
coal traih on which he was'
working ran into an open switch'
at St. 'Catharines., It collided
head-on with a way freight.
Joseph Reinhart, six, conces-
sion 10, Ashfield, died when
kicked in. the head by horses'
hoofs. He sat in the front of
a buggy with his hack to the
dashboard. As his father drove
harbor to be Zea.'':v for use immediately.
1f this \\•ere done, someone at the harbor
who knew how to operate it, should also
be irhtnediately avail,.ih1-e. Possibly sev-
erial. melt who work i11*the 'harbor area,
at least 'one of vv10)01 would always be
itVailabl'e, should he trained in the use of
tl; -resuscitator - se 1 t' - saving _eqn-i-pn-t•e-itt
might be installed at the hal bor. Purchase
of a I'eiliseitator itlt(i tht' donation of it
to the town for harbor enlergeneieti -could
be a worthy project for one of Goderich's
service clubs,
'1 hey'i't' off" legible ! W(' tloll't
meati ;11)' 'horses which \will 'wit. in the
Irish Sweepstake this fall. We meati the
ticket .ie•rs who are now active selling
tiehe t� n chances to win' lucrative prizes
ill ;1; . '. 1) i ;r Sweepstake to be helve in
Oett:i� l'here are 1101)1'rotls sellers of
such ,.Whets in Iluron ('otinty._ as, indeed,
there :tr' throughout the world. It is re-
liably stated ,that Jt lie -odds against win-
niu, 450,000 to (fie. In iitet. the
Trish -.-:.A-e'epsta.ke has 1)t'em called "the
greatt'--, 'bleeding heart' • Nickel in .the
world... '1'h -t' rein be1elieiaries 'of this
`` chit r .. .ext lottery are not the Irish
hostel -t;::, but rather the tyco individuals
who 1.111 the Sv%.'eepkstakci tjlrough
1It04pit0ls' '1'riit-t Ltd..
sell "ltig Joe'' 11(•(lrath, 0 prom:
it lit l'aeiltg figure'and-former pol-
ltle::i' :.1 leis partner, Spenc'e'r l'J't'e1111111,
are now among the wealthiest Ino>n in.
Europe from their, take of the Sv'eep-
stake, whiell has brought in between 400
and 500 Million dollars since 1929). The
biggest problem of lir. McGrath and Mr.
l"i'eemna11 alw'ay5 has 1)0011' how to evade
the national laws of the many Countries
in \yliieli they sell tickets.
Despite -tire faet that the Irish Sweep-
stake is illega"Y 911 Canada, ,tickets to the
amount of hundreds of thousands of dol-
lai.s are annually sold in Canada on it.
And they will continue to he sold. 'There
are plenty of people willing to spend three
dollars or so on a ehance to Wire as nrneh
IF; *I f0,U00. Since this i5 and will (' )n-
tillue to be the ease, despite Canadian
lows_ It semis 0 sfiame that 50101' Canad-
ian 'frost fund can not be legally -'auth-
orized to cash in on the available bene-
fits for soillt' worthy Canadian cause.
TO Oy1E JOB $1-3,249
I -.:1 that.- profit --- or the hope Of
it - t P. prilit'Ipal generator of enlplu�--
1)1 11; 'Litt tit. Matt' it filet.
l : '1'O. t he'i'e can be jt)i)1 bees( 'must
1)e Money to buy 101)d : money to
build a 'a tori' : Money- to equip it with
the of produelion ; moru(y to pml'-
(•11a01' ' i.' necessary raw materials: 'and
hone,' cover a lllln(lr•etl and one of leer
expens, , (major item) llt('t't-
.ing• a 1'ityr(111.
�I ,i,t'y lu used,., of ('Ou'se, takes the
10)111e iiivei,tIllent and its source
in a' fi'v'e market econolny such els ours i
the. 1er:V ilte itly'es u)r who i willing and
able' t;e ;.al.e a chance .011 the su(•(.ess-of all
elrte•r1'r.,e .
:1 0)1))])', perhaps, are vaguely
aware all this, 1)1(1 to some it !nay even
seen) el, 1l1'('lltal'y in the
bears repeating, i ' only
ap})1'et'1iltit)Il Uf the 'tide of Capital it till'��cic-u�i, v�aa .......,......�.. .,____ ,r--
I duce in us feelings of guilt.
ee•t)1101 ly- •is vital to industrial '.tarlllollY F'or both sin, the root, and sins,
and fioeial P1(0..ress within the ttam 1)\(11 1 the fruit, we know guilt which
sets up a wall of partition .be-
twcen us and God."'
There are those who reject.
the concept of sill • and the idea
of an eternal molal law binding
on man. To,those who thus re-
ject, conscience is a product of
training and environmental in-
fluence, varying from one in -
because a
30 Years Ago --1933
War veterans from' •ail parts
of Huron gathered At � Clan-
gregor Park, Bayle ; far ""heir
annual picnic. There, a hand-
some new war memorial was
unveiled in an impressive cere-
mony. The cairn was built of
native stone by George and
William Weston.
In Goderich
As the schooner Mary Ann.
from Goderich approached
the . St. Clair River rapids,
there alighted on the mast
head a swarm of bees. They
were caught and put into a
basket but later escaped. They
were. caught on the mast head
again and put into a half
barrel. When the ship ar-
rived at Sarnia they were
given 'their freedom again.
A previous rumor that a
ship for a Goderich man was
built at Port Sarnia was lab-
elled untrue. Just 1,000
pounds in .money was still re-
quired before the ship would
be built.
"People are living too fast
today," oid George Rutledge
when a Rutledge family reun-
ion was held on the occasion
of his 90th birthday at "Maple
Grove Farm" near Auburn.
15" iears Ago -194P
Beatrice Kinahan, daughter of
Kinahan St. Augustine, was
appointed a station stewardess
with Trans -Canada , Air Lines.
The Blue Water, Band and
the Goderich Girls' Trumpet
Band attended divine service at
North Street United Church.
10 Years Ago -1953 „
Howard Carroll was severely
injured when hit by a power
shovel cable as The Superfor
was boing unloaded at Goderich
The first sod of the pew W. A.
Shtaffer plant at Goderich was
turned by W. A: Sheaffer
president of the firm at Madi-
son, Iowa.
One'Year Ago -1962
An iee-breaker vessel arrived
at the harbor eVtlie-ond-of4uLy
to deliver supplies to the local
light keeper.
Dredging operations had re-
moved the north side of Ship
Island to a width of 50 feet.
GUILT FEELINGS not doing . what causes them. -
However when we in our weak -
costal Tabernacle do, sin, we may confess,
By Rev. R. Clark, Bethel Pente- ness,
accept forgiveness, and go on
"Adam and his wife hid them- our way free from both guilt
selves from the presence of the arid feeling of guilt. Christ
Lord . God" (Gen. -3:8). Sin' died for sin, the robt, and sins,
drives a wedge between us and the fruit -to set us free from
actual guilt and from feeling of
G-od. Tile-sinner_zzalins he is
guilty arid does not wanrto face
a holy God. 'Sin is very real God knows all about our sin -
and so is guilt. In this life, it. fuirress,„weakness, strivings, and
failures. He knows all, under -
is impossible for us to see sin.
in its true ,aspect. Yet for glands all, and. loves in spite
our sinfulness we have an ever- of all; Instead of lrying to hide
present unconscious sense from Him, we can come freely
to Him" and hide our guilty
But_ And, unless we- stifle
, in His crucified Son.
proper I completely the voice of con- selves
hen we sin,. there is only one
• right thing to doe confess
vvherein we did wrong, accept
God's free forgiveness, forget
the -past, and do' the good hence-
forth. No' sinner ever sank so
low but what he can by the
grace of God -rise again to tread
the path of -life Without being
tormented by feelifigs.of guilt.
This year's survey of the -sales dollar
by the Carnahan Manufacturees' Associa-
tiou gives some idea of just. now much
(...apital needed. to_ provide one mann-,
foot uring job. Average capital. invest -
Ment per manufaeturing employee is re-
vealed as .$1 3,249 - more than twice as
much as was nelled. just 15 years ago. dividual to another. To them,
There will be few Canadians, WO think,
W110 Will not he thankful that they do
not have to produce such a sum --cash on
employment. - INDUSTRY
- W-rking conditiliris'in Australia back - gate.-- ,-This.__area must be kept in
in -Those ,(2,,00d 01(1 days- are rocketed. ;11 good order. .
a notive wi,lich was posted up in 1852 at 8. No tal-king is allowed.during business
structions to employees of the merchants' 9. Tlit craving for tobacco, wines, or
and ships' chandlers of ,'-'4v(Ine'y TOwn, Aus- • spirits, is a human weakness, and, as
tralia- and read as follows: . ,,,, such, iS forbidden to all members of
pnnetuality are Cite necessiLies 10. -Now that the hours of business have
2. ()..ri the recommendation of the Gov- ing of food is' alloWed between 1 1:30
ernor of this Colony, this firm has a.m. and noon, but work will not, on
reduced t he hours of work, and the any -account, cease.
cbrieal staff will •now only have to - 1 1. Members of . the clerical staff will
% to he present betWeen the hours of
Sabbath .is fo- worship, but should
anv man-of-war or other vessel' re -
provide their ownpens. A new sharp-
ener is •available en „application to
Mr. Ryder.
12. Mr. Ryder will nominate a senior
. quire victuallinf4, the clerical staff elerk to be. responSible for the clean -
will work on the Sabbath. .
1Wily prayers will be held eaeh'morn-,
11.:_r in the main office. The,. clerical
r-othing. naRt 'be _of a Soher nature. -Werk. .'. Brushes, brooms, scrubbers,
The olerieal Staff will not disport and soap are provided. by the owners.
thernselvrs in raiments of bright col- 13. The new inereased weekly wages are
less in good repair. 13. ,Ttlniotr q)ovs (to • 11 3:ears
5. Overshoes and top -coats may not be 1/4 per -Week
-worn in Ow office but neck searves Boys (to 1.4.years)' 2/1 per week
lincss .of,the,main office and all boys
and juniors musl report to hint 40
minutes before' prayers, hnd will re-
main, after desing, hours for -similar-
thert is no moral law, toArhich
all men are subject. Therefore,
personal responsibility is not
real. The -individual as a Crea-
ture formed by heredity, train:
ing, and environment is respon-
sible neither for what he is nor
for what he does. If sin is not
real, and there is no personal
accountability, then guilt is not
real and guilt feeling5 are _ab-
normal. and destructive.
The Bible teaches the reality
of sin, eternal moral law, con-
science, and guilt. Feelings of
guilt are normal. However, the
Bible shows the way to deliver-
ance from both, guilt, and feel-
ings of guilt. We need not
carry around the dead weight
of the consequences of sin. In
Christ God has provided a rem-
edy ,for sin and forgiveneu of
sins. " We can be free of
and of feelings of guilt... As
much an lies in us, we can save
ourselves from such feelings by
clement weather. . Junior Cloiks ..... 8/7 per week
6. .A stove is prOvided for the, benefit Clerks 10/9 Per week
. of the...clerical staff. Coal and wood Senior Clerks (after"15 years with
must be kept in the lockOr. It is ree- - owners) - • 21/- 'per week
commended that each member o,f th'e THE OWNERS. HEREBY RECOGNIZE
(441, eaeh day, .during eold* weather. LABOUR LAWS BUT *TILL EXT'ECT. A
7. No member of the eletical staff may GRI4.1AT RISE IN OUTPUT OP .WORK'TO
leave the room without permission COMPENSATE FOR THESE N E.A R
' froni Mr. Ryder. The calls of nature UTOPIAN CONDITIONS." . . .
are permitted, .nd the elerieal staff My how things haVe changed Since
may'use the garden below the second 1832.
Four Goderich Owns -hip
residents were painfully injur-
ed and hospitalized Sunday
afternoon as the result.of a two -
ear --o collision- on - -Highway _-21_
south of Kincardine.
Injured were Leslie Pearson,
R.R. 2, Clinton, driver, who was
-taken to Kincardine and thence
to Clinton with head injuries;
his Wife, Helen, who was taken
to Victoria Hospital with frac-
tured arm and elbow; her sister,
Mrs. Austin Harris, who was
taken to Kincardine and later
to Clinton with head injuries;
her husband, Austin Harris,
R.R. 2, Bayfield, to Victoria Hos-
pital, London, with fractured
neck which caused partial par-
The four had been On a- pie--
„nic af Kincardine and were
making a left turn toward Rip-
ley whenthe accident occurred,
Brtice Harris, at Graf's Fina
station here, is the elder son
of. the Harrises.
he 6nberictil t)tar 1 l'AtI,Mron°
• -0-- The County Town Newspaper of Huron --0- •
SignalZiar Publishing Limited
GEO. L. ELLIS, President
and Publisher
A. T. Elltott, News Editor
R. G. SMILER, Vim -President
and Ovtg., Mgr:
Sit. E. Mils, Plant Supt.
0SubscrOfien Rates $4 a year. To U.S.A., $5 (In advance)
411 Authorided as Second Class Mail, Post Office Dept.,
Ottawa and for Papient of Postage -in Cal*.
The July meeting of the Dun-
gannon 4-H Calf,Club was held
at the farm o' f William Cran-
ston on Jilly 25. The club judg-
ed a class of mature Shorthorn
cows with Mr. Mel Chamberlain
giving the correct pracings of
the class. Bob McNeil Opened
the -meeting -with the 4-H pledge.
Cecil Cranston read the min-
utes of the last meeting, which
were adopted as read. The roll
call was answered by 23 mem-
bers. Mr. Chamberlain taught
_Robert Sherwood thank-
ed Mr. Cranston -for the use of
his barn and cattle. He also
thanked Mr. Chamberlain for
the lesson and the quiz,
Refreshments were served by
the host and hostess.
Iperms were charged, with
driving while impaired, tWo for
driving while intoxicated and
three for 'driving while. prii
In Ontario dUring June mere
resulting in the deaths ef 93
Garden 'Party
Attracts Many
With favorable wiiather pre-
vailing, a large number enjoyed
the 'bountiful supper on the
rectory lawn, at the annual gar-
den .party of St. George's
Churchwoman's Guild.
Canon and -Mrs. K. E. Taylor
welcomed the many guests.
Mrs. C. Videan is the president
and Mrs. p. J. Patterson was in
charge of tickets.
The fish pond was a very pop -
tau spot with the "small
ant was looked after by 44
SiraPsen and Raster
2l31 gatterson. Viewers,
while Mrs. Gee. •IViuraby
Mrs. S. McNeil sold the
Conveners -were Mrs. E Tic
borne, Mrs. Frank Bowra
Mrs. 11. Dodd with the. foll
ing assisting in preparing
serving: 1V1esdames T. Legg,
La -Bannister,' J. Murison,
ton dood,1J. Carrick, u, s -
Mary Wilson, Caroline Grab
Cynthia Wayne and 'Diane M
its 111
by 1,1
a Pe
ng a
w No
les ti
out 1
Including the $565 ne
deficit forecast for the mare
year, the federal governmear
deficit for the decade will to
$3,537 million.
Scottish actor Bill Simpson
plays Alan Finlay in Dr. Fin -
lay's Casebook, a medical -ad-
venture series seed Thursday
nights during the summer on
the CDC -TV network.
Robertson Memorial School
Children living west of Waterloo St. including the west
side of Waterloo St.
Children living west of Keays St. not including Keay,
Twelve Killed
In This Section •
Eleven fatal accidents, killing
12 persons and injuring 104.
are reported in the regular Pro-
vincial Police report for District
Six for the month of June, re-
ports Sgt. 1T. Barker of the Gode-
rich detachment,
No less han 203 reportable
motor vehicle accidents were
checked, -2,035 warnings Issued
and 806 charges laid.
Speeding chirges accounted
for 396 charges, rules of the
road infractions for 133 and
Careless Hiving for 61. Twenty
Victoria Public School.
ChIldren living east of Waterloii 5t. including east side.
ofoWaterloo St.
Children living on •Keays St. and any street east a
Keays 51.
Victor Lauristop Public School
All Grades 7 and 8
If in doubt, telephone
R. E. SMITH, Supervising P?'inciPal _
JA 4-8722
Any children -new to Goderich may be registered at
Vietoria School during August.
30 And 34
te t
in 0
Finest Stone and Experienced Workmanship
Frank Mcliwain..
JA 4-786i or 200 Ctibbons St. 1,-9465
or boi
"Shall -we -plan -a -northern, trip
-For Satisfaction . . For Value'
With features found, in 016950 mattresses
Exclusive new Seaton tickine •
Luxurious quiltetl:to-foam top,
$69.50 -
Extra firm j1-2 coil coilstruaion
Why is Tibet leriovim as "The
Roof of the World"? Because
this Central Asian state, (now a
nominally autonemons territory
China) has a',friean elevation,,,of
4,00 feet above set , levet
emu& as Tibet's area is
410,000 squire this isi
roughly' etinivnlent" to .hiving,
of 'Ontario perthed on the
peak of Mount Robson, highest
Canadian Monntaitii,
These Irrday decisions !
Be sure of one thing, however:
the convenience -- And safety -
of carrying -Travellers' Cheques.
.,Buy your* Travellers' (.111,eques at
Che4ues are avifilable in American
or Canadian funds,_ -and !can 'be
used a'n ywhere in the world.
They're tln '-safest :way to ke
m9PeY„,ill Sour
sale foi' a limited time only! . ,
olf, within 30 days alter purchase, you are nqj cdmpletaly satisfied
or you can buy another mattiess with as much.value for the so
or Ins money. return your Golden Sleep mattress or box spriet
for full refund.
Made with
samellne cover
formerly used Off
Hotel Poslyrepediese
made with $59,50 features
Coll-bn-coll construction
smooth, buttqn4reeit'urfa60
Edge,Gardg, oravent sagging edges $59.50