HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-07-18, Page 8The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, July 18th, 1863 PRESENT CERTiFICATES AT VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AUBURN, July 11). — The taining to the Church. Mrs. Christian Chnrch was the theme of the 27th annual vacation Bible school held in Auburn. The closing service was held on Saturday morning when parehts and friends attended a service in Knox United Church: The service of worship was led by the seniorogrottp which had been under the direction of Mr. Craig Gross was assisted in this de- partment by Mrs. Maurice Bean, Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer, Betty Rose Marie Haggitt, Lynda An- drews, Barbara Sanderson and Bernice McDougall. The junior class under the direction nf the leader, Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys and Rev. Peters and Mrs. Lloyd Walden. Robert Meally, sang one of their Eddie Haines. presided for the songs with Carole BroWn at the morning service and Robert piano. Others helping_ here Wilkin accompanied on the were Mrs. Robert Arthur, Mrs. piano. Patsy Millian read the Orville McPhee, Mrs. George Scripture and Brenda East led Schneider and Ruth Schneider. Jackie Vincent, Ronnie McPhee, in prayer. ,The offering was re- Rev. Mr. Meally thanked all Wayne Arthur, Gary Ament, ceived. by Allan McDougall. who had assisted in the school !Ronnie BroWn, Donna Baechler, Billy Sproul, Glen Rice and and a special, thanks was ex- 'Karen East, John Koopmans, Keith Scott and was dedicated tended to those who had sent Rindy Machan, : Billie Snell, in_prayer.,,,lzy Jeriekfee_qz,4nge. ,in treats daily to the younger Kathy Schneider, Lynda Sproul, Senior class formed the choir Certificates wereTresented to blut. Jirrirny Bennett, Sharon and sang a selection. 'all the children who had attend- Cook,, Larry Chamney, .Paul Rev. Robert Meally spoke on 1 ed regularly: Pre-school child- Grqss, Shelly Grange, Jack de mecnin. Groot,. Neil Lockhaurt, George the 'purpose of the schocl and ren, Cindy Tait, Cathy told °about the study which they chey, Gail Patterson, Sylvia Rut. Lubbers, Gail Seers, Wayne had been taking. • kowski. Kathy Hunking, Donna Scott„ Linda Walden, Mary Wil-' The pre-school children under Jean Hunking, Joan Hunking, kin, Murray Wightman, Peter the direction of Mrs. "'Wilfred :Fa:ve Seers, Margaret Wilkin, Tlechert, Barbara Glousher. Sanderson, sang "Happy Wel. , Loraine (liamney; Carol Groqs, Seniors presented with cer- enme,” directed by Margaret narilyn Wightrnan. Janice tificates were Robert Wilkin, Haines and accompanied on the Rathwell„TaSme Arthur; Edith Eddie Haines. Bill Sproul, Allan piano by Margaret Sanderson. Snell, Yvonne Bean, Maureen McDougall, Keith Scott, Glen Verses were said by Yvonne I onghurst. Wayne Powell, Bob- Rice, Kathy Hallam, Jennifer Bean, Ronnie Runking, Greg ,by Powell, Ronnie Hunking, Grange, Brenda East, Dianne . Arthur, Loraine C h am n e v, Douglas Chamney, Larry Plaet- Kirkconnell, Eleanor Monck, Wayne Powell and Larry Plaetz- zer, David Glousher, Mark Lock- Marian Youngblut, Jill Bennett, er. Several other songs were hart, Eldon Chamney, Rennie Mary Snell, Brenda, Archam- sung by this class. Mr,;. Sander- Plunkett, Glen Wightman, Ric- haunt Wendy Schneider. Nancy son was assisted bv Mrs,. Frank co' aec r, ' g A th , Lapp, Phyllis Biggerstaff, Patsy • Mrs. Thomas Hag,gitt, Marie Primary — Paul Chamney, ley Thinking, Karl Tiecher,t, Leatherland, Margaret Sander- Michael Rathyiell, Douglas Dur- Patsy Reed. son, Mary Sanderson, Margaeet nin, Keith -fapp, Dana Bean, The crafts which had been Haines, Klaske Koopmans, Gail Eric Scott, Lynn Turner*, Marie done during the week were on Miller. Plunkett, Trudy Mir.,dian, Louise' display including a large card - Primary Class Campbell, ' Wanc.T.!. Plaetzer, board church, covered with lay - The primar; class under the..She-ry Plaezer, Doreen Mc- ers of shreddies for the roof, direction of Mrs. Carmen Gro,;s _ClInchey, Louise H u n k -i -n g,' &tain.ad __glas_s_windows, and in - and Bernice NIcDouoall at the • Shirley Ascent, Vaughan Hunk- side furnishings including -The , piano, sang some of tbeir songg ing, Mary Lou Vincent, Tommy minister and gowned choir. and repeated Bible verses:per- Raithby, Nan„ey Brown,*Rickey Pictures were also painted and •Archambault. fancy pillows -made and' many ___ small articles made by junior ST. HELENS Fred Thompson and sons of London and Mrs. C. K. Black and sons of Middleton, N.S., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McPherson. • Mr.. and Mrs. Charles Pearce of Brantford spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webb. All members of St. Helens church congregation are invit- ed to meet Rev. and Mrs. Trist- ram on Friday evenin „at 8.30 in the church. A Sp al time Juniors — Steven Haggitt, Joyce Leatherland, Linda Long- hurst, Bobby Schneide r, Linda Reed, Petra Tieehert, will follow. Mr. Allan Miller returned home on Tharsday from Wing - ham hospital. Mrs. Harvey Carrick a pat- ient ih Wingham hospital. Mr.'and -Mrs. Cec Huffman of Toronto are renewing acquaint- ances tbwn this week. KINdSBRIDGE KINGSBRIDGE., July 15. — Recent guests with Mrs. Martha O'Neil were Mrs. Catherine Cestello Of London; Mrs. Larry Brown and family of Toronto; Miss Carrie O'Neil, Mrs. Jas. Moore of Algonac, Michigan, and Mr. Danny Moore of Al- aska, who is with the U.S. army„ Mrs. Bernadine Kenny of De troit is at her home here. Miss Shannon Sinnett,,of De- troit returned after spending the 'past two weeks here. Vassella of Detroit spent the weekend at their home. Mrs. Walter Judge and daugh- ter,,Mrs. Nina Brently and Jim- my 4udge and Brenda Snyder, all of Jackson, Michigan, spent the past week among relatives here. Mr. Fred Courtney, Teronto,' spent the vveekend here. Ws daughter, Theresa, returned with' him after spending the past two 'weeks here. Masters Joey and Ralph Austin and Miss Helen Court- ney are visiting. relatives in Tor- onto this week. Mrs, Violet Sutter and Mr. and Mrs. Massey of Detroit spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs: Cyril Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ed- wards and family of London re- turned after spending the past week with Mrs. Gus Kinahan, Misses Kathleen and Janette Hogan are visiting in Detroit. Leona and Anita Hogan have returned home after spending their vacation in Detroit. Mrs. Jas. b'Neil and Mr. Mike Pinich are patients in • Goderich hospital. We wish them both a speedy recovery.' Mr. and Mrs. Ray dean and family of California are spend= ing their 'vacation at Huron Sands. Sunday visitors -with Mr. and 'Mrs. Mark Dalton were Mr. D. J. t,assaline, Mr. and Mrs: Jerry Lassaline and family, Mr. Harvey Lassaline, Mr. 'and Mrs. Armond Lassaline and family, all of Goderich. Mr: "acid ' Mir&"„Ken King and family of Welland are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dalton. Mrs. Elizabeth Weber and daughter of Philadelphia and ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN Chinese Food . Our Specialty ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS , OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. : "Open Every Day" The EsquIre Restaurant FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL COLLECT DARLING AND COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Clinton — HU 2-7269 Dead Animal Licence No.', 262-C-63 TF The Square-Goderich-JA 4-9941 Mr. Victor Martin of Hamilton are visiting with Mr. Andrew Martin. "Mr. and Mrs. De Bruin and family of Sudbury are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. Milten- berg and family. Mx. and Mrs, Arnold Mars - man, newlyweds, have .returned after sPending the past week in Quebec. Sandy s r er Shop Sandy intimates that the Shoikwill closed SATURDAY, JULY 20 to MONDAY, JULY 29 EAD Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND TWIST! Follow the Crowd, The fabulous DANCE EVERY SATURDAY -Lionel Thoth -to -ft and his Casa Royal Orchestra MARBLE CAKE TWOuLAYER CAKE WITH LEMON FILLING ANfl BUTTER CREAM ICING CULBEIRT'S BAKERY_ 49 West, Street — Goderich JA 4-794i ALL POPULAR BRANDS SAVE 20c Rec rd Hop m the Auburn Community Hall Friclay, July 19 with Disc Jockey 1GARE'TTE$ SALAD DRESSING SAVE 14c 3 CARTON 32 -oz. jar CHASE and SANBORN INSTANT COFFEE SAVE 32c10-oZ. jar • JIM -MOGRE of CKIN-X , PRIZES FUN FOR EVERYONE SPONSORED BY° AUBURN TEENSVILLE TO CANADIAN STYLE, WOOD'S HOME FREEZERS - now on sale at Peter s Meat Market 45 Albert 'St. Clinton MALE HELP WANTED FOR BETTERs, THAN AVERAGE POSITION "The Timbeilane Room ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL 11 HU 2-9731 23 Cu. Ft. 247.50 The Unioii Gas Co. is looking for a man who has a Grade 11 education or better, is able to pass a mechanical aptitude test and is looking for a better than average position. HURON STREET WEST — CLINTON THIS WEEK WED. to SAT. THE STANDARD FIVE 5 years' warranty on units, "'plus many other features. Home freezer provisionS. Let us quote you on your home freezer needs. Present duties will be meter reading and maintenance. The future possibilities are unlim- ited. NEXT WEEK FRI. and SAT. THE COOL SOUNDS OF THE TIM EATON QUARTET from BRANTFORD for 15 -oz. ti AyINE FR -RE I! 2 J3EANS 1,11QUID DETERGENT SAVE 2c 20 -oz. tin 2 for AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY CRE EAGLE BRAND M-. cORNI -59AN-DEN1-$...D MILK ORANGE- .jUICE KOTEX HURON COUNTY CROP and .SOIL Twilight Meeting Tuesday, July 23 !Starring salary will be $1.82 r'per hour, 40.. hour week. Fringe 1be9efits include Group lnsu- rcncd, Medical • and Pension DINING ROOM SSPECIALS DELICIOU KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN • Dining Room Hours: Mon. to Sat., 12 Noon to 12 Midnit• The'Dining Room Remains Open to °1 a.m. on Entertainment Evenings. Hours 12 3 APPLY IN WRITRsIG—TO UNION GAS, GODERICH, ONT. BOTH FOR 20 -oz. tins 6 for 1 SAVE 4c' 48 -oz. tins REG., SUPER, 'SLENDER LINE :12's 2, for LADE,R0 STS RTARIES ROASTS 5 8:30 3 WIENERS , 1 -lb• Pkg. 49c RUMP ROASTS BARGAINS oN. PARADE DURING SIDEWALK SALE 7:30 Orville 'Ribey's farm — Colborne Township Road between Nile and Carlow and 154 miles, west. 8:15 Doug. McNeil's farm — Colborne Township Road between Nile and CSilow. Oat and Barley :Varieties — New Alfalfas Seeding 'without nurse crnp in 1963 for hay in 1963 Other items of interest At Hibberes - Fri. -Sat.: July 19-20 RK ps MAXWELL' HOUSE SAVE 14c BONELESS lb. 9 COFFEE' Regular Grind tins AN&ON JAcK1NL EY, D. H. MILES, President - Secretary -Treasurer 29 SWIM SUITS T SHIRTS SHORT LENGTH DUTER,S FLYING_INSECT BOMB °U.ARE 1/2'' The fastest water (rated in independent tests) . . . that's the West Bend Shark! It takes fishermen out to the big ones at 22 mph then ' lets them troll at less than 1 , easier too — full 360° pivot ;teeing with forWard-neutral gearshift. This 47 lb. liehtweight fits • into a corner of the car trunk. Sleek, modern design with Pearl • White 'and:Storm Grey color styling. Pl'ain & Plaid Wool -1 SLACKS: TOILET TISSUE PINEAPPLE -GRAPEFRUIT or, PINEAPPLE -ORANGE SAVE 20c 6. ROLLS DEL NTE DRINK ,o.P4 HOOD 1R2dular 52f r 29c MIXADE SAVE llc 12 for. 5 9c PEACHES dRANGES i8O's3 doz." 1.00 CANTALOUPE - 2 quart 2 for PREE 49c H.a o Sham. poo with fhe purchase ?f COLGATE ECON. SIZE TOOTHPASTE AT REG. 'PRICE • 'obi i.evei Rewind Starter 21/2 Gallon Resnote Fuel Tank • Anti Friction Beorin6 Powerhead • Tilt Lock W. Yea EASY TERMS UP 70 J6 moan's MEW= 0191M011111=0 cio OFF RED 4...WRITE FO DMAISTER. Open Nightly Untill0 for Your Sitritipling-COOVOiletiite 91 ',VitITOR* ST, N.. nice Electric (Gotierich) Ltd, 4450 VICTORIA ST.