HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-07-18, Page 6„ ..18th 1963 The Goderich Sinai. -star, Tllursday, Ju1yy Y1";,, 4Si 1' FOR A GREENER THIJMB, By . G. . MacL.od. Ross P rHE HERB CALI,,,BD HART'S TONGI;IE In his fascinating book, "The Bruce Beckons," Dr, Shetwood Fox tells the story of his hunt for the Hart's Tongue fern in the Bruce Peninsula and else- where. Things which are scarce are those which are the most hardly sought and the fern in question, with the botanical name of Phyllitis, excites the explorer, not so much for its • beauty as for its -rarity, espec- ially on this continent. In both respects tt reserhbles the Alaska Orchid which, in -turn, is not habitat in the Bruce particular- ly appropriate. But the enchantment of "The Bruce Beckons" is not alone the revelation of the Bruce as a mine of unusual botanical vari- eties, but rather is it the vivid accounts. of the chase to find them, both in the Bruce and elsewhere. Dr. Fox recounts how, in 1936, while on a 'fishing and plant -hunting trip in Ire- land he found his first speci- men of the Hart's Tongue fern. He was travelling from Sligo to Enniskillen when. he spotted -mar-tisulaely---Reauxifulr_ a bunch of the fern in the road - which is found in, the BruceTsidom Tics -seat ti the - . iL -e H Peninsula, on the island of Anti- To most of us, this would have costi in. the St. Lawrence and been an almost, impossible feat, in the western Rockies from but those of us who have been Alaska southward to northern steered by Dr. Fox about the California and nowhere in be- Bruce, know that he possesses tween. The Hart's Tongue fern not only acute observation, but is similarly egregious. It has that his mind is an unfading been foj.ind in Bruce, Grey and and precisely accurate map of Peel counties of Ontario; in a any terrain he has covered. He lonely New Brunswick valley, says of his discovery: I shout- in nes- ed loudly enough to awaken the see, Mexico and Guatemala. In long -dead Irish Kings." And Europe it is comparatively the bus driver jammed on his plentiful in Ireland, Scotland, brakes thinking there was an Wales and England. It appears accident. in Scandinavia and- Spain; . in And now the reprise. Last the north cohst of Africa .and May some of my relations were" in Italy; in the Balkans and engaged upon a holiday in north Persia; in central Asia County Clare and had head - u � land which, until recently, be- longed 'to Sir Donough Edwa, d Foster O'Brien, Lord Inchiquin, a 16th baron of Irish peerage which dates from -.1543. The baron is head of the clan O'Brien and a direct descend- ant of Brians Boron, High King of Ireland and hammer of the Norse whose power he broke forever at the battle of Con - tart in 1014 when he was him- self killed, This castle is now being converted to a deluxe hotel by the son , of an Irish emigrant to West Virginia and also an O'Brien. , The story continues: "Here, wandering about the castle demesne, we were taken out to the 'Temple of Love,' in a rather wild seclud- ed part, and there I saw an un- usual plant and knew instantly that it was Hart's Tongue, but only because I had been mooch- ing about 'The 'Bruce Beckons'." Although the -long- dead Brian .of Munster was not again awak- ned-from--his-950--years-of-sleep- by ris--950-S=ears-of -sleepby the beholder's shout, never- theless the pleasure of discov- ery was the greater for finding her first specimen of the fern in the same country as did the and Japan. Truly, its motto might well be "Ubique," yet Dr. Wherry in his "Guide to Eastern Ferns" remarks: Very difficult to cultivate. This peculiar and widely dis- seminated plant consists of evergreen cluster"d fronds, the oblong blade varying, from five to 35 inches in length. It bears neither stalk, nor flower, nor seed. In summer it now and then bririgs forth new leaves. . Known. three centuries before Christ, it is not surprising that it became endowed with un- usual powers. Dioscorides, the Roman physician, taught that drank in wine it was a remedy against the biting of serpents, which, if true, would make its quartered at Ennis, which is far south of and not to be con- fused with Enniskillen. Whilst there they were taken to see the old (1835) castle of Dromo- -HELP WANTED FEMALE Cashier -Trainee For Superiarket 22 miles from Goderich. Please give age, employ - m e n t record, education level, etc., in first in- stance. Box 53, Signal -Star ted Beer Okay -6d, In Recount Sale of beer in men's bever- age xoams, rejected at H nsal 1 ,in : a June 26 liquor ,plebiscite, was approved by a slim margin last week- following a recount of votes before Judge Frank Fingland of Clinton. -. The recount, however, failed to change the negative vote on the sale of `beer in licensed bev- erage rooms to men and women. Vote Changed The men's beverage,.- room vote was changed from 249. yes votes and -168 no votes, June 26, to 263 yes votes and 174 no votes or 60.1 per cent. A ma- jority of 60 per cent is needed for approval. In the June 26 .plebiscite vot- ers approved the sale of liquor in cocktail lounges by a 64.92 per cent margin. rsti-ngu-ished---author of "The - Bruce Beckons." * * * "The Bruce Beckons," Pub- lished by the University of Tor -- onto Press, 1952. ALUMINUM DOORS,- WINDOWS ,and AWNINGS .We feel we have one of the finest alum- inum products on the market today. Our Products Are Guaranteed and Serviced Properly FOR ESTIMATES — PLEASE CALL US • BRUCE E. RYAN 149 South Street, Goderich-25-27-29 OBITUARY HAROLD J. OVI RHOLT Requiem sigh mass was cele- brated Saturday .at 9.30 a.in, in immaculate Conception Church Stratford, for Constable Harold Joseph James Overholt, 51, who died suddenly Thursday morn- ing. Burial was in Avondale ceme- tery.- -„ Constable Overholt, a mem- ber of the Stratford Police De- partment for about 16 years, was on duty at the Administra- tion of Justice Building when death came, St. Joseph Native Born in St. Joseph, Ont., he was a son of the late Mr- and Mrs. James Overholt, and for u of yea a xt. ger s was. ` m� years a busi- nessman in Zurich, =king to Stratford 21 years ago. In 1947, he was appointed to the police force, .and ..shortly after his appointment, was com- mended by the police Conii nis- sion for his part in arresting three Toronto nen • who pos- sessed a loaded revolver. - During his years on -the force,. Constable. Overholt- had been ac- tive in- youth work, coaching school hockey teams, and tak- ing a great interest in police cadets. He was -a member of Im- maculate Conception Church, and of the Holy Name Society. Brothers, Here He married the former Mary Mahoney at Mount Carmel in • 1939. Besideshis wife • he is survived by two' daughters, Sla- ter Mary Harold (J*an), ',Ahead Abbey, Toronto; and Rose Mary, at home; cote son, Fred, at home; .Z' five brothers, Norman ur ieb; , Lawrence, Detroit; Francis, Em- nierson and Leonard, all of Goderich;".-tfde sisters, Mrs. Maizie Barrie, Toronto; Mns. Emmanuel (Ella) Volland, Gode- rich; Mrs. W. B. (Anne) Coxon, Zurich. One brother, Melvin, died three years ago. Lord' Durham, whose famed report ultimately led to self- government for Canada, was only 46 when sent here by Queen Victoria and in England was known by the nickname Radical Jack. WESTINGHOUSE 23 Cu. Ft. — REG. $400 Our new low price policy enables you to get quality products at the discount price. Included in this low price is our usual good service. WILF REIN,FART'S TV and APPLIANCES Hamilton Street Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P.O. Box 478. Phone. _JA .4-.952,1 GODERIC H -- ONTARIO FOR THE BEST IN PORTRAITS jrctoi CALL, CALL, PHONE OR WRITE DAY OR NIGHT Stan Hadden 118 St. David Street TELEPHONE JAckson 4.8787 Real Estate Agent RUTH VAN DER MEER PHONE JA 4-7875, Goderich Agent For WILFRID_ McINTEE REALTOI Aker?on STILES AMBULANCE Roomy -- Comfortable Anywhere =- Anytime PHONE JA 4-8142 77 Montreal St., Goderich ONE -HAMS' OPERATED ESSO CaII Lodge AMBULANCE SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT Prompt — Efficient Experienced Drivers TELEPHONE JA 4-7401 R. W. BELL - OPTOMETRIST F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist The Square JA 4-7661 . REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE All makes — All types GERRY'S APPLIANCES 59 Hamilton St. "The Store That. Service - Built" -GREASE GUN • High quality, one -hand operated gun. Low Esso retail price—$8.25. Yours now for only ._ 1 ~ - -wittrata rtonof 60 Esso - MP Grease Cartridges -=a saving of $5.25. .Ben Chisholm Esso Imperial Products - 20 Albert St., Goderich Office—JA 4-7502 Home—JA 4-7835 tf Butler, Dooley,_ e- Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal ,Additor 39 St. David St':,1 524-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO 32tf Signal -Star ads bring The first and only dual - purpose chainsaw oil in. the Canadian market. Does both jobs in your chainsaw. Field-tested and approved by chain- saw hain saw manufacturers. 80 oz. blue poly container. Insurance Agent Phone JA 44526 Mechanical and Body Repair; Wheel Alignment and Bal. ance, Wi.nd04. Replacements, Radiator ,Repairs. Protect against rust 'with. I Unda-Spray DAVIDSON'S Texaco Ser`vici: No. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone .JA 4-7231 • orae -Tufty INSURANCE CQ, operators Insurance A Complete Line of Casualty -- and Life Insurance. Prompt, Efficient Claims Ser. vice by Goderich Adiuster of CIA. - 319 Huron Road. Phone JA 4741.1 Some drugs, ' the wt 'Docile] mer CU' Asir you, sional :chairm and he denem leacher real tr o - big ti living here a They'ri That Refres] And d' ref mash snortir hasn't Girls, tion ar comrac I hi get int a few dozen why I was a My ev@n morn±, tions it anc ng and c ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN GENERAL INSURANCE ,AND REAL ESTA 'E Bank of Commerce Bldg, Goderich. Phone JA 4.9662, A. J. Alexander, Res. JA 4-7836. C. F. CHAPMAN, Res. JA 4-7915. HURON CO-OPERATIVE. MEDICAL SERVICES Prepaid Health'Plans at 'Cost the %C O.O P ' way BOARD OF: DIRECTORS President, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, G.gderich; Vice -Pres., --Gordon 'Kirkland, PR 3, Lucknow; Mrs. O. G. Anderson, RR 5, Wingharo; Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Exeter Hugh B. Smith; RR 2, Listowel; Lorne Rodges, RR 1, Goderich ,Roy Strong, Gorrie; Russell 1 Bolton, RR 1, . Seaforth; Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth Bert Klopp, Zurich; Gordon Richard son, RR 1,- Brucefield; Kenneth Johns, RR 1, Woodham. • C. H. Magee Secretary -Manager Miss C. E. Plurhtree ^lass- sfa t Secretary • For information, call _ your nearest director of our office i the Credit Union Bldg., 700a tario Street, Clinton, Telephon HUnter 2-9751. -or see your COOP re'presentatiVe GEORGE TURTON 319 Huron St., Goderich Ont, Phone JA 4-7411 results. ;moi A. A.HARPER&C CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 55-57 SOUTH STREET TELEPHONE GODERICH, QNT: JA 4-7562 - a - FOR GENERAJ. INSURANCE- See KEN CROFT FIRE — AUTO - LIABILITY-- CASUALTY—Phone IABIkITY-CASUALTY—Phone JA4=7-253, Tal] fair'. :roe: r aced 1 The new home heating plan 'that provides year- round service on your heating equipment, top- quality Esso Furnace Oil deliveredas theweatherde- mands—ALL FOR T2"iE PRICE OF THE O1.1 • 'YOUR ESSO AGENT IS RIGtlt WITH THE TIMES 1ME1`►Lr 0 L. LIMITED HOTEL. ' o In the heart of downtown Toronto facing Allan Gardens. 'Close to finest shopping and entertainment centers; major hospitals and subway. 'Beautifully appointed teams and suites. Dining,,Room ,;Television. Children FREE. Moderately $ 6.60 Single Priced from ' , ' OccupancYcz $ $.50 Double,. g,;V Occupancy Eredarlck Funnel!, Gen. 'Mgr. • CENTRALLY LOCATED M' Telephone: 3684823 30 Jarvis .St