HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-07-18, Page 3„ irtyl.wo Lodges, In March s Orai"gernen RaHy At Exeter The first parade bY Orange -1 As well as the Orangemen at- ent in 29 years drew an estini- ired in traditional trappings ed. 1,500 Orangemen from the parade had the usual, high rosWestern Ontario, to stepping pretty majorettes and s er, SOY 12th, inerhiding a unit band ipusic plus the- distinctive women marchers , who car- sotihd of the bagpipe. ed matching „um:1)11311as with Among the women's units on eir all white uniferm.S. parade, the Beula Lodge of Lis- Tbe parade,' celebrating the towel found partial relief 70 anniversary of .The Battle against the hot sun by carrying the Boyne, drew ngenien umbrellas. The other marchers om 32 district lod' , 'accOrd- found. no relief except when g to Oliver Jaques, of Hehsall, the sun occasionally slipped be- ogram chairman. hind clouds. Bagpipe music was provided Orange Lodges in the parade b ame from Atwood, Trowbridge, by the Palmerston Legion Pipe Band as well as by individual raon, Harriston,- Dungannon, ordwich, Newbriclge, Wing- pipers with several of the Blyth, Seaforth, Clinton, 'lodges, The parade marched back to ayfield, Goderich, Belgrave, itehell, Amberley, Lucan, the park where the speakers est Bruce, Kinioss, Woodham, were heard. These included Hon. Charles ownie, Lakeside, St. Marys, 1VlacNaughton, Minister of high- ilverton, Listowel :and Palm - ways -for- -Ontario, -Elston Gar- ratbn• - - The parade — led by Doug diff, Progressive Conservative riebner of E3ceter, astride a MP for Huron, Mayor Eldrid hite horse—marched through Simons of Exeter, J. V. Mills, e town past the many spec- Grand Master of Ontario West and Ruth Day,. ,Mistress of ators. L.O.B.A. Rt. WorshiPful Brother Domi- nic Di Stasi, who is the junior .deputy grand master of OPtario West, addressing an audience in the park, confined his re- marks to the Orange Lodge pre- cept of having only one school for all. The separate schools for Ro- man Catholics, he said are a privileged enjoyed by one re- ligious denomination only. NOW, he said, the Ontario Gbvernment by its "announced foundation tax plan intends to give separate schools a slice of raffic Cases Wayne Redmond, R.R. 2, Au - urn, was fined $20 and costs, r five days in, jail, when he ppeared before 'Magistrate lenn Hays in court here last hursday and pleaded'. guilty to riving a motor vehicle care- essly in West Wawanosh Town - hip on June 14. William Henry Govier, 11-11. Auburn, pleaded guilty to a harge of careless driving in °deficit on June 23. Govier't ar struck the rear of a car be- onging to William Bannister of ()clench, causing about $50' mage to that car. Govier was ned $50 ad., costs, or 10 days, nd his driver's licence was sus- , ended for nine mOnths.° Wilfred Gilders, Goderich, as fined $20 and costs, when e: pleaded guilty to failing to ield the right pf way to an- ther car upon entering the in- ersection of Huron Road and aple street, Goderich, on June 6. revenue derivea from , cOrper- ation .sr -not through local' realty tax levy ----but by a clever manip- ulation of provincial tax rev- enue.” . "%Neel Surrender" "The Government's plan, ap- parently, is to earmark same of this money to bolster hardup separate schools.* In Metro Tor- onto it will amount to between $3,000,000 and $5,000,000 more each year," he added. The speaker ,said this. "is an abject surrender to Roman Cath- olic pressure and a base be- trayal af the public school and of 1111 those, of whatever relig- ious persuasion, who are pitblic, school supporters." Public schools, Mr. Di Stasi said, dropped in number by al- most 10 per cent in the 20 years between 1940 and 1960, while separate schools increased 67 per cent in the same period. "Apologists for the Govern- ment's generous attitude assert that the public school, in Sim- ilar circumstatiteS, enjoys the me -Consideration. But that is as it should be. The ,public school is entitled to such treat- ment as it is a public school for all children of all races and creeds. • . No Obligation "The Roman Catholic school has to operate ninvhere. The Roman Catholic church is not. required, by law or regulation, t� establish even one separate school in Ontario, nor- are its members. There never was any suggestion, or law, that the two systems would be equal — one Protestant, the other Roman Catholic. "One is a public, non -denom- inational, non-sectarian school open to anYone and everyonel the other, a competing, relig- ious, separate, sectarian school BINGO at' LEGION HALL SATURDAY, JULY 20 AT 8.30 P.M. 15 GAMES $1.00. - The prize for path regular game will be $12.00. 4 SHARE -THE -WEALTH Jackpa Combined. JACKPOT OF $80.00 IN 56 CALLS Sponsored by Canaolian Legion Branch 109. <1. TRY BLACK LABEL... AND YOU'LL KNOW 1/INY CANADA'S HEST -SELLING BEER • say:VAIIEL, °A MACK LABEC.,1 4 • a Huron Count - °until Picnic One Of Best In Recent Years One of the most spccessful. and best attended Huron Coun- ty 'Council picnics was held -at Harbor Park a ldveek °ago We npsday when Mere than 2 persons enjoyed an afternoon of sports and a picnic supper in the pavilion. Every section of the ,‘county was represented by the reeves and deputy- reeves from the various toWnships, together with their families. Naturally, it Was an outstanding day for the youngsters, and many of the sports events were planned primarily for them. The program was carried out under the direction of a com- mittee composed of the Warden, for those who dissent from publie school support and wish heir children to be segregated from other children in the com- munity in the most formative years of their life." Mr. Di Stasi replaced, as speaker, Rt. -Rev. Bro. J. V. Mills, the grand_master of On- tario West,- who 'Nes unable to attend. Walter FOACS of Goderich Towns* together with Clerk - Treasurer John Berry and his assistant Bill ° Visiting , Warden An 1w/wed guest was War- den W. Mohr of Perth County, who was the only , non -Huron representative present, while about p dozen past warden's of Huron were present witli their families. tkthough weather appeared Threatening early ,in the day, the clouds rolled by and per- fect weather prevailed for the event. Sports Results Following is the list of results of the sports program: . Boys, five and under, Marty Becker, John Hanly; girls, five and, tunder, , Michelle Melady, 1VIary Harper; boys, seven and unger, Andrew Harper; Nevin - Jewitt; girls, seven and under, Margaret Eckert, Joan Aldis; boys, nine and under, Andrew Harper, Donald Oes-ch; girls, nine and under, peggy Hanly, Jean Devereaux; boys, 11 and under, John Becker, James GOOERICH , C)NT. DANCING EVERY S-ATURDAY NIGHT FOR THE YOUNG CROWD "The REVOLS" 9 p. m. to midnight Admission: 75c per person CATERING WEDDINGS —LUNCHEONS — BANQUETS Kinsmen — Lions — Rotary Meetings JA 4-9371 or JA 4-9264 Snider; girls, 11 ami, under, son, Hugh Berry; yOlingeSt per- son, Keith Shelby, Special draw prizes were as Kathleen !Kreuter, Martha Han.. ly; boys, 13 arid Under, Jim Hayter, Ross Jewitt; girls, 13 and under, Kathy Dale, Sharon Fitch. County Councillors' timed walking race, Walter Forbes; Ex -Wardens' timed walking race, Bill Dale; ladies' bean race, (21 and over), Mrs. Mary Beth Britnell, Mrs, Barbara Mc- Cutcheon; girls' bean race, (un- der 21), Kathy Dale, Beverly Culbert; men's walking race (Other than County Councillors and ex -wardens), Jim Britnell, John Berry; ladies' kick -the - slipper (21 and over), May Shel- by, Mrs. Glenxt Webb; girls' kick -the -slipper Vander 21), Iris Becker, Wilina Dale; Ex -Ward- en's wives' timed walking race, Mrs. Bill Dale; County Council- lors' w,ives' timed walking race, Mrs. Bill Morritt; supper draw, Mrs. Walter Forbes; oldest pert follows: Men's draw prip (15 and over), John 11, Kennedy, Jack liecliger; women's draw prize (15 and over), Margaret Alexander, Mrs. Mary Beth Brit; nell; County Councillors' draw, Elgin Thompson, Ernie Talbot; County ,C ouncillori' wive,s' draw, Gertrude Mania, Ella Frayne; boys' draw (under 15), Mike $mith, Hugh Aldis; girls' draw (under 15), Marcia Gibsen, Mary Harper. STAFF CHANGES IN CATTLE BREEDING 4SSOC. A special committee of the Waterloo Cattle, Breeders' Board of Directors has announc- ed the appointment of Wilbur J. Shantz as Acting Manager of the breeding unit. Mr. Shantz , At THEATRE PAR _GODER1CH- _ THE . , SHOWt1ME 7:30 * air -Conditioned for your comfort * . , /low — Thurs,, Fri., Sat., July ' 18-19-20 ' JERRY LEWIS and JOAN O'BRIEN In "IT'S ONLY MONEY" Mon., 'Tues., Wed., July 22-23-24 . JACKIE GLEASON, GLYNIS JOHNS & ' CHARLIE RUGGLES A bright an&merry comedy based - on the biography of silent film star Corrine Griffith "PAPA'S DELICATE CONDITION" in color Thurs,, Fri., Sat., July 25-26-27 . JOHN WAYNE, ELSA MARTINELLI & RED BUTTONS One of the greatest and most entertaining pictures ever filimed. Photographed in Tanganyika , "H A TA R I" in Technicolor , Coming: "In The Cool Of The Day' Adult Entertainment : 44) why _.,don't they.. make A cars that fight rust a lot longer? R-MBL-r R DOES (the exclusive DeeP-Dip process with 7 times more galvanized steel on critical areas makes Rambler the wortdirffeeneTaitetelyrTstzpraled'Car.) make brakes that won't fail even with a broken hydraulic line? RAMBLER DOES (Double -Safety brakes have front and rear systems that operate indepehdently. If one set is damaged the other con- tinues teoperate. Self-adjusting, too.) make mufflers that won't corrode or rust out? RAMBLER DOES (the exclusive Ceramic -Armoured muffler and tailpipe are guaranteed to last as long as the original buyer owns his Rambler.) make the lowest priced Canadian -built car? RAMBLER DOES (it's the Rambler American ... and it not only is the lowest priced but also the most economical to operate and maintain. The, American comeswith a high performance Sixcylinder eligine,too.) make doors that close solid, straiiht and true? RAMBLER DOES (Uniiide, the newest development of Single -Unit construction, replaces scores of small parts with a single piece stamped out of a sheet of steel,Give,s you greater strength, more perfect door fit.) make seats as comfortable as a reclining -lounge chair.? RAMBLER DOES (chair -height seats, firmly coil sprung, adjust individually. They convert instantly nto a nap couch. Headrests are also available.) - 1,1 make a car that gives _top performance and .economy? RAMBLER DOES (with one of the best weight -to -horsepower ratios in the industry you.get, the best perforrnance in either a six or V8 engine with exceptional economy.) make it really easy to get in and out? RAMBLER _ - 0.E.S.(Uniside construction makes possible the widest and highest door openings.-Trygettingitrandork CAA- frainblersoon atyour nearest Mites.) / 4674f _ Anything elsyou'vaeverivantedhlicaa(notqwtheheatt- tiful new Ramblers. Have a talk with your Rambler Healer. He'd be happy to answer any other questions you have about cars. • ........................ ........ . . • - . • • • . ••••11L, •••••" •••••• ....• .... . • • • • • • • • • • •••••• • ' • • • • , „ . • • • • • .. A Pa6DUCt Or mitalc.AN MOTORS (CANA0A)11.0417t0 RAMBLER CLASSIC 770 1963 Winner of the Motct Trend nuarazina "Carol the YeaP. award, "for OutsiOndIng design achlevemont ond• 'efiginoering oxeollencb," r,- BAYF1ELD ROAD Tbe Goderipb. SignaStar, Thursday, 4 • 18th, 1963 has eleven years experience with the Waterlqo unit, having held positions as 4:technician," field Supervisor,- and mod re- cently, Supervisor of Produc- tipn and Series. Mr. Shantz is a natiVe of Waterloo County, and is well known in The Peters- burg -New Dundee area, where he has been active in church and community affairs. Also announced was the pro- motion a Donald L. Fortune Information and gxtensxon.,-41r. roitune formerly served the unit 46 a teehnigian and as- .4fforma#cut supervisor, These :changes will tal.ce effegt Augus,t, 16t as an immediate measure to 011 the vaeaney left due to the resignatjnnt Roy Snyderi *veteranmanager . of Waterloo Cattle .13reedirtO As. sedation, Mr. Snyder has ac- cepted a position as Secretary - Manager of the Ontario Associ- to the position of Supervisor of ation of Artiffaial Breeders. 14 WATER SERVICE STATION JA 4,9561 SUNSET DRIVEI HIGHWAY 8 — EAST OF GODERICH Now with the widest screen' in the territory Thurs., Fri., Sat., July 18=19-20 adult entertainment .TOMMY SANDS, FABIAN and JAN STIRLING "LOVEIN A GOLDFISH BOWL" color KENNETH - MORE and '--DANA WYNTER • "SINK THE BISMARCK" Mon., Tues., Wed„ July 22-23-24 JAMES STEWART and GRACE KELLEY -"REAR WINDOW" In Color. PLUS three shorts Thurs., Fri., Sat., July 25-26-27 ELVIS PRESLEY and JULIETTE PROUSE "G.I. BLUES" SOPHIA LOREN and ANTH014Y QUINN "ATTILA" Both in color First show at dusk. Children in cars- FREE. •O• ...211•14111111411111111411.1141II MORE SIDEWALK SALE SPECIALS AT AMPBELL'S 4101114111/1•1•14. CIGARETTES All Brands With'Purchase of $1.00 or 01:ter. CARTON • WITHOUT A ,PURCHASE_ 3.29 120 -- 620 -- 127 KODAK FILM 2 for 99c 8MM KODACHROME 11 MOVIE FILM' 2.79 (Does Not Include -Processing) BAYER - ASPIRIN 100 Size ELIZABETH ARDEN Reg 93c 68c BLUE GRASS COLOGNE WITH ATOMIZER. REGULAR 4.003.00 WITHOUT )cf0MIZE12- .REGULAR 3.002.25 :LIMMITS ALL FLAVORS REG. 1.0984c °zoos!. TONI REGULAR OR DRY HAIR REG. 2.001.69 1105 -SHAMPOO RtG. 1.00 75c GILLETTE SUPER BLUEBLADES 15's REG. 1.00 87c DETTOL First Aid Spray REG 159:1.29 A Good Selection Of Records Musical instruments and Accessories PRINTING and DEVELOPING FAST Sill,VICE We Deliver Dial 7532 CAMPBELL'S THE •CitJAI2E 4. 4. — •442 • 'r •:•••,•• ,