HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-07-11, Page 44 The Goderieh Signal -Star, Thnrsday, July llth, 1963 . Articles For Sale CUT flowerss Call JA 4-9549 for varieties in bloom. Keith thusaer, 156 Eldon St. -28t1 CA 1NET freezer, ga cu. ft, like new, at the Dairy Queen, 70 Kingston St. -28 WALNUT dining room suite, 9 pieces, 'made by McLagan Excellent condition.* Reason- able. Phone Seaforth 24. 28x S,',IVIALL, solid -built h:ouse trail- er, Interior unfinished, apecial- built • axle. Enquire at Near and Heffmeyer Plumbing, King- ston St. KEROSENE Servel refrigerator, 6 cu ft., good condition. Con- tact A'. MacMillan, Highway 21, 8 Miles south of Goderich. 28x 2. Cars, Trucks For Sale ss - '53" OLDS sedan and '40 Dodge. May be wen at Steve's Shell, Kingstoo St. . 26-28x '51 CHRYSLER 6, all new tires, good, battery, runs extra well. Goad transportation, cheap for cash. Ken Allin, 54 Victoria St. -28 3. Real .Estate For Sale TO SELL or, rent; two-bedroom cottage, possession ' August 1. Phone JA 4-7696. 28-29x LOT, 132 by 66, pn corner of Cayley and Warren Sts. F9r information phone JA 4-9472 after 6 p.m. -22tf WHITE frame house, large lot, corner Hincks and Mary Sts. Phone JA 4-70,16. 15-16xtf KCI," 3. Real Estate For Sale 0 to fotti-bedroom mod e f ern. ranch house overlooking Lake Huron; will consider gent- ing. Apply 181 Essex St. 27-28x- '59 GENERAL rolling homelTWO-BEDROOM home on quiet 33 ft. x 10 ft.; A-1 condition. , street, paved drive and patio, M. Cole, Blyth, Ontario. lexcellent retirement home. -- ___ . 28x i Phone JA 4-9486. • 28-29x I USED frig.; chrome table and ; FOUR-BEDROOM red . brick chairs; d • hter; end tables , house, good condition, centrally etc. Patterson's Used Furni- 1 ilocated, gas heatin-g, garage. ture, 97 Sts Patrick St. Phone For further particulars phone ______ ,. 28x 7690. 2 e - 7616 THREE-PIECE living room ' PETER S. MacEWAN suite; two lamps and panel bed j Real Estate - Insurance with mattresses for sale. All I 44 North St. . JA 4-9531 1's years old. Phone 9732. 1 28x $15,900.00 - Well appointed --- - - three-bedroom home in the west GEORGE White threshing ma- I end of town. This home is four chine in A-1 condition, with !years old, has excellent entry ,grain thrower, straw shredder, , hall, fireplace in the living es good belt. D'. J. Lassaline, . room. phone JA 4-7096. -28-tf i - --------- --:- - -1$11,001100 .- Two-storey frame ONE large size crits (Honey- t ;home in the east end of town, ds suckle), natural finish; Posture- . ; completely modernized. Pro- _ pedic spring anwet-proof mat-1,,ert.y , can be bought for I tres-§, like,. neay, $25. Phone ' $1,600.00 down. 8854. s -2811 BALED strays. Phone 4 , -1$10 750.00 -New frame home, 05. JA , -28 located near the 'schools, well s70 . • __- - ;equipped with Hanover kitchen COMPLETE -.bridesmaid's , ens I cupboards, gas equipment. sernble, aqua chiffon over taf-1 , i $10,000.00 --:-B-riCk veneer two - feta. dress suitable for many . bedroom home on quiet street occas2ons., size 14.. Phone 9370.1 -28 -with 105' frontagt lot. , _ ONE Banta, 12 ft. plywood boat, "V" !patois'. suitable for rovr- ing' or power. James E. Prest, phone 6379.., _ GENERAL 17 cu. ft. chest , freezer. almost new. Very rea- sonable. Phone JA 4-1992. . -28 GLENDALE mobile home, fully furnished, 36' x 8'. Very rea- sonable. phone 306M, Kincar- dine28x . RUTH VAN DER MEER 55 Montreal St: Phone JA 4-7875 Agent for WILFRED McINTEE Realtor, Walkerton Three-bedroom home, Palmerstbn St., doiable garage, large let, recreation -room. Four -room bungalow, frame and stone, good location, large lot with shrubs and trees. , Just lepilt, six -room brick and ranch wall construction, oil furnace, large lot. Four-bedroom frame home, nearly new furnace. Owner is anxious to sell as he is leaving town. Price $6,800. Two go.od older homes, $7,000 each. Low priced house in need of some repairs. 11 d b • in,, ouse an ai n near e s- I. Real Es4ate Fpr,§ale bridge 20 Acres, house and barn, two miles north of Clinton. 100 Acre farm, Ashfield Town- ship, 8 -room frame Iwine, 3 - piece bath, large ba school bus route' Other farms 20 to 180 acres. Six' -'room furnished summer cot- tage on two large lots, at old village of Pine River, mile from Pine River Boat Club. Lake frontage close to Goderich. 45 Acres development property at Point Clark. Can be pur- chased as one piece, or as individual cottage lots. Restaurant in Huron County. No information by phone. -25tf $14,000.00 asking price on either of two well-built, three-bedroom ; homes in south east ,of town. ; These homes are excellent ,Ca - I ,ues, and can be obtained with 1 low down payments.. PETER S. MacEWAN Real Estate Broker Malcolm-Mathers PAINT. We have a new supply Real EstAta Broker of white and aluminum paint.. 46 West, St. OA 4-9442 No low.e• prices anywhere; 100 now heavy duty army Pump. oil , can, $1.50 each:- n.ew picks and , A well -kept brick bungalow, ican make a substantial -monthly handles. special $2.00. 50 Gray in a good area near high school, payment but do not have a ratchets ,.,.." drive, $4.00 each: six rooms, new bathroom, mod- large down payment contact this 100 gallons oxide red for coat - i ern oil heating, oak •floors, large broker for details.. ing metal, $2.00 per gal. Gode- front sunporch, large garage., 4 , rich Industrial Surplus Sales, ;The above property includes a 1 Four -Bedroom -Brick Kingston St., ori. Dairy Queen. i building lot, with fruit trees Drastically Reduced -28 and bushes., which we can sell This family home has now USED deluxe Admiral frig, 10 [separately. . . been red-uced by, $1500 and is . „, cu. f., manual defrost, 51 lb.! offered with good te-rms as the freezer, excellent -condition; 30" owner is leaving ItiWfill ' Here push-button Kenmore electric On the 4th concession of is the chance to buy a real ranee with latest features. Good.'Goderich Township, we have bargain. Call today. cOndition. Phone JA 4-8738. 'as -f double house (two • sembat- -21, -28 tached houses) requiring final — ----------- ---- ss- finishing. The building is in POODLES, males,black, mime- : an attractive setting, overlook- ture. show quality, adorable ing a stream; it is insulated to electric heating requirements, 28x has a 'Well, pressure system, septic tanks, bathrooms, alum- inum windows and canes be HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broker General Insurance Agent in Goderich District for Kernohan Homes and LEE BUILT Homes KEN CROFT Real Estate and Business, Broker 83 Victoria St., Gkidet,414, Ont, General Insurance 5. To Rent - i3 Auction Sales LARGE upper, heated apart - frig and stove. Phone, -28tf CLEARING AftOon Sale Of ment, 7556 after 6. household effects. at 101 Bay-. field Rci., Goderich, on' • usaleassmaniuseimma sATuRDAy, Amy 20 6. Wanted To Rent at 1 p.m. Model M3 G.E. portable food Golden Glow electric heater; bedroom•furniture-bed (full) and ssprings, gent's dres- ser, lady's dresser; set dining „room furniture -table with glass top, sideboard with ,glass top, china cabinet and six chairs; bedroom suite; oak dining room suite; 6-ft.-Kelrvinator frig.; sev- eral end tables; rocking chairs; 15bokcase, 17" x 3e x 6 ft. high; living room table, 28" x 3 ft., 30" high; Kelvinator refriger- ator, 6 cu. ft.; White rotary sewing machine, m ot ore d; couch, 614 ft. long; typewriter desk, 20" x 4 ft., 30" high; May- , tag electric washing machine and wringer; sleeping springs; Eureka power lawn mower; radio, 13" x 26", 38" high; clothes 'cabinet . with drawers, ia" x 36", 5 ft. high; two 8 -ft. stepladders; one 14 ft. -ladder; one easy chair and poreh chairs. Other articles too numerous to 'higntion. TERMS -CASH. T. R. Graham, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, Geo. Powell, Clerk. , -28-29 Phone JA 4-7253 .4, . ' SMALL fnrnished, house or cot- tage wanted to rent for inonth of August, in west end, one adult. Ph -one JA 4-8583. BUILD for Less witn a Halliday Hume -Call at our office for yoUr new 1963 catalogue. THRF.F.-BEDROOM home, on Mary St. Very good -terms available. RANCH -STYLE home on Wil - St., overlooking the lake. Easy terms. WE HAVE one of the largest listings of farms in Huron County Irons $3,30000 to $75,000.00 LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES , INVITED KEN CROPT rarm Salesman: John L Rapson 152 South St. -JA 4-8559 -4tf 4. Real Estate Wanted KISSING a pretty. girl in the dark might be all right for the guy who is doing it, but who else knows about it? When you list your home with McIN1EE everybody can know about it. Have prospects for two or three- bedroom house within walking distance of Square. Also two or three-bedroom in -west end of town. Call RUTH VAN DER MEER, JA 4-7875, 55 Montreal St. -28tf ime....00....•=01•••••••••0 5. To Rent 8. Help Wanted • 28-29x TURNKELY FOR HURON COUNTY JAIL Applioations for the position of Turnkey =St he submitted on forms provided and may be' secured from the Governor of the Jail or the undersigned., Appli,cations to close at 5:00 p.m. D.S.T., Wednesday, July - 24, 1963. Salary range - $2,600 - $3,400 per annum. Lowest or any application not necessarily accepted. John. G.- Berry, Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. -28 CHURCH caretaker required for St. George's Anglican Church, approximately 15 hour & per A _week, duties to cemmencF ug- ust 1, 1963. Apply in writing Ito Rector's Warden, Box 1001, I Goderich. -28-29 MODERN cottage, sleeps seven, WANTED - Reliable man as Dealer in Huron County and Goderich. Experience not -neces- sary. For opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big pro- fits.Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. G-216-163, 4005 Richelieu, Mon- treal. . -28 _ pos_ ..PROGRESSIVE life insurante unfurnished,. immediate session. Apply to Glenn Slavin, vmpany requires an ambitious hot and cold rock water on tap, available August. Sandy beach, sunshine_ and shade. C. E. Empey, 33 St. Vincent St. JA 4-7637. 28x - -- TWO-BEDROOM apartment, un- furnished, heated, utilities paid, available immediately. 208 Cameron St. 28x FIVE -ROOM apartment,. heated, 'Three -Bedroom -Central Location • An interesting deal cap be irraneed for the right ptifiehas- er, both price and down pay- mentwise on this three-bedroom frame home which also has large living room, .kitchen, full basement and extra lot. If you 'pets. Phone JA 4-7975. _ REFRIdERAToR; piano; bridge . table an(ii chairs-, four •kitchen chairs; verandah swing. Plibrie-• bought -as. low as $600 down. JA 4-8594 after 5.30 p.m. . -- - _ ,,,s._ • 28x _ _ _s_ _ ------------We-have -an_ attractive, new McGINNESS Vacation Trailer, ' stone veneer, dwelling, nicely 21- x 8. two rooms, fully equip- 'situated among -new homes. ped, in good condition. Has Features are stone fireplaces in new licence. Prieed for quick j pleasant 'shying room, 3 bed - sale. Apply to- Wm. Hamm, I r000ms, National ,Housing fin- , - 27-28x anee at $96.00 per Month which Blyth: Obt. _ s - i win., pays taxes, principal -and- inter - ALUMINUM DOORS and est. See this with us. - dows. Screens and, glass replac-! ' ed. Arnold Fisher, 39 Britan- nia Road, phone 8162. 17tf Modern split-level, on corner ilot, many extra features.' CEMENT for sale -A. F. Riehl, Saltford Heights, phone JA 4- 7492. 6 a.m. to .10 p.m.' $1.10 A large four-bedroom brick bag.' 27-28x residence, with small acreage, corner Bayfield Rd. and Blake CUT flowers, garden seasonet. St. . L. R. Holman, 187 Cameron St.. ' phone 8852, ' _ -2 - We have Summer cottages in ' PICTURES,- Did your picture very excellent Lake Huron appear in The Signal -Star late- areas. " ly? If so, perhaps you would like to have a glossy nript of it • We have several choice, ser- - 8" x 10" or 5" x 7" sise s‘ ill viced building lots, 60 ft x 133 be $1.50. Three or more priniq it.. in a developing -area, for - will be g1.25 each. ..• _noie s_ _ sale. . YOU are constantly a -king peo-ple to repeat thins then We have approximately 4 maybe you are -iii need of a Bel acres in Goderich on west. side t Erna ,hearing,riltL. can u___s_f,p_ca n.4 of Mayfield Rd,, 'n an area zonred appointment or Tor service ,Tdr-inea Wain Complete stock of fresh battei ies. Campbell's, The Squire Plrne 7532. -l6tf' W. J. Hughes NEW and Used appliances. Why pay more? See them at Luinbys.' 136 East St., Goderich, Ont. -12tf HYGIENIC supplies ( rubbe r goods) mailed postpaid in plain, :sealed envelope with price list.' six samples 25c; 24 samples; $1.00. e Mail Order Dept. T-53.1 Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91. Ham- ilton, Ont. ELECTROHOME Kinsmen or- gans; also new pianos, various makes. Trade-ins accepted. Large stock on hand from Which to choose. Garnet Farrier, piano and organ sales, Whitechurch, phone 357 - 2068, Wingham. 26-29x sreateaseasaelainireasaaiimormaaisausse• Cars; Trucks -For Sale THINKING -of Rambler? Visit the Ditiewater Service Station, Hayfield Rd. • JA 4-9461. -15tf TRAILER, 33 by 41,' easily pull. • ed by car; complete bathroom, 9 cu. ftfridgeheating system, winteriied. ?hone 111524105. 27-28x 01 13I,AC1 ClaSsic Rambler, 19,000 lietttai miles, White/011 tires, exteltent tOnditiOn, teach. er Otte& Intone 9150‘ .28-29X Real Estate Broker General Insurance 50 Elgin Ave., E., OtheeHomes For Sale Through- out -Goderich Several four, five and six bedroom houses at reduced prices and most in an 'excellent REDECORATED two-bedroom apartment, stove and frig., heat- ed, laundry facilitieS. Phone Mrs. Cummings. JA 4-9983. Available immediately. -25 COTTAGE- to rent oil beautiful -- lakefront property, at Menese- tung Park, two and a -half miles north of Goderich. Six rooms with all conveniences, has to be seen to be appreciated. Available July 15 to August A. JA 4-7775. ""; -27-28 28-29x and conscientious salesman for JA 4-7075 evenings the Goderich-Clinton area -to ROOMS to rent, quiet residen- sell and service present then - tial diStrict, central location. tele. Extensive training and ex - Phone JA 4-9375. .28-29x cellent remuneration will be — - given toy the man who cfrialifies TWO-BEDROOM upstafts, apart- for appointment. Write Box ment, heated. Private entrance.- 15, Signal -Star. 25-28x 31 Napier St., phone 9665. miremommium.;.meneskszemainminc. ONE furnished room, good lo- ' cation, reasonable rent. Phone 10. Wanted(General) 9250. -27-28 GOOD used tent, mediuM size, GROUND floor, self-contained, f). heated apartment, one bedroom, wanted. Phone 530. large living room, kitchen and bath, -$70.00 monthly. Phone JA 4-344. After 5 p.m. JA 4- 8170. Also two-bedroom heated apartment. 27tf KENT HOUSE ROOMS -Com- fortably furnished rooms, all conveniences, including kitchen. Apply 155 Quebec St. or phone 8433. ' ' 27-28x state of repair. Summer Cottages Two three-bedrobm cottages at Bluewafer• Ieac cently constructed and well fur- nished on lake front lots. Two-bedroom cottage at Blue - water Beach, $1,000' doven pay- ment. 38 Hamilton St. Dial JA 4-7272 A SURPRISING HOME Here is a home that will sur- prise and delight yoti, in it's lay -out and it's many added features. One of it's three bed- rooms is approximately 16 x 26, large enough for a Studio,. At- tached double garage, two stair- ways, new bathroom, 'modern 'kitchen, living'room, dining room and large finished and heated rec. room. Good exter- ior, gas furnace, and on a large lot on a . quiet street. To be seen by appointment only. SEMI -DETACHED -2 complete units. Income 140 to 150 per mo. Price $13,800. Terms. - NEW cottage at good beach e APT g rums - tf. Phone JA 4-8526 Modern 3 -bedroom, one floor, red brick home. Living room has oak floors; large bright kit- chen, recreation room in base- ment, and fend let- South- west location. Three-bedroom, red brick, central location. 102 acre farm on Highway 8, IA, mile from Holmesville. House has new bathroom and new oil furnace. Bank barn has Steel stanchionein cow stable. Full price $9:500, with $1,500 down *trent4 _ MODERN apartment, heated, furnished, hot water, front and back entrance. No children, Phone 9715. -25tf 28 GOOD homes wanted for two kittens. Phone JA 4-9016. 23x BOARDER - wanted:- Phone 8737. -28 OCTAGON gun barrels of 38-55 calibre will accept .other cali- bre. Call Auburn 526 -7242. 27-28x TWO unfurnished, he at ed apartments, available immedi-. ately, aboye former Business College. Phone 'JA 4-7450. es ,s --24tf APARTMENT, new, one bed room, four -piece tiled bath. heat and hot water included. Phone JA 4-7178. • -23t1' ONE -BEDROOM ''apartment, gas heated, self-contained, ideal for couple. TV dFMa1T sup- plied. Phone JA 44540 even- ings.; • - • -13tt UNFURNISHED three - room apartment, with bath, heated. JA 4-7171. •12tf 1111111111111111111M.111011111111111111111111MININIMMINIS 14. Services Available LIGHT truck in landscaping, cleaning up ds, etc. Phone Harold Ledi, JA 4-7237. 28-29x WELL DRI LING -Water guar- anteed. See W. D. Hopper & Sons, Seaforth. 602W1, 602-W3, cim-Pau1 LAPAINE -At Alexandra Hos- 17. Business Notice EAGLE -,Valley swinuning and tivities, under vision. Write churor phone 6172, evenings, 0111111111011111111111.1111111 Ranch -aiding, other camp ac - careful super - direct for bro- Teeswater 392 19. Lost And Found TRICYCLE taken from Judith 'Gooderham Park last Saturday. Name "Micheal ArmstrOng" on front fender. Kindly return to 39 Victoria St. or to local police. 28x Would" person who fOund a fishing tackle box at the rail- road bridge ,parking grounds Sunday morning, please phone ' Walter Tigert, JA. 4-7233. Re- ward. 28x TWO lifejackets' lost June 15 between Dungannon and Port Albert. Finder ,contact Mel. Reid, phone Dungannon 50 r2. 28x BIRTH certificate found at show grounds. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for ad. Phone $119. -28' gamosessameramolummis A. Births BLAAUW.-At Victoria, B.C., on July 2, 1963, to Mr. an Mrs. M. W. Blaauw (Joan Morris), Victoria, e seats GLAZIER. -At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on July 6, 1963, to Mr. and. Mrs. Ronald Glazier, Goderich, a daughter, Rhonda Lynn. KELLY. -At Alexandra Hospit- -al, Goderich, on July 7, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelly, 862W1, Seaforth. -26-2 plogimmimplanamismillIMMENIIMIED 11. En‘loyment Wanted EXPERIENCED 16- year - old wants baby sitting, Available t ullstime-cn-rsatstirrres vsorks Phone -JA -4-9063. - ___ -28 .B.A.W,YSIrTING by day or week Wanted by experienced lady. Phone JA 4-7169. -28 1 12. Tenders Wanted I.JoJT us restore accuracy and beauty to your watch. Fine jewellery repairs and diamond setting. Modern equipment. Don MacRae, watchmakei, Thc Square. -42.11 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment, all work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. 2, Brussels. Phone Brussels 442 W 6. 14-39x PAINTING and carpentry re- pairs; experienced. Phone Dun- gannon 18 r 2. 24-28x TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY TENDER FOR TRUCK Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m. on July 16, 1963, for one 1964 5 -ton truck equipped with dump box, hoist, V -plow 'and wing, Trade-in, one 1956 1900 Chev- rolet equipped with dump box, V-ploW and wing. Tender form specifications ay be_obtained-from_tlie Road - Superintendent. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. , Signed, W. TAYLOR, erhitendent, Ont.- -28 SID BITLLEN'S Cabinet Shop custom furniture, kitchen cup- boards, furniture repairs. 184 Gibbons St. Phone 9631. -.31t1 pital, Goderich, on July 4, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Lapaine, Goderich, a daugh- ter, Sonja Elizabeth. . WHITE. -At Port Alberni Hos- pital, on July 5, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Kip White, Port Alberni, B.C., a son. - YOUNG. -Pet Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on July 7, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. William Young, Goderich, a son,' Philip John. iwrionsanms: C. Briefs D. In Memoriam FAWOETT.--In memory of a dear *sister, Helen Anne Louise, who passed away a year- ago, July- 10, 1962. Somewhere back of the sunset, Where loneliness never dies, Helen lives in the land of glory, 'Mid the blues and the gold of 'the skies. Meanwhile we'll wait, dear And pray to -God each day, That when -He calls us home to Him, Your smile will guide the way. God knows how much we miss you, Never shall your memory fade; Loving thoughts shall ever wander To the spot where you are laid. -Lovingly remembered by sister Maxine, brother-in-law Al and niece Caroll. 28x _ 1VIARTIN.-In loving memory of my clear husband, David Martin who passed away four years ago, July 10th, 1959. - You are always in my mind, No matter, what I do; All the time within my heart, There are thoughts of -you. You were a loving husband', A pal so good and true; A better husband never lived, ,Your equals are but few. -Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by wife Jane and family. MeMILLEN.-In loving mernorSe of a dear husband and father, James McMillen, who passed away two years ago, July 12, 19 God took him home, It was His will; But in our hearts, He liveth still.. -Always remembered by his wife, Olive and family. 28x G. Coming Events nCpdzt St. GeOrge's annual Gar en Tairty on Rectory LaWn, traitor,* July 18th. Bake Ta le, Flower Table and Fish Pond. Supper served from 5 p.m. Admission:' Adults $1,25, children 75c. .27,28 Hain and salad supper, We. nesday, July 24, Si to 8 pan Porter's Hill church. Adults', sion $1.00. 28-29x Port Albert United church bazaar, Thursday, July 25. Dake sale, fancy work table. Tea served 'from 2.30 to 5. • ati stove oil from EchA ai d. u€ s SHARP? ARE THEY READY?- tank truck dealer for all Sh,I Saws: hand and electric, hand Oil Co. products. - y h o n,A, power lawn mowers, cutlery, JA 4-8386. -39,tf etc. C. H. Hornets IIuron Rd., . opp,osite store. -12tf ! ACE Radio TV Service. Frank D. In Mernoiriam Wilcox. 60.P.ictesee,St., Ws, Gode rieh, Ont. Phone JA 4-'7771. ARoNf Oal..Dde-arInnioltohveirn,gmrms e. mBoeray_ -31tf triee Arnold, who passed mum away July 6, 1946. True was her heart, her actions , so kind, Her life was i pattern -to those left behind A beautiful soul, in, a garden, of rest, The saying of truth, God chooses the best. -Lovingly remembered by daughter Beatrice and Gordon McGratten. 28x 15. Notice To Creditors ALL persons having clefts agaiest the estate of WILLIAM JOHN ROBB, late of the Toyvne ship of Wawanosh, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Retired, who died on or about the 30th day of Rine, 1963; are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 3rd day of August, 1963, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. -Available:- eateesssonees, sPhone-, ______ se Road p 68 Acres - 4 -bedroom modern h'orrie With oil furnace. On highway. Four -bedrooms -11 s bath. Pay- ments $80.26 for P.I.T. $2,500 cash flequired. SIX ROOMS plus -many extras, double garage. Terrns-$7,900. THREg acres, six -room house, $10.800. Half cash, or ONE furnished summer cottage. 'bargain at $4,000. BUILDING lots -$500 to $3,000. E. E. CRANSTON Phone JA 44801 BRUNO LAPAINE Salesmen for ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN Goderich -Phone, JA 4460 ONE large furnished room, suit- able for one or two men, Phone JA 4-8881. -20tf FURNISHED rooms. kitchen facilities. Mrs. J. Gottschalk, 55 Cambria liasa„d-Phone JA 4-7202 after 5 p.in2 SELF - CONTAINED 2 -room apartment, partly furnilhed. Good view of -lake. Mary B. Howell,' 12 St. Vincent St., SA 4-8642. -26tf HEATED apartment, 33 Hamil- ton St.. Hardwood floors or tile throughout. Exposure 3 sides. Large living room everldoking the Square. Two bedroom. Im- mediate possession. $75.00 a, month. Not suitable fel` 'child-. ren. ApPly R. C. Hays, 33 Montreal St. -26 We have a number' of good businesses , for sale. No information given by phone on these. Furnished cottage 6in nice lot at Ituchanan's Beach. Full price $3,500. Farm Salaiman: L. H. lientland Huron ltd..411. 44601 Agl) 1141:04111tIES . INVITI110 SIGNAL -STAR WANT ADS BRING RESULTS: NEW bright -apartments in mod- ern building with frig. Stove, tinted.— Oe. two or three. bed rooms. Available now—Alex- ander & Chapman, phone JA 4- 9662, .kPART1VIENT. three large bright rooms, unfurnished, heated. upstairs. Suitable for temperate aurae. Avail- able May 1st. Mrs. S. C. Argyle; JA 44155. .16tf LARGE '''housekeeping room; furnished, , frig, and rangette. heat and light supplied, use of phone. Miss Mary rt. Uwe% 12 St. Vincent St., phone 8842. TENDER FOR SIDEWALK Tenders wilr be -received by the undersigned ups to 5 p.m., July 22„ for supplyind all material and the installation of a 5 -foot cement walk, 4 inches thick, under the following terries: A LeVels will be set by our Engineer-. B Ready -Mix 3000 pound test with 6% air Must be used. C Fill required to bring the • walk to grade mug be pit run gravel. . .- D Approximately 1300 running feet of ,walk In all. Price .,quoted to be on a running foot basis, E State date work will be'com- pleted. •. Lowest or batiY tender not iieeeSSffrily accepted: - S. }I. Blake,- Secietary, Goderich Public School Board, Box 1000, Gpderich, Ontario. -28-29 BRADLEY.--eln loving memory of, my dear husband, Harry Bradley, who passed alka'y July 10, 1957. ated at Goderich, Ontario, You bade no one a lait farewell, i laselay of_sfuly.„ 1%3 HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal -St., Gaderich, Ontario. -28-30 ALL persons having claims against the estate of EDWARD ERVINE, Retired, late of the Town of Goderich, in the Coun- BRADLEY. -In loving me,mory ty of Huron, who died on or of a dear father and grand - about the 22nd day of June father, Thomas Henry Brad - 1963, are required to file the ley, who passed away gix samet e uwn tehr sfigunlledparbtyiculthares wnitthh His memory is a keepsake years ago, July 10,, 1957. day of July, 1963, as after that With which we will never part. date the assets of the estate Though God has him in His will be distributed. I Dated at Goderich, Ontario,keePing, We still have him in our hearts. this 26th day of June, 1963. I -Ever remembered by his HAYS, PREST & HAYS"; son Lloyd and -28 family.. Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal St., ToVing mem- __ _Goderith,_ _ 0.n ta ri -27-29 ory of Jasper Brindley, who passed away July 8, 1956. Your 'last parting -wish We would like to have heard, And breathed in your ear Our last parting word. On_these h,ave lost re a e-to-teir7- The pain in the heart At not saying farewell. 2, -Ever remembered by his diughter, lVfargaret, and grand- children, Allan and Beverley. 28x t P, V Prt You had gone before I realized, And only God knows why; Your end was sudden, your thoughts unknown. But you left a memory I am proud to own. -Sadly missed and ever' re- membered by his wife Mabel. -28 E. Cards of Thanks Benrniller UCVY July Meeting 1Eisi1VIILLE1t.-1 he president, Mrs. W. Treble, presided at the July meeting of the Unita Church Women of Beam& 'United Church. Mrs. R. Moore read the woe ship service on "The Lightest the World."- Mrs. R. Awell had the study book and gave a fine talk on Formosa, - The offering was taken by Mrs. W. Fisher and detheated by Miss A. Baxter, Mrs. Is Jewell, recording secretary, read - the minutes of the June mees ing. "Miss A. Baxtee, woe ali'd supplin, gave her report on the oversels relief bale which .as made up of 29 blankets and useful clothing to the value of $419.00. . The highlight of the meeting was a display Qf rubber matting, The meeting closed with hyne and prayer. The hostesses who served lun-ch ayeres...-Mrss E._ Moore, Mrs. Hazlitt, Mrs. I. Bow. man and Mrs. E. Vanstone. • BLAKE. -We wish to thank Dr. - N. C. Jackson, and the nurs- ing staff for their kindness during our stay in hospital. Special thanks to neighbors who did our haying and as- sisted with the farm chores. - Mr. and Mrs. James Blake. -28- SQUIRE.-We wish to'thank all our kind neighbors and friends for the enjoSable evening held recently in our honor at Carlow Hall, and for. their assistance when -we moved. The lovely .gifts pre- TENDERS will be received by the Undersigned until July 17, 1963, for the layingofituipte floor in the SUMnierhill School, the size being ireximately 221` x 05% l'eraMis • esiting fur- ther information are to contact Wililam Gibbing, R.R. 1, .28 ALL- persoas having claims against the estate of ALFRED EDGAR -DOUGHERTY, Farmer, late of the Township of Ash- elds-inesty-tife--1,1UrOws• who died on or about the 12th day of June, 1963, are required to file the same with, full partic- ulars. With the undersigned by the 20th day of July, 1963, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. ' Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 20th day of June, 1963. HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal St., Goderich, Ontario.- -2-28 immimm.mommion...tassimusinata. 16. Puplic Notice -i4tf ton, phone 2-9935. s DOG OWNERS TOWNSHIP OF COLBoltNE Final date for the procurement of the 1963 dog licenses has been extended to July 27, 1963. After that date, Council will proceed, toeffect-colleetion, cording to the Dog Tax and Livestock Proteitiim AdE B. C. Straughan, Clerk, Township of Colborne, -28 MORTGAGE money available on good residential 'properties. Call Harold -We Shore, .14 4-7272, 88 Hamilten St." 45tf FINANCE, the purchase of your next auto or farm Machinery at bank rates through Harold W. Shore, 38 Ilamilton St. Dial „ 4TA4.7272. .1.5tf sented to us will long be Order Shell furnace oil and cherished as well as the thoughtfulness and kindness of our friends. Dorothy, Howard and Gary Squire. 28x WE -WISH to thank the Strat- ford Musicians Associations, . Local 418, A.F. of M., for their , kind co-operation in granting special dispensations on the occasion of Grand Ole Opry. The Kinsmen Club, Goderich, Ontario. s -28 F. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooper wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Sandra Mildred, to Mr. Norman Mich- ael Leddy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leddy, all of Goderich: The marriage will take place July 27, in St. Peters R.C. Church, Goderich. 28x PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT, July 9, Mr. and- Mrs. Clarence Hoy, Terry .and Tim visited with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Teschke on Sun- day. Terry and Tim are stay- ing for two weeks. Earl had the misfortune to have a hay rake cut the instep of his foot. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hill and Dennis of London, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoy and Debbie of Code - rich visited With Mr. and Mrs. Albert McGee on Sunday. Mr. Tony Vrpoman of Coe u nnae.emvas a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. William Vrooman. They went back with Tony fbr a holiday. Ronnie Meader of Detroit is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Grenier. Mrs. Harry Lednor, Mrs. Mary Dickson, son Fred, and ffirand• son Brian left Tuesday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Juther and family of Haileybury. Miss Mabel Simpson of Wood- stock, formerly of Cedar Valley, is visiting with Mrs. Dave Mae tin. Visitors over the weekend with Mrs. Dave Martin were Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Gliders of Detroit, Mr. Arthur Johns, Mr. Fred Johns anO__l_wo iloys of Livonia, Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Young and family. Mrs. Mervin Hodge is a pat ient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. She is • wfshed a speedy mreeovei-y-NY her neighbors. The memorial service will be held at Port Albert cemetery at 3 p.m. on July 14th. Wayne. Draper of Goderich visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elton Draper a few days and is nos visiting with Mr. and Mrs Elmer Draper. Mr_s_s_an.de Mrs. John Wain, Goderie,h Township, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Helen, to Mr. Donald James Knight, sop of Mr' and Mrs. Reginald Knight, Sheffield, Ontario'. " The mar- riage will take place at Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfiekl, on August 3, at, two -thirty o'clock. 28x . ONTARIO ' THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL. BOA:RD IN R OF Section 14 of The Municipal Act 1T1r60 C. A247) -and- IN THE MATTER OF an application 0 by the Corporation -of the Town of goderich for annexation to the Town of_part, of the, _Torii/whip- of_ Godericn; in the County of Huron, as deicribed_ ino r poEYitat wi on20 _of 1963 of the applicant c FAWOETT.-iIn memory of a dear daughter, Helen (Elliott) Fawcett, who passed away a year ago, July 10th, 1962. From1guheostsp; ital to heavenly rest G.04 called her home to be His We lived in hope and prayed in vain, That ,she would soon be well again. Rtot Godecided we Must part, He eased her pain but broke our hearts; And while she sleeps in peace- ful "Sleep;.' Her Memory we shall always keep, missed and never to - be fbrgotten Mother and Dad, 281. WI eaprin Hest years/ and pr olies, 1. -the Or ganize( that b id the Order Prt religio Ing d princh papacl antism -the du Cannot s'e ha awss tame soeiati ginnin But ()rang Crown sprea loyal[) has charac States to the lotion their the C them, Wh in Br motivi the cc frowi ened the the 17 rnents ly foi of thi Th E New resoll ro,nt. their the m the b, Ti -Toy anm .;ship Jack solvi las a 1' APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Tuesday, the 30th .day of July, 1963, at the hbur of eleven o'efock in the forenoon (local time) at the Council Chambers, in the Town of Goderich tor the hearing of an application of The Corporation of the Town of Goderich for. annexation to the town of part' of the Township of Goderich, as described in Schedule "A” attached hereto. Let all persons interested in support of or in oppo'Sition to such application then and there attend; DATED . at Toronto this 7th day of May, 1963 B. VICKERS SECRETARY .''TIFIIIS IS SCHEDULE "A" TO THE POREGOING ' , APPOINTMENT AM -AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land -FA0110aErrdo.a-cInsatovoringat Ind emalionrc,. and.L.premiseS sittlate.„IYing „tank...being in the Township 0 ,1Gyncitieersiecrli4fidn tahse ioCiolouwntsy: Of Huron, and befit. -mare Particular' Helen "Mlliott) Fawcett, who liaaSed away -one year ago, , T tOAsviyittagrsineromllortsines annam,tedritydaiewns pass , FIRSTLY, of lots 3 and 4 in the 'second eoncessfan of the Otilp of Goderich ,in. the County of 'Huron; save and40 InlY 10, 1962. ler it2o6that part requisitioned for highway purposes by desW, i . ; En mu* 'hearts the mane* :4 . , ,. „ . by, OPOne we will tievdr kePt ' " • SiCOMAt, all that part of provincial htgliviltay No. 21 I loved 4iid widened by deposit 1208 lying between the north limit lot 3 and south limit of lot 4 in the first conceg0 fE6vregretr• em8m1 bored by Don, -and north limit of lot 4 and the SOuth.lh1ift of lot 410 .1, Maureen awl children, I second cbricestion of the Township of Goderich. gret firm ellst hess Nea for latit iner sod tees