HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-10-8, Page 14111 AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FAIT, WHERE THEY MAX.,' VOL. XIX. NO. 6. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OOTOBER 8; 1891 i' The Entire Revolution Of Medicine. THE HISTOGFIETIO SYSTEM, AU diseases successfully treated by a new ayatom of nonpoieonona and tasteleea meal, eines. Send for free book explaining system and teetimouiala of the moat romareable cures on record, All loiters answered same day received. Like thousa.nde who did not recover from tbo effects of la grippe. Iwas left with bronchial troubles fir a severe attack. and became very anxious about my condition. as did also my wife, I consulted Dr. Roar at the Hiato- geuttio office; he gave moa thorough examina- tion, and explained Dr. J.Eugene Jordan's Nista eaetio system of medicine to me, which looked e(. reaeonable and clear that I consulted my wife who advised me to try it at once, I did to, and the medicine acted like a charm. They aro the best to take and quickest to set of any medicine I ever took. I would strongly advise any one suffering from lung and bron- chiel diseases to try them. ,They buildup very rapidly and remove :all porn and coughing at 0000. J. C. SINCLAIR, 53 Victoria st.,'Toronto, This certifies that I have boon aufforingi£rom kidney complaint and gravel accompanied with severe pain in the back and abdomen and con- atipetion of the bowels. Medicine I took did n,e so little good that my trouble was soon as hail or worse than over. I consulted Dr. Rear three weeks ago,and ho proscribed histogenetic Modiejnee for mo. I am getting well very fast. my pain is nearly all gone, and I am getting strong, and hope very soon to be maven as ever As the medicines build up very rapidly. I have more faith in'liistogenotio Medicine than any other. they are good to take and leave no bad ol£cot. C. If, WOOD, Toronto, 122 Jarvis, 21st Juno. 1890 EXIII B ITI ON -OF- THE NEWEST THINGS InFalI Millinery .A-Np aieceeexermwe s Can be seen by visiting the show- rooms of A. J. McTavish (C Co., on their opening, days : the 26, 2Sth and 29th of Sept. Any person who is interested in the styles of bats and bonnets should, sec through our stock before purchasing. Miss Colley flavin, just returned from Toronto is prepared to make anything you could wish in the way of head-dress, 'tyles mid prices to suit all, Remember also we duo the Dress Goods trade in nice style ; and one glance at our immense stock will convince any lady of the sante. Call and see for yourselves. n!STOOENETIC MEDICINE ASSOCIATION Gentlemen, -I had hip disease when young, followedbyvaricose voina,tho veins in my leg have been largo ever since and for a longtime I bad varicose ulcers and erysipelas of te leg and ankle which laid me up a great deal of the time, I commenced treatment last April with Hione attack sine°.I mia onlyies took two ld ots of menly a ing and have been so much benefited that I have been able to work all summer. I recommend all so afflicted to trythe treatment. Yours truly. Or hJOHNSON, rd, S p 9.1891. OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE AT A. J. MITA VISH d GO. James Plekard's Old Staled. EXETER CENTRAL HOTEL Tuesday, Oct. 6th. 9.E0 a.m. to 5,s0 p.m. AND AT Hills Green. hfernzetosr--Another of thou happy events took place at the residenca of the bride's father, ler. Peter Shea, on Wodnes day,tba 2Ith of September,MteaTilley Shea and Mr Alben Clark were wedded in bonds of holy matrimony. Valera. --Mise Mary Ragan is at Fount home on a visit from Detroit, where abob08 been for the past year, John Flannery of Detroit, Mr and Mies Hodgins of Crediton, and ;Viae Adams of London,wore the guests of Mr James Hagan on Friday last.- Mr. 0.. Troyer Inas returned from Michigan with overflowing ,pockets and a well salienod mind, but with the old phrase more firmly impressed; 'There'd no place like borne.' Mr. Edmond Troyer's experimental field of fall wheat is progressing very lavorably,and compares well with the bort !allowed fields in the section. HENSALL HENt5ALL HOTEL Same Tuesday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. ONSULTATION FREE HISTOGENETIC MEDICINE AS- uOCIA'TION-Rooms 2 and 3 Albion Block, Richmond Street, London, and 19 Yonge St. Market, 'Corner Gerrard & Yonge Ste., Toronto. Mention Exeter Times, fd;der h. is what we want in Crediton. --Potatoes are a big orop in this vicinity and people hardly know to do with them, aeveral One specimens were shown, Mr, G, biorlook has two which together weigh over 61be. Zurich. BRIEFS -The collector's roll has been, de- livered to the collector. who will pay you a visit shortly, He never slights any one.- We believe Prof. Scott of Hensall purposes organizing a 'singing class in the village, The Profeasar is a good singer and a good teseber and those who desire to have their voice properly cultivated will do well to join the class, He teaches the tonic -col -fa system, ---The uniform promotion exatnina• tion will he held in the publio sehcal next week. Bums .-The Saltford brewery that has been run for so many year by the Well's family, was sold by public auction on Sat- urday, Messrs Jas. McIntosh, and Jas. Clark being the purchasers. -One load of Lumber and ono load of salt the latter from Port Frank, and ono load cf shingles were tho only. careoos landed in Goderioh last week. -Lumber has bean shipped pretty freely by oars the past week, -Mr. Itumball of Clinton has been appointed to tbo posi. tion on the G. T. R. recently vacated hero by Mr, John Straiton jr.-There was a recital given in the Grand Opera House on Monday by a Prof Duar of Detroit. -A very large number of town people and residents of adjoining municipalitioe took advantage of the Grand Trunk excursion last weok.- Miss Ella M. S1i p, who hu been visit- ing friends in town for the past few months leaves on Thursday for a trip to Michigan. -Specifications have been prepared for considerable attraction audrepairs to the North St Methodist ohureb.-A fire occurr- ed in St Andrews ward last Wednesday, lint was put out quickly by the Fire 131r- gade, before much damage occurred. -De- puty -reeve Eilber of Crediton was in town on Friday attending the Board of Audit. - Judge Tones was in Exeter on Monday and Crediton the following day holding courts of Revision. -Mr. Win- Ball of Hensall was visiting his parents in Goderioh the past week. -The river Maitland gave some fine bags of black bass the past year. --The close season for trout and white fish com- mences on November lat.-The Beatty line steamers will not call at this port any more this season, because the water is not suffi. cient for their boats. -The Public School Board held its regular monthly meeting on Monday evening. - Next Tuesday, week the County Council will elect a clerk. -The ourate of St George's, Rov,Roger Heward is taking a two weeks' holidays. Crediton. Stanley. 13n1nra.-MiGs L Martin hue beenre.engeg- ed; as teacher in S. S.No, III.--Missoa hate and Frances Richardson of Godeeieb town- ship were visiting friends in thiv township lest week. -Mr. Joseph Riebardson in company with his brother Mr. Robert Rich. ardson of Goderioh township Iwo gone to visit frienda he Ohio,-A,verypleasaut event took place at the residence of ildr. John Sheppard, Bayfield Dine, last Wednesday. It was theniatriage of hie daugbter,Harrict to Patrick Johnston, from near Drysdale corner, Stanlev,--•There was aped number of relatives present to witness the ceremony which wasjrperformed by the Bev. W. Ayers of Ilolmesyille. After the ceremony a tempting woddzng ;feast was partaken of. The presents were numerous and valuable. The happy couple left Clinton on the even- ing train on the honeymoon to Michigan. On their return in a couple of weeks the couple will settle dawn to farm life in Stanley. Blyth. Briefs -Mrs. Belfry and family leave here on Thursday to join husband and father in Winnipeg where they intend mak- ing their home in the future. The lady's many friends wish her a safe and pleasant journey. -.On Sunday quite an excitement was paused here when it was reported that the wife of Mr Peter Scott, of Eaat Wawan- osh had mysteriously left her home on Friday morning whilst her husband was in Belgravo doing some business. She ]eft a note saying ahe would be back in a little while. She not haying returned by night the husband was anxious as to her where- abouts. Enquiries were made by parties in town on Saturday to no purpose. Conse- quently a large searching party was organ- ized to go out in all directions on Sunday. Much sympathy was expreeeed in town for the husband in his sore trouble. We under stand the young woman returned home on Monday having been discovered at Ethel -all right, BRIEFSS.-The Western excursions vis the G, T. R., were well patronized from here. The following are some of the ex- cursionists: Mr. and Mrs. Math. Morlook, Mr. Wm. Moriock, Mrs, J H Holtzman and children, and Dire B Brown, were booked for Chicago but wilt a'so take in Naperville and Himckley, Ill., Mrs. M. Smith for Cleveland, Mrs. S. Eilber and little girl, Miss Allie Either, and Ella Link for' Detroit. -Rev. G. F. Brown, and wife of North East Hope, are spending a short time with relatives here. Mr. Brown credit- ably filled the pulpit in the German church on Sunday evening. -Mrs. Salter has re- turned from her trip to England and looks greatly improved in health, she reports a nice passage and a good time. -Mr. Henry Eilber spent part of last week in Ottawa and Montreal on businoss.-Mr. Edit, miller of Mildmay, is the guest of Henry Sweitzer.-Mr. Levi Stalls has returned from a weeks sojourn in Huron Co., Mich- igan. --'Mr. Ben Eilber bad returned from his trip to Michigan, but left again on Tuesday for Ulby, Mich , where he has secured a lucrative position. -Mr. Walter Clark has returned from his trip to the Old Country. He came by way of New York, and Philadelphia and also called on Mr. Sweitzer, in Deleware. Walter don't like England. but his trip has greatly improved his health. -The K. 0. T. M. are organize ing a lodge for here and several applicants have been examinedby the physician. -Mr. C Kuhn is running a double:gang on his tile yard, and is pushing things before the close of the season. Tho demand for tile has been exceedingly good, there will be considerable shortage before a supply can be got in the spring. A few More euoh t enterprising and busineas men as Mr. Kuhn Minard's Liniment cares Diphtheria. Hensall. Bntare: -Largo quantities of grain is being shipped form t his station. The price paid for wheat is 85 oents,-Mies Graybel of Dashwood is a gust at Mr. John Pope's. - Mr , MeNaughton, who Las lately been in the employ of 3 C Stoneman, and who recently worked for Mr. Hicks in Exeter, left this week for Bruns Is, where he has secured a lucrative situation. -The Hensall croquet players expect very soon to again moss mallets with the Exeter oroquet team. -Miss G. Morrison formerly of Hen- sall, and Miss Silcox. both of Shedden, who have been visiting Mise M. Morrison in this village for some time, returned home on Monday. -Miss Bert Hodgins left on Monday for London where she .will take a comae in the Forest City Bushiest College. -A. swarm of boos invaded McPherson & Co's grocery store one day last week, and made things lively for the proprietor and others for a time. -A number of bioyclea have recently come into town, and new subjects for the obstreperous steed oan be seen on almost every street. There are some good wheels among them. -James Dalyrumple has just finished his apprentice- ship with Mr Hobkirk, Mr. D. has been a studious employe, and will succeed in this world, and Mr. Hobkirk is sorry to lose him but James is worthy of a situation above that which Mr. H. can just now give him. - Prize winners at the Hensall fair can now obtain their prize money by calling en the Secretary, R J Young. The Hensall Pack- ing House is getting ready for fall and winter business. Their trade has been en- ormous the past season, haveng sold out long ago, and they intend to go more ex- tensively into the business the Doming season. Mr. G. Petty has just returned 'from Chicago where he picked up new ideas in some of the large houses there, -James Petty sailed from Liverpool on the 6th inst., and will reach home about the 15th. He has had a very pleasant sojourn in the Old Sod. Mr. Cooper who accompanied Mr Petty imports a number of sheep. -Frank Wood and Tom Birk, as a team won lst prize; at the Ailsa Craig fair last week. They go to Parkhill fair. WEDDING Berner -The residence of Mr. Elliott Fairbairn, Tuokersmith was the scene of one of those happy erents-a mar- riage -on Friday Oot. 2nd, when his daugh- ter Maggie was wedded to Mr. James A. Bella prosperous young farmer of theneigh. borhood.--There was a large number present to witness the ceremony,whioh was perform ed by Rev. Mr. Henderson. The bride was assisted by her sister Miss B Fairbairn while the groom was enpported by Mr Thos Bell, a brother. After the ceremony a, sumptuous repast was served, after which the young couple took the train at Hensall. amid heavy showers, of rice and old slippers, for a honeymoon tip to Chicago and other oities west. ' There was a very large crowd at the station and the young couple received a full quota of oongratulatione. NOTICE! The faunae throughout the County have had a bountiful harvest and are re- ceiving good prices for what they sell. We hope those who are in arrears for T1iN, Trine will not fail to remit the amount to thia office. The label on your paper tells up to what date your subscription is paid. Biddulph. Bnn:rs. The post office store at Centra- lia, belonging to Mr B. P. Quarry was broken into en Monday night, but as Yet Air. Quarry has not hissed anything. The burglars bored a hole iu the'door and drew the bolt. There is no clue, --J Buckley Hodgins of London, formerly of Lucan gave his many friends in the township a call this week. He has been in the grocery business in London and is retiring with honor and a good fortune to tide him through the rest of bis life. -On Sunday quite an excitement was caused in Lueau when it was reported that af. Simpson had left his home, end no one knew of his whereabouts. fie told no ono anything but simply got up and left. He was found next day in a house on the Sauble line, a large searching party having turned out. It is said that domestietroubles havecaused a alight derangement in his mind, He re - cantle, moved into a handsome residence in Lucas, costing over $4,000, having about six months ago married Miss Emily .Davie of Biddulpll. Hay Council Connor Rrvzstox-The adjourned court of Revision, re talo Hay Swamp Drainage Bylaw met in the town hall on Saturday, Sept 26th. All the members present. Ealbfleiah-Schnell-that the following cbanges be made in the asseasment of lands in the II S D Bylaw, viz :-- W i 20, con 5, owned by Wm Caldwell reduced 510; WI 19, con 5, owned by Wm Caldwell, reduced $5; Wi Vii 6, con 8, owned by W Smith struck oil; 3, con 8, Dan Wildfoug " Ei 5, con 8, Jos Foster 4. eon 8, 3 Broderick Wi 5' con 8, Jos Gill " 12 con 9, Sam Ronnie " 13 ' con 9, Geo Witmer "- Sj 14 eon 9, G Eisenbaoh Ni 14 con 9, Wm Battler ,r pt 15 con 9, Wm Voelkcr " pt 16 con 9, Wm ITreumner " Bp 8 a17 eon 9, W & 0 Schroeder a Nj•17,8018con 9,Joiin Foster 't Ni[ oou 9, Abram Geiger Np 19 20 con 9, '1I Happol 5 pt 19, con 9, I3 Bender 14 5 B, Win Harris W5 sou 5,Tbos Worry " pt 12 con 8, J Decker, am'd for S5 5 W or 12 con 8, It Kydd, " SU 5 B, 18 Har Penhale, rel el3 5 B, 12 John Penhale " $5 5-E} 22 D Bell assess for 960 5 -We 22 J D Wilson " $30 5-E; 15 D Mack reduced 510 5-Ei 14 Wm Tinnie raised$10 8 -pt 12 5 Rennie assessedfor$100 Carried. ,t. Mother¢, have pity en your pale and suf fering daughters. Their system is "run? down" and if neglected the consequences may be fatal. Dr Williams' Pink Pitts will. bring beak -their rosy cheeks and health and strength. „ 11 „ '1 JQHIe WHITE & SONS, Pabusher and Proprietors Lucan. Pltzss, 'J7r. Jonathan Hodgins has just returned home from an extended trip through Manitoba and the Great Northwest. -bliss. Sproat, teacher here will spend the next few months in Kan- sas for the good of her health. She has been re-engaged for nest year in our public school, Grand Bend. Butt:vs.-- 'Messrs T Farrell, W. Tap- son, and J, Kennedy left for Michigan lumber woods un Monday of last week.. -Mr. Hagen, from Varna was down looking at Mr. W. J. Weston'ik.iarni with the intention of purchasing it. - The friends and neighbors of the lata' Richard Oliver had a bee hauling his grain to market. on Wednesday. ---Mr. H Love thinks he has the heaviest crop of forage corn in the section as there are pleanty of stalks that pleasure thirteen feet' It made an average growth of 2 in. per clay from the time of planting. - Mr. John Allister had the misfortune to lose $22.09 in cash down at Parkhill on Thursday of last week. Kalbfieisoh-Volker-that all appeals in reference to property north of the Zurich road be left over for consideration at the next court -Carried. Sohnell-Moir-that the Court of Revision adjourn to meet again on Saturday, October 17th at 10 a• m, - Carried. SA,aI J. LATrA, Clerk of the Court. .Ailsa Craig, The fair WAS held here on Wednesday last. The spedial attraction feature was well patronized, and there were two closely contested races. (Inc being the trot between Mr. Shies little hay and Mr. Barnes' (London) bay gelding. Mr. Barnes horse, winning -the Onto being considerably under three minutes. The other was the team trotting race be- tween Mr. Bossenberry's team, '.Tont Birk," and his three year old colt, and Mr. F. D. McEwen team. The race was obstinately contested throughout five heats, Mi..Dosyenberr}'y team win- ning the last Beat and the race, by about a length. An interesting feature of the amusements was the Tug of war be- tween a McGillivray team and E. Williams team. The McGillivray men were much the heavier but the East 'Williams men were quite gritty, and did: not yield readily to the heavier odds against then. The first pull was won. by the McGillivnty team after a short struggle, but in the second the East Williams boyshung on with deltic energy for nearly five minutes, when they were stubbornly forced to yield to the heavy hien on the McGillivray side. This con- test was the one postponed from the Firemen's Demonstration held her re- cently. 0 sborne Council. Tho council met on the 3rd inst. All the members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mr Jaa Earl made application on behalf of the Patrons of Industry for the nee of the town hall as a meeting place. Halls-Kydd-that the use of the town hall be granted the Patrons of Industry to hold their meetings provided that they be responsible for any damage done at such meetings. -Carried. Shier -Cameron -that Mrs Sampson re- ceive $5 for relief, -Carried. Halls-Kydd-that the collector be auth orized to collect a per oentage charge of 5 per Dent on all taxes not paid on or before the.14th of Deo, 1891, and that a bylaw be drafted in accordance therewith. -Carried: Kydd-Shier-that the reeve and T Cam- eron be instructed to see that the collector's bond is duly executed and returned to the clerk before the 15th inst.-Carried. Cameron-Halls-tbat bylaws numbered 4, 5 and 6 for 1891 as now read a third time be passed. -Carried. By invitation a deputation of the council of the Village of Exeter consisting of Dr Rollins, reeve,aud Ross, oonnoillor,appeared at the council in regard to the matter in dis put° between the two councils with reference to the Railway Bonus. After fully dismiss - ting the question, it was moved by Halls - Cameron -that the council accept the spm of $65 35 in full payment, as a final settle- ment of the indebtedness of the Village of Exeter to the Township of Usborne in regard to the bonus granted the L H & B Railway, this being the difference due the municipa- lity after allowing 31' per cent interest on sums paid from time to time by said village -Carried, The following orders were granted, viz : A McCurdy, rep culvert 75ots; W Taylor, underdrain ,$2; J A Routley,outting'thistles, $3; M Thompson, load of stones for culvert 75o; Uaborne & Hibbert Ins Co, insurance on town hall, 75o; M Barnwell, keep of J Hewitt and wife, $13; F Luxton, gravel,ent ting thiatles, etc, $11 50; Mrs Sampson, charity, $5, - Kydd-Shier-that the council adjourn to meet again on Saturday. Nov 7th at 11 o'clock a.m. Geo. W. HoLarAsr, Clerk. 11.4.111-4-4 Zion. LOOK OUT -FOR-_ YT;liM S. HERE NEXT WEEK! J. N. ROSS. Carman Orrsstso.-In previous issues we have heat much of Zion Methodist church and thought it stretched somewhat, but on attending the reopening services on Sunday Sept. 27tH, discovered that the half had not been told. It is now n handsome church, rivalling in neatxesa many of those in town. We have no sympathy with. the growlers who think nothing is done well unless the building is as bare as a barn, Ornament God's house or you'll be lost in heaven. Of course there is no need of carpet in the other place to prevent noise. Pnt down as a rule that those who find fault never assist in the work. They would find fault with Paradise if asked for a subscrip- tion of five dollars. The morning and afternoon services were conducted by Rev. A. L. Russell of Exeter, bath addresses being based on "Christ the Foundation." He earnestly warned of their danger those who build on a false foundation. "Some trust in meie intellectual belief, others do bad trioke on their neighbors: call hard names, get mad and quarrel because not given the position they want, instead of doing their work for the glory of God. As all build on some foundation, whether spiritual or material things, may they build on the sure Rook." The rev. gentleman thanked Providence for being down near the people. We thank him for his remark- ably fine address. He has successfully wiped out the injury done by the breakfast cheese. In the evening the Rev. W. Spargo of P. E. I., spoke very acceptably to the largest audience ever in Zion, a third of whom could not get into the building. [On an occasion of this kind would it not be better to leave the smaller children at home from the crowded evening service to leave room for those who can understand ? One man who has fifteen children, all of an age, brought the whole lot.] On Monday there was a honey social of very respectable di- mensions,followed by a lecture on "The Rise and Progress of Methodism" by the Rev. Wm. McDonagh of Exeter, delivered with all his old-time vigor and bluntness, and like a true son of Erin, never missing. The proceeds were about fifty dollars, three dollars and one cent of which came from the largest appointment, but the copper is not the Lord's, as sure as you live. All were perfectly pleased with the entertain- ment but those who were hit and the young man who, by a slip, put his nose Into his pound of honey. Humph CONDENSED NEWS. From Various Sources Throng- out tug 3Jistrict, utmou.. Commencing with the lst inst.„-the Bay- field mail poen by way of Seaforth, Mr. W, E, Landaborough, of Tucker - smith bas a pear that measures 13x16 In., and weighs 20 ounces, Wlzat might have been a serious accident matted too other day. While the eldest daughter of Mr. Wm, Farquhar of Hallett was driving a horse, it kinked her arm and broke it. i1 yonug lady in Clinton, in her hurry to dress, put her blouse on wrung side out, and wont down town and did her shopping. It was not noticed until she was going home, when some one drew her attention to the ragged edges. On Thursday of Iait :week Mrs. J. A. Morton, of Wingham, met with a serfons accident. On Wednesday evening Mr. Morton, went to sit up with a young man in the next house, and Mrs Morton on re- tiring to rest found the room very warm, she laid on the lounge in the ball upstairs. On waking about two o'clock in the morn- ing, and going as she thought to her room she stopped out of the hall door tip stairs, falling a distance of about twelve feet on the platform below, fortunately the joiets were somewhat decayed and gave sway, which seemed to break the fall. PERM. The Bank of Montreal is erecting a new building in St Marys Several stores in St Marys recently put in plate glass windows. Knox ohuroh St Marys is almost finished and will he opened some time this fall. rpt Marys has a Poultry Pigeon and Pet Stook Association, with W. C. Moecrip as President. Evil disposed persons in Mitchell have been poisoning pigs belonging to residents of that town. Trinity church Mitchell, had a Harvest Home Dinner the other day at which they realized over 3100. The Zorra team defeated the Stratford's in the tug of war Thursday afternoon, on the Fair grounds Stratford, Hon. Thos Ballantyne of Stratford has gone to the 01d Country again with a consi- gnment of cheese. Ho will soon throw off his annexation sentiments. A. colt belonging to W. Sutherland of Blanebard became entangled in a rail fence the other day, and diad before it was noticed in the sad predicament: Mr. Fred Thompson of Mitchell, left on Tuesday to enter the McGill college, Mon- treal, as a medical student. He is a fine steady young man and is sure to get along well. The Stratford Times said some rough things concerning the management of the Stratford hoepital, The editor was asked to apoligise which he would not do, claiming what was said was true,and•now a libel snit is the result. "Save who can 1" was the frantic ory of Napolean to his army at Waterloo. Save health and strength while you can, by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, is advice that applies to all, both young and old. Don't wait until disease fastens on you ; begin at 0000. A painful accident happened to Mies May Hutchinson of St Marys a few days ago. In jnmpiug from a wagon she stru:k against the step of a baggy, the result being a se- vere wound just above the knee, of nearly four inches iu length and so deep as to. expose the bone. On Wednesday while Mr. James Watson of St Marys was running a universal or buzz planer his right hand came in contact with the knives and lost the top of his thumb, the second,third and fourth fingers at the middle joint. The index finger was badly cut as was also the palm of his baud. Mr, Daniel Flannigan, of Downie, drove Into Stratford last week in a top covered buggy. Although he is 80 yrs old this is the first time Mr.;Flannigan has driven in- to Stratford. The action of Carter's Little Liver Pille is pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver, and regulate the bowels, but do not purge. They are Lure to please, Try them. More oases of sick headache, biliousness, constipation, can be cured in less time,wiah lees medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pills,than by any other means. Headache, dizziness, ringing n0iaea in the ears, hawking and spitting are sure symp- tome of•oaterrh. There is no moo Nasal Balm will not euro if given a fair trial. Beware of imitations. r, "JUST AS Goon" -Say some dealers who try to sell a substitute preparation when a customer calls for Hood's Sarsaparilla, ' Do not allow any such false, statements as this induce you to buy what you do not want. Remember that the only reason for making it is that a few cents more profit will be r made on the substitute. Insist upon having the best medicine -Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is Peculiar to Itself.