HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-10-1, Page 8INISSIalaleireeellavISIssseniseelemeeeelleelefelsoleamenseren
isnd ti
England, the leterALCANADIAN, of Mon-
treal, and the' -ONTARIO 3,111 MAL LIFE
A881TRA NCE, COT oe Waterloo established
1ta7e, Aesuraneesintoree,$13,127,400, Bonuses
every five Sears.
SmaICware C earfm ent.
The Nts.rt Counter Goods
Teyc Steve Polish Pitohers
Beads Senors Spine Jars
Dolls Match Safes Salts, Ind
Mees ;Needles • Rules
Balls Barr Ping Hammers
Parses Thiwblee Tacks
SI Pencils Button Agate SorewDrivers
Breel;ee " Pearl Postal Cards
IV chiline Samil erciiiefe Cain Openers
Carps Towel= Outing Tongs
'Soy Books Neck Ties Fire Shovels
Knives Fana Salt Sifters
ash Organs Spnlasiaera Poteto' ]Mashers
Whisks Taii"a Mete Toast Forke
Soaps Biba Dippers
N1 Brushes Tin Pails Egg Beaters
Slice• Tea Sleepers Cake Ternere
Iaeaieg ' Taupe t steeds, Pana
Stove • ' Cent:b &"Mees Lem. Salnsezers
`P,,atin „ Ptnst Pane Cork Serewa
terms a l'ie l' etee. Seep Ladles
Tay !arias Tra3q Goielata.
t ' .T.R G G, - Exeter
The Main•at, Meth, parsonage is being
re -shingled,
Several carloads of hogs were shipped
from Exeter cm Friday to. Montreal,
Have you seen the beautiful stook of WI
dress goods at the Big Bankrupt Store.
William Lewis of Mare showed us a
potato weighing over 3 lbs
Mr. James Ramsay has moved into bis
new residence near the Presbyterian church
Chief Gill on alonday shewed us a. plate
of five pears which weighed 521 ounces,
The phonograph created considerable
terest at the fair on Tueaday. It wan well
Remember with every $4.00.purchase at
the Big Bankrupt Store you have a guess
for "Beauty."
Ina few days a couple inetnbere of the
London bicycle club will race from London
to (;oderi.eh, passing through Exeter.
The Salvation Army on Sunday last was
augmented by several visiting brethren,
who assisted materially in the meetings.
The:milliuery openings in town this
week were among the most sttecessful ever
held, There is A splendid outlook for a
large fall trade.
Overcoats p Overcoats! Overcoats! The
largest sleek, and we will Guarantee the
hest values in Western Ontario at the Big
Baelareet Store.
While witnessing the arrest of a drunken
4dtute on the fair grounds Tuesday, Jc:seplt
'Simons of Osborne tris run nw er by a team
, •e a(
b rsea and sial cut and injured.
'Phe London eroq net team played a game
with the Rsettr team yesterticay afternoon
oa ,\lr. \\'es. 13issett's g►ounds, resulting fn
victory f,'r the visiting team of3 to 2.
Tuesday evg, while air. Aloeteith and
Mr. Chesney. in separate rigs, were going
home, their vehiw.le. collided, badly smash•
_..._ ins loth buggies and thro,vinn the oeeu-
Be fe saof Fraud&
i;aaear, en
f c; t ,z3 Inn'who sl:ar,(ler their
neighbors without a *Anse
A. certain�, s ,l roan of this town has
aka arged tis of e.Anttuctiug a lottery, also
with diefrandieg and cheating the public
by tilt's is a f theStietlaled pf.tty that we
are using us an a,iver¢ serrent. '•w..4111. rather
•w..4111.rather live at peat
with all Lieu ; but when we aro held up
tr.-the l•^a9+ it as fr ntis, we roust defend
our: Ives i an this i3 the way we do it ;
To the tint man who proves that we are
conducting a lottery in any shape. man-
ner lar A;.trm,we will preaentone thousanddollars ea h. ,lust think of it, one
h(ausnnd deflate for simply proving a
'large already made d This is the way
r«: LA:vt n1atr(lt:�r ; it's our way a and we
way.stink the best. ay, \\'e arta always pre
hared to back any assertions we snake
^ith dollire, and dollars are what all
-sign are after ; dollars tell every time.
!teal with us and we will save you.
dollars. We claim to have one of the
best and cheapest stocks in WesternOntario, Buy your fall goods front us
and try your luck for "Beauty:," you
may ;et him and younary not. But he
is well wt,rtlt trying for; someone is
sure to win.
Nnw for the conditions on which
Beauty is to be given away.
There is now in our window a glass jar con-
tainiu,ta timber of buttons—the number is
unoi-leen t,, auy persnn,tbe fru arantee of wineb
neecars blow. with even' Purchase of ,',
you ere entitled to ono guessas to the number
of buttons in the jar; with a aerobes° of 88
two guesses. and so on. In our Oleo win be
kept a book where you will register Your name
and your guess. The contest will close at 8
o'eleel on New rears Eve, when the Jar will be
opened and the buttons counted by three disin-
terested ,tnd responsible persons ; and the per-
son who has gueeecd the correct, or nearest to
the correct. number of buttons. will become
the owner of Beauty, Should them bo a tie
then the first who line registered too correct
Dumber will be the winner,
"This is to certify that the number of
batons in the jar in the window of the
Big Bankrupt Store is unknown to any
person, as they have been placed there by
us and the jar sealed in our presence."
agnea ° R. H COLLI1S
Now for who is going to get Beauty.
He is a beauty ; see him in our window
on and after Friday evening.
Bay your Fall Goods at the Big Bank
rapt Store and try to win the pony,
Remember we guarantee to sell you
good, fresh goods cheaper than any re-
gular dealers in Western Ontario,
Dealer in Bankrupt Stock.
Estray Antmals.
There are a good many estray animals
in this county, and if parties receiying
them would adhere to the following sug-
gestions they would often be saved a great
deal of trouble and annoyance. The law
provides that a persontaking up any stray
stock shall give notice three times in a
weekly newspaper, if one is published
within the section where the estray stock
was taken up, and send a notice containing
a minute description of the animal to the
clerk of the municipality in which lee re-
sides, who is supposed to keep a register of
all estray animals; and if the property is
not called for within three weeks after the
first insertion of the notice the finder
shall go before the justice of the peace and
make oath to the finding and advertising.
If the property is not claimed within one
year, and should not exceed fifty dollars in
value, it thea belongs to the party taking
the same up; if over fifty dollars it shall be
advertised by the justice and sold, and the
excess of all expenses shall be paid over to
the county treasurer. Any person taking
up estray stock and neglecting to cause
the same to be advertised and appraised
shall be liable to a fine of twenty dollars.
The estray law applies also to any other
personal property which may be found in
like manner.
Another shipment of that famous 25e,
Japan tea just open at the Big Bankrupt
pante out, Mr. Chesney last his watch.
The foot ball match on Tuesday bet-
ween the Exeter and Luean teams re -
suited in a dhow. Playing was coutinu
ed for an hour and a half, neither club
getting a goal. There was a good at,
tt ndanee of spebt;ttora.
flet Sunday next. Rev. Mr. Mel)onagh
will preaeh two epeeial Pennons in the
Main -et. Meth. ebur: h. Iu the morning
his subject will he "The North and South
in Religion." and in the evening "The
1)ilenttne.of Sceptics." Service at II and
r m al,1t^k resp atively, morning and evg.
Rev, Mr, aleDonag;lt, of the Alain street
Metlto,list e'laair;sli, has one of the finest
libraries in ttntarlo, and by far the largest
fn ti,d L -o; Zen Conference. It weighs aver
t<eir tense. send coat over 83,0(9. It em-
1,rasees col the works of theology in various
•t'Ma. Times will be sent to anyadniresa in
Can.nd,t or theStatea, from now until Jnn'y
I$92, tor 25 cents. This offer has beenac-
cepeted by a great many, but there are yet
se(tres mita either do not get the news of
the district, or, if they do, they borrow
from their neighbors. Send 25 cents for a
trial trip.
Well now, isn't it funny that "Beauty"
is 50 nitwit Oilfired and praised 1 Who is
going to get him? Try your luck ; it doesn't
cost anything;.
What niityht have been a serious occident
happened to Clifton, a five-yearold son of
Mr. John Loadmau, London Road. South,
un Sunday. It appears as the little fellow
was walking along the tread, a calf
commenced hutting hon, and finally kneek-
ed biro down in a ditch. Had it not been
noticed immediately no doubt the Iittle
boy would have been seriously hunt. He
received a black eye, as well as other
slight injuries.
The General Assembly of the Preaby.
terian church of Canada, at its Kingstou
meotiug passed the following resolution; -
1 hat the last Sabbath in September be
appointed as a day of special prayer ou
behalf of the Sabbath sehoole of the church
and that suchservices ser ices be he n
ld s will 1 brio
prominently before our cougregationa the
claims of the Sabbath school upon their
prayerful aympathy,pecuniarysupport and
personal co-operation. Also that this cus-
tom be continued from year to year until
otherwise ordered by the Assembly.
The return match of the Hensall croquet
team with the Exeter team was played on
Mr. Nes. Bissett's grounds on Saturday
last. The same players with the exception
of Chas. McDonell, whose place was taken
in the Hensall team by A. Hotham, en-
caged in the match. Best two in throe
was the arrangement. Exeter won the
first two, when another friendly game was
played which wos also won by Exeter
team. Some good playiug was done, and
everything passed off pleasantly. The
visitors report their treatment as very
considerate at the hands of the Exeter
The 67th annual report of the Missionary
Society of the:Methodist Church in Canada
has just been issued, giving the transac-
tions of the society for the year ending
June 30, 1891. It shows that the receipts
for the year have amounted to $243,015.43,
or $22,959 over those of the previous year.
Theexpenditurehas amounted to $219,980.-
7S; an increase of $8,498 over the expendi-
ture during the previous year. The surplus
$23,03t.65, added to the surplus of prev-
ious year makes a grand total of $45,815.96.
From this amount the sum of $29,542.64,
being the total of legacies received during
the year, has been carried to the building
and investments amount.
Quite a disturbance was created on the
fair grounds Tuesday afternoon by a young
man who resides near the village. He was
under the influence of liquor and quarreling
with everyone he met. Finally his actions
became intolerable and he was taken in
hand by the police, who, without handcuffs,
experienced some difficulty in controlling
him. He strongly resisted arrest, and be-
fore put into a buggy the constables had
received several blows. He was then
taken to the lock-up where he again ex-
hibited his ugliness, but Constable Creech,
using his baton soon aettled him. He was
placed in limbo where he remained until
night, when he was taken before a magis-
trate and fined $5 and costs. During the
struggle a
gg a on the ground an old man was
run over by a team of horses and somewhat
Mr C B Edwards has resigned his posi-
tion as teaoher in the Luoan High Sohool,to
take effect on Oct 15.• He will go to Strath
roy to take a similar position in the High
School there.
HENRY G. JAMES.—Henry G. James, of
Winnipeg, Man., writes: "For several years,
I was Iroubled with pimples and irritations
of the skin. After other remedies failed I
used four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters
and since then I have been quite free from
my complaint. B B B will always occupy
a plane in my house,"
On Sunday night, un, west side Main-st.
just south of Main -et, Methodist church, a
gold bracelet. The finder will be rewarded
by leaving the same et this office.
The members of the Chorus wilt meet in
Town Hall, Exeter, on Monday evg., Oct.
5;h, at 8 p m, abarp, for rehearsal of
Oratorio Creation. As thin is the fleet re-
hearsal of the season a full attendance he
Exz:T31t MALE QU 1RLTrs.
At The western..
W, H. Graham of St, Marys took 1st for
carriage team; Thomas Hey. Aliso, Craig,
took let for tbree,year-old roadster; R.
McLean, Lucan. lat for n two-year-old
roadster, also 1st for single roadsters Jos,
White, St. lfarys, 2nd for Hackney st>al-
1ion; T Coursey 2nd for agricultural
brood mare# 1st for agricultural foal; T,
Woodley,Brucefield,3rd for heavy draught
stallion; ,Glow ZS Willis, Exeter,, lst for
Shire stallion; H. Thompson, St Marys,
3rd for two-year-old Clydesdale stalilen; J,
Snell, Clinton, 2nd; Geo, Duffield, Gran-
ton, 2nd for Three-year-old filly; T, \'G ard-
ly, Brueetleld, 2nd for yearling; P. Mc-
Michael, Seaferth, sat for three-year-oll
etallioe. Canadian draught; J. tlodgius,
Clandeboye,1st for two -yea; -old; Gavin
Ross, Rodgerville, 2nd for team, For
Durham cattle, Thos. Russell. Exeter, 1st
for bull calf. 2nd for eow, 3r4 for two-year
old heifer, 2nd for yearling heifer, silver
medal for herd, and 1st for best cow en the
grounds. H. 4. W. Smith of Exeter, and
for three-year-old. bull, Zed for cow, :led
for one -year-old heifer, and Srd for heifer
calf: Jae. Snell. Clinton, 8rd for cow.
Miss A. L, Crocker, milliner, returned to
Blyth Saturday evening to resume charge
of the millinery department of Messrs.
Anderson d;Etder.-•-Mrs, (Rev,) lluchanaa
of Georgetown is the guest of her parents,
4r. and Mrs. Charles Perkins, -.1r. and
;Mrs. Robt, Pickard of Loudon are visiting
Merida in town. --Master S'yillie Seh]on of
Ingersoll is visiting friends in town, -•-.Mr.
a 'V W n
and .les. Dawes f t\'ingham are the
guests of .Mr, and Mrs Pratt Fisher. -Mr.
Geo. l3awden and fancily of Parkhill were
visiting friends in town the forepart of the
week. -Mr. (leo. Weekee is ho(reapending
a few days. luring the past year Mr.
\"eekta has visited the principal eittea of
the States in the interest of a large firm of
contractors of 4hieago...-Miss Pringle has
resumed her duties as teacher in the 1'. $.
During her illness :dies Spicer took charge.
-Miss Mattie Ilatwt:almw is visiting friends
in Detroit. -Mrs, Crier, who has been vis-
iting friends in Exeter for some months,
lett yesterday for New York to join her
husband, who bas an engagement there. -
Mark Clark is visiting friends in Howard
City, .Mich. -I. Bowermanleft en Wed•
nesday for llenotnone City, Wis., to
visit friends, --Miss Muttart is in Stratford
\fra. Marchmount left on !Wednesday
for Saginew City. -Mrs. Parkinson anal
daughter. Mins Maud, have returned flow
an extended visit to Mr. Parkinson in
Trout Creek.-Dan'l Dyer and bride have
reached Paynesvrile,:Minn., their adopted
home, in safety, reports the Paynesville
News,,--Mrs.;d J. White is visiting frierda
in Windsor.--Aira, Jas,. Walter anal family
returned from the Old Country Monday..
They report a pleasant voyage. --Mr. S, B.
ltimiugton of the Molsans Bank, CMiutou,
spent Sunday in town. -,lox. AleEwen,
who recently went to Manitoba from Hay
township, will return again to his farm in.
that tp. this fall. -Mr. Hooper of Pt.
Hope is the guest of his sister Mrs. Wm.
Grigg,—Mrs. Duuaford of Michigan, is
visiting friends in town. --Thomas Russell
took his herd of Durham cattle to the
Chatham exhibition yesterday.
The laws which went into effect on the
first day of August, requires that all
children between the ages of eight and
fourteen shall attend the public school
for the full term, failing to do so with-
out satisfactory
excuse, parents, guard-
ians or children are liable to prosecution.
p --•+-••r
Severe earthquake shocks on Satur-
day night were felt through a large
section of the Northwestern States.
Oarsman Wm. Beech, the first man
ever defeated Hanlan, will come to
America with Stanbury.
The distance between New York and
San Francisco has been covered by rail
in 4 days 12 hrs 28 min., the best time
on record.
Moyer, the editor of the Berlin Daily
News was horsewipped by McDougall,
Ex -registrar for having printed some-
thing displeasing to McDougall.
A 200 yard foot race for $25 took
place at Tara, Ont., Monday night, be-
tween R. Halliday, of Stratford and A
Richards or Tara. The race was won by
Halliday by 25 yards.
Burglars tapped a safe in the North-
ern Pacific Railway office at Brandon,
Man., early Saturday* morning and got
about $100. In a smaller safe alongside
the one broken, was a package contain-
ing $45,000.
Prof. Saunders, director Dominion
Government experimental farms, esti-
mates at least two thirds of the grain
would grade No. 1 hard in the Territor-
ies. He found a considerable amount
of damaged grain in the western part
ofthe Manitoba Province, but notwith•
standing the injury the crop is so heavy
that farmers have better retunrs than
ever before.
At Colborne, Ont.,on Friday, a picked
team of Cobourg footballers defeated Col-
borne 3 to 1.
Mr. Robert McLaten, son of the late
Daniel McLaren of St Marys who left for
the gold fields of California in 1864, paid a
flying visit to St. Marys the other after-
Dr. Towle of Dublin has been taken to
the Toronto Asylum, his mind having
become very deranged. liis home is near
St. Marys.
The citizens of Parkhill have signed a
petition asking the stores to close at 7
o'clock each evg. excepting Saturdays and
days previous to holidays. The merchants
will do it.
The report that Hugh John Mao-
donald, the member for Winnipeg,will
be taken into the Cabinet as the Minis-
ter of Agriculture was published Last
night in Winnipeg. His appointment
would be the most popular among
Tories that could be made from Mani-
toba and the Northwest members,
Children Cry for Pitcher's.Castoria
Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 28th & 29th
We have this year received direct from the British and foreign markets, the
finest and largest lot of Millinery and Mantles, Mantle Cloths, Dress Goods, etc;
ever shown 1u Deter.
These Goods have been carefully selected, and in Price and Quality are ahead of
anything before shown.
A look through our stook will convince you. that we that we have the Right
Goods at the Right Prices.
TlteNorth German Gazette puhl`.sbea
the ofiieiai result of the Inquiries mads
in regard to the wheat crop of Prussia.
According to this report the crops
amount to 15,908,000 double quintals,
against 17,523,G00 in 1S9°. The sum-
raer and winter wheat crops together
will yield, 1,000,000 double quintals
over the same crops of JS (.h
President Van 'Ionia has been across
the continent twice atnee Lann4ry, 12,.
Q00 miles; to Europe and nick, 01,000,
and, with an additional 2,1100 ter trips
to :yew k'ork,Toronto and otlterpoint',
20,000 Miles has thus been reeled ofr
bythe leadingepirit of the Canadian
p t
Pacific ratlnay, or an average of 80
miles a day, since the first of the year.
r, Isaao Master has been appointed.
registrar of W'atertoo,Ont. Air Maater
ie a native el the county, having boon
born in Wilmot township in 1835. Ile
is el'tiermau descent. tie was de uty
reeve of his township for some years,
and sat for several years as represents, Our New $tock Captured by LITTLE PRICES.
ttve of South Waterloo in the Local
Boase,1$90, retiring at the general electron
Mr, !lts. McInnes of Parkhill, had
his collar bone broken. While in
company with John Tucker and James
he was riding to London an a wagon
containing the geode and outfit which
Air. Sbaddock did business with on the
Fair ground, When going down the
Sauble hili the Lox on which Mr. Mo -
Innes was sitting s.ippod,precipitating
him la the ground with auflieieut force
to break his collar bone,
The case of the late Mr. James
Doherty. of Hamilton, is not favorable
to tho ?loch lymph treatment. ilia
lungs were seriously atTeoted, Lie wont
from ilaruilton to Denver, Cal„ enter-
ed the Koch hospital there, and after
remaining in the inatitution several
weeks uud undergoing a thorough
treetalent, Was discharged as cured,
In.a little while be suffered a relapse ;
his throat and stomach became affect-
ed; he rapidly grew worse and soon
died. The theory of the Spectator is
that the microbes introduced into the
system to destroy the tuberculosis mic•
robes, after they have accomplished
that work attack the healthy tissues of
the body for want of other aliment to
feed upon -
Guide to Barl/inellITTLE Pft!gE$
RY Ax—On the 23rd, the wife of lir. Thos Ryan
Mt. Carmel, a daughter.
LA FOND—On the 22nd, the wife of Mr. Wilfred
La Fond, Stephen. a son.
GEtr,Ett—In Crediton, on the 2e,th ult., the
wife of Wm,B Geiser. a son,
iifA1LIlI1 U.
SOvTzCo'r--BAnrLETT.—On the Sept. 22, at the
residence of airs. S. G. Bartlett, London, by
the Rev S. T Bartlett, Lakefield,William C.
Southeott, to Ada B. Bartlett, all of Loudon,
Roy—CLARK—At 266 Jarvis etre/it . Toronto, oy
Rev. C. I3. Smith, pastor of the Metropolitan
allure', on the 35th ult., Mr. J G. Roy. to
Miss S. E. (lark, both of Fullerton, near
Curets—neem—In Fullerton. on the 22nd
ult., by the Rev. W. Carley, Mr- Robert Cur•
tie, to Miss Edith Baker, both of Fullerton.
RuruvE—BEnsLAsr.—At the residence of the
bride's father, on the 38th ult., by the Rev.
S. J, Allin, Mr. Henry Rundle, to Miss Polly
Kerslake all of Usborne.
WAss—DowN.—A t the residence of the bride's
parents, 2nd con. 'Osborne, on the 36th
Mr. Win. Wass of Granton, to Mies Mandano
Down, daughter of Mr, John Down.
BAna.—In Hibbert, on the 21st ult., Charles
Barr, aged 87 years.
Between Granton and Exeter. on the 15th
inst., a brass cap of the hub of a buggy. The
finder' will be suitably rewarded by leaving the
same at this office.
Came into the premises of Mr. Thos. Cornish,
Usborne, (Adair's Oorner),1 mile east of Exe-
ter, on or about the lath inst., a young sow pig.
The owner can have the same by proving pro-
perty and paying expenses.
0c1-31. Exeter_ 1'. 0.
In the matter of the Estate of Catharine
Sachs, late of township of Hay, de-
Notice is hereby giv,^n pursuant to Chantor
110, of the Revised Stelrated of Ontarlo,1887,
that all persons havingof aims against the said
CatharinSachs, deceaed, who diedontthe 4
day of November, 1890, are required to deliver
or send by post, prepaid. to the undersigned
executors of the eRtate of the said deceased, on
or before the 1st, day of January,1892, a state-
ment in writing containing their names and
addresses and full particulars of their claims,
duly verified by statutory declaration and the
nature of the security (if any) held by them ;
and that after the said last mentioned date the
said executors will' proceed to distribute the
assets of the said estate among the parties en-
titled thereto, having regard only to claims of
which notice shall have been received as above
required, and the said executors will not be
liable for the 'mid assets or any! part thereof so
distributed to any person;or personsof whose
claim notice shall not have been received at the
time of such distribution;
Jicoa Ronosa,
ANDREW BEAK, S Dashwood, Ont.
Dated thio 17th day of Sept.1891. 3t
Our imwense New Stock is going ,' Little Prices
take the elephant off our hands.
Lose no time in selecting from the large PF all Stock
that has just been received and that will be sold at
A. call is respectfully solicited before you order
00 you
Want A Suit Of Clothes
$3,v00 WORTH
Mens' Boys' and Childrens'
Suits, Overcoats & Pants,'
to be sold off at SPACKMAN & CO'S this next
At Less Than Wholesale Cost,
Having visited the markets and clearing out solve
big lines of Clothing at job prices enables us to sell you a
Suit or Overcoat for a man, boy or child Cheaper than
Wholesale Cost.
Samwell's Block, Exeter.
Barber Shop,
A. Hastings, Prop
Shaving and Haircntling in the latest
style of the art.
Every attention paid' to cutting
Laares"and Cylldren'sHair
The Maisons Bank
Paid np Capital ... ... $9000,00
RestFund ... ,.. ... 1,000,06
HeadOfi'iee, Montreal,
1MMoney advanced to'good farmers on their own
note with one or more endorsers at 7 per cent
per annum.
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawful day, from 10 a. not 3 p.m
SATURDAYS .10 a,m. to' 1 p • m,
4PerOent.perannum allowedfor money on
DepoaitReceipts. Savings Bank at 3 per cont.
Sub -Manager.