HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-06-20, Page 14• 14 The Caderich Signal -Star, Thursday, June 20th, 1963 Editorials • •M • SPECIAL, CAR FOR MAILMEN Have you ever watched a mail cour- ier delivering to rural boxholders through- out the country?' If you haye, you prob- ably noticed the dffieulty the. driver of the o;ar goes through in trying to rekteh Ina!) the driver's side of the automobil t 0 I ho passenger side, to slide the •mail in the hox. -Most of the couriers. try to drive Iheir ears from the passenger side, a meth- od v.-hich is probably not the most highly rec,:nmended from .a safety outlook. It is. time for the ear manufacturers ier, and manufacture a spe(•ial ear for them with all controls on the right side. But the way W see it, they still face that one big 'Obstacle, and if the manu- facturers %,vere to co-operate in 'develop- ing a new 'style of ear they NV01114 find themselves In a favorable position With the rtiral mailman. (,)f course, before any big devision such as this were to be.under- taken, it AV011id be necessary to check with the law to see, if ,cars would be per- missable on our highways Ivith the eon - Inds on the opposite side. — Huron Expositor. SLOW DOWN AND LIVE I)own 'and Live'', the slogan titl, of the summer' vaeation safe driving. canmaign, (100,41 't 1110811 to drive t W011ty- „sive •pecd at the wrong, time and without •r ,control can kill you. During this annual June, July and Attgl',st eampaign, the Canadian Highway sa U01111vil points a, 'Warning finger at Tho -hurry- driver and tries to warn ,f -the perilous folly of trying heat ever;.- other driver on the road. In these rn (lays of fast:Moving, heavy motor court,.,,y and considerat ion on the road, 1-stritetion so great that even warS \vitt be outdone in linntan-slaugliter. • Our ewn local and PrOvineial police are well aware that a single inconsiderate, bullying or sholv-off motorist can disrupt and endanger any traffie flow. lihere are frequent examples of this 110 farther away than Tin' Square here in Gbilerieh. There are laws and regulations for driving, designed. for tln• safety or the driving and witlicing imbue. 1r these laws are disregarded, only death, crippling and destruction can result. 'More people are killed on Saturdays than any other (lay of the week. Will your name he in the uewspaper next weel- NVIt 11 - Wit y011 l' knowledge'? Of vourse .ve're re- ferring to the obituary column. THE FEDERA While Finance 'Minister -Gordon's de- layin2; action ,,hudget created no uproar, in personal or ,corporation taxes, there were sufficient Nvarnings in it to make Canadians stop and think. Among the latter were the threats of the unemploy- ment problten, the, deficit finanein g -head- ache and the pos.sible taking. over of Can- adian enterprise by powers other than In tin' ease of the last mentioned, we inigi,t well ponder the Net that the prive -of yfuit inning as we are, with 17.s. 000_ 'influenve extending; year by year, eould well mean the ultimate loss or our independenee. more kind more WELC6ME, Gmlerich, Clinton, (ratid 13010 areas will on Sattfhlay be treate(1 to par- ades distinetl.v different from those to which they have long been .ac(•ustomed. The oceasion will be the Spring Cer(Enion- ial of Mocha Temple of IJondop which 1611 plave •Grand Bend on Saturday afternoon and Avhere the master parade is to be 11(411.- -Preveding that, hoNvever, th("'re will also hf; large and colorful i)ar- ades at Clinton, commencing at 12:45 folhiwed by one at Coderich at 1 :45 P.M. the impressive -cereinony of indttetioti. This will he the first time that the Slir:in,rs have held such a slismv in this L BUDGET decisions affecting. the economy of Can:. ada ate being made, not in Canada, but in the head offives of U.S.A.` industrial companies. .To halt abruptly Or reduee the, trend of "U.S. investment in Canada might mean slower growl,h, perhaps few- er jobs, it lower standard of How matiy Canadians are prepared to make these sacrif,iee,cil In 1960, slig,htly more than two-thirds of Canada's Major coin- panies—W it h assets Of $25 million or over —were foreign controlled, mostlY by U.S. investors. At the close of that year The - total foreign 'cmostly U.S.) long term in - 'Vestment in Canada was $22.2 billion. I3y the end of 1 9112 it had risen to 425 billion. Where do we go from here? • SHRINE RS! 50 Years Ago -1913 drowning fatality • look place just below the. C.P.R. bridge on the Maitland River last FridaY afternoon. George Case, and Unsworth Jones, two- bays at- tending the Collegiate Institute, were in bathing in the vicinity of the %-pot where a gang of Italians are making repairs to one of the abutments of the bridge. Some trestle work hacf been erected and Jones, in jumping off this into about 12 feet of water, got some in his mouth and was nearly drowned. He rose to the surface only once, and fearing danger, Case plung- ed in after him. He sueceeded in locating and bringing him to the surface, where, with the aid of -a plank thrown to him by the Italians, he managed to bring the half conscious youth to land. 30 Years Ago -1933 The Town Council on Frida night registered a formal pro test against the action of th Collegiate Institute Board in reducing salaries "only 21,, per cent." The protest is contain- ed in the finance committee's re- port, carried unanimously with- out protest, and expressing "profound regret." The Huron County Council held its annual picnic at Port Albert on Tuesday. The day was ideal, but rather too hot for vigorous games or sports. The attendance was good, but not up to -other years owing to the heat, no doubt, and a busy time. 15 Years Ago -1948 Lion Bert Sanderson was 105 Years Ago 'In Goderich '4'he congregation of St. An- drevOs Church inducted a new minister, Rev. 1VlacKid from the Presbytery of Ham- ilton, Previously, the con- gregation had been a shep- herdless flock. A dinner was held at the iluron Hotel at cwhiCh 35 gentlemen from the Presbytery spent an even- ing with that decorum and quietness appropriate to the occasion. Henry Newman, baker, an- nounced for sale hard bis- cuits and all kinds of crackers. elected president of the Gode- rich Lions Club at a meeting Friday night at the British 'Ex- change Hotel. Other officers voted in on the slate presented y by the .nominati,ng committee _ through D. D. Mooney are: Har - Harry Watson, 2nd viee-presi-. dent; Leo W.alzak, 3rd vice-pre- sident; Gordon McManus, secre- tary; Jack Cory, dues secretary; Ray King, treasurer; Ed. Jessopt Lion tamer; Fred Noble and Clayton ,Edward, tail twisters; J. Sully, "Nip"' Whetstone, Dave Alran end Ebb Ross, directors. 10 Years AgO-1953 Fresh from their win at the Toronto Trumpet Band Festival recently, members of the Gode- rich Girls' Trumpet Band are practising earnestly for, com- petition this weekend at the big Waterloo band festival on Saturday. MESSAGES FROM THE WORD BY GODERICH MINISTERIAL . ASSOCIATION TWO ROADS AND'TWO GATES By Rev: E. Von Keitz, Goderich Baptist Church ing the route of the parades can count on "Enter ye in at the strait seeing s o tit 6 t n g really worth ,while. gate."—Matthew 7:13. ' Nearly 20 different bands, , all in units- All truly valuable things cost ually colorful costumes, - are expeeted. much. Such a glorious priv- They will ',include some noted hands from ilege as 4tne,,-ehr,isti:ansr,-,thare.--- United ,States' units. fore,- cannot be gotten -without We welcome the Sheiners to Goder- effort. To open the way, and to purchasefor us the priv- it'll and fseel that their parade. here will liege of becoming children "of be a memorable one. Devoted to help- God, the Son of God. had to ing children in need. the. Shriners have come -,f,rom heaven in conde- established _many- hospitals. for crippled scending lave and' give His „hiking), including. a oile mom_ own life. Jesus said, too, that real. \\Then you see the Shriners in their any who would reaeh the glory light hearted para(ies satimiay it will of his' kingdom must go by the be well to remember that these' men have same way of the cross by which their serious side, too and thousands of he went. He said that he who will save his life—that is, live derful work done far_ cr ifhi.14-1-r-en4-e--thaton:ly....ire-wholOTS-Tiis life, in the sense'af living. for Christ, shall save it. 'In one of. his parables.' J'esus speaks of salvation as a treas- ure hid in a field, and a man who learns_of the treasure and REAL JOYS OF LIFE Ltt'y val1 1/111Y Moan JOlit'S 011 people. Every tiay there is evidenee of, this. If 1 ,:tot-ies behind 0 -very sudden, death hush -amts. sufferine. remorse 'w- ean., they had -failed, to make the, hest, or 111-, wit h their leved ones when they had the eitaitee. . Some years ago stery ‘'vas published -a st-ore kee'per who 'worked 'very hard and. saved his money religiously, so that VO1: fOrty years he shed( to his .store. lle worked and saved TOo hard 10 ha N'e ninelt ((in; lint he Wati rlooking for- ward to thi. 'day when he could yetire. Then • he wmuld have. his fun. ITe'-'would leave rematiY _and leisure. and he would \Veil, Ito finally retired—money in the And jitst a 1.1-\\ (lays after he retired he dropped dead - if, a novelkt put that in a book we would not believe it. We would say that things do not really happen that'. 1Vily, and \ye would accuse the novelist _of_ straining,' too hard fOr all ironic effect. riut. life talces queer heists that are not permitted good fietion. All wo can k adittit that there are times \Alien wisdom ',and prudOce are horribly con - :;.1'N, a -matter of fact, this sort 0 thing happens .fairly often in a little different 'ha r,e0. rnr a rare -free and` leisurely old -lits hiding -place ,sells all that he age die just as they begiu to taste' their has and, goes and buys the reward, of eourse, but they . e.et cheated field, In another parable otir out oi their dues, just 'the same. They, Lord presents the same truth rind that leisure, after it lifetime (dt hard under the figure of a merchant 'work, is hOre(10111. Th e V *f hid that t hey seeking goodly pearls, who, ha ve f(xgotten luiw to play. They ., findinc, one pearl of great price, that the empty hburs are depressingfil1)14(it- sells 'all he . has and buys it. We Must, in a very deep sense, cause they do not know what to d_o_with give up all we have, to• get thent.._They find 1 heniselves feeling that Christ' 'and the blessings that they ha ve boon pllT '111)011 t he shelf, and come with. him. - 11)111(7;1 I esg.'")w i ell Years 01(I" ' in twelve othcr way. There are twa Here the „truth iS put in an - Perhaps we are not meant to be too troads thro.ugh this world, 'and cautious.' Doferring one's happiness to wo gates into the future world. the end. \ellen '0110 Will haVP time One of these ways is broad and and easy, with descending grade, the Means to take it, is risky. For most leading to a wide gate. It is of, us that gilded tontori-mv will never the gate af self-righteousness dawn. 1 1 we do not get 0111, happineee--and spiritual neglect. It is net along the way we shall never get it at hard to.. go on this way, The . other road is strait, and leads ThItt is a lesson wort-li learttintr The to a narrow gate. Jesus declar- can Ito banked and drawn on at some flint- frarsaltoffeetbertnheallNrlifithe. l'o : real joy of living TN not something future ;date. Tt has to be taken from day to' day. it ig' etSinpounded, usually, 011 many little experiences : the .hieze 'Of tile- -04» t f id -lug squil-e of a -elf i Id -; - -the -smell -of a. beach of blue ,Wai er ; Til(' stuldeu re- velation of• tenderness in the , eyes of a lover! one; the Irrief, vanishing; strain of ,a bit of ninsie --of -such thing,s is, a satis- fying. life fa brieat ed. YOU VI -11'1110T post- pone them yon `cannot wait for them. You must get them as yon go along, or you will miss them entirely. Established 1848. • Ohr 6arriril ftnat- Our The County Town Newspaper. of Huron —1:1— Published at Goderich, Ontario every Thursday morning by Signal -Star Publiihing Limited GEO. L. ELLIS, President and Publisher - A. T. Elliott, News Editor • 0Substrip. tion Rates — $4 a year. To U.S.A.. 55 (In advance) Authorized as Seednd Class Mail, Post Office.:Dept., ,‘• Ottawa and for Payment of Postage in Cash. 116th Year of Publication R. G. SHRIER, Vice -President and Advtg., Mgr. S. F. Hills, Plant Supt. MacNaughton Hints ElOction In October An October provincial.elec. tiOn was indicated by High- ways Minister Charles Mac - Naughton at a Huron -Bruce Progressive Conservative As. sociation rally in Wingham last Thtksday night.. Speaking at a nomination rally which picked Brussels car dealer George McCutch- eon as Progressive. Conserv- ative candidate for Huron - Bruce riding in the provinc- ial election, Mr. MacNaugh- ton said that the Roberts gov- ernment would 4stil'i be_ in power • "after the' Otfober It was the first time that a member of the government has hinted when the provin- cial election might be held. At has been generally agreetr that an election will be held sometime this year: • • Machlaughton did not elaborate' on his passing re.. this way_ one has to leave the crowd and go almost alone, and leave the broad, easy way, and go on a hard, rugged path, and enter by a gate too small to admit any bundles of world-. liness or self-righteousness. we would get to heaven, we must make up our minds, it tan be only by this -narrow way of ffulr commitment to Jesus Qhrist: Alrtline world is not flavving into heaven; the crowds are going somewhere else. Newsmep with Prime Min- ister St. Laurent's party Were telegraphing stories out to their various papers from the CAR. station, Goderich, •up until 5.30 a.m. Wednesday. The meeting at Guelph ended about 8.45 p.m. Tuesday when the news- men had to hurry to catch the night train for Goderkh. board the special press car at- taehed to the Prime Minister's private car,. they wrote their storieS en route fromAGuelph to Goderich. One Year Ago -1962. • Elston Cardiff, P.C., who has represented the federal riding of Huron at Ottawa for 22 years, wan his seventh con'secutive vietory in Huron on Monday. He gathered IT total of 11,422 Votes far a -majority of 2,573 over his next opponent, Ernie Fisher, the Liberal candidate, Vvho scored a total of 8,849 votes. Keith Feagan was in rare form at the Western Ontario Raceway Monday evening, driv,- ihg, two winners in the nine - race program. He steered home Scotland's Van as winner in the second race and Amber B. Grattan in the eighth. Hullett Has Active Unit The Hullett Federation of Agriculture, one township ' of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture has had quite a successful time for th'e first part of the year. The weatherman did not co- operate for many winter ac- tivities such as their card par- ties but they have tried to keep their meetings interesting. They are now working.on the project of trying to get as Many as posgible of the farmers ie. Hullett to have name plates put at their gateways. They contacted all the school teachers in Hullett to haVe the pupils., draw up a suitable design for them. They got a fair response and the prizes were awarded to: Miss Nancy Johnston, Lon- desboro, for 1st prize; Larry Snell, Londesboro, 2nd prize, and Charles Wellbanks, Londes- boro, '3rd prize. Their June meeting was a car trip to Mount Forest, where they visited several of their industries -- Wellington Wood Products, Superior Converters and The Brandiiireisket Co., reports the secretary of Iftillett Township Federation, Mrs. Lloyd Pipe, Londesboro. Many Miles fatching.Ni., fidd - Huron $ridges In Goo&toildition Thron County road report, presented by Reeve Dan Better man of IVIcKillop, chairman dur ing the council session last week, stated that because the olcler paved roads in the county did not come through the win- ter in good condition, and many miles are badly in need of patching, the long-range.pro- gram in regard to construction has had to be 'revised. Plan Construction County road'6, Highway 4 to Winchelsea, five Miles, is sche- duled for,construction this year. For next, it is planned to do the eight miles of cottnty road 16, Brussels to Highway 4. Two projects have priority for 1965: county read 13 from Clinton west, 8.5 miles, and three ntiles from Nile te Dungannon, county' road 27. Oungannon-Lucknow is set for 1966, but tlie Base Line between Summerhill and Auburn,, 6.5 miles, and three other projects are subject to later review. Roads Cost Money "High mileage, low assess- ment and low mill rate just do not go together," County En- gineer James Britnell warned. "Some projects are going to have to wait until more import- ant roads are built and until we can start upgrading the Deputy Reeve May. Mooney, Goderich, asked whgt Would happen if the mill rate were out. Mr. Britnell said projects would be cut by one-half or two-thirds, and proceeded with on that basis. The engineer said there are na plans, so far as he is aware, for reconstruction of Highway 21 north of Goderich, though a great length is in need of it. He warned that "in the ,not too distant future" considera- tion mtist be given to replacing some of the longer bridge spans, Which could cost up to $250,000 apiece. "The condition of Huron county bridges is excellent," Mr. Britnell said, "in that the county has been undertaking to build two or three 30 feet in sPan and over, each year for the past 10 or 15 years, as well as the construction of approx- imately Six reinforced concrete culverts va6ing in span from 10 to 20 feet. We are 'pleased to report that nearly all of the 74 bridge structures 20 feet'in span and over on the county road system are in excellent shape and with the exception of a few long bridges over the Maitland and Bayfield rivers near Lake Huron, all structures are gapable- ,of 'carrying full ' The report stated that until a few years ago the county only sought quotations apci ried 'out jobs with its own forces for many of the services or materials for which contracts are now awarded. 'Make Savings The committee "feels that a substantial saving was achieved by calling tenders on a, com- petitive basis for these services and Tnaterials, and while it in- volves a considerable amount of work in setting specifications. and carrying out the super- vision and inspection of the work awarded by contract, the saving warrants this extra work." Have YOU planned for YOUR family's future? Make Mfni yoor wife -and ebiT(Tren after wa:V Y-on— wish. They will ,bene bit" from dependable and exper.ineeil help, . from a friendly adviser. Appoint British iNfortgage to Tian tyour estate — and to exeenfe yotir will and- administer the estate. - British Mortgage trust offleers are both . knowliedgeable and unler:Slanding . And British Mortgage is ready at any time to look. after your estate: a private executor may be siek,• die or move away, �r may not Wa Fit to takE over the., responsiihilitieg. Arrange for - appoint Mew. at British Mortgagef Your questions, problems ,and persona),. affairs are dismissed only by yon and" your advise,r. (and fees are set by law. — no higher for British Mortgage than for a private executor) RMSH RTGAGE TRUST c y Telephone: JA 4-7381 E. R. Rowlands, manager At the Stoplight Goderich 1114r9n- Cori. fix Tax Levy Rat of some $400," stated.d s znentary report of the finance commIttee, regard! completed adjustment of ing tax revenue. This from the Sift° Salt. through the Province. In the same report, ad Aclnesday afternoon of week, Reeve Ralph Jewell, borne, and Reeve Wm. Mt Blyth, were named as t sentatives to the Mid -w Regional Tourist Council, The clerk -treasurer's t mendation of a six -mill for general purppses art for roads was confirmed. T. PRYD1E oSt. SON Finest Stone and Experienced Workmanship JA 4-7861 -or 200 Gibbons St. — Pk A-9465 GODERICH ARE,N One Night Only! RONNIE HAWKINS la and the HAWKS Goderich Arena SATURDAY, JUNE 22. Hear latest hit, "Bo-Diddley" DANCING 9:06 to 12:00 Admission: $1.50 per pe;son Plan NOW to Enter THE GODERICH TRADE FAIR'S ONUNION DAY PARADE A really BIG ONE is being planned and you, y ut firm or your organization should be in it. $.300 IN' PRIZES GRAND CHAMPION – $100 'INDUSTRIAL $25 ORGANIZATIONAi. - $25 RETAIL – $25 Best Dec-orated—Car – $10 URBAN – $10 COMEDY Children, .$3 for 1st; $2 for 2nd and $1 for 3rd in, fiVe . different age groups from .6 to 14„ _ For. additional information about Goderich Trade Fair Parade, phone - JA 4-8683 ! Mail this parade entry coupon without delay to: -NAME ADDiRSS. ... .. Parade Chairman Kinsmen Club, 04 piatiokir mini it* 23:5-