HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-06-13, Page 1414. The Qodairieh $ gba1-Star, Thursday, June. '13th, 1963
ouraires, Guests
ave Pleasing Program.
Despite -the warms, sultry w.ea- 'of a religious nature and one
tiler on Wednesday evening of lens an English ,Traditional num-
last week, nearly 350 admirers I ber. Soloist in the first num'.
of The Harbouraires went to ber was Duncan McCrae. An
the A,uditoriurn of GDCI to en-
joy "An Evening of Song,"
sponsored by this popular choral
group`. More than 400 tickets
were sold but the intense hum-
idity of the evening undaubted-
ly kept some persons from at-
tending. negro spiritual, "Listen To The
It was a ` Sparkling variety Lambs."
program of song with sufficient . The second half of the pro-
chenge of pace to -make the gram was opened by The liar -
overall presentation an audi- bouraires with three numbers,
ence-pleaser. The present group including the plaintive melody,
consists of 254'voices with mem- ;"An Eriskay Love Tilt" from
bers from Goderich, Clinton, "Songs of The Hebrides."
Brucefield and Stratford. Their Barbara McKee again charm -
singing furtherrevealed the ed the audience with two solos,
reason for their widespread pop- "As Long As He Needs Me"
ularity at many public func- and "Why Have Stolen My De -
tions throughout Western On- light." Then, "The Thompson
tario. Incidentally, they are i Brothers" swung into their en -
now preparing to take part in I tertaining presentations, includ-
the ."World Sing" to be held in ing antics, of four numbers:
New York City In June of 1964. "Marjie"; "Way Down In Geor-
Opening with a special ar- gia"; "Alexander's Ragtime
rarlgement of "0 Canada," The Band"; "I'm Always Chasing
Harbouraires then swung into Rainbows."'
their first number, a lively tune, Three numbers by The Har -
"When The Saints Go Marchin' ; bouraires concluded the pro,
In." For their second number, gram, the last of which was the
the stage was floodlighted in j stirring, "Come, Come Ye
color, as the group sang, "Music ; Saints."
When Soft Voices Die." ; Of the charter members of
• 'The M.C. , The Harbouraires, four were
Mrs. Clayton Edward was the present Wednesday evening of
capable Master of Ceremonies ! last week: Jack Frith, Harold
for the evening's program and I Beftger, Bill Ross and the con -
gave interesting interpretations ; ductor, George Buchanan. Ac -
preceding each number. Intro- companist for the evening was
clueing The HaAbouraires, Mrs. 1 Lorne Dotterer while the con -
Edward stated, "They have been 'cert master was John Wright:
a delight and a source of pride I Assisting in the evening's ar-
ta' this community. The suc- rangements were Elizabeth Par -
cess of The Harbouraires has,/ sons, Mary Helen • Bettger,
been due in large part to the Sheilagh Slemin,_ Rose Marie
infectious enthusiasm of the Von , Keitz, Elizabeth Wright
conductor, 0 George . •Buchanan, and Bill MacLaren. Advertising
who has been with the group manager for the program -book-
since it started 16 years .ago." let was Tom Rompf.
Three choral numbers follow- --
ed including the movingly tend-
er "No Man Is An Island" in
which Jack Frith took the solo- FOR QUALITY
ist part.
interdenominational .. group- of
boys, the choir is developing
info quite an outstanding boys'
The first half of the/ program
was brought to a close with
The Harbouraires singing the
"You .wiLL- be delighted with
her voice and her charming
'manner," said Mrs. Edward of
the guest soprano soloist, l3ar-
tiara McKee, who ' sang two
lovely numbers its fine voice.
This. was followed by two duets,
"Wunderbar" and "Moonlight
and Roses" by Barbara -McKee
and Jack Frith.
A quartet from Kitchener,
"The Thompson Brothers," pro-
vided .:tnelodious harmony. Their
leader explained they were or-
ganized only a few weeks be-
fore the Ontario competition for
barbershop,quartettes which
took place- m ate--Bell-eville- lust.
year. Despite this fact, they
made an impressive showing.
Not one of the quartet has the
name of "Thompson" but in
Order to register, some definite
name had to be chosen and
"Thompson Brothers" was it,
The leader explained.
Boys' Choir
The c Goderich BoyS' Choir,
under the leadership of L. H.
Dabterer, captured the hearts
of the audience. Dressed in
white shirts with black llov,.
ties and wearing a red sash
around their waists, they pre-
sented a ' pretty picture. Their
fou r numbers in the first half
of the program included three
K. G. Musclow
Field officer
For Maitland.
Kenneth G. Musclow, B.Sc.,
has been appointed field officer
for ,the Maitland Valley Con-
serv,atinn Authority by the Con-
servation Brancn of the Depart-
ment of Lands and Forests. He
will be located in the Author-
ity's new office which has been
opened in,Listowel.
A graduate of the' University
of New Brunswick at Frederic-
ton wifh a bachelor of science
degree in Forestry, Mr. Musclow
has considerable experience in
conservation work, although
this is his first appointment 'as
field officer.
Singe leaving university in
1957, he has been employed
with the Ontario Government.
He started with the Department
of Commerce and Development
and subsequently transferred to
the Conservation Authorities
Branch of the Department of
Lands and Forests. TJntli com-
ing to Listowel,.. he has been- in
the head of ees at Toronto _ ani,
North Bay Native
A native of North Bay, he
received his elementary and
secondary education in that
city. He is a member of the
Canadian Institute of Forestry
and the Ontario Professional
Foresters' Association.
Since the Middle Maitland was,
formed in 1952, the Authority
has shared --a field ofincer wit.h..
the Ausable Conservation Auth-
ority. J. T. McCauley of Ex-
eter was serving in that capac-
ity for both authorities. .
A year ago the Middle Mait-
land,was enlarged to control the
entire Maitland watershed em-
bracing 29 instead of 12 muni-
cipalities. Consideration is now
being given to including the
.Bayfield watershed into a two -
river authority.
- Full Time Job -
With all tributaries now un-
der authority control and a con-
siderable increase in conserv-
ation projects, the work became
too involved for, a field officer
on a sharethe-time basis. Hon.
Kelso Roberts granted a peti-
tion from the Maitland Author-
ity and appointed a full time
field officer.
Mr. Musclow's salary is paid
entirely by the Conservation
Branch of the Department of
Lands and Forests. Mainten-
ance of the office is shared .50-50
by the ,department and the
member municipalities.
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