HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-05-30, Page 12~ e,:'. odest'aidr•Sig al>Starr>Th irsday, May 30th, 1963. REV D. . MAPQE NOW DEACON First Ordination Service in The History Of t. Georges Is Held R • St. George's Anglican Church was almo . t filled to capacity,. tr311t1i4 ' nit rnia,s l -}: ;k j1.041..Lts.. - V V. Madge of UO,t:I:4 l was Ul- (l,0inyd 'a, a ileacou bs Rt. C;.' ,jtp1.y,.:.1, Et:•l1)) of Lia:,. '!'silt -F -t part In C al u ! '; •` �'a n -rable L. J. Pat t)'1. .'rl- 1'l, icon -of S,u -n. �, , ►,�. 1 .lr' VOrt r able .'lrchdcacon Al - :t Joni, ;) I)., \1•ard.•n of 'cr, It 11, 1 ondnn. who (1. 11'v. 1.).17., rector oi-st. G It 1y.ts the first crone an o' din ]t ia'1 s,'r1 ice ma, t„ e•r he:ki in th ` long histary :'t. (; ',) ', '', church. Gong To Paisley ilses. I) G stud.,: 111; b•, --n th Chnreh of tho ^:;o ' 1 - l ' • Hnl'v Trinity 1.•a--‘,"1.. and S' l'a'rl':s ('il arch, {',irk ring. lie will �ncceed He'- Alums' Iirnok: v, ho i' h'_'comine a chaplain in R.f E' it4'� �' 11od",0, e i'' assume hi' char :es the • Gr= Sunday in Jun' Following the sery is ' a ltncl --wagf't`ved in, the 1'.ish—' lull attended hy-visiting clangs hal th '„ idcah and 1o,alti<'s I ;hat of the parents." serf relatives and friends of the taught thorn in'their Youth sey-t lir deplored the effects on (I••e1-inand. There were about cr, , ely to -ted during, the p_i,t 451pcople today of some of the 50 in ally. Various addresses . or 50 years. '„the mental con- 'popular literature to which fusion, the shifting; of values nttr time has given birth." which two wide world conflicts Some writers, "the apostles of brought in their train have af- realis'm" are so eager' to be accounted as such thaf''they oven suggest life is hardly worth living. "This is a bitter, faithless reading of life, and as false as it is faithless," ht' said. St. George's Church Chancel , ',-ere given at this time includ-. in, those of Bisho-p Ap'nleyard. :lrchdeaccm Jon -es and Rev. Guy Markham, registrar and lecturer fected us all," he stated. at Seager Hall,. who was the Pi -h' p's chaplain at the, service. Today's Preaching On #,chaff of the congregation, In relating the progress of -M". William Bradley, people's the Church in the past several warden, presented Rev. Mr. decades, Archdeacon Jones stat- ?ltadge with colored church ed, 'Thi' quality"�•tlf- preaching �1 es- Also addressing the gath and' teaching has, in our .opin . r ing, was fir. L. B. Graham.: io-r-r` <''been on the upgrade. Yet the rector's warden. we cannot escape the impres- Ordination Sermon sion that the visible results are Men ordained by the Church i altogether out of proportion to the• effor made." 1Te trt,ged world's work, the world's pro- "ar'" more than servants of the I that clue interest he given hlenls." ('heir ch, they are, as St. Paul Too Secular reminds us, -ministers of Christ children in their desire to wqr ord. stewards of the mysteries ship and in this respect stated Ile regretted the tendency of of God." So said The Vener i No influence -is so lasting as today's educated youth and or- Go:sp"l writers were realists, tob, but hater-ectii ,-a4&=tea message that redeems. In..brief, this - is that "we find ourselves as we lose ourselves in the able, Archdeacon AThert J -ones, -1)."1-. Warden of Seager "Hall, 1 London, in his ordination ser- mon. He outlined the duties of 'the:,..,,.,,..... t'.1ree fold order of Bifitiops, T'r,sts and Deacon:. He point- ed slit that the Deaconate is j r:.arrl^d as •a prr'naration for the. Priesthood which normally! covers the snal'•, of a complete' year. and should the -one ad-; ,, • mittecl thereto measure up tot" the Bishop's requirements he will in due course he advanced j to the Order of Priesthood. Referring to the Deacon's re s•ponsihility of giving religious i n =L ru c i.on to ynu-th-. Aeehd-ert con .Tones stre-sed this because 1 of "the disq'tietin'; drift of so; nvany yo''lrli communicant, from the r'' alar ministrations of the Church." IT" warned . of Lite narents' cortr;hntinn to! this tendonry of vrn,th th , r ' 1ieer " of n'rr•^rlts fail:I ing to s'4 n •faithEtil examrd'. � ,1rchrl^ar•nn ' .T "-'s acltnoy 1' 1- --d that parents of today WHITE SATIN P1JMPS 9.9 5 These -shoes are available in. - -widths -of AAAA, AAA, AA and B. Choose yours, wear Ph e rn white for the big wedding and then, we will- tint- free or we will tint them free for you right away. Illusion or high • heels. ` • We 'hav'e just received a com- plete stock of .Italian sandal's, Available, in widths. Rev. D. G. Madge MiaN CLERK PRESIDENT " UNKU'AL OFFICER -S-- OF HURON ELECT EXECUTIVE CLINTON..--.1dhn Livermore, ars And assessors .to form a clerk treasurer of Clinton was branch of the association ants erectedthe hold workshop through the president of Huron County Municipal Officers As- sociation at their annual meet - Ing here. More than 10 clerks, treasur- ers, assessors, and c leeted offic- ials attended the, one day gleet; ing with, Goderlch Township: as host. Goderich Tow n hid) Reeve W. J. Forbes is 1101 011 County warden. • ,ry Other Officers elected wore: :anized ' labor towards the First vice-president, 1 ai l ('amp - bell, Herlsall; second \ice-presi- (`hureh and organ`lzed ti ristian- dent, 13. G. Hanle, Goderich: its. Pointing out that for so 'tketary, J. G. Berry of (tode- -onie .genes ation.s now the state rich: treasurer, S. II. , Blake, has assumed the main burden (loderi-ch; executive. William of educational . responsibility, Cruickshank, Turnbel'ly Town - the result has bean increasingly secular 'in ,tone and its -effects ire being- felt over the-enfire '':nglish :peaking world. The life of the .Church, said Arch -- deacon Jones, has accordingly suffered through the unfo'rtun- ship (one year):; William Kipe, Brussels. (two _.years); Ross_ Hough, rediton ('three years). The association approved a resolution calltpg for deletion Of Section 223 of the Osrtario Municipal Act to make publish- at-‘ dic'orce of the Church from ing of auditors' financial state - educational training. "Not only rnents_&in local newspapers an - is religious teaching* relegated neeessaryi :o the hackgreund, but in many The resolution 10'; intr•odoc- educational schemes it finds no ed by J. M. Eckert of '1lcKillop pl;,ce at all. Ill many of the Township, Who said publishing public schools in our Domin- of the statements in the press, was nen- mere than an 0xnensfs_ --"as only one in 20 people. un- derstand the statement." Most municipalities released copies of the statement at their nomination meetings. The- sec— tion of the act was made law last year.. Second Resolution A second resolution reducing the number of association meet- ings from two ko one a year was approved. The resolution also called for clerks, treasur- ion, even ordinar)• 1E ible know- ledge has hardly reached the stage of a virtuous extra. There is little indication that it is re- garded anywhere as a vital sub- ject," he said. "The scientific trend 'in modern education needs to -be balanced by the in- culcation of 'awe and reverence in the minds of our boys and girls if the .character building content of education is'to sur- vive," he warned. Regretting, the all-out belief in sclnce by many students, with little religious -background; Archdeacon Jones concluded his -s'ermos--by 'saying: `We believe that much ground apparently lost may yet be recovered by means of sound religious teach- ing and diligent pastoral care -on the part .of all who are com- Tnissioned to declare the whole counsel of God and to feed God's sheep." TRYBLgCKLAjELm AND YOU'LL KNOW WHY /TS QANADJfS HEST-$ELLINO BEER year. Special speakers included Toni Brown of Stratford, �pro- vincial de.partrrtent of agricul- ture engineer,, who talked on the Tile Drainage Act;- Dean Taylor of Toronto, of the de- partment of municipal affairs; George Johnston of London, also of the department of muni-' cipal affairs;, and Edward Row- lands, manager of the British' Mortgage and Trust Company branch at Qoderich. The 1904 'meeting will also be held in Clinton. Students' Elect School Council Receive .Award's - Miss Carol Kalbfleisch was elected , president of the Gode- rich District Collegiate Insti tufe students council for 1963- 64. Other Officers .- Other members—.elected were: vicepresident, Miss Jean Steph- ens; secretary, Miss Lynne Ryan; treasurer, I.arry Paper - nick; general convener, Ronald Drennan; girls' athletic associ- ation president, - Miss Susanne Straughan; boys' athletic associ- ation president, George Clark. Following the elections, awards for the year in academic work were—presented. Athletic Awards Among athletic awards pre- sented were: crack and, le1.4, sen b boys, ; k •,Gemmiil;''in.: tertnediato, Steve Snell; junior, hn ' liar. yi -.se is girls, CO's- olyn Clark; , intermediate, plea nor Davidson; junior, Maureen Dowels. - Academic Included. in other awards were: Diane Redmond, public speaking; Robin Sully, . public speaking; Dave Kelly, mathe- matics, character, leadership, scholarship and athletics award; . Lynda Fosters music; Carol Stoddart, top female athlete; Ray Donnelly, top male athlete; ,Bonnie Allen, Arthur P'eachey Memorial Award. Mentally retarded young ad- ults are now being trained in 15 -"sheltered workshops" across Canada to do such work as collate printed, matter, assem- ble small components, salvage, industrial materials, solder electrical terminals, In Bri- tain they, have b^eri trained to produce television components. NEAT AND TIDY WORKMANSHIP WE NEVER FORGET: WERE THE MOSTEFFICIENT YOU CAN GgT efo're"you dry another mile- 1N-VESTIGATE THE.NEWWORLD.OF 'S�IeIy r.. torture -tested at speed you'll -never need! So Nearly Indestructible It's Replaced FREE if at Blows Out `A5"'^d %pARRY FREEINSTATLLATIO1 aoxus couruhs anrWHffL-- BMANIN-G Use The Cash BONUS COUPONS For WHITE or BLACKWALI, ... TUBELESS, TUBE TYPE ... ALL SAME PRICE . 'Learn how 'relaxed driving can be .. . Thanks to Super-Lastic "Safety 99', At sustained high speeds, your car feels so ,easy to ,handle. You'll enjoy a new --o- --comfortt ti t, -and riding ease. -.. Yes, Canadian Tire puts a price on this. super -tire —' but no higher than others for their ordinary top -grade tires.- • . . Name -any brand you wish .. --B-UT, �B-U„ T, your ilTiridin —an--ciTSpeciaT old tire trade - in allowance are like "money in the bank", when you com- pare YOUR FINAL TIRE COST --- at Canadian- Tire. , Call it a Premium Tire, a Luxury Tire, or what you will -the high -style Super- Lastic "Safety 99'N High Speed Nylon Tire 'puts Safety First! Ask Canadian Tire about. "Safety 99" a - --It will mean a GOOD DEAL for You! PONTIAC RRUG $.Tp Parisienne Convertible, one or 29 OTHER PRIZES SALE IT'S EASY TO ENTER 30th " Birthday Tag Just complete the gentry—tag which you will obtain w "ptireh"ase ih any I.D.A. Drug Store, any one of the 20 i?radtt listed directly below. No limit to the number of 'entries,.,; Read the `Rules of Participation" posted in the Store. Deposit completed tag in the box provided in the -I Drug Store before closing time, 'SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1963, (Prizes must be accepted as awarded) Winners Will Be Notified About July 1, 190 BRECK Shampoo 69oz.� bottle,.,8 BRYLCREEM Hair Dressing LIMMITS Weight Control Biscuits ggt LISTERINE Antiseptic MACLEANS Toothpaste ay to Juht • ••asoft as you, W BROMO SELTZER . HUDNUT Fashion Quick 14 -oz. bottle 86c Special 59c family size 99c 8 free KOTEX 12's regular 42c 40, 60, 100 watt G.E. LIGHT BULES SOMINE ..r__.n, An Aid -to- Sleep KODAK FIESTA Camera Outfit GILLETTE TRAVEL PACK Q -TIPS Sterilized Cotton Swabs FACELLE. "333" Facial Tissues LYSOL S�pr� ay_Disinfectant a_ ADORN Hair Spray RESDAN Dandruff Treatment BUFFERIN Tablets 100's BAN Roll -On Deodorant rollers- 219 2 for 83c 2 for 49c 20's .y. 1.49 8.95 1,99 49c. 2 for 59c _. p, 2.66 6 -oz. 1 1.67 1.09 PORTABLE HAIR DRYER Provides hot or cold air. _ Long, flex- `T - •ible` hns"e,- Large vented hood. . TO -811 SOLO Sleep Easy BRUSH ROLLERS Small or Medium size (20' rollers; 40 pins and a comb) or Large Size (16 rollers, 32 pins and a comb) ' 1.00 value HEALTH SALTS 16 oz, tin I.D.A. English Style. So refreshing. . so invigorating. - REG. 69c 'TOILET' TISSUE Available in white, yellow, aqua, piiik and new lavender. Save 28c on eight -rolls.. 88c 5'7c 8 FOR 88C Velvetta TO1LET SOAP Pleasantly scented,` with- Lanolin and_ _ .ir _Cold Cream base. 3 oz. „cake. C each WRITING PAD 175 sheet . note size. ,Alsd box of 100 envelopes. Outstanding - buy. A . tai is being on the Goderic ention n the of land arm j ighwa odern een gi he soi while Oper Ros mport( V fa have 1 recent area. Ir. Ro to din atiun; 'i an int, scientil "if farr 1'erh ifrcan area .f NEW (not retreads) NYL ' 'TIRES FIRSTS (not second§) .For Compacts & 51anda"rd Cars.88 - '590/13 ' 600/13 609/14 • 520/14 600/16 670/15• 750/14--- -. and many others ONLY 6.88 WIr+ CLASS :"An. TRADE hot mere' than two-thir'da Worn. For Big Cars 760/15 800/14 n 850/14 : al and many- - others ONLY 9.99 V'ItH�CLA"SS TRADE -- not More than tWp.fhtrdt worn. Acid $1.10 for tubeless Add $1:30 For tubeless USE THE CASH BONUS .COUPONS FOR FREE I' $STALLATION fI IETSTONE 30:101t211 STREET; GODERXOR 'ION " d'A 4.7394 - SWIM - -CAP A fine quality cap at an attractive 59c price. Moulded helmet design. ........ 4.98 Imported ViennaIi.ie SUNGLASSES- 299 Superb 'styles, for ladies,,smart models for men, In padded case. Come in to see all the Specials we have on- the IRTHDAY TAG ..,SAL CCRNE t .\IV If TORE EST STREET - & „SQUAME ,M► 4•�g12a 1�i� DeLIVER , . fit If fc fit hi 9