HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-05-30, Page 5opt�;3 '.. -At• Alexandra Hos- Goderich, on May 22, 1961 to Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las rby; Dougas derich, a son, IN itIESEN.---At Clinton Pub- lic Hospital on May 23, 1903, to Sir. and Mrs. Roberto Van Riesen (nee Joyce Sowerby), Clinton, a sorb, Robert Brian. ANSTONE. —• At Alexandra, hospital, 8 5p 196$, toderich, Mr. and Mrs George Vanstone, Goderich, a daughter. 1•;bpR.--At Alexandra Hos- pital. Goderich, on May 23, 1963, to.. and Mrs. Lloyd R.R.ft Weber, 2, Clinton, a son. Cards of Tianks iANLEY --I wish to express sincere thanks -go all who re- membered me with cards, flowers, gifts and visits I re- ceived while .a patient in Goderich Hospital. Special. thanks to Dr. N. C; Jackson, nurses and s.) Mary Ha lnley. 22x 1{NSTON.—T wish to thank all those who visa'edam the hospital on o bi birthe thday:- : also ccasion of my Y: those who sent cards and gift's. Special thanks to the nurses and ;tall' of the Wing. Mrs. Margaret Johnston. •` -22 cghi.ISTER.:—I wish to thank all those Who sent cards and visited nye while I was a pat- ient in Wingham hospital. Special thanks. to Dr. Mel ('orrif, 1)r. McKim, and the hospital staff. Mason McAllister. 22x IcLCAN.—The family of the tate Mrs. Bess McLean would like to thank all their kind friends and neighbors, the Sheaffer Pen Company- and its employees, the ,Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion, also Rev. Canon Tay- lor, Rev. Father Moynahan and Mr. Ed. Stiles for their aid and expressions .of sympathy. -22 ETRCE.-T--Our recent sad is ss leaves usr with grateful hearts toward neighbors and friends. Their comforting expressions of sympathy and thou'htful- ness, the beautiful flowers and cards, will -always' be re- membered. - ChiacTes "Pts .-anti family: -22 Ronnie Hawkins and THE, HAWKS GODERICH ARENA Sat., June 22 Don t Put Yopr Dirty Clothes Away r• Engagements Mr. .and Mrs. James F. I egn, Goderich, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Evelyn -Diane, to, Mr. William Katcher, Toronto, atm .of Mr. and Mrs. John Katcher, Siston, Manitoba. The P marriage will take place in ,St. George's An- glican Church, on June 29, at 2:30 p.m. -22 Mr. and Mrs, Henry .Enzens- berger, Goderich, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Susan Joan, to Bern- ard James Henry, Barrie, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Henry, NQvar. The wedding will take place at 11 a.m., on June 22, at $t. James Roman Catholic Church, Seaforth. -22 Dr. W. Palmer Beattie of Ot- tawa, Ontario, is pleased to an- nounce the engagement of his daughter, Cynthia lane, to Mr. Robert James Acheson, son of Mr. and Mrs. William G. C. Acheson. or Lindsay and Tor- onto, Ontario. The manriage will take place on Saturday, June the 15th, in Dominion Chalmers Unite1 Chur'h, Ot- tawa. -22 G�OIrning vents Rags, Rags,. Rags House-to- house collection by 4th Gode- rich Scout Group., 9.00 a.m., Saturday, May 25. -20-21 Reserve • the •afternoon of Wednesday, July 10, for the Arthur Circle garden tea, to be held at the home of Mrs, Brian Ainslie,. St_ George's Crescent. -22 Watch for prize lists of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary Penny •Sale, tickets to be drawn at ghe Penny Sale tea and bake sale on June 19, at MacKay Hall. - -22 Reserve June 14 for the Gode- rich Graduate NUrsesr annual dance at Harbourlite Inn, to Jerry -Cross' Orchestra. Ad= mission, $3.50 'per couple. -22 The Goderich Graduate Nurses will meet Monday, June tage. Social night. -22 • ' The U.C.W. of Victoria Street - United Church will hold a .bake sale in the vacant store next to Singer at 2:30 p.m., June 8. ......Goderich. Branch_ of. _the W.I. will meet at 2:30 pm., -June-g, in MacKay Hall. :22 Memo to mem;bers of the Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E. June 4th bus leaves post office Reservations must be secured by noon; May 31. Phone 6254 or 8652. -22 Annual spring tea and bake safe, Wednesday, June 5th, 2:30- 5 p.m., at the Legion Hall. Sponsored by - the Catholic Women's League. -22 If "ou are putting clothes away that will not be used again until next fall, be sure anc1-reheek to see if they are elean.r.lf they have spots or stains on them, the longer tkey sit the harder they are tD get out. Don't put your c100.10_,away_dirtY., 'Send them: to BLUEWATER :CLEANE18. IA' 4-8231 • -DUNGANNON. pUNGANNON, May and Mrs. Vietal- Errington spent the weekend visiting their cous- ins, Mr. and' -Mrs'. Wes. A.Iton,- "Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Blake and Barbara. spent the weekend with gatharines and Mr. and Mrs. Their son, Jim Blake, who' has completed first year •studies at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, accom- panied them 'home. - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sh,erwood and daughter, Neta, Carlow; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robertson, Kit- chener, and Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Crawford, Win.gham, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Culbert and son Bill. Mrs. Hugh McWhinney and her mother, Mrs. Eva Elliott visited from 'Wednesday to Sat- urday.with the latter's brother Barber, Windsor. Visitors with Mrs. Margaret o an -at the home of Mrs. Irvine Henry were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Moran and family of Landon; Mr. a,nd yips. Ernie Freefnan and Bob of 'Chatham; Mrs. James Keane and 'Mrs. Robert Currie and Lynda of Lucknow. F.O. Wayne Brown, RCAF, Winnipeg, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown on Friday. • Mr, and Mrs, Herb Finnigan were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mi -s. Kitchener Finnigan, Mrs. Esther Riyett returned home after spending a week vvith hen -daughter, Mrs. John Wilson, Toronto, and friends., BAYFIELD BAYFIEL713, May. 28 --Mrs. William Parke r, Kimber- ley' and Charlie of London are spending this week with Mrs. John Fraser. Mr, and Mrs., Charles Guest, Whitby, were •at their cottage from Friday nntil Monday. Miss Ethel 131air, London, spent the weekend with ' her Brandon and Mr„ and Mrs. Bert Eckert were in London on Saturday where they at_ tended the Baker-Klaudi wed - Misses Marion and Annie Watson, Windsor, are at --their cottage f r the summer months. M4ss Rhea Krukei Dearborn, Michigan, was at her home, the Village Gnild,, from Tues - Detroit, were at their cottage for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker, London, were at their home for Sunday and were joined by their daughter Dawna and Connie and families. Mrs. Ben Rathwell is a pa- tient in Clinton Public Hos- pital. Mrs. Willard Sturgeon underwent surgery in Clinton hospital on Monday. Bride_Elect Honored Miss Ramona Telford, bride - elect of June:1st, was honored at a mikeflaneous shower in St. Andrew's I.,Inited Church Sueday School room on .Fri- day last. This was very well attended by friends and rela-. tives and she was the, recipi- ent of many beautiful and useful gifts. Perch Running At Waterfront Perch are running, and big ones, comes word from Gode- rich harbor this week with one fifty -fish catch reported from the hreakwall, some of them running close to' 14 inches, ac- cording to usually reliable fish describers. The ends of the piers have been well populated during the past .few days by fishermen from Stratford, Lon- don and, nearbiyi„ .centres. Some are lucky,- some net. Shipping Steady Shipping has continued steady, with the following ves- sels arriving: May 18, Str. Lea - arty for salt!, May 22, Bricoldoe, to elevator; May 24, MV. Eliza- beth Hindman to elevator; M -ay May 27, Str. Leadale, Erect Bridge . Work is proceeding rapidly on completion of .the conveyor bridge. from the screens to the silos at Sift° Rock Salt Mine and -may 15e completed by 'the end of the week. lYfr;and Mrs, Richard Lawrence, Mr. and Bars. 13ill Smythe, Michael, David, Kevin, -Stephen end Laura Lynne of St. Thomas visited on Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. Bessie Stewart uncle, Mr. Brown Smythe. 7 Mr. Mason McAllister is home after a stay at Wingharn-hos- Mr. and Mrs. Don Walden and family, Kincardine, were weekend visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mole. - Mr. Dalton Reid of 'Chicago is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Reid, and brother Mel and Mrs. Reid, in Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Irwin and family of Mandobbin, near Sarnia, visited on Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Irvin. - Mary Lau Henry, Cedar Val- ley, visited over Monday night with het grandmother,' Mrs. Ir- vine Henry. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sandell of cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Anderson. Mrs. John Durnin, Auburn, visited for the weekend with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs: Thomas Webster. Mr. and Mrs., Chester DUrnin of Irwin,' Pennsylvania, are spending this week at their cot- tage at Point Clark. The former's father, Mr. R. Durnin of the village is with them. - Mr. and Mrs. George Whit - lam and family of. Toronto and Mrs. Mary MacLeod of Kincar- dine were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stothers and Mr. and Mrs.7. C. Ander- Mr. and Mrs. Victor Erring- ton, Mrs. Mary Errington and Nancy Errington were recept visitors with relatives in Tor- onto. Nurse Graduates Congratulations to Miss Pat- ricia Pentland, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pent- land who graduated from Strat- ford General Hospital on Sat- urday, May 25th with cerernon- ies in Stratford Shakespearean Festival theatre. About 40 guests including relatives, neighbors and close friends Were' 'entertained - to ven dinner in the Sunday school rooms of the. United Church, Dungannon, with the Sunday school teachers catering. We wish her success in the noble career she has chosen. Rela- tives> and friends were present from North Bay, Toronto, De- troit and London. United Church Women The Dungannon United Church Women met in the thurch basement on May 21st. Mrs. Lorne Hasty opened the meeting. Study groups were formed in charge of Mrs. T. C. Anderson, Mrs. N, L. Gostonyl and Mrs. HOward Johnston. Mrs. M. Reed was appointed the U.C.W. historian. A bale is to be pacted and' any donations should be in by June.20th. A Coming To Goderich donation la la be mit to ',the John Milton Soelety; It Vya agreed .to have the quilt pa diSplay ,01. --the Women's tute iliStrict annual, May- 30th. Lunch. was served 'at the close f-th0-ineeting' with- Mrs. Ivan Rivett conven,er. 'Special Ceremony Next Sunday, June 2, at 11 .rti:..serVice of the Dungannon United Cbtirch, a' ceremony of held. :Chibilrerris and young people'S 'grO5Tis will share some of the highlights of their mis- sion study. Wamen's Institute Edueation was the theme of the Women's Institute meeting held at the home oThrs. War- ren Zinn. Miss Beth McConnell, local librarian, spoke on her 'work and*displayed several new books-. Mrs. C. Blake presided for the business period. The roll call, "An Educational pro- gram I'd like to see or hear," was ansWered by 24 ladies. Plans -for the distriet annual were completed 'and alSo foic the bus trip.to Guelph on June Oth Mrs. Otto Popp was named .curator of the Institute. It was reported that Miss Donna Mc- Nee received provincial honors for her 4-11 projects, her duster and record book. Mrs. Zinn played several musical numbers. The next meeting will be held on June 27th at the home of Mrs. Lorne Hasty. Miss G. Wilkes of -Goderith is to be the guest., speaker. The roll call will be "An interesting- article from Home and Country. Lunch was convened by Mrs. W. Stewart. Erskine Tho Missionary Saciety of Erskine Presbyterian Church met at the home of- Mrs. R. MacLeod of Luckbow on Friday, May 24th. Mrs. Robert Mc- Allister opened the meeting with Psalm 89., The .Glad Tid- ings prayer *as Jaken by Mrs. MaeLeod. Mrs. F. Jones read the 24th Psalm. Mrs. W. Stew- art discussefrsoil and its •cultiv- ation neceSSary to man's need and concluded with a "Farmer's Prayer." Twelve answered the roll call with -a venie on salva- tion. Letters of correspondence were read by Mrs'. James Wil- son. -The study was taken by was—served by Mrs. MacLeod - and a sociable half-hour was enjoyed. Mr. Harvey McClure ,,of Walton and seven of his eight sons visited With Jim Mc- Clpre and his mother at Ben_ , 'miller last Sunday. f Home,. School Assoc. Tire annual meeting and el- ection of officers of the Gpde: rich Borne and School Associa- tion held at Victoria School Tuesday evening resulted in no president being elected yet for nekt season although the rest of the executive has. been chosen. Becattse no one offer- ed to assume' the office of president Tuesday evening, t e nominating committee was re-elected to seledt a pres- ident. The retiring president, Mrs. J. E. Wright, presided for the meeting. Reporting_ for , the nominat- ing committee, Mrs. W. Dock• stader ,state'd that ,1913 forms had been sen,t out this year. Tfie* following slate of offigers presented were elected and will be installed at the Sep. tember meeting: Mrs. D. Sager, 1st vice president; Mrs. N. MacDonald, 2nd vice presi- dent;. Mrs. W. Legg, record- ing secretary; Mrs. R. Round, tieasurer; Mrs. B. 'Stulep, corresponding secretary; Mrs. R. H. Cornish, program chair - ship chairman; Mrs. N. Mc- Kee, publications chairman; Mrs. R. McLean, room repi- sentatives chairman. The president, Mrs. Wrigbi, thanked the- principals of -440th schools, teachers and caretak- ers and the members of the executive committee for their co-oPeration during' the past year. Mrs. Doekstader present= Cornish for their special help during the year. The an- nual reports of the associa- tion were accepted as presented. Mary Lynne Leonard dancers and after tileir.performances expressed thanks to them. They were: Higliland fling-- Jeannet Dobie and Jeanette 'Young; the Sean Truishas — Barbara Ellen McLeod and Dolores Gauley; the Irish Jig —Linda Young. Mrs. R, Round introduced the guest speaker of the even- ing, Fit. Lt. John Harder of the RCAF Station, Clinton. He gave an interesting address on the numerous kinds_ of teaching machines, some of which are simple and others highly complex. Students us- ing the teaching machines get a mlich higher percentage than Otherwise, he said. The machines tell a student if he -1 is right or wrong and, if he is wrong, the subject is re -ex- plained to him then and there so. that he might proceed on from that point. Mrs. R. Smith moved a thanks for -the -guest speaker's -address. Mrs. E. Rawson pre_ sented the retiring president, Mr.s. Wright, with—a- gift on behalf of the association. Name -the New School A new Public School is currently under construc- tion bn a site located at the corner of*Blake and Eldon Sts. The Goderieh Pyblic School'Bicard is- desirous -of having interested persons submit names which would be apprapriate for this schpol, for the consideration of the Board. An invitation is therefore extended to tlie public_ to submit suitable names to the undersigned before Harold W. Shore Box 12;70 Goderich Chairman, Name the School Corrimittee 22-23 ....tinybtook U-CW's Tribute DONNY/8E00Ni ,May 27. — Thursday afternoon, nine ladies and their children of Donny- brook United Church Women went to the home of Mrs. May Thompson, Goderieh, who had been a member of the society prior to when she moved to Mrs. Margaret Leddy read the address and Mrs. Stuart, Chem- neyepresented her with a life "membership certificate and pin. Although taken coMpletely by surprise, Mrs.....nompson Made a fitting reply. She then served tea to. the ladies, assisted by Mrs, Morley Johnston and Mrs. Ray Hanna. Prior to this, Mrs. ThompSon and her son, Howard, had been invited to attend a card party in No. 3 school in West Wawanosh where they were presented with a swive,I roeker and a smoker by their district neighbors and friends. Both expressed'their "thanks for 40: loVelY, 1.4111414 seTYed by the ladies and a 044 tiine enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. George ilee've$ of Toronto and Mrs. Bessie NO - son a Fort William Visited Suhilay with Mr. and Mrs. Hil- liard Jefferson and family and other relatives. , '1Vir. and Mrs. Earl LaNison of Clinton Visited Sunday with Mr, and MrsA Stuart Chamney and ham spent the weekenciwith Mr. and Mrs.. Sam Thompson and Mr. and MrS. bon Jefferson, Cheryl and Susan of Clinton visited Saturday vvitb IVIr. and Mrs. Charles Jefferson. Congratulations to Jim Rob- inson, grade XI student of Winghazn District High School, son of Mr. and Mrs. EifigNikt- Robinson, R.R. 2, Auburn, and grandson of Mrs. J. C. Rebinson, Wingham, for getting the high- est mark in a mathematics. com- petition with 19 schools' com- ST. GEORGE'S ICHURCH June 2nd, Whitsunday 8;30 a.m. Holy Communion 10:00 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon (Junior Congregation and Nursery) ' 7:00 p.m. Evensong and Sermon Rector; REy. CANON KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M:A., Mr. George Burgoin, Orgapist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning, Worship PENTECOtT "The Spirit of God and The Spirit of Man" (Nursery and Junior Congregation) B.A., B.D., Minister Organist and Choir Director Knox- Presbyterian Chtirch Miss Marion Moore, Dea-Coness Mr. Herman de Jong, DirectOr °of Praise l0:00--a.m. Sunday School 10:10 a.m. Minister's Bible Class (Chutch •Parlour) Study; St. Mark 14:43_45 '11:00 a.m. Service of Divfne Worship THE, TEMPTATION OF CHRISTI' (2) "Not By Bread Alone" Nursery and Junior Congregation —Enter -to -W-O-r-rshi-p Depart'to Serve nniversary T ' .: , . r a t 4 . . THE UNITED CHURCH PF CANADA Victoria Street United Church - 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.. Pentecost (Whitsunday) "What's Going On Here?" 10:00 a.m-. Benmiller, Church and Sunday School REV. CECIL A. DUKELOW, Minister., , MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist. Sat., June 22 Ronnie Hawkins and THE HAWKS MAPLE LEAF HAMS -- • 11/2 -lb. tin 1,49 KERNEL- COM 14 -oz. tin for) 7,r UNDOU'i3nDLY THE 'FINEST -NAMES IN COSTUME IEWELRY AYLMER HOTEL In thenheart of downtown, Toronto facing Allan Gardens. - Close to finest shopping and entertainment centers, major hospitals and subway. Beautifully appointed rooms arid Room' . Television, ChiIdreri FREE.' Moderately $6.50 SinVie Piked from • Occupancy $ 8.50 Double 41C00 , PccUptincy CENTRAIV LOCATED AT letel)hone: S68 -482J 306 Jatvls St. If you want quality and yet reasonable prices 'then Filsingers is the place to look for your new 'costume jewelry'. Qur iiiices go as low as you have Sbeh and yet we can still fill the bill if it Is higher priced jewelry you vvfint. ILSINGER'S Don Brock, Prop. The Stinere 11 -oz. 2 for 37c MIR,ACLE WHIP Salad Dressing 39c 16 -oz. jar PUREX Toilet Tissue 211'olis 25c ALLENS APPLE JUICE 48 -oz. tin 33c LIBBYS DEEP BROWN REA N S 3 for 15 -oz. tin FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner Victotia and Park Streets REV. R. G. PELFREY, B.A., B.D., Pastor. Phone JA 4-9306 9:50 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. "Sire': The Problem, and Provision" 7i00 p.m. "n4. Churches of Revelation" WEP., 7:3Q,p.ni. Pr.iyer Meeting -and Bible Study. -14EEZ W 16 -oz. lar ECONbMY Kleenex Tissue Size 400, 25c STOKELEYS Tomato Juice 4& -oz. tin 7c FREE' DELIVERY TA 4 8151 EEDY'S I,rucky Dollar. Grocery 150 The Square - Montreal Street Near The Square 10:Q0 a.m. Church School 11:00 a.ni. "Christ Loved The Church" 7:00 p.m. "Isaiah's Trilateral Vision" THE SALVATION ARMY . SUN. 10:00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. HOLINESS MEETING 7:00 p.m. EVENING SERVICE TUES. 8 p.m. PRAYER MEETING ALL ARE WELCOME Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pagt‘..r 10:90 a.m. Welcome to our rast-growing Sunday School. Classes for all ages. ' 11:90 a.m. Morning Worship 7:J6` p.m. Evangelistic„Service Tuesdajr, 8 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer ''' Friday, 8 p.m. Young People's Service Corner of Elgin and Waterloo Sts. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH REV. T. LESLIE HOBBINS, BA., Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 2 10:00 edit Suntlay School 11:00 axis Morning ,Worship 7:36 p.ni. Evangelistic Hour Wednesday, 8 0.nrt. Prayer Service You 4re cordially Invited To Aft Of Thesit S hittts