HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-05-30, Page 44 The Goderieh Si -anal -Star,' Thursday, May 30th, 1963 12.- Ca_ r_s,I,Trnc4s For Sale J„--Artieles Foe Sale Articles, For Sale I LLOYD bb carriage, like new. _ TWO tires, 5.60 x 15, for Volks -tome In and See 227 Parr' t. 22x •....- - , -____.___ ',. 30-INCII heavy duty Wiedsor range, geed condition. Phone JA 4-9477, 311 Park St. 22x PIANO, good condition; also bridge tahle and chairs. Phone 8594. 22x TWO windows, Iwo stO'rms'-, two doors. Phone 9387 after 3:30 p.m. 22-23x VIKING „CREAM SEPARATORS , VIKING MILKERS BA -'JL O'ROURKE, Brucefield. hone Clinton HU 2-9131. -22-23 QUANTITY of household tick's, dishes, bedding, mats, electric fireplace, drapes, one pair 120 inches wide; also lady's spring coat, size 14. l'hone JA 4-8981. -22 Giitr dresses, - shorts, etc., size 12; teen's dresses, skirts, etc.. size , 12. ,Phone 9384. -22 _ NASH aluminum windows, deors, awnings, car -ports. „Free estimate. Oliver Glenn, Luck - now phone 528 - 3723 -collect. 21-23x A YOUN-G registered Scotch 'Shorthornbull. Fer inform- ation see Amirew Martin, Pine Ridlo' farm, west of R.C. church, Kingsbridge. 21-22x NOW .ready to go, geraniums ,61 50c, ivies ee- 25c, all box p12r.7s Of 40c. Mum plants ready. Apply 156 Eldon St. Keith Huisser., • -21 SPOOL bed, springs and mat -- tress; studio couclu, large size Duo -Therm space heater. Phone 7612 .after six p.m. - 21-22x PICTURES — Did your picture appear in The Signal -Star late- ly? If so, perhaps you would like tohave a glossy print of it. 8" x 10" or 5" x 7" size will be $1.50. Three or more prints will be $L25 each. -20tf -- ALUMINUM DOORS and win- dows. Screens_ and...glass replac- 7,,amd.'.'"-"A.Tn old hr3.9BritaiT- nia Road, phone 8162. .17tf esse-se-4--„, . • FRESH -cut asparagus, evenings and 'Saturdays only. Phone JAckson 4-8159. J. L. Webb. -19-22 RENOWN electric- floor polish - :T. brcrstr, leest-soffer.- Phone 9106. -18 F-YOL: are. constantly alsking people to repeat things then maybe you are in need of a Bel - tone hearing aid. Call us for an appointment or for service. Complete stock of fresh batter- ies, Campbell's, The Square. Phone 7532. -16tf wagep or Lark, sound. Phone 8792. 22 USED 5 -piece chrome Set - in good conditien. WINDOW blinds, linen, 37 x. 72, clearing at $1.99.. TRICYCLES reduced. to neatly half price. SINGLE Size headboards and one three -quarter -size, clear_ I ing at $7.00. LODGE FURNITURE West _St. -20 25 PIGS, ten weeks old. Call alter six p.m. at Carman l'ol- lock's, R.R. 3, Auburn. 22x _ BOY'S. sport jacket, size 12; two pair boy's ball spikes, sizes 5 and one go-kart. Phone Mrs., Jack Gilbert, JA 4-9119. -22 SINGER Zi Zag sewing ma- chines, sews forvvardiand back, fancy stitches, $52.00 cash or 8.00 payments monthly is bal- ance owing. Write Box 11, Signal -Star. 22x McGINNESS Silver Monarch' Vacatien Trailer, 21 by 8 OVer all. . Nicely equipped, two rooms, in good condition insido and out. New licence on. Alt ready to go. Apply to Wm. Hamm, Blyth, Ont. 22-23x . _ HOLLYWOOD Divan, covered in beige rabrilite. Ideal couch or extra bed. Low,alow retail price, .$39.50. , SPACESAVER—one only, choc- olate brown, with bedding stOFoge compartment. Our low retail price only $45.00. STOLLERS with canopy and parcel carrier—Lloyd, Gend- ron, Springtime. Our low re- toil.price starts .at.$11.95. TOP quality box spring and -smooth top mattress with 220 coil springs. Our low price, only $58.88.. , . .0 40 -PC. BEDROOM Rroup in- cludes doubit-dresser, 4 -draw- er chest, bookcase, bed, Sealy smooth top mattress, ribbon - spring, pair boudoir lamps, 'double bed lamp, pair fcram Pillows. Our -low retail price . $199.50. , CUT flowers, tulips. Order mum plants. L. R. Holman, 187 Cameron Street, phene 8852. 17t1 • ALL choice annuals, .16 and 113 in a box; also tomatoes, cab- bages. catiliflower, pansies, per- 1962- TRIUMPH TR -4, 11,000 ennials. primrose. Phone 7994miles,- white walls, seat belts, B. It., Mund-ay, 127 Widder Sti sun visors, perfect condition. -15tf Sickness forces sale. Phone 1-111-2-2-695-„Clintaneee7 22-23ft- - 1957 VOLKS - ----B-L-keNSTONE-FURNITUR-E-- JAMESWAY pig feeder. Also 2000 lb. scald's; roll snow fence. Phone 7054 after six p.m. • " 22x GOOD tomato plants; also pan- 3ies, etc. Gibson's, Widder St. -22 BROWN Poodle, male„minia- ture,' 8 weeks old, championship lines, papers, reasonable. Phone JA 4-7179. 22-23x atm& 2. Cars, Trucks For Sale The Many USED C TRUCK and TRACTOR BARGAINS SAVE $ 1963 • MERCURY FORDOR 6 cylinder*, automatic, radio, window washers, 4,000 actual miles, new car warranty. .1962 FORD FAIRLANE 6 cylinder, &Idol', radio, low mileage, new car -to-nditioff., 1962 FORD CONSUL 315 FORDOR 4 cylinder, radio. 1961 FORD FORDOR & cylinder. 1960 CHEVROLET BELAIRE 2 -door hardtop, 8, automatic, sharp. 1960 FORD 6 cylinder, tudor. 1960 METEOR 6 cylinder, tudor. 1959 CHEVROLET cylinder, automatic, 4 -door; hardtop. 1959 METEOR 8, automatic, tudor. 1959 FORD CUSTOM 300 6- cylinder; fordo -r.' -- 1958 CHEVROLET-- BISCAYNE fordor, radio. 1958 CHEVROLET DELRAY • 19-'58 NA'sir METROPOLITAN 1958 FORD CUSTOM fordor,- 6 cylinder. 1958. MERCURY MONTEREY fordor, automatic, power_ steer- ing and brakes. 1957 FORD • FORDOR • 8 cylinder, radio. 1957 METEOR ' NIAGARA 300 tudor, radio, low mileage. 1957 FORD 2 -door ranch wagon. pay more? See them at Lumbyi, '55 DODGE coach, six 'cylinder, 136 East St., Goderich, Ont. fair body, good motor, cheap. -12tf Phone Dungannon 14 r 3. Joe - SALES CHECK BOOKS'. To McGee. -22 clear old stock of these books, 1055 PONTIAC coach, good they are reduced in price—only tires runs good. Best offer. $1.00 for a package of 25 books. Original price was $3.75. Buy a bunch. You can't go wrong on these. The Signal -Star, Goderich. -10-12 - -- HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. six sarnples 25c; 24 samples ; l'slov-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- $ TOO. Mali Order Dept. T-53 ilton, Ont. I ALL wool carpet. 9 x 12, a special .clearance at •$79.00. MATTRESS cox erg, for all siies, _ going. at half price. ' _POLISHING pads for floor pol- ishers, priced To dear— , CLEAR out at low, low prices, odd and damaged end tah14, step tables and coffee talkies_ KINDERGARTEN sets, half priee; also child's odd chairs, etc. DIJO-THERM oil hot Water tank, in good condition. 'LIGHTWEIGIIT storage con- - --_..__ttdnexignig__.,_bnat,_ nr- s cottage, used: Priced to clear, Phone Dungannon 24 r 6 after 6 p.m. -22 THINKING of Rambler? Visit the Bluewater Service Station, Bayfield Rd. JA 4-9461. -15tf 3. Real Estate For Sale 1 4/6 BEVERLY mattress, shop- soiled. Reg. $39.95- $21.00. 1 4/0 SIM1V1ONS niattress, shop- soiled. Reg. $69.00--$32 00. 1 4/0 stRTA•.mattress, • slight tear. Reg, $39.0e—$21.00. 1 4/6 BEVERLY 837 coil mat- tress. Reg. $49.00, clearing at $29.00. LODGE F1TRNITURE LOT and shop in Dungannon. Shop has heavy wiring and fur- nace. Contents consist of elec- tric welder, hack saw and drill. and several tools, some steel. Also home -built ,trailer, 18 x 8. wired for hydro and insuInted. oil stove and two -plate Pro- pane -burner included. • Contact -Errincton,---aftglf 6 p.m. Phone Dungannon 10. -22 TUDOR 1956 PONTIAC FORDOR 8, automatic, radio. 11 1956 FORD e'llOiCe.; building lot on Wells St., for quick sale. -Phone JA 4-7998. 22x LOT, 1-32 by 66, on corner of Cayley and Warren Sts. For information phone JA 4-9472 after 6 p.m. -22f f ,eRri_TH VAN_ DER- -IVLUR 55 Montreal St. Phone JA 4-7875 4 Agent for WILFRED McINTEE Realtor, Walkerton Lake lots, hydro, water. ' Furnished summer cottage, $2,600. Small 2 -bedroom brick house in Bayfield, $4,500. House, barn, large workshop, Clinton. HALF-GROWN female Pomer- anian pup, $25. Phone JA 4- 8840. 22x S„MAL.I. barn 16 x 22:Scantling eraM.e and good roof, $200; tri- cycle. 2-4 years; wash bollete dresses, eize 2; quart sealers. Clare Lon'ghtirst, Auburn. ' 22x DIMMER; china cabinet; kit - ellen "table; chair, (chrteme); Mixinastee; vacuerfe garden tool, etc.; Slave, and refriger- eater. At '53 Britannia • Aiiilta; Continental bed with heatibteard, good *condition: else small electric heater. Phone "lqrs. Schnelker, SA44165, after 5 or `Satur,day. VACUUM eleithert eitagle bed. §britig ,and -rnolti'ets*, rocking rhair: AniaIl dinettee set; dress - ON. D. J. Pattersen., 97 St. Patrick St. Phone 7610., - bedebom house, insulated, gas furnace, 4 -bedroom house with neafly new oil- furnace. 20 -Acre farm,' brick house, barn, near Clinton. Trailer home included, 182 -Acre farrh north of Gode- rich, tevo large barns, house, garage. - 50 - acre farm,. white brick house, _smell barn, 50-adre farm, inedeenized ted briek hoes, new reef, new fur- nace, aluinihum , stories and screen, bare, garage, Goderich Township. CUSTOM tudor, 8, automatic, radio. 19,56 VOLKS DELUXE TUDOR • 1958 FORD DELUXE tudor, 8 cylinder: radio: 1955 'MONARCH . 2 -door hardtop. 1954 MONARCH FORDOR automatic, radio. 1953 BUICK 2 -door hardtop, 8, automatic. Trucks —4954–MERCURY- 1,42 TON 1952 'FARGO 1/2 TON ' new tires. 1959 BEDFORD VAN .1956 VOLKS PANEL Tractors —.- 1959 FORD _rawmuvimoR - 3. Real Estate -For Sale For- FARMS large or small in Huron Ceunty, call C. Buruma., RR. 1, Clinten, phone HU 2- 3287. We have three large farms' with all the lake front- age.- John Bosveld, Realtor, Meaford, phone 428. -21-23 NICE store building with six - room apartment above. Hydro, tap water, near school and -gore's, 10 miles,erom Goderich, ,Pull price $160b, only $100 16wn. Will accepteeny car on, 'teal.' Phone 32, Dungannon. -21tf WHITE frame house, large lot, corner Hincks and Mary Sts. Phone JA 4-7016. 15-16xtf KEN CROFT Real Estate and Business Broker 83 Victoria St., Goderich, Ont. General Insurance _Phone JA 4-7253 BUILD for Less wan a Halliday Hume—Call at our office for your new 1963 catalogue. THREE-BEDROOM hom,e on Mary St. Very good terms available. RANCH-STYlee; home on Wil- son St., overlooking the lake. Easy terms. vVE HAVE one of the largest listings oi farms in Huron County from $3,300 00_ to $75,000.00 LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED KEN CROFT r' arm Salesman: John I. Rapson 152 South, St.—JA 4-8559 -4tf Extra Features 3, Real Estate For Sale . HAROLD ye', SHORE - Real Estitte Broker Oeneral insurance 'Agent in Godericla District for Kernohan Homes and LEE BUILT Homes Foyr-Bedroom—Brick Drastically Reduced This family 'home has now been redueed by $15 -00 - offered with good terms as the owner. is leaving town. Here is the chance to buy a real bargain. Call today. An extremely well-built and good looking brick bungalow, that has so many added fea- tures, we can not list them all _Extra -large leeregstreeezazeweetae large fireplace,.hardwood floors, attractive ceiling and lovely windows. A particularly nice dining room with built-in fea- bures. Modern bathroom and modern kitchen. Lighted clothes closets, built-in drawers in bed- rooms- and- -full. basement - This home is fully insulated, has new oil furnace with hot water heat and is in very good OPe, inside_ and out, as are the hardwood' floors. A large lot and garage are also included. -rive raised PTO 14" tires, like new. 2 — 9N FORD TRACTORS 1949 JOHN DEERE D 1949 JOHN -DEERE 13 MASSEY 44 STANDARD- ' 3 POINT HITCH DISC PLOW 3 FURROW FORD, PLOW 150 BALER MOWERS and CULTIVATORS cAsu, TERD/1S and *TRADE Two Bargains in Summer Cottages 24 x 34 Furnished cottage at Menesetung, 3 bedrooms, . 3 - piece bath, Jalouse windows, linotem floors, „well equipped, reduced to $4,000. . Two-bedroom, plus sleeping accommodation, with, bath, sep- tic tank, hydro, furnished—Lot 60-4t. frontage. Bogie's Beach. Reduced to $4,500. _ ItXt-acrel farm, 'welli,dreatd; eiesretitrie fraine house, 3-pleee good barn, Celherne -160.-Aere farm, elay . learn, B- reen). liotiee; `3$0. bath, bank :barn, near Onttgatinori. Six-rtichn house With bath'. born, drilled wolf 2 •aerdS lend, 610Se te Seheel. and church, hwa 21 —22x house, $5,000. DEM 'TORS LTD. FORD SALES & SERVICE Phone JA .4J08 South St. 'OPEN ZVENIMS 5 Miles Frorn Goderich -21 New Bungalow -3 Bedrooms Just completed, this brick home, with angel -stone front offers three comfortable bed- rooms, bright, airy living room, American style kitchen with dining area, forced -air, gas fur- nace, full basempet, launVy tubs and attachedege. Only $2,800 down paylnent. Tri -Level — 3 Bedrooms This home of completely modern design of an architec- tural plan now so popular is only three years old- and offers L-shaped living -dining room, modern kitchen, three bed- rooms, built-in garage and "rec" room. Ideally situated in a first-class 'residential district, this home may now be pur- chased for only $2,000 down payment. Other Homes For Sale Through- out Goderich Several four, five and six - bedroom houses at reduced prices and most in an excellent state of repair. Summer Cottages Two three-bedroom cottages at Bluewater Beach. Both re- cently constructed and well fur- nished on lake front lots. - Two-bedroom cottage at Blue - 'Water Beach, $1,000 down pay- ment. . 38 Hamilton St. Dial JA 4-7272 3, Real Estate For Salei5. To Rent leeretelseri nrebrick veneer 'home in west end of town. The L-shaped living and dining room contains a fireplace and well appointed entry. This home was recently built and com- pletely equipped. -Twa 2 -bedroom brick...veneer_ homes, one in west end of town, 2nd in north end. Asking price $12,500.00. Three-bedroom, new resid- ence, completely modern, with attached carport. Full price $12,000, with $1,000 down. Insul brick home on South St. Will need some renovation, but structurally sound and in an excellent location. Four-bedroom home, located in north end of town. Excellent condition throughout. Asking price $12,000.00. • PETER S. MacEWAN Real Estate — Insurance 44 Istortiv-St-- SA 4e7531 3 Acres of ,good land, plant- ed in berry bushes, fruit gees and potatoes. Drilled well. Six -room brick house, with pressure system., septic tank, heavy duty wiring. Kitchen and bathroom are modern, dining raorn and living room have hardwood floors. The basement is extra high, and has an oil: furnace, heatitig with hot air. The entire house is in excellent shape, inside and out. -Taxes are only $110.00. _FamitiyAiome W. J. Hughes Real Estate Broker General Insurance 50 Elgin Ave., E., Phone JA 4-8526 Almost new 3-bedreoni brick home. Large L-shaped living room has one wall panelled; kitchen is large and bright with lots of cupboards. _Basement has. utilities at 'one _end leaeing space for a- large" recreation roam. Lot is nicely landscaped and there is a patio at back of house. Must be sold' as owner is leaving town.. rir.worwar Attractive 4 -bedroom white brick home, living room and dining room have oak floors; kitchen is modern with lots of cupboards. Full basement, com- bination gas and wood furnace. Nicely landscaped lot is 82' wide. We have party who will trade a good farm for a home in Goderich. We have a number of good businesses her sale. No .information given by phone - on. these. Furnished cottage on nice lot at Buchanan's Beach. Full price $3,500. FOR RENT Two-bedroom modern home, completely furnished, $100 per month. FOR RENT Two-bedroom modern home, $80 per month. Available im- mediately.. Farm Salesman: L. H. Pentland Huron Rd.—JA 4-9007 LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES , INVITED 4. 'Real Estate Wanted LISTINGS WANTED -- Perms, Summer Cottages and towelk Pro- perty. Alexander and Chapman, Realtors, • Bank of- Commerce ThilittlingeeeeeGosteriehee —Phone JA 4-9662. WE REQUIRE Listings of houses and commercial busi- nesses and properties. PETER S. MackWAN Real Estate 44 North St. JA 4-9531 WANTED Listings on farms, homes and businesses. Apply Mrs. Ruth -Van der Meer, 55 Montreal St., Goderich, phone JAcksbn 4-7875. Agent for Wil- fred IVIcIntee, Realtor, Walker- ton. Write for free 60 page catalogue. - -50tf 11111111111111111110110, 5. To Rent TWO-BEDROOM unheated; up - Per apt: with private beth. Hot water supplied. Phone 9370 between 5:3017 p.m. -22 COTTAGE at Bleewater Beach; available now .until fall, com- pletely • furnished, all conven- iences, $80 'monthly, all utilities paid. Call London 453- 583e. . 2eat KENT HOUSE ROOMS—Conifortablyfurnishedrooms, an conveniences, including kitchen. Apply 155 Quebec St. or phone 8433. COTTAGES at Sunry Acres Tourist Court, 31e, miles north of Kincardine, to rent by week or month, Phone e737. -22 DOMINION store 'to rent or for sale. Apply to Mrs. LP-. Mc. Lean,,200 Picton St., east, Gode- rich, or phone 7804. -22 1111111111111111111111111116, 8. Help Wanted MAN or woman to supply estab- lished custom,ers with famous nationally advertised Watkins products. No investment. Earn- ings of $75 and up weekly pos- sible. Full or part-time. Write to J. Gauthier, 350 St. Roch St, Montreal 15, Quebec. -18-22 NEEDED—A Rawleigh • dealer for Huron County. Over 1500 families, where Rawleigh pro- ducts have been sold for many years. Real opportunity for permanent, profitable eeork. Start promptly. Write Raw - Leigh's, Dept. E-216-232, 4005 Richelieu, 'Montreal. -22 11A. 'Work Wanted by 1, 1N:otice To Curt . Gpci. Students' MLrde baby- sitting or -Oa ing. Jean Wood, 'Grade %IWO... ent, 250 Eldon St., Godereh. STuDENT 'available for chant- fering, service station work or odd jobs. Presently in grade 1.1„. JA 4-8189. -20-21' EXPERIENCED mother's help- er would like work for summer: Will live in. Phone 9386. • -22 SUMMER emplo;Tine-ni of any kind wanted for 17 -year-old era Phone JA 4-9193. -22 12. Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m. Monday, June 3, 1963, far the construction of the Borland Municipal Drain. Work eonsists of the construction of approx- imately 4400 lineal feet of open drain, removing brush, spread- ing excavated material, etc, Plans and specifications and further particulars may be ob- tained at the officeof the clerk. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. . All tenders to he accompanied by a deposit in the form of a certified cheque in an amount of 10% of the tendered bid. B. C. Straeghan. Clerk-Treas., Township of Colborne, R.R. 4, Goderith, Ont. -21-22 YOUNG man, 22 years old, 21;1 13. Auction Sales years experience in accounting and bookkeeping would-. -like steady employment in office or store. Phone 7550. 22x 'E_--bedroornsi----gnic large - room suitable for two iientle- men, available FridaY,..- '''Phone 9982. 21-23x Malcolm Mathers NICE heated cottage, sleepsix, fria and electric stove, $15 Real Estate Broker 46 West Si. JA 4-9442 A Well-k:ept brick bungalow, in a good 'area near high school, six -rooms, new bathroom, mod- ern oil heating, oak floors, large front "sunporch, large garage. The above property includes a building lot, with fruit trees and bushes, which we can sell separately. Seven rooms, 4 bedrooms, r,nodern kitchen and bathroom, surplus cupboards and storage. Good basement, veranda, back kitchen and garage. All this on large lot 104 x 1011. Building Lots 'Elizabeth St. - $1250 Cameron St. , 1500 South St. 2 acres) 3000 0 - River Batik -100 ft. frontage 3500 Bayfield Pour -room •• cement euse, withfull-length front veranda (glass enclosed) and enclosed back veranda, 3-pieee-bathroom, partial basement. Large barn for storage or two -ear garage. Extre large let. Kitchen 12 x 24, living'room 12 x24. Heavy duty wiring, pressure system, septic tank. Full price $6,000. Terms. On the 4t11 concession of Goderich Township, we have a double house (two semi -at- tached houses) requiring final finishing. The building is in an attractive setting, overlook- ing a strewn; it is insulated to electric heating requirements, eia-s--a--welle-epressur-e--system, septic tanks, bathrooms, alum- inum windows and can. be beught as. low as $600 down. 4 Bedrooms. '4 Years Old - A 11/2 -storey red brick in the Vest end, orteaegood lot, 55.x 132. Bright living room- with picture window, good size mod- ern kitchen., 4 bedrooms with clothes closets, a 4 -piece bath- room, and 2 -piece bathroom, full-sized basement, easily heat- ed, and the payments of $80.26 per montk pay taxes, interest and peincipal. $2,500.00 down E, E. ciAnisToN Phone JA 4-8801 Realtor Manager For ALEXANDER CHAPMAN . God rich , Phone JP, .4,9442 We have a very good 2 -storey "red brick house -in a nice cen- tral location on 'Nelson St. On Hincks St., an Inexpensiv 4 -room, j-fioorJiouse, heated by a new gas fur ce; garage; large We have an atiractive„ new stone veneer dwelling, nicely situated among new -homes. Features are stone fireplace in pleasant living room, 3 bed- roomns, National Housing fin- ance ate$96,00 per -month whith pays taxes, principal and inter- est. Se this with us. • CARTOON ARTIST Wanted for drawing sketches of local scenes in humorous vein. Apply EDITOR, THE SIGNAL -STAR. , -22-23 APPLICATIONS will be receiv- ed for theatpasition-ef-Secretary- Treasurer for Colborne Town- ship School Board until 6:00 p.m., June 15th, 1963. Please reply in writing, stating. quali- ficatiorr, experience and salary expected. B. J. Homan, Chairman, R.R. 5 Goderich, Ontario. --' L22,23 - 11111111111111M11111111111111.' 10. Wanted (General) A GOOD home wanted on a farm for "Brownie," a dog, 8 months old, who doeSn't like to be tied up all the time. Has had all his, shots and is licensed. Phone 9182 after 7 p.m. 22x GOOD -used baby walker want- ed, Phone JA 4-6331. -22 BOARDER wanted. 19 Albert St. Phone 8737. :22 A REFINED couple or two Jattiesewa-nted-tp-sha-ru--a--Tn-ff-- mer cottage, well furnished and pleasant surroundings. Write to P.O. Box 945, Goderich. CaARING Auction Sale. of farm machinery and household effects will be held for Clarence Essex, 1:2 mile south of Port Albert, just off Highway 21, in Ashfield Township, on TUESDAY, JUNE 4th at 1.30 p.m. MACHINERY-- Massey -Harris 55 trActor, nearly hew rubber, motor newly overhauled; Case V.A.C. tractor, with P.T.O.; set of 3tfurrow International age bottom ploughs; 4 -section drag harrows; set of International discs, 32 plate;4-section Inter- national springtooth cultivators; 32" G. White separator, with grain thrower, cutter and drive ,belt; Mceormick—kinveir-- disc - seed drill; 7 ft. Massey -Harris No. 5 binder; Cockshutt man- ure sprilader, on rubber; Cock shutt mower, 6 ft.; International side delivery rake; Massey -liar ris hayloader; rubber tired wag on and hay rack; 11" Vesot grairLainder with bagger; se of Renfrew equipped with ei motor circular saw and frame; Woo ing outfit; Ebersol grain throw er with piping; '2 250 -gal gas tanks; number of steel fence posts and snow fence; 4 only 4" round steel posts, approximate- ly 8 ftlong; grain bagger and rubber tired hag treck; 40 ft. B.I. 1 inch piping; 6 inch ball- baringlool grinder with n.h.p. motor; fence stretchers; black- smith's anvil and 4" vise; quant- ity of chimney brick; gas pump; tools; chains; forks; shovels; ladders; feeders; troughs; watPi• tanks; barrels; bags;_ inapy - - FURNITURE— 2 -piece chest- erfield "suite; step tables; lamps; mirrors; 21" Westinghouse TV; 17" Admiral TV; bevel glass china cabinet; 7 -piece kitchen set: bedroojn suite; beds and dressers: combination coal and gas cook stove; kitchen 'cabinet; washing machine and,, many Other -articles. No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS—CASH. Clarence Essex, Proprietor. Emile McLennan, Auctioneer. -21-22 .AjIL, persons having Al el 4'1114 the estate of JOile BEATTIE, late of the Teel Gwoderieh, in the County Heron, Retired. Farmer, died on or, about the Oth of Reay, 1963, are regeiro file the same with fullia• tioulars with the undersig by the 22nd day of June,i as after that date *the.a,s of the estate will be distrest Dated at Goderich, Oate this 27th day of May, 1863, HAYS, PREST &-es Barristers, Etc., 33 Montreal at., Goderich, ALL persons having against the estate of e4 FERN ROBB, late of tiv T of Goderich, in the Cciunty Huron, Spinster, who died on about the 28th day of Ali 1963, are required to file same with full- particulars is the undersigned by the 81h of June, 1963, as after that,del the assets of the _estate will distribbted. Dated at Goderich, Ontari this 8th day of May, 1961 HAYS, PREST & Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal St., Goderich, Ontario. -2 -22 BOARDER 1:vainted, __private home, home prieileges. Phone weekly. Phone 32 Durfgannon. - • -21tf1.8979- 22x ONE -BEDROOM apartment, gas l,WANTEDlarge ryw hat hatchery Flocks with a to t breedss ii pp' lN heated, self-contained, ideal for g Couple. TV and FM aerial sup- of hatching eggs, eggs from plied. Phone JA 4-7540 even_ some breeds taken every week ings. ..1.3t1 in the year. Large premium paid. Apply Box 7, Sigreil-Star. 20-22-24.26 In a very good section of Elgin Ave. W., a nice small house, with garage, on a choice lot. ' Modern split-level,. on corner lot, many extra featiires, • ranch -style home, li'vely lot. woo, UNFURNISHED theee roem apartment, with bath, heated. Available at once. Phone JA 4-7171. 12tf CONSTRUCTION men—off-sea- son accommodation, iarge self- contained units f showers, frig, gas range and automatic gas heat,—newly decorated. Mrs. Ken Allin, Maple Leaf Motet, 54 y,istoria St., Goderich. -10tf 11. Employment Wanted WANTED. Lawns, to cut. Phone JA 4-9706, after six o'clock p.m. 22x WILL take in ,washitig 'and,,iron- ing. Phone 9096. -22 ANIIIIIIIII111111111111111111 11A. Work Wanted by ONE large furnished room, 443881. --- suite s a HIGH school girl, ---ag'''e---15-,-eeTiTh- -20 — intentions of being a hair- dresser 'would like te. work in beauty salon for the summer. JA 4-6335. -21-22 ble for one or two men Phone • GDCI Students GROUND flew two-bedroom apartment, unfurnished or furn- ished, living room, kitchen, ftill bath. Equipped for gas heating and cooking. Adults only, no pets. Phone 8556. -19tf HEATED apartment. $75.00, 33 Hamilton St. Immediate posses- sion: Large living room, -two bedrooms, not suitable, for children. Apply P.O.' Box 9B9. 16 APARTMENT,. three large brighf rooms,unfurnished, heated, 'upstairs. Suitable fbr quiet, temperate couple. Avail- able lelay lst. • Mrs. S. C. Argyle, JA 4-7155. -1611 FVRNISHED—rooms,' kitchen facilities.. Mrs. J. Gottschalk, 55 Cambria,Road . Phone JA 4-7202 after 5 p.m. . 1711 TWO BEDROOM apartment, heated, 'unfurnished, , above former business college„ avail- able April 30. Phone JA.4°7456.• -16ti NEW BUILDING — MODERN APTS. One or two 'bedrooms. Stove,' frig, heat andhot water' on supplied. Hardwood and tiled 'floors. -Available • May lst. Alexander es Chapman, JAckson 4-0662, -16 A, irge four-bedroom 'brick residence, with small acreage, corner Bayfield ltd. and Blake We -have Summer cottages in very excellent :f.eitlie Huron, ereae. We ,h'ave several choice, ser- viced building. lets, 60 ft le 133 ft.. in it develbping area, fr sale. . . We have approximately '4 acres 4_11 Gederieheeri west side of Bayfield M iit ail area zoned for ,local business. • LARGE housekeeping room, furnishedfrig and rangette, heat and light supplied, use of phone. Miss Mary le Howell, 12 St. Vincent St., phone 8642. -1.4tf rurtmatErs, heated tpartmerit, frig. and stove supplied. Mail- able April 15. Phone JA 4-9715, s14t.f -..WANT 'Aps BtiNG Riwys TIXT6 colkiate _girls' want work; will 'live in. Phone Mrs. Campbell, 9311 or Auburn 526 - 7543 after 6. - BABY SITTING wanted for summer months by student -hav- ing completed training course HIGH school girl 16 would like a job baby, sitting or house- woelt. Phone 7267. -21-22 TWO boys, 13 and 14, want lawn mowing to do, power niberer. John and Horst Gotts- chalk, phorie 7202. *-21-22, SUMMER work wanted- by Girade 10 male student, age4,16. Phone 8139. -21-22 GRADE 13 boy with chauffeur's license requires employment, preferably outdoors. Phone 9827. -21-22 BOY 16, Grede 10 student, weuld like summer work, pre- ferably outdooks. Phone 7794. N -C ALL persons having deo, against the Estate of WILIA WATSON, late of the To' ship ship of Colborne, in the Coale of 'Huron, Farmer, who 011 on or about the 18th day May-, 1963, are required to - the same with full particuln with the undersigned by - 15th day of jffine, 1963, after Ur date the assets pi the estate will be distributed, Dated at Goderich; Ontario this 22ad day of May, 1963.' ijAYS, PREST & HAVi, Barristers, -etc., Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. -214 AUCTION Sate, .thne 1st. at 1.30 D.Trl. for Kiss Minnie Proctor, Rattenbury St.. West, Clinton, consisting of household effects, antique fiffniture, dishes, home- made mats and (milts. Edward Elliott, Auctioneer. -22 mrousememilemgaramw--..mip-itiemvans 14, Services Available I.E-T us restore accuracy _and beauty- to your watch. Fine elleryere.naite_and_dia setting. ^ Modern equipment . HIGH school girl will 'do clerk' ing, baby 'sitting or houseWork during summer months. Phone jA 4-8316. 1. N -C hAl5T12 girl student desires summer eniployment, Phone JA 4-9874. N -C HIGH school .boy,- 17 years, wattle work of any'Ajnd foe summer Menths. Chretffeur's license. Phone JA 4-6230. N -C , rt et yGrade TOJETwat-11 male student. Phone JA 44227. 14-C STUDENT wants summer ern- ployMent, thauffeues license, exoetienced as. electrician's helner or grocery Phone 9017. e ALL personshaving claims against the estate of the le ARTHUR KNOLTON SPRAGGE, Retired Miller, of the Townaldp of Colborne, in the County ol Huron, who died on or abet theelaii-day of May, 1963, art required to file full partieulara with the undersigned by le 15th day of June, 1963, as after that' date the assets of the estate will be distributed, Dated at Goderich, entaile, this 16th dav of Mav. A.D.1963, HAYS, PREST & HAYS, • ---- n Goderich, Ontario. -21-21 11111111111111111111111111111111110111119MeMENINEIMMINII 16. Public Notice MORTGAGE money available on good residential prop,ertia Call Harold W. Shore, JA ege, 38 Hamilton St. -1511 'FINANCE, the purchase of your next or farm machinery al bank rates through Harold W. Shore, 38 Hamilton St. Dial JA 4-7272. .156 0E1113' peal, 1963,ti las Sow JegreY o; IUE lie Hos to N1r• 10500 Clinton ANSTO gospiU 28, 19' George a daug VON. pital. 1963, Weber, Cai IANIO sinceri membi flower ceived Goder thaale nurses INS all th the, to of m: those' Spfseril and • Ickl.T I all 01 visite ient Spee Corr! hospi 10,EA late I like frien, Sheal its Auxi Logic lor. Mr and ETRI1 leav( towa Thei of ness and men' -C1 TI GO] 0 NTARIO ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD THE ONTARIO ENERGY • BOARD ACT, 1.960 NOTICE .OF HEARING Before The Ontario 'Energy Board Between: . UNION GAS COMPANY Of ,GANADA, LIMITED, ED-BY____THE_ APPLICANT, --. Applicant —and— ALL MUNICIPALITIES 'SERV, Modern equipreent, all w,ork of; Chapter 271, as amended, and Responden jew_ I -1C1 -;ME MATTER OF -The ei Don MacRae, watchmaker, The• • tario Energy Board Act, Re Square. -42tf , vised Statutes of Ontario (198) .SEPTIC -.TANKS CLEANED , gearanteed. Write Leuis Bleke; in particular Section 17 there! , R441.w6. , Brussels. Phone Brussels AND IN THE MATTER OF ao stem furniture, kitchen CUP- . e pany of Canada, Limited to the SID BULLEN'S Cabinet Application b'S, Union Gas Coe 14-39x xp Ontario Energy Board fReP or at . Conslitioning_ Rates for Outrdasefixing'Seasoravr _earnmereinal Gas Air: boards furniture rcpeirs. 184 -31tf trial users of gas in thefr sponderit Municipalities. , TAKE _NOTICE of thellearing. :ceUs,n_i.Rona:m_6as 2Coo,m;a9a0nyBoof Cos: Toronto, Ontario, by the Board of the application repairs, experieno7d. Eric W. 1963. • - Dated this 21st day of " itoend,t.araito,thoenBowaerdano: day, the 5th day of June, 1,963J Rice, ,LucknoW, R,11. 2. Phone noon, Daylight Saving Tittle: at '. 11:00 o'clock in the fort PIANO TUNING regulating, leucknow 528 - 6695. 14-22x ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD . ,E4 ACE Radio TV Service. Frank • 'Sgd. "A. R. Crozier Wilcox, 60 Pieton $t, W.. (lode- Chairman. rich, Ont. Phone JA., -7771.3., itf Sgdi "J. J. Wingfeld , Commissioner. -2142 SHARP? ARE THEY READY? Saws: hand andelectric,' hand power .lawn mewers, cutlery, etc. C. H. Homer, Huron Rd., opposite Store. . -iptf LIGHT trucking, tilling gardens, oleaning up yards, etc., good top soil for sale. Phone Harold Leddy, JA 4-7237. 21-22X simmemimminimi 15. Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF EMNES'1" THE01)0RE .P FRIMM LATE OF 7,I1E TOWNSHIP - OF COLI3ORNE, IN TI1E 'COUNTY OP HURON, RE- TIRED MILLER. All persons Claiming against this Estate are required to for- ward full (particulars to the- undersiened by the 20th day. Of .Terie; 1968„ after Which dste the assets will be distributed. DONMIJT,It. DONVOtlY & .14IMPHY, 18 The Square, Ootlerich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate, • -2244 A. Births ELLIOTT.—At Alexandra 11os pita], Goderich, on 11taY 5 10 0,63, to Mr. and Mrs. 00 Elliott, Goderich, a 5014 Duane Denis. ROWE.—At -Alexandra ilestit' • Goderich, on May 25,19"? to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rowe, Alt. 4, Godench, son, Wit ,Edeettrel, SMISe.—.At Alexandra ROA • Uoderich, en Mey 28, 1963 to Z4r, and Mrs. John SO Auburn, (a. daughter, lesn Michelle. • 1 Pi awa! agai and, elea stab tli to dotl