HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-05-16, Page 19Rulinoll11131111111t1I1111,1,111111i111111"111111111111111 UGAR and PICB ByBIISrniley 1111111111Wlilligilliall !d a mental, hospital ' need in • half the A couple of nights th?uld.. : 1 -watched television . Then, instead of a mutually - a" Lenny Bruce. Both sul4picious but' friendly ' tallying -es prOduced .the same of the bill with.the grocer, they fascination, repulsion, dive for a spot in the lineup, time _41 they They also made er the 'causes of the neuroticisin of today. * we can't blame it all i!omb. That's too easy. there are a couple of its , a little closer " to 1 which -we can focus. eliminated them, we even eliminate The Clinton Board Would Buy Land Engates Goderich Specialirst - Winton Astrid Collegiate In• principal Jean D. Cochrane.. stitiite 1§oard is conternplating and the business ;administrator, the ,pureliase a 10 acres of L. R. Malopey. land immediately north of the To Head Department Central Huron $eco dd a r y • The meeting gave approval t9 School, 'for school campus. &he signing of contracts With 12 rhe estimated. ,price, reported new teachers, incluaing Robert at a meeting a week ago Wed- Smith, a, specialist in languages nesday night of the board,is -- at the Goderich District Col: $30,000. logiate Institute, who will head The school, 'formerly known the language department. Mr. the Clinton District Colleg- Smith's resignation was receiv- iate Institute, lost its 'campus ed recently by GDCI beard. with the construction of the Mr.: D. Cochrane said that to new vocational -addition, which date 32 additional teachers have will open this September to been hired this spring, and that, serve 'between 1,269 and 1,300 the board requires one mere, a cOmmerciaL teacher. Official Opening Arrangements for the official opening, of the new $1,500,000 vocational addition at the 'School vill be left in the 'hands of the school's advisory voeational committee, of which R. D. Philp, to learn how the purchase of the land can be financed -either tn iS, aralrrnart. The com- mittee is composed of two re - through the currat tax fund, presentatives each from Gode- 'VW PORTER'S: HILLVbnoemnPislYmer,ct w ponws 1Vlay 13. - , - arp.y Bithop .Thwzishend,1 &lisonal unemployment -has ihencl anvisited la.se d JOhWilson, all of tional Employment Service 'London, wir$. wrownsbend, James Town, g.reitly decreased locally, Na- -ures ,slieW, with 303 men listed week with Mr. and Ernest Townslicrid. as unemployed in April as com- Ws, Mrs. -HOWard Snell, Clinton, pared with 690 the preceding month. A propOrtionat•ely smal- spent., seVeral day.... last week ler reduction Was-Phown in the -with M. and Mrs. Alvin Betties, iktmber of unemployed women, Mrs. Reid Torrance has re- of 15 listed as unemployed .turned to Kippen after spend ing two weeks with Mr. and 11 April 'as -compared with 190 1Vrrs. Harry Torrance. in March. The past month $hows con - Mr. and".&Irs. George Jelin- ; , The improveinent over the ston' recentiy moved to Clinton:' ;a -me period of a year ago when Weekend visitors in the an - 427 men and 222 \Nornen were =114y irkeluded: Misses Phyllis and Shirley McCowan, with unemployed. their ,parents, Mr, and, Mrs. — John MeCovvan; John, Harris, shend -on Sunday. Wiarton,. With his parents,- Mr. Mother's Day Service and Mrs, Austin Harris; Mr. and Over • 60 attended the. special Mrs Bill Morrison, Bob, Bar- Mothers' Day service at Grace bare .and Jimmy, London, with Church. Misses Colleen Lock - Mr. and.Mrs. A. E. ToWnshend. 'hart and Lynda Torrance read M. and ilVIrs. Ephraim Snell the' Scripture. There was a spent Sunday with Mr. and lVfas. choir composed'of mothers. Rev. Alvin Betties. Marie Betties has recovered from the Germah measles and is back to sohool. -Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons London visited Mr. the grub is whisked into bags, from Goderich, Seaforth, Exeter the cash register chatters its and Clinton. staccato song, and they find The property in questien is thems,e1Ves spewed into the &Wiled 'by Ern,est Brown, a dairy street, a -vast bag in each arm, farmer. arN.,- only the vaguest ,..,j.d2a of ' The board, however, named a how much they spent. , deputation to approach the On- * , - tario Department eV Educatien, * * I'd like to spend more time NO ,clements in modern hich•are increasing our on or nuts at a frighten- ? are speed, and greed. 3 the deity of the 20th su as rely as money was the 19th, reason that of . We worship it cynical - unashamedly. I is the fat, slobbering ast' inside'us that -makes hive if we feed it, frus- country's population increased if we don't, and happy • from 11.3 million to 18.6 million, total spending by all govern- ments in Canada increased from 1.1 billien to an estimated $12.7 billion. ort this theme, but you'll have to excuse me now. I've got to hurry and finish this collumn, so I can rush down to the kit- chen. -My wife warts to know whether I want instant coffee or jiffy cocoa with the piece of pie (instant fill, readY-mix crust) for my midnight snack. Got to save time if I want to read my book' digest before I go to bed. Think I'll have a.big 'slice of gorgonzola cheese with the pie. Instant dreatns," you know. From 1939 to 1962, when the we strangle It at 'myth. * ything is speeding up. w,.3 kid, people used around on their porches May evening, shooting ?.eie, then go off to bed rter dark. They slept all No pills. ou sit around on your porch nowadays, all it is that -you're a bum, e if yo" were any good have enough` money so )u could either he chasing 1 the lawn behind a power or sitting inside watch-. FteViston,- like a decent 1. • ed has ceased to be a ; to an .end, and has^be- an end in itself, though ruse to admit it. We speed .oduction so tthat we can out the article more, ly." As soon as the new is in--operatign, the goes up. "Higher oVer-.- " We speed on the high - to save time, and spend onths in the hospital, when 'ail to make that curve. .,peed housework with new etS; so the good wife Will more leisure time -to sit ad with a bottle, or go out play bingo. * gh on the list of those lat- ay Satins who cater to, 4, and urge on the poor lery slob in his worship of d and greed are 'the adver- g men. tf that Seems a harsh.; don't take my word it. Just pay a visit to a !market. or by the issuing of debentures. Kenneth McRae, Clinton board member, told the meeting that the board wa-s assured by de- partment officials that it would not have to approach the var- ious municipalities to raise de- bentures in connection with the now vocational addition. "We have lost our campus. becatlse of the addition," he said. Through correspondence, members were advised that they could spend an amount up to two mills (which would amount to $20,000) on improv- ing buildings or acquiring land without the municipalities raising debentures. Name Deputation Named •to the deputation, .which it is hoped will be ac- companied by the local mem- ber of parliament, Hon. Charles MacNaughton, Exeter, Minister of Highways;- were board chair..• Buy. Mecca -man --fifrn'L'aVri,tEil'fhifrt'dt ifivortuot, chairman of the property com- mittee. George Falconer', Tuck- ersmith Township representa- tive on the board; the chair - From 1957 to 1962 the Share of total investment in Canada going to the Social Capital Sec: "Itr.--"NovernmentaaApartnaPnts, InStititiotrat-Vervices-- and lions,' ing) rose from 35.2 per cent to 43.3 per cent, while the share going to the Business Capital Sector (industrial plant and equipment) fell from 64.8 per cent to 56.7 per cent. , rich District Collegiate Institute Board, the Seaforth and District High_5choor Board, the South Huron District High School Board at EXeter, and three re- presentatives .from the Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board. It is expected that the open- -ing--will be Jaeld, in late Septem- ber or early ,Q.ciaher, but that several events will have to be held in connection with it. Use MECCA for 'SCRAPES BRUISES INFECTIONS Mecca, a favourite family ointment for bver-60 years quickly heals minor wounds. Non-i,rritating, soothing antisep- tic. Sold at.all drug counters. and David, and Mrs. W. A. Townshend and Elaine on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. George Falconer went Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Torrance. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blatchfard. Frnest and Joe Blatchfprd, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Town - Rate. -H6o.e.s. Up Poe' -,„ Cernmercial taxpayers in Goderich Township will pay one mill more this year. Clerk- l'hompson report' that the general tax rate Will remain at nine mills, the same as that of last year, while the com- mercial rate will be 11 mills. Ask More Bath high schools that serve the township residents have re- quested an increase in the levy. Goderich District High School tax. rate will jump from 15.2 (residential rate) RS 17.4 mills. This year's commercial rate will stay at 19.4. The Clinton 'District Collegiate Institute Sehool Board has requested 17.8 mills for residential (an in- crease of 1,5 mills) and 19.8 Theo low of nine mills 11 nfiiis. Plan- Anrigai Plans were Made by the coun- cil, which wet' At 4 ' slgo41,St,441.111,trvlaYs Nat Q 4ligh Qi' warden of Hvii;01i P.. liughes, London, who plans to subdivide:lots ou Lake' HUM.; Gren,Slavu,ILII., 1, Godcrich, who plan0 ,to sub,‘ May 61h for the Ifuron k,otinti, divide on No., 8 Highway, One. Municipal Officers' As5oleintil mi16.east Goderich; and annual meetintto be held tr' K. Fluntert .Goderich solicitor, Clinton in the Ia6g10n lIall5.1Vfor who requested apprOtal of eight 13eaeh),, 22. Goderich Townsli.ip,Cduncil .transfers, (Bluewater will be hoa for the event. 'under the area of subdivisiOn Applications will be called 1 control. for the position of road grader / operatorfor the township to fill the position recently vacat- CALL THE SIGNAL -STAR ed by Jack Tyndall. SubdiVisigns Topic , FOR QUALITY Subdivisions were discussed' at length by the couneil, headed .COMMERCIAL PRINTING by Reeye Walter J. Forbes,. A. G. Pease baptized Marilyn , for commerieial. Jennifer Cox, daughter of Mr.( The various school rates for and Mrs. Elgin Cox, and Karen ti-lementary schools ihrotighoiit Ann Jantzi, daughter of Mr. and the township will run from a Mrs. II,a,r,o‘ld_J_antzi. ONE TROUT 'EACH The results of fishing on the opening day of the trout season on Saturday. Anril 27th at Eu. genia Lake in Grey County are as follows: 221 anglers spent EXETER. - Mr. Wilfrid P. 1,508 man hours fishing and I Gregory, Q.C., executive vice - caught 263 7sp.e. ckled -trout. - lpresid.ent_au_Prrianaging dirt's ; British M and T Going To Exeter -•- A. M. HARPER & CO. 33 HAMILTON ST CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONT. JA 44562 .1111M.01011.1111111•11111••••••••=1.11,1•1•••• man of the adviSorv vocational committee, R. D. Philp, Blyth; +- Business Directory + Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P.O.. Box 478. Phone JA 4-9521 GODERICH - ONT-ARIO - FOR THE BEST IN PORTRAITS CALL, PHONE OR WRITE .DAY OR NIGHT Stan Hadden. 118 St. David Street 'TELEPHONE JAckson 4-8787 ,re-e)ing wed to be a leisur- plf,aqint part of daily life ‘V.!1111,11. It was a hangover opon mark,t of less /1;,(1 At fly grocery they ;net their repartee with th r.ninciv-Lthe md eat, taste (It'''.', squerzoil th(‘ bre iiiad, p -ed the melons, proddcd chickens, and sniffed the . And above ,all, they chew the .fat. , roday, s is a iriglhf-, ng, soul-destroying • ordeal. ,) only things the ladies can their hands on are the veg- files_, and 'there isn't much r in pinching, thum-i1ing, or ing a bite out of a turnip. iere their grandmother i dip - I a hand into a box or bar - or e,hey- were-- dly read labels or anxiously er into those vast, gleaming )rtuaries which have replac- tho old meit coUrtter. From every shelf, in every lor, they are shouted at .to arm 1').i)° quick, haSten, grab P, bay more," and harassed • "family size, s,pecial -deal, lited time only, 10c No ander they scuttle about fur- velySnatching up packages ke hot potatoes and throwing em wildly into their, carts. , Everything_ -spells, out speed nd greed: minute rice, instant )ifte, pre-ceolced ham, oyen-- aady thicken, PetAdY-Vibr eakt$, uick-froten fiSh. As a result, hey buy twico as mirth as they 'IOR DEAD OP miApLED Arrimthis COLLECT )Annos 4itn' tOIVIPAtiV OF dANADA LTD, t Clinton 2-1269beitd Arilmail.;Licen'te No. /62.ta' Real Estate Agent , RUTH VAN DER MEER PHONE JA 4-7875, Goderich Agent For WILFRID McINTEE REALTOR Walkerton STILES AMBULANCE Roomy - Comfortable Anywhere - Anytime PHONE JA 4-8142 77 Montreal 'St., Goderich Call Lodge AMBULANCE SERVICE - DAY OR NIGHT Prompt --Efficient • EXperienced Drivers -TELEPHONE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE_ W. J. HUGHES FIRE and AUTO Phone JA 4-8526 WSELL OPTOMETRIST P. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist The Square , JA 4-7661 Mechanical and Body Repairs, Wheel Alignment and Bal- ance, Window Replacements, 'Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust with Unda-Spray DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service Ng. 8 Highway, Goderich - Phone JA 4-7231 REFRIGERATION AND - APPLIANCE SERVICE All niakes.---: All types GERRY'S 'APPLIANCES 59 Hamilton St. "The Stnre That Service Built" , Ben. Chisholm. etS0 In:11300a, 1;roducts 20 Albert St., Goderich Office -4A 4:1502. Home -JA 4-7835 tf . „. George Turton INSURANCE Co-operators Insurance A Complete Line of Casualty and Life Insurance. Prompt, Efficient Claims Ser- vice, by .Goderich Adjuster of CIA. 319 Huron Road Phone JA 4-7411 Bu1ieiCtiooley, chaii.eier1 A'ccootittints „YiUstee dint( rtilif tie4itstieirt,00.0,100141:4dit 44NtIi .14 4-111ga, 'Otibtit1614;41NtAltlitt 32tf ri ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Bank of Commerce Bldg. Goderich. Phone: JA 4-9662, A. J. Alexander, Res. JA 4-7836. C. F. CHAPMAN, lies. 0.01 JACKSON.' ALUMINUM ' LTD. SEAFORTH •O is collecting wool for grading and- sale on the co-operative plan. Shippers may obtain sacks and twine free ofcharge from the above or their Licensed Operators ealize_tte highest returns for your wool by patronizing own Organization. CANADIAN COOPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS ' LIMITED 40 St. Clair Avenue E., Toronto 7, Ontario 15-18 HAMON_CO,OPERATIVE IVIED-ICAL SERVICES Prepaid Health Plans at Cost the Where You Live... you may readily take advantage of our "invest- ment -service -by -mail". Long-established and growing in popularity .44 - every year, this service, offers Canadians in every part ofthe country experienced counsel and advice on all types of investment securities. Backed by studies and findings of our research department it tor,of British Mortgago & Trust I Company; has announced tho! opening of a new branch ofilep: in Exeter as part of the Com- I pany's long-range plan of ex- pansion. Central Hotel .has been pur- chased by British Mortgage and plans are under way for cm- struction of a new building for 1 a branch office. In the Mean time, a temparary office ' %vitt be opened in the north corner I of the hotel. . . ;-A full range of trust and '-'-'fttVilIttit sereterarwitt- he --.-Wgto,k ed by the new Exeter !branch office. Founded in 1877, Britishl Mortgage for maw,: - years. car- I ried on business only from the I Stratford office. The Company I now has eight branches ;and its first Toionto branch will be I .opening shortly in the Found- ation Building .arth-e-torner-of Yonge.and- Eglinton. Manager of the Exeter branch I Ilas not been announced - yet, I but in line With the Comnanv's . policy, local residents Ii:vill he riven preference for positions supplies investors with inforrrption, suggestions ° on the staff. and portfolio analyses. - .Decide n-ovr -teinvestigate therbenefits ,of this seryiee. An inquiry does not obligate you in any contact our office below. • NESBITT/ THOMON AND cOMPANY. LIMITED 46 West Street, GODERICH. Phorte: JA. 4-8752 Manager: P. F. Carey • • 1037AR .. ' Alexander Phimister Proctor, farhous AmericaOculptor, be- ganlife in-Ontarth.- Flis parents • moved to Colorado when he was . a-Srmill infant-IViuchilme_azat hunting on the vvestern plains—WC -c7rritp-ctrry-Teith;-the-outstanding_dividend record ASSURANCE COMPANY OF C:...71±A__.. and mountains led Proctor; as 1 wild annn- , FRANK REID C.L.U. , - _ an art student and later as a \ sculptor, to specializein- pro clueing sculptures of -II .. als.. He also became a noted driOe of sculpture. .. • "Tom and I save through olir Mutual Life policies. That's the best way." Ityoaire-itke- most-peel:A-or-you buylifeinsurance_for_f_q.mily protection. But Vour policies are sound investments as well, when they're the "cash value" kind. Muttial Life policyholders - enjoy steady increases in the guaranteed ,values of their -policies plus unsurpassed dividends.Checlitheadvantages of the Mutual way to guaranteed savings and protection. Call the man from Mutual Life, today. The Mutual Life GODERICH, ONTARIO .14 4-9251 .vi;,••4•:•,:i;•;,•:•••• • '.• • • • c•7.& • way BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, Goderich; Vice:Pres.'Gordon Kirkland, RR 3, Lucknow; Mrs. 0. G. Anderson, -RR 5; Wingharn; Mrs. Lloyd- Taylor, Exeter; Hugh B. Smith, RR 2, ListbWelp- Lorne Rodges..BR 1, Goderich; Roy Strong Gorrie; _Russell T. 13b1ton, 1„ Seaforth; Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth; -Bert Klopp, Zurich; Gordon Richard- son, RR 1, Brucefield; Kenneth Johns, -RR 1, Woodham. C. H. Magee •Secretary -Manager Miss C. E.• Plumtree Assistant Seoretary .For information, call your trearest director of our office in the Credit Union Bldg., 70 On - tad° Stied, Clinton, TeldPiloni HUntor -or-see your - ‘, CO-OP inOresontative 600ROE filterON 319 .1-ititoo4i4 Goderich Ont. Phone JA 4401 Rambler Seats comfortable enough to put you to sleep (or make you efijoy staying awake) Ricting in a Rambler you can lean all the way back and relax.. Those reclininmeats convert instantly into a lazy nap couch. If you're driving, you can adjust the seat to the best position for you. it doesn't matter if you're 5 fait 2 or 6 foot 4, you ' get cornfort. - For a few extra dollars you can have foam -padded, adjustable headr-ests ifi'stalled in your Rambler Nofonly do,they give you added 'support, they're a safety feature you ,yvona get on any other car. . ' tierybOdy talks about comfort but nobody does as much about it at Rambler, ,For what its worth, our head -room, hip - T H E Low-OglicED AM82FI,ICAN 81X,e 1,!1.1.11.EWATER SERVICE STATION room and leg -room is -equal to or better than other standard size cars. But Rambler also gives yoU well cushioned chaa-height seats in a car that rides steady, rides smooth.' Unusuat is the word for the number of special features you get in a Rambler. There's quite an iMpressive list that includes low price, 'a guaranteed muffler, battery and coolant, the best rustptoofing and exceptional mileagrYou also have a good assortment, of Models to choose from. Take your pick of a convertible, hardtop', sedan or wagon. See them all at your nearest Rambjer dealer s. Have a test rest on one of our reclining seats soon. ,THe, C:PULAR :6LASE.I'C' SIX...THE 1:3C1VVE Winner of the 1963 Motor Trend magtztnn "Car of the Year":award for oiltstanci;ng design achrevement and engirwering lecicrship" SAYFIELD ROAD A PRODUot dr A"ER!C'd% r.0102, CANAOA, LIMITE0 RFUL AMS,AESA01:7 R VG • JA 4-9561 6.. 5 •