HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-05-16, Page 14od+arie $ignal-S El The first wave of visitors to the officially opened Goderich Building Centre is 'seen here immediately following the opening ceremonies as they surged through the frontdoor of the sales display section. Guests were outspoken in their admira- B'uilding Centre iContinued from Page 9) for the m.an' Vi.4itors, and many of the viiting ladies were the 1 • c:pients of !lowers compli- r j •:-its of the management- Re- .'ab13•, the supply was limited tion of "the structure, the displays of products, the office and, warehouse fa- cilities. Flowers for the ladies, refresh- ments for all and a long list of handsome door prizes proved popular features of the event. (Signal -Star photo) Alnro,t two acres of land immediately a(ljoinin,g the manufacturing premises was purchased for the new facilities to give the firm a total of four- teen acres of land.__ 'i indenberger Associates, Chi- cago, architectural consultants '0 '1'he :11erchandise1' were en- gaged to design the completely new layout including the store fixtures. Goderich residents, who num- her,f ,0n(1, as well as the 25,000 re:Idents within a 3n -mile rad Running the garnut,..,oi' tree to I iris, now have the advantage of finished lumber pror ucts, GPaftc- I shopping in a building 'mater- :•ich Manufacturing Cct., T-i�uit I ials showroom with facilities in Goderich, has a combined matched by only a minority of sawmill, dry kilns, dimension melronolitiin dealers in North America. The t io:storey ultra modern showroom -store -of ice area covers 5,76Q scptarei:feet not including the full basement. Itis attractively finished in - vertical Redwood siding, artis- tically landscaper) as well as nnndlit in the evening, catching the attention of all passersby. Theadjritnintr• 1 ,elk ,r __ shotiy- roonl mart — warehouse em- braces 20,544 square ffet with a 'ceiling helerrt t f 1Q'6".,yin the mart and with skylights in the remaining warehouse area- The shipner's office in the rear of 'the warehouse hnild-inr-t has a commanding. view of the,_gen: eral receiving, wOrehoticinrr. and assembly ar1~a which includes five omen r'mhrella type shed,- averarrinr! 155 feet by 30 fent The' overall cost of this new lavntrt is over 7(10,000.00^a 1ea1,•c4edit to the town of Gode- rich. Materials Displayed Thr . exteeetrti•we - offices, a large conference room, a tynist- receptionist . area and a stnall kitchenette are located on the sernnd floor of the main air- conditioned hnilding. , The hrondlooned offices are well inn(vnted to diknlnv the virions iii termrir .r tr fir 'lrSs71 ,lda"e or building, materials is cdncerned. All rooms acid offices in the ing, R.R. 3, Goderich; electric heater, -Mrs. W. -A. McGuire, Jodnich; coffee table, Mrs, N. 21airnront, Goderich; Mailmate nail box, Owen Connelly, Gode- 1)r . the imminence of ,Mother's, rich: Sheaffer pen and. pend, 1).1y and the local supply was' set. Miss Linda Taylor, Goderich c :'.3u,ted exterior Weizer caor iock, Airs. 5, long list of aftracti� e and Bernard„Munn, Goderich, ':rahle door priz_'s .tire v slit Mgr Extensive Operation all ,thousands of entries to the poxes set up for the purpo,e. 1+tva tt°as made late Satur- da; by Mayor Fisher, with the fol'owin'; results: lumber operation, millwork de Prizes Drawn d i partment -and building sunpl‘ ct:►1i' sq. ft- 12. x 12 Spun Gold' "r:tug tile, Stan Meriam, Gor.le- ric r: com.ple.t patio umbrella -ott'ti table, and base, Mrs. A- 'R'e Scot, Goderich; 500_.sq, ft- 12 '>: 12 Spur (;old ceiling t1ia. R. 1;. antler -on, Goderich; Sun- b^,a_.floor don Bannister,- Goderich: Presto automatic fry pan. Alan Sandi er;, Goderich; Royal Buffet Corning war -0,, Mrs- !lel Martin, Goal' rich; one year's supply .1rmstrong Pati- 'wax, Mrs. Bert \Vnrsell, Goderich; Leigh elec- tric built-in wall clock, Eugene De Jong Godea•ich; one -39 -piece - set Mel Mac dinnerware, James 1?. Cook.—Burlington. Ontario Mailmate mail box, Mrs. F. Ris- ORIGINS OF FREEMASONRY ,tor^. Started by the present owner's father in 1909, it has '*gown from a small sawmill' operation to become the largest hardwood' Manufacturing firm 1n Sotrlhwestern Ontar'o. P carries the most diversified in- -yen-tflry -o-f hardwood -and soft wo;; 1 lumber in this area and has developed exnort rn'wkets throughout the 'United `states, Europe and Australia- With the expansion— of the various de- -'iartments the company was finding itself crowded and cramped, operating as it did -from- ant.. --main- -factory --huilyd= ing.with scattered storage areas. Complete Stock The company had gained° a reputation for carrying a corn - 4,0e stock of all hrri]ding ma- terials and found that it was Up to a century -ago it was necessary to e.nlarge.its onet•at commonly asserted that free- ing area to,alleviate the corrges- masonry began, variously, in the Garden of Eden: before the F1o,')d: in the Temple of Solo mon: in the `ancient mysteries of the Orient; or drrri,pc, the Crus-ades. The En.e•:.cronedia Americana believes it mol like- ly that this fraternr1 or -der is ---pro]5ab1'r Brad lain oriel i ing Kick -to the -'1e 1 les of the stone masons a"nd cathedral builders of the middle ages. on mold In and properly ser-. vice th^ customer- This war not an entirely nrv' concept to the (1'rectors of the company ,-in(`„ they had previously .com- "1ate1v remodelled and exnanrl ad the facilities in one of their rr"armee orillets in Sarni, 1' ,,,,1�• �ya� to sati fy all require- ments was to start with a. toms rletely- new and .modern over - • ,building have `• adjustable°,1hi , t'd ; i'ot ax.th,a cashier caunter_m ti[l ity '$12—bakers o.connegted'to the showroein. The • mart" iS stocked with all types o:f bulky building materials 'such as soft• woods, haz.wbods, plywaods and,znouldings. By operating a retail estab- lishment in conjunction with a mantifac-turing operation, the company enjoys "various econ- omies of operation. A complete fleet of trucks and. five lift• trucks ranging from 4,000 nouQds Ato 20,000 -pound • units are constantly in use in either operation. The millwork de- nartment in,;;the main factory caters'to all the needs. of the retail trade, The waste from the sawmill operation is used to heat all the company's build- ings as well as the town hos- nital nearby and in addition to this the company generates a portion of its electrical require- ments. . All but twelve of the' com- nany's 15G employees are em- ployed in the. manufacturing - side of 'the business making Goderich Manufacturing Co. Limited one of the largest ern - plovers in town. Two salt mines, Sheaffer Pen Company of Canada Limited and the Do- minion Road Machinery Co. the .main record player' behind the -receptionist country. Thi first floor of the main building includes three 'offices, a cashier -salesman area and a large -customer shopping arefi hcs'rndeU by numerous display areas including a furnished model kitchen, a model recre- ation roam, a planning corner and h lighting and electrical display.. In addition, there are numerous display islands and wall, displays neatly exhibiting all the lines from power tools and plumbing sttpplies'to paints and roofing. mato-ia,ls. Doors, windows arid panelling; are in- geniousl% exhibited on rolling +raek along one wall. Self-ser- vice i cncortraged by prodiict- 'nrie marking and department- ation with a central checkout counter serving both the store and the lumber mart. Lumber Mart The lumber mart is really an extension of the showroom pro- per with glass walls separating the two areas. Easy access. and ennvenient car loading are facil- itated by six roll-on doors, one of which is electrically operat- limite44re; the ?tiler pleading industries.. c',Goderi .has often beenre- ferredto41S "the prettiest town in Canada"=with, its abundance of trees its unique town square,. the gracious homesand the many varied breath -taking views of .the river, lake and harbor down below. The fact that Goderich Manufacturing Co. Limited has seen fit to ex- pand its retailaoperation to the extent that it has in this small town is a good indication of the four . Baeehler brothers' in- terest and faith in their own home town. It ais a progressive and enterprising town and ap- pears to have all the potential- ities for expansion. Company Off tiers The four Buechler brothers, namely, Con, Ted, Clare and Bert are the owners, directors and officers of the companies. Other -key personnel are- taarl Elliott, senior accountant and secretary M the company; Al 1?. Selinger, 13.A., B. Com, - C.A. Comptroller; Norman ri. Croz- ier, operations manager and chief estimator; Bud Newman, office manager; Bill McKee, ma- terials marfager, and Robert Williams-- is store manager., VICTORIA DAY CELEBRATION — MAY 20 For The Big Celebration See The trolstcr STYLE NO. 439 New, vibrant colours in boucle's, celachromes and nylvons. IR■ f Box Assortment 1.00 to 5.00 Novelties .N,,.•.10 to_ .75 , Fire Crackers , . .05 to .15 , All Troister Suites are scientifically designed with SOFTAIR CONSTRUCTION for comfort and beauty. They're equipped with Troister's famous "Decorator: -Margin" that Mates marked walls . , . and all Troister 'Suites have natural foam seats for deep d permanent comfort 'and shape. a .lE tip ani inn ou enn iv( oro in aec FueNiruee West Street attl awl e' oa off• a'l 111 ess tet 1111 hat rid May 16„ 1963. You may wonder if anything has changed when you see our advertising under the Allont name. Well, it has! We are still •Goderich Building Centre, the sane people who value your business so much, but some months ago we joined with a group of other progressive thinking building supply dealers in order to give you the best pos- sible service. -. We go under the group name Allont which originally stood for "All Ontario", but9we have grown so fast we now have members in the Maritimes as well as through- out Ontar' eeiat•' r o• tr o . uy m vol- ume atpreferredprices and the savings, we realize, are passed on to you. It also assures that we get "first crack" at all new products that enter the market—as important to you as it is to us. The name Allont appears on our stationery, trucks and signs; and whe'z 'ou see it, remember. . we here at Goderich Building Centre are doing our best for you. ONLY AT DOMINION — SYMPHONY Sincerely yours, Goderich Building Centre 8 -oz. pkgs. ENJOY DOING DISHES — DOMINO LIQUID DETERGENT CHILL and - SERVE — DOMINO UICE PLAY DOMINO Daily 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. C.F.P.L: T.V., London PRIZE. WINNERS FOR WEEK ENDING MAY 4th, 1963 GRAND PRIZE; TIE WIN! Sem. RONALD GIES, London MRS. KENNETH CLUBB, London *511.00 MRS. NORMA McMARTiN, London 50.00 MRS, ETHEL• OLIVER, London - 50.00 MRS GERTRUDE. MILLER, London PLAY .EVERY DA'( GET A'MEW '_ MINQ Card. 'EVERY WEEK AT YOUR Mi5J'II+IiCI'f3 STORE VALUES EFFECTIVE IN GODERICH UNTIL CLOSING TIME SATURDAY, MAY 18 •• Free Town Delivory With Evofy '2.00 Purchase. Look "for, this Allont aymnbol for the o finest and newest iii buildiing su i s. Bali ding -Supply, dealer displaying this sign are • nOted fer their,"lnteg fy;.. ritendry service and fair prices. Whatever .your require- , • , ments, when you shop, at the Allont sym- bo,your setisfacti'r n is`"guaranteed: � ' . bIYisst N OF: c4MBRIA R